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The study on the design of a model for source solid waste separation in nong trang market viet tri city phu tho province

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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTRY  - DOAN HAI LINH THE STUDY ON THE DESIGN OF A MODEL FOR SOURCE SOLID WASTE SEPARATION IN NONG TRANG MARKET - VIET TRI CITY – PHU THO PROVINCE BACHELOR THESIS Study Mode : Full-time Major : Environmental Science and Management Faculty : International Programs Office Batch : 2013 - 2017 Thai Nguyen, 2017 Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry Degree Program Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Student Name Doan Hai Linh Student ID DTN1353110364 “The study on the design of a model for Source Solid Waste Thesis Title Separation in Nong Trang market - Viet Tri city – Phu Tho province” Supervisor Dr Duong Van Thao Abstract: Solid waste management has been identified as one of the most serious problem to environment in Phu Tho province Source solid waste separation is considered an effective means of reducing solid waste and protect environment This report was conducted to study on building a model for sorting solid waste initially in Nong Trang market – Viet Tri city This investigation is an attempt to: determine the adequacy of facilities to handle solid waste; and to assess both quality and quantity of behavior factors such as: knowledge; awareness of sellers about source solid waste separation in Nong Trang market – Viet Tri city – Phu Tho province This research also presents the percentage of people awareness about some appropriate propaganda contents such as TV program (28%), poster (21%), newspaper (14%) and the assessment of those impacts on seller’s knowledge, awareness, and action: after propaganda there are 80% of people can know different type of SW; 100% of people know the harmful of solid waste and the purpose of waste seperation after classifying Among the major recommendations is that public education campaigns should be developed to encourage sustainable solid waste management behavior, increasing construction of material facilities for the collection, transportation and treatment of solid waste; increasing the awareness of people about solid waste and source solid waste separation; using suitable model of source solid waste separation in each market in Viet Tri city; building more landfill suitable with condition of each market Nong Trang market, Source Solid Waste Separation, Keywords design, model Number of Pages 47 pages Date of Submission 22/09/2017 Supervisor’s signature ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT To finish this thesis, I received enthusiastic help from many people working in the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Phu Tho province, friends and family First of all, I would like to send my sincere thanks to the teachers in Training and Development International Center - Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry for creating favorable conditions, caring and support for me during the study time In particular, I want to deeply thank to Dr Duong Van Thao for given permission to accomplish my Bachelor thesis there, and also his contact motivating supervision during my studies in the research I would also like to thank the assistance of staffs who are working at Department of Natural Resources and Environment Phu Tho, Environmental Protection Angency for creating favorable conditions for me during the drafting process to completed this thesis Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to record my sense of gratitude to thank my family and friends who always helping me to finish this thesis successfully Sincerely, Doan Hai Linh i TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT i TABLE OF CONTENT ii LIST OF TABLE v LIST OF FIGURE vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .vii PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1.Research rationale 1.2 Research’s objectives 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Limitations PART II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The overview of Nong Trang market 2.2 The definition of solid waste 2.3 Generation and components of solid waste 2.3.1 Generation of solid waste 2.3.2 The components of solid waste 2.4 The impact of solid waste on the environment 2.4.1 Impact on soil environment 2.4.2 Impact on water environment 10 2.4.3 Impact on air environmental 10 2.4.4 Impact on human health and urban landscape 10 ii 2.5 The purpose of solid waste management 11 2.5.1 The purpose of solid waste management 11 2.5.2 System of solid waste management 11 2.6 Some experiences of source solid waste separation in the world 12 2.6.1 Experience of Japan 12 2.6.2 Experience of Singapore 13 2.6.3 Experience of Germany 14 2.7 The lessons for Vietnam 15 2.8 Solid waste