Pr1me mathematics coursebook 1A Pr1me mathematics coursebook 1A Pr1me mathematics coursebook 1A Pr1me mathematics coursebook 1A Pr1me mathematics coursebook 1A Pr1me mathematics coursebook 1A Pr1me mathematics coursebook 1A Pr1me mathematics coursebook 1A Pr1me mathematics coursebook 1A Pr1me mathematics coursebook 1A Pr1me mathematics coursebook 1A Pr1me mathematics coursebook 1A
M SCHOLASTIC Mathematics © 2014 Scholastic Education International (Singapore) Private Limited A division of Scholastic Inc Scholastic PR1 ME™ Mathematics is adapted from the Primary Mathematics Project series (3rd Edition), originally developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore This edition contains new content developed by Scholastic Education International (Singapore) Private Limited, which is not attributable to the Ministry of Education, Singapore All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher For information regarding permission, write to: Scholastic Education International (Singapore) Pte Ltd 81 Ubi Avenue 4, #02-28 UB.ONE, Singapore 408830 Email: education_sg@ For sales enquiries, write to: Latin America Caribbean Europe (except UK) Middle East and Africa Australia Scholastic International Scholastic Australia Pty Ltd 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012, USA PO Box 579, Gosford, NSW 2250 Email: intlschool@ Email: scholastic_education@ New Zealand United Kingdom Scholastic New Zealand Ltd Scholastic Ltd Private Bag 94407, Botany, Auckland 2163 Euston House, 24 Eversholt Street, London NW1 1DB Email: orders@ Email: education@ India Rest of the World Scholastic India Pvt Ltd Scholastic Education International (Singapore) Pte Ltd A-27, Ground Floor, Bharti Sigma Centre, 81 Ubi Avenue 4, #02-28 UB.ONE, Singapore 408830 lnfocity-1, Sector 34, Gurgaon 122001, Haryana, India Email: education_sg@ Email: infoJn@ Visit our website: First edition 2014 Reprinted 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 ISBN 978-981-07-3291-2 CmiMfjHIH TM About IP IR N E Mathematics ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ W e lc o m e to Scholastic PRIME “M athem atics The program covers the five strands of m a them atics across six grades: Numbers and Operations, Measurement, Geometry, Data Analysis, and Algebra (Grades and 6) Data Analysis Geometry Numbers and Operations Measurement ProblemSolving Process Each c h a p te r o f the C oursebook comprises three parts, Let’s Remember, Lessons, a nd Practice Let’s Rem em ber offers an opp o rtun ity for system atic recall a nd assessment of prior kn ow led g e in p reparation for new learning Addition and Subtraction Within 20 ¿S&eMVer Each item is carefully cra fte d to help c h e c k for readiness to receive new know ledge s>® 1+ = Caun! on from Each c h a p te r contains lessons, e a ch focusing on a c o n c e p t or an a sp e ct of it C oncepts a nd skills are in tro d u ce d in Let’s Learn, and Let’s Do provides opportunities for im m e d ia te form ative assessment Lesson In Let’s Learn, co n ce p ts a nd skills are in tro d u ce d a nd d e v e lo p e d to m astery using the concrete-pictorialabstract a p p ro a c h This proven, research-based a p p ro a c h develops d e e p c o n c e p tu a l understanding Addition and Without Regrc You will learn to « add a t “digit number and a 2-dig • add (wo 2-digil numbers • subtract a 1-digit number from a ! • subtract a 2-digil number from a I Which set has more? Tick ( /) the correct box A d d in g ones _ J Which set has less? Tick ( /) the correct box I have learned dillerenl ways to add a) We can add by counting on | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26~| (51 Which set has more? Counf on trom 23 23 24 (25) 23 + = ■ b) We can add using number bonds / T 2=" 20 First, add and 3+2= Then, add and 20 + 20 = 25 Practice Book links lea d to exercises in the Practice Book to further reinforce understanding o f the c o n c e p ts a n d skills learnt Let’s Do provides opportunities for fo rm a tive assessment Systematic variation of tasks reinforces students' understanding a nd enables teachers to c h e c k learning and identify rem ediation needs Think About It develops m e ta c o g n itiv e skills by providing opportunities for m a th e m a tic a l c o m m u n ica tio n , reasoning a n d justification ^ Practice provides opportunities for sum m ative assessment a n d in d e p e n d e n t p ctice Practice i I Nome these coins and notes The questions are g d e d a n d allo w for consolidation o f c o n c e p ts a nd skills learnt w ithin the lesson © _note _ note Chapters end with a Probiem Solving lesson Word problem s provide a m eaningful co n te xt for students to a p p ly m a th e m a tic a l know ledge The focus is on both the strategies a nd the process of problem solving Lesson Lesson Problem Solving IHIHEMKI Joe has baseball cards He buys more How many baseball cards does he hove altogether? Understand