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• Diễn tả hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ và kéo dài đến hiện tại for a week; for 2 years; since 2001; since last year; since he was nine years old.... Exercise: Put the verb in brackets[r]

(1)TRƯỜNG THCS CHU VĂN AN TỔ NGOẠI NGỮ ÔN TẬP KIỂM TRA HỌC KỲ I Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 1/ Tense revision  Present simple Subject + Verb-s/es I/ We/ You/ They work/live/go/study He/ She/ It works/lives/goes/studies Do/Does + Subject + Verb Do I/ we/ you/ they Subject + don’t/doesn’t + Verb I/ We/ You/ They don’t work/live/go/study (do not) He/ She/ It doesn’t work/live/go/study (does not) → Short Answers Yes, I/we/you/they No, I/we/you/they don’t Does he/ she/ it work/play/go/study? Yes, he/she/it does No, he/she/it doesn’t * Use: Diễn tả hành động lặp đi, lặp lại, thói quen chân lí, định luật Thường dùng với các trạng từ tần suất như: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, regularly, normally  Past simple Subject + V-ed/V2 Subject + didn’t + Verb (infinitive) I/ We/ You/ They worked/lived/studied/ I/ We/ You/ He/ didn’t work/live/study/ He/ She/ It went/came/left She/ It/ They (did not) go/come/leave ▪ Thêm -ed vào đ/từ hợp quy tắc: start → started, Thể phủ định động từ dạng nguyên work → worked, live → lived, study → studied started ↔ start ▪ Học thuộc lòng động từ bất quy tắc: go → went, went ↔ go do→ did, leave → left, be → was/were, see → saw Did + Subject + (infinitive) Did I/ we/ you/ they/ he/ she/ it Verb work/play/go/study? → Short Answers work/live/study/ Yes, I/ we/ you/ they/ he/ she/ it/ did go/come/leave? No, I/we/ you/ they/ he/ she/ it/ didn’t (đtừ dạng nguyên) * Use: Diễn tả hành động kiện đã xảy và kết thúc quá khứ với thời gian xác định Từ ngữ diễn đạt thời gian quá khứ: yesterday, last night, last week, days ago, in 1995, from 2005 to 2007) * Thì quá khứ đơn dùng với “WISH” để diễn đạt mong ước trái với thực tế, hay khả  Present perfect Subject + have/has + past participle (VSubject + have/has + NOT + past participle ed/V3) I/We/You/They have ('ve) lived/gone/ I/We/You/They have not (haven't) lived/gone/ He/ She/ It has ('s) seen/known He/ She/ It has not (hasn't) seen/known Have/Has + subject + past participle (V-ed/V3) Have I/ we/ you/ they worked/lived/gone/ seen/known/ had → Short Answers Yes, I/ we/ you/ they have No, I/ we/ you/ they haven’t Has he/ she/ it worked/lived/gone/ Yes, he/she/it has seen/known/ had No, he/she/it hasn’t Dạng Past participle (quá khứ phân từ) thành lập cách thêm -ed vào động từ hợp quy tắc (live → lived, learn → learned); động từ bất quy tắc chọn cột thứ (V3): go → gone, see → seen (2) * Use: • Diễn tả hành động đã diễn quá khứ không xác định thời gian.(ever, just, recently, lately, already ) • Diễn tả hành động bắt đầu quá khứ và kéo dài đến (for a week; for years; since 2001; since last year; since he was nine years old ) Exercise: Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense, Present simple, Past simple, Present perfect I (get up) at 5.30 every morning This morning I (get up) at 6.00 He often (go) to the movies on the weekends Last weekend he (go) to the movies I (see) my uncle every two weeks I (not see) my uncle last week I (not see) my uncle for a week Lan (move) to Da Lat in 2003 She (live) in Da Lat since 2003 I (not know) Hung’s sister I (never meet) her (you / see) Lan recently? How long (you / know) your best friend? - For years 2/ Expressing wishes contrary to fact in present: S + wish + S + V (past subjunctive) a I don’t know her phone number  I wish b Nam doesn’t have a computer  He wishes c I live very far from school  I wish d We have to go to school on Saturdays  We wish e I can’t play the guitar  I wish f She can’t speak English  She wishes 3/ The passive form (be + past participle) Active:S + V + O Passive: S + (by O) + be + p.p Chuyển tân ngữ (O) câu chủ động làm chủ ngữ (S) câu bị động Thêm và chia động từ to be cùng thì với thì động từ câu chủ động Đổi động từ câu chủ động sang past participle Change the following active sentences into the passive a They sell jeans all over the world → b They sold their house last week → c They have found oil in the Antartic → d They will build a new school in our village → e They did this exercise in 30 minutes → f We can this exercise in 30 minutes → g You