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Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh Phần 1

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VINH BÁ (Nguyên GV chuyên Anh, Trường Quốc học Huế) TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI MÔN THPT QUỐC GIA NHÀ XUẤT BẢN ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI VĨNH BÁ (Nguyên giáo viên chuyên Anh, Trường Quốc học Huế) TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI TRUNG HQC P H ổ THÔNG QUỐC GIA MÔN TÉVGANH (Tái lẩn thứ tư sửa chữa, b ổ sung theo tinh thẩn thi 2015) NHÀ XUẤT BẢN ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI LỜI NÓI ĐẦU * ^ ậ p sách sưu tập tập Tiếng Anh chia thành 12 chủ điểm Nhằm cung cấp cho giáo viên Tiếng Anh nguồn tư liệu giảng dạy cho học sinh tư liệu luyện tập để củng cố kiến thức trước kì thi Đe rèn luyện thêm từ vựng, học sinh làm chưomg từ I đến V {Muliiple Choice Tests, Lexical Cloze Tests, Open Cỉoze Tests, Word Pormation Trios o f Gapped Sentences) Các chưoưg VI {Sentence Compleíion), VII {Sentence transform ation) VIII ựỉrror Correction) dùng cho việc rèn luyện kĩ nhận biết cấu trúc câu Ba chương IX (Prepositions), X (Phrasal Verbs) XI {Correct Verb Porms) tập quan trọng giới từ, động từ kép dạng động từ điểm ngữ pháp hỏi đến kì thi tiếng Anh Chương XII {Reading Comprehemion) phần khơng thể thiếu giáo trình liếng Anh, cung cấp dọc để ròn luyện kĩ hiểu văn Câu hỏi kèm đọc thuộc nhiều dạng khác nhau, dạng câu hỏi đa chọn lựa (Multiple Choicc Questions) thông dụng kì thi nước ta Ngoại trừ chương I (Multiple Choice Tcsts) II (Lexical Cloze Tests) câu hỏi trắc nghiệm lừ vựng quen thuộc, phần khác chứa câu hỏi tự luận yôu cầu người học phải viết câu trả lời Mặc dù kì thi Tú Tài Đại học khơng cịn sử dụng câu hỏi tự luận muốn làm câu hỏi trắc nghiệm, người học phải luyện tập qua câu hỏi tự luận Cuối sách phụ lục giới từ để học sinh tham khảo làm tập thuộc chương XI X Tập sách thích họp cho học sinh ôn thi tú tài, cao đẳng đại học, đặc biệt có ích cho học sinh chun ngữ học sinh đội tuyển tiếng Anh chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh cấp quốc gia, tỉnh thành phố Xin chân thành cảm ơn tác giả nhà xuất có tư liệu mà chúng tơi mạo muội đưa vào tập sách Người sưu tập tuyến chọn Vĩnh Bả Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h - MULTIPLE CHOICE TESTS Choose the best altemative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences 1 I find the way she keeps playing with her hair rea lly A thrilled B irritated c thrilling D irritating She w a s to discover that she had won íĩrst prize A excited B lucky c astonished D nervous You m ust have f e l t w hen all your exam s were over A relieved B upset c irritated D cross The Silence o f the Lam bs is the m o s t _ íĩlm I’ve ever seen A terrifíed B tcrrif3ãng c scarod D excited I w a s that Tom could come to the party after all A irritating B nervous c íurious D glad The m anager really wanted Anna to join the company: he believed she would be a v a lu a b le to his team of sales people A addition B accum ulation c supplem ent D appendage Everything included, the cost o f our new living room came to a total of £10,000 A full B great c gross D grand When the ship docked at Hamburg, they found a _ A gate-crasher B stowaway c interloper If you know when you’re Corning back it would be better to huy a ticket A ílrst-class B single c return D one-way _ in the hold D trespasser 10 Cheese and spinach pie is a traditional G reek _ A cuisine B food c course D dish 11 How long does it usuỄdly take to A check in B check out for a dom estic ílight? c check over D check on 12 The brochure stated the hotel was situ a ted _ A direct B right c precise beside the sea D exact 13 Sheila had butterílies in h e r before the interview A face B heart c palms D stom ach 14 I hadn’t been riding before and could b a rely _ A get into B get out of c get on the horse at íĩrst D get off Tài liệu ơn thi THPT Oiiốc gici mơn TiếníỊ A n h 15 I m isread the tim e on the ticket and w e the plane A caught II got on c lost D m issed 16 Although Vicky looked pretty much the same after all those years, I n o ticed changes which madc her look even more beautiful than I remembered c fair D joint B sensitive A subtle 17 If they had been w e a r in g plane crashed into the sea A cabins B seat-belts they m ight have survived w hen their c life-belts D yachts 18 If you have a minor illness, it ’s usually better ju st to let nature take its A course B tim e 19 The scientist wanted to the failure o f the experim ent A drive B space c path him seir from the controversy following c distance 20 They’re starting th e ir _ by ílying to Tokyo A travel B voyage c journey 21 The shop assistant was m ost _ price on the jar of olives A helpless B unhclptul D way D lengthen D trip w hen I told her that there was no c thoughtíul D unhelplully people I’ve 22 He may not be good looking but h e’s one of the m o s t _ ever met A likely B unlikely c likeable D likeness 23 I don’t know w hy exactly but I suspect him o f b e in g A dishonesty B dishonest c dishonestly D honesty 24 He hired a to try to follow her everywhere she w ent A private investigator B caretaker c litcguard D traĩíĩc warden 25 He runs a very A proííting _ business selling spare parts for cars on the Internet B proíltable c proíĩt D