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Mapping land cover change of the coastal area in kien thuy and do son districts hai phong province from 2001 2016

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MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY STUEDENT THESIS MAPPING LAND COVER CHANGE OF THE COASTAL AREA IN KIEN THUY AND DO SON DISTRICTS, HAI PHONG PROVINCE FROM 2001 - 2016 Major: Natural Resources Management Code: D850101 Faculty: Forest Resources and Environmental Management Student: Ho Thi Nhu Quynh Student ID: 1253090028 Class: K57 Natural Resources Management Course: 2012 – 2016 Advanced Education Program Developed in collaboration with Colorado State University, USA Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Tran Quang Bao Ha Noi, October/2016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS With the consent of Vietnam National University of Forestry belonged to Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development faculty, I perform the study: “Mapping land cover change of the coastal area in Kien Thuy and Do Son Districts, Hai Phong Province from 2001 - 2016” With this study, I are extremely grateful for the guidance, advice and the support of many people First, I would like to thank most sincerely and deeply to my mentor – Assoc Prof Dr Tran Quang Bao, who gave helpful advices and strong supports during the implementation and completion of this study Secondly, I also would like to give a big thank to Dr Nguyen Hai Hoa assisted the thesis to collect data and supported for me during fieldwork time The study could not be finished and achieved result without the enthusiastic assistance, friendliness, and hospitality of the local government and residents of two provinces Dai Hop and Bang La, I would like give a big thanks and extreme appreciation to them I also would like to thanks to the teachers of Forest Resources and Environment Management Faculty, my friends and family who always supported and encouraged me to perform and complete the study Because of the limited study duration as well as lacking awareness and knowledgewe are looking forward to receiving the comments, evaluation and feedback of teachers and friends to raise the quality of study and improve not only the professional knowledge but also the lacking skills of me in this study I sincerely thank you! ABSTRACT Mangrove forests are among the most important and productive of ecosystems, provide habitat for wildlife and play an important role in coastal zones, which appear in the inter-tidal zones along the coast in the tropical and semi-tropical regions, (Wolandski, Brinson et al, 2009; Tuan, Oanh et al, 2002) Monitoring the change of land cover, the method to identify which area covert mangrove forest to other land covers, is the more increasingly wide application in health of mangrove investigation The main objective of the thesis was mapping land cover change of coastal mangrove in study site during the period of 2001-2007 and 20072016 Compared two techniques, which are Supervised Classification and Normalized Different Vegetation Index (NDVI), get the higher accuracy for mapping and monitoring land cover change in study area NDVI has the higher precision, around 87.6% (81.6% for Supervised Classification), which established land cover map with four classes: mangrove, wetland, water and others (grasses, dykes, road, field and non-identified) The 15-year survey showed an upward trend of the percentage of mangrove area, approximately 380ha (increased 332%) while the proportion of water and wetland area slighly declines approximately 133ha and 179ha, respectively (declined around 43% and 46%, respectively) There are a set of causes, in which one reason of this change is government focuses on mangroves protecting activities and propaganda activities So, mangroves area and quality increases continuously and mangrove allocation policy for local people to manage, protect and obtain benefits from these resources, which increase coastal mangrove forest area but also Final reason is international cooperation with developing countries such as Japan The main solution discussed in this study is efficient participating of the officials in management and protection KEY WORDS Supervised Image Classification, NDVI, Land Cover Change, Mangrove TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRNOYMS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES, STUDY AREA AND