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You should try to show a bit more considerate ___________________ for other people instead of thinking about yourself all the time.. If he says he’ll do something, you know that he will.[r]

(1)1 The thing I hate about Jim is his (rely) Although was not (enthusiasm) _ with the washing up, he did so all the time In some area water has to be boiled to (pure) it Recently health foods have increased in (popular) _ She’s got a job as the (manage) _ of a dress shop I’m afraid I was very (satisfy) _ with the travel arrangements There was ice on the pavement which made it very difficult to walk as it was so (slip) _ I (expect) _ to meet an old friend last week I have no excuses My actions were (explain) _ 10 There is a great (similar) _ between Hendry and his twin brother 11 It was (kind) of you to make fun of him like that 12 You should try to show a bit more (considerate) _ for other people instead of thinking about yourself all the time 13 There’s too much (greedy) in this world 14 Mr Thompson is very (depend) person If he says he’ll something, you know that he will 15 Don’t worry about the volcano, It’s been (act) _ for years 16 In (add) _ to doing the cleaning, I make the coffee 17 I’m full of (admire) for the improvements he’s made 18 I had only a day to visit all the tourist (attract) _ 19 We are selling these toys at a very (compete) _ price 20 I’m just a beginner in (compare) with her 21 When Jenny made up for the play, she was ( recognize) _ 22 Tom was accused of stealing some (confidence) _documents 23 I (sleep) _ this morning and was late for school 24 He hoped the (employ) agency would find him a job 25 I don’t like your (child) behaviour 26 Burning coal is an (economy) way of heating a house Gas is much cheaper 27 There are very few (explore) _ places left on the earth Man has been nearly everywhere 28 Tom spoke (breathe) because he was so excited 29 Scientists consider it (believe) _ that gods create volcanic eruption 30 It was very (think) of you to play the radio so loud so late at night 31 I couldn’t get much work done as I was (continue) being interrupted by people telephoning me (2) 32 Knowing a lot of languages, he’s in a very (advantage) _ position 33 After so much (critic) _ he felt he had to resign 34 As she is so (satisfaction) with her present job she has decided to leave 35 His (behave) hasn’t improved much 36 Her (anxious) was so great that she broke a glass 37 It’s very (health) _ to live in a damp room 38 Since (attend) _ has been so poor, the class is being closed 39 She was the only visitor (admission) into the sick room 40 _(employ) is a very serious problem in many countries 41 The (industry) _ area of the city is not very attractive 42 In part of the country the _(employ) situation is terrible As many as 20% of the working population is without a job 43 My car isn’t very (rely) It’s always letting me down 44 I apologize for the mistake made by my office There appears to have been a slight (understand) _ 45 Many (home) families have to live in hostels 46 I’ve just been told some (astonish) _ news 47 Although her visit was (expect) _ , we made her welcome just the same 48 Artists are (create) people 49 His boss told him off because he had behaved (responsible) _ 50 I think it’s very (reason) _ of you to expect us to work overtime every night this week 51 English is a (compare) easy language for Swedes to learn 52 Bill was given a medal in (recognize) of his services 53 The villages in the mountains are quite (access) during winter 54 The cost of (admit) _ to the show is quite reasonable 55 Dave isn’t really a friend, only an (acquaint) 56 I thought the test was (compare) easy, actually 57 There was a (collide) between a lorry and two cars 58 Professor Smith has joined the company in an (advice) _ capacity 59 Visitors complained about the (organize) in the old museum 60 Little Jimmy has been a bit (trouble) _ today 61 You can’t enter the country without the (require) documents 62 The failure of this scheme would have serious (imply) _ 63 Have you read the latest (reveal) about Madonna’s private life? 64 A list of (come) _ events will be posted on the notice board 65 Janet had to (draw) from the team because of injury (3)

Ngày đăng: 26/06/2021, 07:39

