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Bai Tap On TN Phan 4 Hoang Duy

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Biên soạn: Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Duy

Cao Lãnh, tháng năm 2011




























BÀI 1: CÂU SO SÁNH Yêu cầu học sinh:

(1) phân biệt câu khẳng định phủ định; (2) xác định tính từ (ngắn, dài, bất qui tắc), trạng từ (ngắn, dài, bất qui tắc) danh từ; (3) nhận dạng xác dạng so sánh, đặc biệt là so sánh kép; (4) biết chuyển đổi qua lại dạng so sánh; (5) học từ vựng

A TÓM TẮT LÝ THUYẾT I- So sánh bằng:

1) Câu khẳng định: as + adj/adv + as Ex: I’m as tall as Tom

(Tôi cao bằng Tom.)

John works as hard as his father

(John làm việc chăm chỉ như cha anh ấy.)

Câu hỏi: thay “hard” “hardly” khơng? Vì sao?

2) Câu phủ định: not as/so + adj/adv + as Ex: This watch is not as/so expensive as mine (= my watch)

(Đồng hồ này không đắt như tôi.) She doesn’t sing as/so well as her sister (Cô hát không hay bằng chị cô ấy.) Câu hỏi:

a) Điểm chung điểm riêng công thức thứ gì?

b) Có thể thay “expensive” “expensively” “well” “good” không? Tại sao?

(*) = forgotten; (**) = gotten

* LƯU Ý:

- Khi so sánh danh từ với nghĩa giống/bằng hay khơng giống/khơng bằng, ta dùng cấu trúc:

(not) + the same + (noun) + as

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R a

38lendlentlentcho mượn, cho vay39letletletđể cho40loselostlostđánh mất41makemademadelàm42meetmetmetgặp43paypaidpaidtrả tiền44putputputđặt, để45quitquitquittừ

bỏ46readreadreadđọc47rideroderiddenđạp xe, cưỡi48ringrangrungreo lên49riseroserisennhô lên, mộc50runranrunchạy51saysaidsaidnói

(chuyện)52seesawseenthấy53sellsoldsoldbán54sendsentsentgửi55singsangsun ghát56sitsatsatngồi57sleepsleptsleptngủ58speakspokespokennói (ngơn ngữ)59spendspentspenttrãi qua, tiêu


lội62taketooktakenlấy63teachtaughttaughtdạy64telltoldtoldbảo, kể65thinkthoughtthoughtsuy

nghĩ66throwthrewthrownném67understandunderstoodunderstoodhiểu68wake wokewokenđánh thức69wearworewornmặc,


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Ex: He is the same age as I am (Anh ta bằng tuổi tôi.)

Ann’s salary isn’t the same as Jane’s

(Lương cùa Ann không bằng lương Jane.)

- less + adj/adv + than (kém … hơn) = not as/so + adj/adv + as Ex: This watch is less expensive than mine

She sings less well than her sister

- Khi nói gấp lần, ta dùng cấu trúc … times as + adj/adv + as

Ex: Their house is three times as big as ours (Nhà họ lớn gấp ba lần nhà chúng ta.)


II- So sánh hơn:

1) Tính từ/trạng từ ngắn: adj/adv + ER + than Từ có vần hay hai vần tận “y”

Ex: John is stronger than his brother (John khoẻ hơn anh cậu ấy.) This athlete runs faster than that one

2) Tính từ/trạng từ dài: more + adj/adv + than Tính từ/trạng từ dài từ có hai vần trở lên

modern, patient, difficult, fluently, beautifully, … Ex: This problem is more difficult than we thought

(Vấn đề khó hơn nghĩ.)

He speaks English more fluently than his friend (Anh ta nói tiếng Anh trơi chảy hơn bạn anh ta.) Câu hỏi:

a) Điểm chung hai cơng thức gì?

b) Một tính từ trạng từ vừa thêm ER vừa thêm MORE khơng? (ví dụ: more harder hay sai?)


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Tính/TrạngSo sánh hơnTính/TrạngSo sánh hơnfastcoldthickluckyhappydry

STTV1V2V3Nghĩa1am/is/arewas/werebeenthì, là, ở2becomebecamebecometrở nên3beginbeganbegunbắt đầu4blowblewblownthổi5breakbrokebrokenlàm vỡ, bể6bringbroughtbroughtmang7buildbuiltbuiltxây dựng8buyboughtboughtmua9catchcaughtcaughtbắt được10choosechosechosenchọn


giá13cutcutcutcắt14dodiddonelàm15drawdrewdrawnvẽ16drinkdrankdru nkuống17drivedrovedrivenlái xe18eatateeatenăn19fallfellfallenrơi, té20feedfedfedcho ăn21feelfeltfeltcảm thấy22findfoundfoundtìm thấy23flyflewflownbay24forgetforgot(*)

forgotquên25forgiveforgaveforgiventha thứ26getgot(**)

gotcó được27givegavegivencho,

tặng28gowentgoneđi29growgrewgrowntrồng30havehadhadcó, dùng31hearheardheardnghe32hithithitđụng33holdheldheldcầm, giữ, tổ chức34hurthurthurtlàm


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III- So sánh nhất:

17) She has talked too 1) Tính từ/trạng từ ngắn: the + adj/adv + EST A much B many C few D a great deal

18) Would you like champagne to drink? A some B few C a few D many

Ex: Yesterday was the hottest day of the year 19) He had spent time writing an essay about his childhood

A a large number of B a great deal of C a few D many

20) Is there water in the glass?

(Hơm qua ngày nóng nhất năm.)

2) Tính từ/trạng từ dài: the + MOST + adj/adv Ex: She is the most beautiful girl in the class

(Cô cô gái đẹp lớp.) Câu hỏi:

a) Điểm chung hai công thức gì? A any B some C many

Điểm xếp loại BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM: D lots of

b) Một tính từ trạng từ vừa thêm EST vừa thêm

MOST khơng? (ví dụ: the most hottest hay sai?)

* LƯU Ý:

- Ta dùng the least để mức độ … nhất

Ex: This story is the least interesting of all

(Đây câu chuyện kém thú vị nhất

trong câu chuyện.)

- Tính từ/trạng từ bất qui tắc

IV- Các dạng so sánh kép: 1) Càng ngày …

adj/adv + ER and adj/adv + ER - Tính từ/trạng từ ngắn:

Ex: Betty is younger and younger (Betty ngày càng trẻ.)

more and more + adj/adv - Tính từ/trạng từ dài:

Ex: They work more and more carefully (Họ làm việc ngày càng cẩn thận.)

