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Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cards, cassette recorder; real situations,.... Methods: Communicative approach; writing skill,...[r]

(1)Week 09: Period 25: Preparation: 14/10/2012 Date of teaching: 15/10/2012 CORRECTING THE TEST (behind the test paper) ================================= Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson : Getting started & Listen and Read Lesson : Speak + Listen Lesson : Read Lesson :Write Lesson : Language Focus Mục tiêu: Học sinh có khả Tường thuật lại lời người khác Đưa các lời dẫn, lời đề nghị và lời khuyên đơn giản Viết thư thân mật Ngôn ngữ: Advrebs of manner Modal: Should Commands, requests and advice in reported speech Từ vựng: + Các từ liên quan đến chủ điểm học ngoại ngữ: To come across, to improve… Comment – pronunciation… + Các cụm từ dùng để viết thư Best regards Sincerely yours… * Lưu ý: - Đối với học sinh trung bình: nắm cách chuyển từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp sử dụng mẫu câu: Ask somebody to some thing Tell somebody to some thing Kỹ cần đạt: Hỏi đáp việc học số môn học Nghe và điền thông tin còn thiếu vào phiếu kết học tập Đọc hiểu cách học từ vựng Viết thư cho bạn theo mẫu và từ gợi ý Week 09: Period 26: Preparation: 16/10/2012 Date of teaching: 17/10/2012 (2) STUDY HABITS Unit 5: Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and Read I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able report what the others say, give simple advice and read a dialogue between Tim and Mom about “report card” to understand main ideas and details II Language contents: Vocabulary: report card, pronunciation, proud of sb, Grammar: (revision) III Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cards, cassette recorder; real situations, IV Methods: Communicative approach; (reading & listening skills), V Procedure: Teacher’s and students’activities Contents I) Warm up: * Getting started: Networks or Brainstorm -T divides the class into two groups Subjects -SS go to C.B to write.(one student-one word) -In two minutes, the group write more correct  How many subjects you have a week ? words are winners  What subject you like best ? Why ? II) Pre reading: * Listen & Read: Pre teach -T elicits - report card (n): Phieáu thoâng tin keát quaû hoïc taäp -SS guess -(to) be proud of sb : Tự hào -T models -(to) improve : naâng cao, caûi thieän -SS repeat chorally first, then individually -Spanish pronunciation (n) : phaùt aâm tieáng Taây Ban -T puts the words on the board Nha -T checks meaning and pronunciation -(to) try one’s best : cố gắng -T gives an example * Mệnh lệnh, đề nghị và khuyên nhủ câu gián -T introduces the structure -T gives some examples tieáp S + asked / told + O + to –V Ex : “Open the door” *SS look at the picture on page 46  My teacher told me to open the door *T.asks –SS answer Minh said “ I’m fine” -T sets the scene  Minh said that he was fine * Pre questions 1/ Is Tim’s report card excellent ? 2/ What thing does he need to improve ? III) Practice: * Dialogue: True / False statements -SS the exercise * Answer keys : -T gets SS to explain why they choose T/F a F b T c F d T e F f T -T gets SS to read the dialogue and answer the a.Tim was at home questions c It’s excellent -T asks – SS answer e He needs to improve spanish pronunciation -T gives Feedback -T presses the tape * Comprehension Questions -SS listen with book open * Answer key : -SS practice in open pairs a) Miss Jackson is Tim’s teacher b) Miss Jackson gave Tim’s mother his report card c) Tim studied very well this semester d) Miss Jackson said Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation (3) IV) Production: -SS discuss and answer the questions -T gets SS to say in front of the class e) She gave him a dictionary -Discussion / Groupwork / -or personalization School report card : - Was your school report card last semester good ? - What were you good / bad at ? - What you need to improve ? -Learn vocabulary + Structures -Do exercise / P.32 -Prepare “ Speak” V) Homework: -T says and writes “Homework” on the board -SS copy * Comments: ======================================== Week 09: Period 27: Preparation: 17/10/2012 Date of teaching: 18/10/2012 STUDY HABITS Unit 5: Lesson 2: Speak & Listen I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer about their timetable / listen for personal information and school reports II Language contents: Vocabulary: Civic education, Physical education, Biology, Grammar: (revision) III Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cards, cassette