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Tài liệu Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 15 pptx

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20 Pregnancy and Fetal Metabolism A.W Bell,1 C.L Ferrell2 and H.C Freetly2 Department of Animal Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA; USDA ARS, Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE 68933, USA Introduction This chapter deals with quantitative aspects of macronutrient metabolism and its regulation in maternal and conceptus tissues in vivo, emphasizing data and concepts generated or revised during the decade since publication of a similar chapter in the first edition of this book (see Bell, 1993) Recent findings on the regulation of nutrient partitioning among maternal tissues, the placenta and fetus(es) are highlighted, as is new information on placental transport mechanisms Energy Cost of Pregnancy Practical considerations Meeting the nutrient requirements of pregnant females is important to ensure an adequate nutrient supply for proper growth and development of the fetus, to ensure that the female is in an adequate body condition for birth, lactation and rebreeding, and to provide immature females with adequate nutrients for continued growth Recognizing those needs, most feeding systems currently in use for ruminants (e.g AFRC, 1990; CSIRO, 1990; NRC, 1996, 2001) recommend a factorial approach such that estimates of nutrient requirements for maternal maintenance, body weight gain and growth of gravid uterine (or conceptus) tissues are summed to derive total requirements for pregnant females This approach implies that fetal nourishment will be adequate if maternal body weight, condition and growth are maintained at suitable levels Limited or no interaction among tissues (or nutrient needs) of the gravid uterus and maternal tissues is also implied by this approach ß CAB International 2005 Quantitative Aspects of Ruminant Digestion and Metabolism, 2nd edition (eds J Dijkstra, J.M Forbes and J France) 523 524 A.W Bell et al Recommended levels of feeding during late gestation range from about 1.7 times maintenance in cows and ewes with single fetuses to 2.2 to 2.4 times maintenance for those with twins or triplets Unfortunately, these levels of intake are frequently not achieved, especially by polytocous animals, during late gestation Inadequate consumption may result from inadequate availability or quality of diet and from depressed voluntary intake of cattle and sheep during late gestation (Forbes, 1986) Under many production situations, maternal body tissues must be mobilized during late gestation to sustain adequate nutrient supply and growth of gravid uterine tissues (Robinson et al., 1999) The increased energy used by the pregnant ruminant is reflected by greater rates of heat production as compared to otherwise comparable non-pregnant animals Brody (1945) described the increase in heat production of pregnant animals relative to similar, well-fed non-pregnant animals as the ‘heat increment of gestation’ He concluded (p 429) that the heat increment of gestation includes: (i) the energy expense of maintenance of the pregnant uterus; (ii) ‘work’ of growth; (iii) increased work of the maternal organism (including circulatory, respiratory and excretory activities); and (iv) endocrine influences on metabolism of the mother The physiological basis for this increased metabolism and its implications relative to apparent energetic efficiency of fetal growth are discussed in the following sections Growth and energetic efficiency of the gravid uterus Energy content of the gravid uterus (allantoic and amnionic fluids, fetus, placenta and uterus) or fetus increases exponentially in the sheep (Rattray et al., 1974a) and cow (Ferrell et al., 1976a) Similar patterns are seen in goats and other species This pattern of growth results in about 90% of birth weight of the calf or lamb being achieved during the last 40% of gestation Thus, energy retention in gravid uterine tissues is small during early gestation (0.3 MJ/day at 130 days in the cow), but becomes relatively large near term (4.9 MJ/day at 280 days) In comparison, net energy required for maintenance of a 550 kg cow is expected to be 36.6 MJ/day Several researchers have estimated the efficiency of utilization of dietary metabolizable energy (ME) for energy retention in the gravid uterus or conceptus to be about 0.13 (AFRC, 1990; CSIRO, 1990; NRC, 1996) This value does not appear to vary much with stage of gestation (Rattray et al., 1974b; Ferrell et al., 1976b) even though absolute rates of fetal growth differ tremendously, but varies to some extent with quality of diet (Robinson et al., 1980) Comparable estimates of the efficiency of ME use for maintenance (km ) and postnatal growth (kg ) are typically about 0.70 and 0.40, respectively, for good quality diets Estimates of the ME required for pregnancy during late gestation in a 550 kg cow (37.5 MJ/day at 280 days) are about 72% of that required for maintenance (52.2 MJ/day) The difference between ME required for gestation and energy retained in the gravid uterus is reflected as heat production (or heat increment of gestation) Thus, about 87% of the ME required to support pregnancy is dissipated as heat These observations Pregnancy and Fetal Metabolism 525 frequently have been interpreted to imply that gestation is energetically very inefficient Reynolds et al (1986) reported that heat production of the gravid uterus in cows was 1.37, 2.12, 4.87 and 8.57 MJ/day at 137, 180, 226 and 250 days of gestation, whereas the heat increment of gestation at these times was 2.69, 7.36, 12.34 and 14.95 MJ/day (Brody, 1945; Ferrell et al., 1976b) These data were interpreted to indicate that 30% to 57% (mean 44%) of the heat increment of gestation was attributable to the energy expenditure of the gravid uterus It is implied that over 50% of the heat increment of gestation in the cow was associated with metabolism of maternal tissues Freetly and Ferrell (1997) estimated that 49% of the heat increment of gestation in ewes was attributable to gravid uterine tissues