management in Vietnam 17 2.8.1 Status of separation and collection waste 17 2.8.2 Solid waste disposal 20 2.8.3 Reuse and recycle 22 2.8.4 Situation arising and the classification of solid waste in Phu Tho province 22 PART III METHODS 25 3.1 Material 25 3.2 Study design 25 3.3 Participants 25 3.4 Location and research background 25 3.5 Sample size and sample techniques 26 3.6 Data collection 27 3.7 Data analysis and processing 27 iii PART IV RESULTS 29 4.1 The percentage of demography of population and respondents in Nong Trang market 29 4.2 Assessment the current status of solid waste collection in Nong Trang market 30 4.3 Volume and composition of waste in Nong Trang market 31 4.3.1 The amount of waste generated 31 4.3.2 The components of solid waste in market 32 4.4 The awareness of seller about solid waste and source solid waste separation 33 4.4.1 Awareness of seller on solid waste 34 4.4.2 Awareness and attitude of seller about source solid waste separation 34 4.5 The effectiveness of propaganda 37 4.6 Propose model of source solid waste separation to reduce solid waste in Nong Trang market 38 PART V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 42 5.1 Conclusion 42 5.2 Recommendation 43 REFERENCES 46 APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX iv LIST OF TABLE Table 1: Components of domestic solid waste in Phu Tho province Table 2: The mass of domestic solid waste arising in the city, districts, and towns (up to 2015) 24 Table 3: Number of seller in Nong Trang market 29 Table 4: The number of respondents interviewed in each seller group in Nong Trang market 29 Table 5: The volume of waste generated in Nong Trang market 31 Table 6: The average volume of SW generated from each group 31 Table 7: Assessment of seller about management system of SW in Nong Trang market 33 Table 8: The awareness of seller about SW 34 Table 9: The awareness of seller about SSWS 35 v LIST OF FIGURE Figure 1: The location of Nong Trang market (Google map) Figure 2: The generation of solid waste Figure 3: The system of solid waste management 12 Figure 4a: Solid waste separation in Japan 13 Figure 4b: Solid waste separation in Singapore 14 Figure 4c: Solid waste separation in Germany 15 Figure 5: Rate of waste collection in Vietnam, urban vs rural 18 Figure 6: Waste collection system in Nong Trang market 30 Figure 7: The components of SW in Nong Trang market 32 Figure 8: The percentage of propaganda forms 37 Figure 9: The awareness of people before and after propaganda 38 Figure 10a: Source solid waste separation by option 39 Figure 10b: Source solid waste separation by option 40 vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS HCMC Ho Chi Minh City ODA Official Development Assistance RCRA The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act SSWS Source Solid Waste Separation SW Solid Waste URENCO Urban Environment Company VEM Vietnam Environment Monitor vii • Option 2: Solid waste at source is classified and collected in three categories: organic SW, recyclable SW and rest After that, organic SW directly go to the compost factory, recyclable SW transported to recycle factory, while the rest will be brought to the burial site (Figure 10b) Option can reuse recyclable waste components; reduce the amount of SW in landfill Based on the benefits of classifying SSWS and conditions of Nong Trang market, I propose to use method to classify the SW at source Specifically as follows: SW will be separate at source: recyclable SW, organic SW and rest + SW can be recycle such as paper, carton, metal, plastic, etc., will be collected and sold to factory + Organic SW are used for animal feed, the rest will be bring to the field + Hazardous SW from market activities will be collect and treat in one place Organic SW Compost Recyclable SW Recycle Hazardous SW Burn Collection Rest Bury Figure 10b: Source solid waste separation by option 40 As seen from the diagram above, a model of waste source separation is very simple to understand and practice Model is suitable with the knowledge of people, infrastructure, and management capacity of the market To avoid making a mistake when separate waste of people, now there are big waste bins at the corner of market are classified for easier waste separation; every waste bin has an appropriate label that indicates what kind of waste is By making SSWS we have many economic benefits First, it takes clean materials to produce compost fertilizer, money from sale wastes (paper, cans, milk bottles, etc.) Taking advantage of reuse solid waste to help conserve natural resources and classification of solid waste contributes to raising the awareness of people in environmental protection 41 PART V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusion Source solid waste separation is considered as one of the most important part in waste management, which determines the effectiveness of all subsequent treatment