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(Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm) how to teach reading skill effectively

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INTRODUCTION Experience is a work that you have from doing your work many times During a long time you your work , you overcome bad things , improve them and make them better and better Then , whenever you that work ,you always use the method you have used before and get a good result The method you use to make your work better is considered an experience of your own Teachers always try to find the best methods to teach their students I , too I have many experiences during my life of teaching , such as experiences in teaching Listening , experiences in teaching speaking, experiences in teaching reading and experiences in teaching writing In this material , I will tell you my experiences in teaching reading I myself think the followings are the best experiences of my own But each person has different points of view Anyway, I hope my experiences will be supported and all of you are certain to help me make my experiences better and better after reading my experiences PART I REASONS OF CHOOSING THIS TOPIC Reading skill is one of the most important skills to language learners The purposes of learning English are to learn how to listen , speak , read and write English well Englins is an international language It is a means to communicate with other people in the world Many books are written in English So how to help readers understand information written in English in books, newspapers , magazines ,etc is more important If students have a good reading skill, they can easily understand the information written in English well To English teachers , helping students drill their reading skill is more important because it is one of the four skills in teaching English Moreover , teachers have to teach students reading skills so that they can understand the knowledge in English books and in English tests To students , about 30 percent or even more than 30 percent of the exercises in their English tests are to test their reading skills So if students have a good reading skill , they can easily complete their English tests well Moreover,people said that “A good reader make a good writer” If students are good at reading, of course , they are good at writing, speaking, and listening In conclusion , how to teach students to be good at reading skills in English is very important And my ideas above are the reasons why I have spent most of my time studying the topic : ” How to teach reading effectively ? “ II TASKS OF THE TOPIC ( WHAT TASKS DOES THIS TOPIC SOLVE ? ) In this topic , I focus on the following contents : 1.The ways to read texts 2.Sub-skills in teaching reading 3.Principles of teaching reading 4.Steps for presenting a reading text 5.Some purposes of reading texts 6.Techniques of teaching reading 7.Main skills of reading III METHODS TO RESEARCH THIS TOPIC First of all , I use the knowledge of methods I have learnt at University Secondly , I read many methodogical books to get the knowledge of the methods to teach reading Moreover , I learn many experiences from my colleagues With all the knowledge I have collected , I use them in teaching my students reading skills After that , I choose the methods which are suitable for my students this means that I choose the methods which make my students good at reading skill I use these methods many times and then they become my own experiences Now I am writing my own experiences in teaching reading in this material IV THE PLACE AND THE TIME TO RESEARCH THIS TOPIC During a long time teaching English at Tan Ninh secondary school , I am experienced in teaching reading skills I have researched this topic for over years ( from 2014 up to now ) PART THE RESULTS A THE SITUATION OF LEARNING READING IN ENGLISH OF THE STUDENTS AT TAN NINH SECONDARY SCHOOL AT PRESENT * Students get acquainted with many kinds of reading exercises , and they reading exercises well * Students have a lot of skills and methods in doing reading texts and their reading skill is becoming better and better * Students have many pleasures in reading periods * Students read English texts more fluently and they can easily understand the contents of the English texts * Students can many reading exercises in the reference books by themselves at home * Students enjoy reading periods * When my students take part in examinations , they all get good results at reading * Students have a lot of abilities in doing reading exercises and they reading texts carefully *Students’English pronunciation is better B SOLUTIONS TO SOLVE THE CONTENTS IN THIS TOPIC I The ways to read English texts : There are many ways to read English texts 1.Reading aloud : The purpose of reading aloud is to communicate someone’s information written to other people such as reading newspapers , news , letters , passages , messages ,etc … In teaching foreign languages , reading aloud has fewer effects to the development of students’reading skill, but It mainly helps students practice pronunciation , intonation , stress or reading for announcing something Silent reading : When we want to read in order to understand something or to get information , we often read silently It means that we only look at the words and understand them in our mind Intensive reading : including two kinds of reading * Reading for details or research * Reading for analysis ( in order to learn the language ) 4.Extensive reading : including three kinds : * Reading for pleasure * Scanning * Skimming II READING SUB-SKILLS: There are some main reading sub-skills that I often drill my students Reading for recognizing words and their meanings in the text Reading for understanding sentences or paragraphs in the text Scanning Skimming Predicting the content of the sentences or texts Guessing the meanings of the new words from contexts Using dictionaries for reading Inferring meaning Reading for total comprehension 10 Critical reading 11 Outlining 12 Paraphrasing 13 Summarizing 14.Timed reading 15 Strip stories ( ordering exercises ) 16 Clozing III PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING READING : When teaching a reading text , It is benificial to state a purpose for reading a given text Tell the students why they are reading the text It is to skim for the main ideas ? It is to scan for specific information ? It is for critical reading ? The purpose of reading task should be stated to the students before they read Prepare the students to read by introducing the topic of the passage Before the students read the text , have them read questions about it before hand to help them focus on the meaning Do not pre-teach vocabulary unless necessary Have the students read silently without whispering the words or moving their lips This will help them read more quickly and focus on the more important words Discuss difficult vocabulary after reading the text If they not understand certain words by guessing from context , help them by explaining the meaning, by definition or example When discussing the answers to comprehention questions , be sure to refer back to the text often Finally , remember to focus on developing the skills of the readers The purpose of teaching reading is not only to help the students understand the context for that day , but also to help them learn to read effectively for themselves To this ,they must develop many sub-skills of reading like skimming , scanning , predicting , guessing from context and reading for total comprehension IV STEPS FOR PRESENTING A READING TEXT : 1.Give a brief introduction to get students thinking about the topic of the text Ask students to say more words they know about the topic teach some key words State a purpose for reading the text (skim , scan , read for total information , etc 5.Write one or two guiding questions on the board to focus their attention Tell the students how much time they have to read Do not allow them much time , especially in skimming and scanning exercises 7.Have the students answer the given questions about the text 8.Present a follow-up activity In this , the students can share their own opinions or discuss what else they know about the topic of the text V THE TWO KINDS OF READING TEXT There are many purposes of reading texts , but in this material I will mention two kinds of reading texts with two different purposes * The reading text in order to present the language * The reading text in order to teach students reading skills HOW TO EXPLOIT THE TWO KINDS OF READING TEXTS : 1.Exploiting the reading text in order to present the new language : - If the main aim of the reading text is to present the new language , the teacher’s work is to help students understand the text through presentation , explanation , and noticing students about the content as well as the new language in the text Then the follow-up tasks are in order to check the students’understanding and the use of the new language Followings are the basic steps to exploit the reading text in order to present the new language : a Introducing the text by using many different techniques such as telling stories , asking questions , revising previous lessons relating to the new lesson b Introducing the content of the text ( using pictures if possible ) and introducing new words and structures If the text is long , we can divide it into small paragraphs c Practising asking and answering about the text , using the new language in the text d Practising the new language in the context of the text and the content of the text e Consolidating , summarizing , building up the text , using the following exercises : - Rearrange the text in order - Build up the text - Retell the story with prompts given - Retell each part orally - Sum up the main ideas of the text , basing on the prompts given f Read the text aloud in order to practice pronunciation , intonation g Follow-up activities ( intergrate the skills : listening , speaking , reading , writing) Exploiting the reading text in order to develop students’reading skills: In some reading texts in order to develop students’reading skills , teachers not only help students to understand the content of the text , but also give out some follow-up tasks in order to help students practice their reading skills Those skills can help students read different passages with different purposes In this kind of reading text , teachers not present , introduce the content of the reading text , but the students themselves have to read the text and find out the content of the reading text The role of the teacher is to help , prompt , guide ,give out suggestions ,and check the students’answers The activities in order to develop students’reading skills are usually carried on with stages : -Pre-reading activities -While-reading activities -Post-reading activities a Pre-reading activities : The activities and the techniques at this stage are in order to reach the following purposes: -Arouse interest ( gây hứng thú ) -Set up the context ( thiết lập ngữ cảnh ) -Create reasons for reading -Pre-teach structures , new words -Introduce briefly the topic ; content -Eliciting , guiding questions -Predict the text -Give expectation about the text ( nêu điều muốn biết đọc ) b While-reading activities : While-reading activities are exercises which are done while students are reading the text Students can read the text many times and these exercises At this stage , students exploit the content of the text Depending on the purpose and the content of each certain text , There will be different questions and different requirements The followings are activities and techniques usually used at this stage: -Find the word / sentence that says ……… -Check / tick the correct answer -True-false -Complete the table -Fill in the chart -Make up charts / diagrams -Make a list of ……… -Matching -What does …… stand for ? / refer to ? -What does ………… Mean ? -Answer the questions on the text c Post-reading activities : After students read and the exercises about the text , teachers go on giving some exercises that require the understanding of students about the total content of the text , relate to real life , consolidate the structures , and the new language in the text Followings are some kinds of exercises usually used at this stage : - Arrange the events in order - Find the sentence that summarizes the paragraph / text - Give the tittle of the reading text - Give comments , opinions on the characters in the text - Discussion questions - Reproduce the text ( written or oral ) - Gap-filling - Rewrite the story from jumble sentences / words / visual cues - Role-play basing on the text - Make dialogues basing on the text - Guess the consequences / results of the story - Develop another story basing on the text - Personalized tasks ( e.g : write / talk about your own school / family / town / story on … ) - Grammar practice and exercises ,etc ……… VI TECHNIQUES OF TEACHING READING : * Pre-reading techniques : Ordering statements : - From a story , the teacher jumbles the sentences in the story and then asks the students to put the sentences in the correct order Jigsaw dictation : Ex :- Draw a stadium and give some words about the players - Ask the students to put the words ( the names of the players ) in the right places in the stadium to have a team in the field Ordering pictures : Ex : When students read a text about a christmas tree , the teacher gives some pictures about ornaments , colour lights , gifts , etc …and a Christmas tree Students have to put the pictures in the right positions on the Christmas tree Listen and draw : Ex : When the students read a text about a farm , The teacher reads a discription about the things on the farm , students listen and draw the scenery on the farm True – false statement prediction : Ex : when students read a text about a famous person , the teacher gives some information about that famous person such as : date of birth , place of birth , date of death , famous inventions … .Students have to guess whether that information is true or false Open-prediction : Ex: when students read a text about the Tet holiday , the teacher gives some questions such as : a What Vietnamese children at Tet ? b.Do children in England visit their relatives during the Tet holiday ? c.What people in Viet Nam prepare for Tet ? -Students have to find out the information to answer these questions * While – reading and post – reading techniques : 1.True – false statements Yes-no questions 3.Right or wrong ( v ) or ( x ) 4.Answers given : the teacher gives some answers and students have to make questions for those answers 5.Wh – questions : 6.Multiple choice : Choose the best answer :A , B , C ,or D 7.Gap – filling : 8.Grids and forms : 9.Role-play : 10.Matching : 11.Rewrite : 12 Discussion : 13.Songs and rhyms / songs on tapes * Beside the techniques I often use above, the followings are also techniques which are used in teaching reading DIY word order ; Tapped dictation; Write the text before you read it VII.MAIN SKILLS OF READING EFFECTIVELY Skill 1: MAIN IDEA QUESTIONS Almost every reading passage will have a multiple choice question about the main idea of a passag e Such a question may be worded in a variety of ways; you may, for example, be asked to identify the topic, subject, title, primary idea or main idea It is relatively easy to find the main ideas by studying the topic sentences, which are most probably found at the beginning of each paragraph Example: Basketball was invented in 1891 by a physical education instructor in Springfield, Massachusetts, by the name of James Naismith Because of terrible weather in winter, his physical education students were indoors rather than outdoors They really did not like the idea of boring, repetitive exercises and preferred the excitement and challenge of a game Naistmith figured out a team sport that could be played indoors on a gymnasium floor, that involved a lot of running, that kept all team members involved, and that did not allow the tackling and physical contact of American style football.