METHODOLOGY OBJECTIVES STUDY AREA METHODOLOGY 3.1 Data Sources 3.2 Field survey method 3.4 Monitoring the land cover change of coastal area of study area during the period from 2010 to 2016 11 3.6 Sociological investigation method 13 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 14 SPATIAL STRUCTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF COASTAL MANGROVES 14 1.2 Spatial mangrove structure in Dai Hop commune, Kien Thuy district 15 1.3 Spatial mangrove structure in Bang La commune, Do Son district 16 MAPPING LAND COVER CHANGE 17 QUANTIFICATION OF LAND COVER CHANGE DURING THE PERIOD OF 2001-2016 24 4.1 Monitoring land cover change 24 MAIN KEY DRIVERS OF LAND COVER CHANGE IN HAI PHONG DURING THE PERIOD 2001-2016 AND SOME OF POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS 30 CONCLUSION 33 LIMITATIONS 34 REFERENCES APPENDIX ACRNOYMS GIS Geographic International System GPS Geographic Position System NDVI Normalized Different Vegetation Index TM Thematic Mapper SIC Supervised Image Classification LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: Description of land cover classification used 18 Table 4.2: NDVI’s values of object-based classification in 2016 20 Table 4.3: ASSESSING the accuracy of NDVI in 2016 22 Table 4.4: Assessing the accuracy of Supervised Classification in 2016 22 Table 4.5: Coastal mangrove area at Hai Phong city over time 24 Table 4.6: Changing land cover area of coastal area in Hai Phong from 2001 to 2016 25 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: : Study area: (a) Vietnam map, (b) Hai Phong province, (c) Kien Thuy and Do Son district and coastal mangrove distribution Figure 3.1: Size of sample plot establishment Figure 3.2: Flow chart of methodology for image classification and change mappingUsing Supervised Classification and NDVI mapping land cover change in study area in 2016 In addition, we will take the change detection, which has the highest accuracy to monitor the land cover change over time Figure 4.1: Spatial mangrove distribution in Hai Phong 15 Figure 4.2: Land cover map of Hai Phong coastal area with two techniques: NDVI and Supervised Classification 21 Figure 4.3: Object-based classification in 2016 23 Figure 4.4.1: Land cover map coastal mangroves (a) Land cover in 2001, (b) Land cover in 2007, (c) Land cover in 2016 25 Figure 4.4.2: Mangrove change in Hai Phong during the period of 2001-2007 27 Figure 4.4.3: Mangrove change in Hai Phong during the period of 2007-2016 27 Figure 4.4.4: Mangrove change in Hai Phong during the period of 2001-2016 28 Figure 4.4.5: Chart of land cover changes during 15 year from 2001 to 2016 28 Figure 4.4.6: Land cover change in 2007 and 2016 compared to area in 2001 29 INTRODUCTION The coastal mangrove ecosystem is one of the most productive and biologically important ecosystems, is rich in diversity compared to all ecosystems in the world Mangroves is not provide seafood products and forest products but also help stabilize shorelines and reduce the devastating impact of natural disaster and provide fresh air, limit coastal erosion, saltwater intrusion protection, mitigate the aftermath of the storms, maintain biodiversity (Giri, et al 2007) However, the significantly declining of forest remains in degraded condition (Aizpuru et al 2000; Valiela, et al, 2001) In other hand, the over-exploitation for economic value of intact mangroves is often higher than that of shrimp farming (Balmford et al 2002) – and remaining mangrove forest are under immense pressure from clearcutting, encroachment, hydrological alterations, chemical spills, storms and climate change (Blasco et al, 2001) According to the survey of MA, 2005, from 1980 to 2013, the mangrove area of the world was lost 20-35%, Vietnam also lost 80% of the mangrove area Lack of meaningful information about plant health, water content, environmental stress, and other important characteristics are the reason of forest degradation The policy of management and protection mangrove resources has also many lacks of linkage among sectored and studies have not brought specific solutions and practices Such an efficient rehabilitation of situation requires supported by changing mangrove ecosystem research and knowledge (Walters el at, 2008) Hai Phong is one of the coastal provinces in the East-North of Vietnam that has a mangrove area of about 4.742 (in 2012) and the coastline is about 125km length With such natural conditions, Hai