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SKKN using language games in teaching grade 10 english lessons effectively

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  • Writer: Lê Thị Ngọc Hà

  • The study focuses speciffically on using language games in teaching grade 10 english.

  • I applied this experience initiative for teaching students at Trieu Son 1 upper school. They are students of classes 10C3, 10C4 and 10C6.

  • 1.4 Methods of the research.

    • General steps: [4]

    • Hangman

    • Crossword puzzle : [7]

    • Draw 9 crosswords on the board in which contain 1 word (or a drawing).

    • For example:

    • General steps [9]

Nội dung

THANH HOA EDUCATION AND TRAINING DEPARTMENT TRIEU SON UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE USING LANGUAGE GAMES IN TEACHING GRADE 10 ENGLISH LESSONS EFFECTIVELY Writer: Lê Thị Ngọc Hà Position: Teacher Subject: English THANH HOA, YEAR 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION …………………………………… ………… 1.1 Rationale for the choosing the topic ……………………………… 1.2 Purposes of the research………………………………………… 1.3 Objects of research…………………………………… ………… 1.4 Methods of the research…………………………………… …… 2 CONTENT…………………………………… …………………… 2.1 Basis of theory…………………………………… ……………… 2.2 Basis of practice…………………………………… …………… 2.2.1 Advantages…………………………………… ……………… 2.2.2 Disadvantages…………………………………… …………… 2.3 Solutions…………………………………… …………………… 2.3.1 Overview of language games…………………………………… The definition of language games …………………………… Role of games in language teaching and learning…………… How to organize a game …………………………………… 2.3.2 Types of language game used in in a number of lessons in English textbooks 10…………………………………… …………… Slap the Board…………………………………… ………… Kim’s game…………………………………… …………… Hangman …………………………………… ……… Who am I? …………………………………… ……………… “If I…”…………………………………… ………………… Crossword puzzle…………………………………… ……… Noughts and crosses…………………………………… …… 11 Jumber words…………………………………… …………… 12 Lucky number…………………………………… ………… 13 2.4 Experimental results…………………………………… ……… 14 CONCLUSION AND PROPOSAL……………………………… 15 3.1 Conclusion…………………………………… ………………… 15 3.2 Proposal…………………………………… …………………… 15 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reasons for choosing the topic Nowadays, objectives of education are to focus on developing students’ initiative, activity and creativeness to enable them to realize and solve the problems To achieve these objectives, there’s nothing rather than to reform teaching methods This is an indispensable issue and a sound policy of our Party and State Teaching in reformed methods has given teachers the chances to make good use of controlling, guiding, suggesting, and organizing activities effectively On the other hand, it has helped students to make full use of centered roles-they are able to study hard, apprehend their awareness and knowledge actively and creatively so as to have great understanding and passion for English To teach English more and more interestingly, effectively and communicatively, every teacher must their best, study without cease and apply active and suitable teaching methods.Throughout years’ time of teaching English, I have myself thought that it is necessary to reform methods of organizing activities in teaching often to motivate students I have positively realized that by using language Games can we interest students in English lessons These new language Games can be considered to be new activities or techniques which are suitable for the students’ psychology In these Games, we can unexpectedly happen to realize students’ talents because they are equal to students, easy to play, suitable for the whole class even weak students The sense of equality, atmosphere of excitement, feeling of the games in students’ reach, spirit of solidarity, the factors of which help students to ignore their shyness which prevents them from speaking freely and actively Moreover, they feel satisfied when they know they can as well as others It is the reasons above that have been urguing me to choose the theme: “Using language Games in teaching Grade 10 English lessons effectively” for my own Seminar on methodology without cease 1.2 Purposes of research From the matter of fact, as a teacher, I have endlessly been considering and researching for the methods to improve the quality of teaching English Knowing that the students’ psychophysiology is doing what they enjoy, liking new things, indulging in pleasures rather than study, I give them a new method of learning in which they can work for both study and pleasure This method gives them the feeling of delight and easiness when they learn English lessons through some new language Games which are considered to be the new teaching techniques in place of the old one that students are too familiar to and bored with These new language Games , in fact, are competitions They require students’ quick decisions such as: How to act?, What to speak? How to win the games? Wanting to solve those questions makes students’ thoughts quicker, more sensitive and intelligent because they must make use of their intellectual abilities for pleasure and excitement Thanks to this way, students are naturally absorbed in the lessons Games are highly motivating because they are amusing and interesting They can be used to give practice in all language skills and be used to practice many types of communication They can willingly apply the knowledge the teacher expects, which has worried them for ages Throughout years’ time of teaching English for different students, especially students of Trieu Son upper school where there are much more weak students than advanced ones, I would like to present