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R a s c h c t

Tính từ/trạng từSo sánh hơnSo sánh nhấtgood/well (tốt)betterthe bestbad/badly (xấu, dở)worsethe worstfar (xa)farther/furtherthe farthest/furthestlittle (ít)lessthe leastmany/much (nhiều)morethe most

Tính/TrạngSo sánh nhấtTính/TrạngSo sánh nhấtfastcoldthickluckyhappydry


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2) Càng …, …

a) The more + S + V, the more + S + V The more I know him, the more I like him

(Càng biết anh ấy, tơi càng thích anh ấy.) b) The + SS + S + V, the + SS + S + V The older he gets, the weaker he is

(Ông ta càng già càng yếu.)

The more beautiful she is, the more miserable her parents are

8) There was very food at the party but I didn’t eat anything

A little B much C many D a lot of

9) Would you like tea?

(Cơ ta càng đẹp cha mẹ cô ta càng khổ.) A some B many C a few D any c) The more + S + V, the + SS + S + V

The more he works, the richer he is

(Ông ta càng làm càng giàu.) 10) He had so things to

Câu hỏi: A many B a lot of C much D little

a) Nếu mệnh đề (trước sau dấu phẩy) có động từ, khơng có tính trạng từ dùng THE MORE hay THE SS hơn? _ b) Nếu mệnh đề (trước sau dấu phẩy) có động

từ tính trạng từ dùng THE MORE hay THE SS hơn? _

c) Giữa câu có dấu phẩy ngăn cách hai vế đầu vế có từ THE áp dụng công thức Càng ngày … hay Càng …, …? _

11) We’re having a big party We’ve invited friends A a lot of B much C many of D no

12) Don’t drink wine It’s bad for your health A so much B a few C so many D many

V- Tóm tắt cơng thức: 13) How furniture you think there is?

A many B much C few D a lot of

14) He drank wine last night and gets sick now A too many B too much C few of D little

15) Thank you very for your help A many B much C a lot of

16) I have got homework to A many B few C a lot of

D little

D a lot

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So sánhCông thứcBằngKhẳng địnhAS Adj/Adv ASBằngPhủ địnhNOT AS/SO Adj/Adv asHơnNgắnAdj/Adv_ER

THANHơnDàiMORE Adj/Adv THANNhấtNgắnthe Adj/Adv_ESTNhấtDàithe MOST Adj/AdvKépCàng ngày càng…_ER and _ER

MORE and MORE Adj/AdvKépCàng…thì The more…., the more…


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20. We watched the film on _ TV and heard the news on _ radio


B1 Hoàn thành bảng sau.

Điểm xếp loại BÀI TẬP TỰ LUẬN:

C BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM: Chọn đáp án nhất.

1) There wasn’t snow last night

A a large number ofB much C few D many

2) She put so salt in the soup that she couldn’t have it It was too salty

A many B little C much D a little

3) He made too mistakes in his writing

A a few B much C many D a number of

4) How students are there in your class? A little B few C much D many

5) There was so traffic that it took me an hour to get home A a lot of B little C much D many

6) Learning a language needs patience A a few B much C many

7) How money have you got? A many B much C a lot of

D little

D a great deal of


54 Nguyễn Đặng

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STTTính/trạng từSo sánh hơnSo sánh

nhất1old2young3good/well4fast5intelligent6cheap7tall8hard9h igh10interesting11difficult12beautiful13far14carefully15bad16 slow17slowly18new19valuable20modern21long22quietly23nic e24skillfully25quickly26pretty27large28important29fluently30 busy


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ngoặc Viết dạng so sánh qua dấu hiệu nghĩa câu vào hai dòng trống bên dưới.

Cách làm bài: (1) nhìn trước sau khoảng trống có dấu hiệu dạng so sánh (áp dụng công thức), (2) chỗ trống cần tính hay trạng từ, ngắn hay dài, (3) viết đáp án nghĩa câu 1) Today the weather is than yesterday (bad)

2) Sound travels more light does (slow)

3) This ring is not that one (valuable)

4) She doesn’t work her sister (hard)

9. You should take _ umbrella

10. We went by _ train to the west of England

11. _ people who live in _ Scotland are called _ Scots

12. Did you read _ book I lent you last week?

13. _ British love _ Christmas

14. There was _ accident yesterday at _ corner of _ street

5) What is road in this city? (long)

15. _ earth goes around _ sun and _ moon goes 6) Could you talk more ? I’m trying to work (quiet)

7) I ran than Tom (fast)

8) Ann is 18 years old Sue is 20 years old Ann is Sue (old)

9) Thank you! That’s gift I have ever received (nice)

10) Nobody can cook as as my mother (good)

around _ earth

16. What is _ longest river in _ world?

17. My favorite sport is _ basketball but I usually play _ football in my free time

18. _ rich should help _ poor

19. See you _ next Sunday

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There is too much salt in the soup

He hasn’t got as much patience as I thought b A number of

+ Ns + động từ số nhiều A large number of

The number of (số lượng)+ Ns + động từ số A number of students love English very much (Nhiều học sinh thích tiếng Anh.)

The number of students in that school is about 2000 (Số học sinh trướng khoảng 2000.)

B BÀI TẬP TỰ LUẬN: Hoàn thành câu với a, an, the hoặc

1. _ man and _ woman were sitting opposite me _ man was American and _ woman was British

2. Please turn off _ lights before you go out

3. She is wearing _ blue dress with red earrings

4. Hawaii is _ island in the Pacific Ocean

5. Christmas comes once _ year

6. The Nile is _ river

7. I went to the shop to get some _ bread

B3 Viết lại câu với từ cho sẵn không đổi nghĩa câu trước đó.

Cách làm bài: (1) nhận dạng so sánh, (2) xác định nghĩa, (3) xác định dạng so sánh cần viết lại, (4) áp dụng công thức, viết đáp án nghĩa câu

1) Sarah is better at chemistry than Susan -> Susan is not

2) Peter usually drives faster than Mary -> Mary doesn’t usually drive

3) Tom doesn’t drive so carefully as Jim does -> Jim drives

4) She cooked better than you -> You didn’t cook

5) My salary is not as high as his salary -> His salary

6) He works less hard than we -> We work

7) No one in this class is taller than Jimmy -> In this class Jimmy is

8) Apples are cheaper than oranges -> Oranges are

9) Sam is the tallest student in my class -> No one in my class is

10) Janet is the best tennis player in the club -> Nobody in the club played tennis 8. He broke _ glass when he was washing dishes

B4 Hoàn thành câu, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh kép.