recorder; real situations, IV Methods: Communicative approach; (speaking & listening skills), V Procedure: Teacher’s and students’activities Contents I) Warm up: * Matching: Groupwork -T explains how to 1) Math a Hoùa -SS match the present verbs with the past 2) Literature b Ñòa verbs 3) History c Anh -T gives feedback 4) Geography d.Vaên 5) English e.Toán 6) Chemistry f Sử II) Pre speaking: * Speak: Pre teach -T elicits -Civic education (n) : Moân GDCD -SS guess -Physical education (n) : Giaùo Duïc Theå Chaát -T models -Technology (n) : Moân coâng ngheä -SS repeat chorally first, then individually -Biology (n) : Moân Sinh hoïc -T puts the words on the board -Physics (n) : Moân vaät lí -T checks meaning and pronunciation * Matching / Groupwork -T sets the scene 1) When you your homework ? -T explains how to 2) Who helps you with your homework ? -Ss match the questions with the answwers 3) How much time you spend on these subjects : (4) in groups -T gives feedback Math, History, English, … ? 4) Which subjects you need to improve ? 5) What you to improve your English ? a) Two hours b) Do grammar exercises c) My sisters d) After school e) Chemistry Answer key : 1d 2c 3a 4e 5b III) Controlled Practice: * Transformation: Groupwork -SS Practice in pairs  Nam said he did his homework after dinner -Ss take notes their partners’s answers  His dad helped him his Math -SS work in groups of four  He spent half an hour to read English story -SS Change “partners” and use the notes to *Present => Past retell what they know about their friends -T asks some groups to retell what they know about their friends in front of class IV) Free Practice (Production): -Sentence Race -SS make sentences, using “Reported Groupwork Speech” -Each student- one sentence -Feedback V) Pre listening: * Listen: Pre teach T elicits -Marking period (n): Thời gian đánh giá -SS guess -Days present : soá ngaøy coù maët -T models -Days absent : soá ngaøy vaéng maët -SS repeat chorally first, then individually -Behavior-participation (n) : Thái độ tham gia -T puts the words on the board -Co-operation (n) : hợp tác, xây dựng bài -T checks meaning and pronunciation -Comments (n ) : nhận xét, đánh giá -Teacher’s signature (n ) : chữ kí giáo viên -T sets the scene ( A = Excellent / B = good / C = Fair : khaù / D = poor : yếu / F = Fall : trượt / S = Satisfactory : hài lòng / U = Unsatisfactory : khoâng haøi loøng ) -T asks -Pre questions -SS answer orally How many days was Sarah absent ? -T.Introduces Sarah’s report card -T runs Has she worked very hard ? through vocabulary Sujects : English How is her speaking skill ? VI) While listening: -SS listen to the tape and fill in the report -SS compare with their partners -T gives feedback VII) Post Listening: *SS Complete their report card (Last semester / school-year) * Gapfill /.Individuals *Answer key : 87 days present days absent Participation : S Listening : C Speaking : A Reading : A Wrtiting : B Write-it-up .Individuals (5) *SS put their posters on the board -T corrects V) Homework: -Learn vocabulary -T says and writes “Homework” on the -Do exercise 2-3-4-5 / P 33-34-35 board -Prepare “Read” / P 49-50 -SS copy * Comments: ================================ Week 10: Period 28: Preparation: 21/10/2012 Date of teaching: 22/10/2012 Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 3: Read I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able learn various ways of learning new words and then they can choose one of the best ways for themselves II Language contents: Vocabulary: Mother tongue, learn by heart, come across, Grammar: (revision) III Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cards, cassette recorder; real situations, IV Methods: Communicative approach; (reading skill), V Procedure: Teacher’s and students’activities Contents I) Warm up: -Hang man -T gives the topic Topic : Đây là điều cần thiết học ngoại -SS guess one letter each time ngữ -The group ( find out the word ) are winners - - - / - - - -(7 letters) II) Pre reading: * Read: Pre teach -T elicits -(to) make a list : lieät keâ danh saùch -SS guess -Mother tongue (n) : Tiếng mẹ đẻ -T models -(to) learn by heart : hoïc thuoäc loøng -SS repeat chorally first, then individually -However : nhieân -T puts the words on the board -Instead : thay vào đó -T checks meaning and pronunciation -(to) come across : gaëp phaûi -T sets the scene -(to) highlight : laøm noåi baät  What you always when you have a -SS guess ( T/F ) in groups with book-closed new word ? 