They showed that maternal hepatic oxygen consumption increased during gestation in ewes and that increased hepatic metabolism accounted for about 20% of the heat increment of gestation Rosenfeld (1977) observed that cardiac output increased about 75% during pregnancy in ewes, supporting the suggestion of Brody (1945) that increased heart work contributes to the heat increment of gestation Increased energy expenditure of other maternal tissues such as kidneys, pancreas, skin and mammary gland contribute to the heat increment of gestation Gross efficiencies of energy accretion in the uteroplacenta and fetus can be estimated as energy accretion divided by the sum of energy accretion and heat production Resulting estimates of gross efficiency for the uteroplacenta and fetus were relatively constant across stage of gestation (Reynolds et al., 1986) and averaged 15.3% and 38.5%, respectively Fetal energetic efficiency was similarly constant at about 38% between mid- and late-gestation in sheep (Bell, 1986) Gross efficiency of fetal growth compares favourably with gross efficiency of postnatal growth Estimates of the gross efficiency of uteroplacental tissues were much lower The simple reason for the difference in efficiency is that oxygen consumption or energy expenditure per kg of uteroplacental tissues is nearly twofold that of the fetus, but rate of energy accretion is considerably less Some of the reasons for the high energy expenditure of uteroplacental tissues will be discussed in subsequent sections Thus, although growth of the fetus itself is rather efficient energetically, the entire process of producing a calf or lamb is relatively inefficient because of the inefficiency of energy accretion of the uteroplacenta, which is required to support fetal growth directly, and because of the increase in maternal metabolism that is required to support fetal growth less directly Maternal Metabolic Adaptations to Pregnancy Patterns of macronutrient metabolism During late pregnancy, ruminants generally increase their voluntary intake of medium- to high-quality diets (Forbes, 1986) and, thus, the liver’s access to glucogenic substrate of dietary origin (principally propionate and absorbed amino acids) However, hepatic gluconeogenesis increases in ewes during late 526 A.W Bell et al pregnancy even when feed intake is not increased above non-pregnant levels, to an extent that is directly related to litter size and fetal demand (Freetly and Ferrell, 1998) These results are consistent with earlier observations of the effects of feed intake and pregnancy on whole-body glucose kinetics in sheep (see Bell, 1993) Part of this increased gluconeogenesis is supported by increased hepatic uptake of lactate (Freetly and Ferrell, 1998), apparently derived from uteroplacental metabolism and increased glycolysis in maternal peripheral tissues (Bell and Ehrhardt, 2000) A further portion is supported by increased hepatic uptake of glycerol, especially if fat mobilization is increased as term approaches (Freetly and Ferrell, 2000) Amino acids mobilized from maternal carcass tissues (McNeill et al., 1997) also may help sustain an increased rate of hepatic gluconeogenesis during late pregnancy Effects of pregnancy on the quantitative metabolism of amino acids have yet to be studied systematically in ruminants However, the fractional rate of hepatic protein synthesis increased by 45% during late pregnancy in dairy cows, at a time when intake of dry matter and nitrogen was declining (Bell, 1995) This is consistent with the moderate increase in hepatic protein accretion (McNeill et al., 1997), and an apparent decrease in hepatic deamination of amino acids (Freetly and Ferrell, 1998) observed in late-pregnant ewes In contrast, in ditocous ewes carefully fed to maintain zero energy and nitrogen balance (CSIRO, 1990), there was a significant net loss of nitrogen from carcass tissues during late pregnancy, attributed largely to mobilization of amino acids from skeletal muscle (Fig 20.1; McNeill et al., 1997) Interpretation of putative pregnancy-specific adaptations in maternal lipid metabolism in ruminants has been complicated by lack of experimental control 400 b b Protein deposition (g) b 200 a a a ab ab ab Carcass −200 Organs Mammary −400 80 120 160 Dietary crude protein (g/kg) Fig 20.1 Crude protein deposition between days 110 and 140 of pregnancy in maternal tissue components of ditocous ewes fed diets containing different levels of dietary crude protein All diets were designed to meet energy requirements Histograms are means for eight ewes Pooled standard errors were 214 g for carcass, 84 g for organs and 44 g for mammary glands Within tissue components, means with different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05) Adapted from the data of McNeill et al (1997) and reproduced from Bell and Ehrhardt (2000) Pregnancy and Fetal Metabolism 527 of nutrition and other environmental factors, such as photoperiod For example, early suggestions of apparent upregulation of adipose tissue lipogenesis during mid-pregnancy (Vernon et al., 1981) were later mostly attributed to seasonal (i.e photoperiod) effects (Vernon et al., 1985) Also, the extent to which decreased lipogenic capacity and increased fatty acid release in adipose tissue during late pregnancy (Vernon et al., 1981) are due to pregnancyspecific factors has been unclear due to lack of data on accompanying changes in feed intake and energy balance It is therefore notable that plasma concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), which are an excellent index of the rate of mobilization of fatty acids (see Chapter 13), were moderately elevated during late pregnancy in ditocous ewes that had been fed to maintain energy balance in non-pregnant maternal tissues (Petterson et al., 1994) On the other hand, there is little doubt that the decline in dry matter intake often observed in cows and ewes close to term leads to an exaggerated increase in fatty acid mobilization and plasma NEFA concentrations (Grummer, 1993; Freetly and Ferrell, 2000) Whole-body rates of entry and utilization of short-chain fatty