Cách làm bài: (1) xác định dạng so sánh kép (càng ngày

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hoặc … càng), (2) viết hình thức từ ngoặc 1) The competition makes the price of goods _ (cheap)

2) That factory is producing _ pollution (many)

3)The _ I read about history, the

_ it makes me realize how relevant history is for us today (much)

4) The less we study, _ we are (bad)

5) _ the match was, the more spectators it attracted (interesting)

6) The more running water you use, _ your bill will be (high)

7) The weather becomes _ (cold)

8) The more he slept, _ he became (irritable)

9) _ he worked, the more money he earned (hard)

10) _ I get to know Jim, the more I like him (much)

- Dùng “a/an” trước danh từ đề cập lần thứ thất, dùng “the” từ lần thứ hai

There is a book on the table The book is new

- Trước danh từ vật nhất: the sun, the moon, the earth - Trước từ số thứ tự, so sánh nhất: the first, the second, the last, the only, the tallest, …

- Trước tên nhạc cụ: the guitar, the vilolin, the drum, … - Trước mệnh đề quan hệ: The man whom she met is my teacher - The + adj (danh từ số nhiều, người): the rich (người giàu), the poor (người nghèo), the unemployed (người thất nghiệp), … - Trước danh từ đại dương, sông, dãy núi, tên quốc gia tổ chức tận kí tự “s”: the Pacific Ocean (Thái Bình Dương), the Atlantic Ocean (Đại Tây Dương), the Mississippi River, the United States, the United Nations, …

- Trong cụm từ: at the end/beginning of…, at the corner of …, in the world, all over the world, the same as, in the

morning/afternoon/evening, on the radio (nhưng on TV), … Lưu ý: không dùng mạo từ

- Trước tên quốc gia, đường phố, thành phố… chúng dùng như danh từ riêng: Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, Nguyen Hue Street, …

- Trước danh từ môn thể thao: football, tennis, … - Trước ngày tuần, tháng năm: Monday, January, … - Trong cụm từ lại phương tiện gì: by train, by bus, by car, on foot, …

2 Từ định lượng:

a A lot of, lots of, many, much: (nhiều)

- A lot of, lots of + Ns/N (không đếm được) câu khẳng định Ex: He has a lot of / lots of friends here

We need a lot of / lots of time to learn a foreign language - Many, much: dùng câu phủ định nghi vấn

MANY + danh từ số nhiều, MUCH + danh từ không đếm Ex: There aren’t many people living here

Does the newspaper have much information? - Many, much sau VERY, SO, TOO, AS: Ex: Very many crimes go unreported We had so many exercises to

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Điểm xếp loại BÀI TẬP TỰ LUẬN: Điểm xếp loại BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM:


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Yêu cầu học sinh: xác định danh từ đếm không đếm được, số số nhiều

A. Chọn đáp án để hoàn thành câu sau.

1) Marie is not intelligent her sister A more/as B so/so C so/as D the/of

2) This film is interesting than that film

A TĨM TẮT LÍ THUYẾT 1 Mạo từ: a, an, the

A most B less C as

D so a Mạo từ bất định: a, an

Được đặt trước danh từ đếm được, số ít với nghĩa “một” người nói/viết chưa xác định danh từ gì, (do có tên gọi mạo từ bất định)

- “a” + N bắt đầu phụ âm: a book, a chair, a house

3) No one in my class is beautiful her A as/as B more/as C as/than D the/more

4) I don’t work so hard my father - “an” + N bắt đầu nguyên âm (căn vào âm phát

ra, chữ viết): an ant, an orange, an eye, an umbrella,

an island

A so B as C than

D more Lưu ý:

- Học sinh thường cho bất ký tự bắt đầu kí tự a, o, e, u, i kí tự ngun âm Tuy nhiên, có từ thuộc nhóm kí tự lại phụ âm Do đó, để đảm bảo xác, học sinh cần đọc từ xác định âm có phải

5) Write a report first It’s more important your other work A than B as C from D then

6) His job is important than his friend’s nguyên âm không Hãy viết a hoặc an trước từ sau đây:

university, one-eye man, hour, MSc (Master of Science)

- Không dùng a, an trước danh từ: số nhiều, không đếm trừu tượng: a books , a money , an honesty

b Mạo từ xác định: the

Được đặt trước danh từ số lẫn số nhiều Khi người nói/viết

A as B more C so

7) He plays the guitar well as my brother A so B as C less

D the most

D A & B

đã xác định danh từ gì, 8) California is farther from New York Pennsylvania

A as B more C than D so

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6 George missed class today He might have had/should have had an accident

9) His job is important than mine

A more B as C the most D so

7 Robert arrived without his notebook He could have lost/would have lost it

10) Is this book more interesting the one you read last week? A that B as C than D of

8 Thomas received a warning for speeding He should have driven/shouldn’t have driven so fast

11) Hue is beautiful Dalat

A as/as B so/as C as/so D so/so

9 Henry’s car stopped on the highway It may run/may have run out of gas

12) My computer is modern yours

A less/than B so/as C the/than D more/as

10 You must have given/might have given me a hand but you didn’t

13) Going by train isn’t convenient as going by car A so B as C more D A & B

11 I suppose Bill should have lost/might have lost his way 14) The test is not difficult it was last month

A as / as B so / as C more / as D A & B 12 It's a pity you didn't ask because I can't help/could have helped you

15) Jane can swim than I can

A more further B further C more far D far 13 Alex failed the exam He must have studied/must not have studied enough

16) My bicycle is yours

A more new B as new as C new than D so new as 14 Mary did very well on the exam She must have studied/should have studied very hard

17) Nam is Tan A bigger

C the biggest

B bigger than D more big than

15 Julietta was absent for the first time yesterday She might have been/must be sick


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18) Hoa is the of the three students Have they planned on invest money in that project?

8 The doctor has repeatedly advised him to stop to smoke if he

A tallest B taller C tall

19) My brother sings me

D most tall

hopes to stay in good health

9 Let’s go out for a drink I suggest staying at home and watch television

A as good as C as well as

20) Thong is the in my class A clever

C cleverest

B well as

D more well than

B more clever D clever than 10 I always make the children to pick up their toys

21) What month is in the year?

