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Cau hoi duoi cau so sanh Gerunds

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Neáu ñoäng töø cuûa caâu ñöùng tröôùc laø ñoäng töø ñaëc bieät can, shall, will, be, have, ought to, … ta phaûi laëp laïi ñoäng töø ñoù trong caâu hoûi ñuoâi.. Neáu laø ñoäng töø thöôøn[r]




A Câu hỏi thành lập theo quy luật sau đây:

1 Nếu câu đứng trước thể xác định, câu hỏi thể phủ định ngược lại Ex: He is a lazy boy, isn’t he ? She is not beautiful, is she?

2 Nếu động từ câu đứng trước động từ đặc biệt can, shall, will, be, have, ought to, … ta phải lặp lại động từ câu hỏi Nếu động từ thường, ta phải dùng DO, DOES, DID thay câu hỏi đuôi

EX: They cannot sing, can’t they? She likes me, doesn’t she? He came here yesterday, didn’t he?

- Hình thức phủ định câu hỏi đuôi phải thể tỉnh lược

- Phải dùng đại từ nhân xưng câu hỏi đuôi.(I, you, we, they, he, she, It)

B Những ghi đặc biệt câu hỏi đuôi:

1 MODAL PERFECT: Câu hỏi dùng trợ động từ bình thường

Ex: You could have seen him, couldn’t you? He might have bought the book, mightn’t he?

He should have told me, shouldn’t he? 2 HAD BETTER: “NÊN … THÌ HƠN”:

Ex: We had better work harder, hadn’t we? We had better not go out late at night, had we?

3 USED TO: “ĐÃ TỪNG …, ĐÃ THƯỜNG…” xem động từ thường động từ đặc biệt Ex: You used to go there, usedn’t you? = You used to go there, didn’t you?


Ex: Let’s it right now, shall we? 5 There is …………, isn’t there? There are …………., aren’t there? This/ That is …………, isn’t it?

These / Those are …………., aren’t they? I am ………, aren’t I?/ am I not? 6 Câu mệnh lệnh:

Ex: Come and see me now, will you? Don’t be lazy, will you? 7 Các từ phủ định: never, nowhere, nothing, by no means, fail …

Ex: You have never seen it, have you? He is by no means rich, is he? She failed to phone her office, did she? 8 Những từ có nghĩa bán phủ định: hardly,scarcely(một cách khó khăn, chắn khơng), ever, seldom, rarely …

Ex: You seldom see her, do you? You hardly ever go to the theatre, do you?

He can scarcely write his own name, can he? He could hardly stammer (laép baép) a reply, could he? 9 LITTLE, A LITTLE, FEW, A FEW :

Ex: He has very little knowledge of the matter, has he? He has very alittle knowledge of the matter, hasn’t he? Very few people live to the age of one hundred, do they? You are going away for a few days, aren’t you?


Ex: Everyone/ Everybody knew that, didn’t they? Everyone is ready for the party, aren’t they?

Everything is good, isn’t it? * Complete the question tag:

1 Linh didn’t feel confident in her favorite clothes, _? The two cities are not the same in some ways, _? Her listening isn’t excellent, _?

4 Maryam couldn’t stay for longer time, _? My sister has to make this room tidy, _?

6 This poet has mentioned the ao dai in poems, _?

7 Lan used to walk past the mosque on her way to primary school, _? Nobody wrote poems yesterday, _?

9 There are many religions in Malasia, _? 10 His children may swim, _?

11 Nam and Binh have to study harder, _?


13 The Parkers had a picnic on the river bank, _?

14 Our teachers have taken inspiration from some minorities, ? 15 Everything was OK, _?

16 Oh, hurry up, _?

17 Hung and I can eat those cakes, _? 18 You won’t be late, _?

19 Ba’s village lies near the foot of the moutain, _? 20 Daisy has seen that films several times, _? 21 Let’s forget unhappy things, _?

22 Her daughter doesn’t spend time surfing the web, _? 23 Those men never worked on a farm, _?

24 People of different ages like this magazine, _? 25 I am wearing wrong shoes, _?

26 Interactive TV is available now, _? 27 He did not miss the train, _?

28 Someone feels tired after the trip, _?

29 Hanh and you like living in a dormitory on campus, _? 30 Their son doesn’t have much time on computer, _?




* Công thức:

* Tính từ ngắn:

S1 + BE + ADJ ngắn + ER + THAN + S2.