acids, especially acetate, not seem to be influenced by pregnancy beyond predictable effects of the intake of rumen-fermentable organic matter (Bell, 1993) Similarly, pregnancy-related changes in the kinetics of ketone bodies, especially 3-hydroxybutyrate, can be explained by changes in feed intake, energy balance and the mobilization and hepatic catabolism of NEFA (see Chapter 13) Homoeorrhetic regulation of nutrient partitioning General concept The concept of homoeorrhesis as applied to regulation of nutrient partitioning during different physiological states, such as pregnancy and lactation, recently has been revised and updated by one of its original proponents (Bauman, 2000) Key postulates of this concept include its simultaneous influence on multiple tissues and functional systems, implying extracellular mediation, and its operation through altered tissue responses to homoeostatic effectors such as insulin, at various levels of extracellular and intracellular signalling Altered tissue responses to insulin and catecholamines In sheep, as in humans and laboratory animals, late pregnancy is associated with the development of moderate insulin resistance assessed by diminished sensitivity to insulin of several variables of whole-body glucose utilization (Petterson et al., 1993; Ehrhardt et al., 2001) and decreased insulin responsiveness of lipolysis and NEFA mobilization (Petterson et al., 1994) The tissue sites of pregnancy-induced insulin resistance in sheep have not been quantitatively studied in vivo However, the whole-body responses described by application of the hyperinsulinaemic, euglycaemic clamp technique are consistent with observations of increasing refractoriness of in vitro lipogenic responses to insulin in adipose tissue with advancing pregnancy (Vernon et al., 1985; Guesnet et al., 1991) This phenomenon may be partly mediated 528 A.W Bell et al through decreased adipose expression of the insulin-responsive glucose transport protein, GLUT-4, as demonstrated in underfed vs well-fed, late-pregnant ewes (Ehrhardt et al., 1998) The latter study also demonstrated reduced expression of GLUT-4 in skeletal muscle of underfed ewes This is consistent with the diminished ability of insulin to promote glucose uptake by muscle in vivo in lactating vs dry ewes (Vernon et al., 1990), considering the similar characteristics of whole-body insulin resistance observed in ewes during late pregnancy and early lactation (Ehrhardt et al., 2001) In contrast, pregnancy appears to amplify the responses of adipose tissue to lipolytic adrenergic agents This was most conclusively demonstrated by in vitro studies in which lipolytic sensitivity and responsiveness to the specific b-adrenergic agent, isoproterenol, were progressively increased as pregnancy advanced (Guesnet et al., 1987) This phenomenon has not been studied systematically in vivo but the increase in plasma NEFA concentration provoked by a single intravenous injection of epinephrine was significantly increased during late pregnancy in dairy cows (see Bell and Bauman, 1994) The degree to which altered metabolic responses to insulin and catecholamines during late pregnancy are physiologically specific and not influenced by mild reductions in feed intake and energy balance requires scrutiny It is notable that moderate undernutrition markedly exaggerated the decrease in insulin-dependent glucose utilization in late-pregnant ewes (Petterson et al., 1993) Energy deprivation also amplified the in vivo lipolytic response to various adrenergic agents in non-pregnant, non-lactating cattle (Blum et al., 1982) Possible homoeorrhetic effectors Several pregnancy-related hormones, including progesterone, oestradiol and placental lactogen (PL) have been suggested as homoeorrhetic modulators of observed changes in tissue responses to insulin and catecholamines, and associated metabolic adaptations to the state of pregnancy in ruminants (Bell and Bauman, 1994; Bell and Ehrhardt, 2000) A more recently suggested candidate is leptin (Bell and Ehrhardt, 2000), whose adipose tissue expression and plasma concentration increase markedly in ewes during mid-pregnancy, independent of nutrition and energy balance (Fig 20.2; Ehrhardt et al., 2001) None of these putative regulators has been shown to have the integrative, pleiotropic influences that growth hormone (GH) has in lactating ruminants (Bauman and Vernon, 1993; Bauman, 2000) Possibly, the combined influence of these hormones is more significant than their varying individual influences at different stages of pregnancy Among the sex steroids, oestradiol-17b (E2 ) may contribute directly or indirectly to mediation of some metabolic adaptations, especially close to term when there is a pronounced surge in plasma oestrogen concentrations Treatment of ovariectomized ewes with E2 caused a reduction in rates of adipose lipogenesis and fatty acid re-esterification in vitro (Green et al., 1992) However, we were unable to discern any effect of a similar hormonal treatment on responses of glucose or NEFA metabolism in vivo to insulin or catecholamines, although basal plasma concentrations of glucose, NEFA and Pregnancy and Fetal Metabolism 529 b 10 ab Plasma leptin, ng/ml a a Leptin mRNA, arbitrary units b ab a a Pre-breeding Midpregnancy Late pregnancy Early lactation Fig 20.2 Effects of physiological state on plasma concentration (upper panel) and adipose tissue mRNA abundance of leptin (lower panel) in ewes fed to maintain relatively constant energy balance and body fatness Histograms are means for the same eight ewes studied at 20–40 days before breeding (pre-breeding), 50–60 days of pregnancy (mid-pregnancy), 125–135 days of pregnancy (late pregnancy) and 15–22 days postpartum (early lactation) Pooled standard errors were 0.54 ng/ml for plasma leptin and 0.40 units for leptin mRNA abundance Means with different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05) Adapted from Ehrhardt et al (2001) glycerol were chronically elevated in treated animals (Andriguetto et al., 1995, 1996) Oestradiol also may contribute indirectly to changes in lipid metabolism through its