C4 Gạch đáp án đúng. A the hot B hotter than

C the hottest D more hotter George would have gone/would go on a trip to Chicago if he

had had time

22) I have job in the world

A the best B good C the better D well Marcela didn’t come to class yesterday She will have had/may

have had an accident

23) Our team didn’t play I expected John didn’t his homework, so the teacher became very

angry John must have done/should have done his homework

A as well as B better C well

24) Jordan played skillfully O’Neal A the most/than B more/than C so/as

D as bad as

D as/than Sharon was supposed to be here at nine o’clock She must have

forgotten/must forget about our meeting

25) The little boy spoke English his brother

A more fast B fast than C the fastest D faster than Where you think Juan is today? I have no idea He should

have slept/may have slept late

26) Tom reads than his sister A quicker B quickly

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C more quickly D A & C

38) “ How did you travel so cheaply in Europe ? ” – “ We reduced

our expenses by taking the train and _ in inexpensive restaurants ”

27) China is the country with the population A eat B to eat C eating D ate A larger B large C most large D largest

39) “ Why are you mad , Katherine ?” – “ That traffic jam _ 28) My sister is much than me

A pretty B prettier

be late ”

A made us B caused us C had us to D forced us C the prettiest D more prettier

40) “ My mother says I can’t marry Jim” – “ She should let 29) Do you feel today than yesterday? your own mind.”

A well B good C best D better A you make up B that you make up C you to make up D you making up 30) He is the person we know

A most happiest B happier C happiest D happy C3 Chọn từ cụm từ gạch chân cần sửa lại. Would you mind to check the figures again ?

31) Mary is as her sister

A more pretty B as pretty C pretty D prettier

2 When there are low sales , companies often decide developing new products

32) Today English is international of languages A more B most C the most D the more

3 To reduce pollution, we have to stop to use many things that make our environment contaminated

33) The teacher speaks English we A fluently B more fluent than C most fluently D more fluently than

34) Nobody in this team plays Tom

4 He liked collecting stamps but he didn’t like buy them

5 Jill didn't repair the roof of herself She had it repairing A as good as B so well as C as best as

D B & C 6 The doctor advised doing exercise, drinking milk, and not to

35) We are not you smoke

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31) Who is responsible _ the garbage – the husband of the wife ?

A busy as C as busier than

B as busy than D as busy as A to take out B for take out

C for taking out D with taking out

36) The more cars people produce, _ cheaper they are A the B the cars have

32) “ How I turn on the T.V ? ” – “ _ the button at the right ”

A From pushing B By pushing C You pushing D To push

C the more D the cars are

37) Is her health getting _ and _? A bad / bad B good / good C worse / worse D more / more 33) “ How you like American food ?”

– “ Well, it’s not bad Now I _ hamburgers ”

A used to eat B am used to eat 38) _we eat, the fatter we become

C used to eating D am used to eating A The much B The more D Many D A lot of

34) a foreign language well is a long process A Learn B Learning C To learning D Having learned

39) The test becomes _ and _

A hard / hard B difficult / difficult C harder / harder D difficulty / difficulty 35) I can’t afford _ you any more money

A borrowing B to borrow C to lend D my lending 40) His health is getting _ and _ A good / good B better / better C bad / bad D well / well 36) The teacher encouraged _ good compositions

A us write B us to write C us writing D us to writing

41) The more paper we save, _preserved

A more is wood pulp B the more wood pulp is 37) “ Stacey seems like a bright student ”

- “ She’s always the first her work.” A to finish B finishing

C to being finished with D to be finish with

C wood pulp is D the much wood pulp is

42) The more polluted air we breathe, _we get A the more weaker B the more weak C the weaker D weaker more

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43) The more we study, the _ we are

A more good B better C better than D good

23) Instead of a new car, she'll have her old one

A to buy / repaired B buying / to repair C buying / be repaired D buying / repaired 44) The more I tried my best to help her, _ she became

A less lazy B the lazier C the more lazyD Lazier

24) I'm sorry I haven't got any money you Why don't you try Peter?

45) “What’s your thought of her presence here?” “The longer she stays, _ I dislike her.”

A to lend / to ask B lending / asking C to lend / asking D lending / to ask A the most B the very more

C much more D the more

25) They spent all day and on the beach A to swim / sunbathing B to swim / to sunbathe

B. Chọn từ/cụm từ (A, B, C D) chưa viết từ/cụm C swimming / to sunbathe D swimming / sunbathing

từ sửa lại vào khoảng trống phía sau câu.

1) Peter plays(A) the(B) piano better (C) I can(D) _

26) My shoes need

2) Mary looks(A) more prettier(B) than(C) she used to A to clean B clean C cleaning D be cleaned

be(D). _

3) Peter can play(A) table tennis better(B) more than(C) I

can(D). _

27) The manager had me his paper for him last night A to type B type C typed D to have typed

4) She is(A) the(B) most cleverer(C) in(D) our class. _

28) Are you going to suggest by train or not? 5) This car is(B) more economical(C) as(D) that one. _ A traveling B travel C to travel D traveled

6) Your(A) computer works(B) fast(C) than mine(D).

29) Our guests don’t plan until the end of the week 7) The problem seems(A) to be more(B) serious that(C) we

thought(D). _

8) His(A) father and he(B) can run so(C) fast as(D) I do. _

9) This(A) machine is not so(B) modern than(C) that one(D). _

A leave B leaving C to have left D to leave

30) Many northerners look forward _ a garden in the spring

A to plant B to planting C with plantingD to planting of

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10) This film(A) is more interesting(B) one(C) we saw last


15) Would you mind not _ ?

A to smoke B smoke C smoking D be smoking Điểm xếp loại BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM:

16) She was worried about by thieves A being rob B robbing C be robbing D being robbed

☺☺☺☺☺☺    

17) Why don’t you what you’re told, instead of such a song and dance about it?

A to make B making C made D make

18) Can you please me a little about yourself? A to tell B telling C tell D going to tell


Yêu cầu học sinh: xem tài liệu từ vựng thiết yếu trọng tâm ôn tập tốt nghiệp, học thuộc giời từ theo sau tính từ động từ ghi nhớ cụm động từ phổ biến A BÀI TẬP TỰ LUẬN

Hồn thành câu sau với giới từ thích hợp. 1) Your father is very kind David

19) How can you waste all that money on ?

A gamble B to gamble C gambling D the gamble 2) She was confused the dates 3) Your plan is similar his 20) “My watch is broken.” “Why don’t you ?”

A have it repair B have it repairing 4) The boy is afraid snakes C have it for repair D have it repaired

5) She is accustomed getting up early 21) “May I help you ?” – “Yes, I need someone _ the tire

on my car ”

A change B to change C changing D to be changed

22) Can you get the teacher us less homework ?

6) He was successful his job 7) Are you aware the time?