proíítably _ in our building often falls asleep at the front desk The A caretaker B stockbroker c undertaker D bookmaker He took ịncorrect A exception e- vinh Bủ w ith many of the points she made, claim ing they were B issuc c account D trouble The sink is com pletely blocked so w e’ll have to get a (n ) _ A m iner B undertaker c surgeon D plumber The o rg a n isers how many people would be attending the course and there were not enough chairs A underestim ated B overestim ated c overrated D estim ated a minute! I can’t íínd my keys A Keep on B Hold on c Go on D Carry on You ju st never lift a to help me — I have to everỊdhing myselí! A shoulder B hand c finger D wrist S cientists seem to be trying to push t h e of nature to the limit A laws B codes c rules D regulations There was a on the door who w ouldn’t let us into the disco A reíeree B lifeguard c w restler D bouncer I w on’t act in íllm s that are too violent — I the line at that A paint B make c draw D w rite 10 I had lost m y glasses in the w ater and could barely river A notice B recognise c remark the edge o f the D distinguish 11 If y o u to Berlin, call my friend Peter and say “hello” from me A will go B w on ’t go c go D going 12 She gets fìfteen per c e n t on every Insurance policy she sells A salary B com m ission c bonus D pension 13 My uncle is thinking of travelling round the world A retiring c being sacked next yeeir and spending the rest o f his life B being made redundant D being resigned 14 Before they opened the new factory a lot o f the young people round here w e r e th e dole A in B up c at D on 15 She h a s _ a position as general manager A applied B applied for c solicited 16 I worked all sum m er but I didn’t A gain B win D asked _ enough to save any money c pay D earn 17 In the interview they asked if I had m u c h w ith computers A experience B experim ent c experim ents D experiences Tài liệu óìì thi THPT Oiiốc U1ƠÌ1 Tiéitỉỉ A n h - 18 Many governm ents have tried to b a n A syndicates B em ployers c trade unions D em ployees 19 There is a special section o f the newspaper entirely devoted to j o b A advertisem ents B announces c propaganda D publicity 20 I look forward t o from you and receiving your brochure A heard B hearing c hear D hears in the area? 21 Are there any sq u a sh c rings A greens B pitches 22 People som etim es use baseball A clubs B sticks _ as weapons c bats D courts D rackets is always in 23 It doesn’t m atter which footb£dl team you support t h e the wrong A linesm an B referee c arbitrator D um pire 24 I think the A net 25 is a bit too high, don’t you? B ring c pitch D set , I w ant to explain why the team has not m anaged to get into the íírst division A At the end B In the end c Pinally D Last I’d like to huy the radio, but I haven’t got any m oney on m e at the m om ent Could y o u for me for a day or two? A bring it round B lay it in c take it in D put it on one side “Were you told to get dinner ready?” “No, I did it o f my o w n ” A desire B accord c idea D will Mr N ewrich invited his guests to an expensive restaurant However, he f e lt at ease c ill D unw ell A sick B painful Police blamed a sm all hooligan which occurred A constituent B elem ent in the crowd for the violence c division D portion The police arrested the wrong m an m ainly because they nam es they had been given hy the w itness A bewildered B merged c coníused D puzzled - Vỉiìh Bá the The police car raced down the Street w ith t h e blaring D alarm A siren B bell c gong H is parents died w hen he was very young so he was by an aunt D brought up A grown up B taken care c taken after I have been eating honey so m y fingers a r e _ A dirty B sticky c wet D yellow Mrs Proper always tells her child not to talk w ith his m outh _ A wide B open c together D full 10 I have always A taken up my older brother for his courage and honesty B taken after c looked up to D looked after 11 After the guests had left we wero allowed to eat the A rem aining B left c m issed cakes D additional 12 D on’t be s o _ ! He was only joking A sensible B senseless c sensitive D insensitive 13 The conspirators were plotting the _of the governm ent c dem olition D catastrophe A overthrow B disaster 14 W hen I entered the room, the children w e r e _ over the last orange A C onsulting B d iscu ssin g c squabbling D participating 15 My sister has j u s t _ sixteen A com pleted B turned c become 16 A good way o f food is keeping it in a fridge A enduring B extending c prolonging D had D preserving 17 Many A sian countries still rely on rice as t h e _ food D w inning A stap le B Capital c superior 18 The dish had a very in teresting taste as it w a s _ w ith lemon D ílavoured A spiced B pickled c seasoned 19 The sight of so m any sw eets made the children’s m o u th _ A drip B w ater c m oisten D w et 20 Ju st think! N ext m onth you ’ll be you were a baby A in your teens c at your teens and it seem s like only yesterday B in your teenage D teenager 21 “A nother cup of coffee?” — “No, but th a n k s _ A not at all B for all c all the sam e 22 It was v e r y _ A generous D you for all of you to lend us your car for the whole week B am bitious c m odest D thoughtless Tài ìiệu ơn thi THPT Ouốc ffia môn Tiénỉỉ A n h 23 W e’ll have to íĩnd som eone to holiday A bring up B get on our plants w hile w e’re away on