Phong is one of the provinces of our country that has the potential development and capacity to protect mangrove resources Doan Dinh Tam and Dinh Thanh Giang in 2010 outlined the awareness of people in coastal resource management as how effects and influences of people to benefit and development of mangroves Along with Quang Ninh, Hai Phong built the planning, restoration and development the mangrove to promote people’s participation in the protection the mangrove Besides that, some pilot programs that were carried out in the local people However with advantages, it seem to having some disadvantages that are unresolved While a long coastline and the mangrove area that distribute along the coastline is very convenient for the development of marine economy, the management is very difficult in the development and protection of the coastal mangrove resources in Hai Phong With the widen application of remote sensing technology widely in people‘s lives today, the use of that technological applications in the scientific reasearch is also widely applied Change detection and vegetable indices are the application of remote sensing and GIS technology which is a powerful tool to help human-being go deeper, discover, describe, identify, supervise and assess the natural resources problems and health in coastal mangrove Various fields have successfully applied the remote sensing technology to fully exploit their advantages such as mapping, surveying the land, forest, environmental management, census, survey and assess the forest, forest classification investigation, land use-cover change, etc For example, agricultural change in Nigeria using a combination of post classification comparison and spectral comparisons between two multispectral scanner images of Pilon et al, 1988, or Castellana et al (2007) showed a new approach to perform change detection analysis based on a combination of supervised and unsupervised techniques Especially in recent years, the remote sensing technology has been a powerful application in the study of issues relate to mangroves such as the mapping of status, investigating the change in forest, assessment study the mangrove environment, forest classification survey For example, Nguyen Hai Hoa et al (2013) assessed spatial-temporal changes in the extent and width - change in adjacent land use, fringe mangroves in Kien Giang Province Or, Hanh Tran et al (2015) performed a study to assess the spatio-temporal dynamics of land use-cover change in a coastal area of Ca Mau Province However the research application of remote sensing and GIS technology to sudy As the result of table 4.5.2 about change area of coastal mangrove in two communes of Hai Phong during period of 2001-2016, the proportion of mangrove area from 2001 to 2007 increased approximately 19% (from 106.02ha to 126.0ha) The figure for others, including grasses, dykes, road, field, non-identified area slight went down, around 15.1% (from 143.28ha in 2001 going down to 121.70ha in 2007) By contrast, the next year, in 2016, the figure for mangrove area remarkable climbs, approximately 332% from 126.0ha in 2007 to 379ha in 2016 The percentage of others class is slight go up around 53%, and that of wetland and water area area fall around 43% and 46%, respectively The 15-year survey sees an upward trend of the percentage of mangrove area, approximately 380ha (increased 332%) while the proportion of water and wetland area mildly declines approximately 133ha and 179ha, respectively (declined around 43% and 46%, respectively) The following figures will show the dynamic of coastal mangrove in three periods: 2001-2007; 2007-2016 and 2001-2016 26 Figure 4.4.2: Mangrove change in Hai Phong during the period of 2001-2007 Figure 4.4.3: Mangrove change in Hai Phong during the period of 2007-2016 27 Figure 4.4.4: Mangrove change in Hai Phong during the period of 2001-2016 Figure 4.4.5: Chart of land cover changes during 15 year from 2001 to 2016 28 Figure 4.4.6: Land cover change in 2007 and 2016 compared to area in 2001 For period from 2007 to 2016 in figure 4.4.5 and 4.4.6 showed that, the coastal mangrove in study site remarkable increase, nearly 400ha, that of just over 106ha in 2001 Whereas, the wetland and water area gradually fall, around 133ha and 179ha declining, respectively, that of approximately 200ha and 400ha in 2001 One reason of this change is government focuses on mangroves protecting activities and propaganda activities, so