must this exercise carefully → h We have to this exercise carefully → i They grow rice in tropical countries → (3) j People should stop experiments on animals → k Someone gave Mary this present yesterday → l You should invite Lan to the party → 4/ Adverbs clauses of result with “SO”: Match the half-sentences The play was boring, _ a) so Liz wanted to go there again Nga is sick today, _ b) so she passed the exam The place was beautiful, _ c) so we left early Nam got up late, _ d) so I turned on the air conditioner It was hot, _ e) so she won’t go to school Hoa worked hard, _ f) so he didn’t have time for breakfast 5/ Conditional clauses (Type 1) with “IF”: Match the half-sentences, If you want to study medicine, _ a) you must finish your homework We can go home _ b) if you want to pass the exam If he doesn’t come soon, _ c) you have to go to university You should exercise _ d) if it stops raining If you want to go out, _ e) he might miss the bus You must study hard _ f) if you want to lose weight 6/ Prepositions: Choose the suitable preposition to complete each sentence a Mr Quang arrived in Singapore Monday evening (in / at / on / about) b He will be in Singapore from Tuesday Thursday (on / since / till / and) c He has a meeting 8.00 and 10.00 AM September 22 (from/ at/ between/ in/ on) e They have learned English nearly years (in / for / at / since) f I haven’t seen my brother last week (in / from / since / for) g I bought these jeans 2005 I have had these jeans 2005 (from / to / in / since) 7/ Direct and reported speech (Câu trực tiếp và câu gián tiếp)  Reported statements (Tường thuật câu kể) S + said/told somebody + (that) + S + V (the verb form moves one tense back) a) He said, “I live with my parents.” → He said he lived with his parents b) “I will leave here tomorrow,” she said → She said she would leave there the next day  Reported questions (Tường thuật câu hỏi) S + asked (sb) + if/whether + S + V (the verb form moves one tense back) what/where/how + S + V (the verb form moves one tense back) a) He asked, “Do you like pop music?” → He asked me if/whether I liked pop music b) He asked, “Can you use a computer?”→ He asked me if/whether I could use a computer c) He asked, “Where are you from?” → He asked me where I was from d) He asked, “Where you come from?” → He asked me where I came from  Thay đổi thì động từ (Nếu động từ tường thuật thì quá khứ) Verb tenses/forms in directed speech Verb tenses/forms in reported speech Present simple (Hiện đơn) Past simple (Quá khứ đơn)  She said (that) she worked for a post office Eg: “I work for a post office,” she said Present continuous (Hiện tiếp diễn) Past continuous (Quá khứ tiếp diễn)  Tom told me (that) he was feeling ill Eg: “I’m feeling ill,” Tom said to me Present perfect (Hiện hoàn thành) Past perfect (Hiện hoàn thành)  Tony said (that) he hadn’t done it Eg: Tony said, “I haven’t done it.” Past simple (Quá khứ đơn) Past perfect (Quá khứ hoàn thành)  Tony said (that) he hadn’t done it Eg: “I didn’t it,” said Tony (4) Past continuous (Quá khứ tiếp diễn)  Eg: “I was watching TV at the time,” he said Past perfect continuous(Qkhứ hoàn thành t/diễn) He said (that) he had been watching TV at the time Future in the past (would + infinitive) Bill told Mary (that) he would buy it Future simple (will + infinitive)  Eg: “I’ll buy it,” Bill said to Mary “must + infinitive” “had to + infinitive”  She (said) that she had to pay the gas bill Eg: “I must pay the gas bill,” she said Các modal verbs đổi sang quá khứ: can  could, may  might, shall  should, Eg: “I can speak French,” the man said  The man said that he could speak French  Thay đổi từ thời gian và nơi chốn Direct speech here this these now today tonight Reported speech → there → that / the → those / the → then → that day → that night Direct speech Reported speech yesterday (2 days) ago last night last week tomorrow next week → the day before/ the previous day → (2 days) before → the night before/ the previous night → the week before/ the previous week → the next day/ the following day → the following week/ the week after Change the following sentences into the reported speech a) “How old are you?” → She asked him b) “Which grade are you in?” → She asked him c) “I am in grade 9.” → He said d) “Do you live near your school?” → He asked her e) “I live far from my school.” → She said f) “Where