c grow up D look after 24 I don’t think you should be so w ith the children W atching television for h alf an hour a day w on’t them any harm A stubborn B strict c reliable D thoughtful 25 It was very A loyal o f you to eat the last slice of cake vvithout asking B sensitive c self-confident D naughty Even very active children oíten stop playing sport w hen t h e y _ A tell o fĩ B bring up c grow up D look up There is som e controversy over who is responsible for the _ penicillin A creation B discovery c invention D revolution I in ferred his remark that Mrs Vegetarian doesn’t eat meat A from B o f c to D with He said he would sue us, but I don’t think h e ’l l his threat A achieve B bring about c períorm D carry out How about a glass o f orange juice t o your thirst? A quash B quench c quell D quieten He was arrested for trying to pass A camouAaged B fake The safe deposit b o x a high-pitched sound w hen it w as moved A ejected B excluded c expelled D em itted Her chain w as made o f _ gold, unm ixed w ith any other m etal A pure B dishonest c clean D right I haven’t b e e n P ete lately A getting up to c gettin g on with notes at the bank c counterfeit D fraudulent B getting through to D getting round to 10 Although it was o n ly jewellery, it looked real enough A ííctional B untrue c invented D im itation 11 You £u:e late again - please try to be A accurate B punctual c in future ĩìcient D reliable 12 A íter he broke the window, the boy w a s from school A exiled B excluded c extracted D expelled - Vììih Bá of 13 A child’s íìrst five years are the m ost im portant as far as learning is A concerned B affected c hit D touched any more teachers this term 14 I don’t think th ey ’ll be taking because there aren’t m any students D over A up B in c on 15 Could you speak A out _a bit? We can’t hear you at the back o f the room B loud c over D up next m onth to help my sister 16 Tm going to take a couple of d a y s _ move house D up A over B off c out 17 The p o lic e off the Street where the bomb had gone oíĩ A cordoned B battened c fastened D shuttered 18 We all m ake m istakes; no-one is A fallible B iníallible 19 Everyone laughed w hen he took A over B up c m istaken D unmistaikable the teacher so well c off D out 20 He offered me $500 to break my contract T hat’s A bribery B blackmail c com pensation D reward 21 It was such a shock to receive a letter like t h a t A in the red B out o f the blue c in th e pink D over the moon 22 The h o o lig a n the m oney out of my hand and ran away A snatched B gripped c clutched D withdrew _ of a gun, he was im m ediately a suspect 23 As he was caught in B possession c ownership D handling A control 24 He is doing a S cience at the U niversity of Edinburgh A career B certiBcate c title D degree 25 The teacher told us to learn the irregular v e r b s heart A to B at c by D in The d u ctor the boys off for m isbehaving on the bus A told B said c shouted D cried The íírst th in g he did was to _ A disconnect B m islead his shoelaces and take his shoes oíĩ c undo D unpack Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia tuôn Tiéng A n h 11 10 Much a s I admire his courage I think he is íoolish If you had told me in advance / in (good) time I could have avoided that date I wish you w ouldn’t sa y things like that But for the vveather, it would have been a superb vveekend C ats cannot swim a s well a s d o g s (can) It's three m onths sin ce sh e last w ent to the hairdresser David’s room has a spare bed in it 43 10 It w as too late for anything to be done/to anything Bill doubted vvhether John would com e or not I vvished I had tinished my homework last night Every time w e rang there w a s no answer John su g g e ste d Barry (should) put a better lock on the door If you don’t g et a Visa you ca n ’t visit the United S tates Travelling by air alw ays m akes m e nervous John could hardly understand what the teacher said /w as saving If he d o e s n ’t phone immediately he w on ’t get any intormation The office m anager wondered why he hadn’t got a Computer beíore 44 10 Margaret a c c u sed John of dam aging/having dam aged her bicycle P eop le sa y he w a s (once) in the Prench Poreign Legion The lions are fed at p.m every day Philippa said, “Olive, can you rem em ber vvhere you put the cam era?” William’s m other told him not to leave the h o u se until s h e got back Plenry vvished he hadn’t bought the secon d-h and car What an excellen t m eal it was! Who th e se docum ents belong to? You’d better ap ologise to Sally if you don’t want her to be angry with you “P lease wake m e up at o'clock tomorrovv morning," I said to the hotel porter 45 The sn ow prevented/stopped the train from running./ The sn ow m ade it im possible for the train to run Our dog bit the postm an “Plow you like my new d r e ss? ” sh e said to John Don’t call him that insulting nam e D espite his (two) broken leg s / (both) his leg s being broken in the crash, he m anaged to g et out of the car betore it exploded 306 - Vĩnh Bá 10 Peter ask ed if he could borrow Janet's typevvriter The car w a s too ex p en siv e for him (to buy) W e can only g et into the h o u se if so m e o n e has a key W hen did they buy the h o u se? John advised Elizabeth not to lend him any more m oney 46 10 D.H Lavvrence, the íam ous novelist, w a s born one hundred years