8) They are interested buying a new house

A give B giving C to give D her giving

9) Smoking is harmful our health


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10) I couldn’t believe what he said It was contrary his

thought 6) You should give up or you will die of cancer A smoke B to smoke C smoking D smoked

11) Our study is very important our future and useful our country

7) My roommate’s handwriting is very bad, so he had me 12) Are you capable that job? his paper for him last night

A to type B type C typing D to have typed 13) This theatre is often crowded viewers

14) The bottle is full water

15) It was very nice him to give me a lift

8) I got everyone in the family Jane’s birthday card before I sent it to her

A sign B signed C to sign D having signed

16) Don’t worry the money! I’ll lend you

9) The driver stopped a coffee because he felt sleepy 17) They have been waiting the bus for half an hour

18) He took advantage this opportunity to explain why he had done that

A have B to have C having D had

10) What makes you so? 19) Ken prefers Chinese food French food

A B did C done D doing

20) Don’t shout the child when he makes a mistake

11) We were made all the cleaning in the house

A to B C doing D done 21) Last Sunday I was invited his wedding party

12) I really must on with my work now 22) I have been looking my dog for two days but I

haven’t seen it yet

23) He spent too much money that car

A to get B getting C get D to getting

13) What you enjoy _ in your free time ? A doing B C to D done

24) Do you believe God? 25) She is leaving Paris

26) Don’t make noise! I’m concentrating the question

14) You can’t go to England without _ to Bucking ham Palace


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27) She has suffered her heart attack 13) I regret (to inform/informing/inform/informed) you that your

application has been refused 28) The bomb has gone in a crowded street 29) Who will look the child when you’re away? 14) Don’t forget (close/closing/to close/closed) the door before

going out 30) Congratulate you winning the game

31) I feel very hot because the electricity has gone 15) I advise you (to wait/wait/waiting/to be waited) before

deciding to accept that position

C2 Chọn đáp án nhất.

1) Don’t forget home as soon as you arrive at your destination

A to call B calling C having called D to be called

2) Jean should seriously consider an actress

32) I’ve lost my keys Can you help me look them? 33) The book is divided three parts

34) I wrote to the company asking them more information about the job

35) Four-fifths of the world’s computers use programs English

36) Clean air provides us a healthy supply of oxygen A to become B become C becoming D will become

37) Mary always take good care her children 3) Ann told him if she was late

A not wait for her C not to wait for her B don’t wait for her D doesn’t wait for her

4) If we leave now for our trip, we can drive half the distance before we stop lunch

38) Lisa is very good chemistry 39) Smoking is not good our health 40) That farmer succeeded raising fish 41) The future of a country depends the youth


42) My father is used living in the countryside 5) Nancy’s mother told her change her plans

A not B doesn’t C not to D didn’t

43) My father isn’t pleased my work

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44) She is always fed up washing dishes after dinner 2) Do you often practise (speaking/to speak/speak/spoke) English?

45) My father insisted building a new house Điểm xếp loại BÀI TẬP TỰ LUẬN:

3) Your hair needs (cutting/cut/to cut/to cutting) tomorrow

4) They don’t allow (to smoke/smoking/be smoked/smoked) in the auditorium


B1 Chọn đáp án để hoàn thành câu sau.

1) I’ll be at home _ Saturday morning You can phone me then (at/on/in/by)

2) I’m going away _ the end of June (at/on/in/to)

5) They let us (be parked/park/to park/parking) motorbikes here but they don’t allow us park cars

6) We found it very difficult (reach/reaching/to reach/to

reaching) a decision 3) What time did they arrive the hotel? (to/at/in/on)

4) Have you read any books Agatha Christie? (of/from/by/with)

7) Mary regrets (tell/to tell/telling/being told) him about her secret yesterday

5) I’m not very good _ repairing things (at/for/in/about)

8) Please let me (to know/know/knowing/known) your decision 6) “What time will you arrive?” “I don’t know It depends the

traffic.” (of/for/from/on)

9) I was looking forward to (see/to see/saw/seeing) you 7) I prefer tea _ coffee (to/than/against/over)

8) The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage _ the other car (of/for/to/on)

9) These days everybody is aware _ the dangers of smoking (on/of/with/ about)


10) Sad movies always make me (cry/crying/to cry/to crying)

11) It takes me hours (to write/writing/to be written/written) a letter



12) He is too busy (take/to take/taking/took) care of her

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11) Bill and I come from the same town but my accent is 9) They postponed building the school for lack of different _ his (with/on/at/ from)


12) Do you know anyone who might be interested buying an old car? (on/in/with/about)

10) He always avoids meeting in the street

13) Sun oil can protect the skin _ the sun (in/for/from/by) 11) Do you agree lending me some money?

12) Tom refused to give me his address

13) Don’t forget to give her my message when you see her

14) You should try to wear any shirts you want to

14) The apartment consists three rooms, a kitchen and bathroom (of/about/on/at)

15) Mozart died Vienna in 1791 _ the age of 35 (in-on/in-at/at-in/of-for)

16) We waited ages for a taxi We gave up _ the end and walked home (in/on/at/of)

17) Why are you never _ time? You always keep everybody waiting (in/on/for/at)


18) “Romeo and Juliet” is a play Shakespeare (about/for/on/by)

15) I remember to meet you somewhere last month

19) There has been an increase the number of road accidents recently (in/on/at/by)


C1 Gạch đáp án nhất.


20) I’m sure you are capable passing the examination (with/to/of/by)

21) My hometown is not especially interesting It’s not famous _ anything (for/with/at/on)

22) Linda is married an American (with/to/ in/for) 23) When I realized that I was wrong, I apologized _ my

mistake (to/at/on/for)

24) The book is divided three parts (to/with/of/into)

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14) Would you like (have) a dance with me? 25) Don’t throw stones _ the birds! It’s cruel (at/to/into/in)

26) I saw a really funny program television (at/from/in/on) 27) I haven’t seen you _ we left school (for/from/since/by) 28) What’s the difference a boat and a ship?


29) We all laughed _ the cartoon (for/at/on/to)

15) I enjoy (listen) to classical music

B3 Những động từ gạch chân hay sai? Nếu đúng, đánh dấu ( ); sai, viết hình thức động từ vào khoảng trống đầu câu.

1) I really regret to hurt your feeling when I asked

you such a silly question 30) Sally and Kevin had an argument and now they’re not

speaking _ one another (about/to/for/at) 31) Police are searching _ the man who escaped from

prison (at/in/for/by)

32) Don’t point that knife _ me It’s dangerous (at/to/into/onto)

33) I heard a noise behind me and turned _, but there was nothing (away/out/on/round)

34) Why were you so unfriendly Tessa? Have you had an argument with her? (of/for/to/with)

35) They gave me a form and told me to fill that form (in/on/at/with)


2) Students stopped making noise when the teacher came in

3) Would you mind buy me a newspaper?

