PGV ProductSupply 1 Title: PERSONNEL RATING PROCESS Purpose: To provide the PSLT with calibrated management ratings in an effective and efficient manner Document No. S-02-07-03-01.3 Process Owner: R&R System Owner Prepared by: R&R System Owner Copy No. Process Customer: PSLT Concurred by : HRIT Issue Date: 10/11/1998 Next Review: 10/11/1999 Issue No. 2 Approved by: R&R System Owner Scope: The scope of this CBA is to describe the process used to prepare the site management ratings for the team and department managers. The process used to determine how to rate the managers is described in the “Salary Rating System” PMC -S-02-07-03-01.6 Purpose: The purpose of this process is to provide the customer (the Plant Manager) with calibrated management ratings for the team and department managers at the manufacturing location in an effective and efficient manner. Process Overview: All of the members of the ProductSupply Leadership Team (PSLT) meet to rate PS personnel assigned to the location. The process owner distributes previous ratings and instructional material to the PSLT member for their use as pre-work. Each PSLT member provides the group with their pre-work to facilitate the actual ratings process. The corporate “Salary Rating System” process is followed when determining the actual ratings. Facility required: A meeting location large enough to accommodate the PSLT in a working environment is required. This location must be suitable for confidential discussions. Confidentiality: The material discussed during this process is confidential. Care must be taken to protect this information. Pre-work, work sheets and final summaries should be hand delivered to the participants. Cc mail should not be used to transmit this information. Specific process: (see attachment #1 for flow chart) Preparation: 1. Initiate per master Plan- One month prior to the actual ratings session, the process owner will initiate the process. The PSLT members will be notified of the date of the session. This date was set during the previous annual rating. If there are conflicts with the established date, the process owner will resolve them and set the firm date. 2. Request base data- The process owner will ask the HR Department to prepare the base data for the ratings session. This data will include a listing of all team and department managers, hire dates, current department assignments, current rating, previous rating and, for department managers, their promotion date. 3. Prepare base data- The HR Department will prepare and deliver the base data to the process owner. (see attachment #2 for a sample of this base data). Each employee will be asked to prepare a fact sheet on their past performance. 4. Distribute pre-work- The process owner will distribute the pre-work to the PSLT members. This pre-work will include the base data and a copy of the current rating system descriptions. (see the process for a copy of the current rating system descriptions). In addition the process owner will highlight any other behaviors such as support of ILS and safety performance that should be considered (see attachment #3 for a sample of the pre-work sheet) from their observations and base data 5. Schedule the location- The process owner will schedule meeting area for the ratings session. The location must provide a confidential setting for the work. 6. Complete the pre-work- The PSLT members will complete the pre-work by rating the personnel. At a minimum, each PSLT member must rate and provide summary sheets for their area. They also will provide ratings and comments for any managers at the site with whom they have performance data. When completed, this pre-work is delivered to the process owner. All ratings above or below 2 need to be supported with data in summary sheets. 7. Consolidate pre-work into work sheets- The process owner will consolidate the pre-work from each PSLT member into a work sheet for the rating session. This work sheet will include the ratings inputs and comments from each of the PSLT members. 8. Distribute work sheets- The process owner will distribute copies of the work sheets along with confirmation of the date and location of the ratings session to the PSLT members. 