the problem i Plan what to Problem Solving M ind stretcher W ord problem s S i B Find w av; to cut a square cake into equal parts, You can o ily cut the cake times Understand the probier What shape is the cake? How many equal parts must I cut Ihe cake into? How many limes can I cul Ihe cake? What does Joe have? How many does he have? What does he do? How many does he buy? What I have to find? n act it out to help me solve the problem I have to put together all Ihe baseball cards to find how many he has altogether To find the whole, I add! Joe has 12 baseball card s alto ge th er Counl on from 9 10, 1 ® | Check } Did you answer A 4-step process guides students to system atically solve problem s and to a p p ly a p p ro p ria te problem -solving strategies ver There are ways of cutting the cake / 1cut Ihe c wtÊ Ê m Mind Stretcher allows students to a p p ly kn o w le d g e g a in e d to non-routine problem situations to d e v e lo p higher-order thinking skills Contents Chapter Numbers to 10 Lesson 1: Practice Counting a n d C o m p a rin g 19 Chapter Number Bonds 6j Let's R em em ber Lesson 1: Telling Num ber Stories Pracfice Chapter Addition Let’s Rem em ber Lesson 1: M aking Addition Stories Practice 34 36 42 Lesson 2: Practice Addition with Num ber Bonds 43 46 Lesson 3: Practice Other M ethods of Addition 47 54 Chapter Subtraction Let’s R em em ber Lesson 1: M aking Subtraction Stories Practice 56 Lesson 2: Subtraction with Num ber Bonds Practice Lesson 3: Practice Other M ethods of Subtraction Chapter Ordinal Numbers and Positions Lesson 1: Practice N am ing Positions Lesson 2: Problem Solving Chapter Numbers to 20 Let’s Rem em ber Lesson 1: Counting a n d C o m p a rin g Practice 85 86 99 ^ ^ ^ Chapter Addition and Subtraction Within 20 Let’s Rem em ber Lesson 1: Addition Within 20 P c tic e ! 101 103 110 Lesson 2: Practice Subtraction Within 20 111 114 Lesson 3: Practice Problem Solving 115 119 Chapter Plane Shapes Lesson 1: Practice Basic Plane Shapes 121 128 Lesson 2: Practice M aking Patterns an d Shapes 129 133 Lesson 3: Problem Solving 135 Chapter Solid Shapes Let’s Rem em ber Lesson 1: Basic Solid Shapes Practice 137 139 146 Lesson 2: Practice Positions of Solid Shapes 147 149 Lesson 3: Practices Patterns of Solid Shapes 150 152 Lesson 4: Problem Solving 154 Chapter 10 Length Lesson 1: Practice C o m p a rin g Length 156 163 Lesson 2: Practice M easuring Length 165 169 Lesson 3: Problem Solving 170 Glossary - Problem Solving Process 171 76 Numbers to 10 Lesson Counting and Comparing You wilD Siam to • count within 10 • read and write numbers from to 10 • com pare two numbers within 10 • count on and backwards within 10 Counting, reading and writing numbers C ount e a ch type of toy •r %■ 4$ zero o one o o o o o o o o o o o o o two three four five V - w *£ - w -V ir - w - w , o o o o o o six * o o o o o o o i te> m» P> ^ ,l! r ^ « *& seven eight f && tm « N T o o o o o o o o gn -T ^ «» n ¡£*: '* % ■^fJ*0r mi o o o o o o o o o - '-• - o o o o o o o o o o 10 ten Place the pencils at a blu" Ime start line to com pare the lengths Now I can easily see which pencil is the longest The pencil is the longest We can com pare the lengths of objects easily using a start line Trace and c u t out the following tapes C om pare their lengths a) Which ta p e is the longest? b) Which ta p e is the shortest? Look at the picture Leaf A Leaf B Leaf C Leaf D a) Which leaf is the shortest? _ b) Which leaf is the longest? _ c) Arrange the leaves in order Begin with the shortest (shortest) Chapter 10: Exercise 3, pages 148-149 Practice Son Mother Daughter Father a) Who is the shortest? b) Who is the tallest? c) Arrange the people in order Begin with the tallest 163 Look at the picture a) Which w orm is the longest? b) Which worm is the shortest? c) Which worm is as long as Worm C? Look a t the picture Which book is on the highest shelf? Look at the picture String A String B String C String D a) Which string is the shortest? b) Which string is the longest? c) Arrange the strings in order Begin with the shortest Lesson Measuring Length You will learn to • measure the lengths of objects using other objects Measuring length Hj j | Ken uses cra ft sticks to measure the length of a table How long is the table? | f l The length of the table is about 12 cra ft sticks The table is a little longer than 12 craft sticks So, we say the length of the table is about 12 craft sticks 165 Fill in the blanks Q) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The length of the ruler is a b o u t pencils b) The length of the toy rocket is a b o u t The length of the pen is a b o u t p a p e r clips straws Measuring length in units Mary uses p a p e r clips to measure the length of her dictionary Each p a p e rc lip C S stands for unit r / c s m DICTICNACy : : 'g m , The length of Mary's dictionary is a b o u t p a p e r clips We can say th a t her dictionary is a b o u t