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UNIT 3: AT HOME Period 16: Lesson 5: C1,2,3,4 P 38, 39 A/ Aims: Help Ss practise in reading a text about a family to understand the details and talk about jobs B/ Objectives: After the l[r]

(1)english Preparing day : 19/ 8/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 21/ 6B: T1 – 23/ A/ AIMS: period : introduction —&– - Help Ss to know how to use the student ‘s book and workbook of English - Present the themes and 16 units in English - Give Ss some methods to learn English B/ TEACHING AIDS; - Text books and workbooks C/ procedure: I/ Structure of the book : - This book consists of 16 unit Each of unit has it’s topic and each of topic has smaller topics - One unit has part A - B and C There are about from to periods for each unit - After each of unit having a remembering part to consolidate the knowledge of all A - B - C - From to unit we have a language review to review the vocabulary from to 16 - Pictures in the book is very clear and beautiful they help pupil learn new words effectively - The exercises are very plentiful: listening, speaking, reading, writing to develop all skill - At the end of the text book is Grammar ( p 176) and Glossary (p.190), help Ss to learn gramar and vocabbrary II/ How to learn well : - Besides the book, we have workbook that consists of exercises pupil must at home - They have to all the exercises that teacher give - Ask friends or teacher all the words, grammar parts that they have not understood yet - Ss have to learn vocabulary and structures by heart - Practice speaking, reading, writing English every day - Prepare new lession at home before to class * homework: Prepare new lession Unit A1,2,3,4 (p.10, 11) Preparing day : 20/ 8/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 22/ 8; 6B: T4 – 25/ Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 1: GREETINGS Period 2: Lesson 1: A1-A4 (P10-11) (2) —&– A/ Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “Hi / Hello, I’m… / My name’s…“ to practice greeting people and introduce themselves & number 0-5 B/ Language contents: Vocabulary: Hello hi name am is Structures: - Hello/ Hi - I am… - My name is… C/ Teaching aids: Ss: Text book, work book T: Lesson plan, tape, cassette, wordcards D/ Procedue: Contents Teacher’s activities * Warm up - Ask Ss to look at The Ss are meeting each other on the the picture 1( P 10) first day of new school year What and introduce are they doing? How are they greeting? *PRESENTATION -Use the picture and Pre-teach situation to Modal sentences introduce new - Greeting : Hello/ Hi words - Introduce one’s name : I’m + name, My name + name -Elicits the Dialogue Build dialogue a Lan: Hi! I’m [Lan] -Reads in model Nga: Hi! I’m [Nga] -Gives feedback b Ba: Hello! I’m [Ba] Nam: Hello! I’m [Nam] c Lan: Hello! My name is Lan Ba: Hi! My name is Ba *PRACTICE: A4 – P11 a/ I am… b/ My name is… *PRESENTATION -Introduces the Pre - teach number by using Oh = Two = Four = examples One = Three=3 Five = -Write them on BB Rub out and Remember -Check vocabulary Slap the board *PRACTICE Dictation -Three, five, four, oh, two, one -Four–five–three, three–two-oh, three-five-two, three-two-five-one Word Cue Drill Student’s activities Look at the picture, listen to T, then answer the questions -Listen -Repeat in chorus and individual -Copy down -Listen & repeat -Practice in closed pairs -Practise in open pairs -Listen & repeat -Copy down -Say the numbers & write -Guides how to play -Play game in groups -Read these numbers clearly -Correct their mistakes -Write 3, 5, 4, … 453, 321,…in paper -Write the numbers (3) Quang Ninh 033 Da Nang 0511 Hue 054 Ha Noi 04 Hai Phong 031 EX: S1: Quang Ninh , please! S2: Oh – three – three *PRACTICE: Guessing Games: EX: S1: Oh-three-three? S2:Yes! * Consolidation : P : Practice with each other : Greeting and introduce their name * Home works - Practice the lesson at home with your partners - Do exercises prom to page (4, 5) in workbook on BB -Ticks the card on BB -Repeat -Gives examples and modelling Practice in pairs Guides & gives the examples -Use the Word Cue Drill to practice based on the example exchange - Aks Ss to practice in pairs - Work in pairs - Gives homework - Write homework Preparing day : 23/ 8/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 25/ 8; 6B: T4 – 27/ Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 1: GREETINGS (4) Period 3: Lesson 2: A5-A8 (P12-13) —&– A/ Aims: Help Ss practise “How are you? I’m fine, thanks” to greet each other & numbers  10 B/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “How are you? I’m fine, thanks” to greet each other & numbers 10 C/ Teaching aids: textbook, workbook, cassette D/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities *PRESENTATION -Elicits by examples -Listen & repeat in Pre-teach: & situation chorus & individual Fine, thanks, Miss, Mr -Write words on BB -Copy down Rub out & Remember dialogue A5 -Writes the dialogue -Practice in closed P12 on BB pairs Model sentences How are you? I’m fine, thanks! -Gives model -Practise in open *PRACTICE: sentences pairs A6 &A7 (P12-13) *REVITION: Jumbled words -Writes jumbled -1 or Ss go the BB wto = two rofu = four words on BB -Write the correct atrhe = three eno = one &guides words ifev = five ho = oh *PRESENTATION -Corrects their Pre-teach: mistake -Listen & repeat Six = Eight = Ten = 10 -Introduces by -Copy down Seven = Nice = situations Matching &examples -Look at the BB Six Seven -Write the numbers Practice matching Eight & words on BB Nice -Guides & gives Ten examples *PRACTICE -Let Ss matching Dictation -Listen & write 820 0294 856 5656 7683045 down the telephone 9504432 510 518 -Tell Ss to listen numbers Wordsquare and write down -Look the Five, two, eight, six these telephone wordsquare One, seven, six numbers -Finds the words in Nice, ten, four, one -Ticks the horizontal, vertical, * Home works wordsquare on BB diagonal, - Practice the lesson at home -Guides & gives backwards with your partners examples - Do exercises (page 5) in workbook (5) Preparing day : 24/ 8/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 29/ 8; 6B: T1 – 30/ Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 1: GREETINGS Period 4: Lesson 3: B1-B6 (P14-16) —&– A/ Aims: Help Ss practise ”Good morning/afternoon…” to greet each other, “We’re…” to talk about “us” and numbers 11-15 B/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use what they’ve learned C/ Teaching aids: : textbook, workbook, cassette C/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities (6) * warm up - Do exercises (page 5) in workbook - Write numbers: 1- 10 *PRESENTATION Pre-teach: B1-2 (P14-15) Goodmorning / afternoon /evening Good night Good bye / Bye Children Presentation Dialogue B3 (P15) *PRACTICE: Picture Drill 14:00 : 00 18:00 7+5 10+2 5+6 6+8 4+1 EX: S1: Seven and eight? S2: Fifteen *FURTHER PRACTICE: Ordering Vocabulary: Six, twelve, two, five, thirteen, oh, eight, eleven, four, fourteen, ten, seven, fifteen, one, three, nice * Home works - Practice the lesson at home with your partners - Do exercises prom to page (6, 7) in workbook - Do exercise -Elicits by examples -Listen & repeat in & situation chorus & individual -Write words on BB -Copy down -Reads the dialogue -Listen -Shows the pictures -Practise the structure by the pictures -Guides Ss to practice 22:00 EX: S1: Good [morning] S2: Good [morning] Written exercise: B4 (P16) *PRESENTATION Pre-teach Eleven=11 twelve=12 thirteen=13 Fourteen =14 fifteen = 15 *PRACTICE Picture Drill 7+8 - Call Ss to the exercises -Practise in closed pairs -Practise in open pairs -Gives example exchange on BB -Lets Ss exercise B4 -Elicits by examples & situation -Write words on BB -Complete the dialogue -Listen & repeat -Write these on BB -Guides Ss to practice -Read & exercises -Practise in pairs -Copy down -Gives example -Read these numbers -Write numbers 015 in their notebooks -Listen & put order the numbers - Gives and guildes Ss to homework at home -Listen and take notes (7) Preparing day : 28/ 8/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 1/ 9; 6B: T4 – 1/ Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 1: GREETINGS Period 5: Lesson 4:C1,2 (P 17) —&– A/ Aims: Help Ss practise counting number 1-20 B/ Objectives: After the lesson, Ss will be able to write and count number from to 20 C/ Teaching aids: Textbook, workbook, cassette C/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities (8) *PRESENTAION: Pre-teach C1 –2 (P17) Sixteen = 16 Nineteen = 19 Seventeen = 17 Twenty = 20 Eighteen = 18 *PRACTICE: Pelmanism: Seventeen 16 Sixteen -Introduce number by situations &example -Models & writes them on BB -Shows the pictures on BB -Guides Ss how to 17 18 19 16 20 -See pictures -Practise -Divide into groups Slap the board 15 -Listen & repeat in chorus & individual -Copy down 17 11 -Writes the numbers on BB -Guides Ss how to -Asks Ss to remind the numbers -Reads: 10 19 15 20 11 14 03 16 17 12 18 13 *FURTHER PRACTICE Bingo: C5 (P19) Numbers 0-20 * Home works - Practice writing and counting - Gives and guildes Ss to homework number from to 20 at home ( learn by heart) - Do exercises prom to page ( 7,8) in workbook -Play the game -Choose any numbers & writes on the papers -Listen and take notes Preparing day : 1/ 9/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 4/ 9; 6B: T4 – 3/ Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 1: GREETINGS Period 6: Lesson :C3, 4, 5,,6 (P 18, 18) —&– I/Aims: Help Ss practise “How old are you?” to talk about age & contrast with “How are you”, Further practice in numbers 1-20 II/ Objectives: After the lesson, Ss will be able to use “How old are you?” to talk about age III/ Teaching aids: Wordcards, cassette IV/ Procedure Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities (9) * Warm up - Do exersie , page ( 7,8) in workbook - count number from to 20 - Clls Ss to the exercises - Do exercise and counting number from to 20 - Listen and take notes *PRENSENTATION Presentation Dialogue C3 (P18) Model Sentences -How old are you? -I’m [eleven] *PRACTICE Picture Drill 12 20 19 11 18 13 -Contrasts “How old are you? With How are you?” -Ticks the pictures on the BB -Lets Ss reread the numbers -Reread the -Gives the numbers structures on the BB -Models -Practise in closed pairs 15 EX: Ss1: How old are you? Ss2: I’m[twelve / twenty / …] Word Cue Drill C4 (P19) *FURTHER PRACTICE: Bingo: C5 (P19) Numbers 0-20 -Practise in open pairs -Asks Ss to remind the numbers -Reads: 10 19 15 20 11 14 03 16 17 12 18 13 Choose any numbers & writes on the papers -Use the cards from lesson Pelmanism Jumbled words Tgieh = Treniteh = Lewtev = Neelve = -Practise ytwnet = etrenouf = eevsn = ientenen = Bingo C5 (P19) Numbers 0-20 Dictation and Picture Cue Drill 04 821 4076 054 845 832 091 34 33565 0511 82 66 99 08 557 1313 0240 853 199 EX: What’s your numbers? [oh-five-one-one, eight-two, six-six, nice-nice] *PRODUCTION: Survey -Writes these words on BB -Guides how to -Reads:10 19 15 20 11 14 16 17 12 18 13 -Reads these telephone numbers clearly -Writes the correct words -Choose numbers -Writes the telephone numbers -Gives the example on the BB -Practise -Draws the table on the BB -Copy down (10) Name Hoa -Guides how to fill in the information Telephone number 033 612 300 Example Exchange: S1: What’s your name? S2: [Hoa] S1: What’s your number? S2: [033 612 300] * Home works - Practice structures ( learn by heart) - Do exercises 3,4 page ( 8, 9, 10) in workbook Preparing day : 3/ 9/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 –5 / ( chiÒu) 6B: T1 – 6/ Total: 6A: 22 6B: 22 Out: 6A: 6B: -Introduce & fill in the blanks -Gives the model sentences - Practise in pairs - Gives and guildes Ss to homework at home -Listen and take notes UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL Period 7: Lesson 1: A1-4 (P 20- 22) —&– A/Aims: Help Ss practise classroom imperatives to understand the teacher’s commands B/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the teacher’s commands by classroom imperatives C/ Teaching aids: textbooks, workbooks, cassette D/ Proceduces: Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities *REVISION: -Guides how to -Play the game Noughts & Crosses play -Divide class into 9-5 20 – 10 + -Draws the table groups (11) 17 + 6+5 8:4 3-3 6x3 5+3 *PRESENTATION: Pre-teach: -(to) come in -(to) sit down # (to) stand up -(to) open your book # (to)close Slap the board Ngồi Ði Đóng sách lại Mở sách Đứng Presentation Text: A1 (P20) *PRACTICE: Matching: A2 (P91) Mime Drill Simon Says: A3 (P22) *FURTHER PRACTICE: Mapped Dialogue: on the BB -Give the words -Uses the pictures, exam, mime, to present new words -Models -Writes -Writes the on the BB -Guides how to play -Says the words in English -Repeat in chorus and individual -Divide class into groups -Slap the board -Practise -Present the text -Mimes these commands -Says these commands -Shows the mapped dialogue on the BB -Practise -Guides how to complete the dialogue -Practise in pairs *CONCLUSION: Remember: A4 – p.22 - Repeat the structures - Listen and remember * HOMEWORK: - Practice structures ( learn by heart) - Do exercises A1,2 page ( 11) in workbook - Gives and guildes -Listen and take Ss to homework notes at home Miss Hoa Children …… morning! …….morning, Miss Hoa! How… ? We’re…How…? Fine…Sit  Yes, Miss! Open your Yes, Miss! -Complete the dialogue (12) Preparing day : 6/ 9/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 8/ 6B: T4 – 8/ Total: 6A: 22 6B: 22 Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL Period 8: Lesson 2: B1,2,3 (P 23- 24) —&– A/ Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “Where you live?” question & answer to talk about the places Ask and answer about names, how to spell the alphabets B/ Language contents: Vocabulary: what, where, street, house, city, live, the alphabets Structures: - What ‘s your name? My name ‘s … - Where you live? I live on/ in/ at … C/ Teaching aids: T: Wordcards, tape and cassette, text book P: textbook and workbook D/ Procedure: Contents *PRIVISION Simon says Teacher’s activities -Says the commands Student’s activities -Practise (13) *PRESENTATION Pre-teach (to) live (in) a house (on) a street (in) a city what where Presentation Dialogue B1 (P23) Model Sentences A : What ‘s your name ? B : My name ‘s Nam A: Where you live? B: I live on Tran Phu Street *PRACTICE Word Cue Drill a city Ha Noi Le Loi Street a house *PRODUCTION Survey (Ask & fill in information about three others) Street -Listen & repeat -Shows some word cues & guides to drill -Repeat words -Models -Repeat -Gives examples Practise in pairs -Copy down -Match words in the left column with ones in the right column -Practise the dialogue & model sentences in pairs HCMC Example Exchange: S1: Where you live? S2: On [Le Loi Street] in [HCMC] Name -Introduces new words -Writes words on the board -Writes words & pictures on BB -Presents dialogue & give model sentences -Draw the table on BB -Copy down -Guides how to fill in information Each students asks & fill in information about others -Gives examples City -Listen & Repeat -Copy down *PRESENTATION A B C D E F G H I J K LMN O P Q R S T UVW XY Z Shark Attack (house) _ _ _ _ _ (street) _ _ _ _ _ _ (open) _ _ _ _ (close) _ _ _ _ _ (goodbye) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bingo Fill in any letters from the alphabet *HOMEWORK - Learn new words, structures and the -Teaches the alphabet -Models -Writes on the BB -Divide into groups -Guides the games -Draw the pictures -Gives the lines -Reads: a e i o u x z b gwlqstymcrxfd jnkhpv - Gives homework -Choose any letters -Listen & fill in - Write homework in your notebook (14) alphabets - Do exercise 1, 2, 3, ( P 12, 13) in workbook - Prepare Unit – B 4,5,6 (P25) Preparing day : 8/ 9/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 11/ 6B: T4 – 10/ Total: 6A: 22 6B: 22 Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL Period 9: Lesson 3: B4, 5, (P 25) —&– A/ Aims: Help Ss practise “What’s your name?” & “How you spell it?” with the alphabet (a - z) to talk about students’ name B/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “What’s your name?” & “ How you spell it?” C/ Teaching aids: Pictures and cassettes D/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities *PRIVISION -Reviews the lesson Write-it-up (Survey from L2) Rub out & Remember Dialogue B4 (P25) -Guides -Listen & Repeat Model Sentences -Gives the model -Practise in pairs -What’s your name? sentences -How you spell it? *PRACTICE Word Cue Drill Tuấn Hải Example Exchange S1: What’s your name? Hà -Gives some word cues & examples -Models -Gives example exchange -Guides to practise -Ss write their own names on cards to make the cues for the drill -Practise in pairs (15) S2: [Gives real name] S1: How you spell it? S2: [Gives real spelling] Written Exercise B5 (P25) Lucky numbers How old are you? LUCKY NUMBER! Where you live? What’s your name? LUCKY NUMBER! How you spell you name? What’s the name of your city? How you spell it? LUCKY NUMBER! What’s your street’s name? How you spell it? 10 How are you? Noughts & Cross Lan 12 Street H-OFine,thanks 13 A-I Hue Thuong VietNam EX: S1: What’s your name? S2: Lan etc *HOMEWORK: - Make dialogues as A4 (P 25) - Answer the questions about you ( A5 – P 25) - Do exercise 5,6 ( P 13 in workbook) - Prepare Unit – C1,2 (P 26 -> 28) -Gives the questions -Draws the table -Guides how to play Lucky Numbers -Divides class into groups, each group chooses questions & answers it -Answer the question -See the table -Choose the any numbers, listen the questions & answer them -Draws the table on BB -Guides how to -Copy down -Gives examples -Divides into groups Gives homework Write your homework (16) Preparing day : 10/ 9/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 12/ 6B: T1 – 13/ Total: 6A: 22 6B: 22 Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL Period 10: Lesson 4: C1,2 (P 26, 27, 28) —&– A/ Aims: Help Ss practise “This/That” positive statements & YES/NO questions to talk about people & things at school B/ Objectives: After the lesson, Ss will be able to use “This/That” positive statements & YES/NO questions C/ Teaching aids: Wordcards, Pictures, cassette D/ Procedure: Time Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities *REVISON Jumpled Words veeingn= evening eshuo=house lleho = hello teethirn=thirteen treets = street mnea=name yict = city ndstapu = stand *PRESENTATION Pre-teach Matching Student trường học Teacher cái bàn học School học sinh Class thầy, cô giáo Desk lớp học Presentation C1 (P26-27) Model Sentences This is That is my desk school -Puts the jumbled words on the cards -Ticks them on BB Calls students to go to the BB -See the jumbled words -Go to the BB& write the correct words -Presents new words -Models (3 times) -Write words on BB -Listen -Repeat in chorus & individual -Copy down -Presents the dialogue -Listen -Gives the model -Repeat sentences on BB -Explain form, usage, -Copy down meaning,… (17) Is this your class?  Yes it is / No, it isn’t *PRACTICE Picture Drill (P26-27) Example Exchange S1: Is that your school? S2: No, it isn’t Realia Drill Example Exchange S1: Is this your [desk]? S2: Yes, it is -Gives how to answer -Practise in pairs individual -Uses the pictures P26-27 again -Supplies the example exchange -Shows the real things in class room -Models -Gives examples -See the pictures to practise in pairs Presentation C2 ( P.28) Picture Drill to Pre-teach Vocabulary a door a pen a window a ruler a board a school bag a clock an eraser a pencil a waste basket *PRACTCE -Models (3times) -Writes words on BB -Listen -Repeat in chorus and individual -Copy down -Puts the wordsquare on the card -Ticks it on BB -Give the topic of the words & the amount of words -Work in pairs to find the words in wordsquare -Write the words that to find on the table, the group has the amount of words more in winner Wordsquare W O D N I W P E N C I L E D E S K R N D O O R U S C H O O L C L O C K E E R A S E R X D R A O B * Homework: - Learn new words and structures - Do exercice 1,2,3 ( P.14, 15) in workbook - Prepare Unit – C3,4 (P 29) -Ask & answer based on the examples Gives homework Write your homework (18) Preparing day : 12/ 9/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 15/ 6B: T4 – 15/ Total: 6A: 22 6B: 22 Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL Period 11: Lesson 5: C3,4 (P 29) —&– I/ Aims: Help Ss practise “What’s this/that?” “It’s a/an…” to talk about things in classroom II/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “What’s this/that?” “It’s a/an…” to talk about things in classroom III/ Teaching aids: texkbook, workbook IV/ Procedures: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * chek up - Do exercice 1,2,3 ( P.14, 15) in workbook - Write new words *PRESENTATION Dialogue Build EX: Class: What’s this? Teacher: It’s a door Class: How you spell it? Teacher: D - O - O – R *FURTHER PRACTICE Lucky number 1.How you spell “DESK”? How you spell “CLASSROOM”? 3.LUCKY NUMBER! How you spell “CLOOK”? How you spell “PENCIL”? 6.How you spell “RULER“? 7.LUCKY NUMBER! 8.How you spell “ERASER”? LUCKY NUMBER! 10 How you spell “WINDOW”? * conclusion - Practice with sentences in C4 Remember * Homework: - Learn new words and structures - Do exercice ( P 15) in -Uses pictures to present dialogue -Practise spelling the vocabulary -Divides the class into groups -Divide into groups -Answer the questions by practice spelling the vocabulary -Draws the number table on BB -Guides how to play - Guides Ss to practice - Work in pairs - Gives homework - Write your (19) workbook - Prepare Unit – A1,2 (P 30,31) homework Preparing day : 15/ 9/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 18/ 6B: T4 – 17/ Total: 6A: 22 UNIT 3: AT HOME Period 12: Lesson 1: A1, (P 30, 31)) 6B: 22 Out: 6A: 6B: A/ Aims: Help Ss practise “WH” questions with (This/That)These/Those and living room vocabulary to talk about things in the house B/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can use ”WH” questions with “This/ That/ These/ Those” and living room vocabulary C/Teaching aids: Pictures, wordcards D/ Procedue: Contents Teacher’s activities -Introduces new words by pictures *PRESENTATION Pre-teach A1 (P31) Student’s activities -See the pictures to give words Matching A lamp A bookshelf A chair A couch An arm chair A table A clock A stool *VOCABULARY PRACTICE Slap the board/ What & Where A bookshelf An armchair The living room A telephone A stool A lamp A TV A stereo *PRESENTATION Model sentences What’s this?  