mangroves area and quality increases continuously Another reason is mangrove allocation policy for local people to manage, protect and obtain benefits from these resources, which does not reduced coastal mangrove forest area but also increase For period from 2001 to 2007 in figure 4.4.5 and 4.4.6 illustrated the change of land cover in study site There is a steady fluctuation in this period, around 19% increasing for mangrove, and just over 15% and 1% for others and water, respectively This period is the beginning of mangrove plantation supported by the central government through the 327 Program (now 661 Program) and the project of the Danish Red Cross (1997) Another reason of this land cover change is awareness of local residents about benefit’s mangrove ecosystem, natural resource management and protection, which is lack and limited 29 MAIN KEY DRIVERS OF LAND COVER CHANGE IN HAI PHONG DURING THE PERIOD 2001-2016 AND SOME OF POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Main key drivers According to the research results, in the period of 2001 – 2016 mangroves area in research area has an increasing trend The reasons are enhanced management policies, recovery mangroves activities and the exploitation is associated to conservation activities For example, forest management model based on the community (VAFS - Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences), the final phase of project 661 and investment of Japanese guiding for conservation and planning project in 1997 Besides it, having solution for problems about modifiable use target, population pressure, livelihood of local people, global warming, sea level rise, and natural disaster For example, raising awareness of local people, improving sea dyke, conservation activities are implemented coordination between the Youth Union of commune and ranger department Enhancement of International cooperation in sustainable management of coastal wetland is one of the most significant drivers in coastal mangrove area Hai Phong city Promoting and enhanced international cooperation on conservation and sustainable development is encouraged According to survey of the study, when one person want to exploit non-timber forest products, including flowers, fruit, shrimp, and seafood, have to have require of the competent authority deciding from local government It is one of significant driver for planning, plans, ensuring minimal disruption to the protection function The application of advanced technology in the management and monitoring of forest resources, which are GIS, remote sensing, Coastal Protection Forest unit, researching, projects, are improve and directly enhanced the important role of coastal mangrove ecosystem 30 to local resident, and this also confirm the essential role of the people in the management and protection of mangrove forests Solutions From the land cover changes mentioned above, we offered some solutions for sustainable development of coastal area in study site of Hai Phong city Encouraged investment policy support In recent years, the Party and State's attention, the district is now developing a new business model that is growing vegetables for export to foreign countries such as Japan However, this type of model is only applicable to small-scale, retail, and is not science Should apply the garden pond model barn, to be able to make good use of the area as well as maximizing the economic efficiency of the sector, or large-scale expansion, according to planning and long-term development rather style of small, spontaneous current Calling for investment and support domestic and foreign sources, for example, expand the partnership, calling for investment in forestry activities Communication solutions Increasing propagating on mass media, which are newspaper, radio, television, about climate change and its impacts, the role of mangroves and coastal protection forest in mitigating coastal erosion and other damages caused by natural disasters In addition, propagating and educating people about the role of forests for humanity and the living environment, especially the young generation Organizing seminars on issues related to mangroves Training specialized staff, organizing training courses for commune units in the area about construction methods and deployment coastal livelihoods models in order to improve the income of the people on mangroves to contribute instrumental in the protection and development