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Evaluating policy effectiveness on coastal mangrove management case study in dai hop and bang la communes hai phong city

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MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY STUDENT THESIS Title EVALUATING POLICY EFFECTIVENESS ON COASTAL MANGROVE MANAGEMENT: CASE STUDY IN DAI HOP AND BANG LA COMMUNES, HAI PHONG CITY Major: Natural Resources Management Code: D850101 Faculty: Forest Resources and Environmental Management Student: Nguyen Nguyet Anh Class: K57 Natural Resources Management Student ID: 1253090003 Course: 2012 - 2016 Advanced Education Program Developed in collaboration with Colorado State University, USA Supervisor: Dr Hai-Hoa Nguyen Hanoi, 2016 Abstract Vietnam suffers from seven to twelve tropical storms every year Hence, not only lives but also properties are lost in coastal areas Besides, in recent decades, climate change has become an urgent issue for human being Mangroves have been recognized as one of the most optimal solutions to deal with those issues in coastal regions of Vietnam Therefore, mangrove management and protection have created a pressing need for forest managers to figure out the best way to assess the effectiveness of management policies for planning This study aims to (1) investigate relevant policies in study site from 1990 to 2016 (2) assess the effectiveness of policies on coastal mangrove management using three major indicators and (3) to propose feasible solutions to enhance the policies in this area Three remarkable policy-periods have been investigated and assessed by using a set of three significant indicators, including ecological, economic and social indicators From 1900 – 1997, mangrove rehabilitation and restoration projects had been implemented, but they were not effective From 1997 – 2005, the implementation of many policies and projects had improved the quantity and quality of mangroves Hence, the increase of mangrove extent considerably contributed to local incomes and livelihoods improvement The period from 2005 to 2016 has been known as mangrove development and protection stage This study also suggests that the communes should adopt community – based management (CBM) to enhance the mangrove quantity and quality in the long term Acknowledgements First and foremost, I was extremely fortunate to be supervised and supported by Dr Hai-Hoa Nguyen He has inspired me very much on my way to achieving my goals during the time as his student Besides, he provided me with insight into how mangrove management plays an indispensable role in coastal zones, adding a novel dimension to my thesis I would also like to thank Dr Lee Macdonald who suggested valuable comments about my thesis proposal in the preparation time I sincerely thank teachers in Faculty of Forest Resources and Environmental Management for the encouragements and suggestions and for helping me to improve the quality of my thesis In addition, thank you to Doan Thi Minh Thuy and Vu Duc Huy for helping me to collect data in Hai Phong during our initial research project, which I based on to develop and build up ideas for this thesis I also would like to express my deep appreciation to the staffs and local people in Dai Hop (Kien Thuy) and Bang La (Do Son) communes for the enthusiastic help during our work Due to the limited knowledge, time and experience, this thesis is still need to be improved I am looking forward to receiving feedbacks from teachers and friends to enhance it Hanoi, 2016 Dedication To my family Table of Contents Abstract Acknowledgements List of acronyms abbreviations List of figures List of tables Chapter Introduction 10 Chapter Study Goals and Objectives 14 2.1 Study goal and objectives 14 2.1.1 Goal 14 2.1.2 Specific objectives 14 2.2 Research question and hypothesis 14 2.2.1 Research question 14 2.2.2 Hypothesis 15 Chapter Study Site and Research Methodology 16 3.1 Study site 16 3.1.1 Geographical location and topography 16 3.1.2 Climate 17 3.1.3 Natural resources 17 3.1.4 Population 17 3.1.5 Economy 18 3.2 Research methodology 18 Rationale: 18 3.2.1 Literature review and secondary data 19 3.2.2.Landsat Images classification and processing 20 3.2.3.Structured interview and Semi-structure interview 24 3.2.4 Data analysis 25 Chapter 4: Results 26 4.1 Policies and projects on coastal mangrove management 26 4.1.1 Policies related to coastal mangrove management from 1990 to 1997 27 4.1.2 Policies related to coastal mangrove management from 1997 to 2005 28 4.1.3 Policies-related to coastal mangrove management from 2005 – 2016 31 4.2 Effectiveness of mangrove management policies 