It’ a table that? Chair What are these?They are tables those? Chairs * Notes: The singular noun + s/ es -> the plural noun Singular nouns end by o, s, x, ch, sh + es -> the plural -Writes words & draws pictures on the board -Asks Ss to match the words with the pictures -Models (3 times) -Writes the words -Write the words on BB -Guides how to the game -Presents the text A2 -Supplies the models sentences -Explains how to use & meaning - Explain the singular nouns and -Match the words & pictures to indicate the meaning of words Repeat in chorus and individual -Copy down -See and listen -Practise in groups -Practise -Listen -Practise in pairs -Copy down - Listen and take notes (20) nouns *PRACTICE Picture Drill A2 (P31) S1: What’s this? S2: It’s a… S1: What are those? S2: They are… * FURTHER PRACTICE - Practice with apartner Ask and answer about real things in the class the plural nouns -Uses pictures A2 (P31) -Guides Ss to practise with partner - Ask Ss to practice in pairs -Give the words of the things -Practise in pairs - Work in pairs Ex: S1: What’s this? S2: It’s a book S1: What are those? S2: They are windows - Gives and guides * Homework: - Learn new words and structures Ss to homework - Do exercice 1,2 ( P 17, 18) in workbook - Prepare Unit – A 3-> A6 - Write the homework (21) Preparing day : 17/ 9/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 19/ 9; 6B: T1 – 20/ Total: 6A: 22 6B: 22 Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 3: AT HOME Period 13: Lesson 2: A3, 4, 5, (P 32, 33, 34) A/ Aims: Help Ss practise in family vocabulary, possessive pronouns “my, your, her, his” and “Who’s this/that?” questions to talk about family members B/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use vocabulary, possessive pronouns and “Who’s this/that?” , “How many…?” questions C/ Teaching aids: Wordcardsm, cassette, textbook, worbook D/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities *Warm up: Noughts & Crosses *PRESENTATION Pre-teach My your family His our father/ mother Her their brother / sister Presentation Text Dialogue Build S1:Who’s that? What’s her name? S2:It’s his mother Her name’s Nga - How many people are there in your family? There are four people in my fammily *PRACTICE Word Cue Drill: Nga (35) Lan (40) Ba (45) Ex: S1: Who’s that? S2: That’s his father/mother S1:What’s his name/her name? S2: His/her name’s Ba/Lan *PRODUCTION Describe and Draw S1: Who’s this? What’s his/her name? How old is he/she? S2: It’s my… His/her name’s… He’s/She’s [age] Name Tam Lan Na Age 55 18 -Reviews vocabulary -Play games -Presents new words -Models (5times) -Writes them on BB -Listen -Repeat -Copy down -Presents the text -Gives the dialogue by grid -Read again -Practise - Explains the structures -Listen and take notes -Shows some word cues & guides for drill -Gives example exchange -Make the dialogue by word cues -Describes the person -Draw Ss’ family -Gives examples -Practise in pairs - Asks Ss to practise in pair works -Practise in pairs -Practise in pair works Tuan 13 * About you: (* A5 P 33) a) What is your name? b) How oid are you? c) How many people are there in your family? (22) * CONCLUSION: - A6 Remember (P 34) * Homework - Learn structures and new words - Do exercise 3,4 ( P.19, 20) in workbook - Get Ss to practise dice for tomorrow’s SNAKES and LADDERS lesson (See P35) - Repeat the structures and vocabulary - Lis ten and complete the sentences in A6 - Gives homework - Write your homework (23) Preparing day : 20/ 9/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 22/ 9; 6B: T4 – 22/ Total: 6A: 22 6B: 22 Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 3: AT HOME Period 14: Lesson 3: B1, 2, (P 35, 36, 37) A/ Aims: Teach Ss numbers 21-100 and pronunciation of plural nouns (/s/, /z/, /iz/) to count things in the classroom B/ Objectives: After the lesson, Ss will be able to use numbers & pronunciation of plural nouns Practise question “ How many… are there?” – There is…/ There are… C/ Teaching aids: cassette, textbook, worbook D/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities *REVISION a=1 b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z =26 EX: S1: What’s number 9? S2: I *PRESENTATION Pre-teach Twenty – one = 21, Twenty – two = 22 Twenty – three = 23, , Twenty – nine = 29, Thirty=30 Forty=40 Fifty=50 Sixty=60 Seventy=70 Ninety=90 One hundred=100 One hundred and one = 101 WHAT and WHERE 10 -Writes the alphabet on BB -Gives example exchange -Models with Ss -Teaches the numbers 21-100 -Models (3 times) -Writes them on BB -Read the letters -Writes the numbers in circle on BB -Guides to read -Clean the numbers -Read the numbers -Guides how to play games -Explain how to use plural nouns -Gives examples -Play games -Reads these words clearly -Lets Ss arrange them -Arrange in to column -Write words /z/ Rulers Tables Doors Windows -Practise in pairs -Listen -Repeat -Copy down -Say them again -Write them again *PRACTICE Snakes and Ladders B1 (P35) Realia Drill B2 (P36) Pre-tech a bench – benches EX: S1: There’s [one] door S2: and there’re [twenty two] desks *FURTHER PRACTICE Dictation Lists /s/ Desks Students Books Lamps Clocks Student’s activities /iz/ Benches Couches Houses -Copy -Practise (24) Presentation Text B3 (P37) Model Sentences How may |doors| are there? There’s one *PRACTICE Picture Drill B2 (P36), B5 (P37) Example Exchange S1: How many [desks] are there? S2: There are [six] * CONCLUSION “ How many… are there?” – There is…/ There are… - Numers: - 100 - Plural nouns * Homework: - Learn new words and structures - Do exercice 1, 2, ( P 21, 22) in workbook - Prepare Unit – B4,5,6 (P 37) -Presents the text -Shows the model sentences -Explains form, meaning, usage, … -Gives examples -Uses the pictures on P36-37 to guide the Ss practise -Gives the models -Listen & Copy down -Practise in pairs -See the pictures to practise tin pairs - Repeat the structures and vocabulary - Listen and remember - Gives homework - Write your homework (25) Preparing day : 22/ 9/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 25/ 9; 6B: T4 – 24/ Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 3: AT HOME Period 15: Lesson 4: B4, 5, (P 37) A/ Aims: Help Ss practise “How many…are there?” questions & further practise in numbers to talk about things in classroom, the living room and the family B/ Objectives: After the lesson, Ss will be able to use “How many…are there?”, further practice in numbers C/ Teaching aids: Textbook, workbook D/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities *REVISION -Guides how to play -Use the information Chain Game B2 (P36) they have filled in B2 EX: -There’s [one] door -Gives the model (P36) to describe -There’s [one] door and [six] their classroom windows -Presents the text *PRESENTATION -Shows the model -Listen & Copy down Presentation Text B4 (P37) sentences Model Sentences -Explains form, How may |doors| are there? meaning, usage, … There’s one -Gives examples -Practise in pairs *PRACTICE Picture Drill B5 (P37) -Uses the pictures on -See the pictures to Example Exchange P37 to guide the Ss practise tin pairs S1: How many [desks] are there? practise S2: There are [six] -Gives the models *PRODUCTION Kim’s Game (Picture – P31) Survey -Draws table on BB -Copy down -Guides Ss to fill the -Practise in pairs & In family In classroom information by asking fill in the blanks with Nam Peopl Desk Door and answering their informations e e Nam Example Exchange: S1: How many [people] are there in your [family]? S2: [Three] S1: How many [doors] are there in your [classroom]? S2: [Two] * CONCLUSION “ How many… are there?” – There is…/ There are… * Homework: - Learn new words and structures - Do exercice ( P 22) in workbook - Prepare Unit – C1,2,3,4 (P 38,39) -Gives example exchange -Write it on BB - Repeat the structures and vocabulary - Gives homework - Listen and remember - Write your homework (26) Preparing day : 24/ 9/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 26/ 9; 6B: T1 – 27/ Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 3: AT HOME Period 16: Lesson 5: C1,2,3,4 (P 38, 39) A/ Aims: Help Ss practise in reading a text about a family to understand the details and talk about jobs B/ Objectives: After the lesson, Ss will be able to read a text about a family to understand the details and talk about jobs with questions “ What does she/ he do?”, “ She/ He is a teacher.” C/ Teaching aids: Wordcards, textbook, workbook, cassette D/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities *REVISION -Uses form survey of -Can report back to Write it up (Form survey,lesson 4) L4 to check the class orally if Ex: There’re three people in Nam’s -Gives examples there isn’t enough family time to write it *PRE-READING -Presents new words -Call individual to Pre-teach by situations & practise An engineer A doctor A nurse examples -Listen Networks -Models & writes -Repeat A doctor A teacher -Writes the network -Copy down on BB -Find the words in the JOBS -Elicits Ss to give the topic given A worker A student words about jobs Open prediction (Lan’s family) -Draws table on BB -Copy down -Makes situation & -Guess the How old ? Job? introduces the topic information Father -Individual  pairs Mother -Corrects -Read and check Brother prediction Lan *WHILE READING (C1 – P38) - Reat the text again and answer the question in pairs Ex: P1: How many people are there in her family? P2: There are four people in her family *POST READING Word Cue – Picture Drill C2–P39 Transformation Writing Transform the sentences in C1-P38 with the information in C2-P39 to write about Song’s family -Guides Ss to practice -Practise in pairs in pairs -Uses the pictures in book -See the pictures to practise (27) * CONCLUSION - The structures and vocabulary in part C4 ( P.39) * Homework: - Learn new words and structures - Write about your family ( use C1) - Do exercice 1,2,3,4 ( P 23, 24,25, 26) in workbook - Prepare Language Focus (P 40-43) - Repeat the structures and vocabulary - Listen and remember - Give homework - Write your homework (28) Preparing day : 26/ 9/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 29/ 9; 6B: T4 – 29/ Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: Period 17: Grammar practice A/ Aims: Help Ss doing further practice in “BE, Imperative, Numbers, Question Words, There is/There are, and Furniture Vocabulary” B/ Objectives: After the lesson, Ss will be able to use “BE, Imperative, Numbers, Question Words, There is/There are, and Furniture Vocabulary” C/ Teaching aids: Textbook, workbook, whiteboard marker D/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1.BE -Guides how to -Fill in the blanks Gap – Fill: – – P40 -Writes the missing with “TOBE” forms Noughts and Crosses sentences on BB -Gives the models -Repeat They / teacher We/students -Ticks the poster on -Practise orally He / an engineer She/a nurse BB You / 12 She/a doctor -Writes the missing -Complete the 2.IMPERATIVES command sentences Gap – Fill P40 -Says the commands -Practise in oral Simon Says writing 3.QUESTION WORDS -Writes the missing -Practise Gap – Fill P41 dialogue on BB -Fill in the blanks by Answer Given -Gives some the questions words Song’s a student & he’s twelve -Make their own There’re people in Song’s family: his sentences on BB questions father, mother, sister & him His -Practise in pairs  father’s name is Kien He’s 42 & he’s a groups doctor His mother’s name is Oanh She’s 39 & she’s a nurse His sister’s name is Lan She 15 & she’s a student a.12 b.4 c Kien d.42 e a doctor f Oanh g.39 h house i Lan j a student Answer key: How old is Song? How many people are there in his family? What’s his father’s name? What does he do? What’s his mother’s name? What does she do? What’s his sister’s name? What does she do? -Gives the answers -Supplies the answers -Write down (29) 4.NUMBERS Bingo Seventeen, seventy, eleven, one hundred, thirty, sixteen, forty, twelve, thirteen, fifty, eighty, ninety, eighteen, fourteen, twenty, fifteen, sixty, nineteen -Guides the games -Read these numbers clearly -Listen -Choose number from 1119 and decimals: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 5.FURNITURE Cross Puzzle 10 P43 Guessing Game Example Exchange: S1: Is it a TV? S1: Is it a chair? S2: No, it isn’t S2: Yes, it is T/F Repetition Drill Picture B5 P37 -Draws crossword puzzle on BB -Guides and gives examples -Use the cue to find out the words -Draw their own pictures of furniture on a scrap of paper -Reads these sentences -Repeat the correct sentence Teacher There’s a TV There’re stools There’re people There’re chairs There’re books There’re lamps There’s a telephone There’s one lamp Students [Repeat] [Repeat] [Repeat] [Repeat] [Repeat] [Repeat] [Repeat] [Repeat] * Homework: - Do exercices in grammar practice again - Prepare for written test -Practise in pairs and groups - Gives homework - Listen and take notes (30) Preparing day : 29/ 9/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 2/ 10; 6B: T4 – 1/ 10 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: Period 18 : written english test A aims : - Help Ss to know how well they have learned English, consolidate what knowledge they are not very good at Help the teacher to appreciate each student’s ability of learing language as well - Ss the test contents: + Listening: Lintening comprehension about one ‘s family and exercise True or False + Reading: Reading the dialogue and complete it + Writing: Write the sentences about you by answering the questions + Language forcus: Do exercises multiple choice Choose the best answer to complete the sentences B contents of written test: contents Keys marks §Ò I I/ Choose the best option to fill the blanks (2,5ms) 1.My name …………… Lan a/ is b/ am c/are We ………………… fine.Thanks a/ is b/ am c/ are 3.This is ………… pen a/an b/ a c/ the 4.……………… is your name ? a/ Who b/ What c/ Where 5………………… you live ? a/ What b/ Who c/ Where 6…………………is that ? That is Dung a/ What b/ Where c/ Who 7.What is this ? a/ It ‘s an eraser b/ It ‘s eraser c/ It ‘s a eraser They are my ………………… a/ books b/ book c/ bookes 9.This is my …………………… a/ rulers b/ ruler c/ ruleres 10.How old are you? a/ I’m fine, thank you b/ I’m nine c/ Good night I/ a/ is c/ are b/ a b/ What c/ Where c/ Who a/ It ‘s an eraser a/ books b/ ruler 10.b/ I’m nine II/ Listen and check ( ) the correct box for True or False (2,5ms) II/ T F ( 10 x 0,25 = 2,5 ms) ( x 0,5 = 2,5 ms) (31) True False There are five people in my family My father is a teacher My mother is forty My brother is a doctor My sister is a student III/ Match column A with column B ( 1m ) A Come Sit Stand Close B up in your book down IV/ Answer the questions ( 2ms ) 1/ What’s your name ? ………………………………………………… 2/ Where you live ? ……………………………………………… 3/ How many people are there in your family ? ………………………………… 4/ How old are you ? ……………………………………………… V/ Complete the dialogue ( 2ms ) Tam : Good morning, Minh Minh : ……… …………., ……… Tam: How are you? Minh : …… …… … , ………… …… ……… ? Tam : Fine, thanks Minh: Goodbye Tam: …………… §Ò II I/ Choose the best option to fill the blanks (2,5ms) I …………… Mai a/ is b/ am c/ are F T T III/ Come in Sit down Stand up Close your book IV/ 1/ My names is ( Ha) 2/ I live in ( Phuong Thien) 3/ There are ( four) people in my family 4/ I am ( eleven) years old V/ Tam : Good morning, Minh Minh : Good morning, Tam Tam: How are you? Minh: I am fine, thanks And you ? Tam : Fine, thanks Minh: Goodbye Tam: Bye/ Goodbye I/ b/ am c/ a a/ What ( x 0,25 = m) ( x 0,5 = ms) ( x 0,5 = ms) ( 10 x 0,25 (32) That is ………… book a/ an b/ the c/ a ……………… is his name ? a/ What b/ Who c/ Where We ………………… fine.Thanks a/is b/ are c/ am …………………is this ? This is Nam a/ What b/ Where c/ Who ………………… you live ? a/ Where b/ Who c/ What How are you? a/ I’m nine b/ Good night c/ I’m fine, thank you Those are my ………………… a/ pens b/ pen c/ penes This is her …………………… a/ desks b/ deskes c/ desk 10 What is this ? a/ It ‘s armchair b/ It ‘s an armchair c/ It ‘s a armchair II/ Listen and check ( ) the correct box for True or False (2,5ms) True False There are four people in my family My father is an engineer My mother is fifty My brother is a teacher My sister is a student III/ Match column A with Column B ( 1m ) A Come Sit Stand close B your book in down up IV/ Answer the questions ( 2ms ) 1/ What’s your name ? ……………………… 2/ Where you live ? ……………………… 3/ How many people are there in your family ? ……………………………………………… 4/ How old are you ? ………………………… V/ Complete the dialogue ( 2ms ) Mr.Tan : Good morning, Ba b/ are c/ Who a/ Where c/ I’m fine, thank you a/ pens c/ desk 10.b/ It ‘s an armchair = 2,5 ms) ( x 0,5 = 2,5 ms) II/ F T T F T III/ Come in Sit down Stand up Close your book IV/ 1/ My names is ( Ha) 2/ I live in ( Phuong Thien) 3/ There are ( four) people in my family 4/ I am ( eleven) years old V/ Mr.Tan: Good morning, Ba Ba : Good morning, Mr.Tan Mr.Tan: How old are ( x 0,25 = m) ( x 0,5 = ms) ( x 0,5 = ms) (33) Ba : ……… …………., Mr Tan you? Mr.Tan: ……… ……… ……… …… ? Ba : I am eleven years Ba : I …… eleven …… old old Mr.Tan : Where you live ? Mr.Tan : Where you Ba: … …… …… Tran Phu Street live ? Ba: I live on Tran Phu Street C/ Result: 6A: G:………… K:……………… Tb:……………… Y:……………… KÐm 6A: G:………… K:……………… Tb:……………… Y:……………… KÐm Written TEST I FULL NAME :…………………… CLASS : 6B MARKS TIME 45’ TEACHER ‘S COMMENTS I/ Choose the best option to fill the blanks (2,5ms) My name …………… Lan a/ is b/ am c/are We ………………… fine.Thanks a/ is b/ am c/ are (34) This is ………… pen a/an b/ a c/ the ……………… is your name ? a/ Who b/ What c/ Where ………………… you live ? a/ What b/ Who c/ Where …………………is that ? That is Dung a/ What b/ Where c/ Who What is this ? a/ It ‘s an eraser b/ It ‘s eraser c/ It ‘s a eraser They are my ………………… a/ books b/ book c/ bookes This is my …………………… a/ rulers b/ ruler c/ ruleres 10.How old are you? a/ I’m fine, thank you b/ I’m nine c/ Good night II/ Listen and check ( ) the correct box for True or False (2,5ms) True False There are five people in my family My father is a teacher My mother is forty My brother is a doctor My sister is a student III/ Match column A with column B ( 1m ) A Come Sit Stand Close B up in your book down IV/ Answer the questions ( 2ms ) 1/ What’s your name ? ………………………………………………………… 2/ Where you live ? …………………………………………………………… (35) 3/ How many people are there in your family ? ………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… 4/ How old are you ? …………………………………………………………… V/ Complete the dialogue ( 2ms ) Tam : Good morning, Minh Minh : ……… …………., ……… Tam: How are you? Minh : …… …… … , ………… …… ……… ? Tam : Fine, thanks Minh: Goodbye Tam: …………… The end Written TEST I FULL NAME :…………………… CLASS : 6A MARKS TIME 45’ TEACHER ‘S COMMENTS I/ Choose the best option to fill the blanks (2,5ms) I …………… Mai a/ is b/ am c/are That is ………… book (36) a/an b/ the c/ a ……………… is his name ? a/ What b/ Who c/ Where We ………………… fine.Thanks a/is b/ are c/ am …………………is this ? This is Nam a/ What b/ Where c/ Who ………………… you live ? a/ Where b/ Who c/ What How are you? a/ I’m nine b/ Good night c/ I’m fine, thank you Those are my ………………… a/ pens b/ pen c/ penes This is her …………………… a/ desks b/ deskes c/ desk 10.What is this ? a/ It ‘s armchair b/ It ‘s an armchair c/ It ‘s a armchair II/ Listen and check ( ) the correct box for True or False (2,5ms) True False There are four people in my family My father is an engineer My mother is fifty My brother is a teacher My sister is a student III/ Match column A with Column B ( 1m ) A Come Sit Stand close B your book in down up IV/ Answer the questions ( 2ms ) 1/ What’s your name ? ………………………………………………………… 2/ Where you live ? …………………………………………………………… (37) 3/ How many people are there in your family ? ………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… 4/ How old are you ? …………………………………………………………… V/ Complete the dialogue ( 2ms ) Mr.Tan : Good morning, Ba Ba : ……… …………., Mr Tan Mr.Tan: ……… ……… ……… …… ? Ba : I …… eleven …… old Mr.Tan : Where you live ? Ba: … …… …… Tran Phu Street The end Preparing day : 1/ 10/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 3/ 10; 6B: T1 – 4/ 10 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 4: BIG OR SMALL? Period 19: Lesson 1:A Where is your school? (A1, 2- P 44) I/ Aims: Help Ss reading a description of a school with practice in possessive “s” to talk about possessions II/ Language Contents: 1/ Vocabulary: Big, small, in the country/city, or 2/ Structures: - Phong ’s school is small -Is Phong ’s school small? Yes, it is -Is Thu ’s school small? No, it isn’t - Where is Phong ‘s school? It is in the country (38) III/ Teaching aids: Wordcards, textbook, workbook, cassette IV/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities *PRE-READING Pelmanism I Thu He You She His My Your Her Thu’s Pre-teach Big, small, in the country/city -Ticks the cards on BB -Guides how to -Uses examples and situations to present new words -Writes this on BB -Guides Prediction (Matching) Big Phong’school small city In the country Thu’s school *WHILE READING A1 (P44) -Reads the text Comprehension Questions A2 P44 *POST-READING Model Sentences -Is Phong ’s school small? Yes, it is -Is Thu ’s school small? No, it isn’t - Where is Phong ‘s school? It is in the country YES/NO Question Answer Drill Phong’s school Thu’s school big/small? Your school > in the city? Your house in the country Nam’house EX: S1: Is Phong’s school big? S2: No, it isn’t S1: Is it in the country? S2: Yes, it is *HOMEWORK - Learn vocabulary -Read A1 again -Answer the questions A2 - Do exercise 1, 2, in workbook ( P.35, 36) -Prepare for the next parts- Unit 4: A3, 4, 5, -Guides to answer the questions -Gives the models -Explains how to use -Writes them on BB Student’s activities -Divide into groups -Each group choose cards If the cards have the correct possessions, Ss win -Practise in oral -Listen & Repeat -Copy down -Match the information -Listen -Read again& answer the questions individual pairs -Listen & Repeat -Copy down -Listen -Guides how to practise -Writes the examples on the board -Lets Ss practise -Gives homework -Practise in pairs – QuestionsAnswers - Write your homework (39) (40) Preparing day : 4/ 10/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 6/ 10; 6B: T4 – 6/ 10 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 4: BIG OR SMALL? Period 20: Lesson 2: A Where is your school? (A3, 4, 5, 6- P 45, 46) A/ Aims: Help Ss practise reading a text about school to understand details & get further practise in number and school vocabulary B/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, so we will be able to read a text, and use numbers and school vocabulary C/ Teaching aids: textbook, workbook, cassette… D/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * REVISION - Elicits Ss and list - Choose any 200 Bingo the number on BB numbers from 32  6, 8, 12, 52, 100, - Reads: 25 200 the board 45 200, 32, , 400, 12 17 400 900 - Listen and 10 17, 25, 600, 900 20 ticks on their 600 * PRE READING numbers Open prediction - Guides to predict - Practise in 400 900, 8, 20 individual Pairs Ex: Students, teachers, desks, windows - Gives examples - Read again * WHILE READING - Guides Ss to read - Correct their A3 p 45 the text predictions Answer Given: in the country No, it isn’t - Make their It’s big - Gives the answer own question 400 20 on BB - Practise in in the city 900 individual Answer key: Pairs Where Phong’s school? How many classroom are there in - Supplies the - Write down Phong’s school? answer keys after Ss How many student are there in Phong’s school? Where Thu’s School? Is it small? How many classrooms are there in Thu’s school? How many students are there in Thu’s school? - Practice * POST READING A4 p.46 - Guides student to writing Transformation writing write a text Depending on whether student live in the (41) city or the country, so take one of the text in A3 p45 and rewrite it according to their own school * HOMEWORK - Write the text on A3 p.45 - Gives homework - Learn Vocabulary - Read the again - Write the text - Prepare Unit - B Preparing day : 6/ 10/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 9/ 10; 6B: T4 – 8/ 10 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 4: BIG OR SMALL? - Write your home work (42) Period 21: Lesson 3: B My class (B1 – B6 - P 47, 48) A/ Aims: Help & practice, listening a dialogue about school to understand details & practicing cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers and “Which” questions to talk about school B/ Objectives: After the lesson, so we will be able to listen a dialogue, and use practicing cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers and “Which” questions C/ Teaching aids: textbook, workbook, cassette D/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities * PRE _ LISTENING Pre-teach B4 P 48 -Introduces new - Listen and And the [fifth] floor the [six] grade words repeat Rub out and Remember -Models,write - Copy down st th - the first = -the sixth = them - Write the nd th -the second = -the seventh = - Check words again on -the third = 3rd -the eighth = 8th vocaburary BB th th -the forth = -the ninth = - Says the ordinal - Copy down th th -the fifth = -the tenth = 10 numbers Predict dialogue: - Check spelling - Listen - Thu: Hello, Which grade are you in? - Phong: I’m in grade….