4) Did you remember phoned Ann? - Oh, no I

completely forgot it

5) Those shirts need ironing

6) They finished to learn and then they wanted to go out for pleasure

36) We travelled the 6.45 train, which arrived at 8.30 (in/on/by/at)

37) Janet warned me the water She said it wasn’t safe to drink (about/with/on/to)

38) Albert is 85 and lives alone He needs somebody to look him (for/on/at/after)

7) When you see Tom, remember giving him my regards

8) I hope to not that tiring work again

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39) I will not be here next week I am going _ business in 2) He advises us (be) more studious

3) He allows (ask) him questions

4) We don’t allow people (smoke) in this room

5) They didn’t permit (camp) in this wood

6) Nothing will make me (change) my mind


Singapore (in/on/with/at)

40) I don’t believe ghosts I think people only imagine that they see them (to/about/in/with)

41) Don’t go too fast I can’t keep _ you (on to/on with/up to/up with)

42) Endangered species are plant and animal species which are _ danger of extinction (on/in/at/by)

43) Plant and animal extinction leads loss of biodiversity (on/in/into/to)

44) - You look very brown Where’ve you been?

- Oh, I’ve just got back holiday (on/at/in/from) 45) Can I speak Mr Smithers, please? (at/about/to/for) 8) Jack was allowed (renew) his student card

46) - How long have you been living there? - about two years (In/Since/On/For) 9) The doctor made the patient (stay) in bed

47) Do you want to stop in this town, or shall we _? (turn on/turn off/go on/look after)

10) His parents permitted him (go) out

48) Who will look _ the children while you go out to work? (for/up/after/at)

11) They allowed me (take) the trip with them

49) Please turn the light, it’s getting dark in here (on/off/over/into)

12) She advised her husband (give) up smoking

50) Remember to take _ your shoes when you are in a Japanese house (care/on/over/off)

13) He’s expecting (make) a trip to Ha Long Bay

51) You can look the new words in the dictionary (for/after/up/at)

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- should have V3/ed: nên 52) It’s cold outside your coat

(Put on/Take off/Put off/Hang on)

53) Bill seems unhappy in his job because he doesn’t get _ his boss (up to/on for/in with/on well with)

Ex: You got low marks You should have studied harder (Bạn đạt điểm thấp Đáng lẽ bạn nên học chăm hơn.) B BÀI TẬP TỰ LUẬN



54) Why they talking about money all the time? (keep on/give up/take after/stop by)

55) I was born in Scotland but I in Northern Ireland (grew up/raised/brought up/rose)

B2 Chọn từ/cụm từ thay từ/cụm từ gạch chân.

1) Frank never turns up on time for a meeting A calls B arrives C reports D prepares

2) Never put off until tomorrow what you can today A B let C delay D leave

3) My father still hasn’t really recovered from the death of my mother

A got over B taken after C gone off D looked after

4) The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town

A went on B went out C went off D went away

5) John, could you look after my handbag while I go out for a minute

A take part in B take over C take place D take care of B2 Viết hình thức động từ ngoặc.

1) The teacher permits us (go) out in a minute

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R a s c h c t

Cấu trúcĐộng từ theo sauCấu trúcto V0V-ingV0S + permit/allow + OS +

permit/allowS + expect/refuse/hope/agree/decideS + make/let + OS + have + sbS + be allowedS + advise + OWould you mindWould you likeS + look forward toS + be + adjS (vật) + needS (người) + needS + stop (để làm gì)S + stop (đang làm)S + regret (viêc làm)S + regret (tin không vui)S + try (cố gắng)S + try (thử)S + remember/forget (việc làm)S + remember/forget (việc cần làm)S +


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Ex: Dark clouds are gathering in the sky It may/might rain soon (Mây đen quần tụ bầu trời Chắc mưa rồi.) - must (phải), mustn’t (không được): bắt buộc phải/khơng làm việc

- needn’t (khơng cần): khơng cần thiết phải làm điều Ex: I live near my office I needn’t drive to work

Lưu ý: do/does/did + not + need + to V0

Ex: I don’t need to drive to work

b ĐTKK + S + V0: xin phép, đề nghị, yêu cầu, giúp đỡ…

- May + I + V0….?

Ex: Excuse me, may I sit here? (Xin lỗi, tơi ngồi khơng?)

- Can/Could + S + V0…? (S = you I)

Ex: Can I carry your bag? – Thank you very much (Tôi mang túi xách hộ chị – Cảm ơn anh nhiều.)

Could you close the window, please? (Anh vui lịng đóng cửa sổ.) - Will/Would + you + V0…?

Ex: Will you send me that bill, please? (Bạn vui lịng gửi tơi tờ hóa đơn đó.)

- Would/Do you mind + V-ing…? (= Do you mind + V-ing…?) Ex: Would you mind sending me that bill?

- Would/Do you mind if S + V…? (Bạn có phiền …?) Ex: Would you mind if I opened the window?

(Do you mind if I open the window?) c ĐTKK + have +V3/ed

- must have V3/ed: hẳn (suy luận hợp lí khứ) Ex: I’ve lost my key I must have dropped it somewhere (Tôi làm chìa khóa Chắc hẳn tơi đánh rơi đâu đó.) - may/might have V3/ed: có lẽ

Ex: I said good morning to her but she didn’t reply She may not have seen me

(Tôi nói chào buổi sáng với ta ta khơng đáp lại Có lẽ khơng thấy tơi.)

- could have V3/ed:

Ex: You could have helped me but why did you just sit and watch?

(Đáng lẽ bạn giúp tơi bạn ngồi nhìn thơi?)

6) My father gave up smoking two years ago A liked B continued C stopped D enjoyed

7) Both Ann and her sister look like her mother A take after B take place C take away D take on

8) I’ll be back in a minute, Jane I just want to try out my new tape recorder

A resemble B test C arrive D buy

Điểm xếp loại BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM:

☺☺☺☺☺☺    

BÀI 3: CÂU HỎI ĐUÔI VÀ CÂU DIỄN ĐẠT ĐỒNG Ý Yêu cầu học sinh: (1) xác định động từ câu; (2) phân biệt trợ động từ DO, DOES DID; (3) biết hình thức viết tắt động từ với NOT; (4) học thuộc động từ bất qui tắc thơng dụng

A TĨM TẮT LÍ THUYẾT 1 Câu hỏi đi

a Động từ TO BE

She is a good teacher, isn’t she? b Động từ khiếm khuyết

Mr Tuan cannot live far away from his home, can he? c Động từ kép

Lam and Nam haven’t seen each other for years, have they? d Động từ thường

Ms Lan usually gets up early, doesn’t she?