32 4.2.1 Ecological indicator: Coastal mangrove extents before and after policies 32 4.2.2 Economic indicator: Changes in local livelihood after applying policies 38 4.2.3 Social indicator: 42 4.3 Solutions for better management of mangroves 45 4.3.1 Model of sustainable management and development of mangroves 45 4.3.2 Other solutions for sustainable development of mangroves 48 Chapter Discussion 50 5.1 Effectiveness of coastal mangrove management in study area based on three significant indicators 50 5.1.1 Period from 1990 to 1997 : A beginning of mangrove management polices 51 5.1.2 Period from 1997 to 2005: Recovery and transition period of mangrove management polices 52 5.1.3.Period from 2005 to 2016: Development and prescription period of mangrove management policies 53 5.2 Limitation and further study 55 Chapter Conclusion 56 Chapter References 58 Chapter Appendices 62 List of acronyms abbreviations GIS Geographic Information System NGO Non - Government Organization MONRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment MARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development SMM Sustainable Mangrove Management NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index PAM Programme Alimentaire Mondial (French) (WFP) World Food Program JRC Japanese Red Cross GPS Global Positioning System VND Vietnamese Dong USD United States Dollar CBM Community-Based Management GIZ (Germany) Gesellsschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit MFF Mangrove For the Future List of figures Figure 3.1.: Study Site 16 Figure 3.2: Flowchart of Landsat images classification and processing 23 Figure 4.1: Era of Natural Resources policy in Vietnam 26 Figure 4.2: Provincial institutional structure for coastal mangrove management in Dai Hop and Bang La communes 27 Figure 4.3: Thematic maps of coastal mangrove extents in Dai Hop and Bang La communes in different years using Landsat images 33 Figure 4.4: Mangroves extent in 1990, 1997, 2005 and 2016 34 Figure 4.5: Changes in coastal mangroves in Dai Hop and Bang La communes from 1990 to 2014 37 Figure 4.7: Production of fishery during three periods 39 Figure 4.8: Local satisfaction about mangrove management policies 43 Figure 4.9: Power versus interest grid (adapted from Eden & Ackermann, 1998) 47 List of tables Table 3.1: Landsat data used in the study 20 Table 3.2 Data layers to construct dynamic maps of mangroves 22 Table 4.1: Major features of mangrove management policies before 1997 28 Table 4.2: Projects in the period of 1997 - 2005 in study site (MARD, 2006) 29 Table 4.3: Implementation process of management policies in Dai Hop and Bang La 30 Table 4.4: Major features of mangrove management in Dai Hop and Bang La 32 from 2005 to 2016 32 Table 4.5: Mangroves extent in 1990, 1997, 2005 and 2016 34 Table 4.6: Dynamics of mangrove extent in three different periods 34 Table 4.7: Accuracy assessment of unsupervised classification method in 1990 35 Table 4.8: Accuracy assessment of unsupervised classification method in 1997 35 Table 4.9: Accuracy assessment of unsupervised classification method in 2005 35 Table 4.10: Accuracy assessment of unsupervised classification method in 2016 36 Table 4.11: Land Use Land Cover (LULC) changes in study site during three periods 38 Table 4.12: Sources of incomes in Dai Hop and Bang La 39 Table 4.13: Average income from seafood products of mangroves 42 Table 4.14: Social satisfaction of local people about mangrove management policies 43 Table 4.15: Households‘ participation in mangrove management policies 44 Table 4.16: Social participation in mangrove management projects 45 Table 5.1: Policies effectiveness assessment based on three significant indicators 50 Chapter 1: Introduction Mangrove forest ecosystems occupy a narrow ecotone between marine and terrestrial environments, but a broad latitudinal range between 25oN and 30oS (Lugo and Snedaker, 1974) Across Southeast Asia, human activities have caused rapid mangrove system degradation and loss In Vietnam, a country undergoing economic transition, mangrove systems are vital to the livelihoods of coastal rural communities (Orchard, Stringer and Quinn, 2016) It provides an important ecosystem service of safeguarding human societies from natural disasters along tropical coastal zones (Sanford, 2009) Mangroves serve as a buffer between land and sea and hence are protection against erosion and even reduce the hazards of tsunamis and cyclones They harbor a variety of life forms like fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and are good source of timber, fuel, fodder, tannins, honey, etc Despite their importance, mangroves are constantly under