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The12GiftsofChristmasDr.MichaelNorwood Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free Please forward this 12GiftsofChristmas free e-book onto all your friends, co-workers & loved ones. Spread peace, happiness & joy around the world! T here is a great mystery about the deeper meaning ofthe well- known Christmas carol, The12 Days of Christmas. Many believe the12Gifts described in the song (i.e. a partridge in a pear tree) are just nonsensical lyrics made up for children. Others believe these Gifts contain hidden meaning about the essence of faith. No one but the long-ago deceased writer ofthe song will ever know. My personal belief is that everything in the universe has layers of hidden meaning, whether we intend it as such or not. And when we can begin to harvest that secret significance, whether it is the same for two different people or not, life becomes infinitely richer. The following are descriptions of a new set of12Giftsof Christmas– something I also call The12Giftsof Life. Whatever you choose to call them, their significance lies in how they can empower you to discover ever more joy and abundance, and to overcome your greatest challenges. H ere is a summary of these 12 beautiful Gifts . Gift 1 – Insight R ather than constantly looking for happiness “outside” yourself from others and from material things, life and your challenges compel you to look “inward.” Both strength and joy are found when you develop this “Insight” to see beyond the surface of things. And thrillingly, you find answers to questions that have up to now perplexed you, whether you are looking for ways to mend a relationship, overcome failure, or achieve financial freedom. Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free Gift 2 – Proportion T he bigger your challenges, the greater you receive this Gift. The Gift of Proportion allows you to weigh all of your future ups and downs against the scales of what you already have faced. As such, life becomes much “easier. Everyday obstacles become not nearly so daunting. Spiritual peace and financial wealth are two results from this beautiful Gift. After all, the richest of us are those who prove hardiest in triumphing over our greatest challenges. Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free Gift 3 – Dignity W e often spend so much time in fear of what other people think. Gift 3 of Dignity allows you to use your challenges to keep your head raised with the knowingness of your own integrity; to keep walking forward to become a model of grace under pressure; and to keep on walking, one step at a time, out ofthe depths of surviving to the heights of joy-filled thriving. Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free Gift 4 - Forgiveness I nability to forgive yourself makes you a prisoner of your own life. As humans, we are far from perfect. Our mission is to move forward based on the lessons we learn from our big and small mistakes. When you can’t forgive yourself, you find it easy to not forgive others as well. You subconsciously make those you can’t forgive your fellow inmates, and your self-created isolating iron bars close in ever tighter around you. Yet, with the simple sometimes unspoken words to yourself or to another, “I forgive you,” a doorway is opened that avails a grace that lightens your days and illuminates your path. Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free Gift 5 – Faith W ise men say there are only two emotions in the universe - love and fear. All other emotions are birthed from one of these two. So why is Faith so important and powerful for you and me? Faith is the "bridge" between your greatest fears and your highest love. Faith is the path you choose to transform tragedy into triumph, grief into grace and mistakes into steppingstones to the highest wealth. Faith in a better tomorrow is the spark that ignites you to keep taking your next step to that distant light. And, finally, Faith is the key that opens your own heart to let the grace of God shine through your eyes. Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free Gift 6 – Humor A wise friend once told me, “Humor is a form of religion.” As shocking as this statement was at first, when I looked deeper, I realized he was right. Humor when appropriately used, can be the greatest of all Gifts. Like Gift 5 of Faith, it can be used to lift us up from our fears. Like Gift 4 of Forgiveness, it can provide the shift we need to free ourselves from our egos and our need to be right. And similar to Gift 3 of Dignity, it can raise us up from our greatest falls to laugh at ourselves and with others so we can continue on taking our next steps to a brighter tomorrow. Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free Gift 7 - Acceptance W e, as human beings, are powerful beyond our imaginations to shape our world and mold our destinies. Yet, the challenge is always recognizing what we can and can’t change. Gift 7 of Acceptance allows us to know when we need to go around an obstacle instead of through it. Its whispers provide us peace by letting us know that which is best left for another day. And its light keeps us from the shadows, illuminating the path where our Highest Power deems we will best serve and be served. Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free [...]... allow The12Giftsof Life and ofChristmas to cut through the shifting shadows of all which may distract you Therein you’ll find a life of grace filled with all 12Gifts and many more Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free Dr MichaelNorwood is the bestselling author ofThe 9 Insights ofthe Wealthy Soul, a story in which he first revealed The12Giftsof Life... (and The12Giftsof Christmas) His book has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and has been hailed as a classic bythe producer from Touched by and Angel and praised by 3 New York Times bestselling authors Read his book Free for 21 Days and receive The12GiftsofChristmasby clicking here Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free The12Giftsof Christmas. .. Gift 12- Grace The sum total of being open to all TheGiftsof Life results in living a life of Grace This Gift manifests with the simple joy and abundance never farther away than the celebration ofthe person in front of you, the enjoyment of the silence inside you, and the excitement from the horizon always within your sight It doesn’t take much, but it does take vigilance Open your eyes and allow The. .. Presentations See them now They’re Free The12Gifts presentations have been described as “A beautiful, moving spiritual feast” and 12 bite-sized glimpses of eternity.” They were created by bestselling author Dr MichaelNorwood and will be emailed to you one at a time for 12 consecutive weeks The12Gifts will: • • • • Enliven your spirit Fill your soul with the most profound meaning of life Inspire... a comfort in our own skins and a oneness with the rest of the world And yet, why is it we are so drawn to the attractions of the latest toy … the noise of the loudest hawker … the charms of the most alluring seduction? Can it not be that an occasional closing of our eyes and quieting of our minds can attune us to a richness around us and a love inside of us that money can never buy? And if so, why... life Inspire you to overcome your greatest challenges and Discover the highest forms of wealth Thousands of people from around the world have already been touched by this beautiful series of 1-2 minute presentations You can receive them now by simply clicking the blue link at the bottom of this page Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free ... enjoying something as simple as the daily setting sun – so easy to ignore yet so nourishing to our souls TheGiftsof Life are all around us It is our Gift of Presence that allows us to receive them Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free Gift 11 - Giving The Gift of Giving affirms our oneness with the universe; how we are part of a greater cycle where we receive...Gift 8 - Discomfort This is the strangest of all theGifts And yet, it is in a certain way the most beautiful one The Gift of Discomfort shows how the universe can be a paradox – how that which we seek to avoid – discomfort - is in truth that which guides us It shows us when we are moving away from where we should be, whether that means with another person, in another conversation or on another path... abundance along the continuum of our Giving This Giving does not mean only of our possessions It includes the free sharing of our smiles, our laughter, our words of comfort and our gestures of kindness Rather than seeking to hold and contain, The Gift of Giving asks you to be a vessel where love, music and money continually flows to you as it flows through you Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online... and yet delivers the greatest of all riches? Click here to view the inspirational 12Gifts online movie presentations for free Gift 10 - Presence The sister of Gift 9 of Silence is Gift 10 of Presence When we have silence inside, we become Present to all that is available outside This means being present to opportunities we otherwise may miss from being too preoccupied This includes the momentary window . around the world! T here is a great mystery about the deeper meaning of the well- known Christmas carol, The 12 Days of Christmas. Many believe the 12 Gifts. richer. The following are descriptions of a new set of 12 Gifts of Christmas something I also call The 12 Gifts of Life. Whatever you choose to call them, their