ago The nurse ask ed Mrs Bingley how old her little boy w as If w e had had a map w e wouldn't have got lost It takes six hours to drive from London to Edinburgh I don’t wanưwish to s e e him tomorrovv Am anda tinally su c c e e d e d in getting a good job G eorge told Mary that he had s e e n the film three tim es The landlady asked m e if/whether I had had enough for lunch Be careíul or you'll fall The date of the m eeting will have to be changed again 47 10 I w a sn ’t early enough to s e e her The fog prevented us from driving There is an o ’clock train every morning “VVhich on e you want, the blue or the green?' John said to her This is the íirst time I have eaten this kind of food S h e h as w orked/been vvorking a s a secretary for five years He su g g e ste d (that) I (should) put my lu ggage under the Seat You ca n ’t have locked the íront door H ere’s the key The broken v a s e could not be repaired I’ve b een vvorking for the com pany for a year 48 10 John S p e k e didn’t s u c c e e d in tinding the source of the River Nile It can ’t have b een Mrs Elton you saw b e c a u se sh e 's in Brighton Mrs Smith ask ed w here the station car park w as AN svvitches m ust be turn off betore you leave the vvorkshop Everybody w a s aston ished at Alice’s strange ideas That old h o u se at the end of the road has been sold l’d rather not visit the m useum If w e d on ’t want to m iss the train, w e ought to leave the party now That car b elon gs to Mrs Edvvards W e are going to have the car repaired at the garage next w eek Tài liệu ỏn thi THPT Ọiiốc Ị ỉ i a IIIƠ I I Tiéiìịi A nh - 307 49 ap ologise for being rude to you yesterday In spite of his broken leg/of the fact that his leg w a s broken, he m anaged to get out of the car It is a fact that s h e h as a beautitul voice S h e thought R om e w a s even vvorse than Paris The tireman m anaged to put out the fire atter tighting it for tvvelve hours I don't know a s /s o much about it a s sh e d oes In spite of his (having a) good salary he w a s unhappy in his job H e’d rather play golf than tennis The garden hasn't b een dug (yet) 10 If S u san hadn't eaten four cream ca k es sh e wouldn’t have felt sick 50 It’s high time you m ade an effort to get out and about more That com m entator, w h o se nam e l've torgotten, is very well-known He su g g e ste d inviting the Marshalls to a barbecue on Sunday / He su g g e ste d (that) w e should invite the Marshalls to a barbecue on Sunday If he hadn’t overeaten, he wouldn’t have had a heart attack They have been trying out / testing a new flu vaccine sin ce the beginning of the year He is the m ost likely person to su c c ee d in solving the problem He m et Jane, w ho w a s later to b ecom e his wife, w hen he w a s at Cambridge 1’m beginning to get more and more annoyed by his behaviour Few stu dents listened to / took note of what the teacher w a s saying 308 - l ĩn h B ERROR CORRECTION Read th e text and look carefully at each and some have a w ord vvhich should not tick (✓ ) If a line has a w ord vvhich should are tw o exam ples at the beginning (0 and line Som e o f th e lines are correct, be there If a line is correct, put a not be there, vvrite the w ord There 00) TAKING U P T E N N IS I did not really enjoy to playing sports much w hen I was at the school I suppose this was because we did not really have very good physical education teachers They were always shouting at us and telling to us to try harder If you asked them w hat did you had to to improve they could never give you a good advice When I left school I started pla5ãng at tennis w ith som e íriends To my great surprise, I loved to it I becam e a completo tennis addict, som etim es playing as m any as ílve tim es a week I played so much that I eventually became quite a good player The only problem was th at I w asn ’t very a íĩt and consequently I started to getting all sorts of injuries First it was my elbow and then my shoulder Once I m anaged to get over of those two problems my knees started to give me the trouble My only consolation is that even the top players suffer from these injuries too O f course I can’t compare m yself to som eone like as M artina H ingis, but I enjoy the game and have som e o f the same problems to 00 10 11 12 13 14 15 A TH REATENING PH O N E CALL A leading politician had been charged with corruption and I had been covering the trial which had hnished more earlier that day D espite o f being very tired I w ent on working until the m idnight I had promised to finish the story and have it on the editor’s desk by morning I was alm ost certain no other journalist had to got hold of the story or not the whole story anyway Jack had told m e he would w ait for my version because of it would be an exclusive I was worried that if I have used real names, there m ight be trouble later but in th e end I decided that to include them After all the journalism is all about giving the public inform ation and that includes the nam es of all those involved in the news Just as it I was reading through the final draít the telephone rang I picked up the receiver expecting it is to be Jack y 00 m ore 10 11 12 Tài liệu ơn thi THPT Quốc gia ììiơn Tiếng A nh - 309 A w om an ’s voice h as said ‘I f you print th is story, you know w h at to ex p ect,’ and th e n th e lin e w en t dead I