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Many years ago, Christmas songs (performed / were performed / were performing / have performed) for people in towns and villages.. 201?[r]


Choose the best answer for each of following sentences.

1. After a month, Hoa got used to (study / studying / studied / is studying) in her new school 2. Last Tuesday her son was absent from school (because of / instead / though / but) his illness 3. The children (will / had better / must / have) to go at omce

4. My brother feels (strongly / strength / strong / enough strong) again after his operation 5. He has a very quiet and (by himself / alone / only / lonely) life in that big, empty house 6. We (came / arrived / went / reached) the nearest village before sunset

7. If only I (were / am / can be / would be) in the countryside right now

8. He used to (earn / gain / get / make) his living by delivering vegetables to city hotels 9. I knew him (until / when / as / during) I was a child

10. We will play tennis and (so / so that / then / after) we’ll have lunch 11. Viet goy up late (then / so / as / when) he couldn’t catch the first bus 12. He can’t earn money (unless / untill / if / without) he has no job

13. Long wishes he (don’t / doesn’t / wasn’t / didn’t) have to clean all the windows 14. We met a lot of people (during / while / for / at) our holiday

15. They have never (had / wished / done / made) any experience of living in the country 16. Do you (want / object / mind / disapprove) my turning my television on now?

17. Take this road and you will (arrive / come / find / reach) at the hotel in minutes 18. Wait (to / until / when / after) you get home before you unpack your parcel 19. They have to take that French course, (haven’t / mustn’t / needn’t / don’t) they?

20. Is it true (that what / what / if / that) the law says there is no smoking in restaurant in this city? 21. (For / Thus / So / As) he had no money for a bus, he had to walk all the way home.

22. The hotel has been built on the (border / boundary / edge / front) of the lake

23. It is a great (pity / sorrow / complaint / sadness) that you won’t concerned much about the environment around us 24. It is (mainly / highly / largely / greatly) unlikely that the President will agree to open the new ariport

25. You will become ill (untill / when / if / unless) you stop smoking so hard 26. If only I (would / could / should / might) play the guitar as well as you!

27. Bill Gate, (who / whom / that / whose) is the president of Microsoft Company, is a billionaire 28. Although it was raining heavily, (0 / but / so / however) he went out without a raincoat

29. If Mr Ba … ten years younger, he … part in the contest (is – will take / will be – takes / were – would take / would be – took) 30. You really saw a UFO, Mr Brown, (weren’t you / didn’t you / don’t you / aren’t you)?

31. I wish this exam (is / will be / would / were) easier

32. If anybody (has / have / had / will have) a question, please ask me after class

33. Viet (used to / is used to / has used to / was used to) go fishing with his uncle when he lived in the countryside 34. If I … Minh’s address, I … her a letter (have – write / had – will write / had – would write / had – wrote) 35. We haven’t seen Linh (since / for / untill / before) months

36. The book (who / where / whose / which) is on the table belongs to my teacher

37. They reached the village before sunset (although / whether / as if / even) the road was flooded 38. After arriving home, they usually (take out / put out / take off / put off) their uniforms

39. He worked (more careful / as carefully / carefullier / more carefully) than his workmates

40. When (having used / use / to use / using) a dictionary you need to be able to understand the symbols and the abbreviations it contains

41. How can I know (what / which / this / the) book is yours? They are so alike

42. (Since / As soon as / Now that / Untill) Paul brings the money for lunch, we’ll go right down to the cafeteria. 43. If I (am / could be / were / would be) you, I’d take some rest before the game tomorrow

44. You have never been to Nha Trang, (have you / haven’t you / you have / you haven’t)? 45. She will visit us as soon as she arrives (at / in / on / to) Paris

46. The smaller the room is, the (fewer / smaller / more/ less) furniture it needs

47. The secretary to (which / who / that / whom) I talk didn’t know where the meeting was

48. I find the time of English meals are very strange I am not used (to have / to having / having / have) dinner at p.m 49. I have to be present at o’clock and so (are you / have you / you / you do)

50. How many (compete / competitors / competitions / competitor) took part in the 22th Seagames?

51. Peter is so (optimistic / disappointed / pessimistic / keen) that he never thinks of anything bad and unsuccessful 52. Those companies were closed (taken off / put away / wiped off / gone over) due to some seriously financial problems 53. I told mom we would be … home in … hour or so (the – x / a – the / x – an / the – a)

54. (From / To / For / With) whom these English books belong?