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They don’t like to eat too much, they? Tam spoke English very well, didn’t he?

Lưu ý: (xem thêm tài liệu trọng tâm ôn tập tốt nghiệp.) a Động từ NOT viết dạng rút gọn

Đúng: isn’t she? , Sai: is not she?

b Trong câu có từ mang nghĩa phủ định (never, seldom, rarely, hardly, nothing, no one) câu hỏi đi khơng có NOT

Đúng: He is never late for school, is he? Sai: He is never late for school, isn’t he?

c Khi chủ từ nothing everything, câu hỏi đuôi, dùng “it” Khi chủ từ đại từ bất định: nobody, somebody,

everybody (body thay bằng one) dùng “they” câu hỏi đuôi

Nobody phoned, did they?

d Với câu bắt đầu “Let’s”, dùng “shall we” câu hỏi đuôi

Let’s have a party, shall we? 2 Câu diễn đạt đồng ý

(Lưu ý cách dùng chủ từ động từ số ít, nhiều vế sau, khác với câu hỏi đuôi)

a Cũng vậy: so too

She is a good teacher and so is Nam She is a good teacher and Nam is, too He can swim very well and so can she He can swim very well and she can, too

They have learned English for seven years and so have I They have learned English for seven years and she has, too We usually play football after class and so they

We usually play football after class and she does, too (xem công thức tài liệu ôn tập tốt nghiệp) b Cũng không: not…either neither

She is not a good teacher and neither is Nam She is not a good teacher and Nam isn’t, either He can’t swim very well and neither can she


- remember/forget + to V: nhớ/quên điều cần làm (chưa xảy ra) Ex: Remember to post the letter when you get to the post office (Nhớ gởi thư bạn đến bưu điện.)

- remember/forget + V-ing: nhớ/quên việc làm (đã xảy ra) Ex: I will never forget seeing you here last year

(Tôi không quên gặp bạn vào năm rồi.) e REGRET

- regret + to V: tiếc phải báo tin không vui Ex: I regret to tell you that you failed the exam (Tôi lấy làm tiếc báo cho anh hay anh thi hỏng.) - regret + V-ing: tiếc việc làm

Ex: She regretted going to New York for holiday (Cô tiếc nghỉ New York.)

4 Động từ nguyên mẫu không TO (V0)

a Sau động từ:

can/could (có thể), may/might (có lẽ), must (phải), have to (cần phải), will/would/shall (sẽ), should/ought to/had better (nên), used to (đã từng), would rather (thích hơn)

Ex: They used to live here b S + let/make/have + sb + V0

Ex1: They let him go (Họ anh đi.)

Ex2: They made him work until midnight (Họ buộc làm việc tới đêm.)

He was made to work until midnight (xem 1g trang 36) Ex3: My father had me repair this washing machine (Cha nhờ sửa máy giặt này.)

Lưu ý: My father got me to repair this washing machine 5 Cụm động từ (xem phần ĐỘNG TỪ + GIỚI TỪ/TRẠNG TỪ tài liệu Từ vựng tiếng Anh thiết yếu_ôn tập tốt nghiệp THPT)

Lưu ý: Nội dung thường xuất đề thi tốt nghiệp 6 Động từ khiếm khuyết: may, might, must, need, could,

should a ĐTKK+ V0

- may/might (có thể): diễn tả việc xảy tương lai

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26 Nguyễn


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b Sau giới từ (in, on, at, about, with, from, to, …) Ex: I’m interested in learning English

I’m looking forward to seeing you again c S + V + V-ing

enjoy (thích, thưởng thức), finish (hồn thành), postpone (trì hỗn), avoid (tránh), keep (vẫn cịn), practise (thực hành), miss (bỏ lỡ), be used to (quen với), get used to (spend (tiêu xài, trải qua), allow/permit (cho phép), advise (khuyên), give up (từ bỏ, đầu hàng), suggest (đề nghị), consider (xem xét), discuss (thảo luận), feel like (muốn), mind (phiền), would/do you mind (bạn có phiền…), look forward to (trông đợi)

Lưu ý:

- Cấu trúc sau “suggest”: S + suggest + V-ing:

Ex: He suggested seeing the doctor S + suggest (+ that) + S + should + V0

Ex: He suggested (that) I should see the doctor 3 TO V0 hay V-ing?


- stop + to V: dừng lại để làm

Ex: I stop to have lunch (Tôi dừng lại để ăn trưa.) - stop + V-ing: dừng hành động làm

Ex: You should stop smoking (Bạn nên ngừng hút thuốc.) b TRY

- try + to V: cố gắng

Ex: He tries to get ten marks (Anh ta cố gắng đạt mười điểm.) - try + V-ing: thử

Ex: Try writing with your left hand (Hãy thử viết tay trái.) c NEED

- need + to V: cần (nghĩa chủ động)

Ex: They need to work harder (Họ cần làm việc chăm hơn.) - need + V-ing (= need + to be V3/ed): cần (nghĩa bị động)

Ex: This room needs cleaning (This rooom needs to be cleaned.) (Căn phòng cần lau chùi.)

He can’t swim very well and she can’t, either

They haven’t learned English for seven years and neither has he They haven’t learned English for seven years and he hasn’t, either

They don’t usually play football after class and neither I They don’t usually play football after class and he doesn’t, either (xem công thức tài liệu ôn tập tốt nghiệp)

Câu hỏi: Xem lại phần a b hoàn thành câu sau với từ CĨ KHƠNG CĨ

Khi dùng “so” “neither” _ đảo ngữ chủ từ động từ

Khi dùng “too” “not…either” _ đảo ngữ chủ từ động từ


B1 Hồn thành câu hỏi đi.

1 Murat gets up late, ? Your car is not cheap, ? You couldn't help me, ?

4 You weren't at the party last night, ? You have never been to Peking, ? You must give up smoking, ? I didn't anything wrong, , ? Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, ? The car isn't in the garage, ? 10 You are John, ?

11 She went to the library yesterday, ?

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used toto V0be/get used toV-ingwould like (’d like)to V0feel


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Ex: They reminded him to buy them some stamps 12 He didn't recognize me, ?

