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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question from 1 to 10 The languages spoken by early Europea[r]

(1)SỞ GD & ĐT NINH BÌNH TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN LƯƠNG VĂN TỤY KỲ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN III MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút Mã đề A1 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question from to 10 The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world, and we cannot yet translate the Old European script Scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the 18th century, scholars could not decipher them Then inscriptions found in Iran at the end of the 18th century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite – languages that had already been deciphered It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late 18 th century The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early 19th century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it The incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late th to the early 3rd millennia B.C caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity These incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed script The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European cultural remained for several millennia The new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually vanished Question What is the main topic of the passage? A Reason for the failure to understand the written records of Old European culture B Influences on the development of Old European script C Similarities between Old European script and other ancient writing systems D Events leading to the discovery of Old European script Question According to the passage, New Elamite is _ A a language that was used in Europe about 3,000 years ago B a modern language that came from Old Persian C one of the languages spoken by the Old Europeans D a language that was understood by the late 18th century Question3: When does the passage suggest that ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script was finally deciphered? (2) A At around the same time as cuneiform script was deciphered B Shortly before the Rosetta stone was unearthed C As soon as additional bilingual inscriptions became available to scholars D A few decades after the hieratic script was decoded Question 4: According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE of the Rosetta stone? A It was found by scholars trying to decode ancient languages B It contains two versions of hieroglyphic script C Several of its inscriptions were decoded within a few months of its discovery D Most of its inscriptions have still not been decoded Question 5: According to the passage, scholars were able to decipher cuneiform form with the help of _ A the Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian languages B Old Persian C tablets written in Old European D languages spoken in 18th century Iran Question 6: The word “fortuitous” in the 1st paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A important B immediate C early D lucky st Question 7:The word “them” in the paragraph refers to _ A Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian B bilingual inscriptions C cuneiform tablets D scholars nd Question 8: The word “thwarted” in the paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A continued B influenced C encouraged D frustrated Question 9:According to the passage, Indo-European incursions caused Old European population to A separated into different tribes B move eastward C change their ways of living and obtain food D start recording historical events in writing Question 10: The author mentions the Balkans in the passage in order to explain why _ A Indo-European languages were slow to spread in Old Europe B the inhabitants of Old Europe were not able to prevent Indo-European incursions C the use of the Old European script declined D the Old European culture survived for a time after the Indo-European incursions Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 11 to 25 Question 11: I must take this watch to be repaired as it _ over 20 minutes a day A increases B progresses C accelerates D gains Question 12: I couldn't believe that they were brothers They were as different as _ A Mars from Jupiter B milk from honey C chalk from cheese D dogs and cats Question 13: There has been a recommendation from the union leaders that the offer of 5% _ A is rejected B has been rejected C be rejected D rejects Question 14: The incredible thing about telephone _ across the continents, but that they can recognize the other person’s voice A is not that people can instantly talk to each other B it allows people to talk instantly C is that people can talk instantly D is it provides instant talking to each other Question 15: The government issued a warning to local companies that all waste must be disposed of _ or they will face heavy fines A correct B correctly C correcting D correction (3) Question 16: Many wild animals are protected _ the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species A against B for C under D from Question 17: Tom: “Lilly, may I use your pen?” - Lilly: “ _” A Feel free B Forget it C Nothing at all D No problem Question 18: Mary: “Do you want to watch this or the news?” - Linda: “Oh, _ It’s up to you.” A I agree B I couldn’t agree more C Don’t mention it D I’m easy Question 19:-Jordan: ‘ _’ - Jim: “No, thanks.” A Would you care for another drink? B Would you want another drink? C Can you help me with this? D Come in, please! Question 20: - Mohamed: “Which tie goes with my suit?” Abdulla: -“ _” A It belongs to you B I suggest you go straight home C Either the red or the purple one D You can say that again! Question 21: _ of fire, hotel guests are