processes: if the separation is good, it will facilitate the operation of organic waste processing factory for agricultural production and recycling waste as raw materials for recycling facilities, create goods for our life Therefore, it is necessary to separate waste at the source in the some crowded areas of the city such as school, market, supermarket, station, etc., in order to step by step protect the environment and save resources for our country The survey results of mass ratio of solid waste components in market show that inorganic and recycling waste have a high percentage: plastic bag (33.0%), bottle, can box (17.9%), paper (8.2%) However, the amount of organic waste includes leaves and food waste with higher proportion, leftover food (28.7%) and leaf (12.2%) In Nong Trang market, source solid waste separation has many advantages, such as local people can save money, improve environmental problem, etc Source solid waste separation can reduce air pollution such as carbon dioxide and also reduce greenhouse gas We aim to make waste management in markets as simple, costeffective as possible in order to acquire the habit of separate waste and make compost fertilizer at home In the other hand, it concluded that the level of awareness on solid waste and source solid waste separation of sellers in market are all not highly aware after a model of SSWS built Initially, the seller does not understand about garbage is still high, but 42 after the propagation, 100% of sellers can reuse and recycle solid waste Percentage of people, who know the benefit of SSWS program, is relatively high 68.7% Before conducting the survey in Nong Trang market, the results showed that the number of people can distinguish between the two types of waste were 33% However, after people were propagated, the percentage of people increases to 80% There are 90% of male and 93% of female aware the benefits of this program so very interested and 82% of male, 77% of female willing to participate without obligation Some people not like this program because they busy with their work, people not aware the benefits of the program and not want to participate To improve awareness and knowledge of people about waste separation three forms of propaganda which they want the most are TV program (28%), poster (21%), and newspaper (14%) and there are 37% of people want to propaganda through all the forms 5.2 Recommendation To improve the management of SW and SSWS in Nong Trang market - Viet Tri city, I would like to give some comments on this issue as follows: • Improving the awareness and education of local people on environmental sanitation, the benefits of classify solid waste at source for community • Improving the management of the manager in each ward and each commune • To conduct implementation of source solid waste separation effectively, it is necessary to have a specific legal basis, clearly legal document and regulations of personal responsibility towards communities and their own living environment 43 • Maintaining and replicating SW classification program to improve people's awareness of classification, raising the separation rate and possibly obtaining a portion of biodegradable waste, to improve the efficiency recycling of those waste, also increasing the value of solid waste as well as the remaining solid waste separate • Maintaining and improving the efficiency of compost processing from biodegradable waste • Focusing on propaganda forms such as: local policy, internet, TV program, newspaper, poster, etc., to have more effectiveness from those propaganda forms • There should be studies on appropriate technology with the current situation of the locality to offer solutions to overcome the technical limitations making difficult for the workers in the process of SW collection • Equipment system needs to set logically in each market to avoid confusing when separate solid waste Especially, waste bins need to classify for easier waste segregation, every waste bin has the appropriate label that indicates what kind of waste is • Classification in the second time to thoroughly recover solid waste, and also considering the application of other technological solutions to save energy from nonbiodegradable waste, non- recyclable • Non-recyclable waste can be buried in special landfill to reduce the effects on biodegradation, biogas recovery and reuse landfill • Each ward and commune should have specific policies to encourage the development of models of SW collection and SW transportation 44 • Using properly and effectively the funds for environmental management Each ward and commune needs to have effective solution to organize environmental sanitation collection in the whole area Finally, to take reasonable and comprehensive solution for environmental sanitation, it need to have more deeper research and constantly to have the reviews, catch the things to change