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A phenomenological study on the ways of life of displaced sama bajau teenagers of san andres manila philippines

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Tiêu đề A phenomenological study on the ways of life of displaced sama - bajau teenagers in san andres, manila, philippines
Tác giả Jose Luis Emmanuel Y. Chavez
Người hướng dẫn Professor Rhea R. Bailey, MAEd, Dr. Ho Ngoc Son, PhD
Trường học Thai Nguyen University
Chuyên ngành Environmental Science and Management
Thể loại Bachelor thesis
Năm xuất bản 2018
Thành phố Thai Nguyen
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Số trang 89
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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY JOSE LUIS EMMANUEL YUMANG CHAVEZ A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY ON THE WAYS OF LIFE OF DISPLACED SAMA - BAJAU TEENAGERS IN SAN ANDRES, MANILA, PHILIPPINES BACHELOR THESIS Study Mode: Full-time Major: Environmental Science and Management Faculty: Advanced Education Programs Office Batch: 2015 – 2018 Thai Nguyen, 15/11/2018 DOCUMENTATION PAGE WITH ABSTRACT Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry Degree Program Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Student Name Student ID Thesis Title Supervisor(s) Jose Luis Emmanuel Y Chavez DTN1454290083A A Phenomenological Study on the Ways of Life of Displaced Sama - Bajau Teenagers of San Andres, Manila, Philippines Professor Rhea Bailey, MAEd (Philippines) Dr Ho Ngoc Son, PhD (Vietnam) Supervisor’s Signature(s) Abstract: Indigenous peoples have always been in charge of protecting, and conserving the natural environment through their culture and traditional practices However, the relationship of IPs in their territories is compromised due to conflicts, development and by natural disasters intensified by climate change These scenarios compel IPs to migrate and eventually got displaced in urban centers within their home countries Further, displaced individuals are highly marginalized, and vulnerable, with their basic needs highly neglected This research is a phenomenological study on the ways of life of displaced Sama – Bajau teenagers that was carried out in San Andres, Manila This study narrates the ways of life of the displaced Sama – Bajau teenagers through their daily routine and their accessibility and mechanisms to acquire basic needs Further, their capability to be stewards of the environment was also discussed in the present study Data collection utilized participant observation, and unconstructed informal interviews to seven selected Sama – Bajau teenagers Data from field notes, transcribed verbatim, and journals were analyzed through the Collaizi’s method The findings revealed that the daily routines of the displaced teenagers involved babysitting, going to school, begging, and working Correspondingly, the Sama – Bajau teenagers and their families are engaged in impermanent and unstable jobs that bars their access and capability to acquire basic needs Moreover, the current ways of life of these displaced individuals did not involve any of their cultural and traditional ii practices, as it results to the loss of indigenous heritage that leads to the death of the stewards of the environment Further, these displaced individuals contribute to the crucial problem of waste management and disposal that may result to environmental degradation Recommendations such as the implementation of alternative learning systems, vocational courses, proper housing and sewage system, fostering green, sustainable jobs, and the formulation of culture preservation programs and workshops are highly suggested as it will greatly benefit the well-being of the displaced Sama – Bajau teenagers and their community Keywords: Number of pages: Date of Submission: Displacement, Ways of Life, Sama – Bajau, Teenagers, Phenomenology, Basic Needs Seventy – Eight (78) November 15, 2018 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my sincerest gratitude and appreciation to my good friend Ome Bailey, for leading me to the right people who have the same passion as mine Through his help, I had the opportunity to share my passion in helping indigenous peoples as I conduct this research centered in the adversities that IPs face today Well, I guess fate has its way of letting us live beyond our wishes To my research adviser, Professor Rhea R Bailey of the Department of Human and Family Development Studies, College of Human Ecology at the University of the Philippines – Los Baños, I am grateful for her dedication as she steered me in the right direction whenever I needed it Her friendly guidance and expert advice have been invaluable throughout all stages of the work Deepest appreciation to Dr Ho Ngoc Son, deputy director, Forestry Faculty of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry for his utmost support, valuable advice and guidance on my research study I sincerely thank Mr Dong Lakibul and Mr Rey Dingal of the Office of Policy, Planning, and Research (OPPR) of the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) for the endorsement