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-I think this festival is a very special occasion for Vietnamese people and esecially for children to play and enjoy on a variety of activities?. Moreover, children would understand more[r]

(1)UNIT 13: LESSON 4: FESTIVALS - Write (126,127) Ngày soạn : 23 / 02 / 2008 Week 28 - Period: 83 Aims: To get S.s to practice in writing a report Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice in writing a report on a festival they have joined Teaching aids: Pictures, cardboards, poster Procedures Time Contents Teacher’s and students’activities I WARMER: memory game(Kim’s game) -Ask Ss to look at the picture in 20–30 5’ Rice – cooking water – fetching water contest seconds, then put it bamboo away fire - making traditional -Divide the class into teams II PRE-WRITING: -Ask St in each 8’ Use the information in the dialogue on page 121 to fill in the team at a time to go gaps in this report to the B and write the The Rice – cooking Festival things and people in By Festival Councilor Pham Phuong Linh the picture This report shows how the (1) festival was held -Set the scene The festival was held in the communal house yard about (2) _ kilometer away from a river There were three competitions: (3) , fire – making and rice – cooking The festival took one day -Ask S.s to use the The rice-cooking festival information in the (1) rice-cooking dialogue on P.121 to (2) one fill in the gap in this (3) water-fetching report (in pairs) (4) run -some S.s to read (5) water their answers (6) traditional (7) bamboo (8) six (9) Separate (10) added 20’ II WHILE-WRITING: Write a similar report on a festival you joined recently The answers to the questions below can help you a What is the name of the festival? b Where was the festival held? c How long did the festival last? d How many activities were there? Were there any competitions? e How were the activities organized? -Ask S.s to write a similar report on a festival they’ve joined recently -Have S.s look at the questions on P.127 (Name- Place- (2) f How many people took part in each activity? g What did you think about the festival? -This report shows how the Mid-Autumn festival was held in my neighborhood -The Mid-Autumn festival was held on the 15th of August (according to Lunar Calendar) This festival was specially organized for children -It was held in the yard of the Cultural House in my village The main festival lasted for about hours when the moon is at its fullest During the festival, children took part in various activities like: singing and shouting, wearing masks, parading on the roads and banding the drums -Besides, children ate a very special cake called Moon Cakes They are filled with lotus seeds, orange peel, ground beans, and sometimes egg and pork fat for flavor -Children went on playing traditional games until mid-night -I think this festival is a very special occasion for Vietnamese people and esecially for children to play and enjoy on a variety of activities Moreover, children would understand more about Vietnamese traditions The Perfume Pagoda festival 10’ 2’ III POST-WRITING: Sharing and comparing IV.HOMEWORK: -Write your report in your notebooks -Do exercise 8/P82 + 9/P83 in the workbook Length- ActivitiesHow –Comments) -S.s answer the questions orally first and connect the sentences to make it a report -Monitor and help S.s with their work -S.s answer questions about their writing.(in groups) - T and Ss correct the mistakes (3)

Ngày đăng: 24/06/2021, 19:00


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