asked to remain calm A As a result of B In the time of C By reason of D In the event of Question 22: Mammals have a larger, better-developed brain _ other animals A than B that are having C which have D that Question 23: We went out for a meal to _ our friendship A draw B tie C cement D stick Question 24: She _ her work by being careless A threatened B spoiled C stained D puzzled Question 25: Several _groups are campaigning for a reduction in the current prison population A powerful B pressure C influential D strong Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the question from 26 to 30 Question 26: A ancestry B dividend C alternative D impetus Question 27: A acquire B accuracy C advance D require Question 28: A recognition B picturesque C liberation D circumstance Question 29: A arithmetic B assassinate C agriculture D controvert Question 30: A obedience B curriculum C benefactor D moustache Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question from 31 to 40 With rise of the great metropolis in the industrial era, city planning in the United States passed out of the hands of the architect and into the hands of the technical expert Unlike the architect, who thought of the city as a work of art to be built up with an eye towards beauty, the modern technocrat has always taken a purely functional approach to city planning; the city exists for the sole purpose of serving the needs of its inhabitants Its outward appearance has no important value Over the span of a few centuries, this new breed of urban planner has succeeded in forever changing the face of American cities A visit to any large city confirms this grim fact Even a casual observer could not fail to notice that the typical urban landscape is arranged along the lines of a tedious chessboard pattern, with its four-cornered intersections and long, straight, and dull streets (4) Strict building codes have resulted in an overabundance of unsightly neighbourhoods in which there is only slight variation among structures Rows of squat concrete apartment houses and files of gigantic steel and glass skyscrapers have almost completely replaced older, more personal buildings Moreover, the lovely natural surroundings of many cities are no longer a part of the urban landscape For the most part, the hills and rivers that were once so much a part of so many metropolitan settings have been blotted out by thoughtless construction The lone bright spot in this otherwise bleak picture is that currently there is a rebirth of interest in architecture Enrollments in graduate architectural programs are the highest they have been in years Hopefully, this trend will continue and help pave the wave for a more beautiful America of future Question 31: The primary purpose of this passage is to? A show the accomplishments of the modern technical expert B communicate the author’s preference for architects over technocrats C point out the failures of old-fashioned architects D argue for the preservation of natural surroundings Question 32: The architect had always considered cities to be A in need of many tall skyscrapers B a place for experimentation C a work of art D a functional place of dwelling Question 33: The tone of this passage can be best described as A apologetic B disapproving C conciliatory D sorrowful Question 34: The reference to a “purely functional approach to city planning” in paragraph serves to _ A demonstrate that architects and technocrats should cooperate B show that this approach is to be desired C imply that architects are unconcerned about human comfort D stress the difference between architects and technocrats Question 35: The word “span” in paragraph most nearly means _ A days B stretch C extension D bridge Question 36: In the second paragraph, the description of cities can be best described as _ A unflattering B monotonous C tolerant D regulated Question 37: According to the passage, what is a consequence of strict building codes? A more neighborhoods than are necessary B A lack of interested building observers C An unsightly regularity of building styles D A return of the old-time architect Question 38: We can infer from the passage that the author sees modern architect as A valuable B necessary C lovely D impersonal Question 39: The expression “blotted out” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A made useless B taken away C omitted D blocked out Question 40: It is most likely that the author would support which of the following? A Programs increasing the public’s appreciation for architecture B An effort to enforce disregarded building codes C Plans to build fewer parks D A return to eighteenth century living styles Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 41 to 55 (5) Stress is our body’s reaction to events or conditions that we cannot easily manage or (41) _ When we are troubled by something, we usually experience some type of (42) _ There are thousands of conditions that (43) you to become tense These may be major and horrible: fighting for our lives in a war, being imprisoned, or facing death On the other hand, minor (44) _ in our daily lives cause stress as well waiting in (45) _, taking a quiz, or asking for or accepting a date Although we usually think of stress as something caused (46) _unpleasant events, pleasant happenings also bring on stress Vacations, pay rises, and winning an award all (47) _ tension in our body As new (48) _ is done on the effects of stress, new techniques are developed to help (49) _ with anxiety One aid is to plan for situations that we know will be (50) _ Some imagine the event before it happens, thus preparing their minds and bodies for the tension Other people relax or (51) _at regular intervals to lessen the muscle strains in their bodies Still others (52) _ they are on a pleasant beach lying in the sunshine; soon their bodies relax and