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In t J Op hthal mol", 10(3 ), 461-466 . 48. Dominic McHugh, Bha skar Gupta, Ma nzar Saeed (2011), Intra vitre al ga s inj ection f or the tre atm ent of diabe tic m acular e dema, "Clinical Ophthalm ology (Auc kland , N. Z.)", 5, 15 43-1548 . 49. Ja lali, S ubha dra ( 2003) , Ret inal Detac hme nt, "Community Eye H ealth", 1 6(46), 25-26. 50. M. H. Ha im ann, T. C. Burto n, C. K. Brown (1 982), E pi de miology of re tinal detachment, "Arc h Ophtha lmol |
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C. Y . W ang, W . M. Che ang, D. K. Hwang, et al. (201 7), Vitre ous haemor rha ge : a populatio n-base d study of the inci de nce a nd r isk factors in Ta iwan, In t J Op hthal mol, 10(3 ), 461-466 . 48. Dominic McHugh, Bha skar Gupta, Ma nzar Saeed |
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Tiêu đề: |
Am J Ophthalmo l |