(a) - Th : And which class are you in? - Gives the - Read and - Ph: (b)… What about you? instruction clearly prepare -Th: I’m in grade (c)……, class (d)…… How many floors does your school - Send students - Listen to the have? the handouts tape or the - Ph: (e)……It’s a small school teacher -Th: My school has(f)……and my - Plays the tape or - Fill in the classroom reads the dialogue blanks is on the (g)……floor Where’s your - Listen and classroom? correct their -Ph: It’s on the (h)……floor prediction * WHILE LISTENING B1 p47 - Plays the tape - Copy down nd Grid B3 p48 the time - Listen and * POST LISTENING fill the Board Drill ( B2) - Draws the charts information in Grade Class Floor on the board the charts nd Thu 7C -Plays the tape the - Correct their Phong 6A 1st 3rd time listening You -Check’s s - Listen listening Ex: S1: Which [grade/ class] is Thu in? comprehension - Practise in S2: She’s in [grade 7/ 7C] -Gives more pairs S1: Where’s [her] classroom? examples S2: It’s on the [second] floor? - Guides Ss to Write – it – up practice - Complete the dialogue ( B5 –P 48) - Guides Ss to - Work in pairs complete the then practice dialogue again - Rewrite the (43) dialogue at home * Conclusion: - Repeat the structures in B6 ( Remember – P 48 ) * Homework: - Learn new words and structures - Write sentences about you - Do exercise 1, 2, 3, in workbook ( P 38, 39) - Prepare Unit – C1, 2, 3, - Repeat the structures in the lesson -Listen and make more examples - Gives homework - Write your home work Preparing day : 8/ 10/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 10/ 10; 6B: T1 – 11/ 10 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 4: BIG OR SMALL? (44) Period 22: Lesson : C Getting ready for school (C1, 2, 3, ) I/ Aims: Help Ss practise simple present tense, positive statements with “I”, “He/ She” and vocabulary of routines to talk about habitual action II/ Objectives: After the lesson, so we will be able to use simple present, positive statements, vocabulary of routine III/ Teaching aids: word cards, textbook, workbook, cassette IV/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities * WARM UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Ask Ss some - Answer the Which grade are you in? Which class are you in? questions questions How many floors does your school have? Where’s your classroom? What you every morning? * PRESENTATION -Uses the picture - Listen Pre-teach on -Repeat (to) get up (to) wash your/ his face p 49 to introduce (to) get dresses (to) have breakfast new words (to) brush your/ his teeth (to) go to school -Model and write Slap the board them on BB -Copy down Mặc quần áo -Write these - Divide into Ăn words groups Rửa mặt Đánh on BB Đi học - Calls Ss of - Ss go to the Thức dậy each board Presentation Text C1 p 49 Group to go to BB -Slap the word in Model Sentences -Says the words in Vietnamese on the - What you every morning? English board - I get up/ brush my teeth/… -Presents the text -Copy down - What does Ba/ he/ she every morning? -Gives the models -Practise in pairs - Ba gets up -Explain how to - Pay attention - He brushes his/ her teeth use form - Complete the has breakfast - Gives the phrases -She goes to school instructions -Practise base on - What time is it? clearly the example - It’s eight o’clock exchange (to) be late for … - We’re late for school * PRACTICE Word Cue Drill ….up ….face ….dressed ….school ….teeth ….breakfast - Write these words on BB - Gives examples - Practise in pairs (45) Ex: S1: What you every morning? S2: I get up S1: What you [then] ? S2: etc - Practice the dialogue ( C4- P 50) * FURTHER PRACTICE Chain Game S1: I get up S2: I get up and I brush my teeth S3: I get up, I brush my teeth and I get dressed S4: ect… Write- it- up a) C3 (p.49) Write sentences about Ba Begin with: “Every morning, Ba gets up He …” b) Write sentences about what you every morning Begin with: “Every morning, I …” * HOMEWORK: - Learn Vocabulary, structures - Read the text again - Do exercise 1, (P 41) in workbook - Prepare Unit 4- C5, 6, 7, - Guides Ss - Practise in pairs - Guides the game - Practise in groups -Give example exchange and writeit on BB - Guides Ss to write about Ba - Write the sentences to begin with “Every morning , I…” - Write homework - Write homework on BB LESSON PLAN School : Teacher: Week : Unit: (cont) - write about Ba Class: Period: 24 Teaching day: …… Lesson C1 - (p.49) (46) Aims: Help & practice simple present tenses, positive statements with He/ She to talk about habitual action Objectives: By the end of the lesson, so we will be able to use simple present tenses, positive statements with He/ She to talk about habitual action Teaching aids: Time Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities 5’ * REVISION - See the Making -Draw the pictures pictures and write these - Read the (to) get up words on BB words (to) get dressed (to) brush your teeth -Lets st match the - Match the (to) wash your face pictures with the words with (to) have breakfast words in correct the pictures THCS (to) go to school meanings p.tắm (to) say hello to classmate - Practise in (to) go to the classroom - Present the text writing * PRESENTATION - Guides Ss to - Listen 15’ Presentation Text C1 p.49 read - Repeat Model Sentences - Listen - What does Ba/ he/ she every morning? - Gives the - Copy down - Ba gets up models - Practise in - He brushes his/ her teeth sentences pairs has breakfast - Explain show to -She goes to school Form, use, * PRACTICE meaning Word cue Drill - Complete the Phrases ….up ….dressed ….teeth - Say them - Ticks the word loudly ….face ….school ….breakfast cards on BB - Base on the Ex: example to S1: I get up - Gives example practice in S2: I get up and I brush my teeth exchange pairs S3: I get up, I brush my teeth and I get dressed - Models - Write the S4: ect… - Writes it on BB sentences to * PRODUCTION begin Write- it- up with “Every a) C3 p.49 morning I get b) Write sentences about what you every - Guide Ss to up Then I morning Begin with: “Every morning…” write …” Hello Preparing day : 12/ 10/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 16/ 10; 6B: T4 – 15/ 10 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 4: BIG OR SMALL? (47) Period 23: Lesson : C Getting ready for school (C5, 6, 7, ) I/ Aims: Help student practice talking the time and use simple present tenses to talk about habitual action II/ Language contents: Structures: - What time is it? It’s eight o’clock/ ten fifteen/… - What time you get up? I get up at [six o’clock] III/Teaching aids: pictures, word cards, a clock IV/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * WARM UP - Check the old lesson - Do exercises in - Do exercise 1,2 (P 41) in workbook workbook - Answer: What you every morning? - Answer the * PRESENTATION question Presentation Pictures C5 – p 50 - Present the pictures to -Write:1.10,4.30 Model Sentences gives the model sentences ect - What time is it? - Explains - Practise saying - It’s ten o’clock/ ten fifteen/… - Uses pictures to practise these numbers * PRACTICE - Gives example with a partner Picture/ Realia Drill - Listen –repeat - Copy down 6:00 2:10 1:00 5:15 - Read many time - Repeat 1:30 9:45 8:25 7:30 - Write it on BB - Rewrite the Ex: - What time is it? words - It’s [two ten] - Pay attention Word Cue Drill C6,7- p51 - Practise in pairs Get up Go to school - Shows some words - Copy down cues on the board - See the pictures Have breakfast Go home -Ask Ss to practise - Practise orally and individually Ex1: - What time does Ba get up? - Copy - He gets up at six o’clock - See word cues Ex2: - What time you get up? - Practise in pairs - I get up at [six o’clock ] * FURTHER PRACTICE -Draws the charts on - Divide into Noughts and Crosses BB groups Ex: - What’s the time? - Guides to - Practise - It’s [six ten] * CONCLUSION: - Read sentences in part Remember – - Repeat the structures in - Liten and p51 lesson remember * HOMEWORK: - Write sentences about you - Gives homework - Write homework - Do exercise 3,4,5,6 in workbook (p.41, 42, 43) Preparing day : 15/ 10/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 17/ 10; 6B: T1 – 18/ 10 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: (48) written test 15’ A aims : - Ss practice reading comprehension about Phong , Thu and their activities Do exercice True or False B contents of written test: contents KEYS MARKS §Ò I: Read the passage and write T (True) or F (False) to the statements Hello! My name is Phong I ‘m twelve years old and I ‘m in grade My school is in the country It ‘s a small school My school has two floors and eight classrooms My classroom is on the first floor There are thirty-five students in my class Every morning I get up at six o’clock I get dressed, brush my teeth and wash my face I have breakfast at six twenty and go to school at six forty - Phong is twelve years old - He ‘s in grade six - Phong ‘s school is in the city - Phong ‘s school is small - There are twenty classrooms in Phong ‘s school T T F T F F F F F 10.T (10 x = 10 ms) - Phong ‘s classroom is on the second floor - His class has 53 students - Phong brushes his teeth at 6.20 - He has breakfast at 6.30 10 Phong goes to school at 6.40 §Ò II: Read the passage and write T (True) or F (False) to the statements Hello! My name is Thu I ‘m thirteen years old and I ‘m in grade My school is in the city It ‘s a big school My school has four floors and twenty classrooms My classroom is on the second F floor There are thirty students in my class Every T morning I get up at six o’clock I get dressed, brush T my teeth and wash my face I have breakfast at six (10 x = 10 ms) (49) fifty and go to school at six forty-five - Thu is twelve years old - She ‘s in grade seven - Thu ‘s school is in the city - Thu ‘s school is small - There are 30 classrooms in Thu ‘s school - Thu ‘s classroom is on the second floor F F T F F F 10.F - Her class has 35 students - Thu brushes her teeth at 6.20 - She has breakfast at 6.15 10 Thu goes to school at 6.40 C/ Result: 6A: G:………… K:……………… Tb:……………… Y:……………… KÐm 6A: G:………… K:……………… Tb:……………… Y:……………… KÐm Written TEST FULL NAME :……………………… CLASS : 6…… MARKS TIME 15’ TEACHER ‘S COMMENTS Bµi lµm Read the passage and write T (True) or F (False) to the statements Hello! My name is Phong I ‘m twelve years old and I ‘m in grade My school is in the country It ‘s a small school My school has two floors and eight classrooms My classroom is on the first floor There are thirty-five students in my (50) class Every morning I get up at six o’clock I get dressed, brush my teeth and wash my face I have breakfast at six twenty and go to school at six forty - Phong is twelve years old - He ‘s in grade six - Phong ‘s school is in the city - Phong ‘s school is small - There are twenty classrooms in Phong ‘s school - Phong ‘s classroom is on the second floor - His class has 53 students - Phong brushes his teeth at 6.20 - He has breakfast at 6.30 10 Phong goes to school at 6.40 Written TEST FULL NAME :……………………… CLASS : 6…… MARKS TIME 15’ TEACHER ‘S COMMENTS Bµi lµm Read the passage and write T (True) or F (False) to the statements Hello! My name is Thu I ‘m thirteen years old and I ‘m in grade My school is in the city It ‘s a big school My school has four floors and twenty classrooms My classroom is on the second floor There are thirty students in my class Every morning I get up at six o’clock I get dressed, brush my teeth and wash my face I have breakfast at six fifty and go to school at six forty-five - Thu is twelve years old (51) - She ‘s in grade seven - Thu ‘s school is in the city - Thu ‘s school is small - There are 30 classrooms in Thu ‘s school - Thu ‘s classroom is on the second floor - Her class has 35 students - Thu brushes her teeth at 6.20 - She has breakfast at 6.15 10 Thu goes to school at 6.40 Preparing day : 15/ 10/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 17/ 10; 6B: T1 – 18/ 10 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: Period 24: Correct the written test I I/ Aims: Correct the test, guves keys, marks of the written test I Help Ss know their mistakes in the test and how to the next test better II/Teaching aids: keys and marks of the test, contents of written test 15’ III/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * Do written test 15’ - Ask Ss to written test - Do written test * Correct the written test 1: 15’ 15’ §Ò I: I/ a/ is c/ are b/ a b/ What c/ Where c/ Who a/ It ‘s an eraser a/ books b/ ruler 10.b/ I’m nine II/ T F F T - Aks Ss exercises and revise the language focus as: to be, a/ an, question words, this/ that, these/ those, nouns, pronouns - Do exercises - Compare keys with your answers - Ask Ss to listen the text again and give keys - listen the text again and check your answers (52) T III/ Come in Sit down Stand up Close your book IV/ 1/ My names is ( Ha) 2/ I live in ( Phuong Thien) 3/ There are ( four) people in my family 4/ I am ( eleven) years old V/ Tam : Good morning, Minh Minh : Good morning, Tam Tam: How are you? Minh: I am fine, thanks And you ? Tam : Fine, thanks Minh: Goodbye Tam: Bye/ Goodbye - Call Ss read the cmmands - read the cmmands aloud - Aks Ss to practice asking and answering in pairs - Work in pairs - Guide Ss to complete the dialogue and practice it in pairs - complete the dialogue and practice it in pairs - Aks Ss exercises and revise the language focus as: to be, a/ an, question words, this/ that, these/ those, nouns, pronouns - Do exercises - Compare keys with your answers - Ask Ss to listen the text again and give keys - listen the text again and check your answers - Call Ss read the cmmands - read the cmmands aloud - Aks Ss to practice asking and answering in - Work in pairs §Ò II: I/ b/ am c/ a a/ What b/ are c/ Who a/ Where c/ I’m fine, thank you a/ pens c/ desk 10.b/ It ‘s an armchair II/ F T T F T III/ Come in Sit down Stand up Close your book IV/ 1/ My names is ( Ha) 2/ I live in ( Phuong Thien) 3/ There are ( four) people in my family 4/ I am ( eleven) years old (53) V/ Mr.Tan: Good morning, Ba Ba : Good morning, Mr.Tan Mr.Tan: How old are you? pairs - Guide Ss to complete the dialogue and practice it in pairs - complete the dialogue and practice it in pairs - Comment - Listen and remember - Gives homework - Write homework Ba : I am eleven years old Mr.Tan : Where you live ? Ba: I live on Tran Phu Street * CONCLUSION: Comment their mistakes in the test and ways to the next test better * HOMEWORK: - Prepare Unit 5- A 1,2,3 IV/ Result: 6A: G:………… K:………… Tb:……………Y:………… KÐm:……… 6B: G:………… K:………… Tb:……………Y:………… KÐm:……… Preparing day : 18/ 10/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 20/ 10; 6B: T4 – 20/ 10 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 5: THINGS I DO Period 25: Lesson : A My day (A1,2,3) I/ Aims: - Help Ss to talk about their daily activities and ask whether they the activities or not II/ Languege contents: Structures: - What you everyday/ after school? I play games - What does he/ she everyday/ after school? He/ She plays games III/ Teaching aids: cassette, book, workbook IV/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities (54) * WARM UP - What you every morning? - What time you get up? - What time you have breakfast? - What time you go to school? - What you after school? * PRESENTATION Pre_teach (to) your homework (to) play games (to) watch television (TV) (to) the housework (to) listen to music (to) read Slap the Board the housework go to school play games watch television (TV) read listen to music your homework have breakfast get dressed Presentation Text A1 p52 Model sentences - Everyday I go to school She goes to school - What you everyday/ after school? I play games - What does he/ she everyday/ after school? He/ She plays games Comprehension Questions A2 p53 * PRACTICE Substitution Drill Teacher Students I get up at Nga gets up at six I brush my teeth She brushes her teeth I wash my face She washes her face I watch TV Lan watches TV I listen to music She listens to music * PRONUNCIATION Survey Name get up …breakfast …games …do homework Vien 5.30 6.15 4.30 7.00 Ex: S1: What time you get up ? S2: 5.30 Write_ it _ up * Every morning, Vien gets up at five thirty He has breakfast at six fifteen etc… - Practice with question in A3 (p.53) Ex: P1: What you after school? P2: I watch television - Ask Ss some questions - Answer the questions - Uses the guessing game - Introduces new words - Models and writes words on BB - Give instructions the game - Divide clam into groups - Asks so the meaning of words - Presents the text - Choose a time complete the sentence:“It’s….” - Listen – Repeat - Copy down - Gives the models sents - Explains how to use, from, meaning - Read the guides to answer - Listen - Practise in groups - Answer - Play games - Listen – repeat - Listen - Copy down - Practise - Answer the Qs in individual  pairs - Says the sentences - Repeat the clearly with subject sentences with “I” subject “Nga/ Lan/she” - Draws the table on BB - Copy down - Guides how to introduce - Introduce with your friend - Give examples - Base on the example - Practise in pairs - Write it at home - Guides Ss to report back from survey - Guides Ss to practice in pairs - Practise in pairs (55) * CONCLUSION: - Repeat the new words and structrures * HOMEWORK: - Write sentences about you Ex: Everyday, I get up at six o’clock Every morning, I… - Do exercise 1,2,3 in workbook (p.44) - Prepare Unit – A 4,5,6,7 - Repeat the new words and structrures - Gives homework Listen and remember Writw homework Preparing day : 19/ 10/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 23/ 10; 6B: T4 – 22/ 10 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 5: THINGS I DO Period 26: Lesson : A My day (A4,5,6,7) I/Aims: Help Student practice simple tense – WH Questions with he/she to talk about other people’s daily routines Help Ss practice Simple Present Tense Yes/No Questions and short answer to talk about daily routines II/ Languege contents: Structures: - What you after school? I play games - What does he/ she after school? He/ She plays games (56) - Do you [play] sports? Yes, I / No, I don’t - Does she/ he play sports? Yes, she/ he / No, she/ he doesn’t III/ Teaching aids: book, workbook, word cards, cassete IV/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * WARM UP: -Divide class into -Each group Pelmanism groups choose any Ticks these cards cards They Go to school homework on BB and guides must be a Listen to meaningful music watch TV phase Ordering vocabulary -Practise in Every morning, Lan gets up and listens to music groups Every afternoon she comes home and does the -Checks their vocab -Listen to a housework Then she watches TV Every morning -Reads a paragraph paragraph, put she reads & does her homework -Guides s how to the order of the Answer Key words -Gives the answer Listen to music (1) the housework(2) -Compare with key Watch TV(3) to read (4) friends * PRESENTATION Pre-teach -Present new words -Listen (to) play volleyball/ football (soccer)/ sports -Repeat by pictures A girl -Write down -Models and write Rub Out and Remember -Copy down them on BB Presentation dialogue A5 p54 -Listens to Grid With answer key teacherand stick -Present dialogue Volleyball Football for each by grid Nga  person with -Ticks the table on Lan  sports BB Thu  -Guides Vui  -Listen Girls (v)  Models Sentences a) Do you/ they play volleyball? Does she/ he b) Yes, I / we/ they He/ she does No , I / we/ they don’t He/ she doesn’t - Practice reading the dialogue in pairs -Gives models sentences on BB -Copy down -Practise in pairs -Explain how to use the simple present tense Y/N Question - Practice form, meaning… reading the - Guide Ss to dialogue in practice pairs -Give answers * PRACTICE -Gives the -Listen-repeat Answer the questios A4 p.53 comprehension Qs Ex: S1: What does [Ba/ Lan] after school? -Uses the picture on -Answer the Qs -See the pictures S2: He watches TV./ She does the housework p53 to practise (57) -Gives examples -Practise in pairs -Guides Ss to practise -Gives examples -Copy down - Yes/ No Questions Drill A6 p.55 Ex: S1: Do you [play] sports? S2: Yes, I / No, I don’t *FURTHER PRACTICE Find some one who Find some one who …watches TV … plays football … does the homework … plays volleyball … listens to music … reads Examples Exchanges S1: Do you watch TV? S2: Yes, I S1: What’s your name? S2: […….] Name -Ticks the charts on BB -Practise in pairs -Gives examples exchange on BB - Lets s practice based on example * CONCLUSION: - Repeat the new words and structrures * HOMEWORK: - Write Y/N questions and answer - Do exercise 4,5,6 in workbook (p.45, 46, 47) - Prepare Unit – B 1,2 - Repeat the new words and structrures - Gives homework Listen and remember Writw homework LESSON PLAN School Teacher: Week : Unit: (cont) Class: Period: 28 Teaching day: ……… Lesson A5 - (p.54 - 55) Aims: Help Ss practice Simple Present Tense Yes/No Questions and short answer to talk about daily routines Objectives: By the and of the lesson, so Students will be able to use Simple Present Tense Yes/No Questions and short answer to talk about daily routines Teaching aids: wordcards, charts Time Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities 5’ * REVISION -Divide class into -Each group (58) Pelmanism Go to Listen to 15’ 10’ 15’ school music groups choose any - Ticks these cards cards They on BB and guides must be a meaningful phase -Present new -Practise in words groups by pictures -Listen -Models and write -Repeat them on BB -Write down -Copy down -Present dialogue -Listens to by grid teacherand -Ticks the table on stick for each BB person with -Guides sports homework watch TV PRESENTATION Pre-teach (to) play volleyball/ football (soccer)/ sports A girl Rub Out and Remember Presentation dialogue A5 p54 Grid With answer key Volleyball Football Nga  Lan  Thu  Vui  Girls (v)  Models Sentences a) Do you/ they play volleyball? Does she/ he b) Yes, I / we/ they He/ she does No , I / we/ they don’t He/ she doesn’t PRACTICE Yes/ No Questions Drill A6 p.55 Ex: S1: Do you [play] sports? S2: Yes, I / No, I don’t FURTHER PRACTICE Find some one who Find some one who …watches TV … plays football … does the homework … plays volleyball … listens to music … reads -Listen -Gives models sentences on BB Name -Explain how to use the simple present tense Y/N Question form, meaning… -Practise in pairs -Guides Ss to practise -Gives examples -Practise in pairs -Ticks the charts on BB -Copy down LESSON PLAN School Teacher: Week : Unit: (cont) Period: -Copy down Class: Teaching day: ……… (59) Aims: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Method:……………………………………………………………………………………………… Teaching Aids:……………………………………………………………………………………… Time Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities -Ticks the chart on -Copy down Find some one who Name BB …watches TV … plays football … does the homework -Guides s to ask and -Practise with … plays volleyball answer teacher … listens to music … reads Examples Exchanges S1: Do you watch TV? S2: Yes, I S1: What’s your name? S2: […….] S1: How you spell it? S2: ect… -Gives examples exchange on BB - Lets s practice based on example -Practise in pairs (60) Preparing day : 22/ 10/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 24/ 10; 6B: T1 – 25/ 10 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 5: THINGS I DO Period 27: Lesson : B My routine (B1,2) I/ Aims: Help’s practice reading a picture story about Ba’ daily routines to practise simple present tense II/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, so we will be able to read the picture story and practice simple present tense III/ Teaching aids: pictures, wordcards IV/ _Procedure: Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities * WARM UP - Do exercise 2, - Ss exercise 2,3 – p 44 in workbook - Asks Ss to 3– p.44 in Jumble Words exercises Okhueowsr = housework tislen = listen -Writes these words workbook -Write the correct Ader = read ethaw = watch on BB Ypal = play mohewokr = homework -Calls some s to go words -Individual writes to BB words * PRE-READING -Corrects their -Listen Pre-Teach mistakes (to) take a shower (to) finish -Presents newwords - Repeat -Copy down (to) eat (to) have lunch by pictures (to) start (to) go to bed -Models and writes words on BB What and Where Start Play games Have lunch Go to bed Finish Take a shower Open Prediction B2 p47 * WHILE READING B1 My routine p.56 Grid B2 p.57 * POST READING Survey B2 p.57 Action Time Ba get up 6.00 Eat breakfast Have class -Draws the circles and writes the words on BB -Lets Ss read them again -Check many times -Gives the exercises -Guides s to read & exercises Me -Gives survey exercises on BB -Guides how to -Practise in groups -Read the words in chorus -Write words again in individual -Fill in the times in the table for Ba without reading -Do exercises -Complete the last column in the B2 (61) table go to school classes start class finish have lunch go home go to bed - Talk about you: Ex: I get up at six o’clock I go to school… * CONCLUSION: - Repeat the new words and structrures * HOMEWORK: - Learn new words - Write about you ( using B1- p.56) - Do exercise 1,2 in workbook (p.47,48) - Prepare Unit – B 3,4 - Calls Ss - Talk about yourself - Repeat the new words and structrures - Gives homework Listen and remember Write homework (62) Preparing day : 24/ 10/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 27/ 10; 6B: T4 – 27/ 10 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 5: THINGS I DO Period 28: Lesson : B My routine (B3,4) I/ Aims: Help Ss to practice