(1*) * challenge:n, thách thức (to take up/ to accept a challenge) * to figure out: * gymnasium:n, phòng tập thể dục * tackling: chặn, cản đối phương dẫn bóng * physical contact: va chạm lẫn ( TDTT) What is the topic of this passage? A The life of James Naismith B The history of sports 10 C Physical education and exercise D.The origin of basketball a) How to identify the question: - What is the topic of the passage? - What is the subject of the passage? - What is the main idea of the passage? - What is the author’s main point in the passage? - With what is the author primarily concerned? - Which of the following would be the best title? - What is the message to the reader? b) Where to find the answer: - The answer to this type of question can generally be determined by looking at the first sentence of each paragraph c) How to answer the question: Read the first line of each paragraph Look for a common theme or idea in the first lines Pass your eyes quickly over the rest of the passage to check that you have really found the topic sentence(s) Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer from the remaining choices Example : Most of the ice on the Earth, close to 90 percent of it, is covering the surface of the continent Antarctica It does not snow very much in Antarctica, but whatever snow does fall remains and grows deeper and deeper In some areas of Antarctica, the ice has perhaps been around for as much as a million years and now is more than two miles deep.(1*) * Antarctica, n: cực Nam / * to cover, v: bao, che phủ The main idea of the passage is that A the Earth is a cold planet B most of the Earth's ice is found in Antarctica 11 C it snows more in Antarctica than in any other place on the Earth D Antarctica is only two miles wide but is 90 percent ice The best title for the passage is A Snowfall in Antarctica B The Icy Earth C The Cold, Cold Snow D The Causes of Antarctica's Ice Pack Skill 2: STATED DETAIL QUESTIONS A stated detail question asks about one piece of information in the passage rather than the passage as a whole The answers to these questions are generally given in order in the passage, and the correct answer is often a restatement of what is given in the passage this means that the correct answer often expresses the same idea as what is written in the passage, but the words are not exactly the same Example: Flutes have been around for quite some time, in all sorts of shapes and sizes and made from a variety of materials The oldest known flutes are, about 20,000 years old, they were made from hollowed-out bones with holes cut in them In addition to bone, older flutes were often constructed from bamboo or hollowed-out wood Today flutes are generally made of metal, and in addition to the holes they have a complicated system of keys, levers, and pads The instrument belonging to well-known flautist James Galway is not just made of any metal, it is made of gold (1*) * flute,n: ống sáo / * a variety of Ns = many Ns /* hollowed-out bones: khúc xương rỗng./ * in addition to, prep: = besides: bên cạnh/ * lever,n: địn bẩy/ * pad,n: miếng đệm, lót According to the passage, the oldest flutes: A had holes cut in them B were made of metal C were made 200,000 years ago D had a complicated set of levers and pads Since this question asks about the oldest flutes ( key word), you should see that this question is answered in the second sentence The passage states that the oldest known flutes were bones with holes cut in them, so the best answer is A a) How to identify the question: - According to the passage 12 - It is stated in the passage - The passage indicates that - Which of the following is true ? b) Where to find the answer: - The answers to the questions are found in order in the passage c) How to answer the question: Choose a key word in the question Skim in the appropriate part of the passage for the key word or idea Read the sentence that contains the key word or idea carefully Eliminate the definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer from the remaining choices Example : Many parts of the southwestern United States would become deserts again without the waters of the Colorado River A system of thousands of miles of canals, hundreds of miles of tunnels and aqueducts, and numerous dams and reservoirs bring Colorado River water to the area The Imperial Valley in southern California is an example of such a place; it is a vast and productive agricultural area that was once a desert Today, 2,000 miles of canals irrigate the fertile land and keep it productive.(1*) * canal ,n: kênh/ * tunnel ,n: hầm/ * aqueduct ,n: cống dẫn nước/ * dam ,n: đập ngăn nước/ * reservoir ,n: hồ chứa nước/ * agriculture,n nghiệp agricultural, adj: nông Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as a way that Colorado River water gets to the Southwest? A By truck B In bottles C In wells D Through canals According to the passage, the Imperial Valley A is a desert today B is located in Colorado C produces a lot of agricultural goods D does not require irrigation Skill 3: FIND "UNSTATED" DETAILS 13 You will sometimes be asked in the reading section to find an answer that is not stated or not mentioned or not true in the passage This type of question really means that three of the answers are stated, mentioned, or true in the passage, while one answer is not Example: The Florida Keys area beautiful chain of almost 1,000 coral and limestone islands These islands form an arc that heads first southwest and then west from the mainland U.S Highway 1, called the Overseas Highway, connects the main islands in the chain On this highway, it is necessary to cross forty-two bridges over the ocean to cover the 159 miles from Miami, on the mainland, to Key West, the farthest island on the highway and the southernmost city in the United States.