inhibitory effect on voluntary feed intake in late-pregnant ruminants (Forbes, 1986) Definitive evidence of a homoeorrhetic role for PL remains elusive, but such a putative role is hard to dismiss, for several reasons First, this uniquely placental peptide cross-reacts with both GH and prolactin receptors in ruminant tissues (Gertler and Djiane, 2002) Its specific binding in ovine adipose tissue increases with advancing pregnancy, implying increased influence on lipid metabolism (N’Guema et al., 1986) Cross-reactivity with the GH receptor would be consistent with the development of insulin resistance in adipose tissue 530 A.W Bell et al since GH is a potent homoeorrhetic effector of this response in ruminant adipose tissue (Etherton and Bauman, 1998) Second, moderate undernutrition enhances placental gene expression and secretion of PL in late-pregnant ewes (R.A Ehrhardt, R.V Anthony and A.W Bell, unpublished), coincident with the decreased expression of GLUT-4 in maternal insulin-responsive tissues (Ehrhardt et al., 1998) and exaggeration of indices of whole-body insulin resistance (Petterson et al., 1993, 1994) Third, active immunization against maternal ovine PL increased lamb birth weight, possibly via enhancement of the bioactivity of PL and promotion of nutrient partitioning to favour the conceptus (Leibovich et al., 2000) The apparently pregnancy-specific increase in leptin expression and secretion by adipose tissue in sheep (Fig 20.2; Ehrhardt et al., 2001), together with increasing evidence that leptin modulates the metabolic actions of insulin in rodents (Ceddia et al., 2002), suggests that this peptide should be added to the list of putative homoeorrhetic effectors of metabolic adaptations to pregnancy In addition, the abundant placental expression of the physiologically relevant OB-Rb form of the leptin receptor (Ehrhardt et al., 1999) suggests that leptin may act as a direct signal of maternal energy balance to the placenta Metabolism of the Conceptus Placental nutrient transport and metabolism As recently reviewed by Bell and Ehrhardt (2002), the energy and protein requirements of the ruminant fetus are met mostly by placental transfer of glucose and amino acids from the maternal to the fetal circulation, with the addition of lactate produced by placental glycolysis Long-chain fatty acids and their keto-acid metabolites are poorly transported in sheep compared to species with haemochorial placentation Also, the maternal–fetal transfer of acetate makes only a small contribution to fetal energy requirements, not withstanding the abundance of this metabolite in the maternal circulation (Bell et al., 2005) Therefore, this section will consider only mechanisms for placental transport and metabolism of glucose and amino acids Placental transport mechanisms Glucose is transported from the maternal to the fetal circulation by carriermediated, facilitated diffusion (see Bell and Ehrhardt, 2002) This process is strongly dependent on the maternal–fetal plasma glucose concentration gradient (Simmons et al., 1979; DiGiacomo and Hay, 1990a) The predominant glucose transporter protein isoforms in the sheep placenta are GLUT-1 and GLUT-3 (Ehrhardt and Bell, 1997), mRNA and protein abundance of which increase with gestational age, especially for GLUT-3 (Currie et al., 1997; Ehrhardt and Bell, 1997) This, together with its low Km and localization at the apical, maternal-facing layer of the trophoblastic cell layer (Das et al., 2000), suggests that ontogenic changes in GLUT-3 expression and activity may account for much of the fivefold increase in glucose transport capacity Pregnancy and Fetal Metabolism 531 of the sheep placenta in vivo between mid- and late-gestation (Molina et al., 1991) Other factors must include remodelling and expansion of the placenta’s effective exchange surface and the increasing maternal-fetal plasma concentration gradient (Molina et al., 1991) Most amino acids taken up by the placenta are transported against a fetal– maternal concentration gradient, implying the use of energy-dependent, active transport processes (see Bell and Ehrhardt, 2002) Studies of isolated human and rodent placental vesicles have confirmed that the transport systems in the placenta are similar to those described for plasma membranes of other tissues (see Battaglia and Regnault, 2001) These include at least six sodiumdependent and five sodium-independent systems that have been classified systematically on the basis of their affinity for neutral, acidic or basic amino acids, and their intracellular location (Battaglia and Regnault, 2001) Recent results from in vivo studies on sheep suggest that rapid placental transport of neutral amino acids requires both sodium-dependent transport at the maternal epithelial surface and affinity for highly reversible, sodium-independent transporters located at the fetal surface (Jozwik et al., 1998; Paolini et al., 2001) These researchers also demonstrated major differences in placental clearance among the essential amino acids, with the more rapidly transported branchedchain acids, plus methionine and phenylalanine, apparently sharing the same rate-limiting transport system (Paolini et al., 2001) Placental metabolism Glucose entry into the gravid uterus and its component tissues is determined by maternal arterial glucose concentration while glucose transport to the fetus is determined by the transplacental (maternal–fetal) concentration gradient (see Hay, 1995) In turn, the transplacental gradient is directly related to both placental and fetal glucose consumption, which are dependent on fetal arterial glucose concentration Thus, as fetal glucose concentration changes relative to that of the mother, thereby changing the transplacental gradient, placental transfer of glucose to the fetus varies reciprocally with placental glucose consumption In addition to its quantitative impact on placental transfer of glucose, placental glucose metabolism has a major qualitative influence on the pattern of carbohydrate metabolites delivered to the fetus Rapid metabolism to lactate ($35%), fructose ($4%) and CO2 ($17%) accounted