1/ (a-d) True / False statements prediction A B Answer key a F b T c F d T a Not all language learners but also some (6) III) While reading: -SS read the text and check their predictions -SS read the text again and answer the questions -T gives Feedback IV) Post reading: -SS discuss in groups -SS put their posters on the board -T checks by asking SS c Many learners not try to learn * Comprehension questions / Answer key: a) No Learners learn words in different ways b) Such sentences help them remember the use of new words c) To remember words better, learners write examples, put the words and their meanings on stickers, underline or highlight them d) They may think they can’t so Instead, they learn only important words e) Revision is necessary in learning words f) Learners should try different ways of learning words to find out what is the best -Discussion.Groupwork How to learn new words V) Homework: -Learn vocabulary + how to learn new words -T says and writes “Homework” on the board -Do exercise 6-7 / P 35-36 -SS copy -Prepare “Write” / P 50-51 * Comments: Week 10: Period 28: Preparation: 09/10/2012 Date of teaching: 10/10/2012 Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 4: Write I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to write an informal letter II Language contents: Vocabulary: Grammar: (revision) III Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cards, cassette recorder; real situations, IV Methods: Communicative approach; (writing skill), V Procedure: Teacher’s and Students’activities Contents - I) Warm up: -Brainstorm or Network T divides the class into two groups Personal letter (7) -SS go to C.B to write.(one student-one word) -In two minutes, the group write more correct words are winners II) Pre writing: -T sets the scene -SS order the letter in groups -T gives feedback -T explains by asking questions -T checks SS’understanding (Comprehension Questions ) * What kinds of information you see in Heading / Opening … ? -Heading: bao gồm thông tin : địa người viết thư, ngày viết -Opening: Dear Lan Sau “Dear” coù theå laø tên riêng theo quan hệ : Dear mom / dad, … Sau “Dear” dùng dấu phẫy, không dùng dấu chấm cảm tieáng vieät (!) -Body of the letter: bao gồm nội dung chính : lí viết thư, đề xuất, hẹn gặp… Đây là phần chính thư và thường chia thaønh 3-4 phaàn nhoû tuøy noäi dung caàn trình baøy -Closing: Có thể đa dạng tùy vào mức độ trang troïng hay thaân maät : Regards, Best wishes, with best wishes→ III) While writing: -SS look at number / P.51 -T runs through vocabulary -T gets SS to write the letter in groups → In a few weeks we’re going to celebrate The Mid-Autumn Festival That’s a moon festival in Autumn or Fall in VietNam I’m going to Ha Long Bay with my aunt and uncle by bus this afternoon, and I’m going to stay there with them until after the festival I’ll send you a postcard from there I am looking forward to hearing from you soon With warm regards Yours Truly, Lan IV) Post writing: -SS Change their letters .SS Correct“mistakes” - T and SS correct Heading / Opening / Body / Closing * Write: How many parts are there in a personal letter ? Do you know how they are called ? -Ordering: Answer key : B- Heading –writer’s address and the date D – Opening – Dear , A – Body of the letter C – Closing – Your friend / Regards / love * Answer key : 12 Tran Hung Dao street - HaNoi Dear Tim, Thanks … news Regards Hoa → with fond / warm regards / with much love, your lovely son, with all my love… Who wrote the letter ? => Hoa Who received it ? => Tim For what subjects did Hoa get good grades ? => … for science, English and History Was Math result good ? => No 5.What did her teacher ask her to ? => Her teacher asked her to spend more time on it What is she going to ? => She’s going to Hue tonight to celebrate The Lunar New Year Festival with her grandmother * Write-it-up /.Groupwork *Suggested writing : 24 Truong Chinh street Dong Da District, Ha Noi July 20, 2006 Dear Donna, Thanks for your letter I’m very pleased to hear that you had a happy Mother’s Day I received my second semester report last month I got good grades for Geography, physics and Math, but my English and History results were poor My teacher told me to improve English and History I think I’ll have to study harder next schoolyear → -Sharing and comparing (8) V) Homework: -Rewrite the letter completely -T says and writes “Homework” on the board -Do exercise 8-9 / P 36-37 -SS copy -Prepare “Language Focus” / P 52-53 * Comments: ===================================== Week 10: Period 29: Preparation: 09/10/2012 Date of teaching: 10/10/2012 STUDY HABITS Unit 5: Lesson 5: Language Focus