55. The fisherman and their boats (which / that / who / whom) were off the coast days ago have just been reported to be missing 56. The guest told the host that (I must go now / he must go now / he had to go now / he had to go then)

57. She asked me … my holidays … (where I spend – the previous year / where I had spend – the previous year / where I spend – last year / where did I spend – last year)

58. What … when the fire alarm … off?

(are you doing – will go / have you done – would go / were you doing – went / will you – are going) 59. By the time we … to the train station, Susan … for us for more than hours


60. Peter is very busy (over / with / for / on) his new house

61. When I … up this morning, my roommate … already (am waking – leaves / wake – has left / woke – had left / was waking – left) 62. The keys (must have been leaving / must have left / must be leaving / must have been left) somewhere

63. If I (knew / had known / had been knowing / could know) it was a formal party, I wouldn’t have gone wearing jeans 64. My friend evnetually decided to quit her job, (that / when / which / who) upset me a lot

65. I can’t stand him If he (is employed / employed / were employed / had employed), I will quit 66. You frequently see this kind of violence on (a / an / the / 0) television

67. (Though / Inspite / Despite / As though) the plane took off late, we still reached our destination on time. 68. (Must / Will / May / Need) I have a day off tomorrow? – Of course not We have a lot of things to do. 69. You (needn’t / mustn’t / mayn’t / mightn’t) forget to learn the lesson by heart The new teacher is so strict

70. tablets (must take / must be taken / must have taken / must be taking) twice a day to have you recover from the illness quickly 71. The baby (was sleeping depth / was slept deeply / slept in depth / was sleeping deeply)

72. John could not continue the match (because / since / as / because of) his bad injured leg

73. The desert which lies in the South Australia was named (after / on / of / before) Simpson in 1929 74. That’s why I told him that he (must / had better / would / could) start walking once a day

75. (After / When / Because / Since) I moved in my new house , my friends have come to see me twice.

76. Different conservation efforts (have made / has made / have been made / make) to saved endangered species 77. I have warned you (on / about / in / by) the difficulties you have to face when applying for the job

78. I understand your point of view (But / However / So / Although), I don’t agree with it

79. In my family, both parents (shake hand / shake hands / join hand / join hands) to give us a nice house and a hapy home 80. Love (supposes / is supposing / is supposed / supposed) to follow marriage, not precede it

81. Have you seen the Titanic yet? – Yes, I (have / see / saw / have seen) it last week 82. Our (native / national / international / mother) language is English

83. It’s not (impolite / rude / politeness / polite) to ask questions about age, marriage and income 84. On Sunday, (whom / who / which / when) was my birthday, we went out for a meal

85. (Although / Because of / Because / Inspide of) their differences, Peter and John plan to be roommates. 86. The warmer the weather, (the well / the good / the best / the better) I feel

87. He is (so / such / too / almost) tired to go on working 88. “Your English is better than many Americans”

“(Yes, I’d like to / You are welcone / I’m afraid I can’t / That’s kind of you to say so.)”