of the present research to the leaders of the Sama – Bajau community of San Andres, Manila I give special credit to Mr Arnel Bautista, head of the Special Projects and Research Department (SPRD) of the Department of Social Works and Development – Manila (DSWD) for permitting this research as he provided assistance and security as the soon as the data collection commenced Special thanks to Honorable Guillermo Friera for granting my request to conduct data gathering procedures in iv the vicinity of San Andres To my field assistants, Kheay Barahim, and Said Hujaji, I am sincerely grateful for their patience, effort, and understanding as they ensured my security as I delved in the field with the Sama – Bajau community To the seven respondents involved in this research, it is a great honor to be your friend I am extremely thankful and blessed as I got the opportunity to witness how hardworking, passionate, and courageous they are I cherish the laughs, and conversations we shared To my friends, Joy Ongkiatco, Enzo Bernardo, Francina Balido, Kristina Reyes, Pauline Hostalero, Jessica Cosico, Veatriz Malitic, Lester Lagansua, and AJ De Castro, thank you for letting me be part of your lives, and eventually we found family in each other’s company Though our journey had cost us tears, frustrations, and doubts, I trust that through His love and faithfulness, we will be able to conquer life, together Nobody has been more important to me in the pursuit of this research than the members of my family I am forever thankful to my life coaches, my parents Gertie Y Chavez, and Louie M Chavez, for the unending love, support, and warmest of hugs that kept me fighting as I finish this journey Above all else, I express my deepest gratitude to the ultimate Giver of Life, my Savior, the Almighty Father of the Heaven and Earth for guiding me in this journey For You orchestrated everything, aligned with Your purpose in my life Jose Luis Emmanuel Yumang Chavez v TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS x PART I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Rationale 1.2 Significance of the study 1.3 Objective of the Study 1.3.1 General Objective 1.3.2 Specific Objectives 1.4 Research Questions and Hypothesis 1.5 Scope and Limitations 1.6 Operational Definition of Terms PART II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES 2.1 Displacement 2.1.1 Internally Displaced Persons 2.1.2 Daily Routines of IDPs 2.2 Causes of Displacement 10 2.3 Impact of Displacement on Teenagers 14 2.4 Displacement and Indigenous Peoples 16 2.5 Phenomenological Approach on a Qualitative Study 18 2.6 Related Studies Using the Phenomenological Approach 20 Conceptual Framework of the Study 22 PART III: METHODOLOGY 23 3.1 Research Materials and Instruments 23 3.2 Time and Place of the study 23 3.3 The Research Design 24 3.4 Data Collection Process 24 3.5 Data Analysis 26 PART IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 27 4.1 Daily Routine of the Displaced Sama – Bajau Teenagers 27 vi 4.1.1 Morning Routine 27 4.1.2 Afternoon Routine 31 4.1.3 Evening Routine 35 4.2 Accessibility to Basic Needs 41 4.2.1 Food 41 4.2.2 Shelter 44 4.2.3 Clothing 48 4.2.4 Education 49 4.3 The Current Ways of Life and the Sama – Bajau Teenagers as Stewards of the Environment 51 PART V: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 54 5.1 Conclusions 54 5.2 Recommendations 55 REFERENCES 57 APPENDICES 74 vii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES PAGE The Conceptual Framework of the Study 22 Location Map of the Research Area 23 The Selected Sama - Bajau Respondents 25 viii LIST OF TABLES TABLES: PAGE The Collaizi's Method 26 Summary Table of the Sama – Bajau Teenager’s Morning Routine 29 Summary Table of the Sama - Bajau Teenager's Afternoon Routine 33 Summary Table of the Sama - Bajau Teenager’s Evening Routine 39 Summary Table of Sama - Bajau Teenager's Access to Food 43 Summary Table of Sama - Bajau teenager's Access to Shelter 46 Description of the Sama - Bajau Teenager's Shelter 48 Summary Table of Sama - Bajau teenager's Access to Clothing 49 Summary Table of Sama - Bajau teenager's Access to Education 50 ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank ALS Alternative Learning System CARE Cooperative Assitance and Relief Everywhere CMRP Committee on Migration, Refugees, and Population DSWD Department of Social Works and Development IDMC Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre IPRA Indigenous Peoples Right Act of 1997 IPs Indigenous Peoples NCIP National Commission on Indigenous Peoples RSC Research Studies Centre TESDA Technical Education and Skills Development Authority UNEP United 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Luis Emmanuel Y Chavez DTN145429008 3A A Phenomenological Study on the Ways of Life of Displaced Sama - Bajau Teenagers of San Andres, Manila, Philippines Professor Rhea Bailey, MAEd (Philippines) ... of San Andres, estimates 260 families which accounts for 800 residents are of Sama – Bajau group from Zamboanga San Andres Figure Location Map of the Research Area Note Adapted from Map of Manila

Ngày đăng: 31/05/2021, 08:14