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Information technology can help us to …… use of central stores of information a.. CPU stands for “central ……..[r]

(1)Vocabulary and expression I Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition A computer is capable …………doing almost anything you ask it to It is a personal communicator which helps you to interact ………….other computers If you like entertainment, you can relax by listening …………computer-played music Information technology is very useful ……… our lives It allows us to receive TV programmes …………… other countries She has looked worried ……something since she received a letter ……her parents yesterday II Word study Thanks to the development of information ……… , we can communicate with each other very quickly through the Internet a technician b technique c technical d technology For further ………on the computer programs, please contact us at this address a inform b informative c information d informatively Nowadays, newspapers and magazines are ……… on computers a produce b produced c products d production III Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence We were really impressed by scenic splendors of the Rocky Mountains a in a strange or mysterious way b having beautiful natural scenery c very impressive and good d new and interesting What makes computer a miraculous device? a strange b powerful c magical d excellent A computer is a ……………typewriter a convenient b magical c appropriate d informative New telephone lines allow faster data…………… by fax or modem a calculation b transmission c entertainment d development Please………… your phone card in the slot before pressing the number you require a insert b operate c plug d adjust ………… is used for making exact copies of documents a Computer b Printer c Photocopier d Camcorder There is a fault at our television station Please not ………… your set a change b adjust c repair d switch You can ……a lot of information from the Internet onto your own computer a take b print c save d download ………… is a camera which records moving pictures and sound a Cell phone b CD-ROM c Camcorder d Modem 10 Computer has become part of …… a day lives b daily lives c lives day d daily live 11 With appropriate hardware and software, computer is …………of doing almost anything you ask it to a happy b capable c upset d able 12 To operate the TV, make sure that the ………is on a electricity b TV c remote control d programmes 13 It is best to cook vegetable in a small …… of water a number b glass c amount d spot 14 All the data has been ……… on the floppy disk a packed b stored c lost d hidden 15 He doesn’t know how to ………… the central heating so the room is cold a hold b stop c operate d shut 16 She …….a sheet of paper into the printer when it ran out of paper a inserted b took c torn d arranged 17 Students always make ………….when they are late for school a decisions b excuse c mistakes d allowances 18 You can change the TV channels with this ……….control a far b standby c special d remote 19 Can you help me to ………these boxes They are too heavy a throw b catch c lift d leave 20 You can learn foreign language with the …….of a computer a help b thought c installation d hope 21 A microwave is a useful device for most families nowadays a number b food c cooker d machine 22 After a hard working day, it is great to relax in the swimming pool a rest b swim c walk d enjoy 23 Before doing the exercise, you should read the instruction carefully a key b answer c direction d passage 24 Information technology can help us to …… use of central stores of information a make b c keep d hold IV Word study: 24 CPU stands for “central …… unit” a process b processed c processing d procession’ 25 She spoke so …… …that we couldn’t understand her a quick b quickly c quicky d quickness 26 My mother has just given me a pocket ……………… ……machine a calculate b calculating c calculation d calculated 27 Computer is a ……… device a miracle b miraculous c miraculously d miraculousy V Grammar Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence The program must be new, I……………it before a have never been seen b have ever seen c have never seen d have seen I………… able to play tennis since I………… my arm a wasn’t/broke b haven’t been/had broken c wasn’t/had broken d haven’t been/broke These flowers are fresh They ……………from the garden a have just been picked b have been just picked c have been picked just d just have been picked The children saw the actual spacecraft……………landed on the moon a who b that c whom d Ø Yoko told me about students………… have taken the entrance exam 13 times a whose b whom c which d who I’m looking for an electric can opener………………also can sharpen knives a who b which c whom d Ø The problems…………… Tony has seem insurmountable a what b who c which d whom The earth, …………is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the third planet from the sun (2) a who b whom c which d that People………….outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people a whose b whom c that d which 10 ………………… was born in Stratford, wrote more than forty plays a William Shakespeare, that b William Shakespeare who c William Shakespeare, who d William Shakespeare whom 11 I haven’t heart from Mary …………… a since many months before b for many months c for many months ago d since a long time 12 This book is so long that …………… a haven’t finished it yet b haven’t finished it already c still have finished it d still haven’t finished it already 13.They lost the key yesterday but it …………… a has already found b was found already c has already been found d found already 14 A new hospital for children …… in our city a has been built b have been built c was built d had been built 15 The blind are people ………………… a who cannot see anything b which cannot hear anything c whose cannot speak d that cannot walk 16 Could you tell me what ………… ? a a radio is used for b is a radio used for c is a radio use for c a radio is use for 17 She is the only one ………… saw the accident a who b that c whom d which 18 The door is open Someone…………the door a opened b opens c has opened d was opened 19 These machines ……………………… for at least five years a not been opened b has not been opened c not has been opened d was being opened 20.The stories what I’ve told you are all true a b c d 21 You need to talk to a person which you can trust You will feel better if you a b c d 22 _ your house painted last year ? a Had b Did c Was d Has 23 I _ able to play tennis since I _ my arm a wasn’t/ broke b haven’t been/ had broken c wasn’t/ had broken d haven’t been/ broke 23 The secretary I talked to didn’t know where the meeting was a which b whom c that d Ø 24 You need to talk to a person you can trust You will feel better if you a whose b which c whom d Ø 25 Bob is the kind of person to one can talk about anything a who b whom c that d him He is a person friends trust him a who b his c that d whose 26 The man I introduced you to last night may be the next president of the university a which b whom c that d Ø 27 Cathy is trustworthy She’s a person upon you can always depend a who b whom c that d Ø 28 Your career should focus on a field in you are genuinely interested a which b what c that d Ø 29 Ms Donaldson, teaches linguistics at the university, recently received recognition for her research a who b whom c which d that 30 The earth, is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the third planet from the sun a who b whom c which d that 31 The check I gave Oliver was for work he’d done for me a who b which c that d Ø 32 Melanie was looking after a dog leg had been broken in an accident a which b whose c that d its 33 One of the people arrested was Mary Arundel, is a member of the local council a that b who c whom d Ø 34 The Titanic, sank in 1922, was supposed to be unsinkable a whose b that c which d who 35 The Newspaper is owned by the Mearson Group, chairman is Sir James Bex a which b that c who d whose 36 She is one of the few people to I look up a who b whom c that d  Pronunciation a tooth b foot c school d food a put b pull c burn d push a good b cool c look d wool a food b school c foot d tooth a bush b revolution c output d pullover Stress a perform b relax c manage d receive a program b service c language d display a technology b computer c newspaper d miraculous (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Ngày đăng: 10/06/2021, 13:41