asking and answering about Ba ‘s daily routines and themselves to practise simple present tense II/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to asks and answer and practice simple present tense III/ Teaching aids: book, text book, question cards IV/ _Procedure: Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities * WARM UP - Do exercise 2– - Ss exercise – p 48 in workbook - Asks Ss to p.48 in exercises workbook Noughts and crosses - Look the words -Writes table take a shower have lunch homework in the table on the board eat play games go kome - Play games in - Guides Ss to lay finish start go to bed groups games, make sentences for each * PRESENTATION: word Revision questions - What time does he/ she get up? -Listen - Review the He/ She gets up at six o’clock - Repeat structures - What time you get up? -Copy down I get up at six o’clock * PRACTICE a) Ask and answer about Ba Use your table ( B2) - Guides Ss practice - Work in pairs Ex: P1: What time does Ba get up? in pairs P2: He gets up at six o’clock P1: What time does Ba go to school? P2: He goes to school at a quarter to seven b) Ask and answer about you Use your table - Asks Ss to ask and - Answer about ( B2) you answer about Ex: P1: What time you get up? themselves P2: I get up at six o’clock P1: What time you go to school? P2: I go to school at twenty to seven * CONCLUSION: - Repeat the structrures in B4 Remember ( p.57) - Repeat the structrures - Make sentences with each structrure * HOMEWORK: - Learn the structrures in B4 Remember ( p.57) - Gives homework - Do exercise 3,4 in workbook (p.49, 50) - Prepare Unit – C 1,2 - Listen and remember Make sentences - Write homework (63) Preparing day : 27/ 10/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 30/ 10; 6B: T4 – 29/ 10 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 5: THINGS I DO Period 29: Lesson : C Classes (C1,2) I/ Aims: Help student learn school subjects and days of the week vocabulary vocabulary with “Have/Don’t have” to talk about the school time table II/ Objectives: After the lesson, so we will be able use school subjects and days of the week vocabulary with “Have/Don’t have” III/ Teaching aids: wordcards, book, workbook, cassette, math/ English/ history/ literature/ geography book IV/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities * WARM UP - Calls Ss to - Do exercise 3,4 in - Check up: Do exercise 3,4 in workbook exercises workbook (p.49, 50) - Ask Ss: How many subjects you study? - Asks Ss some -Answer the What are they? questions questions * PRESENTATION Pre-teach C1- p 58 -Introduces new - a timetable -math -literature words by situation -Listen - English -history -geography on pictures -Repeat Pre-teach C2 p59 -Models and writes -Copy down Monday Thursday Sunday them on BB -Check Tuesday Friday - Check Voc -Listen to the Wednesday Saturday teacher Ordering Vocabulary First we have literature Then we have Geography At eight forty we have English and then we have Math At ten fifteen we have history.This is out timetable on Monday Answer key English (3) Literature (1) History (5) Math (4) Geography (2) Monday (6) Presentation Text C1 p.58 Model Sentences - What we have today? (?) We have English (+) I don’t have my timetable (-) * PRACTICE Word Cue Drill English/ 7.00 Literature/ 8.40 History/ 9.35 Math/ 7.50 Geography/10.15 -Guides s to order vocabulary -Reads this paragraph clearly -Checks and corrects -Present the text -Gives the model sentences on BB -Explains how to use form, meaning -Order vocabulary -Correct -Repeat -Practise in pairs -Gives some words -Read the words cues on BB -Model with Ss -Practise -Teacher -Gives examples -Base on the (64) on BB examples to -Lets s practise practice in pairs * FURTHER PRACTICE Mapped dialogue -Writes the mapped dialogue on BB -Read and write down What…today? History What time…start? 7.50 Do we…literature…8.40? No…English What time…finish? 9.25 What…at 9.35? Geography Do we…Math? Yes…10.15 Example Exchange: S1: What we have today? S2: We have history S1: What time does it start? S2: At seven fifteen S1: Do we have literature at eight forty? S2: No, we don’t We have English S1: What time does it finish? S2: Nine twenty five Ect… -Guides s to make sentences -Practise in pairs -Gives examples exchange -Models with Ss -Listen - Repeat the new words and the structrures - Listen and remember - Gives homework - Write homework Ex: S1: S2: S1: S2: What we have today? We have [English] What time does it start? [Seven o’clock] * CONCLUSION: - Repeat the subjects, days of the week and structrures in the lession * HOMEWORK: - Learn the the subjects, days of the week and structrures in the lession - Do exercise 1,2 in workbook (p.50, 51) - Prepare Unit – C 3,4 -Practise with teacher (65) LESSON PLAN School Teacher : Week : Unit: (cont) Period: Class: Teaching day: ……… Aims: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Objectives ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Teaching aids: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities (66) What…today? History What time…start? 7.50 Do we…literature…8.40? No…English What time…finish? 9.25 What…at 9.35? Geography Do we…Math? Yes…10.15 Example Exchange: S1: What we have today? S2: We have history S1: What time does it start? S2: At seven fifteen S1: Do we have literature at eight forty? S2: No, we don’t We have English S1: What time does it finish? S2: Nine twenty five Ect… * WORDSQUARE H S T A R T T O O L D G O W M F M I O W N A U I E S P O R T S N W T L R E C I I O E A K A H C S R N Y O D T V H -Writes the mapped dialogue on BB -Read and write down -Guides s to make sentences -Practise in pairs -Gives examples exchange -Models with Ss -Listen -Practise with teacher K T A K E E A T Start, to, old, go, sports, TV, take, eat Homework, listen, do, play, work, ok, read, watch, at, music, finish Preparing day : 29/ 10/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 31/ 10; 6B: T4 – 3/ 11 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 5: THINGS I DO Period 30: Lesson : C Classes (C3,4) I/ Aims: Help Ss practice days of the week vocabulary with “Has/ Doesn’t have” to talk about the weekly timetable II/ Objectives: After the lesson, so we will be able to use days of week voc ,”Has/ Doesn’t have” III/ Teaching aids: book, casette IV/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities (67) * REVISION Slap the board My time table Englis Literature Monday History Math * PRESENTATION Pre-teach C3 p59 Predict dialogue * * PRACTICE Board Drill Thứ Toán Toán Sử GDCD CC Thứ Văn Văn Anh Anh Thứ Toán Toán Sinh Địa -Writes these words on BB -Divides class into groups - Repeat vocbulary -See the words carefully -Practise in group -Gives predict dialogue -Draws the timetable on BB -Guides s to practise -Fill in the blanks of the dialogue -Listen and check their prediction -See the timetable carefully -Gives examples -Base on examples to practice in pairs Geograph Answer key C3p59 Thứ Anh TD Thứ Văn Văn Sử KT Thứ Toán Sinh Địa KT SHCN Ex: - When we have Math? - On Monday, Wednesday, Saturday * PRODUCTION Board Drill above Write it up We have math on …, … and …We have English on…, ect… * homework: - Make similar dialogues – C3 - Do exercise 3,4 in workbook (p.51, 52) - Prepare Grammar practice p.60 Preparing day : 2/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T 5– 3/ 11 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: -Listen -Repeat -Copy down -Gives the model -Lets Ss write at home -Fill in their real timetable (only the subjects they have learnt in E) in C2 p59 -Practise in pairs - Gives homework - Write the homework -Guides how to ; 6B: T4 – 5/ 11 Period 31: GRAMMAR PRACTICE I/ Aims: Further practice in Simple present tense, telling the time, Adjective with “Be”, Qs words, school subject, Days of the week II/ Objectives: After the lesson, so we can use Simple present, Adjective with “Be”, Qs words, school subject, Days of the week III/ Teaching aids: book,workbook IV/ Procedures: Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities (68) * WAM UP - Do exercise 3,4 in workbook (p.51, 52) - Ss practice the similar dialogue C3 p.59 * TELLING THE TIME Picture Drill Grammar practice 2p.60 Ex: S1: What time is it? S2: It’s [seven o’clock.] Dictation One forty five, five thirty, eight fifty, eight fifteen twelve o’clock, haft past three * QUESTIONS WORDS p.61 Noughts and Crosses Le Loi street two floors N-G-A Literature 5.30 grade Tuesday& Thursday 7.00 I play football Possible Answers - Where you live? - How many floors does your school have? - How you spell your name? - What have today? - What time you get up? - Which grade are you in? - When we have math? - What time you go to school? - What you in the afternoon? * ADJECTIVE WITH “BE” 3p.61 Word Cue Drill House Street school Family city Country Living room Ex: S1: Is your [house] big? S2: Yes, it is / No it isn’t * CLASS- p.61 Ex: S1: When you have literature? S2: I hane literature on Monday, Thirsday and Friday * PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE - Formation: S + V(s/ es) + O - Ex: I get up at 6.00 She gets up at 6.00 He goes to school at 6.40 - Do exercise 1, 6, p 60, 61 *CONCLUSION: - Repeat the contents of the lesson * homework: - Do exercises in Grammar practice again - Prepare Unit A1,2 - Calls some Ss to exercises -Uses the pictures or realias to introduce -Guides to practice -Gives examples -Reads these numbers in the words -Draws the table on BB -Guides how to play game - Do exercises in work book -See the time -Practise in pairs -Write them in the number -Copy down -Practise in groups -Gives the possible answer after Ss practise -Write on their notebooks -Ticks word cues on BB -Explains how to use adjectives with “Be” -Guides to practise -Use word cues to make sentences -Use adjectives with “Be” fluently - Guides Ss to answer the questions in pairs - Practice in pairs - Revise the forms - Listen and and uses take notes - Make examples - Guides Ss to - Work in the exercises pairs - Repeat the structures in the lesson - Listen and remember - Gives homework - Listen amd (69) take notes LESSON PLAN School : Teacher: Week : Unit: (cont) Class: Teaching day: ……… Aims: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Objectives: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Teaching aids: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time Contents Teacher’s activities Find someone who Name Student’s activities (70) Word Cue Drill Example Exchange: S1: What we have on Monday? S2: We have [maths] and [English] S1: Do we have [geography] on Monday? S2: Yes, I / No, I don’t Grammar practice p.60 & - p.61 -Guides how to practise the games -Divide into groups -Write the chart on BB -Copy down -Models with Ss - Gives cues on the board -Gives how to practise -Practise with teacher -Practise with partner -Uses word cues to make Qs and Answers -Gives examples -Corrects their mistakes -Practise in pairs Preparing day : 4/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 6/ 11; 6B: T1 – 8/ 11 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 6: PLACES Period 32: : A My day (A1,2) ) I/ Aims: Help student practice reading a text about where they live to understand the details & practice countryside II/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, so we will be able to read the text about where they live and use country vocabulary III/ Teaching aids: books, texbooks, cassette, pictures (71) IV/ Procedures: Contents * PRE- READING Pre-teach a lake (n) trees (n) a river (n) flowers (n) What and Where a ride paddy (n) a park (n) A rice paddy A river Flowers Trees A park A lake Open Predict - What’s near Thuy’s house? * WHILE READING A1 p.62 Ordering vocabulary p62 Matching Near xinh đẹp A yard khách sạn Beautiful gần A hotel sân Comprehension Qs A1 p 62 (a - f) * POST READING Picture drill A1 p62 and A2 p.63 Ex: - What’s that? - What are those? - It’s [river] - They’re [trees] * Homework: - Read the text and learn new words - Describe about where you live - Do exercise 1,2 in workbook (p.60,61) - Prepare Unit A3 -> A7 Teacher’s activities -Introduces new words by pictures -Models and write them on BB - Checks voc - Clean words -Checks & corrects -Gives the Question on BB Student’s activities -Listen -Repeat -Copy down -Say words again -Write them again -Guides Ss to answer the Qs -Answering the Qs from the text -Teacherswhole class -Write three things in their -Reads the second books paragraph (p.62) -Checks their -Writes the prediction matching exercise -Order the voc on BB -Match the -Guides how to words with the meaning -Uses pictures on p.63 to practise -Gives examples -Lets s practise - Guides Ss to homework -Practise with partner - Listen and write the homework (72) Preparing day : 4/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 7/ 11; 6B: T4 – 10/ 11 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 6: PLACES Period 33: : A My day (A3- A7) ) I/ Aims: Help student study town and country vocab for describing places where they live II/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss we will be able to use town and country vocab for describing places where they live III/ Teaching aids: books, texbooks, cassette, pictures IV/ Procedures: Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities * WARM UP -Reads the word in -Write the words - Teacher read new words of last lesson English or Ss hear - Descibe about where you live Vietnamese - Read your * PRESENTATION - Calls some Ss describing Pre-teach -Presents new word -Listen-repeat A town a village a city the country -Models and writes -Copy down Bingo - Reads these words -List all the words A house, a town, a city, a school, a river, a clearly they have learnt in rice paddy, a park, a street, a hotel, a village, Unit so far a yard, flowers -Checks -Sticks on the words Ss choose * PRACTICE - A3 Write Complete sentences (p.63) - Guides Ss to - Look at the Ex: Our house has a yard It is near a rice practice writing pictures and write paddy sentences - A4 Listen (p 64) - Play cassette - Listen and write a) hotel b) country c) rice paddy, river the woord you hear Picture drill A5 p.64 -Show the pictures -See the pictures Example statements: and instructs to and practice based - There ‘s [a hotel] near our house on the example - There are [trees] near our house -Gives examples statements -Practise in groups * FURTHER PRACTISE -Guides how to  individual Chain Games play games -Pay attention S1: There’s a hotel near our house -Models with one -Practise with S2: There’s a hotel and a school near … student before partner S3: There’s a hotel, a school, and a … -Gives the missing -Write down Guessing Game sentences -Practise in pairs There’s a ……… near our house -Gives the formulas Ex: S1: Is there a park near our house? and examples -Use the models S2: Yes, there is / No, there isn’t above to write 4-6 * PRODUCTION -Guides Ss how to sentences about Write it up A5 p.64 write their place S write 4-6 sentences about their place (73) * CONCLUSION: - A7 Remember p.64 - Contents of the lesson * Homework: - Do exercise in workbook (p.62) - Prepare Unit B1 -> B5 - Listen - Repeats - Guides Ss to homework Preparing day : 8/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 10/ 11; 6B: T4 – 12/ 11 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: - Write the homework (74) UNIT 6: PLACES Period 34: Lesson : B Classes (B1 – B5 ) I/ Aims: Help student read a text about where Minh lives to understand town vocabulary & preposition of place: in, on, near, next to II/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, so we will be able to read a text about where Minh lives, and use town vocabulary and preposition of place : in, on, near, next to III/ Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, workbook, cassette IV/ Procedures Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * REVISION -Uses A6 p.64 to -Go to the board Rub out and Remember [dialogue] check up the lesson A p.64 Ss write 4-6 sentences about their place - Calls a student - Write sentences on * PRE-READING the board Pre-teach -Present new words -Listen A (book) store a hospital by pictures or situations -Repeat A restaurant a factory -Models and writes - Write down A temple a museum words on the board A stadium Slap the board -Check vocab by using -Play the game in Bệnh viện slap the board groups Nhà -Gives the poster and -Find and write the Hiệu instruction words Nhà máy -Copy down Đình Wordsquare * True/ False prediction Near Minh’s house … a There’s a restaurant (T) b There’s a lake (F) c There’ a hospital (T) * WHILE READING B1 p.66 - 65 (to) work a neighborhood Comprehension Questions B1 p.66 a f B2 p.66 a e * POST READING Dictation - B p.67 a d - B4 p.67 I live in a … on a…, in a…, near a … where friends meet to… * CONCLUSION: -Guides to the exercise prediction -Writes them on BB -Reads the text -Guess which statement are true/ false -Listen and check their prediction -Teaches the words in context -Guides s to exercises B1, p.66 -Correct their mistakes -Copy down -Reads the words clearly - Writes the missing sentences on BB -Write the word they hear -Listen and fill in blanks with the suitable words (with words Ss hear) - Asks Ss to make - Make examples for -Answer the Qs in oral writing (75) - B5 Remember p.67 - Contents of the lesson * Homework: - Learn new words and structures - Do exercise 1,2 in workbook (p.62, 63) - Prepare Unit C1,2 sentences with words in B5 words in the box - Gives homework - Write the homework (76) LESSON PLAN School : Teacher: Week : Unit: (cont) Period: 36 Lesson Class: Teaching day: ………… B3 (p.67 ) Aims: Help student practice in preposition of places : in, on, near, next to and town and country vocabulary Objectives: After the lesson, so we will be able to use preposition of places : in, on, near, next to and town and country vocabulary Teaching aids: pictures , wordcards Time 5’ 10’ 15’ 15’ Contents Student’s activities * REVISION -Ticks these -Close the books Jumble words jumbled words on s to go to BB Dasimut = stadium tiyc = city BB and write the Tplshiao = hospital useoh = house -Guides Ss to correct words Eaarrusntt = restaurant farotyc = factory -Checks and -Listen and fill in * PRESENTATION B4 p.67 corrects blanks with the I live in a … on a…, in a…, near a … where -Writes the missing suitable words friends meet to… sentences on BB (with words Ss Matching hear) -Draws the pictures -Draw the X X In near on BB pictures on their -Explains how to notebooks and X Huế use the preposition writes the X On -Guides to the preposition Next to matching exercises -Do it in * PRACTICE individual Word Cue Drill -Ticks word cues -See the word on BB cues Village City Town Stadium River -Guides how to drill -Read the words Hospital Temple Rice paddy Lake again Example Exchange S1: Where you live? S2: I live in [a village] S2: I live near / next to [a lake] etc… * FURTHER PRACTICE Noughts and Crosses Student use the same words as the drill, with the same exchange Teacher’s activities -Gives the examples -Use the words above to play Noughts and Crosses -Repeat the examples -Practise in pairs -Play games (77) Preparing day : 11/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 13/ 11; 6B: T1 – 15 / 11 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 6: PLACES Period 35: Lesson : C Around the house (C1,2 ) I/ Aims: Help practise use the prepositions of place “in front of, behind, to the left of/right of” to describe the position of a house II/ Objectives: After the lesson, so we will be able to use preposition of place to describe the position of a house III/Teaching aids: IV/ Procedures: Contents Teacher’s Student’s activities activities (78) *CHECK UP - Do exercise 1,2 in workbook (p.62, 63) - Wrie new words of last lesson * PRESENTATION Pre-teach In front of to the left of Behind to the right of Ex: S1: Where’s the tree? S2: It’s [next to] the house Presentation Text C p.68 * PRACTICE Comprehension Questions C1.68 Picture drill (p68) Ex: Where are the [mountain]? They’re [behind] the house a street - Do exercise and wrie new words -Introduces -Presents new word on BB -Explains how to use -Gives examples -Close the books -Listen -Repeat -Write down -Repeat the examples -Present the text -Guess the meaning of “a well, mountains” -Answer the Qs -Ask and answer without looking at the text or written Qs -Do matching exercise -Make sentences about Thuy’s house and Minh’s house -Practise in chorus -Practise in pairs -Guides to answer the questions -Show the pictures explains how to prac * FURTHER PRACTICE Matching C2 p69 Listen and match Noughts and Crosses P62 – 65 – 66 a lake a hotel a yard trees - Calls some Ss a park a rice paddy a river flowers Ex: Near Thuy ‘s house, there’s a lake Next to Minh’s house, there’s a store * Conclusion * Homework: - Learn new words and structures - Describe around your house - Do exercise 1,2 in workbook (p.63, 64) - Prepare Unit C3,4,5,6 -Guides how to -Draws the table on BB -Guides how to play Noughts and Crosses -Gives the models on the board - Listen and - Repeat the contens remember of the lesson - Listen and - Gives the write exercises Preparing day : 11/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 14/ 11; 6B: T – Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: / 11 UNIT 6: PLACES Period 36: Lesson : C Around the house (C3,4,5,6 ) I/ Aims : - Help Ss practise “where is…/ are ? ” questions and answers with town vocabulary and prepositions of place to describe a street II/ Objectives : - After the lesson, Ss will be able to use “where is…/ are ? ” Qs – As with town vocabulary & preposition III/ Teaching aids : Textbook, workbook, cassette IV/ Procedures: Teacher’s Student’s Contents activities activities (79) * PRESENTATION : Pre-teach C3 p.70 - the drugstore - the movie theater - the toy store - the police station - the bakery - between, opposite Presentation Text C3 p.70 * PRACTICE : Picture Drill C4 a) p.70 Guessing Game C4 b) p.71 *PRODUCTION : Pyramid Net works factory a village - Introduces - Presents new work by pictures, situations - Models & writes - Explains - Presents the text - Guides to practice by pictures - Models - Draws net works onBB - Explains how to COUNTR TOW the stadium a rice paddy - Close the books - Listen - Repeat - Copy down - Listen & repeat - Use pictures to practice in pairs - Copy down - Give some more works - Discuss with partner - Gives examples paddy fields * Bingo : the bookstore, the mountains, the restaurant, the hospital, the river, the factory, the drugstore, trees, the police station, the bakery, the lake, the photocopy store, the stadium, the museum, the park, the movie theater, the rice paddy, the hotel, the village, the toy store Survey C5 p.71 S1 : What’s [in front of] your house ? S2 : [A rice paddy] Name in front of behin d opposite right left - Remind the - Writes some words that words they’re learnt on the board - Choose any - Reads these words words carefully - Practise in - Draws the table on group BB - Gives examples - Copy down - Guides how to - Fill in the - Correct mistakes information in the table near * Conclusion - C6 – p.71 Remember * Homework: - Learn new words and structures - Do exercise in workbook (p.65) - Revise Unit 4,5,6 to prepare for next written test ( 45’) - Asks Ss to make examples with each preposition - Make examples - Guides Ss to the exercises - Write the exercises (80) Written TEST II TIME 45’ FULL NAME :……………………………… CLASS : 6A MARKS TEACHER ‘S COMMENTS (81) Bµi lµm I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( 2,5 ms) She (go)…………… to school in the morning I (play)…………… soccer every day Nam ( have) …………English on Tuesday There (be) ……………twenty- two students in the class They (not live)……………………in the city II Read the passage Then answer the questions ( 2,5 ms) Mai lives in a house in the country with her father, mother and sister Their house is near a small school In front of the house, there is a big yard Behind the house, there are tall trees Behind the tall trees, there are mountains To the right of the house there is a well To the left of the house, there are flowers Mai ‘s house is very nice Mai loves her house very much Where does Mai live? ……………………………………………………………………………… Who does she live with? Where is the yard? What are there to the lefl of the house? ……………………………………………………………………………… Does Mai love her house? ……………………………………………………………………………… III Listen and complete the table (2,5 ms) name Phong Quoc Anh Thu age 12 (2)……… 14 school grade (1)………………… Trung Vuong Kim Dong (4)………… IV Look at the table and write about you (2,5 ms) 6.00 6.05 6.15 get up brush teeth, wash face, get dressed have breakfast class 6A (3)…………… (5)…………… (82) 6.45 11.45 2.00 go to school go home, have lunch homework I get up at six o’clock ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… .