of mangroves 31 Science and Technology solutions Continue implementing applied researches and technology transfer of forest tree seeds for coastal forest lands: Promote scientific breeding techniques, research a number of casuarina and mangrove species that have many branches and developed root systems to improve protection against storms, waves, fix and protect soil, create groundwater resource Appling information technology into management and monitoring changes in forest resources processes for coastal protection forest Agricultural and forestry encouraging activity Promoting advances in forestry science and technology; training to improve the ability, planting skills, tending and protection, fire and pest prevention; developing models to apply science and technology advances for universal replication; building models for sustainable forest management by rules and conventions to help the communities to join 32 CONCLUSION In conclusion, the study was answer four questions respond four objectives One of four objectives was investigated spatial distribution and structure of mangrove in the study area of Hai Phong city, which include main mangrove species: Kandelia obovata and Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl The main land cover types identified in the study site are mangrove, wetland, water and others (including grasses, dykes, road, shrub and nonidentified) from that mapping land cover change by two techniques: Supervised Classification and NDVI With the higher accuracy about 87.6%, NDVI was chosen the technique for monitoring land cover change over time from 2001 to 2016 For period from 2007 to 2016 in figure 4.4.5 and 4.4.6 showed that, the coastal mangrove in study site remarkable increase, nearly 400ha Whereas, the wetland and water area gradually fall, around 133ha and 179ha declining, respectively For period from 2001 to 2007 showed a steady fluctuation in this period, around 19% increasing for mangrove, and just over 15% and 1% for others and water, respectively The information of sociological investigation and document material indicated that human, including the authorizes, local people, visitors are contributed mainly drivers of land cover change in study site Also, the policy and the international cooperation with other countries are the most important drivers for change in coastal mangrove land cover in Hai phong, especially Japan mangrove plantation projects Therefore, the main solutions in the thesis focus on encourage and improve protecting mangrove policies 33 LIMITATIONS Study has achieved some significant results, but there are still some exist as follows: - The scope of the research is quite wide, so we could be missed some of mangroves area, especially where is near the sea - The limited forest inventory parameters over the years and the documents should not assess overall health of mangrove forest - Limited documentation, parameters estimated mangroves and lack, Landsat image is not clear, so we have not assessed status of mangroves in general - When we surveyed also having some problems like bad weather, low satellites, interference, difficult terrain, health investigators are not good, so that research results are not high 34 REFERENCES Peng Gong, Ruiliang Pu, Greg S Biging, and Mirta Rosa Larrieu, 2003 Estimation of forest leaf area index suding vegetation indices derived fromhyperion Hyperspectral data IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, vol., 41, no.6, June 2003 Huete, A.R.; Justice C MODIS vegetation index (MOD13) algorithm theoretical basis document Ver 3, 1999 Bunkei Matsushita, Wei Yang, Jin Chen, Yuyichi Onda, and Guoyu Qiu, 2007 Sensitivity of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Normalized Difference vegetation Index (NDVI) to topographic effects: A case study in high-density cypress forest Sensors 2007, 7, 2636-2651 Korhonen, L., Korhonen, K.T., Rautiainen, M & Stenberg, P 2006 Estimation of forest canopy cover: a comparison of field measurement techniques Silva Fennica 40(4): 577 - 588 Giles M Foody 2002 Status of land cover classification accuracy assessment Department of Geography, University of Southampton, highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK Remote Sensing of Environment 80 (2002) 185-201) Aizpuru, M., Achard, F & Blasco, F (2000) Global assessment of cover change of the mangrove forest using satellite imagery at medium to high resolution EEC research project no 