for about 56% of uteroplacental glucose consumption in late-pregnant ewes, and was directly related to placental glucose supply (Aldoretta and Hay, 1999) The fate of the remaining 44% of glucose metabolized by the placenta must include synthesis of alanine and other non-essential amino acids (Timmerman et al., 1998), directly or via lactate (Carter et al., 1995) Placental metabolism also affects the quantity and composition of amino acids delivered to the fetus The significant net consumption by uteroplacental tissues of glutamate, serine and the branched-chain amino acids (Liechty et al., 1991; Chung et al., 1998) implies catabolism or transamination of these acids An additional, small fraction of this net loss of amino acids will be in the form of secreted peptides 532 A.W Bell et al The ovine placenta has very little enzymatic capacity for urea synthesis, but produces considerable amounts of ammonia, much of which is released into maternal and, to a lesser extent, fetal circulations (Holzman et al., 1977; Bell et al., 1989) This is consistent with extensive placental deamination of branched-chain amino acids to their respective keto acids, which are released into fetal and maternal bloodstreams (Smeaton et al., 1989; Loy et al., 1990), and with rapid rates of glutamate oxidation in the placenta (Moores et al., 1994) Transamination of branched-chain amino acids accounts for some of the net glutamate acquisition by the placenta, the remainder of which is taken up from the umbilical circulation (Moores et al., 1994) That which is not quickly oxidized combines with ammonia to synthesize glutamine, which is then released back into the umbilical bloodstream (Chung et al., 1998) Quantitative aspects of ovine placental metabolism and fetal–placental exchanges of branched-chain amino acids, glutamine, glutamate and their metabolites are summarized in Fig 20.3 Uterine Placenta Fetal circulation circulation 4.0 1.5 NH3 3.5 5.7 gln 1.5 6.1 glu TCA akg NH3 18.9 bcaa 10.9 aka Fig 20.3 Net fluxes, measured in vivo, of the branched-chain amino acids, glutamine, glutamate and ammonia into and out of the ovine placenta Values are mmol per kg fetus per Note the contributions of the branched-chain amino acids to both glutamate and NH3 production within the placenta Abbreviations: gln, glutamine; glu, glutamate; akg, a-ketoglutarate; TCA, tricarboxylic acid cycle; bcaa, branched-chain amino acids; aka, branched-chain a-keto acids; NH3 , ammonia From Loy et al (1990), Chung et al (1998), and Jozwik et al (1999); reproduced from Battaglia (2000) with permission of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences 536 A.W Bell et al During late gestation, the fetal placenta becomes a major net source of fetal lactate, and a negligible contributor to fetal lactate disposal At both stages of gestation, fetal CO2 production from lactate carbon may account for 25% of fetal O2 consumption Fructose is a major form of carbohydrate in fetal blood of ruminants and some other species (Andrews et al., 1960) Fructose, as well as several polyols, is produced in conceptus (fetus and placenta) tissues from glucose (Teng et al., 2002) and large fetal/maternal concentration ratios are maintained The high production rates of fructose and polyols may be associated with the reduced redox state of fetal tissues relative to maternal tissues Presumably the large concentration gradient between the fetus and maternal blood is maintained, in part, by very low placental permeability Fructose does not appear to be converted to glucose by the ruminant fetus, but may be oxidized to some extent (Meznarich et al., 1987) McGowan et al (1995) suggested that 20–30% of the CO2 derived from glucose by the fetus was derived indirectly by oxidation of fructose Other reports have indicated the contribution of fructose to total fetal oxidative metabolism is no more than about 5% (Meznarich et al., 1987) Teng et al (2002) observed high concentrations of inositol, erythritol, arabitol, sorbitol, ribitol and mannitol in fetal as compared with maternal blood suggesting production within the conceptus However, neither the site(s) of synthesis nor the biological reasons for the relatively high concentrations of these polyol compounds in fetal blood have been elucidated Those authors also reported a small, but perhaps important net transfer of mannose from maternal to fetal circulation Almost all of the nitrogen acquired by the bovine and ovine fetus is in the form of amino acids A small net umbilical uptake of ammonia is derived from placental deamination of amino acids during the latter half of gestation in the sheep fetus (Holzman et al., 1977; Bell et al., 1989) but, to our knowledge, this phenomenon has not been observed in cattle In both cattle and sheep, amino acids are taken up from the placenta in considerable excess of the fetal requirements for accretion (Meier et al., 1981b; Lemons and Schreiner, 1984; Reynolds et al., 1986) About 60% of these amino acids are used for tissue protein synthesis, which accounts for about 18% of fetal energy expenditure (Kennaugh et al., 1987) The remaining 40% are rapidly catabolized, accounting for at least 30% of the oxidative requirements of the well-nourished sheep fetus (Faichney and White, 1987), or in the cases of glutamate and serine, taken up and metabolized by the placenta (Battaglia and Regnault, 2001; Battaglia, 2002) Thus, in total, 45–55% of the energy available to the fetus may be provided as free amino acids For 18 amino acids, Chung et al (1998) estimated that fetal uptake was 40% greater than fetal accretion in the ovine Umbilical uptake of all essential amino acids were two- to threefold greater than expected fetal accretion rates (Chung et al., 1998), suggesting that all essential amino acids were oxidized, in varying amounts, by the ovine fetus Fetal oxidation of leucine (Kennaugh et al., 1987; Loy et al., 1990; Ross et al., 1996), threonine (Anderson et al., 1997) and lysine (Meier et al., 1981a) have been confirmed by radioisotope methodology In addition to the direct oxidation of essential amino acids, about 40% of Pregnancy and