tension melts away Other people believe (53) _exercise helps the body handle the problems of daily life And for still others, joining with other people for games or parties helps them become less anxious It (54) _ very little which method we use to relax; what does matter is finding the time to temporarily reduce the effects of modern life on our (55) _and body Question 41: A resist B stop C halt D control Question 42 A stress B pressure C anxiety D strain Question 43 A enable B bring C take D cause Question 44 A things B occasions C events D conditions Question 45 A draft B line C sketch D stripe Question 46 A by B with C to D on Question 47 A build B add C create D give Question 48 A experiment B survey C research D questionnaire Question 49 A come B cope C manage D confront Question 50 A emotional B anxious C frightening D stressful Question 51 A think B mediate C wonder D consider Question 52 A maintain B intend C pretend D decide Question 53 A strong B violent C powerful D strenuous Question 54 A matters B helps C determines D pays Question 55 A skull B mind C spirit D brain Choose the best option to complete the sentence from question 56 to 62 Question 56 : The Statue of Liberty, completed in Paris in 1884, _ in New York Harbor in 1886 A The unveiling B to unveil C it unveiled D was unveiled Question 57 : Nestled along the shoreline of Hudson Bay _ A are several recently settled Inuit communities B several recently settled Inuit communities are there C near several recently settled Inuit communities D is where several recently settled Inuit communities Question 58 : _alcoholism are the slow destruction of the liver and possible death A Dangerously C The eventual effect of B The long-term effects of D Chronic and eventual Question 59 : On November 19,1863, Abraham Lincoln, speaking from notes on an old _ the famous Gettysburg Address in only two minutes time A gave the envelop C envelope, gave B envelope giving D gift of an envelope (6) Question 60 : _, one of the most famous presidents, was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth A For Abraham Lincoln C Abram Lincoln was B Of all the presidents D Abraham Lincoln Question 61 : _floats or sinks is determined by its density rather than its weight A Whether an object C An object if it B Because an object D An object Question 62 : Gelileo’s observations of the phases of Venus proved _ formed the center of the planetary system A The sun is B that the sun C it is the sun D what is the sun Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest meaning to each of the questions from 63 to 70 Question 63 I was shocked that John stole the car A John was so shocked that he could not take the car B John’s car was very shocking C That John stole the car shocked me D The car was stolen, and John was shocked Question 64 If it hadn’t been so late, I would have called you A It was not late when I called you B It was not late but I did not call you C It was late, but I called you D It was late, so I didn’t call you Question 65 He was driving so fast that he could have an accident A If he had been driving very fast, he would have had an accident B An accident happened and it was caused by his very fast driving C He didn’t have an accident although he was driving very fast D He wasn’t driving fast enough to avoid an accident Question 66 Mary must have forgotten about our meeting A Mary never forgets our meeting B Mary has to come to our meeting C Mary is not attending our meeting D It seems that Mary forgot about our meeting Question 67 Dick got to the bus station at midnight, missing his bus by two hours A The bus left at ten o’clock at night, so Dick missed it B The bus left at two o’clock in the afternoon C The bus left at ten o’clock in the morning D The bus left at midnight Question 68 The onset of the disease is shown by a feeling of faintness A A feeling of faintness signals the final stage of the disease B One feels faint if the disease is a feeling of faintness C The first sign of the disease is a feeling of faintness D Faintness causes the disease Question 69 She complains far more to my liking A I like her because she complains too often B Her complaints are too frequent for my liking C I like her frequent complaints D She likes complaining, I do, too (7) Question 70 Were it not for the money, this job wouldn’t be worthwhile A This job is not rewarding at all B The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money C Although the salary is poor, the job is worthwhile D This job offers a poor salary Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct Question 71 The extermination of a single species(A) in any (B) food chain can affect drastically (C) all others.(D) Question 72 The force (A)of a tornado can flatten (B) anything that lie (C) in its (D)path Question 73 An (A) health expert says (B) that there is no (C) known safe level of lead exposure, especially for children under the (D)age of six Question 74 During the last ice age, some(A) two million (B) years ago, much of (C) Europe and North America have been (D)covered with ice Question 75 Brown rice contains (A) more essential nutrients than (B) a serving (C) of refined (D)white rice Question 76 Any (A) animal that is made up (B) in (C) more than one cell but has no backbone is an(D) invertebrate Question 77 U.S currency no longer (A) in circulation (B) includes (C) denominations of not only 500, 1000 and 50000 nor (D)10,000 and 100,000 dollars Question 78 The wings of a penguin functions (A) like the fins (B) of a fish, propelling (C) the bird (D) efficiently through the water Question 79 The praying mantis devours (A) poisonous insects (B) as well as their (C) own kind (D) Question 80 Some (A) astronomers hypothesize (B) that there is (C) numerous black holes at the(D) center of the Milky Way Galaxy (8)

Ngày đăng: 09/06/2021, 07:19

