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English 8 Tiet 9 Unit 2 Read

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- Ask students to read the text silently to find the correct answers to the questions above... While - reading (20’).[r]


Week 03 Date of preparing: 10/09/12

Period 09 Date of teaching: 12/09/12


Lesson 3: READ

I Objectives:

1 Educational aims:

2 Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Get some knowledge about Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone - Develop reading skill

II Preparations: Text book, cassette tape III Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm - up (5’)

* Brainstorming:

- Have students answer the question: What is the telephone used for? * Possible answers:

- to chat with friends - to communicate - to have a message - to call someone - to make arrangements

- to talk to a person who lives far from………

- Whole class

2 Pre - reading (5’) - Ask pre-reading questions

Do you know who it is? (Picture) What nationality was he?

a American b Canadian c Scottish What did he invent?

a a radio b a television c a telephone d a lamp

- Ask students to read the text silently to find the correct answers to the questions above - Explain the vocabulary:

Emigrate (v) Deaf-mute (n) experiment with (v) transmit (v)

Assistant (n) conduct (v) device (n)

- Answer the questions

- Read silently and discuss to find the correct answers


demonstrate (v) Countless (a) 10 exhibition (n) 11 commercial (a)

- Have students notice the past tense used in the text

3 While - reading (20’)

- Have students read the text silently again to the true/false sentences

- Call students to give the answers a F b F c T d F e F f T

- Have students read the text again to order the events

- Call some students to read the answers d e a g c b f

- Listen

- Read silently and work in groups - Give the answers

- Pair works

- Read the answers 4 Post - reading (13’)

- Ask students to read the text again to answer the questions

When and where was Alexander Graham Bell born?

What countries did he emigrate? Who did he work with in America? What did he soon?

Did this help him to invent a television? Who helped him to invent this device? What was the first telephone message? When was the first telephone in commercial use

- Group works

1 He was born on March 3, 1874 in Edinburgh

2 He emigrated to Canada and the USA In America, he worked with deaf-mute at Boston University

4 He did experiments with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance No This helped him to invent a telephone

6 Thomas Watson

7 It was “Mr Watson, come here I want you.”

8 It was in commercial use by 1877 5 Homework (2’)

- Reread the text and redo the exercises - Prepare next lesson: Unit 2: Write IV Comments:

Ngày đăng: 02/06/2021, 11:55