9. Prepare materials- Prior to the session, the PSLT members will make copies of the W&DPs and summary comments for each manager to be rated in their area for use during the ratings discussions. Ratings session: 10. Lead ratings session- The process owner (or designated person) will use their facilitating skills to lead the ratings discussions. PGV ProductSupply 2 11. Group meeting to reach consensus on the ratings- With the help of the facilitator, the PSLT members will discuss the proposed ratings until consensus is reached. 12. Calculate profile- Once the initial ratings have been established, the facilitator will calculate the ratings profile. This profile is the percentage of managers at each rating level. 13. Is the profile within guidelines- If the profile is not within expectations, then the ratings will need to be adjusted by returning to the group discussions to reach consensus. If the profile is within expectations, then the session is complete. 14. Critique and next meeting date- At the end of the session, the facilitator will conduct a critique of the meeting and establish the date for the next ratings session. 15. Summarize results- The process owner will summarize the results of the ratings session and the subsequent critique. This information will be distributed to the Plant Manager and copied to the PSLT members. Renewal: The process owner will utilize the session critique to make any renewals to this process. PGV ProductSupply 3 Title: EMPLOYEE FACT SHEET Purpose: To allow individual to document their work contribution. Document No. S-02-07-03-01.3 Process Owner: R&R System Owner Prepared by: R&R System Owner Copy No. 1 Process Customer: P&G Vietnam Employees Concurred by : HRIT Issue Date: 20/11/97 Next Review: 20/11/98 Issue No.1 Approved by: R&R System Owner Name: Area: Date: WRITE A ONE PAGE MAXIMUM FACT SHEET INCLUDING DATA ABOUT THE FOLLOWING TOPICS, PLEASE GIVE EXAMPLES. USE TIME FRAME OF THE LAST 12 MONTHS. 1. New training/ Qualifications. 2. Examples of training given to others. 3. What teams are you a member of ? Give details on contribution (position/activities/responsibilities/participation) 4. Examples of improvements. Include implemented ideas, new methods, new ways to get results, etc. . 5. Examples of problem solving you led or participated in (include problem and results of changes). 6. Examples of communication across functional bounderies (including within plant, visitors, training, tours). 7. Examples of leadership. 8. Area of technical mastery - Process or equipment. 9. Highlight your contribution towards plant, area goals and your work plan. 10. What did you do to further the strategic areas of the plant ? PGV ProductSupply 4 Tiêu đề: BẢN BÁO CÁO THÀNH TÍCH CỦA NHÂN VIÊN Mục đích: Để cho nhân viên ghi lại nhũng đóng góp của mình cho tổ chức Số văn bản: S-02-07-03-01.3 Người chòu trách nhiệm: Phụ trách hệ thống R&R Người biên soạn: Phụ trách hệ thống R&R Bản sao số. 1 Đối tượng: Nhân viên P&G VN Đã thông qua: HRIT (Nhóm Phát triển nhân sự) Ban hành ngày: 20/11/97 Lần cập nhật tới: 20/11/98 Ban hành lần: 1 Đã ký duyệt bởi: Phụ trách hệ thống R&R Tên : Bộ phận Ngày: BẠN HÃY VIẾT MỘT BẢN BÁO CÁO KHÔNG DÀI QUÁ MỘÏT TRANG CÓ KÈM THEO DỮ LỆU VỚI NHỮNG NỘI DUNG SAU ĐÂY. HÃY NÊU NHỮNG VÍ DỤ CỤ THỂ, DÙNG KHUNG THỜI GIAN LÀ 12 THÁNG TRỞ LẠI ĐÂY. 1. Các khóa huấn luyện/ đào tạo bạn đã qua 2. Ví dụ về những việc bạn đã làm để huấn luyện những người khác . 3. Bạn là thành viên của những nhóm nào ? Xin nêu chi tiết về những đóng góp của bạn (chức vụ/ công việc/ trách nhiệm/ mức độ tham gia) 4. Ví dụ.về cải tiến, bao gồm những ý tưởng , phương pháp, cách thức mới vv…, để đạt kết quả. . 5. Ví dụ về những “giải quyết vấn đề” mà bạn đã chủ trì hay tham gia (vấn đề vướng mắc, những thay đổi đãđạt được) . 6. Ví dụ về sự liên lạc giữa các bộ phận (bao gồm các mối liên hệ trong nhà máy, qua huấn luyện lẫn nhau, liên hệ với khách và người tham quan). 7. Ví dụ về sự lãnh đạo. 8. Sự tinh thông về kỹ thuật - về quá trình sản xuất hoặc sử dụng thiết bò. 9. Vài nét tiêu biểu về sự đóng góp của bạn đối với nhà máy, những mục tiêu và kế hoạch triển khai công việc của bạn . 10. Bạn đã làm gì để thúc đẩy những lónh vực có tính chất chiến lược của nhà máy ? . PGV Product Supply 1 Title: PERSONNEL RATING PROCESS Purpose: To provide the PSLT with. effective and efficient manner. Process Overview: All of the members of the Product Supply Leadership Team (PSLT) meet to rate PS personnel assigned to the