I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to Adverbs of manner, Modal “should”, and commands, requests and advice in reported speech II Language contents: Vocabulary: Grammar: (revision) III Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cards, cassette recorder; real situations, IV Methods: Communicative approach; (writing skill), V Procedure: Teacher’s and students’activities Contents I) Warm up: * Pelmanism -T explains how to Soft hard good fast bad -SS choose one number above and one number Softly hard well fast badly below II) Activity 1: * Language focus: -T presents the structure (basing on “warmer”) * Activity 1: Adverbs of Manner : Adj + ly = Adv -SS look at 10 cards and tell how to change an Ex : soft +ly => softly Adjective to an Adverb of manner *Exception : Good –well -T sets the scene Hard – hard -T runs through vocabulary Fast – fast -SS work in pairs to fill in the gaps *Gapfill: -T gives Feedback 1/ Answer key : 1.hard 2.fast 3.badly 4.softly III) Activity 2: * Activity 2: -T uses the picture to present * What are there in the picture ? -SS Look at the picture =>house, trees, grass, … Is the house old or new ? Is -T asks – SS answer everything around the house tidy ? Give your advice -T gets SS to give the form, meaning and usage to Mr Hao -T sets the scene *Modal : should + V-bare -T runs through vocabulry * Usage: dùng để khuyên người khác làm việc gì -T gets Ss to the exercise in groups Eg : Mr Hao should repair the roof -SS Work in groups, discuss what Mr Hao should * 2/ Suggested answers: for his house by using the verbs given  Mr Hao should repair the roof -T gives feedback  Mr Hao should paint the house  Mr Hao should cut the grass (9)  Mr Hao should replant the trees  Mr Hao should mend the door IV) Activity 3: * Activity 3: -T gets SS to open their books on page 46 Examples -SS find out the reported speech from the text in  Miss Jackson said you should work harder on “Listen and Read” your spanish pronunciation  She asked me to give you this dictionary -Target item *Reported speech with command, request and advice → * Command, request : Form : S + asked / told + O + to inf … Advice : S1 + said + S2 + should + V (ordered / commanded Usage : câu tường thuật dùng để yêu cầu người Usage : câu tường thuật dùng để khuyên người khác làm việc gì đó.→ khác làm việc gì đó * 3/ Answer keys: Direct => Indirect (cần thay đổi) a Miss Jackson asked me to wait outside her office ÑTNX : b Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card Direct Indirect for this semester Ngôi thứ Ngôi thứ c Miss Jackson told me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation I / we He / she / it / they d Miss Jackson asked me to meet her next week Ngôi thứ Đổi thành cùng ngôi You / you Với O mệnh đề chính Ngôi thứ Giữ nguyên Veà thì : Simple present Simple past Present progressive Past progressive future Future in the past Từ gần => từ xa : This That These Those Here There Now Then Today That day Tonight That night Tomorrow The next day / the Yesterday following day Last night The day before The night before -T sets the scene -T runs through vocabulary -T gets SS to the exercises in pairs -T gives Feedback V) Production: -SS the exercise in pairs -SS go to the board to write -T corrects * Report Miss Jackson’s advice she gave in her conversation with tim’s mother * 4/ Answer key: a) Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation b) Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking Spanish everyday c) Miss Jackson said you should listen to Spanish conversation on TV d) Miss Jackson said you should practice reading aloud passages in spanish e) Miss Jackson said you should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce spanish words * Rewrite the sentences, using reported speech : 1.“Please your homework carefully”, the teacher asked me ->The teacher asked me to my homework carefully “Can you help Lan with her English grammar ?”, (10) her mother told me ->Her (Lan’s) mother told me to help Lan with English grammar 3.The teacher told Hoa, “You should try to study Literature” ->The teacher said that Hoa (she) should try to study Literature “Give me some money”, the old man asked her ->The old man asked her to give him some money -Learn these grammatical points ( reported speech, Modal “should” and adverbs of manner) -Prepare Unit :“Getting started and Listen & Read” VI) Homework: -T says and writes “Homework” on the board -SS copy * Comments: (11)

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2021, 00:54


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