Fetal Metabolism 537 the branched-chain amino acids taken up from the maternal circulation are transaminated by placental tissues and the resulting keto acids (2-keto isovalerate, 2-keto isocaproate and 2-keto methylvalerate) are transferred primarily to fetal, but also to maternal circulations (Smeaton et al., 1989; Loy et al., 1990; Liechty et al., 1991) Although the keto acids not provide a large proportion of the fetal energy supply, they may serve to conserve the carbon skeleton of branched-chain amino acids for fetal metabolism and growth In addition, because transamination of branched-chain amino acids results in the formation of glutamate from a-ketoglutarate, branched-chain amino acid metabolism provides a mechanism, in addition to fetal liver production of glutamate from glutamine (Battaglia, 2000), for supplying glutamate to the placenta Comparable data from other ruminant species are unavailable to our knowledge It is important to note that the inter-organ exchange of amino acids between the fetal liver and placenta is clearly of major importance for serine/ glycine and glutamate/glutamine metabolism (Battaglia, 2000) Glycine (a potential precursor of serine) and glutamine (a potential precursor of glutamate) are delivered from the placenta to the fetal circulation and taken up by the fetal liver Conversely, serine (a product of glycine oxidation) and glutamate (a product of glutamine deamination) are released by the fetal liver, enter the fetal circulation and are taken up by the placenta Acetate accounts for only 5–10% of the energy available to the prenatal ruminant (Char and Creasy, 1976), in contrast to its importance as an energy source in the weaned, postnatal ruminant Placental capacity to transfer longchain NEFA is even more limited (see Bell, 1993), making these maternal substrates very minor contributors to fetal energy supply Regulation of conceptus metabolism Nutrient supply Placental nutrient supply has a powerful, limiting influence on nutrient disposal by fetal and non-fetal conceptus tissues, especially in late gestation when fetal demands are greatest The Km for saturable glucose transport by the sheep placenta is $3.9 mM (Simmons et al., 1979), which is within the physiological range of glycaemia in well-fed, adult sheep Thus, uterine uptake, placental metabolism and transfer and fetal metabolism of glucose are very sensitive to maternal arterial glucose concentration in sheep (see Hay, 1995) In sheep and cows, fetal utilization of glucose is highly correlated with fetal plasma glucose concentration, which, in turn, is correlated with maternal glycaemia (Fowden, 1997) Fetal glucose supply also influences fetal endogenous glucose production, presumably due to hepatic gluconeogenesis In addition to the association of increased endogenous production with fetal hypoglycaemia in undernourished ewes (Leury et al., 1990), progressive fetal hypoglycaemia induced by different levels of maternal insulin infusion caused fetal endogenous glucose production to increase linearly (DiGiacomo and Hay, 1990b) A mediating role for 538 A.W Bell et al fetal insulin was suggested by the incomplete suppression of endogenous glucogenesis by fetal infusion with insulin while maintaining basal fetal glycaemia (DiGiacomo and Hay, 1990b) Effects of amino acid supply on fetal metabolism have not been studied systematically Decreased maternal plasma concentrations of essential amino acids in fasted ewes were not associated with a significant decrease in umbilical uptake of these acids (Lemons and Schreiner, 1983) In contrast, maternal hyperglycaemia with secondary hyperinsulinaemia and hypoaminoacidaemia caused substantial reductions in uterine, uteroplacental and fetal uptakes of several amino acids, particularly the branched-chain acids, and a 60% reduction in total fetal uptake of nitrogen (Thureen et al., 2000, 2001) Correction of maternal amino acid concentrations by appropriate exogenous infusion restored uterine and umbilical exchanges to normal levels (Thureen et al., 2000) Maternal hyperaminoacidaemia, caused by infusion of amino acids, had little effect on the umbilical uptake of most amino acids, except for increased uptake of the branched-chain acids, and did not affect fetal total nitrogen supply (Jozwik et al., 1999) However, uteroplacental production and fetal concentrations of ammonia increased moderately, implying some increase in placental deamination of amino acids Fetal hormones and growth factors We have recently reviewed evidence for the roles of the pancreatic hormones (especially insulin), GH and the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system, PL, glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones, catecholamines and leptin in the regulation of fetal metabolism and growth (Bell et al., 2005) Therefore, the present section will be limited to a brief discussion of endocrine factors with major, well-defined effects on glucose and amino acid metabolism in vivo, mostly described in the late-gestation sheep fetus It must be borne in mind that although most fetal endocrine organs develop the capacity to synthesize and secrete hormones early in gestation, target tissue and neuroendocrine feedback systems are variably immature until late pregnancy As a result, there is a much greater reliance on paracrine and autocrine regulation of tissue metabolism and growth by locally expressed factors, especially during early- and mid-pregnancy In sheep, placental uptake and transport of glucose are unresponsive to maternal or fetal plasma insulin, consistent with the essential absence of the insulin-responsive glucose transport protein, GLUT-4, in the ovine placenta (Ehrhardt and Bell, 1997) However, the fetal pancreas becomes increasingly responsive to insulin secretagogues, including glucose, with advancing gestation (Aldoretta et al., 1998) and hyperinsulinaemia has a specific, positive effect on glucose utilization by the whole fetus (Hay et al., 1988) and insulinresponsive fetal tissues such as skeletal muscle (Wilkening et al., 1987; Anderson et al., 2001) during late gestation Thus, fetal insulinaemia can