units long 166 (2 H Tom uses straws to measure the length of his cup bo ard Each straw stands for unit The length of his c u p b o a rd is a b o u t units Use 20 p a p e r clips to make a chain like this: ] CSS? stands for unit a) The length of the chain is units 167 b) Use the chain to measure the length of your hand and foot My hand is a b o u t units long My fo o t is a b o u t units long c) Which is longer, your hand or your foot? ¿ *} Chapter 10: Exercise 4, pages 150-152 My notebook is about straws long My notebook is about craft sticks long Our notebooks have the same length! Sam I Yen's n otebook Sam's n otebook Is Yen correct? Why? Yen Practice How long is the loaf of bread? pen Each stands for unit How long is the notebook? Each stands for unit ■L &si glue stick ch a lk Fill in the blanks a) The length of the glue stick is a b o u t_units b) The length of the marker is a b o u t_units c) The length of the chalk is a b o u t_units d) The glue stick is longer than t h e _ e) T he _ is the shortest 169 Lesson Problem Solving Mind stretcher Adin is taller than Nila Charles is shorter than Nila Martin is taller than Adin Who is the shortest? zn Understand the problem Plan w hat to Work out the Answer How many children are there? Who is the tallest? Who is the shortest? I can draw a picture! Sentence 1: Adin is taller than Nila Adin Nila Sentence 2: Charles is shorter than Nila Charles Sentence 3: Martin is taller than Adin Martin Charles is the shortest /1 C h e c k *—1_? Did you answer the question? Is your answer correct? Adin is taller than Nila / Charles is shorter than Nila / Martin is taller than Adin / My answer is correct! Understand Plan Answ er Check ¿f f i } Review 4, pages 153-160 170 Glossary A • about C • circle The pen is about straws long add +3=6 Three plus three is equal to six Add means to put together altogether % • count backwards % 7, 6, There are balloons altogether • as long as • count on A B The red ribbon is as long as the green ribbon 7, 8, • cube B behind Dora Josie Dora is behind Josie 171 cylinder greater, greatest • doubles facts +2 = +3 = +4 =8 A B C Card B has a greater number of dots than Card A is greater than Card C has the greatest number of dots is the greatest number The two numbers that are added are the same H equal {-) high, higher, highest )—*o o o O O and + highest Two plus one is equal to three fact family 4+3=7 3+4=7 7-3=4 7-4=3 first (1st) in all See altogether # f in front of IL Yuki Yuki is first in the queue Dora Josie Josie is in front of Dora 172 long, longer, longest ■*— long -*— longer — longest M 2L Dora Dora is last in the queue, • minus (-) See subtract • more left (position) • • Fred left hand Don V ? db f ] ( • • • ] ^ i n x eep ^ A B is a greater number than Group B has more N Fred is on the left number bond left (subtraction) V O • on top of penguins are left • less ^ a a a aa aeg :2 A The bottle is on top of the books B is a smaller number than Group A has less plus (+) See add 173 sphere rectangle ã square right start line ôdak Fred Don hand Don is on the right short, shorter, shortest subtract ■*— short ■+— shorter >— shortest side 5-3-2 Five minus three is equal to two Subtract means to take away smaller, smallest • tall, taller, tallest tallest taller tall A B C Card B has a smaller number of dots than Card C is smaller than Card A has the smallest number of dots is the smallest number 174 I triangle U • under The books are under the bottle • units The pen is about units long 175 Problem Solving Process - * mmmm Solve problems using these steps: zn U n d e rsta n d the problem Can you describe the problem in your own words? • What information is given? đWhat you need to find? ã Is there information that is missing or not needed? Plan w hat to What can you to help you solve the problem? Here are some things you can do: • Draw a picture • Make a list • Choose an operation • Guess and check • Look for a pattern • Act it out • Work backwards • Solve part of the problem Work out the A nsw er Solve the problem using your plan in Step If you cannot solve the problem, make another plan Show your work clearly Write the answer statement A l Check L—i r Read the question again Did you answer the question? Does your answer make sense? Is your answer correct? You may use the following to help you check your answer: • fact families • replace the unknown in the problem with your answer If your answer is not correct, go back to Step 176 ... SCHOLASTIC Mathematics © 2014 Scholastic Education International (Singapore) Private Limited A division of Scholastic Inc Scholastic PR1 ME™ Mathematics is adapted from the Primary Mathematics. .. edition 2014 Reprinted 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 ISBN 978-981-07-3291-2 CmiMfjHIH TM About IP IR N E Mathematics ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ W e lc o m e to Scholastic PRIME “M athem atics The program covers the