sat th ere w on dering w h a t I to and th e n w e n t to bed, b u t n ot to sleep 13 14 15 S T U D Y IN G LAW W hen I íĩr st w e n t to a u n iv ersity I stu d ied law A lth ou gh a both m y m oth er and older sister have Science d egrees no one else in th e fam ily had ever b een stu died law before and m y p aren ts w ere very proud o f m e T he problem w as th a t I did n ot really know exactly w h at law yers did I had a very rom an tic ideas about going to court to defend people w ho had b een fa lsely accused o f com m ittin g th e crim es I im agined m y se lf lik e th o se law yers on TV, argu in g w ith th e ju dge and th e p rosecu tion law yer and vin cin g to th e jury th a t m y Client w as in n ocen t A fter only a couple o f w eeks o f very lon g and diffícu lt lectu res I am realised th a t a lo t o f w h at a law yer does is very practical and n ot at all rom antic N ev erth eless, I have began to u n d erstan d th a t to stu d yin g law w as in te r e stin g and w orth w h ile for oth er reasons For exEimple, you learn a lot o f about su m ers’ rights W ith it th is kind o f know ledge you can really help people I am very glad about I chose to stu d y law a 0 .y 10 11 12 13 14 L E T T E R FR O M GOA Well, here I am in India, and tinally l’ve found time to sit down and write it a letter to you I am staying in the port City of Goa, enjoying a few days of rest up aíter a very hectic tortnight spent travelling across the country The people of Goa are proud of the fact and that they are not clock-vvatchers They even sell T-shirts to visitors printed with the vvords ‘Goa, a place where time moves more slovvly’ lt’s a place to sit on the beach, take things away easy and sample the delicious tocal food In fact, the only real disadvantage of the such relaxed atmosphere is how long it takes to get served in any of the restaurants It is quite common to have to wait a couple of hours for get a meal to turn up Even things that are quick to cook can take an age time The other day I decided ordered fried pravvns, which I thought couldn’t take long But, of course, the chef had to gather the wood, build a fỉre in a hole in the sand, and then let it die down a bít betore that he could even begin to think about cooking them the pravvns Seaíood Is the local speciality and so they were certainly very worth vvaiting for I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a meal so too much Anyvvay who’s in a hurry? Not me! 310 Vĩnh Bc y 00 it 10 11 12 13 14 15 MY F IR ST DAY AT WORK Today is m y fírst day at work and this is the íìrst job I have for ever had It feels like m y ílrst day at school I w ant to im press my boss, so that I ironed my suit last night Fm really got nervous about speaking in front of seventy people My m other m akes up my breakfast and says I look good, but I th in k she is only trying to be encouraging At the tube station, I have avoid the íĩrst train because it’s packed, and w hen the next train com es I decide I w ant to walk instead By the tim e I arrive at work I feel like hot and sweaty, and I waJk in trying to look much calm and confident A wom an who seem s to be the secretary asks for me if I am the new em ployee and show s m e to my desk which it is in a corner o f the room The m anager com es towards my desk and introduces to him self He is very Iriendly and tells me will m eet all my colleagues later I am suddenly feel m uch more relaxed and comíortable I know that w hen I get home, my m other will be w ant to hear everything about this day, so I’m w riting it all down LIVING WITH A H O USE RABBIT In your last letter you asked me to give you some advice on how to look atter a rabbit Rabbits can make them very good pets and can become a wonderful companions because they are intelligent, social animals I am glad that I can give you intormation to help you understand rabbits so better The House Rabbit Association recommends that you keep your rabbit inside of the house ratherthan outdoors Rabbits may run íreely, but it is best for most to be in a cage for the íirst few days, until they have get used to both you and to the new surroundings Very young rabbits need to be in a cage for a more longertime than older rabbits It is natural for a rabbit chew on turniture and rugs To prevent this happening, you need to give it safe things for to chew, such as plastic or rubber toys Electrical cords are very dangerous and they must be hidden trom view so that the rabbit cannot reach to them A íurther danger to rabbits is othertype animals However; rabbits and cats can get along fìne Even rabbits and dogs they get on, but the dogs have to be trained to respond to commands betore which they can be trusted in the company of rabbits, and even then the supervision will be needed V 00 .for .