some abilities of using language Games for some Grade 10 English lessons effectively Also, I would like to exchange my own initiative experiences and methods of teaching for the colleagues so that we can find out new and interesting methods in the period of education socialization our Party and State laid down 1.3 Objects of research The study focuses speciffically on using language games in teaching grade 10 english I applied this experience initiative for teaching students at Trieu Son upper school They are students of classes 10C3, 10C4 and 10C6 1.4 Methods of the research - Using references to improve - Discussing with other teachers - Using the text-book to apply to each lesson and section - Applying the study in teaching process CONTENT 2.1 Basis of theory English is one of the most important subjects at schools but it is not easy enough for any students to learn Some students, especially the students who have no sense, no mood and no patience in learning can’t keep up with the new methods of learning They have their puzzle in understanding and applying their knowledge to practice Many students haven’t understood the significances of English at the age of the International integration Some students learn English for their curiosity but when they have difficulties, they let things run Some students lack their basic knowledge from the junior high schools Therefore, students have no sense, no mood, no motivation to learn English effectively and actively 2.2 Basis of practice 2.2.1 Advantages Thanhhoa Education and Training Department has focused on teaching and learning English for recent years They have organized many English advanced exams for teachers and students Annually, we have a lot of conferences and workshops to reform teaching methods We usually have discussions about professional knowledge We have been trying to apply new methods to teaching flexibly and skillfully Students are more hard-working, interested in English Therefore, teaching and learning English has been enhanced effectively 2.2.2 Disadvantages Since education reform, students have loved learning English but mainly advanced students And weak students who understand the lesson slowly learn passively They wait for the teacher’s or other students’ answers Many of them have no opportunities or they don’t dare to practice speaking English in class They are afraid they speak incorrectly Many can not read, speak, listen and write, even they ignore paying attention to the lessons or taking any notes or doing any homework In fact, we can see these students have no love for English…Therefore, the teaching qualities of English not live up to our expectations 2.3 Solutions 2.3.1 Overview of language games The definition of language games In the Oxford Advanced learner’s dictionary of current English by A.S Hornby (2005) [1] game is an activity or a sport with rules in wchich people or team compete against each other It means that students play games for sake, for fun, for the competitive ambition A language games mostly involve in developing and improving language skills Greenal (1984) [2] has defined games as one kind of activity which is used to consolidate language Role of games in language teaching and learning Games have been advocated for assisting language learning Games not only motivate learners and create a friendly atmosphere, they are aimed at developing all language skills Consequently, games can motivate, promote learners' interaction, improve their acquisition and increase their achievement How to organize a game Teacher need to estimate the time of game before running a game Lewis and Bedson(1999) [3] sussested that games should last from five to twenty minutes When starting a games, teacher should tell students the rules of game 2.3.2 Types of language game used in in a number of lessons in English textbooks 10 In the process of teaching, class observation, learning experiences, and research document books, I have noticed a lot of games can shape to suit each specific articles in English textbooks 10 Since then, I have prepared some more boldly with popular games like Slap the Board, Hangman, jumber words, lucky number, Kim's Game To compose the section all games, in addition to applying the experience gained in the course of study at university, reading related references, and learned colleagues, I also actively exploited online information Here, I would like to present some of the games I've ever used in a number of lessons in English textbooks 10 Each part will have the usual steps in general and the specific steps to perform in a specific lesson Each game is usually controlled in time duration from minutes - minutes and teachers can apply to start lessons, check the vocabulary of all students or consolidate Slap the Board General steps: [4] - Teacher writes down some words on the board (either new words or the words need pronouncing) - Teacher divides the class into groups - The teacher then has a student from each team come up to the board - Teacher calls out groups on the board (1 student from each team come to the board), asks groups to stand from the board an equal distance - Teacher reads the English words on the board (or the corresponding Vietnamese words) - Students of groups run to the board, search and slap the word read in turn The group The group that has many people slapping the words faster will be the winner - Here's an example to check vocabulary- Section A: Reading- unit 10: Conservation (English 10) law dam supply Run-off rapid constan t destroy frequen t defence Circulatio n Specific lesson Unit 13: FILMS AND CINEMA – Section E: Language Focus (English 10) WARM UP - Teacher has students play