89. The National Curriculum is made (in / up / from / on) of the following subjects such as English, Math, Chemistry … 90. If you fail the GCSE exam, you (will be allowed / will not be allowed / will allow / would not be allowed) to take the

entrance exam to the university

91. The conical leaf hat or the “Non la” is a (means / method / nature / symboy) of Vietnamese cuture 92. In Vietnam, 2, or even (generation / generations / generate / generous) live under one roof 93. “Would you like another a cup of tea?” – “(No, I wouldn’t / Yes, I would / Yes, please / No, let’s not)” 94. I wish I (was/ were / had been / would have been) at Hoa’s party birthday yesterday

95. This bike needs (to repair / be repairing / be repaired / repairing) It has broken down all the time 96. Don’t let children see (horror / horrifying / horrified / horrible) films

97. How are you today? – (Fine, thanks / Bye, bye / I’m 10 years old / I like you.) 98. I prefer Jazz (than / to / more/ over) Rock music

99. He showed us the house (which / where / in where / in that) he was born

100. That boy tried to avoid (answer / to answer / answering / answered) some of my questions 101. Madrid is famous (as / with / of / for) its pulls

102. She doesn’t like her job It is so (bore / boring / bored / boringly)

103. By the time you return here next year, the city (will have / has had / will have had / will be having) lots of changes 104. Oranges are expensive this season, and (apples are / apples too / apples the same / so are apples)

105. (Where / What / Why / When) will there be World Cup again/ 106. (What / How / Which / Who) you always go to school? – By bus.

107. Mothers have long used folk songs to (delight / sing / buzz / lull) babies to sleep

108. Trinh Cong Son was a famous (teacher / writer / singer / composer) in Vietnamese music 109. Tom is not used to (get / got / getting / having got) up early He is late for school very often 110. There is no (need / point / use / want) to call the police immediately

111. He was made (doing / to / / done) all the housework

112. If I were you, I (will take / would take / would have taken / would be take) a train home 113. Are you (satisfaction / satisfying / satisfactory / sastisfied) with your new job?

114. Mr Tuan, (that / whom / whose / when) you met yesterday, is our new teacher of physics 115. She didn’t come here last week I wish she (would come / had come / came / did come) 116. She has been to Paris (much / a few / a little / a great deal of) times


122. While my mother (watched / was watching / had watched / was watched) a film on TV, my father was cooking dinner 123. (In / On / At / From) Christmas Ever people often have parties late at midnight.

124. He became one of the most (success / successful / successfully / successive) actors in Vietnam

125. Your housse looks so new and strange, dosen’t it? – Well, (it’s being painted / it’s just been painted / it’s painted / it was painted recently).

126. I couldn’t find John at the party last night If I (meet / met / had met / have met) him, we’d have been happy 127. Would you like to eat out now? – Well, I’d (better / love / rather / prefer) to, but I’m busy

128. How (many / far / much / long) does it take you to go to school? – About half an hour 129. I am sorry about that – (That’s right / Of course / You are welcome / It’s OK) ! 130. My dog as well as my cats (eat / eats / has eaten / have eaten)twice a day

131. That’s the girl (who / which / her / whose) father owns the biggest shop in the area

132. My father is not interested in tennis and (I don’t, either / so don’t I / neither I / neither am I) 133. There are so easy ways to learn a foreign language, (aren’t there / aren’t they / are there / are they) ? 134. Whenever we met, she avoids (look / looking / to look / being looked) at me

135. You read a (newspaper / book / magazine / diary) to find out what happened recently in both your own country and in the rest of world

136. It you can’t afford to buy books, then you can always borrow them from the (book shop / library / restaurant / cinema) 137. (Talk / Conservation / Speech / Glossary) is the single chrateristics which distinguishes human being from animal. 138. Trang always got good (points / marks / questions / credits) in maths

139. Peter decided not to (enter / go in / take come) for the examination

140. If you want to pass the exam, you must study (hardly / enough / thoroughly / rather)

141. How you do? I’m Peter – (I’m 18 / How you do? I’m John / How are you? / I’m fine Thank you) 142. This is the shortest way to the city center, (but / so / however / therefore) it is not the only way

143. Her idea about … special class for … disabled at first met with opposition from their parents.(a - a / a - these / a - the / the - 0) 144. If he (study / studied / is studying / studies) harder, he will pass the final exam