you live?” → He asked her g) “What’s the name of your school?” → She asked me h) “Can you use a computer?” → He asked her i) “Is there a post office near here?” → He asked j) “I’ll be busy tomorrow.” → Lan said k) “How you go to school?” → Mr Pike asked Lan l) “When does your school vacation start?” → They asked us (5) m) “I must this exercise now,” → Tan said n) “Why are you learning English?” → She asked me 8/ Tag questions: Complete the tag questions a) You like playing computer e) Your mother is a teacher , ? games, .? f) Bell invented the telephone, ? b) You don’t like g) Mai hasn’t visited Ha Long Bay, ? documentaries, .? h) You didn’t watch TV last night, .? c) You have a computer at home, .? d) You have seen this movie, ?  Multiple choice: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence I anywhere last weekend (wasn’t go / didn’t go / haven’t gone / don’t go) I haven’t seen Lan 2003 ( in / for / since / during ) Lan to Ho Chi Minh City with her family in 2003 (moves / moved / has moved / have moved) I wish I to your party next Sunday, but I can't (could go / would go / can go / went) The of Malaysia is over 22 million (area/ religion/ population/ region) Islam is the official in Malaysia (language/ religion/ region/ capital) Champagne in France (produces/ is producing/ is produced/ has produced) This skirt by hand (has to be washed/ has washed/ has to wash/ must wash) Jeans in many clothing stores (sell / have sold / are sold / are selling) Wearing casual clothes convenient and comfortable (are/ feel/ is/ make) 10 This dictionary very often (doesn’t use / isn’t used / hasn’t used / can’t use) 11 Hoa studies very hard she always gets good grades (so / because / if / but) 12 You might miss the train you don't leave now (because / if / so / and) 13 I look forward you again (to see / to seeing / for seeing / seeing) 14 If you to pass the exam, you must try harder (wanted / will want / want / wants) 15 She me why I was learning English (told / said / asked / talked) 16 I told her I need English in the future (will / would / can / may) 17 He asked Hoa where (she comes from / did she come from / she came from) 18 She she came from Hue (told / said / asked / talked) 19 She asked Nam who with (he live / he lived / did he live / he did live) 20 He asked me I liked music (weather / what / whether / where) 21 If he soon, he might miss the train (doesn't come / didn't come / won't come / isn't coming) 22 She asked me (what my address was/ what was my address/ what is my address)  Sentence writing: Use the words and phrases to write complete and meaningful sentences I / arrived / Hue Train Station / o’clock / Tuesday afternoon Last weekend/ my friends/ I go/ picnic/ countryside I / not see/ Mai/ since/ she / move/ Ho Chi Minh City wear uniforms / help / students / feel equal / may ways I / see / your school’s advertisement / VTV3 last night Internet/ fast way/ people/ get information I / interested / learn/ English / your school (6) I / like / information / your school you / please send / the details / courses / fees?  Reading: Review reading texts in Units 1-5 and the comprehension exercises again 1/ Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense, Present simple, Past simple, Present perfect I (get up) at 5.30 every morning This morning I (get up) at 6.00 He often (go) to the movies on the weekends Last weekend he (go) to the movies I (see) my uncle every two weeks I (not see) my uncle last week I (not see) my uncle for a week Lan (move) to Da Lat in 2003 She (live) in Da Lat since 2003 I (not know) Hung’s sister I (never meet) her (you / see) Lan recently? How long (you / know) your best friend? - For years 2/ Expressing wishes contrary to fact in present: S + wish + S + V (past simple) S + wish + S + could + V (infinitive) a I don’t know her phone number  I wish b Nam doesn’t have a computer  He wishes c I live very far from school  I wish d We have to go to school on Saturdays  We wish e I can’t play the guitar  I wish f She can’t speak English  She wishes 3/ Change the following active sentences into the passive a They sell jeans all over the world → b They sold their house last week → c They have found oil in the Antartic → d They will build a new school in our village → e They did this exercise in 30 minutes → f We can this exercise in 30 minutes → g You must this