EX: He is taller than me.

They are smaller than my shoes

* Trạng từ ngắn:

S1 + V + ADV ngắn + ER + THAN + S2.

EX: He works harder than his brother.

A horse runs faster than a dog





Good/ well


the best

Bad/ badly


the worst

Much/ many


the most



the least


older/ elder

the oldest/ the eldest


farther / further

the farthest/ the furthest


EX: happy - happier ; pretty - prettier ; easy - easier

clever - cleverer

narrow - narrower

simple - simpler


* Tính từ dài: S1 + BE + MORE + ADJ + THAN + S2.

* Trạng từ dài: S1 + V + MORE + ADV + THAN + S2.



* Công thức:

* Tính từ ngắn:

S + BE + + THE +ADJ ngắn + EST (N)+ cụm giới từ…

EX: He is

the tallest

pupil in my class.

They are

the smallest

shoes we have

* Trạng từ ngắn:

S + V + THE + ADV ngắn + EST + cụm giới từ.

EX: He works the hardest in his family.



* Tính từ dài: S + BE + THE MOST + ADJ +( N )+ cụm giới từ….

* Trạng từ dài: S + V + THE MOST + ADV )+ cụm giới từ….


Spring is the most pleasant season of year.

This book is the most interesting of all.

He drives the most carefully in his group



* Công thức: S1 + BE + AS + ADJ + AS + S2

EX: He is




his brother.

Lan is






* Công thức: S1 + V + AS + ADV + AS + S2

EX: She





her mother.






a dancer


* Exercise 1: Choose the best answer:

1 Ho Chi Minh city is much than Hanoi capital

A larger B smaller C higher D lower Australia is the continent in the world

A largest B smallest C biggest D thinner Living in the countryside is than in cities

A less peaceful B more peaceful C most peaceful D least peaceful Your car is in condition than mine

A worse B worst C bad D good That was the day in my life

A excited B happinest C happiest D interesting Hoa doesn’t cook her mother

A as bad as B as good as C as quick as D as well as She is the beautiful girl I have ever met

A less B more C most D best

8 The Queen of England is one of the women in the world

A richer B richest C most rich D as rich as I’m sorry I’m late It took me to get here than I expected

A longer B further C more D less 10 Her illness was more than we first thought

A fatal B important C severe D serious 11 Health and happiness are more than money

A importantly B important C importance D serious

12 We often go camping when we go on holiday because it’s than staying in a hotel A much cheaper B more cheaper C less cheaper D the most cheapest 13 Please let me know immediately if you hear any news

A farther B further C extra D earlier 14 There were people at this meeting than at the last one A less B much C many D fewer 15 That house over there is the building in the town A eldest B oldest C ancientest D antique 16 What’s the film you’ve ever seen?

A good B interesting C best D boring 17 What’s the river in the world?

A short B long C wide D longest 18 I stayed in one of the room in the hotel

A large B nicest C pretty D nicer 19 Let’s walk It’s just taking the bus


20 There’s plenty of food, so eat you like

A as many as B as much as C as lot as D as great as

21 The blue whale is known animals, reaching a length of more than one hundred feet A the large B the largest C the larger D the most largest

22 By far of Saudi Arabia is oil

A it is the most important export B the most important export is C that is the most important export D the most important export 23 They would go by air than spend a week travelling by train A always B prefer C rather D better 24 Mike was the in his family; all his brothers were much taller A lowest B shortest C slightest D littlest 25 North America is a little than South America

A big B huge C vast D larger 26 I think Sally is quite her sister

A as pretty B as pretty than C as pretty as D prettier

27 I am not sure, but I know he has decided to accept the new job in London A according B on the whole C as far as D as long as

28 We need information before we can decide

A far B farther C further D the farthest 29 Tony’s English is much better than it was

A Tony has started to learn English but doesn’t speak it well B Tony speaks better English now than he did before C Tony’s English was much better than it is now D Tony has always spoken good English 30 Joe was one of the poorest men in this town

A There were some poor people in this town, but Joe was the poorest one B One man who lived in this town was much poorer than Joe

C Joe thought that he was the only poor man in this town

D Some very poor men lived in this town, and Joe was one of them 31 Mr Bridges is by far the richest man I know