so that further improve the models of solid waste management 45 REFERENCES Amrehn, J (2012) Urban solid waste management in Germany (pp 10) King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Germany Phu Tho Department of Natural Resources and Environment (2015) Project in collection, transportation and treatment of domestic waste in Phu Tho province period 20162020 Phu Tho Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Phu Tho Khoa, L V (2010) Source solid waste separation Retrieved from: http://vacne.org.vn/phanloai-chat-thai-ran-sinh-hoat-tai-nguon-tai-che-va-tai-su-dung-la-giai-phap-co-y-nghiakinh-te-xa-hoi-va-moi-truong-o-cac-do-thi/24735.html (accessed on 18/07/2017) Krijgsman, R (2005) General Manager of Ballast Nedam Personal 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States Environmental Protection Agency (2015) Criteria for the Definition of Solid Waste and Solid and Hazardous Waste Exclusions Retrieved from: https://www.epa.gov/hw/criteria-definition-solid-waste-and-solid-and-hazardouswaste-exclusions (accessed on 02/07/2017) Vietnam Environment Monitor 2004 World Bank, MoNRE and CIDA (pp 65) Watson, A D (2004) An Examination of Vietnam’s Urban Waste Management Capacity University of Toronto (pp 83) Yen, N T (2004) Bio-waste Reuse Program: The contribution of a positioning campaign: The Case of Hanoi, Vietnam University of Wageningen (pp 187) 47 APPENDIX Survey Questionnaire RESEARCH: THE STUDY ON THE DESIGN OF A MODEL FOR SOURCE SOLID WASTE SEPARATION IN NONG TRANG MARKET - VIET TRI CITY – PHU THO PROVINCE Researcher: Doan Hai Linh Date: Please put a check mark (√) in a box which corresponds to your answer Name : Age : _ Group : Gender : Male Female I Level of awareness on Solid Waste and Source Solid Waste Separation It is necessary to have more garbage dumps in Nong Trang market - Agree - Disagree To protect the environment, you are ready to use recycle products - Agree - Disagree Can, box, plastic bag, plastic bottle are one of the main causes of environmental pollution - Agree - Disagree The SW can effect on human, health and the environment - Agree - Disagree Each market should separate SW in source - Agree - Disagree Do you know about Source Solid Waste Separation program? - Yes - No Do you think Source Solid Waste Separation program is useful? -Yes - No Have you ever classify Solid Waste in your home? - Yes - No How you know about Source Solid Waste Separation program? Local government Internet, television, newspaper Friends, family 10 Are you willing to separate Solid Waste in Nong Trang market? - Yes - No 11 Do you think SSWS program is useful? - Yes - No II Design the Propaganda Forms What the form of propaganda you like? TV program Newspaper Poster All of them Do you satisfied with the contents of propaganda? - Yes - No Why? APPENDIX Table 1: The result of seller opinion about Solid Waste Answer Question Agree Disagree (people) (people) It is necessary to have more garbage dumps in Nong Trang market 31 04 24 11 32 03 35 25 10 To protect the environment, you are ready to use recycle products Can, box, plastic bag, plastic bottle are one of the main causes of environmental pollution The SW can effect on human, health and the environment Each market should separate SW in source Table 2: The result of seller opinion about Source Solid Waste Separation Answer Yes No (people) (people) Question Do you know about Source Solid Waste Separation program? 35 18 17 32 03 28 07 Have you ever classify Solid Waste in your home? Do you think Source Solid Waste Separation program is useful? Are you willing to separate Solid Waste in Nong Trang market? Table 3: The result of seller opinion base on propaganda forms Question Answer (people) Local policy 14 Internet, TV, newspaper 16 How you know about Source Solid Waste Separation program? Friends, famiy TV program 10 What the form of propaganda you Newspaper like? Poster All of them 13 APPENDIX Table 4: ANOVA – one factor SUMMARY Groups Count Sum Average Variance Male 11 500 45.45455 1200.273 Female 11 500 45.45455 1271.073 ANOVA Source of Variation SS Df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 3.64E-12 3.64E-12 2.94E-15 Within Groups 24713.45 20 1235.673 - - - Total 24713.45 21 - - - - 4.351244 ... suitable model of source solid waste separation in each market in Viet Tri city; building more landfill suitable with condition of each market Nong Trang market, Source Solid Waste Separation, ... caused by solid waste in Phu Tho province, I conducted research projects: "The study on the design of a model for source solid waste separation in Nong Trang market - Viet Tri city - Phu Tho province? ??... a model of SSWS in each market in Viet Tri city – Phu Tho province 1.3 Research questions What are the classifications of SW in Nong Trang market? How the SW managed by the people in Nong Trang

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