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Vocabulary: n Uniform, a 20-minute break, cafeteria, snack, baseball, football, sell, wear adj popular, unpopular III/Techniques: - Rub out and remember - Ask and answer the questions.. [r]

(1)Week: 08 Date: 6/10/2012 Period: 24 UNIT 4: A SCHEDULES LESSON A I/ Aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts can o Reading comprehension about school in USA o To know the difference between school in Viet Nam and the one in the U.S A II/ language contents: Grammar: none Vocabulary: (n) Uniform, a 20-minute break, cafeteria, snack, baseball, football, sell, wear (adj) popular, unpopular III/Techniques: - Rub out and remember - Ask and answer the questions IV/ Teaching aids: Pictures, sub-boards V/ Procedures: Teacher’s and students’ activity T makes suggested questions Ps answer T corrects and gives marks to Sts T sets the scene to teach the new words T reads Ps repeat chorally, individually and say the meaning Contents 1/ Warm up Marks(10) a/ What time you get up? b/ Do you go to school? c/ what time classes start/ end?  Keys: a I get up at …………………… b Yes, I /No, I don’t c They start at ………… and end at …………… What about schools in USA? Are they the same in VN? 2.Presentation: - uniform( n) đồng phục - a 20 minute break: giải lao 20 phút - cafeteria (n) quán ăn tự phục vụ - snack (n) món ăn nhẹ - to sell( v) bán - baseball (n) bóng chày - football (n) = soccer (2) - popular >< un popular - to wear (v) mặc Then T introduces A to Sts T hangs extra board Asks St to check these information T reads it once T lets Ss read it silently first, then loudly (in series) T corrects the pronunciation Activities School uniform Classes start Classes end There are lesson on Sat Sts have lunch at school In USA x 8.30 2.304.00 In VN v 7.00 11.00 v x x v Ps practice in groups / pairs, doing True, False Ps say the task T corrects at last T has Sts to correct the false sentences T corrects and can give marks to encourage Sts T asks Ss some questions, Sts answer T gives Ss marks Practice: A6 *Key: a/ T b/ F c/ F d/ T e/ F f/ F *Correct the false sentences: b There are no lesson on Sat c One break is in the morning the other is in the afternoon e the school cafeteria is open at lunch time and also at break f Basketball is one of the most popular after school activities Production: *Marks: Do you go to school at everyday? Do student in USA go to school days a week? What students buy in the school cafeteria? 5.Homework: - Learn by heart new words - Read A6 again - Write a short essay about Sts school - Prepare lesson B 1- B – B5 + Find the words + Read the dial to get the content + Answer the questions/48 (3)

Ngày đăng: 24/06/2021, 23:41

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