145. If we had gone by bike, we (get / will not get / would not have got / would get) carsick

146. The UK is divided (among / between / for / into) parts : English, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland 147. That is my friend (whom / where / which / who) comes from Japan

148. The next meeting (will hold / will be held / will be holding / will have held) in May 149. I think (everyone / anyone / someone / no one) likes the film It’s so boring

150. You are old enough to take (responsible / responsibility / responsibly / irresponsible) for what you have done

151. My father ( used to smoke / is used to smoking / smoked / gets used to smoke) 40 cigarettes a day but he gave up smoking years ago

152. Nam (stops / has stopped / stooped / is stopping) smoking years ago

153. It is raining outside and Tom brought his umbrella with him (in order to / so as to / so that / in order) he wouldn’t get wet 154. They (are / have been / were / had been) in our country since January, 1st 2002.

155. A new hospital (has been built / have been built / has biult / have built) in the area lately 156. Some sand dunes may be over 200 meters (at / on / in / from) height

157. Both man and women are good (on / at / of / in) building houses

158. You should (make / pay / set / get) more attention to what your teacher explains

159. “Lan: I work for a big company”  Lan said she (had work / work / worked / is working) for a big cpmpany 160. Please stop (to talk / talked / talking / talk) I am trying to finish my homework

161. I always feel (lovesick / homesick / carsick / seasick) whenever I am away from home

162. What (were you doing / you were you doing / did you / you did) at 10 o’clock this morning? 163. Nam sang very (beautifully / beautiful / beauty / beautify) at my party last night

164. I gave up the job, (because of / although / because / despite) the attractive salary

165. How did you get there? – (It’s far from here / I came here last night / The train is so crowed / I came here by train) 166. You’ve made (little / many / more / much) mistakes in your essay

167. Your last job was a bank manager, (doesn’t / isn’t / wasn’t / didn’t) it? 168. Mr Tam woke up when the alarm clock went (by / off / away / over)

169. Neither my gloves nor my hat (go / goes / are going / is going) with this dress

170. Non la, which is one of the typical symbols of Vietnamese cuture, has a (conical / bamboo / rib / rim) form 171. In water polo, (attackers / players / goalies / captains) are allowed to hold the ball with both hands

172. My father asked me (what I thought / what did you think / what I think / what you think) of the film 173. She didn’t tell me the reason (when / for which / why / both B & C are correct) she came late

174. We visited the church (was built / which built / building / which was built) in the 18th century. 175. (Unless / Although / If / Because) we safeguard the natural resources, our life will be destroyed. 176. He performed very well in the interview; (however / since / therefor / but), he didn’t get the job 177. Nowadays, more and more people died (to / from / in / of) sserious deseases

178. Did you watch “Titanic” on … TV or at … cinema? (0-0 / 0-the / the-the / the-0) 179. If the weather (were / is / had been / are) fine, we would go for a walk after dinner 180. She is unreliale I regret (to tell / told / being told / telling) her about my feelings

181. The city has been (polluted / polluting / pollution / polluter) with toxic waste from local factory 182. Language and music make humans different (from / by / with / of) all other animals


184. (What / Why / How / Which) are you learning English for? – To sing english songs. 185. I am saving money (to buy / for buy / in buying / buying) a new bike

186. I don’t know how to use this camera – It’s quite easy I (am showing / will show / am going to show / show) you 187. There’s (a / an / the / 0) old university in our town

188. It was not until (when / while / which / that) the cinema really became an industry 189. The show was hours (length / long / lengthy / lengthen)

190. What did your grandfather after his (retirement / retire / retired / retires)? 191. We should use cloth bags (instaed / beside / apart / without) of plastic bags

192. In the world millions of old papers (thrown / are throwing / are thrown / threw) away every day 193. she was very sad (not get / not to get / to not get / not getting) good marks in the final test 194. The prefix re – in the word “reuse” means (against / for / no / again)