„ 10 11 12 13 14 15 ỵ 00 .them 10 11 12 13 14 D O N ’T TELL LIES My m other alw ays told me that I should never tell lies I know w hat she m eant, and in a way I am agree w ith her In other ways, however, I think she was in wrong In order ỵ 00 am Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A nh - 311 to be p olite and to avoid so offending people, i t ’s n ecessary to tell a little w h ite lie som etim es L et m e give to you an exam ple I alw ays w rite to m y A u n tie A udrey and tell her w h at a lovely th e day I had w ith her on Sun day and how delicious th e lu n ch w as been N eith er o f th e se th in g s is tru e, b u t it w ould be rude n ot to w rite and w ritin g th e tru th w ould h u rt too m uch, so I have to lie her In th e sam e w ay, you have to say th a t a new born baby looks b eau tiíu l, even th ou gh w e know th ey all m uch look th e sam e and are only actu ally b eau tifu l in th e sam e eyes of th eir parents And o f course, w h en I ’ve had done m y hair cut, or w h en I ’m w earing a new o u tíĩt for th e íírst tim e, th e last th in g I w a n t to hear is th e tru th I w an t to be told w h ich I look w onderful In th ese type situ a tio n s, th e tru th w ould not any o f u s any good! MY J O B My name is Louise Bartley and I am twenty-six years old For the past of three years have been employed by a travel company What had helped me get the job was my experience of travel When I was tvventy, I dropped out of university to go backpacking around Australia This gave me such an idea of the kind of problems travellers face and I decided then that I have wanted to work as a travel agent I joined to the company as a junior secretary and now I am in charge of the organisation of package holidays 1stay in the office most days and I don’t travel unless that I have to But my work is so much interesting that I don’t mind that at all It ỉs great to be vvorking with them a group of people who have travelled vvidely and are as well enthusiastic as I am This travel company is one of the best in the vvorld and we can book you a tlight to almost anyvvhere in no any more than a few minutes We can this because today the company has 833 staff through world-wide and travel centres in most Capital cities We our best to make life more easier for customers y 00 o i 10 11 12 13 14 15 A R C H A E O L O G Y C O U R SE Let m e tell you about a sh ort course I atten d ed to la st w eek As you know , I am very in terested in archaeology b u t I h ate tak in g up exam in ation s, so th is w as ideal for m e becau se I could get a certiílcate o f atten d an ce w ith o u t th em exam s All I had to w as w rite a couple o f a ssig n m en ts on a subject w h ich I could choose it, and th a t w as not difficult 312 - Vĩnh Bá 10 11 14 15 t o 0 y N o an y previou s experien ce w as n ecessary because th e course w as aim ed at th e b egin n ers, and th is also su ited m e w ell T here w ere su ch an in te r e stin g topics I am sure you w ould have b een as fascin ated by them as I w as P erh ap s th e b est w as th e one th a t ta u g h t m e th a t in w h at w ays Science h as helped archaeology in its research I learnt so m uch th a t I am sid ering for co n tin u in g w ith m ore seriou s stu d ies n ext year w h en I w ill fin ish school I can p ossib ly part o f a degree course th rou gh ev en in g classes and th on com p lete o f it by stu d yin g p art-tim e for six m on th s D o you have any plans for n ext year yet? 10 ICE CREAM EACTORY One of the most enjoyable parts out of my recent holiday in the USA was a visit to Ben and Jerry’s ice cream tactory in Vermont This is actually the most popular tourist attraction in the State and is well worth make a visit First we saw was an introductory video in what's called The Cow over the Moon theatre On the video, we met them Ben Cohen and Jerry Greeníield who look more like the folk singers than company directors They explained how they started making ice cream, how they experimented with new tlavours and how surprised they were by when their Products became such a huge international success Then we went for to vvatch the ice cream being made in the tactory Everyone who works there seems very happy As we stood on a plaưorm looking over the production and lines, the workers all waved at us and smiled It must all be part of what Ben and Jerry call “caring capitalism” Did you know that if they give 7.5 percent of their protits to charity? That's a lot more than most companies The tour was a great fun, we got to try lots of ice cream and in the gift shop, I bought a really tunny T-shirt with a cow printed on it If you will ever get the chance to go to Vermont, I can be thoroughly recoiĩimend Ben and Jerry's ice cream tactory 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 out 00 .ỵ 10 11 12 13 14 15 ST E P S TO IN N E R PEACE You tell m e that you are under a lot of stress lately and I think I can help you S in ce a few m onths ago, I started to get nervous at work, and things b egan to worry m e that hadn’t betore At night, I w a s Tinding it out very difficult to go to sleep W hen I Tinally got to sle e p , I would have w ake up in the middle of the night S o, I decid ed it I n eed ed to som ething about it and I took up meditation I discovered it w a s very much good for m e, and now I am more calm er and happier Meditation is very sim ple, all you is sit quietly and let for your mind fill with pleasant thoughts This clears your head and helps you to get 00 s/nce Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h - 313 rid of stress If you find it difficult can to sit still, you may com bine meditation with ex e rc ise such a s the vvalking, or svvimming The m ost difficult part of meditation is the need to concentrate on positive thoughts b e c a u se of your mind will want to keep going back to the things that are vvorrying over you at