A Mr Bridges is the richest man in my country B Mr Bridges is one of many rich men I know C Mr Bridges is richer than all his friends

D Mr Bridges is much richer than anyone else I know


I FUNCTIONS OF GERUND (Chức Gerund): 1 Subject for a verb : (Làm chủ ngữ cho động từ )

EX: Swimming is good for your health Smoking is not good for your health

2 Object for some verbs (Làm tân ngữ cho số động từ) :

admit, advise, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider, delay, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, finish, can’t help, can’t bear, can’t stand, keep, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practice, quit, recall, recommend, resent, suggest, hate, love, like, start, begin, forget, remember, stop, regret, continue, acknowledge, endure(chịu đựng, cam chịu), imagine, justify, resist(kháng cự, chống lại), feel like, forgive, risk, tolerate

* Công thức: S + V+ GERUND (V-ING) + O

Ex: I like playing football She admited stealing a bike Nam can’t stand living alone

3 Object for preposition (Làm tân ngữ cho giới từ):

tobe interested in: thích, quan tâm tobe fond of: thích tobe bored with: buồn chán tobe fed up with: thích tobe afraid of: sợ tobe surprised at: ngạc nhiên tobe worried about: lo lắng về… tobe amused at: thích tobe amazed at: kinh ngạc … tobe famous for: tiếng về… tobe different from: khác với… tobe good/ bad at: giỏi/ tệ về… tobe excited at/ about: thích thú, hào hứng tobe frightened of: sợ tobe keen on: thích

tobe pleased with: hài lịng với… tobe relaxed with: thư giản tobe exhausted at: mệt tobe busy with: bận rộn với… tobe absent from: vắng mặt từ… to rely on: trông cậy vào

tobe present at: có mặt, diện tobe tired of: mệt mõi tobe terrified of: khiếp sợ, kinh hãi tobe nervous of: hồi hộp, lo lắng tobe successful in: thành công … to be used to: quen với

to get used to: quen với to think of/ about: suy nghĩ về… to give up: từ bỏ to depend on: phụ thuộc vào to insit on: khăng khăng


EX: I am interested in playing football

They are fond of watching films

Gerund Gerund

4 Object for some phrases and expressions (Làm tân ngữ cho số cụm từ thành ngữ): to look forward to, It’s no use, It’s no good, It’s worth, have difficulty + gerund

EX: I am looking forward to seeing you again It’s no use/ It’s no good asking him for help It’s worth buying that book

I have difficulty finding a job in this city

5 Một số động từ theo sau dùng Gerund or To Infinitive không thay đổi nghĩa: begin, start, hate, prefer, continue, like, intend, attempt.

EX: I hate to see you = I hate seeing you.

6 Một số động từ theo sau dùng Gerund nghĩa khác dùng To infinitive nghĩa khác: stop , remember, forget, regret, try

a Stop + to Vo: dừng việc để làm việc khác. Stop + Ving : dừng hẳn việc làm

EX: My father stopped to help me with the housework. My father stopped smoking years ago.

b Remember + to Vo: Nhớ để làm điều bổn phận, trách nhiệm. Rember + Ving: Nhớ có làm q khứ.

EX: We always remember to turn off the lights before going out. I remember meeting you somewhere already.

c Forget + to Vo : qn khơng làm việc gì. Forget + Ving : quên có làm việc đó. Ex: Oh, I forgot to send your letter I am sorry

I forget lending you my dictionary yesterday.

d Regret + to Vo: Lấy làm tiếc để thông báo cho tin không vui,không may. Regret + Ving: Hối tiếc làm q khứ.

EX: I regret to tell you that you have failed the exams.

I regret lending him some money He will never pay me back. e Try + to Vo : Cố gắng làm việc gì.

Try + Ving: thử

EX: I try to study hard to pass the exams.

He tried eating the food I cooked It was terrible.

