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The United Nations, which defines illiteracy as a inability to read and write a simple message in any language, has conducted a number of surveys on world illiteracy.. In the first surve[r]

(1)ENGLISH 11 – UNIT ILLITERACY TEST I Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest a illiterate b education c eradicate a province b country c campaign a primary b promotion c effective a struggle b lesson c village a farming b technique c receive d minority d ethnic d consider d remote d number II Choose a, b, c or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one He is helping the police …………… their enquires a in b at c with d for Many students take part …………… the campaign for illiteracy eradication a for b in c from d on When preparing …………… a report, I can never keep track of time a of b with c on d for They have to work overtime because the requirements for …………… have not been fulfilled a complete b completion c completed d completely 10 The program has been conducted …………… so more and more people can read and write a effect b effective c effectiveness d effectively 11 As …………… we are keen to ensure that our students can find the best ways to learn a educate b education c educators d educative 12 …………… is the state of not knowing how to read and write a Literacy b Illiteracy c Campaign d Struggle 13 Have you completed your application form yet? a ejected b promoted c eradicated d finished 14 There are 54 …………… minorities in Viet Nam a national b primary c ethnic d main 15 A …………… for illiteracy eradication was lauched by the Viet Nam Society of Learning Promotion in the summer of 2000 a battle b campaign c design d project 16 Every summer, hundreds of students participate in a campaign to eradicate illiteracy a get rid of completely b promote c provide d volunteer 17 Their economy has …………… rapidly, while ours, by contrast, is declining a struggled b expanded c reached d enlarged 18 …………… number of illiterate people are trying to learn how to read and write a A b An c The d No article 19 “Don’t talk in class”, the teacher said a The teacher told his student not talk in class b The teacher told his student did not talk in class c The teacher told his student not to talk in class d The teacher told his student not talking in class 20 “……………”, the doctor advised his patient a You had better stop drinking b I would like you to drink c You had better to drink d Please drink some more 21 “I will it for you, Mary”, Peter said a Peter advised Mary to it b Peter advised Mary not to it c Peter promised to it for Mary d Peter wanted Mary to it 22 “ I …………… good at English, my son,” Mr Pike said a would like you have been b had better have you to be c would rather you to be d would like you to be 23 Before they left, they promised to come back the next year a “We will come back next year,” they said before leaving (2) b “We had better come back the next year,” they said before leaving c “Let’s come back next year,” they said before leaving d “Don’t come back next year,” they said before leaving 24 “Susan, can you remember to buy me some sugar?” said Billy a Billy advised Susan to buy him some sugar b Billy reminded Susan to by me some sugar c Billy reminded Susan to by him some sugar d Billy wanted Susan to buy me some sugar 25 The secretary said, “Sorry, I will never work on Sunday” a The secretary promised not to work on Sunday b The secretary refused to work on Sunday c The secretary refused not to word on Sunday d The secretary reminded not to work on Sunday 26 “Don’t stay up late You should go to bed early,” Peter told me a Peter told me not to stay up late and promised to go to bed early b Peter promised not to stay up late and told me to go to bed early c Peter told me not to stay up late and advised me to go to bed early d Peter told me not to stay up late and advised me to go to bed early 27 “……………”, John advised me a You ought to work harder b I would rather work harder c It is my duty to work harder d It is worth working harder 28 “……………”, the mother warned her sons a Boys, don’t go near the lake b Boys, you will not go near the lake c Boys, let’s go near the lake d Boys, you would like to go near the lake 29 “Mary, please come to dinner tonight,” Henry said a Henry invited Mary to come to dinner tonight b Henry invited Mary to come to dinner that night c Henry warned Mary to come to dinner tonight d Henry told Mary please to come to dinner that night 30 “I will bring you some food”, he said to me a He invited me to eat some food b He offered to bring me some food c He told me to bring some food d He advised me to bring some food III Error identifications 31 Illiterate in developing countries is still growing at an alarming rate and that fact has not changed much A B C D 32 Illiteracy continues to be a critical problem, which demanding enormous resources form local and state budgets A B C D 33 The International Reading Association estimates that more than as one thousand research papers are prepared each year on the subject of literacy A B C D 34 It is clear that the current high illiteracy rate is directly because of improper approach to reading A B C D instruction 35 The average U.S household has at least one TV set turned on for about seven hours a day and many A B people spend more time watching TV than to read a book C D III Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer The United Nations, which defines illiteracy as a inability to read and write a simple message in any language, has conducted a number of surveys on world illiteracy In the first survey in 1957 at least 44% of the world’s population were found to be illiterate A 1978 study showed the rate to have dropped to 32.5%, by 1990 illiteracy worldwide had dropped to about 27%, and by 1998 to 16% However, a study by the (3) United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) published in 1998 predicted that the world illiteracy rate would increase in the 21st century because only a quarter of the world’s children got schooling by the end of the 20 th century The highest illiteracy rates were found in the less developed nations of Africa, Asia, and South America; the lowest in Australia, Japan, North Korea, and the more technologically advanced nations of Europe and North America Using the UN definition of illiteracy, the United States and Canada have an overall illiteracy rate of about 10% In certain disadvantaged areas, however, such as the rural South in the United States, the illiteracy rate is much higher 36 Illiteracy is the inability to read and write a simple message in any language a True b False c No information 37 As the results of the survey conducted by the United Nations, illiteracy rate is increasing a True b False c No information 38 At the end of the 20th century, only one of four children went to school a True b False c No information 39 Viet Nam has the highest illiteracy rate in Southeast Asia a True b False c No information 40 Illiteracy rates are the same throughout the USA a True b False c No information IV Fill in each number blank with one suitable word or phrase Teaching children (41) ……… is the most important objective (42) ……… educators have to accomplish Reading a prerequisite for everything else, (43) ……… in school but also in life itself Western civilization has taught its children to read using an alphabetic approach ever since (44) ……… alphabet was (45) ……… and the Egyptians stopped (46) ……… in hieroglyphics English is an alphabetic language that, (47) ……… written, uses letters to represent speech sounds When students were taught to read, they consciously (48) ……… the speech sounds and learned to recognize the letters used to represent them They were then trained to apply the information to “decode” the names of unknown written words, understand their (49) ………, and comprehend the information presented (50) ……… a complete thought 41 a read 42 a that 43 a not 44 a a 45 a done 46 a to write 47 a when 48 a regarded 49 a sound 50 a as b to read b whom b nor b an b discovered b writing b since b took part in b meaning b when  Notes illiteracy eradication (n) xóa mù chữ  fulfill (v) làm tròn (nhiệm vụ), hoàn thành  Viet Nam Society of Learning Promotion (n) Tổ chức khuyến học VN  The International Reading Association (n) Hiệp hội xóa mù chữ quốc tế  estimates (v) đánh giá  technologically (adv) có tính chất kĩ thuật, kĩ thuật học  accomplish = fulfill  prerequisite (n) điều tiên quyết, điều cần làm trước  hieroglyphics (n) chữ tượng hình  decode (v) giải mã c for reading c whose c not only c the c made c written c as soon as c completed c alphabet c since d reading d those d neither d no article d invented d wrote d with d identified d letter d alike (4)

Ngày đăng: 09/06/2021, 16:31