13 Cars pollute the environment, ?

14 Mr Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, ? 15 The trip is very expensive, ?

16 He won't tell her, ? 17 Hugh had a red car, ?

mục đích (để làm gì)

Ex: I learn English to communicate with foreigners c Wh- word (what, where, when, how, …) + to V0

Ex: She didn’t know where to go d S + be + adj + to V0

able (có thể), unable (khơng thể), happy (vui vẻ), delighted (vui mừng), easy (dễ), lovely (thú vị, hay), glad (vui), sorry (tiếc), afraid (sợ), eager (háo hức), pleased (hài lòng), disappointed (thất vọng), surprised (ngạc nhiên), certain (chắc chắn), willing (sẵn lòng), kind/nice/good (tử tế, tốt bụng)… Ex: I’m happy to see you again

You are very kind to help me with this exercise 18 The Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park is in Keystone, ( It’s very kind of you to help me with this exercise.) ?

19 They helped us a lot, ?

20 The rock was a sacred Indian site once, ? 21 The monument doesn’t show the bust of President Clinton, ?

22 George Washington was the first President of the United States, ?

23 Let's have a drink, ? 24 Lisa has lost her ID, ? 25 No one can help you, ?

B2 Hoàn thành câu sau với SO NIETHER (câu a.) và TOO, NOT … EITHER (câu b.).

1a I don't like tea with sugar I 1b I don't like tea with sugar I

e S + V + too + adj/adv (+ for O)+ to V0 (quá … không thể…)

Ex: This tea is too hot (for me) to drink f S + V + enough + N + to V0

S + V + adj/adv + enough (+for O) + to V0

(đủ…để làm điều gì)

Ex: They had enough time to join the game

These films are not interesting enough (for him) to see Lưu ý: với cấu trúc e. (too…to) và f. (enough…to), không có it

them cuối câu

This tea is too hot (for me) to drink it

These films are not interesting enough (for him) to see them g S + be + V3/ed + to V0 (cấu trúc bị động)

Ex: She was told to wait for her teacher right here

h It + takes/took + O + time + to V0 (Ai thời

gian để làm gì)

Ex: It takes him 30 minutes to drive to his office (Anh 30 phút để lái xe đến văn phòng làm việc.) i S + find + it + (adv) adj + to V0

Ex: They find it uneasy to scientific research (Họ nhận thấy làm nghiên cứu khoa học khơng dễ.) 2 Danh động từ (V-ing)

a Làm chủ từ

Ex: Swimming is her favorite kind of sport


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C So does she D Neither may she 2a David doesn't like carrots Mary 2b David doesn't like carrots Mary 15. He doesn't want to leave

A I not, either B So I

3a I'm feeling tired he 3b I'm feeling tired He

C Neither I D I do, too

4a I spent the whole evening watching TV they

Điểm xếp loại BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM:

4b I spent the whole evening watching

TV They

5a I don't like eggs Nancy and Alice 5b I don't like eggs Nancy and Alice

☺☺☺☺☺☺    


Yêu cầu học sinh: (1) biết cách thêm TO, ING vào trước sau động từ, (2) xác định S, V, O câu, (3) ghi nhớ động từ bất qui tắc phổ biến

A TĨM TẮT LÍ THUYẾT 1 Động từ có TO (to V0)

a S + V + to V0

want (muốn), expect (mong chờ, kỳ vọng), refuse (từ chối), hope (hy vọng), decide (quyết định), agree (đồng ý), plan (dự định), would like (=’d like, muốn), would you like…?(bạn có muốn…?), fail (thất bại, hỏng), learn (học), afford (có đủ khả năng/điều kiện), manage (xoay sở), choose (chọn lựa), prepare (chuẩn bị), pretend (giả bộ), promise (hứa), …

be able to (có khả năng), be allowed to (được phép), be going to (sắp, định)

Ex: He agreed to attend my party b S + V + O + to V0

ask (yêu cầu), order (ra lệnh), tell (bảo, kể), encourage (khuyến khích, động viên), remind (nhắc nhở), advise (khuyên), would like, allow/permit (cho phép), …

6a I was sick yesterday my friend 6b I was sick yesterday My friend 7a Maria is not a noisy pupil her sister 7b Maria is not a noisy pupil Her sister 8a They won't go camping their relatives 8b They won't go camping Their relatives 9a I need a holiday you

9b I need a holiday You

10a I would love a cup of tea she 10b I would love a cup of tea She Điểm xếp loại BÀI TẬP TỰ LUẬN:

Bài tập bổ sung: xem lại tập cũ, tự đặt câu hỏi đuôi (vừa rèn kiến thức vừa ôn kiến thức cũ)


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C BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM 6. Billy: I hate tomatoes - Lilly:

A I them too B Neither I

C1 Chọn câu hỏi đuôi ứng với câu sau.

1. You can't answer all the questions, _ 2. You will help me to wash the dishes, _ 3. He believes you, _

4. The teacher should explain the lesson, _ 5. The boy didn't know the lesson, _ 6. Bob frightened you, _

7. You can speak English well, _ 8. She couldn't arrange that, _ 9. You won't tell him, _ 10. He shouldn't it, _

a didn't he? b will you? c can't you? d doesn't he? e can you? f should he? g could she? h won't you? i did he? j shouldn't he?

C So I D I

7. Teacher: I'm tired - Students: _

A So are we B So am I C So are you D Neither is we

8. Maggie: I love rice - Normy: Yuk _ A So I B I C I not D I too

C2 Chọn đáp án để hoàn thành câu sau.

1. Mary: I'm not going out tonight - Shelly:

9. Sally: I love chocolate - Polly: A I love too B So I C So love me D I A I'm not B So am I C So I D Neither am I

10. Polly: My Mum can't stand rock music Johny: I've never been to Granada - Sally: _

A Neither have I B So have I

Sally: mine

A So can B So are C Neither can D Either can C So I haven't D Neither had I

11. He enjoys eating a pear

3. Tommy: I don't like pears - Sally: A So I B So I enjoy C Do so I D Neither I A I B I don't C So I D Neither can I

12. I just can't stop loving you 4. Elly: I'd like to visit The Greek Islands


A Neither can he B Neither does he C So can he D Either he can A So had I B Me too C So I D So would I

13. My cheese has been eaten by mice 5. Polly: I went to the cinema on Saturday

Pammy: What a coincidence

A So is theirs B Either theirs has C So has theirs D Theirs too A So was I B So did I C So went I D So I

14. He may drive slowly A She may, either B She may, too

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Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Duy

Ngày đăng: 24/05/2021, 21:03

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