7 Sau động từ allow, advise, forbid, permit, recommend dùng Gerund khơng có túc từ.

S + allow, advise, forbid, permit, recommend + O + TOVo

S + allow, advise, forbid, permit, recommend + VING

EX: Sorry, we don’t allow smoking in this room I wouldn’t advise taking the car


Eg: To love is to give

To find my house is easy

To save money now is necessary

2 Bổ ngữ động từ:

Eg: Our duty is to study harder

Làm tân ngữ cho số động từ.(Theo sau số động từ quy định)

afford, agree, appear, attempt, arrange, ask, beg, care, claim, decide, demand, expect, fail, hesitate, hope, learn, manage, need, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, struggle, threaten, volunteer, wait, want, wish

* Công thức: S + V quy định + to Vo

EX: I agreed to help him He threatened to call the police

4 Verbs followed by a pro(noun) + an infinitive:

advise, allow, ask, arrange, beg, cause, challenge, convince, dare, encourage, expect, forbid, force, hire, invite, need, order, permit, persuade, remind, require, tell, urge, want, warn, teach, instruct (dạy, hướng dẫn, thông báo), get, would like, would prefer

* Công thức: S + V quy định + O + to Vo

EX: I advised me to study hard He allowed his son to go out


unable, afraid, amused, annoyed(làm bực mình,chọc tức), anxious, astonished(làm ngạc nhiên), certain, delighted, determined(xác định), eager, easy, good, glad, grateful, happy, hard, fortunate(may mắn, đem lại vận may), pleased, prepared, ready, safe, surprised, wonderful, worry

Eg: I’m glad to see you again

We are unable to solve the problem

6 Chỉ mục đích:

EX: We study hard to pass the exam

We go to school to widen our knowledge


Động từ nguyên mẫu không TO sử dụng trường hợp sau:

1 Sau động từ khiếm khuyết: can, may,must, will, shall, could, should, might, ought to, would Eg: He can speak languages

2 Sau động từ giác quan như: feel, hear, see, watch, let, percieve = notice(nhận thấy), mark (để ý thấy), observe (chú ý thấy), beheld (trông thấy), hard at (lắng nghe)

Eg: I saw him unlock the door

He made me study hard (câu chủ động) She let the ball fall onto the floor

* Feel, hear, see, watch

thường thêo sau V-ING đề cập đến tiếp diễn hành động

Eg: I hear someone knocking at the front door

I saw the man walking down the street

3 Sau động từ như: had better, would rather, have to, used to Eg: We would rather wait till tomorrow

You had better put your money in the bank

4 NEED (cần) , NEEDN’T (không cần thiết)

Sngười + need + toVo

S vaät + need + VING/ TO BE VED/ V3 S + NEEDN”T + Vo

EX: Mai needs to buy some salt and sugar This car needs repairing/ to be repaired She needn’t walk to work, she has a bike

5 Sau động từ như: make, help, let: a Cấu trúc với make:

S+ MAKE/MADE + O + Vo (Câu chủ động) S + BE + MADE + TO Vo + BY O (Câu bị động)

EX: What makes you laugh? She made me cry I was made to study hard She is made to be sad

b Cấu trúc với HELP: S + HELP + O + Vo

EX: Please help me carry this heavy bag C Cấu trúc với LET:

S + LET + O + Vo (Chủ động) S + BE + LET + Vo (Bị động) LET’S + Vo …(Chúng ta hãy…)

EX: We let him go He lets me sit down Let’s go out for a walk


* Choose the best answer:

1 I have difficulty and English

A speaking – writingB speak – writing C to speak – to write D speak - write They offered her but she refused

A to help B helping C help D being helped

3 I don’t mind you the washing up

A help – B helping – doing C helping – D to help- to I’d like when I am sixty years old

A to rest B to stop C to retire D to relax

5 We hope the students themselves will enjoy taking in outdoor activities

A part B note C notice D advantage

6 The children are looking forward to on holiday

A go B going C be going D have gone

7 You must try not to so many mistakes again


8 Her advice made him his mind

A change B to change C changing D changed

9 Ms Lan enjoys because she loves working with children

A to teach B to be taught C teaching D teach

10 My father doesn’t allow me in his room

A to smoke B smoking C smoke D not smoke

11 It’s very me with money

A kind for you to help B kind to you helping

C kind of you helping D kind of you to help

12 It’s better to avoid during the rush hour

A travelling B to travel C travel D travelled

13 It was a nice day, so we decided for awalk

A to have B to go C going D having

14 Would you looking after my children for a while?

A mind B agree C stand D care

15 Students should encourage questions in class

A raise B raising C to raise D being raised

16 It is compulsory for students in shools uniforms

A to wear B wear C wearing D worn

17 This class needs It’s very dirty

A clean B cleaning C to clean D cleaned

18 At school, students usually take part in money for charity

A raised B to raise C raising D raise

19 May I in?

A to come B coming C came D come

20 Let’s for a walk

A go B to go C going D went

21 Do you enjoy cartoon?

A watching B to watch C watch D watched

22 They want by air because it is much faster than other means of transfort

A travel B travelling C travelled D to travel

23 Why don’t you consider me? I really look forward to you

A visiting – see B to visit – to see C to be visited – saw D visit – see 24 It’s impolite people about their salary