the game “Slap the Board” - Teacher explains the rule of the game - Teacher divides the class into groups: Group A and group B - Teacher writes on the board some words containing the sounds / f / and / v / Fan van finish fine vine enough Stephe n village vain faint feel veal - Teacher calls out groups on the board (each team sends one student) - Teacher controls the game: read aloud the words in Vietnamese - Representatives of groups search and slap the word read in turn - Teacher checks and announces the winners - Teachers introduces the the way to distinguish the pairs / f / and / v / - Teachers introduces the new lesson Unit 14: THE WORLD CUP – Section B: Speaking (English 10) WARM UP - Teacher writes on the board some words: Italy German Chile Argentina Czechoslovakia Mexico Brazil Netherlands Korea Mexican French Hungary Swedish Uruguay - Students listen to teacher’s instruction and play the game - Teacher has Ss listen and repeat after teacher reading the names of theses countries Kim’s game General steps [5] - Divide class into many groups - Have student look at objects, paintings, or words in a short time Ask students not to write them down, only remember them in mind - Put objects, paintings away, or rub out the word - Call out the representatives of the groups on the board to write the names of objects, paintings or the words The group that remembers the most is the winner Specific lesson Unit 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU– Section B: Speaking (English 10) - Teacher has students play the game called Kim’s Game - Teachers show on the screenthe pictures of some modern invention with the name under each air conditioner washing machine computer Computer Cell phone Electric cooker digital camera -The class will be divided into four groups Students will have to look at the screen and try to remember all the names of these inventions They are not allowed to write anything down when the pictures are shown After 1’that the pictures are not shown, four memember from groups will go to the board and write all the names they can remember under time pressure The group having more correct names will be the winner - Teacher shows the pictures again to check the answers - Teacher announces the winners - Teacher comments and introduces the new lesson General steps [6] - Teacher suggests the number of letters of word to guess corresponding to the number of row of dashes on the board - Teacher asks students to guess the letters in word - If wrong, teacher draws one row (in order in picture) - If students guess wrong times, they will get lost Then teacher gives answer Hangman Just as the general steps as above, this game without the competition between the teams So most of the teachers have modified to increase the appeal for the game For example, the teacher can divide the class into two teams and prepare different group words for the teams, the team that has the correct answer more will win; or may divide the class into four teams, a team choose the words and other team guess the words (Team against Team , team against teams 3, Team against Team and team against team 1) Let students control the game themselves is also a method to increase the initiative for students, while reducing teacher's work on classes Specific lesson Unit 6: AN EXCURSION – Section C: Listening ( English 10) - Teacher has Ss play the game called HANGMAN - Teacher divides the class into teams and draws each team of them a gallows on the board: 1 2 3 Team A Team B - Each will have to deal with words in the topic Camping activities, they are: FISHING, DANCING, TAKING PHOTOGRAPHS, PLAYING THE GUITAR - Teacher explains the rule of the game: each team will take turns to guess what activity is according the number of letters provided by T, if after times the letters are guessed without finding out the name of the city, that team will be hanged! The team finding out the answers more quickly will be the winners - Teacher carries out the game - Teacher announces the winners - Students listen to the rule Who am I? General steps In this game, the teacher will prepare a number of cards corresponding to the number of students in class On each card there will have the name of a famous character in the world Teacher will stick a card on the back of each student Students will be placed in the situation: they are participating in a party and have to go around to ask guests in banquet for the information related to themselves Relying on them to guess who his famous character is? When he knows who he is, he is allowed to peel the card with his name on the back and stick it to his chest Then the other students continue the conversation in the party until all they stick their card in the chest Specific lesson Unit 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND – Section B: Speaking - Teacher Has Students play a game called “Who am I” - Teacher sticks name cards on the backs of students - Teacher announces the winner - Students go around and ask their friends questions such as: + Where was I born? + When was I born? + Where I come from? From their friends’ answers , students guess who they are “If I…” General steps - Divide the class into two equal teams: each member of the teams will prepare a small piece of paper to write their dreams - Team A will be the team of people who write all sentences in English beginning with the words "If I ." and Team B will be the team of people who write all sentences in English beginning with the words "I would " Beneath each sentence these students must write their names to choose a pair who write a complete conditional sentences the most meaningful, funniest as well as the worst conditional