that m om ent Experts recom m end them an average of tvventy m inutes in the morning and evening, but I only it three or four tim es on a w eek, vvhich is enough 12 A D ISA PPO IN T IN G MEAL Have you ever complained ỉn a restaurant? I never thought I vvould, but last week I ended up doing just that It was one my best friend’s birthday, so I had booked for a table at a new restaurant that has just opened in the City centre But when there we arrived, exactly on the time, they told me that there was no record of my booking and we would have to wait for a table to become free I suspected that they had given our table to somebody else, but I didn’t say about anything Then we were kept vvaiting for an hour long vvithout an apology, although they did take it our order We both chose Soup as a starter and my triend ordered a well-done steak as a main course I thought that I would be a bit more than adventurous, hovvever, and decided to try something called Ossobuco, though I wasn’t quite sure what it was To cut a long story up short, the Soup was almost cold, my friend’s steak was uncooked in the middle and my Ossobuco turned out like to be a plate of bone in a very acidic sauce So, we called the manager and said we would not pay because the meal which had been substandard But in the end we paid because we had eaten all, but I won’t be going to there again! 13 ^ .o/ie ^ ^ ^ ® ^ ® ® ^^ SIN G IN G IS GOOD FOR YOU You se e m surprised to hear that I am teaching all my pupils how to sing I am convinced that anyone who he can hear, can sing And everyon e can sing better than they think they can Singing can be have a very good effect on our lives and singing from a very early a g e is the b est way for to develop the ear It is more important to learn to sing than to play on e an instrument What w e need to is how help children to discover the joys of singing Hovvever, many people are discouraged from the singing early in life It is com m on to hear adults sa y they felt terrible w hen they w ere not been se le c te d for the school choir Untortunately, adults who they have suttered that kind of treatment, not burst into son g spontaneously or sing invented 314 - Vĩnh Bá 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 h e so n g s to their children But research shows that the children who most sing happily w hen they are five, are th ose w h o se m others have sung to them at an early a ge Maybe now you will have be able to understand why I am determ ined to that my young pupils should sing And, by the way, singing k eep s your vocal cords youthíul a s well! 14 RECYCLED JU N K I saw the most incredible thing yesterday, a boat made entirely out of bits of som e rubbish And that’s not all; it had just sailed all the way across the Atlantic Ocean! Four people made up the voyage from the USA to Ireland vvhich took them for sixty-three days To make the boat, which has a diesel engine as well as three of sails, they collected wood, netting and plastic from the rivers and streets of New York Although the boat sounds like very simple, it is actually quite large one with three cabins, an electricity generator, radar and the latest electronic navigation System It is the plastic in which keeps the boat aíloat and it is even able to right itselt if it is blown over in a storm None of the crew has been any tormal sea training, and they thought they would get to the Prance in about thirty days But they were delayed by a series of disasters which including storms, very large waves and ỉcebergs They were beginning to run out of food and decided to break their journey in Ireland so that they c6uld pick them up supplies The captain of the boat said that sailing the boat had made of recycled material is represented a dream come true for him 15 1 ỵ 00 s o m e 10 11 12 13 14 15 A C H A N C E TO W ORK IN T E L E V ISIO N Do you remember how unhappy I was in my job and that I was looking for a change? Well, for a long some time I have had this idea that I would have like to work in television I think it is never much too late to start atresh, and I have a number of skills that could be valuable I know it is hard to be start such a career when you are ỉn your late tvventies, but now an incredible opportunity has come up A company in my area it is trying to attract people who have developed the office skills, but who have alvvays been interested in vvorking in TV They think such a people will be valuable because of they will have learned management skills and teamvvork skills, things that are more hard to pick up when you are following a TV career very early on If my application is successtul, I would initially work such as a researcher for a wide range enough of TV programmes And this may be only the tĩrst stage because I could become a producer vvithin a couple of years / 00 so m e 10 11 12 13 Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h - 315 Besides, I think it will be a very nice environment which to work in ril let you to know next week if I get invited for an intervievv 16 P E N G U IN W E D D IN G My triend Tanya has alvvays been mad about penguins It all started when she was a child and her íather gave to her a book full of photographs and tascinating of intormation about the black and white seabirds Did you know so, for example, that penguins live in hot countries as