threat worldwide They are being sacrificed for civic facilities like house building, roads and hotels and are often additionally subjected to pollution and disruption of their sensitive water and salt balance (Faridah-Hanum et al., 2014) Management of mangroves in a sustainable ecological as well as economic way is a difficult proposition and needs multi-disciplinary intervention (Datta, Guha and Chattopadhyay, 2010) The concept of sustainable mangrove management has therefore become imperative to develop and establish broad guidelines which will help to achieve multiple objectives of management and utilization of forest products without any undesirable effect on the physical and social environment In Vietnam, policies on mangrove management in Vietnam still need to be revised in which better coordination of coastal mangrove management and development at the different levels should be strengthened The process of developing a broadly integrated management effort will need to incorporate a richer set of performance measures Institutional evaluation, an understanding community dynamics, and policy assessment 10 Changes which result from mangrove management policies: Good  Bad  Unchange  Why? Social satisfaction and social participation Social satisfaction Please choose the most suitable level which depicts your satisfaction about mangrove management policies in three different periods of time below: Completely Somewhat Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Somewhat Completely satisfied Satisfied 1990 – 1997 1997 – 2005 2005 - 2016 Local participation Households’ participation in mangrove management policies Level 1: No participation in management Level 2: Provide contribution & feedbacks to the policy makers Level 3: Take part in community – based management Please choose the most suitable level which describes your participation in each period of mangrove management policies: Level Level 1990 – 1997 1997 – 2005 2005 - 2016 64 Level Households’ participation in mangrove rehabitation and restoration projects Please choose the most suitable level which describes your participation in mangrove rehabitation and restoration projects for each period of time Involved Not involved Do not know 1990 – 1997 1997 – 2005 2005 - 2016 Part 3: Assessment and suggestions of local people about coastal mangroves management I Assessment: a Policies: Are policies suitable with living conditions? Yes  No  Do policies balance mangroves conservation and local livelihoods? Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No  Are policies clear and easy to apply? Is durability of policies possible? Why? b The ways to apply policies and assessment effectiveness of policies: Does the way policies applied create close co-operation between local authorities and inhabitants? Yes  No  Is equality between benefits and mangroves conservation suitable? Yes  No  II Suggestions: Do you have any suggestion about coastal mangrove management policies (CMMP)? Do you have any suggestion about the way to apply coastal mangrove management and activities to assess effectiveness/existing problems of policies? 65 APPENDIX 2: COORDINATE OF MARKED POINTS ID X Y 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 20,70545 20,70561 20,70573 20,70618 20,7062 20,70618 20,70619 20,70619 20,70623 20,70615 20,7062 20,70572 20,70555 20,70537 20,70529 20,70496 20,70481 20,70597 20,70636 20,70616 20,70657 20,70689 20,70702 20,70539 20,07529 20,70551 20,70557 20,70615 20,706 20,07616 20,70633 20,70618 20,70634 20,70488 20,70357 20,20705198 20,703567 20,70639 20,7064 20,69651 20,697015 20,699604 20,70441 20,70618 106,75227 106,75293 10675333 106,75397 106,75389 106,75385 106,75385 106,75385 106,75383 106,75378 106,75385 106,75343 106,75333 106,75313 106,75278 106,75259 106,75212 106,75067 106,7534 106,75035 106,75021 106,75005 106,75008 106,75168 106,75194 106,75263 106,75302 106,7541 106,75387 106,75367 106,75388 106,75389 106,74896 106,74938 106,74928 106,749543 106,749229 106,74804 106,74803 106,73132 106,741384 106,738199 106,74851 106,74933 1990 Classified LULC Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove 66 Ground truth Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 20,69645 20,71369 20,70498 20,70507 20,70466 20,70474 20,70387 207039 2070411 2070444 2070481 2070514 2070538 20,70335 20,69348 20,69341 20,7039 20,70411 20,70444 20,70481 20,70514 20,69063 20,68924 20,69057 20,69064 20,69064 20,70315 20,703 20,7148 20,71493 20,68808 20,70474 20,70387 20,70366 20,70371 20,702656 106,73209 106,76407 106,74575 106,74598 106,74646 106,74644 106,74561 10675168 10675161 10675143 10675121 10675101 10675095 106,74403 106,72783 106,7278 