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Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress.. The skyscraper is said to have been built in 1930.[r]

(1)ĐỀ THAM KHẢO KIỂM TRA GIỮA HỌC KÌ I Năm học: 2012-2013 Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others A confided B determined C obliged D maintained A laughed B sacrificed C cooked D explained A weekends B families C problems D biologists A signal B raise C whistle D instance A close-knit B compulsory C certificate D campus Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one She was crying as he waved goodbye her A for B with C to D about Twelve people are reported in an explosion at a supermarket yesterday A.to be injured B to have been injured C to being injured D to having been injured The strange disease to have originated in Africa A Thinks B is thinking C thought D is thought His father used the money he won to set _ his own company A on B about C up D forward 10 It takes me ten minutes _to school every day A walking B to walk C walk D walked 11 Instead of _ about the good news, Tom seemed to be different A exciting B to excite C being excited D to be excited 12 It is rude to _ people while you are talking to them A point out B point at C look at D smile at 13 At the end of the movie, the young prince in love with a handsome reporter A felt B got C made D fell 14 Would you mind not _ the radio on until I’ve finished with this phone call? A turning B to turn C being turned D to be turned 15 As soon as Debbie got out of bed, she opened the window and _ in fresh air A.breathes B breathed C was breathing D has breathed 16 When Peter , I him to your new house A will arrive / take B arrives / will take C has arrived / am taking D had arrived / had taken 17 Ann: “You know what? They just called and offered me the job.”.” Daisy: “ _.” A Be strong B It was nothing really C I’m glad you say so D Really? Congratulations 18 Mary asked me whether I _ the football match on TV the day before A would watch B have watched C had watched D watch (2) 19 Pete: “You have done a really job” Pretty: “ _” A Thanks I’m proud of you B Thank you You really deserve it C Thanks How nice of you to say so D Thank you It’s going to be alright 20 They _ time and money doing such a thing A were advised not to waste B were advised not to be wasted C were advising not to waste D were advising not to be wasted 21 The boy waved his hands to his mother, who was standing at the school gate, to _ her attention A attract B pull C follow D tempt 22 Peter: “Your essay was just excellent You deserved an A+.” David: “ ” A.That’s OK Take it easy B I believe you can it C Thanks for your suggestion D Thanks, Sir I’m glad you like it 23 Most of the students are strongly _ of the school’ approach A.support B supporter C supported D supportive 24 The mother asked her son _ A where he has been B where he had been C where has he been D where had he been 25 The host asked Peter _ tea or coffee A whether he preferred B that he preferred C did he prefer D if he prefers 26 It that learning a foreign language a lot of time A says / is taken B is saying / has been taken C is said / takes D was said / was taken 27 Yesterday, I _ for work late because I _ to set my alarm A had left / forgot B was leaving / was forgetting C left / had forgot D had been leaving / would forget 28 London is home to people of many _ cultures A diverse B diversity C diversify D diversification 29 The more _ and positive you look, the better you will feel A confide B confident C confidently D confidence 30 Remember _Lan a present because today is her birthday A send B sending C sent D to send Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting 31 Her mother ordered her not go out with him the night before A B C D 32 After Mrs Wang had returned to her house from work, she was cooking dinner A B C D 33 It is generally believing that “Men make house and women make home.” A B C D 34 Why don’t you congratulate our son about passing his final exam? A B C D 35 Jane asked Brian that he had ever been to South-east Asia and he said he had A B C D (3) Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one 36 “Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?” he said A He invited me to go to the cinema with him that night B He offered me to go to the cinema with him tonight C He asked me if I'd like to go to the cinema with him tonight D He would like me to go to the cinema with him this night 37 “If I were you, I'd tell him the truth,” she said to me A She said to me that if I were you, I'd tell him the truth B She will tell him the truth if she is me C She suggested to tell him the truth if she were me D She advised me to tell him the truth 38 “How beautiful the dress you have just bought is!” Peter said to Mary A Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress B Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress C Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress D Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress 39 The skyscraper is said to have been built in 1930 A.They said the skyscraper was built in 1930 B It is said that the skyscraper was built in 1930 C It was said that the skyscraper was built in 1930 D They are said the skyscraper is built in 1930 40 Mike turned off the light, then he went to bed A.Before Mike went to bed, he had turned off the light B Before Mike turned off the light, he had gone to bed C After Mike had gone to bed, he turned off the light D.Mike turned off the light as soon as he had gone to bed Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits each space in the following passage In Japan, politeness and good manners are very important and business meetings are very formal Business cards are also important and they (41) these at the beginning of a meeting They always look at them carefully, so you should the same as they might think you’re rude if you don’t A lot of communication is nonverbal They are very good listeners and may ask a lot of questions to (42) _ they understand everything In a conversation they wait longer before they reply than westerners do, so it’s important (43) speak in those long pauses but to wait for their reply In their culture it’s rude to ask direct questions or to say “No” or “I disagree” In business it takes a long time to (44) a decision because they have to ask everyone in the company When they say “Yes” it may mean “I understand”, not “I agree”, and when they smile it might be because they don’t know (45) _ to say 41 A exchange B chance C purchase D barter 42 A find B notice C check D identify 43 A to not B don’t C not D not to (4) 44 A get B make C take D gain 45 A when B that C who D what Read the passage and choose the item A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question Since the 1970s in Korea, it has been common for young men and women to hold group “meeting” for finding a love match Although the original meetings were small in size, young people soon began to collect in much larger groups of 20 or more One problem with these larger meetings is that it’s much more difficult to keep the number of men and women equal In order to ensure that everyone has a partner, the group meeting relies on a daeta This is a person that can be called at the last minute if someone backs out or forgets to show up The Korea meeting is quite different from the traditional dating system known as seon In this ancient practice, the eldest members of the family arranged matches for their young relatives Before the 1970s, most marriages were formed in this way and young people trusted their families to make good matches for them However, in a meeting young people had to trust their own instincts Young people who didn’t want to put their trust in family members, but who also didn’t trust their own judgment, began to ask their friends to help them find a suitable match This type of dating, known as sogaeting, became popular in the 1990s Matchmaking services that demand large fees have also become popular in recent years 46 What is this passage mainly about? A Korean wedding B University social life C A modern way to find a partner D Traditional and modern matchmaking in Korea 47 Who arranges traditional Korean meetings? A Parents B Young people C University professors D The eldest family member 48 What is daeta? A A person who replaces another B A meeting arranges C A date made at a meeting D A person who doesn’t show up 49 What people at a traditional Korean meeting? A They listened to a lecture about dating B They asked their friends for advice C They ate, drank and had casual conversations D They conducted formal interviews of potential mate 50 Which statement is not true according to the passage? A The number of men and women is not equal in larger groups B Traditional and modern matchmakings in Korea are quite different C In a traditional meeting, young people had to trust their family members D In recent years, Korea matchmaking services have been common (5)

Ngày đăng: 08/06/2021, 18:36



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