(1*) Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the Florida Keys? A The Florida Keys area chain of islands B The Florida Keys contain coral and limestone C The Florida Keys are in the shape of an arc D The Florida Keys are not all inhabited This question asks for the one answer that is not mentioned about the Florida Keys The passage states that the Flor ida Keys are a chain (answer A) with coral and limestone (answer B) in the shape of an arc (answer C), so these answers are not correct The best answer is therefore answer D The passage does not mention whether or not the keys are all inhabited a) How to identify the question: - Which of the following is not stated? - Which of the following is not mentioned ? - Which of the following is not discussed ? - Which of the following is true except ? b) Where to find the answer: - The answers to these questions are found in order in the passage c) How to answer the question: Choose a key word in the question 14 Scan the appropriate place in the passage for the key word (or related idea) Read the sentence that contains the key word or idea carefully Look for answers that are definitely true according to the passage; eliminate those answers Choose the answer that is not true or not discussed in the passage Example : Blood pressure measurement has two components: systolic and diastolic Systolic pressure is taken when the heart is contracting to pump blood; diastolic pressure is taken when the heart is resting between beats In the usual blood pressure reading, the systolic measurement is given first and is the higher of the two Normal blood pressure is a systolic measurement of 140, and when the systolic pressure is 160 or higher, then hypertension exists Systolic pressure between 140 and 160 indicates borderline hypertension (1*) * systolic * diastolic n: ngưỡng mấp mé * hypertension, n: chứng cao huyết áp/ * borderline, Which of the following is NOT true about systolic blood pressure? A It is taken during the contraction of the heart B It is usually given first in a blood pressure reading C A normal systolic measurement is 140 D Hypertension exists when the systolic pressure is below 140 Which of the following is NOT stated about diastolic pressure? A It is one of the two components of blood pressure measurement B It is taken when the heart is resting C It is lower than systolic pressure D A diastolic measurement of 140 is normal Skill 4: IMPLIED DETAIL QUESTIONS In this type of question, you will be asked to answer a multiple choice question about a reading passage by drawing a conclusion from a specific detail or details in the passage Questions of this type contain the words implied, inferred, likely, or probably to let you know that the answer to the question is 15 not directly stated In this type of question, it is important to understand that you not have to "pull the answer out of thin air." Instead, some information will be given in the passage, and you will draw a conclusion from that information Example 1: The number of rings in a tree can be used to determine how old a tree really is Each year a tree produces a ring that is composed of one light-colored wide band and one dark-colored narrow band The wider band is produced during the spring and early summer when tree stem cells grow rapidly and become larger The narrower band is produced in fall and early winter when cell growth is much slower and cells not get very large No cells are produced during the harsh winter and summer months.(1*) It is implied in the passage that if a tree has 100 wide bands and 100 narrow bands, then it is: A a century old B two centuries old C fifty years old D two hundred years old This question asks about the age of a tree with 100 wide bands and 100 narrow bands The passage does not tell the age of a tree with 100 wide and narrow bands, but it does indicate that wide band and one narrow band are produced each year From this, you can draw the conclusion that a tree with 100 wide and narrow bands is 100 years, or a century old The best answer to this question is therefore answer A a) How to identify the question: - It is implied in the passage that - It can be inferred from the passage that - It is most likely that - What probably happened ? b) Where to find the answer: The answers to these questions are generally found in order in the passage c) How to answer the question: Choose a key word in the question Scan the passage for the key word (or a related idea) Carefully read the sentence that contains the key word Look for an answer that could be true, according to that sentence 16 Example 2: Until 1996, the Sears Tower was the tallest building in the world, with more than a hundred stories It is located in Chicago, whose nickname is the Windy City The combination of a very tall building in a city with such weather conditions leads to a lot of swaying in the breeze On a windy day, the top of the building can move back and forth as Much as three feet every few seconds The inside doors at the top of the building open and close, and water in sinks sloshes back and forth.(1*) The Sears Tower is probably A as tall as the Empire State Building the world B no longer the tallest building in C taller than any other building world D still the highest building in the It can be inferred from the passage that Chicago A has moderate weather B is generally warm C has humid weather D usually has a lot of wind It is implied in the passage that the upper-level doors in the Sears Tower open and close because A the building was poorly constructed B people go in and out so often C the building moves in the wind D there is water in the sinks Example 3: On the hardness scale, corundum immediately follows diamond, which is the hardest mineral in the world Corundum is perhaps better known by the names of its gemstones, ruby and sapphire Basically, gem corundum is divided into two groups: corundum that is red in color is called ruby, and corundum that is any other color is called sapphire Pure corundum is clear, but pure corundum is rarely found in nature If small amounts of the chemical substance chromic oxide ( Cr203) got into the crystal structure when it formed millions of years ago, then the corundum turned a deep, rich red and became ruby Red is not the only color that corundum can take on Other chemical substances enter into the crystal structure of corundum, and it can take on a variety of other colors Most people associate blue with sapphires, and certainly when corundum contains impurities that turn it blue, it is called 17 sapphire However, corundum can have a variety of other colors - e.g., green or purple-and still be called sapphire.