106,75168 106,75161 106,75143 106,75121 106,75101 106,72372 106,72055 106,72296 106,72305 106,72353 106,74171 106,74185 106,76686 106,76688 106,71044 106,74644 106,74561 106,74529 106,74363 106,743212 Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others 67 Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove ID X Y 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 20,6998 20,7009 20,7018 20,70365 20,71196 20,71199 20,71213 20,71165 20,71231 20,7123 20,71179 20,71157 20,71141 20,71198 20,71174 20,71106 20,71000 20,71147 20,71422 20,71388 20,68722 20,68649 20,68598 20,68572 20,68560 20,68605 20,68516 20,68451 20,68435 20,68412 20,68358 20,68352 20,68321 20,68293 20,68279 20,68293 20,68303 20,683747 20,68394 20,68451 20,68487 20,68508 20,68469 20,68471 20,68434 20,68470 106,74712 106,74632 106,74553 106,74409 106,76354 106,76326 106,7626 106,76305 106,7623 106,76187 106,76239 106,76063 106,76226 106,76334 106,76247 106,76111 106,76013 106,7601 106,76576 106,76541 106,70731 106,70673 106,70653 106,70700 106,70713 106,70702 106,70737 106,70775 106,70803 106,70839 106,70811 106,70744 106,70702 106,70703 106,70692 106,70676 106,70665 106,70635 106,70602 106,70573 106,70594 106,70580 106,70530 106,70486 106,70477 106,70412 1997 Classified LULC Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove 68 Ground truth Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 20,68513 20,68564 20,68644 20,69779 20,68579 20,68616 20,68615 20,68795 20,68709 20,68796 20,68867 20,68906 20,71083 20,71075 20,70553 20,70536 20,69690 20,69699 20,69082 20,69052 20,69049 20,69874 20,69821 20,69645 20,69883 20,70045 20,70045 20,69968 20,70302 20,70284 20,70428 20,6896 20,68928 20,68846 106,70337 106,70358 106,70426 106,73301 106,71232 106,71302 106,71341 106,71958 106,71645 106,71642 106,71609 106,71851 106,75800 106,75787 106,74594 106,74564 106,73228 106,73235 106,72373 106,72363 106,72377 106,73421 106,73431 106,73209 106,7347 106,73773 106,73784 106,738 106,7415 106,7419 106,74332 106,72173 106,71825 106,71609 Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove 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20,680180 20,679610 20,681924 20,682035 20,684180 20,685086 20,685544 20,687081 20,688650 20,689215 20,677712 20,689932 20,679509 106,727897 106,728897 106,729897 106,728435 106,728010 106,715227 106,716041 106,724126 106,728104 106,733337 106,723487 106,705701 106,709558 106,732937 106,730791 106,728435 106,738279 106,737048 106,736000 106,709845 106,705847 106,714579 106,719450 106,728435 106,728010 106,727699 106,731443 106,731749 106,735187 106,736416 106,736482 106,737658 106,709555 106,719974 106,719200 106,724074 106,720451 Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others 74 Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Others Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove APPENDIX Important legal frameworks in association with coastal mangrove management  Law on Forest protection and development (1999, revised in 2004):  Law on Environmental protection (2005, revised 2014)  Fishery resource protection law (2000)  National strategy on environmental protection 2001 – 2010 (2000)  Government Decree No.109/2003/ on conservation and sustainable use of Wetland areas in Vietnam (2003)  Decision 773/1994/QD-TTg: Prime Minister‘s Decision: emphasizes the exploitation and use of riverine, coastal flats and water bodies in lowland areas  Decree 01/1995/CP: National Decree: regulates land allocation to state enterprises for agriculture, forestry and aquaculture practices  Decree 02/1994/CP: National Decree: regulates organizations, households and individuals in relation to forestland allocation in long – term forestry purposes 4: Mangrove status and management in Vietnam, The regional training workshop: ―Economic valuation of the Goods and Services of coastal habitats‖, Thailand, 2008‖ 75 APPENDIX Map and Pictures of study site Appendix 4a Map of mangrove area in Dai Hop commune 76 Appendix 4b Pictures 77 78 ... accurate and reliable assessment process is unanswered, including Hai Phong in general and Dai Hop and Bang La communes in particular Hai Phong is a coastal city with a total of 125 km of seacoast Coastal. .. policies and projects on coastal mangrove management in Dai Hop and Bang La communes, Hai Phong city Objective 2: To assess the effectiveness of mangrove management policies using three main indicators... Research questions (1) What are relevant policies and projects on coastal mangrove management in Dai Hop and Bang La communes, Hai Phong city? (2) Do policies and projects on coastal mangrove management

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