exercise carefully → h We have to this exercise carefully → i They grow rice in tropical countries (7) → j People should stop experiments on animals → k Someone gave Mary this present yesterday → l You should invite Lan to the party → 4/ Adverbs clauses of result with “SO”: Match the half-sentences The play was boring, _ a) so Liz wanted to go there again Nga is sick today, _ b) so she passed the exam The place was beautiful, _ c) so we left early Nam got up late, _ d) so I turned on the air conditioner It was hot, _ e) so she won’t go to school Hoa worked hard, _ f) so he didn’t have time for breakfast 5/ Conditional clauses (Type 1) with “IF”: Match the half-sentences, If you want to study medicine, _ a) you must finish your homework We can go home _ b) if you want to pass the exam If he doesn’t come soon, _ c) you have to go to university You should exercise _ d) if it stops raining If you want to go out, _ e) he might miss the bus You must study hard _ f) if you want to lose weight 6/ Prepositions: Choose the suitable preposition to complete each sentence a Mr Quang arrived in Singapore Monday evening (in / at / on / about) b He will be in Singapore from Tuesday Thursday (on / since / till / and) c He has a meeting 8.00 and 10.00 AM September 22 (from/ at/ between/ in/ on) e They have learned English nearly years (in / for / at / since) f I haven’t seen my brother last week (in / from / since / for) g I bought these jeans 2005 I have had these jeans 2005 (from / to / in / since) 7/ Direct and reported Change the following sentences into the reported speech a) “How old are you?” → She asked him b) “Which grade are you in?” → She asked him c) “I am in grade 9.” → He said d) “Do you live near your school?” → He asked her e) “I live far from my school.” → She said f) “Where you live?” → He asked her g) “What’s the name of your school?” → She asked me h) “Can you use a computer?” → He asked her i) “Is there a post office near here?” → He asked j) “I’ll be busy tomorrow.” → Lan said k) “How you go to school?” (8) → Mr Pike asked Lan l) “When does your school vacation start?” → They asked us m) “I must this exercise now,” → Tan said n) “Why are you learning English?” → She asked me 8/ Tag questions: Complete the tag questions a) You like playing computer e) Your mother is a teacher , ? games, .? f) Bell invented the telephone, ? b) You don’t like g) Mai hasn’t visited Ha Long Bay, ? documentaries, .? h) You didn’t watch TV last night, .? c) You have a computer at home, .? d) You have seen this movie, ?  Multiple choice: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence I anywhere last weekend (wasn’t go / didn’t go / haven’t gone / don’t go) I haven’t seen Lan 2003 ( in / for / since / during ) Lan to Ho Chi Minh City with her family in 2003 (moves / moved / has moved / have moved) I wish I to your party next Sunday, but I can't (could go / would go / can go / went) The of Malaysia is over 22 million (area/ religion/ population/ region) Islam is the official in Malaysia (language/ religion/ region/ capital) Champagne in France (produces/ is producing/ is produced/ has produced) This skirt by hand (has to be washed/ has washed/ has to wash/ must wash) Jeans in many clothing stores (sell / have sold / are sold / are selling) Wearing casual clothes convenient and comfortable (are/ feel/ is/ make) 10 This dictionary very often (doesn’t use / isn’t used / hasn’t used / can’t use) 11 Hoa studies very hard she always gets good grades (so / because / if / but) 12 You might miss the train you don't leave now (because / if / so / and) 13 I look forward you again (to see / to seeing / for seeing / seeing) 14 If you to pass the exam, you must try harder (wanted / will want / want / wants) 15 She me why I was learning English (told / said / asked / talked) 16 I told her I need English in the future (will / would / can / may) 17 He asked Hoa where (she comes from / did she come from / she came from) 18 She she came from Hue (told / said / asked / talked) 19 She asked Nam who with (he live / he lived / did he live / he did live) 20 He asked me I liked music (weather / what / whether / where) 21 If he soon, he might miss the train (doesn't come / didn't come / won't come / isn't coming) 22 She asked me (what my address was/ what was my address/ what is my address) (9)

Ngày đăng: 21/06/2021, 05:42

