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In the 19th century, it ______ two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon.. The trip ______ very rough and often dangerous.[r]

(1)TENSES Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes the sentence Water of hydrogen and oxygen a is consisting b consists c has consisted d will consist Don't give the chocolate to Helen She it a hates b is hating c has hated d hated The Sun us heat and light a will give b is giving c gives d has given We students, so we to school on weekdays a are / go often b are / often go c are / have often gone d have been / are often going Every day, Peter at o'clock, breakfast, and then to work at 7.30 a has often got / will have / go b often gets up / has / goes c is often getting / having / goes d has often got up / had / went California in the United Kingdom It in the US a is not / is b has not been / is c will not be / will be d was not / has been Cats milk, but birds a like / not b have liked / have not c are liking / are not d were liking / were not Every day, Sarah her children to school and then home to prepare lunch a is taking / returning b takes / returns c has taken I returned d will take / will return The sun the hall of fire in the skv that the Earth round a will be / has gone b will be / will he going c is / goes d has been / is going 10 Sally really hard for her exams this week a takes b will be taking c is taking d had taken 11 Many people living in Seattle because it continually a are hating / is often raining b have hated / will often rain c hate / often rains d hated / was often raining 12 The sun in the East and in the West a rises / sets b is rising / is setting c has risen / has set d will rise / will set 13 on the computer now? a Is Peter working b Was Peter working c Has Peter worked d Will Peter be working 14 Listen! Mr Jones the piano You noise a is playing / should not make b plays / will not make c has played / not make d played / would not make 15 Right now, Long with his friends They the differences between British English and American English a sits / discuss b has been sitting / will discuss c was sitting / was discussing d is sitting / are discussing 16 - free this afternoon? - No, I - What I my dentist a Will you be / will not / have you done / have seen b Have you been / have not / will you / will see c Are you / am not / you / see d Are you / am not / are you doing / am seeing 17 Listen! Someone at the door I it a knocks / answer b has knocked / will be answering c was knocking / answered d is knocking / will answer 18 Every day, John rice and vegetables for lunch, but today he chicken soup and roast beef Today is his brother's wedding (2) a has / is having b has / has had c is having / has d has had / has 19 It , so we can't go to the beach a had rained b rained c is raining d will have rained 20 My father complete silence when he a is wanting / works b wants / is working c has wanted / worked d had wanted / was working 21 Since 2003 they their son every year a visited b have visited c visit d will visit 22 Usually, Mr Pile us Physics but today he ill so Mrs Young us a teaches / is / is teaching b has taught / is / teaches c, is teaching / has been / teaches d taught / was / was teaching 23 I am sorry I cannot hear what you because everybody so loudly a are saying / will talk b were saying / has talked c have just said / is talking d said / was talking 24 I the same car for more than ten years I about buying a new one a have had / am thinking b will have / think c had / will think d am going to have / was thinking 25 My best friend and I each other for over fifteen years We still together once a week a were knowing / got b knew / have got c have known / get d had known / are getting 26 The secretary on the report for more than three hours She hopes she may finish it by the lunch time a is working b will be working c has been working d had been working 27 Please turn off the stove The water for more than fifteen minutes a is boiling b was boiling c has been boiling d will be boiling 28 In the 19th century, it two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon The trip very rough and often dangerous a took / was b had taken / had been c took / had been d had taken / was 29 My grandfather a very exciting life When he was young, he on the farm in the country, where there a lot of cattle and meadows a has / has lived / have been b had / lived / were c was having / had lived / had been d has had / is living / are 30 Mary on the essay for two hours now and she that she it in one more hour a is working / has hoped / can finish b has been working / hopes / will finish c will have worked / hopes / finishes d had been working / hoped / would finish 31 I there once a long time ago and back since a went / have not been b have gone / will not be c was going / am not d had gone / was not 32 Those drivers for three hours when a heavy storm suddenly a were driving / broke b drove / was breaking c had driven / was breaking d had been driving / broke 33 I to visit you yesterday, but you at home a have come / are not b had come / were not c came / were not d was coming / have not been 34 What when the accident a have you been doing / occurs b are you doing / will occur c will you be doing / has occurred d were you doing / occurred 35 We TV when it to rain a are watching / will start b have watched / will be starting c had watched / was starting d were watching / started 36 a mystery movie on TV when the electricity out a will be watching / is going b watched / was going c was watching / went d have watching / goes (3) 37 While the doctor Mr Jones, his son outside this morning a was examining / was waiting b will be examining / are waiting c had been examining / was waiting d are examining / is going to wait 38 When the boss into the office, his secretary and the accountant on the phones a was walking / has been typing / has been talking b had walked / was typing / had talked c walked / was typing / was talking d had been walking / had typed I talked 39 The guard to his Ipod, so he the fire alarm a had listened / was not hearing b was listening / did not hear c listened / had not heard d was listening / was not hearing 40 The Titanic the Atlantic when it an iceberg a was crossing / struck b crossed / was striking c had crossed / was striking d crossed / had struck 41 We were late because we had some car problems By the time we to the train station, Susan for us for more than two hours a got / had been waiting b had got / were waiting c had been getting / waited d were getting / waited 42 Mike to sit down because he all day at work a had been wanting / was standing b had wanted / stood c wanted / had been standing d was wanting / had stood 43 The motorcycle to George for years before Tina it last week a belonged / had bought b was belonging / has bought c had belonged / bought d had been belonging / bought 44 No matter what next, I you a will happen / support b happened / would have supported c happens / will support d is happening / have supported 45 Wait a minute I this box for you a am carrying b will carry c carry d am going to carry 46 I he a not think / will come b am not thinking / will come c have not thought / comes d will not think / comes 47 At this time tomorrow, Peter for the graduation examination, so now he very nervous although he hard for more than years a will sit / has been feeling / was learning b will be sitting / feels / has been learning c sits / will feel / is learning d will have sat / is feeling / learns 48 By this time next summer, you your studies and a job a will be completing / will find b had completed / would find c have completed / find d will have completed / found 49 By the time I to the office, the meeting without me My boss furious with me and I a will get / begins / is / am fired b am getting / will begin / is going to be / will be fired c got / had already begun / was / was fired d have got / began / has been / am firing 50 By the time he next month, he for our company for ten years a retires / will have been working b will retire / has been working c has retired / is working d would retired / was working (4)

Ngày đăng: 15/06/2021, 10:43