indirectly influence placental transfer and umbilical uptake of glucose through its effect on fetal glycaemia and the maternal–fetal glucose concentration gradient (see Hay, 1995) Physiological increases in fetal plasma insulin also stimulated fetal uptake and utilization of amino acids when fetal glycaemia and aminoacidaemia were carefully controlled (Thureen et al., 2000) Pregnancy and Fetal Metabolism 539 The quantitative metabolic effects of other fetal hormones and growth factors have been studied much less intensively Fetal metabolic responses to GH, directly and indirectly via its influence on IGF-1 expression in liver and other tissues, are limited by immaturity of the GH receptor system until the end of gestation (see Bell et al., 2005) This raises the possibility that fetal protein anabolism and growth during late gestation may be constrained by sluggish prenatal engagement of the GH/IGF system because infusion of fetal sheep with IGF-1 decreased proteolysis and amino acid catabolism (Harding et al., 1994; Liechty et al., 1996) Among its numerous effects on metabolic development during late gestation, fetal cortisol appears to stimulate glycogen synthesis and maturation of glucogenic capacity in the fetal liver as term approaches (Fowden et al., 1998), thereby promoting glucose availability for the neonate During late gestation, treatment with glucocorticoids reduced umbilical glucose uptake (Milley, 1996; Barbera et al., 1997) and placental uptake of fetal glutamate (Barbera et al., 1997; Timmerman et al., 2000) The latter response was associated with decreased hepatic output of glutamate apparently due to decreased fetal hepatic uptake of glucogenic amino acids, including glutamine, and diversion of hepatic glutamine to metabolism in the TCA cycle rather than glutamate synthesis (Timmerman et al., 2000) As in postnatal life, fetal thyroid hormones stimulate fetal oxidative metabolism, expressed as rates of umbilical oxygen uptake and whole-body glucose oxidation (Fowden and Silver, 1995) They also appear to be necessary for the normal, fasting-induced increase in hepatic glucogenesis in fetal sheep (Fowden et al., 2001) During late gestation, the fetal sheep responds to acute hypoxia (Cohen et al., 1982) and hypoglycaemia (Harwell et al., 1990) with pronounced increases in adrenomedullary secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine Metabolic consequences include rapid stimulation of hepatic glucose production, presumably through increased glycogenolysis (Jones et al., 1983), and mobilization of NEFA (Harwell et al., 1990), associated with reduced pancreatic secretion and plasma concentrations of insulin (Bassett and Hanson, 1998), and attenuated action of IGF-1 (Hooper et al., 1994) Restoration of normal insulinaemia by insulin infusion abolished most of the metabolic and growth-inhibitory effects of prolonged catecholamine infusion in the sheep fetus (Bassett and Hanson, 2000) Conceptus Responses to Altered Maternal States Plane of nutrition Recent evidence indicates that the activity of placental transport mechanisms can be modulated by maternal nutrition, independent of more chronic effects on placental size For example, moderate undernutrition of ditocous ewes during late pregnancy caused a 50% increase in capacity for maternal–fetal glucose transport in vivo (Ehrhardt et al., 1996) that was at least partly explained by a 20% increase in total GLUT abundance, associated with a 540 A.W Bell et al similar increase in GLUT-3 protein abundance (Ehrhardt et al., 1998) These responses help explain how placental glucose transfer remained sufficient to sustain normal fetal growth, despite chronic maternal hypoglycaemia and a 26% decrease in the maternal–fetal gradient in arterial plasma glucose concentration (Bell et al., 1999) During more severe, chronic undernutrition or starvation for several days, the development of profound fetal hypoglycaemia helps to sustain the maternal–fetal gradient in glucose concentration by restricting the reverse transfer of glucose to the placenta, and reducing placental glucose consumption (see Hay, 1995) Under these more stringent conditions, fetal gluconeogenesis is induced (Leury et al., 1990), with amino acids being the presumed major substrate, consistent with increased fetal urea synthesis (Lemons and Schreiner, 1983; Faichney and White, 1987) Rapid, presumably direct oxidation of amino acids is also increased (Krishnamurti and Schaefer, 1984; Van Veen et al., 1987) The ultimate consequence is reduced fetal tissue protein synthesis (Krishnamurti and Schaefer, 1984) and slowing of fetal growth to a rate that can be sustained by the reduced placental nutrient supply Effects of energy and/or protein supply on placental capacity for amino acid transport have been little studied Fasting late-pregnant ewes for days had an insignificant effect on umbilical net uptake of amino acids despite appreciable decreases in maternal arterial plasma concentrations of many amino acids (Lemons and Schreiner, 1983) This suggests that during shortterm energy/protein deprivation, placental mechanisms for active transport of amino acids are unimpaired and may even be upregulated Under similar fasting conditions, the uteroplacental deamination of branched-chain amino acids appeared to be increased, judging from a threefold increase in the efflux of a-ketoisocaproate, the keto-acid derivative of leucine, into uterine and umbilical circulations (Liechty et al., 1991) This suggests that increased amino acid catabolism may partly compensate for the likely reduction in placental glucose oxidation under these conditions Placental transport and metabolism of amino acids have not been studied during more prolonged restriction of energy or protein However, in ewes fed adequate energy but insufficient protein during the last month of pregnancy, fetal growth and protein deposition over this period were decreased by 18% (McNeill et al., 1997) It is also notable that in chronically hyperglycaemic ewes with secondary hyperinsulinaemia and hypoaminoacidaemia, placental and fetal uptakes of several amino acids were