(1*) * corundum,n: [u] khoáng chất kết tinh, cứng : / * crystal structure: It can be inferred from the passage that corundum is A the hardest mineral in the world B not as hard as sapphire C the second hardest mineral D a rather soft mineral 2.Chromic oxide is probably what color? A Clear B Blue C Red D Green Yellow corundum is most likely called A gold B chromic oxide PART 3: C ruby D sapphire CONCLUSION I TO TEACHERS : In conclusion ,to teach reading well, teachers of English must follow the methods , the techniques , the principles , the steps, the games and the ways as mentioned above Moreover , If the teachers want students to be good at reading skill , they must provide many kinds of exercises to their students Students must practice these kinds of exercises frequently If teachers of English use the knowledge I mentioned in this material , I’m sure that their classes are very exciting and their students are easily to understand the lessons I think the knowledge I have mentioned in this material is very useful in teaching reading It is used widely in my school and we get best results in teaching English To use the methods , the techniques , the principles , the steps , the games and the ways I have mentioned in this material well , English teachers must prepare the lesson carefully before the classes The teachers must prepare the lesson plans well.A good teacher must always read reference books to develop their knowledge The teachers must in turn use different methods , different techniques in different kinds of lessons so that their teaching has good results II TO STUDENTS : To have good results from studying , beside the good teaching from teachers , students must have good attitudes of studying Students must learn the previous lessons well , and prepare for the new lessons carefully students must observe 18 the importance of their studying They must practice doing reading exercises day by day III THE ACHIEVEMENTS DURING OVER THREE YEARS USING THESE EXPERIENCES : During a long time using these experiences in teaching reading , I have achieved a lot of worth successes in my life of teaching as the following results 1.The school year: 2013 – 2014: - Lê Huy Hồn : giải khuyến khích - học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh, giải ba học sinh giỏi cấp huyện - Đỗ Hương Ly : giải khuyến khích - học sinh giỏi cấp huyện - Lê Thị Quỳnh: giải nhì học sinh giỏi cấp huyện - Lê Thị Phương Anh: giải ba học sinh giỏi cấp huyện - Lê Thị Duyên: giải ba học sinh giỏi cấp huyện - Hoàng Xuân Dương: giải ba học sinh giỏi cấp huyện - Lê Thị Ly: giải khuyến khích học sinh giỏi cấp huyện - Lê Thị Phương Hà: giải khuyến khích học sinh giỏi cấp huyện 2.The school year : 2014 – 2015 - Trần Nhật Trung: giải học sinh giỏi cấp huyện - Lê Thị Quỳnh: giải nhì học sinh giỏi cấp huyện - Lê Thị Phương Anh: giải ba học sinh giỏi cấp huyện - Lê Thị Duyên: giải ba học sinh giỏi cấp huyện - Hoàng Xuân Dương: giải ba học sinh giỏi cấp huyện - Lê Thị Ly: giải khuyến khích học sinh giỏi cấp huyện 3.The school year : 2015 – 2016 - Trần Nhật Trung: giải nhì học sinh giỏi cấp huyện lớp 9,8 - Lê Thị Quỳnh: giải khuyến khích học sinh giỏi cấp huyện - Lê Thị Phương Anh: giải khuyến khích học sinh giỏi cấp huyện 9,8 The school year : 2016 – 2017 - Trần Nhật Trung: giải nhì học sinh giỏi cấp huyện , giải khuyến khích cấp tỉnh 19 - Lê Thị Quỳnh: giải ba học sinh giỏi cấp huyện, giải khuyến khích cấp tỉnh - Lê Thị Phương Anh: giải khuyến khích học sinh giỏi cấp huyện * With the above results , I think my experiences in teaching reading are very practical, helpful , and important They not only help students study better , but also give students a lot of different chances to practice English Therefore , my experiences make students study English better and better and the English classes are more exciting * My ideas above are all my own experiences in teaching reading which I have collected for a long time With such a large topic , I think my material still has deficiencies and mistakes I hope all of you are sincere to give me your ideas about this topic.Thank you XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ Thanh Hóa, ngày 20 tháng năm 2017 Tơi xin cam đoan SKKN viết, không chép nội dung người khác (Ký ghi rõ họ tên) GV: Nguyễn Thị Quy IV REFERENCE SOURCES 1*.Internet 20 ... purposes * The reading text in order to present the language * The reading text in order to teach students reading skills HOW TO EXPLOIT THE TWO KINDS OF READING TEXTS : 1.Exploiting the reading text... the skills : listening , speaking , reading , writing) Exploiting the reading text in order to develop students? ?reading skills: In some reading texts in order to develop students? ?reading skills... THIS TOPIC SOLVE ? ) In this topic , I focus on the following contents : 1.The ways to read texts 2.Sub-skills in teaching reading 3.Principles of teaching reading 4.Steps for presenting a reading

Ngày đăng: 19/06/2021, 22:07