sentence After writing, the paper will be put in two hats: a hat contains the sheet with "If I " and a hat contains the sheet with "I would " - Teacher will take sheets in hats in turns and then read aloud for everyone to hear If good, this sentence is left to the next competition are.If not meaningful, that sentence will be eliminated - Finally the class will choose the sentence "If I , I would " the best to give the award If there are many good sentences, competitors will decide by raising their hands Specific lesson This language game is used to teach part: Language Focus - Conditional sentences in unit 8, unit 9, unit 11(English 10) (The game can last about 15 minutes) Crossword puzzle : [7] Learning words by playing crosswords In order to teach Reading and vocabulary lessons less boring, sometimes teachers need create the crossword exercises as a form of "learning by playing" Organization: Teachers can let students play in groups, the groups select the words in across or down in turn Then teachers give the correct answer Specific lesson: Unit 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU- Section A: Reading (English 10) I divide class into groups of I let the groups play the crossword exercise below: ACROSS Vietnamese people now use …………………….to cook food It helps us cook food using electricity (2 words) It doesn’t have wires, and it works by radio and you can carry it with you and use it anywhere to talk to somebody (2 words) DOWN It is used for taking photographs, moving pictures or television pictures It makes copies of documents by photographing them It cools and dries the air in a room, a car or an airplane (2 words) You can watch programmes with moving pictures and sounds through it It helps keep food cold so that food stays fresh It is used for listening to programmes that are broadcast to the public Keys: ACROSS gas cooker electric cooker mobile phone DOWN camera air- conditioner fridge photocopier television radio Unit 12: MUSIC – Section A: Reading - Teacher divides the class into small groups of 3-4 students Then teacher distributes the following crossword puzzle handouts for students to in their own groups 10 - Teacher introduces the topic”Music” Across: a person who sings a person who writes music the words of a song a collection of recordings issued as a single item Down a person who plays a musical instrument a style of music with strong and loud beats a large group of musicians the systematic arrangerment of musical sounds Answer M U S I N G E R I Noughts C and crosses O M P O S E R General steps [8] I R H Draw crosswords on the board in which contain word (or a drawing) For example: A C Y Supermarket SournenirHshop School N T E H L Y R I C S O T C R K A M 11 L B U M Post office Bookstore Movie theatre Hotel Street Village - Teacher divides class into groups: a group is Noughts (0) and a group is Crosses (X) - groups choose the word in turns, then make a sentence with this word Eg: There is a post office near my house - The group that makes a correct sentence has a “0” or a “X” - group that has three "0" or three "X" on horizontal, vertical, or diagonal will win Specific lesson Unit 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF – Section D: Writing (English 10) - Teacher warms the Ss up by having them play a game called Noughts and Crosses: divide the class into groups: Noughts and Crosses - Teacher hangs the poster below on the table At first Before Then Since then After that After Until Till While - Teacher asks Ss to choose word by word in the cells and make sentences with each word A correct sentence gets one or X The group with or X vertically, horizontally, or diagonally first will be the winner The sentences must be grammatically correct and make sense - After finding out the winner, teacher stops the activity and gives feedback Unit 10: CONSERVATION – Section C: Listening (English 10) WARM-UP - Teacher puts a grid on the board with nine words which students have learnt from the previous lessons - Teacher hangs the poster below on the table Conserve Clean up Destroy Imprison Reintroduce Sensitive 12 Hydroelectric Worsen Destruction - Teacher tells students the rules of the game: - Students works in pairs, ONE of the students copies the grid in his/her book - One student is”noughts”(O) and the other is “ crosses (X) - One student starts She/He chooses a word and makes a sentence with it If the sentence is correct, she puts her mark (“O” or”X”) in that square - The first student to get three-in-a row (across, down, or diagonally) win Jumber words: General steps [9] - Teacher writes a scrambled word on the board - Teacher divides the class into small groups - Teacher asks students to rewrite the letters to make good words - The group which finishes the task first with the most correct words will be the winner Specific lesson Unit 6: AN EXCURSION - Section D: Writing (English 10) WARM UP - Teacher divides the class into two groups: Group A and group B - Teacher gives each group one card containing 10 words whose letters are jumbled - Teacher asks students to rearrange the letters to make good words - The group which finishes the task first with the most correct words will be the winner ubsutnrm – sunburnt cpinci – picnic snisksecs – sickness pdccouie – occupied sndukce – sundect Freshrement – refreshment - Students look at the board - The students listen to the teacher - Students works in group - Students listen to Teacher’s feedback Lucky number General steps - Teacher divides class into teams - Teacher draws crosswords numbered from to - Teacher explains the rule of the game: There are lucky numbers in the numbers The Other numbers contain questions