reduced, and fetal total nitrogen uptake declined by 60% (Thureen et al., 2001) Less attention has been paid to conceptus responses to greater than normal maternal nutrient supply, although the influence of nutrition on growth of large fetuses and incidence of dystocia in some breeds of cattle and sheep remains an important practical question As discussed earlier, fetal ability to take advantage of surplus maternal nutrients is limited by placental transport capacity during late gestation Thus, in monotocous ewes fed above predicted energy requirements, fetal infusion with sufficient glucose to sustain fetal glycaemia at two to three times normal for the last month of gestation increased birth weight by 18% and relative weight of adipose tissue by almost 50% (Stevens et al., 1990) Pregnancy and Fetal Metabolism 541 Recently, it has been shown that overfeeding of primiparous ewes during early-mid gestation causes quite profound fetal growth retardation preceded by and associated with a major reduction in placental growth (Wallace et al., 2000) Mechanistically, this phenomenon resembles other examples of placental insufficiency in that it is characterized by reduced placental transport of oxygen and glucose, and chronic fetal hypoxaemia and hypoglycaemia during late gestation (Wallace et al., 2002) Heat and cold stress Heat stress through mid- and late-pregnancy can cause a dramatic reduction in fetal growth in sheep and cattle (see Bell, 1987) Much of this effect is mediated by profound stunting of placental growth and functional development although maternal inappetence, when it occurs, is a complicating factor Reduced placental size is associated with major decreases in placental transport and metabolism of glucose (Thureen et al., 1992) and amino acids (Ross et al., 1996; Anderson et al., 1997) Ewes exposed to cold during the final 5–6 weeks of pregnancy, and fed at the same level as controls, produced significantly heavier singleton and twin lambs (Thompson et al., 1982) Maternal plasma glucose and fetal plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were persistently elevated, leading to the hypothesis that cold-induced increases in fetal growth are due to increased placental transport and fetal uptake of glucose (Thompson et al., 1982; Symonds et al., 1986; Revell et al., 2000), perhaps reinforced by the growthpromoting effects of fetal insulin (Fowden, 1995) Shearing of ewes in mid-pregnancy also causes variable increases in later fetal growth and birth weight (Kenyon et al., 2002) Mediation by enhanced placental nutrient transfer has been implied (Revell et al., 2002) but requires experimental confirmation Exercise Effects of exercise on quantitative aspects of maternal and fetal glucose metabolism and its regulation were reviewed in the first edition of this book (Bell, 1993) Little has been published on this subject since then Briefly, moderate maternal exercise (2À3 Â resting metabolic rate) causes increased maternal glucose entry rate associated with increased uterine net uptake of glucose These responses are accompanied by increased fetal net uptake of glucose in underfed, hypoglycaemic ewes, but not in well-fed, normoglycaemic animals (Leury et al., 1990) Towards a Model of Maternal and Fetal Metabolism Existing predictive models of fetal growth in sheep (e.g AFRC, 1990; CSIRO, 1990) and cattle (e.g NRC, 1996, 2001) are based simply on empirical 542 A.W Bell et al relationships between maternal intakes of energy and nitrogen and conceptus tissue masses at different stages of pregnancy Quantitative descriptions of maternal and fetal fluxes of glucose and amino acids in sheep are sufficiently detailed to allow development of robust, mechanistic models of fetal growth in relation to maternal nutrient supply as influenced by nutrition and other environmental factors Preliminary approaches include application of the compartmental modelling program, SAAM (Boston et al., 1981), to develop dynamic models of maternal glucose metabolism (Wastney et al., 1983) and of maternal–fetal exchanges of the non-metabolizable glucose analogue, 3-O-methyl glucose (Ehrhardt, 1997) The latter model has been used to estimate bidirectional fluxes of glucose between the dam and twin fetuses (Fig 20.4) in well-fed and underfed ewes during late pregnancy This approach allowed estimation that moderate undernutrition for weeks caused a 50% increase in placental capacity for maternal–fetal glucose transport in vivo (Ehrhardt et al., 1996) Ideally, future models will marry these compartmental solutions of tracer kinetic data to the wealth of descriptive information on glucose and amino acid exchanges under different nutritional and physiological conditions These models also should incorporate the growing body of information on the regulation of nutrient partitioning between maternal tissues, the placenta and fetus(es) Gravid uterus Maternal 11 12 3H 13 21 22 23 Fig 20.4 Compartmental model of the kinetics of 3-O methyl glucose (3MG) in ditocous ewes during late pregnancy, based on maternal injection of H-3MG The fetal model was validated in monotocous ewes by simultaneous maternal injection of H-3MG and fetal injection of 14 C-3MG (Ehrhardt et al., 1996) Represented are: blood sampling sites (filled triangles), fractional transfer rates (light arrows), compartments (numbered circles), H-3MG injection site (heavy arrow) and extracellular distribution of 3MG (shaded compartments) Maternal–fetal clearance of 3MG was calculated as the volume of compartment cleared of tracer to compartment 11 or 21 per unit time (ml/min) Reproduced from Bell and Ehrhardt (2002) Pregnancy and Fetal Metabolism 543 References AFRC (1990) AFRC Technical Committee on Responses to Nutrients, Report No 5, Nutritive Requirements of Ruminant Animals: Energy Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews (Series B) 60, 729–802 Aldoretta, P.W and Hay, W.W Jr (1999) Effect of glucose supply on ovine uteroplacental glucose metabolism American Journal of Physiology 277, R947–R958 Aldoretta, P.W., Carver, T.D and Hay, W.W Jr (1998) 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