15017-1999-05 FIED ISP FR Joint Research Center, Ispra Blasco, F., Aizpuru, M & Gers, C (2001) Depletion of the mangroves of Continental Asia Wetlands Ecology and Management, 9, 245–256 Aschbacher, A., Giri, C., Ofren, R., Tiangco, P.N., Suselo, T.B., Vibulsresth, S & Charrupat, T (1994) Tropical mangrove vegetation mapping using advanced remote sensing and GIS technology (main report) Asian Institute of Technology, National Research Council of Thailand, Royal Forest Department, and UNEP-GRID, Bangkok Giri, C., Pengra, B., Zhu, Z., Singh, A & Tieszen, L (2007) Monitoring mangrove forest dynamics of the Sundarbans in Bangladesh and India using multi-temporal satellite data from 1973–2000 Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 73, 91–100 11 10 Valiela, I., Bowen, J.L & York, J.K (2001) Mangrove forests: one of the world’s threatened major tropical environments BioScience, 51, 807–815 11 Bishop, Y.,Fienberg, S., and Holland, P (1975), Discrete Multivariate Analysis – Theory and practice, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 575 pp 12 Xiong Liu, 20, Supervised Classification and Unsupervised Classification ATS 670 Class Project 13 N Barkr, D.C Weindorf, M.H Bahnassy, S.M Marei, M.M El-Badawi, 2010, Monitoring land cover changes in a newly reclaimed area of Egyptusing multitemporal Landsat data Appilied Geography 30 (2010) 592-605 14 Song, C., Woodcork, C E., Seto, K C., Pax lenney, M., &Macomber, S.A 2001 Classification and change detection using Landsat TM data: when and how to correct atmosphere effects? Remote Sensing of Environment, 75(2), 230-244 15 Singh, A 1989 Digital change detection techniques using remotely-sensed data International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10(6), 989-1003 16 Hai-Hoa, N (2014) The relation of coastal mangrove changes and adjacent land-use: A review in Southeast Asia and Kien Giang, Vietnam Ocean and Coastal Management 90:1-10 17 Nguyen Quoc Khanh et al (2008) Research and application of remote sensing and GIS technology build a map of the current state of natural resources serving planning provincial environmental protection Natural Resources and Environment Ministry 18 Tran Thi Bich Thuy (2013).Using remote sensing technology assessment the dynamic of environmental mangrove in Beach Mac-Dinh Vu Family, Hai Phong 19 Do Minh Phuong, Le Thi Kim Hoa, Le Duc Hoang (2014) Application remote sensing to map vegetation land-cover in Nghe An province 20 Tran Dinh Lan, Do Thi Thu Huong, and Cao Thi Thu Trang (2014) Assessment of Natural Resources Use for Sustainable Development - DPSIR Framework for Case Studies in Hai Phong and Nha Trang, Vietnam 21 Nguyen Xuan Trung Hieu (2013) Application remote sensing and GIS to establish mapping dynamic of vegetation land-cover in Hue city 22 Le Dai Ngoc (2013) Composite color to interpretation of Landsat satellite image editing topographic maps at 1: 250,000 23 Quoc Tuan Vo,.et al., (2013) Remote sensing in Mapping Mangrove Ecosystems – An Object-Based Approach Remote sensing 2013, ,183-201; doi:10.3390/rs5010183, ISSN 2072-4292, 24 Vũ Đoàn Thái (2012), Tác dụng rừng ngập mặn đến bồi tụ đáy vùng ven bờ Bàng La (Đồ Sơn, Hải Phịng), Tạp chí Khoa học Cơng nghệ biển, Đại học Hải Phòng APPENDIX A \ APPENDIX B COASTAL MANGROVE MANAGEMENT SURVEY Number sign: … I General information: Interviewer: Name: Interviewer: Name: Age: Job: Gender: Address: II Contents: Part 1: Assessment and awareness of local people about coastal mangroves When did the mangrove plantation project have? Which was government or foreign organization proposes and fund that project? Who were involved in plantation mangroves in this project? How long did the project take to complete? Since then, has the coastal mangrove protection managed closely? After had mangroves, how it influence to local people? + Is it good or bad, why? Part 2: Policies of government and locality about coastal mangrove management before and during the period 2001-2016 History and contents of coastal mangroves management policies: Time.period Before 2001 2001 - present Policies Name of Organization: Do Projects/supports bring any effectiveness? Yes  No  Why not? Do the local administration held activities, which enhance awareness of local people about coastal mangroves management policies, annually? Yes  No  ... 4.4.1: Land cover map coastal mangroves (a) Land cover in 2001, (b) Land cover in 2007, (c) Land cover in 2016 Table 4.6: Changing land cover area of coastal area in Hai Phong from 2001 to 2016 Change. .. mangrove in study area - Quantification the land cover of coastal mangroves in Kien Thuy and Do Son Districts, Hai Phong City during the period from 2001 to 2016 - Identifying the key drivers of land. .. collected data and documents for mapping land cover change in the study area After determining the accuracy of mapping, the thesis conducted the thematic mapping fluctuation the study area over time