195. Farmers collect household and garden waste to make (compost / floor coverings / glassware / pipes) 196. Liz is very (interest / interested / interesting / interests) in the water-fetching contest

197. How people decide (who win / who win / who winning / who wins) the contest

198. He told me that he (had already the film seen / the film had already seen / had seen the film already / had seen already the film) 199. I telephone the station to make (sure / true / real / right) of the time of the train

200. Many years ago, Christmas songs (performed / were performed / were performing / have performed) for people in towns and villages

201. Do you have (allowance / exception / willingness / permisstion) to take that bicycle? 202. Goodbye, Susie! – (So so / The same / Yeah / So long)!

203. I am very busy at the moment so it may take a (little / few / small / some) time to answer your letter

204. I saw Jack yesterday morning while I (walked / had been walking / was walking / am walking) home from work 205. I’ll let you know as soon as I (will get / get / got / am getting) the results

206. Many species of animals and plants today are (endangered / in risk / risky / under danger) 207. He filled in the necessary forms and (appealed / asked / requested / applied) for a job 208. It takes a long time (to learning / to learn / learning / for us learn) a foreign language 209. You won’t get well (unless / if / provided / in case) you take your medicine

210. My mother is busy (at / with / on / in) her housework

211. It was (so / such / very / too) a difficult question that we couldn’t answer it 212. I don’t think Frank is old (so / too / enough / even) to stay at home alone

213. (Although / Because / Because of / In spite of) all our carefull plans, a lot of things went wrong. 214. I’d like to introduce you to Mrs Chi, (whom / whose / which / who) husband you used to work with 215. You said the test was too difficult, (weren’t you / wasn’t it / didn’t it / didn’t you)?

216. Why are you driving so fast? – I’m (must be hurry / in hurry / in a hurry / hurrying)

217. When we realised we were … danger, many people screamed … panic (in-in / in-at / of-on / at-in) 218. The building … he lives … is very old (which-in / where- in / where-on / that-within)

219. (Were / Even if / In case / Since) that boy my younger brother, I would give him a lesson. 220. Lan is very (interested / bored / fed / tired) in reading newspapers

221. “It’s 5.30, Hoa Stop (prepare / to prepare / preparing / prepared) the dinner.” Her mother said 222. He first arrived in England (on / in / since / at) May 20th, 2000.

223. They spent a lot of time (talk / talking / to talk / talked) about what they would if they had a lot of money 224. I remember (being shown / to be shown / be showing / to be showing) the exhibition some years ago 225. He (bought / buy / has bought / buys) a bike and a color television since he started to work

226. I feel so tired this evening I’ve been working hard (all day / every day / each day / day by day) 227. We haven’t seen each other (for / on / since / in) last January

228. She was born (in / on / at / since) April, 1991

229. The cinema changed completely at … end of … 1920s (an-the / the-0 / 0-the / the-the) 230. He was (rewarded / given / awarded / enjoyed) the “gold kite” for being the best film director 231. (What / What time / When / How) you always go to school? – By bus.

232. This house, (that / which / what / who) he bought in 1990, is being repaired at the moment 233. Christmas Ever is (a / an / the / 0) important holiday in Taiwan

234. I don’t think that red dress (suits / matches / cheers / agrees) her 235. Can I (look / own / borrow / lend) your dictionary? I can’t find mine

236. How (far / many / long / much) is your house from here? – It’s about hours by taxi 237. (When / Which / What / When) is yours? The red one or the green one?

238. He is (not enough strong / not strong enough / strong not enough / enough strong) to such work 239. “I did my best.” She said, “So why are you angry (with / on / for / of) me?”

240. They all laughed because the film was very (amusing / amuse / amused / amusement) 241. It’s no good (to tell / tell / telling / told) your father about your failure

Ngày đăng: 26/05/2021, 13:26