…………………………………………………………………………………… Written TEST II TIME 45’ FULL NAME :……………………………… CLASS : 6B MARKS TEACHER ‘S COMMENTS Bµi lµm (83) I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( 2,5 ms) They (go)…………… to school in the morning He (watch)……………… TV every day We ( have) …………… math on Monday, Thursday and Saturday There (be) …………… a rice paddy near our house She (not live)……………………in the country II Read the passage and write T (True) or F (False) to each of the sentence (2,5 ms) Tuan lives in a house in the country with his father, mother and sister Their house is near a small school In front of the house, there is a big yard Behind the house, there are tall trees Behind the tall trees, there are mountains To the right of the house there is a well To the left of the house, there are flowers Tuan ‘s house is very nice He loves his house very much ……… Tuan lives with his father, mother and sister in the city ……… There is a small school near his house ……… The tall trees are behind the house ……… The flowers are to the right of the house ……… Tuan doesn’t love his house III Listen and complete the table (2,5 ms) name Nam Tuan Lan Age 12 13 (4)……… School Quang Trung (1)…………… (2)………………… 7C Chu Van An 9A IV Look at the table and write about you (2,5 ms) everyday morning afternoon 4.00 evening Class get up/ 6.00 go to school housework play games homework Classroom ‘s floor 1st (3)…………… (5)…………… (84) 10.00 go to bed Everyday, I get up at six o’clock …………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… .…………………………………………………………………………………… Preparing day : 15/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 17/ 11; 6B: T4 – 19/ 11 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: Period 37 : written test II ( Time: 45’ ) A aims : - Help Ss to know how well they have learned English, consolidate what knowledge they are not very good at Help the teacher to appreciate each student’s ability of learing language as well - Ss the test contents: + Listening: Lintening comprehension and complete the table about ones’ personal information: name, age, school, grade, class + Reading: Reading the passage, then answer the questions or exercise True or False + Writing: Write the sentences about you ( your activities in a day) + Language forcus: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets B contents of written test: (85) contents Keys marks §Ò I ( 6A) I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( 2,5 ms) She (go)………… to school in the morning I (play)…………… soccer every day Nam ( have) …………English on Tuesday There (be) ……… twenty- two students in the class They (not live)……………………in the city II Read the passage Then answer the questions Mai lives in a house in the country with her father, mother and sister Their house is near a small school In front of the house, there is a big yard Behind the house, there are tall trees Behind the tall trees, there are mountains To the right of the house there is a well To the left of the house, there are flowers Mai ‘s house is very nice Mai loves her house very much Where does Mai live? …………………………………………… Who does she live with? Where is the yard? What are there to the lefl of the house? …………………………………………… Does Mai love her house? …………………………………………… III Listen and complete the table (2,5 ms) name Phong Quoc Anh Thu age 12 (2)…… 14 school (1)……… Trung Vuong Kim Dong grade class 6A (3)…… I/ goes play has are don’t live II/ Mai lives in a house in the country ( x 0,5 = 2,5 ms) ( x 0,5 = 2,5 ms) 2.She lives with her father, mother and sister It is in front of the house There are flowers to the left of the house Yes, she does III/ 1) Hoang Dieu 2) 13 3) 7A 4) 5) 8C ( x 0,5 = 2,5 ms) (4)… (5)…… IV/ IV Look at the table and write about you 6.00 6.05 6.15 6.45 11.45 2.00 get up brush teeth, wash face, get dressed have breakfast go to school go home, have lunch homework I get up at six o’clock …………………… I get up at six o’clock I brush my teeth, wash my ( x 0,5 = face and get dressed at 2,5 ms) 6.05 At 6.15 I have breakfast I go to school at 6.45 I go home and have lunch 11.45 I my homework at 2.00 (86) §Ò II (6B) I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( 2,5 ms) They (go)……… to school in the morning He (watch)………………TV every day We ( have) …………… math on Monday, Thursday and Saturday There (be) …… a rice paddy near our house She (not live)………………in the country II Read the passage and write T (True) or F (False) to each of the sentence (2,5 ms) Tuan lives in a house in the country with his father, mother and sister Their house is near a small school In front of the house, there is a big yard Behind the house, there are tall trees Behind the tall trees, there are mountains To the right of the house there is a well To the left of the house, there are flowers Tuan ‘s house is very nice He loves his house very much I/ go watches have is doesn’t live II/ F T T F F … Tuan lives with his father, mother and sister in the city … There is a small school near his house ……3 The tall trees are behind the house ……4 The flowers are to the right of the house ……5 Tuan doesn’t love his house III Listen and complete the table (2,5 ms) Name Age Nam 12 Tuan 13 Lan (4)… School Class Quang Trung (2)…… (1)… Classroom ‘s floor 1st 7C (3)… Chu Van An 9A (5)… ( x 0,5 = 2,5 ms) ( x 0,5 = 2,5 ms) III/ 1) 6B 2) Tran Phu 3) 2nd 4) 15 5) 3rd IV/ Everyday, I get up at six IV Look at the table and write about you (2,5 ms) o’clock In the morning, I go to school In the everyday get up/ 6.00 afternoon, I housework morning go to school I play games at 4.00 In the afternoon housework evening, I my home4.00 play games work I go to bed at 10.00 evening homework 10.00 go to bed Everyday, I get up at six o’clock ( x 0,5 = 2,5 ms) ( x 0,5 = 2,5 ms) (87) ……………………………………… C/ Result: 6A: G:………… K:……………… Tb:……………… Y:……………… KÐm 6A: G:………… K:……………… Tb:……………… Y:……………… KÐm Preparing day : 29/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T – / 12; Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: 6B: T4 – / 12 Period 43: ch÷a bµi kiÓm tra tiÕt sè II I/ Aims: Correct the test, give keys, marks of the written test II Help Ss know their mistakes in the test and how to the next test better II/Teaching aids: keys and marks of the test, contents of written test 15’ III/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * Do written test 15’ - Ask Ss to written test - Do written test * Correct the written test 2: 15’ 15’ - Keys of the test: §Ò I: 6A I/ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets goes play has are don’t live - Aks Ss exercises and revise the language focus as: to be, present simple tense - Do exercises - Compare keys with your answers - Ask Ss to read the text - Read the text II/ Read the passage and write T (True) or F (False) to each of the sentence (88) Mai lives in a house in the country 2.She lives with her father, mother and again and answer the questions again and check your answers - Ask Ss to listen the text again and give keys - Listen the text again and check your answers sister It is in front of the house There are flowers to the left of the house Yes, she does III/ Listen and complete the table 1) Hoang Dieu 2) 13 3) 7A 4) 5) 8C IV Look at the table and write about you I get up at six o’clock I brush my teeth, wash my face and get dressed at 6.05 At 6.15 I have breakfast I go to school at 6.45 I go home and have lunch 11.45 I my homework at 2.00 - Guides Ss to write the senteces Then gives keys - Write sentences on the board §Ò II: 6B I/ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets go watches have is doesn’s live II/ Read the passage and write T (True) or F (False) to each of the sentence F T T F F III/ Listen and complete the table 6B Tran Phu 2nd 15 3rd - Aks Ss exercises and revise the language focus as: to be, present simple tense - Do exercises - Compare keys with your answers - Ask Ss to read the text again and give true answers - Read the text again and check your answers - Ask Ss to listen the text again and give keys - Listen the text again and check your answers (89) IV Look at the table and write about you Everyday, I get up at six o’clock In the morning, I go to school In the afternoon, I housework I play games at 4.00 In the evening, I my homework I go to bed at 10.00 * CONCLUSION: - Comment Ss’ mistakes in the test and give the way to the next test better - Guides Ss to write the senteces Then gives keys - Write sentences on the board - Comment - Listen and remember - Gives homework - Write homework * HOMEWORK: - Prepare Unit A1,2,3 Preparing day : 19/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 21/ 11; 6B: T4 – 24 / 11 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 7: YOUR HOUSE Period 38: Lesson : A Is your house big? (A1,2 ) I/ Aims : - Help Ss practise listening to a dialogue & reading a letter about a house to understand the details II/ Objective : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to a dialogue & reading a letter about a house to understand the details III/ Teaching aids : posters, cassette IV/ Procedures: Contents Teacher’s activities * PRE-LISTENING T/F prediction [Grid] Answer key yes ………big ? ………small ? ……a yard ? ………a well ? ………flowers ? ……trees ?     no   - Writes or to talk about the main ideas of the text on BB - Turns on the Cassette - Writes Ss’ prediction on the board - Turns on the cassette once more - Corrects mistakes Student’s activities - Read these sentences carefully - Listen to the tape & tick Yes or No - Give their prediction -Listen again & check their prediction (90) * WHILE LISTENING A1- IS YOUR HOUSE BIG ? p.72 * PRE-READING Pre-teach a garden, a vegetable, a photo Slap the Board vườn Caùi - Guides to read the text - Introduces the lesson & give some new words - Checks vocabulary by slap the Board - Repeat in chorus - Listen - Repeat - Copy down - Practise in groups - Guides how to play Bức Caùi T/F prediction a) The house is in the country (T) b) There’s a river near the house (F) c) There are trees to the left of thehouse d) There are two gardens (T) * WHILE – READING A2 p.73 Comprehension [Matching] A2 p.73 a  e * POST – READING / LISTENING Transformation writing (Describe Ss own house) * HOMEWORK: - Write the letter about you ( see A2 p.73) - Doexercise 1,2,3 p 66 in workbook - Prepare Unit 7- A3 -> A7 - Writes these sentences on BB - Writes their prediction on the board - Guides Ss to read the text & exercises - Guides how to write from the main text of the letter - Work in pairs to predict the main ideas of the text - Read the text to check their prediction - Repeat in chorus - Practise individually - Change the underlined information to describe their own house & then draw a picture of it as a photo Preparing day : 21/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 24/ 11; 6B: T4 – 26 / 11 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 7: YOUR HOUSE Period 39: Lesson : A Is your house big? (A3- A7 ) I/ Aims : - Help Ss practise facilities vocabulary with “Is there a…/ Are there any…?” and short answers to describe the town and the sights aroud the house II/ Objectives : - After the lesson, Ss will be able to use “Is there a…/Are there any… ? ” and short answers III/ Teaching aids : pictures, books, workbooks, cassette IV/ Procedures: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * WARM UP - Do exercise - Do exercise 1- p.66 in workbook -Guides Ss to play - Play games - Play games “ Slap the board” with these games words: house, garden, old, big, yard, hotel, restaurant, flowers, hospital … * PRESENTATION - Introduces the topic - Listen Pre-teach - Gives new words on - Repeat a bank, a post office, a supermarket BB - Copy down Presentation Dialogue A1 p.72 - Models - Listen (91) Model sentences - Is there a yard?  Yes, there is well?  No, there isn’t - Are there any flowers? –Yes, there are trees? – No, there aren’t * PRACTICE Picture Drill A3 b) p.74 (8 pictures) Example Exchanges S1 : Is there [a hotel] near your house ? S2 : Yes, there is / No, there isn’t S1 : Are there any [shops] near your house? S2 : Yes, there are / No, there aren’t * FURTHER PRACTICE Matching A5 - p.75 Listen to this description Which house is it? - Answer: picture a) – A4 A4 -p.74 Look at the picture Ask questions to find which house your partner chooses Ex: Are there any trees? Are they behind the the house? Is there a lake? Is it in front of the house? A6- p 75 Play with words * CONCLUSION: - A7 Remember – p.75 Is there a…? Are there any…? * HOMEWORK: - Make questions with “Is there a…? Are there any…?” and answer about things around your house - Do exercise 4, 5, – p.67 in workbook - Prepare Unit 7- B1,2,3,4 - Explains the meaning - Presents the dialogue - Presents the models on BB - Explains how to use, form,… - Gives examples - Models - Pick out the models from the dialogue - Practise in pairs - Show the picture - Repeat - Gives example exchanges - Practise in pairs - Guides Ss to listen - Listen and match - Guides how to practise - Corrects mistakes - Do the matching exercises in writing - Plays the cassette and asks Ss to complete the words - Listen and complete the words - Aks Ss to complete the sentences in A7 - Complete the sentences in A7 - Gives homework - Write homework in your notebook - Repeat - Practise (92) Preparing day : 25/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 27/ 11; 6B: T – Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: / 11 UNIT 7: YOUR HOUSE Period 40: Lesson : B Town or country? (B1 – B4) I/ Aims : - Help Ss practise reading a text about Ba’s and Chi’s houses to understand the differences between town and country II/ OBJECTIVES : - After the lesson, Ss will be able to read a text to understand the differences between town and country III/ Teaching aids : pictures, cassette IV/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities (93) * REVISION Hangman (stores) (clinic) (post / office) (bank) (super market) (rice / paddy) (flowers) * PRE-READING Pre- teach noisy # quiet a zoo an apartment paddy fields a market Rub out and Remember Kim’s Game B1 picture p.76 - “There’s a zoo, a post office…” B1 picture p.77 - There is a lake, a river… * WHILE-READING B1 p.76 (about Ba) – p.77 (about Chi) Comprehension Qs [Matching] B1 p.76 a  f - Writing: B2 p 77 Read about Ba Then write about Chi * POST-READING Brain-Storm In town …it’s noisy we live in aparment …there’s a zoo …there are shops …etc - Divide into groups - Guess the words from the lines -Reads the text clearly - Answer the Qs in writing - Practise in group - Listen - Repeat - Copy down - Read words again - Write words again - Practise - Repeat in chorus - Guides to answer the Qs - Guides how to practise writing - Writing about Chi - Guides how to practise - Practise in groups - Plays cassette times - Listen and comeplete the table - Repeat the structures - Listen and remember In the country …it’s quiet …etc B3 p.77 Listen and check * CONCLUSION: - B4 Remember – p.77 - Introduces the games - Guides how to play - Draws the pictures and the lines on BB - Elicits by a letter - Presents new words - Models and writes words on BB - Gives the meaning - Checks vocabulary - Guides to play Kim’s Game - Gives examples (94) * HOMEWORK: - Write a text about you – see B1 p.77( about Chi) - Do exercise B1 -> B5 – p.68,69,70 in workbook - Prepare Unit 7- C1,2 - Gives homework - Write the homework in your notebook LESSON PLAN School : Teacher: Class: Week: 15 Period : 43 Unit (cont) Lesson B2-3 (p.77) Teaching day: *Aims: Help Ss integrated skill practice to describe where we live *Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use integrate skill practice to describe where we live *Teaching aids: Wordcards, pictures, cassette Time Contents 5’ 15’ 15’ *Revision transformation writing B2 p.77 Grid B3 p.77 (listening) *PRSENTATION Model sentences B4 p.77 *PRACTICE Word cue Drill town/country bank / post office house/apartment supermarket/ market hospital/factory shops/paddy fields zoo/museum *Example exchanges S1: Do you live (in town)? S2: No, I live (in the country) Teacher’s activities StudenTeacher’s activities Read the paragraph -Write a short paragraph on BB Turn on the cassette -Listen to the tape and complete the Presents the modals table -Copy down Shows some word -Read the word cues cues on BB clearly -Models (2 times) Repeat in chorus -Gives example exchanges on BB -Guide to read -Let Ss practise -Copy down -Practise based on the example exchanges -Practise in pairs (95) 15’ S1: Do you live (near a lake)? S2: No, I live( near a river) *FURTHER PRACTICE Find someone who Find someone wholives names in town in the country near a lake next to a market opposite a paddy field near a post office Example exchange S1: Do you live in town? S2: No, I don’t/ yes, I S1: What’s your name? S2: ……… S1: How you spell it? -Sticks the poster on the board -Read the information -copy the chart on their teacher -guide how to -Models (2-3 Ss) -Gives example exchange on BB -Listen+ practise with their teacher -Copy down -Divide into groups -Practise in groups (96) Preparing day : 26/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 28/ 11; 6B: T – Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: / 11 UNIT 7: YOUR HOUSE Period 41: Lesson : C On the move (C1,2) I/ Aims: Help Ss practise Simple present “ How” question and “by car/bike ” to talk about transportations II/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use Simple present “How” question to talk about transportation III/ Teaching aids: Pictures, poster IV/ Procedure: Content *REVISION Guessing games I’m going to the Ex:S1 Are you going to the bank? S2: No, I’m not S3: Are you going to the clinic? S2: Yes, I’m *PRESENTATION Pre-teach By bike by bus by train By motorbike by car by plane What and where Presentation text C1-2 p.78-79 Model sentences How go to School :? Does he travel to work? I travel/go by bike He travels/goes car *PRACTICE Substitution Drill:C2 p.18-79 Ex: S1:how does(Lien) go to School :? S2: She goes by (bike) S1: How does (Mr Hai) travel to work? S2: He travels by (train) *PRODUCTION Noughts and Crosses Mrs Dung Mrs Lan Lien Thu Mr Ba Mr Kim Mr Hai Tuan Miss Hoa Teacher’s activities StudenTeacher’s activities -Guides how to -Gives the structure on BB -Gives example -Choose a place in town and complete the sentence strip -Practise in pairs -Introduces new words by using the pictures (p.78) and situation -models and writes -Checks vocabulary -Presents the text -Listen -Guess and gives words in English -Use the text to give the model sentences -Explain how to form, use, -Uses the pictures C2 p.78-79 -Gives example exchanges on BB -Models -Repeat &copy down -Practise in groups -Repeat in chorus -copy down -Practise in pairs -Look at the pictures to ask and answer based on example - Practise in pairs -Copy down -Draws the chart on BB -Divide into groups and explain how to -Play games play games (97) * HOMEWORK: - Learn new words and structures - Do exercise C1,2 – p.70 in workbook - Prepare Unit 7- C3,4, 5, - Guides Ss to homework - Listen and take notes (98) Preparing day : 27/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 1/ 12; 6B: T1 – 29 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: / 11 UNIT 7: YOUR HOUSE Period 42: Lesson : C On the move (C3, 4, 5,6) I/ Aims: Help Ss practise reading a text about Hoang’ daily routine for further practice in simple present habitual actions II/ Objectives: After the lesson, Ss will be able to read a text and use simple present habitual actions III/ Teaching aids: books, workbook, cassette IV/ Procedures : Content * WARM UP Find some who Find some who Names get up at 5.30 get up at walk to School : goes to School : by bus goes to School : by bike Ex:S1: Do you get up at 5.30? S2: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t * LISTENING: C3 p 80 a) By motorbike e) By bus b) By plane f) By car c) By bus g) By train d) By bike h) By walks ( on foot) *PRE-READING (open) Prediction What time? -He gets up -He leaves the house -School : starts -School : ends -He has lunch *WHILE READING C4 p.80 Comprehension Questions C4 p.890 Lucky Numbers Teacher’s activities StudenTeacher’s activities -Lets Ss play “find someone who” -Sticks the poster on BB -Divide into groups -Play games -Copy down -Practise in pairsgroups -Gives examples -Models - Expains the listening, and ask Ss give guessing - Play cassette - Calls some Ss -Copy down -Supplies the chart on BB -Guides how to -Writes the times on BB -Guides to read the text -Correct mistake -Guess what time Hoang does the following things -Gives the times -Gives the topic &write the things on BB -Guides how to -Correct mistakes - Listen and guess - Listen to tape , then check your guesses - Read your answers -Repeat in chorus -Check their predictions -Copy down -Divide into groups -Practise in groups (99) *POST-READING -Guides how to - Make survey - Asks Ss to make sentences - Complete senteces in the box Survey What time? time name Get up Go to School Classes start Classes end Go home Have lunch * CONCLUSION: - C6 Remember – p.81 * HOMEWORK: - Write a text about you – see C4 p.80 ( about Hoang) - Do exercise 3,4 – p.71 in workbook (100) Written TEST FULL NAME :……………………… CLASS : 6B TIME 15’ MARKS TEACHER ‘S COMMENTS Bµi lµm I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs My school (be)…………… in the city There (be) ………… classrooms in the school I (go) …………… to school by bike My mom (travel) …………… to work by motorbike Does Nam (walk)…………… to school? II Listen and circle the letter of the correct answer Long lives in ……………… in the country A an apartment B a small house There are………………… in front of the house C a big house A trees B trees and flowers There’s a mountain……………… the house C flowers A near B behind There’s a ……………… to the left of the house C to the left A paddy field B lake …………………… and it’s very quiet here C river A There aren’t any stores B There are many stores Written TEST FULL NAME :……………………… TIME 15’ C There are many drugstores (101) CLASS : 6A MARKS TEACHER ‘S COMMENTS Bµi lµm I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs There (be)………… stores in the city My school (have) ………… classrooms She (walk) …………… to school My parents (travel) …………… to work by motorbike How does Ba (go)…………to school? By bike II Listen and circle the letter of the correct answer Mrs Lien lives in ……………… in town A an apartment B a small house She is a teacher in a school …………… her house C a big house A next to B near She gets up at ……………… C opposite A half past six B a quarter past six Mrs Lien goes to school by ………… C a quarter to six A motorbike B bike C bus In the afternoon she does the ………………and reads books or listens to music A housework B homework Preparing day : 29/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T – 1/ 12 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: C exercises ; 6B: T4 – 1/ 12 written test 15’ A aims : - Ss practice doing the test with grammar: the present simple tense Practice listening and complete the sentences (102) B contents of written test: contents KEYS MARKS §Ò I: ( 6B) I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs My school (be)…………… in the city There (be) ………… classrooms in the school I (go) …………… to school by bike I/ is are go travels walk ( 5x = ms) II/ 1–B 2–C 3–B 4–C 5-A ( 5x = ms) I/ are has walks travel go (5 x = ms) My mom (travel) …………… to work by motorbike Does Nam (walk)…………… to school? II Listen and circle the letter of the correct answer Long lives in ……………… in the country A an B a small house C a big house apartment There are………………… in front of the house A trees B trees and C flowers flowers There’s a mountain……………… the house A near B behind C to the left There’s a ……………… to the left of the house A paddy field B lake C river …………………… and it’s very quiet here A There aren’t B There are C There are many any stores many stores drugstores §Ò II: (6A) I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs There (be)………… stores in the city My school (have) ………… classrooms She (walk) …………… to school My