Ngày đăng: 23/06/2021, 17:08

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Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
1. Peng Gong, Ruiliang Pu, Greg S. Biging, and Mirta Rosa Larrieu, 2003. Estimation of forest leaf area index suding vegetation indices derived fromhyperion Hyperspectral data. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, vol., 41, no.6, June 2003 Khác
2. Huete, A.R.; Justice C. MODIS vegetation index (MOD13) algorithm theoretical basis document. Ver. 3, 1999 Khác
3. Bunkei Matsushita, Wei Yang, Jin Chen, Yuyichi Onda, and Guoyu Qiu, 2007. Sensitivity of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Normalized Difference vegetation Index (NDVI) to topographic effects: A case study in high-density cypress forest. Sensors 2007, 7, 2636-2651 Khác
4. Korhonen, L., Korhonen, K.T., Rautiainen, M. & Stenberg, P. 2006. Estimation of forest canopy cover: a comparison of field measurement techniques. Silva Fennica 40(4):577 - 588 Khác
5. Giles M. Foody 2002. Status of land cover classification accuracy assessment. Department of Geography, University of Southampton, highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK.Remote Sensing of Environment 80 (2002) 185-201) Khác
6. Aizpuru, M., Achard, F. & Blasco, F. (2000) Global assessment of cover change of the mangrove forest using satellite imagery at medium to high resolution. EEC research project no. 15017-1999-05 FIED ISP FR. Joint Research Center, Ispra Khác
7. Blasco, F., Aizpuru, M. & Gers, C. (2001) Depletion of the mangroves of Continental Asia. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 9, 245–256 Khác
8. Aschbacher, A., Giri, C., Ofren, R., Tiangco, P.N., Suselo, T.B., Vibulsresth, S. &amp Khác
9. Giri, C., Pengra, B., Zhu, Z., Singh, A. & Tieszen, L. (2007) Monitoring mangrove forest dynamics of the Sundarbans in Bangladesh and India using multi-temporal satellite data from 1973–2000. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 73, 91–100. 11 Khác
10. Valiela, I., Bowen, J.L. & York, J.K. (2001) Mangrove forests: one of the world’s threatened major tropical environments. BioScience, 51, 807–815 Khác
11. Bishop, Y.,Fienberg, S., and Holland, P. (1975), Discrete Multivariate Analysis – Theory and practice, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 575 pp Khác
12. Xiong Liu, 20, Supervised Classification and Unsupervised Classification. ATS 670 Class Project Khác
13. N. Barkr, D.C. Weindorf, M.H. Bahnassy, S.M. Marei, M.M. El-Badawi, 2010, Monitoring land cover changes in a newly reclaimed area of Egyptusing multi- temporal Landsat data. Appilied Geography 30 (2010) 592-605 Khác
14. Song, C., Woodcork, C. E., Seto, K. C., Pax lenney, M., &Macomber, S.A. 2001. Classification and change detection using Landsat TM data: when and how to correct atmosphere effects? Remote Sensing of Environment, 75(2), 230-244 Khác
15. Singh, A. 1989. Digital change detection techniques using remotely-sensed data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10(6), 989-1003 Khác
16. Hai-Hoa, N (2014). The relation of coastal mangrove changes and adjacent land-use: A review in Southeast Asia and Kien Giang, Vietnam. Ocean and Coastal Management 90:1-10 Khác
17. Nguyen Quoc Khanh et al (2008). Research and application of remote sensing and GIS technology build a map of the current state of natural resources serving planning provincial environmental protection. Natural Resources and Environment Ministry Khác
18. Tran Thi Bich Thuy (2013).Using remote sensing technology assessment the dynamic of environmental mangrove in Beach Mac-Dinh Vu Family, Hai Phong Khác
19. Do Minh Phuong, Le Thi Kim Hoa, Le Duc Hoang (2014). Application remote sensing to map vegetation land-cover in Nghe An province Khác
20. Tran Dinh Lan, Do Thi Thu Huong, and Cao Thi Thu Trang (2014). Assessment of Natural Resources Use for Sustainable Development - DPSIR Framework for Case Studies in Hai Phong and Nha Trang, Vietnam Khác