Each team will choose any number in the number in turns If choose the lucky number, they don’t need answer any question but have 10 marks (10 marks for each number) If not the lucky number, they have to answer a question and it’s a correct answer that bring 13 them 10 marks, but it’s a wrong answer that doesn’t bring them any mark and other team will answer (If both team can’t answer the question correctly, the answer will be given after the game by teacher) Specific lesson Unit 12: MUSIC – Section A : Reading (English 10) Task 2: Answer the questions - Teacher has Ss play the game called “LUCKY NUMBER” - Teacher divides the class into team: team A and team B - Teacher explains the rule of the game: There are number from to each team will choose each number they like This number can be a lucky number or a question If this is a lucky number, they have 10 marks without question If this is a question, they have to answer it And if their answer is correct, they will have 10 marks but if their answer is wrong, they don’t have any mark and the other team will answer the question The team having more marks will be the winner - Questions: What are the two things that make humans diffirent from other animals? => The two things that make humans different from other animals are language and music Why is music a powerful means of communication? => Because it expresses ideas, thoughts, and feelings How can music set the tone for a events and special occasions? => It adds joyfulness to the atmosphere of a festival and makes a funeral more solemn and mournful How can music entertain? => It can entertain people, that is it can make them happy, excited and relaxed and it can delight their senses Why has music always been a big business? => Because it is now a billion-dollar industry Lucky number 2.4 Experimental results  At that time the lessons weren’t taught with the language games Classes Number of students Like Not like 10C3 39 12 (30.8%) 27 (69.2%) 10C4 46 19 (41.1%) 27 (58.9%) 14 10C6 40  12 (30.0%) 28 (70.0%) At that time the lessons were taught with the language games Classes Number of students Like Not like 10C3 39 33 (84.6%) (15.4%) 10C4 46 39 (84.8 %) (15.2%) 10C6 40 33 (82.5%) (17.5%) CONCLUSION AND PROPOSAL 3.1 Conclusion I have owed the ideas of the “Using language Games in teaching Grade 10 English lessons effectively” I have mentioned above to the process of teaching, searching, and thinking for ages Those are based on the Ministry of Education and Training’s policy of reforming methods of teaching-learning To sum up, there are many methodologies of teaching English, and each teacher has her/his own methodology of teaching but the characteristics of teaching through language Games are the same in any languages The final purpose of every English teacher is to help students to be good listeners, speakers, readers, and writers in any languages This methodology is about how to stimulate students to learn Grade 10 English lessons actively, positively and effectively through new language Games Personally, I have wondered if it is regarded as the perfect and effective methodology, therefore, I would like teachers to contribute your sincere ideas so that we will have perfect and suitable methods of teaching English in accordance with the education reform of Ministry of Education and Training 3.2 Proposal I would like to propose that all the good and effective experience initatives should be widely applied in teaching at schools The schools ought to organize meetings and conferences at which teachers are able to exchange their teaching experiences and knowledge to enhance the quality of education Young teachers should be constantly fostered their professional abilities and given more interest to help them develop their best proficiency Sincerely thank you! 15 THE CONFIRMATION OF THE HEADMASTER Thanh Hoa, May 11th 2021 I hereby declare that this my experience initiative and no parts of the initiative have been copied or reproduced by me from any other’s work without acknowledgement Writer Lê Thị Ngọc Hà REFERENCES The Oxford Advanced learner’s dictionary of current English by A.S Hornby (2005) [1] English language Teaching Methodology by Ministry of Education and Training, 2003 [2] English language Teaching Methodology by Ministry of Education and Training, 2003 [3] Thiết kế giảng tiếng anh 10 [4] Nguyễn Thúy Minh- Lương Quỳnh Trang- Nhà xuất Hà Nội Thiết kế giảng tiếng anh 10[5] Chu Quang Bình- Nhà xuất Hà Nội Thiết kế giảng tiếng anh 10[6] Chu Quang Bình- Nhà xuất Hà Nội Thiết kế giảng tiếng anh 10 [7] Nguyễn Thúy Minh- Lương Quỳnh Trang- Nhà xuất Hà Nội How to use games in language teaching(Rixon, s) - Macmillian Education [8] Games to teach English (Harold S Madren) - Oxford University Press 2003 [9] 10 A course in language teaching – Practice and Theory (Penny Ur), Cambridge university press 11.BridgeTEFL: Teaching English With Games (2007) 16 12.Teachers book by Ministry of Education and Training, 2007 13.Textbook: English 10 - Publisher of training and educational department 17 ... of the ? ?Using language Games in teaching Grade 10 English lessons effectively? ?? I have mentioned above to the process of teaching, searching, and thinking for ages Those are based on the Ministry... defined games as one kind of activity which is used to consolidate language Role of games in language teaching and learning Games have been advocated for assisting language learning Games. .. is the reasons above that have been urguing me to choose the theme: ? ?Using language Games in teaching Grade 10 English lessons effectively? ?? for my own Seminar on methodology without cease 1.2 Purposes

Ngày đăng: 09/06/2021, 13:29