parents (travel) …………… to work by motorbike How does Ba (go)…………to school? By bike (103) II Listen and circle the letter of the correct answer Mrs Lien lives in ……………… in town A an B a small C a big apartment house house She is a teacher in a school …………… her house A next to B near C opposite She gets up at ……………… A half past six B a quarter C a quarter II/ 1–A 2–B 3–C 4–B 5-A ( 5x = ms) past six to six Mrs Lien goes to school by ………… A motorbike B bike C bus In the afternoon she does the ………………and reads books or listens to music A housework B homework C exercises C/ Result: 6A: G:………… K:……………… Tb:……………… Y:……………… KÐm 6A: G:………… K:……………… Tb:……………… Y:……………… KÐm (104) FULL NAME :……………………… CLASS : 6B TIME 15’ MARKS TEACHER ‘S COMMENTS Bµi lµm I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs My school (be)…………… in the city There (be) ………… classrooms in the school I (go) …………… to school by bike My mom (travel) …………… to work by motorbike Does Nam (walk)…………… to school? II Listen and circle the letter of the correct answer Long lives in ……………… in the country A an B a small house C a big house apartment There are………………… in front of the house A trees B trees and C flowers flowers There’s a mountain……………… the house A near B behind C to the left There’s a ……………… to the left of the house A paddy field B lake C river …………………… and it’s very quiet here A There aren’t B There are C There are many any stores many stores drugstores (105) Written TEST FULL NAME :……………………… CLASS : 6A TIME 15’ MARKS TEACHER ‘S COMMENTS Bµi lµm I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs There (be)………… stores in the city My school (have) ………… classrooms She (walk) …………… to school My parents (travel) …………… to work by motorbike How does Ba (go)…………to school? By bike II Listen and circle the letter of the correct answer Mrs Lien lives in ……………… in town A an B a small C a big apartment house house She is a teacher in a school …………… her house A next to B near C opposite She gets up at ……………… A half past six B a quarter C a quarter past six to six Mrs Lien goes to school by ………… A motorbike B bike C bus In the afternoon she does the ………………and reads books or listens to music A housework B homework C exercises (106) LESSON PLAN School : Teacher: Class:6 Week: 16 Period: 46 Teaching day: UNIT: OUT AND ABOUT- Lesson 1: A1 (p.82) *Aims: Help Ss practise present progressive positive statements with I/He/She/ to talk about actions happening now *Objectives After the lesson, Ss will be able to use to present progressive statements “I/He/She” *Teaching aids: pictures and poster Time 15’ Content Teacher’s activities *PRESENTATION Pre-teach (to) play video games (to) drive (to) ride a bike (to) wait for Rub out and remember Presentation Text A1 p.82 Model sentences I am (‘m) playing games He/She is (‘s) riding a bike 15’ -Introduces new words by pictures, situations -Models& writes -Gives the meaning -Check vocabulary -Present text A1p.82 -Shows the top pictures Gives the model sentences on BB Student’s activities -Listen -Repeat -Copy -Practice in oral -repeat in chorus -See the pictures -Practise individually *PRACTICE Picture Drill -Draw some pictures on BB -Let Ss guess and give words about each picture -Gives example -Models -See the pictures -Guide how to Noughts and Crosses -Gives examples &writes the chart on BB -Calls some Ss to models -Repeat examples -Guess and give words of each picture -Repeat and chorus -Practise individually Ex: a) I’m (walking to School :) b) he’s/ she’s (waiting for a bus) *PRODUCTION 15’ Noughts and Crosses S1: I’m walking to School : walk to school drive a bus travel by bus Wait for a train ride a bike play a game Go by plane drive a car ride a motorbike -Copy down -Divide into groups -Practise in groups (107) LESSON PLAN School : Teacher: Class: Week: 16 Period: 47 Teaching day: UNIT: (cont) Lesson 2: A1 (p.82) *Aim: Further practise in present progressive positive statement with I/you/we/they/he /she to talk about actions happening now *Objectives: After the lesson, Ss will be able to use present progressive positive “I/we /they/he/she” *Teaching aids: Time 5’ Content *REVISION What and where Walk drive wait watch TV Do ride a bike Play travel get up 10’ 15’ *PRESENTATION Presentation text: A1 p.82 Model sentences I am (‘m) walking She/he is (‘s) waiting We/you/ they are (‘re) traveling *PRACTICE Picture Drill 15’ U K R I D E P L A Y R W -Present the text and introduces the model sentences -Explains how to use, form, Student’s activities -Read the words again and write them -Practise individua lly -Repeat in chorus -Practise the present progressive -See the pictures -Gives the words Ex: S1: I’m ( walking to School :) S1: She’s (playing video games) S2: They’re (waiting for a bus) *FURTHER PRACTICE Word square Ex: They’re going to School : W A T C H Q Teacher’s activities -Write these words -Erases the words -Guides to read D A V G I A O W E O V I Up, travel, go, drive, wait Watch, ride, play, we, get Walk, go, get TV X T L G E T -Draws the pictures on BB -Elicits Ss to give the words for each pictures -Gives example -Models -Guides how to -Gives examples -Sticks the poster on BB - Lets Ss find words -Practise orally – written -find circle the word then put the word into a present progressive statement and write it on the board (108) Preparing day : 29/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T – / 12; Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: 6B: T – / 12 UNIT8: OUT AND ABOUT Period 44: Lesson : A What are you doing? (A1, 2, 3) I Aims : By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to describle the activities which is happening - Ask and answer the structure ( be + Ving ) + Structure : - Present progressive : Be + Ving - Wh - words in present progressive tense II teaching aids : T : Lesson plan , cassette P : Books, workbooks III Content : Warm up : Greetings Cheeking up: Presentation : Contents A What are you doing? A1 Listen and repeat - play video game - ride bicycle - drive car - the present progressive: The activities are happening: S + to be + Ving I am playing video games She is riding - Travel -> traveling ( AE ) -> travelling ( BE) A2: Ask and answer questions about all the people in the pictures and about you What + tobe + S + doing? Teacher’s activities Student’s activities - Explains the activities - Look at the pictures - Explains the present progressive - Listen and repeat - Asks Ss to practice in - Answer - Practice in pair ask pairs and answer - Explains the structure (109) Ex : What are you doing? I am using present What are they doing? They proressive are - Gives a question What is he/she doing? He/she is P1: What are you doing? P2: - Work in pairs A3: Answer Then write the answers - Asks Ss to practice in in your exercise book pairs Ex: a) S1: What are you doing? S2: He is learning English Consolidation : T say again the present progressive tense Homework : - Learn by heart the structure, V-ing - Do exercise 1,2 p.72 - Prepare Unit A4-> A7 (110) Preparing day : 30/ 11/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 4/ 12; 6B: T2 – / 12 ( d¹y bï) Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT8: OUT AND ABOUT Period 45: Lesson : A What are you doing? (A4 – A7) I/ Aims: Help Ss practice present progressive “WH” Qs with “she/he/they” to talk about actions happening now Ss practice listening and number the picture II/ Language contents: * Vocabulary: flying man, sky, businessman * Structures: Where is she going? She is going to school How is she traveling? She is traveling by bike III/ Teaching aids: book, workbook, cassette IV/ Procedure: Contents * warm up - Do exercise 1,2 ( p 72) in workbook - Questions: What are you doing now? What is she/ he dong? What are they dong? * Pre – listening: - Describe picture a – f (A4 – P84) EX: a) T: What is he dong? S: He is riding his bike b) T: What is he dong? S: He is driving his car * While – listening: A4 Listen and number the picture as you hear Keys: 1) b 2) f 3) d 3) a 5) c 6) e * post – listening: Ex: Mr Tam is a businessman He s’ driving home from work *FURTHER PRACTICE - A5 p.84 Play with words - A6 p 85 Read Then ask and answer questions with: Who, What, Where, How Ex: S1: Who is that? S2: That is Lan S1: What does she do? S2: She is a student S1: Where is she going? Teacher’s activities - Calls Ssto exercises in workbook - Asks Ss some questions - Asks Ss to describe picture a – f by answer the teacher’s questions - Explains the listening - Play cassette times - Calls Ss to gives their answers - Play cassette again - Correcks mistaks and gives keys - Asks Ss retell what they hear Student’s activities - Do exercise 1,2 ( p 72) in workbook - Answer the questions - Describe picture a – f by answer the teacher’s questions - Listen to teacher - Listen and number the picture - Read your answers - Liten and check - Liten and take notes - Retell what they hear - Guides Ss to read - Read after the teacher -Gives examples - Write examples (111) S2: She is going to school S1: How is she traveling? S2: She is traveling by bike * conclusion: - Remember A4 p 85 * HOMEWORK: - Learn new words and structures - Do exercise A3,4 – p.73 in workbook - Prepare Unit 8- B1,2,3,4 - Asks Ss to practice in - Read Then ask pairs and answer questions in pairs - Repeat the structures and complete the sentences - Listen and complete the sentences - Gives homework - Write your homework (112) Preparing day : 1/ 12/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 5/ 12; 6B: T4 – 3/ 12 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT8: OUT AND ABOUT Period 46: Lesson : B A truck driver (B1 - > B4) I / Aim: Help Ss practise reading a picture story about s truck driver to understand the main ideas and details II/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read a picture story about a truck driver III/ Teaching aids: books, workbooks, cassette IV/ Procedures: Content Teacher’s activities Student’s activities CHECK UP - Calls Ss to the - Do exercises - Do exercise A3,4 – p.73 in workbook exercise - see the pictures in *PRE-READING -Introduces the lesson their books Pre-teach -Present new words by 1.a truck diver (n) 4.(to)unload pictures in books - Practise 2.a farmer (n) 5.(to)arrive at -Write the words and 3.a food stall(n) 6.(to)load meaning on BB - Match the words with Ordering statements -Lets Ss match The the meanings going to HN words with the meanings - Copy down meeting to -Write phrases, not - work in pairs or having breakfast order on BB groups to predict the going to a farm -Writes Ss’s predict- ions ordinal of phases into loading vegetable on BB the later in the truck - Read the text to check 6.unloading the truck - Guides to read the text prediction and write or Answer key -Corrects mistakes the right order a.4 b.2 c.5 d.1 e.6 f.3 - copy down *WHILE-READING B1 p.86 Comprehension Questions B1 p.87 *POST READING -Guides to read the text Lucky Numbers again and answer the - Read the text again& LUCKY NUMBER ! questions understand it to answer What are they doing on page 10? the questions What the students doing on p.21 picture a? -Guides how to play What are they doing on p.22? - Divide into groups What are they doing on p.37? Writer the numbers on LUCKY NUMBER! BB Practise in groups What’s he doing on p.51? What’s he doing on p.56, first picture? What are they doing on p 67? 10 What are Lien and Thu doing on p.78? - Play cassette - Listen and repeat - B2 p.87 Practise the dialogue and answer - Guides Ss to practice - Answer the questions the questions the dialogue - B3 p.88 Play with words * HOMEWORK: - Learn new words and structures - Guides Ss to the - Listen and take notes - Do exercise 1,2,3,4 p.73, 74 in workbook exercises - Prepare Unit C1,2 (113) Preparing day : 4/ 12/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 8/ 12; 6B: T1 – / 12 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT8: OUT AND ABOUT Period 47: Lesson : C Road signs (C1,2) I/ Aims: Help student read the text about Road Signs to understand CAN and CAN’T for II/ Objectives: After the lesson, so we will be able to read the text & use CAN and CAN’T III/ Teaching aids: pictures of somes road signs, cassette, book, workbook IV/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s Studen’s activities activities * CHECK UP: - Calls Ss to the - Do the exercise - Exercise 1, p.73, 74 in workbook exercise in in workbook - Write new words in last lesson workbook *PRESENTATION Pre-teach -Introduce the -Listen a policeman (to) park lesson -Repeat difficult (to) turn left/ right -Present new words -Copy down a sign (to) go ahead -Models and writes One-way on BB Noughts and Crosses -Gives the meaning S1: What’s he doing? S2: He’s driving a car -Guides how to -Divide into play Noughts and groups drive a car ride a wait for a Crosses -Practise in motorbike bus -Gives examples groups ride a bike park turn right -Draws the table on walk turn left go ahead BB -Present text by -Read the Qs Presentation Text C1 p.89 giving the -Answer Comprehension Questions comprehension Qs -Practise in  What does Hoan do? -Write these Qs on individually Is his job difficult? Tell me why? (in BB compare with Vietnamese) -Lets s answers partner What does this sign mean? (p.89) Can -Practise and What does this sign mean? (can’t p.89) -Gives the model repeat Model Sentences sentences on BB -Repeat - You can park here -Points out the -Copy down -You can’t go into that street intonation & stress -Practise in pairs [can not] -Explains how to * PRACTICE: C2 – p.89 use, form, meaning Picture Drill -See the pictures -Draws these Ex: S1: What does this sign mean? to exercises pictures on BB (114) S2: You can [park here] can’t [turn right] - Do exercise C2 a) can b) can’t c) can d) can’t * PRODUCTION: - Make the list of things you can or can’t Can Can’t ride a bike ride a motorbike speak English drive a car … …… - Practice in pairs: Ex: S1: What can/ can’t you do? S2: I can/ can’t ride a bike * HOMEWORK: - Make sentences with can and can’t - Learn new words and structures - Do exercise C1,2 – p.75 in workbook - Prepare Unit 8- C3,4,5,6 -Gives examples - Asks Ss to complete sentences in C2 - Do exercise C2 Add can or can’t - Asks Ss complete the list - Complete the table - Calls Ss to practice - Practice in pairs - Gives and guides Ss to the homework - Listen and write the homework (115) Preparing day : 6/ 12/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 11/ 12; 6B: T4 – / 12 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT8: OUT AND ABOUT Period 48: Lesson : C Road signs (C3,4,5,6) I/ Aims: Help student read the text about Road Signs to understand MUST and MUSN’T for obligation/ prohitbition II/ Objectives: After the lesson, so we will be able to read the text & use MUST and MUSN’T III/ Teaching aids: picteres of some road signs, cassette, textbook, workbook IV/ Procedure: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * WARM - UP - Review the road signs in last lesson - Check the old lesson - Do exercises - Write sentences with can and can’t, use the road signs in last lesson EX: You can park here You can’t park here * PRE_READING Pre-teach dangerous an accident an intersection T / F Prediction a) Slow down  Go straight c) Turn right Go straight or Turn left  e) Park here Don’t park here  (to) slow down (to) go fast (to) warn us b) Turn left  Don’t turn left d) Slow down Don’t’ go straight ahead  f) Cars & trucks go here Motorbike go here h) Park here  Don’t park here g) Don’t go straight Don’t turn right or turn left * WHILE READING C3 p.90 * POST READING C4p.9 (Listening) Pictures Drill - C4 p.91 Keys: 1- c) 2- d) 3- h) 4- a) 5- g) 6- b) 7- f) Examples Exchange S1: What does this sign mean/ say? -Introduce the lesson -Present new words -Models and writes words on BB -Gives the meaning -Check vocab -Listen -Repeat -Copy down -Practise wordsquare game -Copy down -Write these sentences on BB -Guides how to -Make a (X) cross on the sentences Ss guess -Guides to read the text -Corrects their mistakes -Look at the pictures in C4p.90 and choose the correct statements for each one -Guides to read the text again -Draws the pictures on BB - Plays cassette -Gives examples -Guides how to -Read the text and check their predictions -Copy down -Repeat -Listen and number the sign as you hear -Practise in pairs (116) S2: You must [slow down.] - C5 Play with words practise - Guide Ss to practice * CONCLUSION: Remember – p 91 - Structures: can/ can’t + V … must/ mustn’t + V … - The road signs - Repeat the structures and vocabulary in the lesson - Listen and remember - Gives and guides Ss to homework - Write the homework * HOMEWORK: - Learn the road signs by heart - Make sentences with can and make sentences with must - Do exercise 3,4 –p.76 in workbook - Prepare next lesson : Grmmar practice – p 92 - Read the text aloud (117) Preparing day : 8/ 12/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T4 – 12/ 12; 6B: T4 – 10 / 12 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: Period 49: GRAMMAR PRACTICE I/ Aims: Help Ss further practice in simple present tense, present progressive, preposition of place, question words, can / can’t / must / mustn’t II/ Objectives: By the end the lesson, Ss will be able to use what they’ve learned by doing many exercise III/ Teaching aids: workbook, textbook IV/ Procedure: Content * WARM - UP VERBS OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORT Networks Bingo Stop, ride a bike, wait, turn right, drive, load, go fast, travel, go straight, turn left, park, unload, walk, take, warn, slow down Teacher’s activities - Read these words of Bingo - Divide into groups - Play games - Practise in groups - Reviews the structure - Remind forms and uses - Asks Ss to exercise - work in pairs - Reviews the structure of present progressive - Guides how to practise - Guides to exercise - Remind structure - Reviews some prepositions - Remind the meaning - Listen and note down * NEW LESSON 1/ Present simple tense Formation: (+) S + V(s/es) + O (-) S + don’t / doesn’t + V + O (?) Do/ Does + S + V + O? Yes, S + do/ does./ No, S + don’t/ doesn’t - Exercise 1- p.92 a) go, go b) travel, travels c) waik, don’t walk, Does, waik, walks 2/ PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE Forms: S + be(is/ are/ am) + V-ing + O Yes / No question with present progressive Ex: S1: Are you driving? S2: No, I’m not S3: Are you…… ect? - Exercicise 2- p.92 a) is writing e) is listening b) are waiting f) are walking c) is watching g) is traveling d) are playing 3/ Prepositions to the left of to the right of opposite in between behind near next to on in front of Student’s activities - Practise in pairs - individual - Do exercise (118) - Exercise p.93 Keys: in, in front of, behind, opposite, to left of, to the right of 4/ Question words a) Where b) Who c) What d) What 5/ Contrast: Present Simple and present progressive tenses Gap Fill: Grammar practice a – e b) rides/ is riding c) go/ are going d) walk/ am walking e) drives/ is driving 6/ MUST and must not/ mustn’t - Ex: S1: What does this sign mean? S2: You must slow down You mustn’t go fast a) must mustn’t b) must mustn’t mustn’t c) must mustn’t 7/ can and cannot/ can’t You can’t park You can park You can’t ride a motorbike here * conclusion - Repeat the structures in the lesson * homework - Redo all exercises in the notebook - Do test yourself p.81 in workbook - Calls Ss read the text - Correct mistakes - Guide Ss to exercise - Complete the text, then read it aloud - Complete the sentences, then practice in pairs - Remind the - Ask Ss structure and exercise, then exercise write sentences on - Write sentences the board on the board - Rivise the structure - Guide to exercise - Make examples - Look at the pictures and complete sentences - Rivise the forms and use - Guides to exercise - Correct mistakes - Go to the board and exercise in writing - Repeat the content of the lesson - Listen and remember - Gives homework - Write the homework Preparing day : 11/ 12/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 15/ 12; T3- 18/ 12 (119) Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: T1 – 13 / 12; T4 – 15/ 12 6B: Period 50 + 51 : REVISION I/ Aims: Help Ss to review the knowledge of Unit 1,2,3,4 SS practice doing exercises with the structures in the lesson II/ Contents of revision: To be – present simple tense, imparative (commands), How many…?, There is…, There are…, this and that, these and those, possessive pronouns, adjectives, a/ an III/ Teaching aids: workbook, textbook IV/ Procedure: Content * Check up: - Complete these sentences, use to be a) I…… Nam I… a student b) My sister …… a teacher c) My parents …… farmers Key: a) am/ am b) is c) are * Revision: To be - present simple tense.( is/ are/ am) a/ Affirmative: (+) S + be(is/ are/ am) + N … - Complete these sentences: I …… a teacher We/ You/ They …… students She/ He …… a doctor b/ Negative: (-) S + be+ not (isn’t/ aren’t/ am not) +N - Complete these sentences: I … … a teacher We/ You/ They … … students She/ He … … a doctor c/ Interrogative: (?) Be(Is/ Are/ Am) + S + N … ? Yes, S + be(is/ are/ am) No, S + be+ not (isn’t/ aren’t/ am not) - Complete these sentences: … you a teacher? Yes, … … … they students? No, … … … he a doctor? Yes, … … Teacher’s activities - Calls Ss to complete the sentences Student’s activities - Complete the sentences - Repeat the forms - Revises the forms and uses of to be - Gives exercises - Asks Ss to complete the sentences - Do exercises Complete the sentences: am, are, is - Answers: Am not, aren’t, isn’t - Aswers: Are/ I am; Are/ they aren’t; Is/ he is (120) * WH questions: - What is your name? - How old are you? - Where are you from? … Imperative (commands) - Complete these sentences: a) … in d) Open … book b) … up e) … your book c) Sit … There is/ are… Ex: There is a book on the table There are two pens on the desk - Complete these sentences and aswer: a) … there a board in the class? b) … there any trees in the school yard? c) … there telephones in the class? d) … there … television in the class? How many…? - Answer: + How many students are there in the class? ( There are twenty-two.) + How many tables are there in the class? ( There is one.) - Choose the words in brackets to complete the sentences a) How many ( book/ books) are there on the table? There ( is/ are) two b) How many teachers ( is/ are) there in the class? There ( is/ are) one 5/ This and that; these and those Ex: This/ That is a table These/ those are books - Answer the questions about things in the class What is this? What is that? What are these? What are those? Is this your pen? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t Are these your books? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t - Calls Ss to answer the questions - Answer the questions - Asks Ss to complete the sentences - Complete the sentences a) Come b) Stand c) down d) your e) Close - Gives examples - Gives the exercises - Aswer the questions a) Is -Yes, there is b) Are- Yes, there is c) Are- No there aren’t d) Is, a – No, there isn’nt - Asks Ss some questions - Answer the questions - Asks Ss to exercise - Work in pairs a) books, are b) are, is - Explains uses and give examples - Remind the structures - Asks Ss some questions - Answer the questions (121) 6/ Possessive pronouns I – my She - her We – our It - its You – your They - their He - his Ex: What is your name? My name is Ha This is her pen That is his book 7/ Adjectives: big, small a) Is your school big? No, it isn’t It is small It is a small school b) Is your house big? Yes, it is It is a big house 8/ a/ an - Complete these sentences a) I have … banana ( a) b) She has … orange (an) c) This is … ruler (a) d) That is … eraser (an) * homework - Revise the structurs and make exampls - Do test yoursef p.32 in workbook - Repeat the uses - Make examples and asks Ss to make examples - Asks Ss to answer - Answer the questions - Repeat the use - Listen, the complete sentences - Gives homework - Write the homework Preparing day : 20/ 12/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 22/ 12; T3- 25/ 12 (122) Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: T4 – 22 / 12; T4 – 24/ 12 6B: Period 52 + 53 : REVISION I/ Aims: Help Ss to review the knowledge of Unit 5,6,7,8 SS practice doing exercises with the structures in the lesson II/ Contents of revision: Present simple tense, Present progressive tense, prepositions, question words III/ Teaching aids: workbook, textbook IV/ Procedure: Content * Check up: - Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs a) My teacher (go)…… to school by motorbike b) My sister (listen)…… to music now c) I (walk) ……… to school every day Key: a) goes b) is listening c) walk * Revision: Present simple tense Formation: (+) S + V(s/es) + O (-) S + don’t / doesn’t + V + O (?) Do/ Does + S + V + O? Yes, S + do/ does./ No, S + don’t/ doesn’t - Exercise: Fill in the correck verb form a) I (brush)……… my teeth every morning b) You (get) ……… up at 7.00 c) We (go) ……… to school by bike d) They (play)…… soccer in the afternoon e) He (travel) …….to school by bus f) She ( have) …… her breakfast at 6.30 g) I (not walk) …….to school h) Ha (not play) ………after school i) How… he (go)…… to school? He (walk)…….to school j) … you (watch) …… TV in the evening? Yes, … … k) … she (have) … lunch at 12.00? No, … … She (have)… lunch at 11.00 Teacher’s activities Student’s activities - Calls Ss to complete the sentences - Complete the sentences - Revises the forms and uses structure - Remind the forms and use - Gives exercises - Asks Ss to complete the sentences - Do exercises Complete the sentences - Answers a) brush b) get c) go d) play e) travels f) has g) don’t walk h) doesn’t play i) does/ go, walks j) Do/ watch, I k) Does/ have, she doesn’t, has (123) / Present progressive tense - Formation: (+) S + be(is/ are/ am) + V-ing + O (-)S + be not(isn’t/ aren’t/ amnot) + V-ing + O (?) Be(Is/ Are/ Am) + S + V-ing + O? Yes, S + be(is/ are/ am) / No, S + be not(isn’t/ aren’t/ amnot) - Exercise: Fill in the correck verb form a) I (walk) …… to school now b) We (watch)…… TV with my friends c) They (learn) …… English at the moment d) She (ride) ……… her bike e) He (not play) …… games now f) What … you (do)…… ? I (wash)…….my face g) Where …… she (go)…… now? She (go)…… to school h) … You (do)…… your homework? Yes, … … i) … Lan (watch) … TV at the moment? No, … … She (listen) ……… to music - Revises the forms and uses structure - Asks Ss to complete the sentences - Asks Ss to exercise Prepositions to the left of to the right of opposite in - Asks Ss to make between behind examples near next to on in front of at - Ex: + The book is on the table + I get up at 6.00 + I have English on Monday and Friday + There is a lake near my house + In front of the house there are some flowes - Do exercise 1,2,3 p.63, 64, 65 in workbook - Guides Ss to Question words the exercises - Complete the sentences, use question words - Asks Ss to a) … you live? complete the b) … time you get up? sentence c) … many desks are there in the class? d) … is your house? e) … you have English? - Remind the forms and use - Do exercise on the board a) am walking b) are watching c) are learning d) is riding e) is not playing f) are/ doing, am washing g) is/ going, is going h) Are/ doing, I am i) Is/ waching, she isn’t, is listening - Makes examples for each preposition - Do exercises in workbook - Complete the sentence, then answer the questions (124) f) … you live with? g) … grade are you in? h) … are you doing now? * Conclusion - The contents of the lessons * homework - Revise the structurs and make exampls - Do test yoursef p.57 in workbook - Repeats - Gives homework Preparing day : Teaching day : 6A,B: T1 – 19/ 12 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: - Listen and remember - Write the homework (125) Period 54 : written test of first term A/ aims : - Ss the test with the knowledge which they have lernt in the first term - Help Ss to know how well they have learned English, consolidate what knowledge they are not very good at Help the teacher to appreciate each student’s ability of learing language as well B/ contents of written test: contents I/ Choose the word or phrase that best completes each Sentense.(3ms) 1.They have history …… Wednesday and Friday A on B in C when D.at A …… is the place where friends can meet to eat A musium B stadium C movie Keys I/ 1- A 2-D 3-B 4-C 5-C -A ms ( x 0,5 = ms) D restaurant theater There is alake to …… of the house A right B the left C front D behind What time you get ……… every morning? A in B down C up She ……… her bike now D on A ride B rides C.is riding What time ……… classes start? D riding A B does C is D are II/ Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in the brackets (1,5ms) My brother ( be)…… a student There (be not) … five hundred students in my school I (go) … to school in the morning We ( not have) …… English on Monday and Friday My father (get) …… up at o’clock II/ is are not ( aren’t) go don’t have gets is playing (6x 0,25 = 1,5 ms) She ( play) ……… games now III/ Match the words in column A with the words in column B ( 2ms ) A B in …………… a to school 2.do 2…………… b to music brush 3…………… c soccer III/ 1- g 2- d 3-f 4-b (8x 0,25 = m) (126) 4.listen play at have go 4…………… 5…………… 6…………… 7…………… 8…………… d your home work e breakfast f my teeth g the morning h seven thirty IV/ Make questions for the following answers ( 1.5ms ) 1/ ………………………………………………………… - I live on nguyen thi minh khai Street 2/ ………………………………………………………… - Yes, it is It is my pen 3/ ………………………………………………………… - I go to school by bike V/ Read the passage Then answer the questions ( 2ms ) My name is Mai I’m eleven years old I’m a student I live in a small house in the city My house is next to a park I get up at half past five I take a shower and get dressed I have breakfast, then I leave the house at half past six The school is near my house, classes start at seven and end at half past eleven I walk home after school time 1/ How old is Mai? 2/ What does she do? 3/ Where does she live? 4/ Is her house next to a park? 5/ What time does she get up? 6/ What time does she leave the house? 7/ Is her school near her house? 8/ How does she go home? 5-c 6-h 7-e 8-a IV/ Wher you live? Is it your pen? ( x 0,5 How you go to = school? 1,5 ms) V/ She is eleven years old She is a student She lives in a small house in the city Yes, it is She gets up at half past five She leaves the house at half past six Yes, it is She walks home/ go home on foot (8x 0,25 = ms) C/ result: 6A: G: ………… K:………… Tb: …………… Y: ……………… KÐm: ………… 6B: G: ………… K:………… Tb: …………… Y: ……………… KÐm: ………… LESSON PLAN School : Teacher: Week: UNIT: (cont) *Aims: *Objectives: Period: Class:6 Teaching day: (127) *Teaching aids: Time Content S2: No, I’m not S1: Are you reading? S2: No, I’m not S1: What are you doing? S2: I’m playing games! Present Simple : Vs present progressive Gap Fill: Grammar practice a – e prepositions of place Matching: To left of to the right Opposite in Between behind Near next to On in front of Listen and draw: “There’s a house Behind the house there are mountains To the left of the house there’s a tree In front of the house there’s a river To the right of the house a man is riding a bike” Gap Fill: Grammar practice p.93 QUESTION WORDS Grid: Teacher’s activities - Guide to exercise - Do exercise in writing - writes words and draws pictures on BB - Guides Ss to mistakes - copy down - Go to the board and match the words with pictures - Correct mistakes - Reads the paragraph clearly - Correct mistakes John 35 Teacher Hue 05.30 13.00 Hoa 21 Farmer Ha 04.00 18.00 Tinh Binh 12 student HCMC 06.00 15.30 Ex: S1: What’s his name? S2: John S1: How old is he? S2: Thirty five Student’s activities - Guides to exercise - Draws the table on BB - Guides how to - Gives examples - Models - Correct mistakes - Practise individually – Compare with partners - listen and draw the pictures - One student draws the picture on BB - Practice individually - Do exercise in notebook - copy down - listen - repeat - repeat - practice in pairs (128) LESSON PLAN School : Teacher: Week: UNIT: (cont) Class:6 Period: Teaching day: *Aims: *Objectives: *Teaching aids: Time Content S1: what does he do? S2: He’s a teacher S1: where does he live? S2: In Hue S1: What time does he get up? S2: Five thirty S1: What time does he come home? S2: One o’clock MUST and CAN Noughts and Crosses S1: What does this sign mean? S2: You [must slow down] [can park here] Teacher’s activities Student’s activities - Remind how to use “Must and Can” - Guides how to play Noughts and Crosses - Gives examples - Models - Draws the table on BB - Correct mistakes - Say how to use “Must and Can ”again - Divide into groups - repeat - copy down - Practise in groups (129) Preparing day : 27/ 12/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 29/ 12; 6B: T4 – 29 / 12 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 9: THE BODY Period 55: Lesson : A Parts of the body (A1,2) I/ Aims: Help Ss learn about Nouns to talk about parts of the body II/ Objectives: By the end of lesson, Ss will be able to use Nouns to talk about parts of the body III/ Teaching aids: pictures, book, workbook, cassette IV/ Procedures: Content Teacher’s activities Student’s activities *WARM UP - Play game “ Guessing game” - Guildes Ss to play about parts of body games Ex: “ T ” is a part of the body What is it? Answer by Vietnamese “ Tay ” *PRESENTATION - Introduce the lesson Pre – teach: A1 p 96 by the pictures head arms feet (a foot) - Labels the pictures on chest hands fingers board to teach new shoulders legs toes words Rub out and remember: - Uses this picture again to practice *PRACTICE: Simon says: - Simon says touch your head - Simon says touch your chest - Touch your shoulders! … Picture Drill: A1 p.96 - Guides how to play this game - Says these command - Use the picture A1 p.96 again Example exchanges: A2 p.97 - Gives the model A: What’s that? sentences B: That’s his [head.] - Explains A: What are those? B: Those are his [shoulders.] * FURTHER PRACTICE: - Continue playing game “ Guessing - Guildes Ss to game” about parts of body play games Ex: - It is on the top of your body What is it? – It is the head - Play games - Listen - repeat - copy down - Get Ss to relabel the picture and practice - Practise following T’s commands - see the picture - Practise in pairs - Continue playing game (130) - They are on your hands What are they? – They are fingers * CONCLUSION: Repeat the new words and structures in the lesson * HOMEWORK: - Lern new words by heart - Do exercise 1,2 – p.83 in workbook - Prepare Unit – A 3,4 - Repeat the contents of this lession - Listen and remember - Gives and guides Ss to the homewok - Listen and write your home woerk (131) Preparing day : 29/ 12/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 2/ 1; 6B: T4 – 31 / 12 Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 9: THE BODY Period 56: Lesson : A Parts of the body (A3,4) I/ Aims: Help Ss to learn to describe the form of a person II/ Objectives: By the end the lesson, Ss will be able to describe the form of a person III/ Teaching aids: textbooks, workbooks, cassette, pictures IV/ Procedure: Contents * WARM UP - Calls Ss to exercise – p.83 in workbook - Play game “ Network” about prats of the body * PRESENTATION Pre – teach: A3 p.97 tall # short (adj) heavy # light (adj) fat # thin (adj) - Noughts and Crosses: tall big fat small thin short quiet light heavy Ex: He is tall She is short Teacher’s activities Student’s activities - Calls Ss to the exercise - Guides how to play Network game - Do the exercise - Uses the pictures in A3 p.97 to teach new words - Let Ss give the meaning words - Guides how to play game - Give examples - Listen and repeat - Copy down - Divided into groups - Practise in groups - Make sentences with words in the table - Fill in the Adj for the people in the picture a – d - Listen and write the order (1, 2, 3, 4) of the people describe - Read the answers *PRACTICE Listen choose the right picture (A4- p.98) - Keys: 1- d) She is a short girl She is fat 2- c) He is a fat man He is tall 3- b) He is a short man He is fat - a) She is a thin woman She is tall - Asks Ss to look the pictures and describe - Play cassette times *FURTHER PRACTICE - Ask Ss to describe their - Describe your friends classmate - Describe your friends in the class Ex: Bao is tall and fat Nga is short * CONCLUSION: Repeat the new - Calls Ss to read the answers - Gives keys (132) words and structures in the lesson * HOMEWORK: - Lern new words by heart - Describe your friends - Do exercise 3,4– p.84 in workbook - Prepare Unit – A 5,6,7 - Repeat the contents of this lession - Listen and remember - Gives and guides Ss to the homewok - Listen and write your home woerk (133) Preparing day : 29/ 12/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 5/ 1; 6B: T1 – / ( học chiều 31/12) Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 9: THE BODY Period 57: Lesson : A Parts of the body (A5,6,7) I/ Aims: Help Ss to learn to describe the form of a person.- Physical Appearance II/ Objectives: By the end the lesson, Ss will be able to describe the form of a person - Physical Appearance III/ Teaching aids: textbooks, workbooks, cassette IV/ Procedure: Contents * WARM UP - Calls Ss to exercise 3,4 – p.84 in workbook - Play game “ Noughts and Crosses”: tall big fat small thin short quiet light heavy * PRESENTATION Pre – teach: A5 p.98 weak # strong (adj) a gymnast (n) a weight lifter(n) - Ex: Chi is a gymnast She is not weak She is strong - Compare: Chi Tuan a gymnast a weight lifter tall short thin fat light heavy strong strong *PRACTICE A.6 Describe the pictures in exercise A5 - Ex Nam: Who is that? Lien: That’s Chi Nam: What does she do? Lien: She is a gymnast Nam: Is she short? Lien: No, she isn’t She is tall *FURTHER PRACTICE - Describe your friends or a relative Ex: My friend is Minh He is a student Teacher’s activities - Calls Ss to the exercise - Guides how to play Noughts and crosses game - Uses the pictures in A3 p.97 to teach new words - Let Ss give the meaning words - Give examples Student’s activities - Do the exercise - Divided into groups - Practise in groups - Listen and repeat - Copy down - Aks Ss to compare Chi - Read the text, then and Tuan compare Chi and Tuan - Calls Ss to read the dialogue in pairs - Read the dialoge - Guides Ss to aks and answer about Tuan - Work in pair - Guides Ss to practice - Describe your friends or a relative (134) He is tall He is strong … * CONCLUSION: Repeat the new words and structures in A7 Remember– p 99 * HOMEWORK: - Lern new words by heart - Describe your friends - Prepare Unit – B1,2,3 - Repeat the contents of this lession - Listen and remember - Gives and guides Ss to the homewok - Listen and write your home woerk (135) Preparing day : 29/ 12/ 08 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 8/ 1; 6B: T4 – / Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 9: THE BODY Period 58: Lesson : B Faces (B1,2,3) I/ Aims: Help Ss to learn Face vocabulary (Nouns and Adjectives) and learn Adjectives of colour to describe features II/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use Face vocabulary describe Faces and use the Adjectives of colour to describe features III/ Teaching aids: books, workbook, cassette, picture of a face IV/ Procedures: Content Teacher’s activities Student’s activities *WARM UP: - S1 writes new words of last lesson - S2 describes her/his friend PRESENTATION Pre – teach: B1 p.100 eyes lips hair mouth ears teeth (tooth) nose round oval full thin Pre – teach: B2 p.101 color gray blue white green orange black red brown yellow purple Structures: - She has a round face - What color is her hair? It’s [black] - What color are her eyes? They are [brown] Rub out and remember: Slap the board: *PRACTICE Wordsquare: H N E A R M H A E O B T O E I F Y S H U A R A F E E T V X T E E T H Y F I N G E R S Hair, fat, mouth, see, the, out, heavy Ear, arm, near, toe, to, feet, fingers, - Call Ss - Uses the pictures to introduce the lesson - Do exercises - Listen to the teacher - Sticks the pictures on BB to teach new words -Read the words and check the meaning - See the pictures to guess the words or meaning - Listen and repeat - copy down - Explains - Write in your notebook - Plays cassette A1,2 - Checks vocabulary by techniques - Guides Ss to play game - Listen and repeat - Practise in groups - Sticks the table on BB - Guides how to find the words - gives examples to make it clear - Checks and correct mistakes - Find the meaningful words individually – compare with their friends - gives the answer keys on BB - Write the words on BB (136) Nose, eye Picture Drill: B3 p 101 (4 dolls) Example Exchanges: A: What color is her hair? B: It’s [black] A: What color are her eyes? B: They are [brown] - Uses the pictures in the books to practice - Gives example on BB - Guides to read * PRODUCTION: - Calls some Ss to - Describe your classmates practice Ex: Tuan is tall He has a round face His hair is black His eyes are brown * CONCLUSION: Repeat the new words and structures in the lesson * HOMEWORK: - Lern new words and structures by heart - Describe your friends - Do exercise 1,2,3 – p.85, 86 in workbook - Prepare Unit – B4,5,6,7 - Repeat the contents of this lession - Gives and guides Ss to the homewok - See the pictures in the book - Practise in pairs - Describe your classmates - Listen and remember - Listen and write your home woerk (137) LESSON PLAN School : Teacher: Week: 20 UNIT: (cont) Class:6 Period: 59 Teaching day: Lesson 4: B2-3 (p.101) *Aims: Help Ss learn Adjectives of colour to describe features *Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the Adjectives of colour to describe features *Teaching aids: Pictures, wordcards, poster Time Content Teacher’s activities REVISION: Jumbled words - Writes the Yees (eyes) cefa (face) sone incorrect words on (nose) BB Hari (hair) spli (slip) dreshoul - Explain how to PRESENTATION Pre – teach: B2 p.101 - Introduces new - color gray blue white green words - black red brown yellow - Explain how to purple use the words Finding Friends: (with answer - Gives the key) instruction to play She eyes hair lips teeth the game has - Sticks the post  Black on BB  Brown  - Let Ss make Gray   sentences “She  White  has…”  Red   - Write the answer Yellow  key Blue  - Builds the Green  dialogue Pink - Write it on BB Dialogue build: * N.b Don’t pre – - Hoa: I have a new doll teach “doll” but - Mai: What color is her hair? explain it in - Hoa: It’s black context - Mai: What color is her eyes? - Hoa: They are brown - Uses the pictures PRACTICE in the books to Picture Drill: B3 p 101 (4 dolls) practice Example Exchanges: - Gives example A: What color is her hair? on BB B: It’s [black] - Guides to read A: What color are her eyes? B: They are [brown] Student’s activities - Go to the BB - Rewrite the correct words - Listen and repeat - copy down - listen - see the poster - Practise in pairs - give the answer key - Practise in pairs - see the picture in the books - Practise in pairs (138) Preparing day : 5/ 1/ 09 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 9/ 1; 6B: T4 – / Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 9: THE BODY Period 59: Lesson : B Faces (B4,5,6,7) I/ Aims: Help Ss practice in Body vocabulary to describe people Ss practice reading and listening comprehension II/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use body vocabulary to describe people III/ Teaching aids: books, workbooks, cassette, pictures,whitebord markers IV/ Procedures: Content Teacher’s Student’s activities activities * WARM UP - Do exercise –p 85 - Describe your one friends - Play game “ Network” with parts of the face and colors * PRE – READING: (Gap Fill) Prediction: B4 p.101 Miss Chi is and thin She has a face, _ _ hair, _ eyes, a _nose , _ lips and small _ teeth - Calls Ss to exercises - Guides Ss to play gams - Do exercises - Sticks the gap – fill on BB - Shown the only picture * WHILE – READING: B4 p.101 - Guides to read the text and answer the questions - Look at the picture only to guess the gap fill - Read the text & correct their gap fill prediction - Ask and answer in pairs Comprehension questions: B4 p.101 -Ex: S1: Is Miss Chi’s face oval or round? S2: It is round *POST – READING Survey: Partner Mum Dad Brother /sister Body thin Face round Hair short, black Eyes brown Nose big Lips full Teeth wite Write it up: E.g: My father is thin - Play game - Stick the poster - Base on the information in on BB the poster to practice - Guides how to - listen practice - Practise - Gives examples describing people on BB - Let Ss practise -Practise in pairs (139) He has short black hair and brown eyes,… * Pre listening :B5 p.102 - Look at the pictures and discribe each - Calls Ss person in picture Ex: a) He has an oval face and thin lips * while listening: Answer key: 1) c 2) a 3) d 4) b - Plays cassette - Look at pictures and describe * Post listening: - Calls Ss to - Describe people in the picture again describe - B6 Play with words - Guides Ss to practice the text - Read your describing - Reading aloud - Listen and write the number next to the correct picture - Asks Ss to give - Give the the answers answers * Conclution: - B7 Remember p 103 - Repeat the new - Listen and words and remember structrures * homework: - Describe your friend and about you - Gives and guides Ss to - Do exercise 4,5 – p.86 in workbook the homewok - Prepare Unit 10 – A1- A4 - Write the homework (140) Preparing day : 8/ 1/ 09 Teaching day : 6A: T5 – 12/ 1; 6B: T1 – 10 / Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 10: STAYING HEALTHY Period 60 : Lesson 1: A1, 2, 3, I/ Aims: Help Ss learn about how we feel using Adjective of Physical state Ss practice reading a dialogue recognize Polite offers and Requests II/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about how we feel using the Adjectives of physical state and talk about Polite offers and Requests with “what would you like?” and “I’d like some / a / to ?” III/ Teaching aids: wordcards, textbook, workbook, cassette IV/ Procedures: Content * WARM UP: - Do exxercise p.86 in workbook Picture on p.104 -105 S1: What’s this color? S2: It’s green *PRESENTATION Pre – teach: A1 p.104 Hungry(adj) # full (adj) hot(adj) # cold(adj) thirsty(adj) tired(adj) Some orange juice = a drink Noodles (n) (to) want = would like (to) like Matching: -Models the sentences: + How you feel? I am hungry + What would you likr? I’d like some noodles Teacher’s activities - Call Ss to execise - Use the pictures on p.104-105 to practise - gives example on BB - Introduces new words by using pictures -Models the words and write them on BB - Checks by matching - Match the words with the meanings - Explain the sentences - Listen and take notes - Uses word cue to practise - gives the model sentences - guides how to Drill - Read the words in card in chorus - Practise speaking based on the model sentences - Practise in pairs *PRACTICE Word Cue Drill: Hungry Thirsty Hot Cold Tired Full Ex: S1: How you feel? S2: I’m [hungry] Picture Drill Cues: A1 p.104 (a - f) A2 p 105 Ex: How does he feel? He is hot How does they feel? They are … A3 p 105 Listen and repeat the dialogue Student’s activities - Do execise - Work in pairs, takes in it turn to point at the different pictures on p.104105 - Ask and answer - listen - repeat - copy down - Uses pictures on A1 p.104 and A5 p.106 - gives examples - Play cassette - Calls Ss to practice - Practise in pairs - Listen and repeat - Practice (141) *FURTHER PRACTICE A4 p 106 Guessing game: Ex: S1: Are you thirsty? S2: No, I’m not S3: Are you cold? etc * homework: - Read the diague, learn new words and structures - Do exercise 1,2 – p.87 in workbook - Prepare Unit 10 – A5- A8 the dialogue the dialogue - Asks Ss to practic - Answer the questions in pairs - Guides how to practice guessing game - Gives and guides Ss to the homewok - Practise in groups - Write the homework (142) LESSON PLAN School : Teacher: Class: Week: 21 Period: 62 Teaching day: UNIT: 10 (cont) Lesson: A3-4 (p.105-106) *Aims: Help Ss practice reading a dialogue recognize Polite offers and Requests *Objectives: After learning, Ss will be able to talk about Polite offers and Requests with “what would you like?” and “I’d like some / a / to ?” *Teaching aids: pictures, posters Time Content PRE – READING: Pre – teach: Some orange juice = a drink noodles (to) want = would like (to) like Predict dialogue: N: How you feel? L: I’m and _ N: What would you like? L: I’d like some _ What about you? N: I’m I’d like some _ WHILE – READING: A3 p.105 Matching: Hot Lan Nam Ba Tired Hot Thirsty Full Hungry Noodles A drink / Orange juice To sit down Answer key: Lan: hot, thirsty, a drink / orange juice Nam: hungry, noodles Ba: tired, to sit down… POST – READING: Mapped dialogue:   Feel? Cold + hungry Like? Some noodles Thirsty? feel Teacher’s activities - Introduces new words - Models the words and writes them on BB - Checks vocabulary Student’s activities - Listen - Repeat in chorus and individual - Copy down - Writes the missing dialogue on BB - Guides how to complete - Guess and complete the dialogue - practice in pairs -Let Ss practice - Read the dialogue - Guides Ss to dialogue and correct their prediction - Checks their - Read the dialogue comprehension by again and match the matching exercise key words to people - writes the table on BB - Copy down - Check and correct mistakes - Gives the answer - Gives the answer key - copy down - Draw the map on BB - Write it on their notebooks - Complete the dialogue with the structure learnt - Practise the dialogue with the cue words - Guides to practice - Model once before (143) Preparing day : 10/ 1/ 09 Teaching day : 6A: T3 – 15/ 1; 6B: T4 – 12 / Total: 6A: 22, 6B: 22 ; Out: 6A: 6B: UNIT 10: STAYING HEALTHY Period 61 : Lesson 2: A 5,6,7,8 I/ Aims : At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer about their feelings and desire II/ Language contents: - Structures: What’s the matter? I’m cold What you want? I want a hot drink III/ Teaching aids : textbooks, workbooks, cassette IV/ Procedures: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * WARM UP: - Check up: Do exercise p.87 in workbook - Answer questions: + How you feel? + What would you like? * PRE LISTENING: - A5 – p 106 Ex: a) He is hungry B) She is thirsty c) …………… - Keys: Phuong – b; Nhan – a; Ba- f ; Huong - d - Asks Ss to homework and answer the questions - Do exercise and answer the questions - Asks Ss to look at the pictures and say their feelings - Play cassette 2-3 times - Look at the pictures ( A5) and say their feelings - Listen and match the name with the right pictures - Read your answers - Calls Ss * WHILE LISTENING: - A6 –p 106 + What’s the matter? I’m cold + What you want? I want a hot drink - Present the dialogue - Play cassette - Calls Ss to read the dialogue - Explains the parterns - Question: What is the matter with Dung - Calls Ss to answer What does she want? - Listen - Listen and repeat - Practice the dialogue in pairs - Answer the questions Ex: a) hot/ cold drink S1: What is the matter, Nhung? S2: I am hot S1: What you want? S2: I want a cold drink - Make new dialogues in pairs - Guides Ss to make new dialogues (144) * POST LISTENING: - Free practice: Ex: S1: What is the matter, Anh? S2: I am hungry S3: What you want? S1: I want noodles - A7- Play with words p 107 The five sences * Conclution: - B8 Remember p 107 * homework: - Learn new words and structures - Do exercise 3,4 – p.88 in workbook - Prepare Unit 10 – B1,2,3 - Asks Ss to practice in groups - Work in groups - Guides Ss to practice writing the verses - Practice writing and reding the verses - Repeat the new words and structrures - Listen and remember - Gives and guides Ss to the homewok - Write the homework (145) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : …… Week : ………… Period :……… Teaching day : ………… UNIT: (cont)…………………………………………………………… Aims : ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… Methods : ……………… Teaching aids : ……………………………………… Time Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities …like ? …orange juice Example Exchange S1 : How you feel ? S2 : I’m cold and hungry S1 : What would you like ? S2 : I’d like some noodles How you feel ? S1 : I’m thirsty S2 : What would you like ? S1 : I’d like some orange juice - Gives examples after completing the mapped dialogue - Write the complete dialogue on their notebooks - Lets Ss practise - Practise in pairs and more practice at home (146) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : Week : 21 Period : 63 UNIT 10 : (cont) Lesson Teaching day : ………… (p110 – 111) Aims : - Help Ss learn about uncountable and plural food and drink nouns, polite requests and polite offers OBJECTIVES : - After learning, Ss can practice food & drink nouns, “I’d like some…” & “What would you like?” Teaching aids : pictures Student’s Time Contents Teacher’s activities activities * PRESENTATION Pre-teach B4 p.110 & B5 p.111 some chicken some vegetables fish (a vegetable) meat rice fruit milk Rub out and Remember B5 p.111 Matching / Grids B5 p.111 a Nhan Tuan Huong Mai b c d e f g h         Presentation Dialogue B4 p.110 Model Sentences I’d like some chicken / rice / orange juice vegetables * PRACTICE : Picture Drill B4 p110 (Menu) B5 p.111 picture a  h Ex : What would you like ? I’d like some * PRODUCTION Chain Game Ex : - I’d like some fish - I’d like some fish and some vegetables - I’d like some fish, some vegetables and … (147) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : Week : 22 Period : 64 UNIT 10 : (cont) Lesson Teaching day : ………… (p108 – 109) Aims : - Help Ss learn Some / Any with There is / There are, positive, negative and Y/N Questions OBJECTIVES : - After learning, Ss will be able to talk about Food and Drink, use Some / Any with There is / There are Teaching aids : ………………………………………………………………………… Student’s Time Contents Teacher’s activities activities * REVISION a drink milk - Reviews the lesson - Listen Pyramid / Networks - Elicits Ss to give some - give some words DRINK rice fruit words about food and about food and FOO noodles meat drink drink chickens vegetables orange juice - Writes them on BB - Practise in pairs * PRESENTATION Pre-teach B1 p.108 a) – d) an apple a banana an orange water Diction Lists : a, an, some a an some banana an apple rice, water hot/cold drink an orange milk,… … … … Presentation Dialogue B2 p.109 Comprehension (with Answer key) meat () rice () noodles fruit () water () milk Model Sentences (+) There’s some rice (?) Is there any rice ? (-) There isn’t any rice (+) There are some apples (?) Are there any apples ? (-) There aren’t any apples * PRACTICE Picture Drill B1 p.108 Example Exchange B3 p.109 - Introduces new words - Reads & writes them on BB - Guides how to write - Reads : rice, water, banana, milk, apple, vegetables, meat, orange noodles, hot drink, bread - Presents the dialogue -Listen give words - Repeat in chorus and individual - Copy down - Write dictation - Listen to their teacher - List the words according to groups - Writes the table on BB - Guides how to - Tick () what’s for lunch on the list - Gives the model sents - Explains how to form, use, … - Listen - Repeat - Copy down - Gives some examples to practise - Practise - Uses the pictures on p.108 to practice - Gives examples - Practise in pairs (148) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : Week : 22 Period : 65 UNIT 10 : (cont) Lesson Teaching day : ………… (p112 – 113) Aims : - Help Ss practise speaking about favourite food and drink “Would you like…?” and “Do you like…?” OBJECTIVES : - After learning, Ss can speak about favourite food and drink to contrast Teaching aids : ………………………………………………………………………… Student’s Time Contents Teacher’s activities activities * REVISION - Reviews the lesson - Review * PRESENTATION - Introduces new words - Listen-guess Pre-teach C1 p.112 – C3 p.113 by pictures words & meanings my favourite some carrots iced tea - Reads the words and - Repeat in chorus food beans lemonade writes them on BB and individual drink peas apple juice - Checks the meanings - Copy down Picture Drill C1 p.112 -Uses the pictures (p112) - See the pictures Ex : S1: What are these ? to practise & practise in pairs S2 : They are beans What are those? - Gives examples S1: They’re carrots Rub out and Remember Dialogue C2 p.112 - Presents the dialogue - Practise Model Sentences - Do you like vegetables ? - Gives the models - Listen Yes, I / No, I don’t sentences on BB - Repeat in chorus - Would you like some vegetables ? - Explains how to form, Yes, I would / Yes, please use, … - Practise in pairs No, I wouldn’t / No, thank you - Guides to read No, thanks - Lets Ss practise * PRACTICE Word Cue Drill beans peas carrots iced tea rice oranges milk apple juice Example Exchange S1 : Do you like [beans] ? S2 : Yes, I S1 : Would you like some [beans] now ? S2 : No, thanks ! / Yes, please * PRODUCTION Survey S1 : Do you like chicken ? etc… Example Feedback - Guides practise the structures by words cue - Puts words in cards - Listen - Give example - Models - Lets Ss practise - Repeat - Guides how to practise - Gives examples - Practise - Read the words in chorus - Practise in pairs (149) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : …… Week : ………… Period :……… Teaching day : ………… UNIT: (cont)…………………………………………………………… Aims : ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… Methods : ……………… Teaching aids : ……………………………………… Time Contents Teacher’s activities Nam likes chickens and orange juice but he doesn’t like fish Nam Nam Thuy likes chicken orange juice doesn’t like fish - Gives example feed back - Draws the table on BB - Models Student’s activities - Fill in information in the table - Practise (150) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : Week : 22 Period : 66 UNIT 11 : WHAT DO YOU EAT ? Lesson Teaching day : ………… (p114 – 115) Aims : - Help Ss learn about Quantifiers and Containers OBJECTIVES : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “Quantifiers (a kilo of …)” and Containers (a bottle of…), to talk about things people buy at the store Teaching aids : pictures, word cards, posters Student’s Time Contents Teacher’s activities activities * PRESENTATION - Introduces new words -Listen-guess Pre-teach by pictures words & meanings egg oil soap - Reads and writes - Repeat in chorus chocolate beef toothpaste words on BB and ind Slap the Board - Checks vocabulary - Copy down Matching - Play games - Sticks the poster on BB - Ask Ss to match the - See and read the grams of … picture with words poster a kilo of … - Match the words 12 T RA a bar of… - Gives examples with pictures a can of… - Practise - Lets Ss practise individual a box of… Checks and corrects compare with C A M A Y mistakes their partners a tube of… - Gives the answer a packet of… C O K E 200g Kg a dozen of… a bottle of… * PRACTICE Rub out and Remember Dialogue A1 a p.114 Picture Drill A1 b p.115 Example Exchange : (as in A1 a p.114) Substitution Drill Teacher says Ss says : Water, oil, soap I’d like a bottle of… Peas,… I’d like a bar of… Pelmanism a bar of / soap a bottle of / water a dozen / eggs a packet of / tea a box of/chocolates a tube of /toothpaste 300grams of / chickens a can of / 7up - Presents the dialogue - Uses the pictures on A1 p.115 to practise - Uses example as in A1 a p.114 - Guides how to practise - Says the words - Gives these cue words on BB - Guides how to - Checks and corrects - Listen – Repeat - Practise by using the pictures - Listen - Say the model sentences - Practise in pairs  ind - Reads the words in cards clearly - Practise (151) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : Week : 23 Period : 67 UNIT 11 : (cont) Lesson Teaching day : ………… (p116 – 117) Aims : - Help Ss practise listening for specific OBJECTIVES : - After learning, Ss can speak about favourite food and drink to contrast Teaching aids : ………………………………………………………………………… Student’s Time Contents Teacher’s activities activities * REVISION - Reviews the lesson Pelmanism (see U 11 L1 above) - Introduces the lesson - Listen * PRE-LISTENING by pictures Pre-teach Can I help you ? How much…? - Presents new words (to) want How many…? - Reads and writes - Repeat (to) need words on BB Rub out and Remember - Checks vocabulary - Copy down Predict Dialogue - Writes the predict - Read the predict - Sales girl : Can I help you ? dialogue on BB dialogue - Ba : Yes, I’d like some (1) , please - Guides how to - S : How much you want ? - Predict and fill - Ba : (2) _grams, please - Lets Ss fill in the in the blanks with - S : Is there anything else? blanks a suitable words - Ba : Yes, I need some (3) _ - Gives answers keys -Give the answers - S : How many you want ? after guessing - Ba : (4) _ please * WHILE-LISTENING A2 p.116 - Guides to listen and - Listen and Comprehension Questions A2 p.116 answer the questions answer the Qs *PRE-LISTENING Pre-teach - Presents new words - Copy down Cookies * WHILE-LISTENING A3 p.117 - Guides to listen and - Listen and fill in exercises the table with Turns on the tape a), b), etc… Phuong d Dung e, a - Draws the table on BB - Copy down Mai b - Gives the Nam c Presents new words answers * PRE-LISTENING Pre-teach half (a kilo) Open prediction (152) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : …… Week : ………… Period :……… Teaching day : ………… UNIT: (cont)…………………………………………………………… Aims : ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… Methods : ……………… Teaching aids : ……………………………………… Time Contents Teacher’s activities “Mom wants Nam to buy things at the store Guess what things she need ? “ Guess Listen (Answer key) (a bottle of) cooking oil (some)(2 kilos of) rice (1/2 a kilo of) beef (a dozen) oranges * WHILE-LISTENING A4 p.117 Student’s activities (153) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : Week : 23 Period : 68 UNIT 11 : (cont) Lesson Teaching day : ………… (p116) Aims : - Help Ss learn about quantities for shopping OBJECTIVES : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “How much…? ” “How many…?” with “want and need” to talk about quantities for shopping Teaching aids : pictures, posters Time Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * REVISION - Reviews the structures - Reviews the usage Dictation Lists : “How much/ How many” of “How much/ How much / many? - Guides how to write How many…?” Answer key dictation - Reads some words - Listen and write How much… How many… meat, milk, oil, oranges, bananas, - Checks and corrects -Write words on BB bread, beef, rice carrots, chicken, soap, chocolates, eggs, … apples, … - Presents the dialogue - Repeat in chorus * PRESENTATION Guides to read it Presentation Dialogue A2 p.116 Models Sentences a I need some beef want b I need some eggs want  a) How much you want ? need ? b) How many you want ? need ? * PRACTICE Blackboard Drill Shopping Lists 300g beef Kg rice 500g beans apples doz eggs bottles milk packets noodles Example Exchanges S1 : I need some [beef] S2 : How [much] you want ? S1 : [There hundred] grams, please - Gives the model sents - Explains how to use - Give examples to make it clear - Models - Listen - Repeat - Gives the shopping list on the board - Copy down - Explains and guides how to practise - Lets Ss read these words - Read the shopping list clearly - Practise in pairs - Repeat in chorus - Gives example exchanges on BB - Models - Practise in pairs (154) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : …… Week : ………… Period :……… Teaching day : ………… UNIT: (cont)…………………………………………………………… Aims : ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… Methods : ……………… Teaching aids : ……………………………………… Time Contents Teacher’s activities S1 : I need some [apples] S2 : How many you want ? S1 : [Six] please * PRDUCTION Role play Store keeper - Can I help you ? - How much / many ? - Anything else…? - That’s …doing, please - Guides how to role play Customer - I want / need … - I’d like… - Do you have any… - …please - Thank you ! Student’s activities - Gives some prompts on BB - Write a shopping list In pairs, Ss take it in turn to be the store keeper and the customer - Models - Reoeat - Lets Ss practise - Practise in pairs (155) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : Week : 23 Period : 69 UNIT 11 : (cont) Lesson Teaching day : ………… (p119 – 120) Aims : - Help Ss practise in Offers and Requests for Food and Drink using “some, a, an” OBJECTIVES : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use offers and requests for food and drink using “some, a, an” Teaching aids : picture, word cards, posters Student’s Time Contents Teacher’s activities activities * PRACTICE - Introduces Kim’s Game B1 p.119 - Guides how to play - Play game in game teams, taking it in There’s a There’s some There are some turns to fill up the - can of - rice - vegetables - Draws the tables on lists on BB soda BB - Reads some words Matching B4 p.120 - Uses the pictures B1 - Listen and Answer key to practise number the food a b c d e f g h i j k l - Gives the answer key as Ss hear after correcting - Copy down Word Cue Drill - Uses the word cues rice/ orange juice bread / milk to practise the structure noodles / water chicken / iced tea - Sticks them on BB - Read words in fish / soda beef / vegetables/ the cards clearly lemonade - Gives example - Listen and repeat Example Exchanges B3 p.120 exchange on BB in chorus S1 : What would you like for [breakfast]? - Models - Practise in pairs S2 : I’d like some [bread] and some [milk] * PRODUCTION Role play / Mapped Dialogue - Gives situations to - Listen A water and a hotel guest The waiter practise questions the guest and fill in the meals form Example - Gives examples on - Repeat in chorus - Waiter : Good morning Sir What would BB you like for breakfast ? - Guest : I’d like some noodles and iced - Models - Practise in pairs coffee - Writes this on BB - Copy down Breakfast? lunch? dinner? - noodles - iced coffee - (156) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : Week : 24 Period : 70 UNIT 11 : (cont) Lesson Teaching day : ………… (p120 – 121) Aims : - Help Ss practise in Offers and Requests for Food and Drink using “some, a, an” OBJECTIVES : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use offers and requests for food and drink using “some, a, an” Teaching aids : picture, word cards, posters Student’s Time Contents Teacher’s activities activities * REVISION - Reads : a can of - Choose out of Bingo B1 p.119 (and B4 p.120) soda, a bottle of water, the 12 word some banana, … - Listen and ticks * PRESENTATION on words chosen Pre-teach (and Revise) - Presents new words - Listen - fifty - Reads and writes - Repeat in chorus - a hundred (two hundred…) words on BB and individual - a thousand (two thousand…) - Checks the meanings - Copy down - seven thousand five hundred * PRACTICE Blackboard Drill - Gives these numbers - Look at the 100 50 200 on BB board 150 350 750 10.000 - Lets Ss practise - Read the 1.000 2.000 5.000 4.200 reading the numbers numbers clearly 7.500 9.500 2.300 Noughts and Crosses - Gives examples - Divide into S1 : How much is it ? - Guides how to play groups S2 : It’s two thousand five hundred dong games - Play games in teams 2.500 d 500 d 3.000 d 4.800 d 10.000 d 1.000 d 1.200 d 8.500 d 5.000 d Pre-teach p.121 a cake, a sandwich, a fried rice, an ice cream, a bowl of… Answer Given B5 p.120 2.500 3.000 1.500 500 1.800 1.000 2.000 Example 2.500  How much is a fried rice ? Picture Drill B5_6 p.121 Ex : S1 : How much is a fried rice ? S2 : It’s two thousand five hundred * PRODUCTION Survey - Presents new words - Reads and writes words on BB - Lets Ss practise B5 p.120 - Listen - Repeat and copy down - Practise - Gives examples - Uses pictures B5_6 to practise - Repeat - Practise in pairs - Fill in the Survey according to REAL prices, not the prices in the textbook (157) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : Week : 24 Period : 71 UNIT 11 : (cont) Lesson Teaching day : ………… (p122 – 123) Aims and Dislikes (Simple present tense), countability, Adj Question a : - Further anpractice in Likes some words, present progressive Vs simple present, Quantifiers OBJECTIVES : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use what they have learned Teaching aids : …………………………………………………………………… Time Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Likes and Dislikes (Simple present) - Reviews the simple - Recall the Gram - practice p.122 present tense structures of the Find someone who simple present tense - Copy down - Draws the table on Find someone who… Name BB - Practise in groups …likes fish Guides how to …doesn’t like chicken practise …likes bread …doesn’t like rice …likes milk …doesn’t like soda - Recall how to use …doesn’t like vegetables them Review how to use - Play and give some a / an / some a / an / some words Gram - practice p.122 Guides Ss to play net - Practise Net words works - Gives examples a sandwich an orange noodles - Listen a banana an ice-cream fish … - Guides guessing - Practise in Guessing Game game individual Ex : I’d like… Gives examples S1 : Would you like a sandwich ? - Review the S2 : No, I wouldn’t Adjective S1 : Would you like some milk ? - Reviews the Adjs - Do exercises Adjectives Lets Ss exercises - Practise in groups Gram – practice p.122 on p.122 Pelmanism - Guides how to play - Do exercises tall / short long / short hot / cold Pelmanism p.123 fat / thin heavy / light weak / strong Question words Gram – practice p.123 - Guides how to exercises (p.123) (158) LESSON PLAN School : ………………………………………… Teacher : …………… Class : …… Week : ………… Period :……… Teaching day : ………… UNIT: (cont)…………………………………………………………… Aims : ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… Methods : ……………… Teaching aids : ……………………………………… Time Contents Teacher’s activities Present Simple Vs – Present progressive - Reviews the Gram – practice p.123 structures Quantifiers - Lets Ss Lucky Numbers exercises on p.123 What does cooking oil come in ? - Review quantifiers What does tea come in ? What does soap come in ? - Guides how to play LUCKY NUMBER game What does soda come in ? LUCKY NUMBER - Reads the What does iced tea come in ? questions What does chocolates come in ? What does noodles come in ? 10 What does water come in ? 11 LUCKY NUMBER 12 What does toothpaste come in ? Answer key : - Gives the answer a bottle a box key after correcting a packet a packet / bowl a bar 10 a bottle / glass a can 12 a tube a glass Student’s activities - Remind the structures - Do exercises on p.123 individually - Remind quantifiers - Divide into groups - Play game - Answer (159) RERIOD : 76 WEEK : 26 Teaching Date:  AIMS: UNIT 12 : (cont) Lesson : B4 – (p.128 - 129) - To teach “ How often ……? ”questions and answers “once / twice / three times… a week ”  OBJECTIVES: - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be ables to use “ How often….?” questions and the Adverbs to talk about frequency of actives  TEACHING MATERIALS :  PROCEDURES : Time CONTENTS T’S ACTIVITIES  REVISION Matching : A4 p.128 Answer key: Tan f Minh and Nam and Lien a Lan and Mai b  PRESENTATION : Pre-Teach : How often …? twice a week once three times Matching : - Use the pictures - Corrects gives the answer key - Elitists from ss , using pictures or situations St’ ACTIVITIES - Match the picture with the time - Guess the words - Listen and repeat - Draws the grids on the board -Lets ss guess - Lets ss listen and check -Copy the grids Presentation : B5 p.128 Model Sentences: _How often dose she go jogging ? listen to music ? read ? _ She gives jogging once listen to music twice a week reads three times -Sets the scene - Checks concept -Uses the context to introduce model sends - Puts ss in pairs -Monitors -Feedbacks -Listen -Repeat -Practice saying sentences using the target language  PRACTIVE Substitution Drill Example: T says : Ss say: three three times a week one once a week Picture Drill: A5 p.129 “Ly’ Dary” Example Exchange S1: How often does Ly [go to school ] ? S2: she goes [six times ] a week PRODUCTION Find someone who S1: How often you play football ? S2: Once a week -Introduces the task -Gives a model -Listen -Repeat -Reads the number words -Stickles the picture on the board -Checks with St: ”How many days are there in picture ? ” -Shows ss days of a week and sports -Gives example -Practice in individually -See the picture -Draw the grids on the board -Lets ss guess -Copy the grids - Guess what someone does Once a week Twice a week Three a week M T W     Th  Find someone who ….plays football twice a week ….goes to the park once a week F Sa S  Name -Guess what they would like -Listen a check -Answer the question -Copy down the example -Practice in pairs (160) ….watches TV seven times a week ….does homework six time a week -Gives examples -Practice in pairs -Corrects their mistakes LESSON PLAN School:…………………………………………………………………… Teacher: ……………………….Class: Week: Period: Teaching day:………………………… Unit:.…………………………………………………………………… Aims:……………………………………………………………………………………… (161) …………………………………………………………………………………………… Method:…………………………………………………………………………………… Teaching aids:…………………………………………………………………………… Time Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities (162)

Ngày đăng: 21/06/2021, 23:17


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