A asked B to ask C asking D ask

25 Don’t in class, students!

A talking B to talk C talk D talked

26 Who you English?

A teach B teaches C teach D does teach

27 You had better harder

A to work B working C worked D work

28 is my hobby

A Playing B Play C Played D To play

29 We should read different kinds of books our general knowledge

A to widen B widen C widened D widening

30 It’s not good to avoid the teacher’s questions in class

A answer B answering C answered D to answer

31 Students are interested in a party

A to have B have C having D had

32 the exams, students have to learn hard

A To pass B Passed C Pass D Passing

33 The girl denied the news

A tell B told C to tell D telling

34 I can’t bear people at me

A shout B shouting C shouted D to shout

35 Would you like your holiday with my family in Brazil?

A spend B to spend C spending D spent

36 My father is very keen classical music


37 I remember next door to you when we were in Australia

A to live B living C live D have lived

38 My sister is good at tennis

A play B playing C to play D staying

39 Do you hope your father again this weekend?

A meet B meeting C met D to meet

40 Never let children alone in the street

A play B to play C playing D played

41 Have you promised with me ?

A to go B going C went D gone

42 I am bored with computer games now

A playing B to play C played D plays

43 Susan is looking for something ………

A eating B eat C to eat D to eating

44 My parents are interested in ……… football matches on TV

A watch B watching C to watch D watched

45 She used ………as a typist

A to working B work C working D to work

46 ………stamps is my hobby

A collecting B collect C collected D collection

47 I remember ………you about this before

A tell B to tell C telling D told

48 He let the letter ……… on to the floor

A fall B falls C falling D.fell

49 I can’t stand ……… on underground when it is busy

A travel B travelling C to travel D to travelling

50 She hates ……… housework at weekends

A doing B C to be doing D being done

51 I had a headache, and the doctor asked me ……… some aspirin

A took B to taken C take D to take

52 She is keen on ……… with a doll

A plays B to play C player D playing

53 Every day I spend two hours ……… English

A practise B to practise C practising D practised

54 I don’t mind ……… if you are tired

A driving B to be driven C to drive D drive

55 I don’t remember ……… the front door when I left home

A to lock B lock C locked D locking

56 Children enjoy ……… to ghost stories on Halloween night

A telling and listening B tell and listen C to tell and listen D to tell and to listen 57 Have you finished ……… the table ?

A set B setting C to set D to be set

58 Mr Smith decided ……… a new TV

A to buy B buying C bought D to be bought

59 I can’t help ……… him in spite of his faults

A admire B admired C to admire D admiring

60 Don’t forget ……… home as soon as you arrive at your destination

A to call B calling C having called D to be called 61 Jack made me ……… him next week

A to promise to call B to promise calling C promise to call D promise calling 62 If we want to get to the station on time, we’d better avoid ……… the highway

A having taken B take C to take D taking

63 Tommy admitted ……… the rock through the window

A throwing B.being throwing C to throw D to be thrown 64 He suggested ……… a double railway tunnel

A to build B built C building D that building 65 What makes you ……… so ?

A think B to think C thinking D having thought 66 Some people are used to ……… in crowded buses and don’t mind it at all

A ride B ridden C.to ride D riding


A will-reminding B will- to remind C would- to remind D would- reminding 68 Please let me ……… when you can come

A to know B knowing C know D have known

69 I regret ……… you that I am unable to come tomorrow

A.to tell B telling C tell D told

70 Workers began ……… a number of wooden boxes

A unloading B unload C to unloading D unloaded 71 Would you mind ……… the phone number ? I didn’t hear properly

A to repeat B repeat C repeating D for repeating 72 What would you like ………for your breakfast ?

A eating B to be eaten C to eat D to have eaten 73 ……… in the country is something he loves

A Travelling B Travel C The travelling D To travelling 74 I was reading my books, but I stopped ……… a programme on TV

Ngày đăng: 26/05/2021, 10:14