well as they at the South Pole? Anyvvay, Tanya became very fond of penguins and, over the years, built up a large collection of books, pictures and fluffý such penguin toys Tanya is now twenty-four years old and last year her boyíriend, Dominic, asked her if to marry him Tanya wasn’t sure what to should and needed time to think, but she didn’t want to turn Dominic down completely So Tanya said that she would marry him, but only if the ceremony could took place in a penguin colony She thought this vvould take him a long time for to organise But, unknovvn to Tanya, Dominic had just won in a competition and the first prize was two free airline tickets to go anyvvhere in the world Tanya and Dominic got married themselves last Spring and all the guests wore black and vvhite suits Yes, youVe guessed at it, they got married on a beach and the guests were all penguins! 17 ✓ 00 to 10 11 12 13 14 15 c A U G H T A T L A ST As I know that you alvvays like to read the crime stories, I am going to tell you a real life story, something that happened in my town a few vveeks ago Rosa Bell, a respectable-looking like lady in her mid-fifties, was arrested at the Portrait Gallery for have steallng a valuable paỉntỉng She had hidden the painting, which it was apparently very small, ỉn a large handbag, and was attempting to leave off the gallery, when two plain-clothes policemen stopped her and searched her bag By now you must be vvondering at why I am telling you this story, which does not seem very interesting so far Well, let me to continue The police had no any idea at the time that this was the sam e person who had robbed a number of banks in the early 1970s But it soon became clear that they had been tinally caught one of the most vvanted bank robbers in the country, She had alvvays managed to fool the police because she kept moving from one town to then another and changing her of name and physical appearance She had not only robbed banks in the 70s, but had also taken out large loans and never repaid her debts, so a number of companies they had taken legal actỉon against her 316 - Ĩ7 ?ih Bà 14 15 the 00 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 ONE JOKE TOO MANY My boytriend Peter is a real joker He is alvvays playing tricks on me and usually I find them funny, if a bit much annoying But his most recent trick involved so many of other people and made me look so silly that I don’t know if ril ever be able to torgive him Last month, I w as lucky enough to reach up the tinals of a karaoke competition Then a few more days later, I received a letter from a big television company, saying that one of their staff it had seen me pertorm and that they vvanted me to appear on a future television show I w as so thrilled that I rang to all my ừiends with the news Pete didn’t seem very interested in, hovvever, and although I thought this w as strange, I imagined he w as just shocked, a s what I was, or possibly even jealous, Then I noticed an identical copy of the letter sitting on the back Seat of his car and when I realised that Pete had actually typed the letter himselt and it w as all from a joke! What kind a fool I had been! The letter w asn’t even vvritten on company notepaper And then, of course, I had for to ring all my triends back and tell them the truth, which w as really embarrassing 19 LOVE GOD He has sold out 20 million records His last album outsold U2 and he has sung duets with Tina Turner But the English speaking world doesn’t seem to be much avvare of Bros Ramazzotti The lovingly named Bros, a íormer tootballer whose tours sellout in stadiums across Europe, he has come up against a small problem with his native mother tongue The Italian may be the language of love, but apparently it has a bigger appeal in the opera house than in the record store has Bros, though, is determined not to go down the same way as Julio Inglesias, lisping his way svveetly around vovvels and consonants not designed for his Southern European lips He will still continue to sing in Italian Bros is tully booked to play London’s VVembley Arena on 11 November He can be certain that there will be there at least some members in the crowd able to sing along to all the chorus London based tootballers Roberto di Matteo and Gianluca Vialli are big fans Who knows that, maybe some of Eros’s lyrics, vvhich his fans claim are vvorthy of a poet, will fĩnd themselves their way onto the terraces 20 ✓ 00 m u c h 10 11 12 13 14 15 o u t 00 ỵ 10 11 12 13 14 15 AN UNEXPECTED ACCIDENT We had just arrived in a village on the way to meet some íriends who we were going hiking with when we had had a flat tyre We got out of the car and walked tovvards a shop so that we could have ỵ 00 h a d Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Ouốc Ịĩia môn Tiếnỉỉ A n h 317 ask if there was a someone who could change the flat tyre The shop-owner agreed that to help us by sending a boy to tetch a man to look at the tyre He explained that it would cost a lot of money because the materials for doing such jobs were expensive and difficult to get them All we could was to sit around and wait for the job to be done While we were vvaiting we decided to spend some time playing a game of our íootball Hovvever, as it was the middle of summer it soon became so hot that we had to stop We sat on some chairs and ordered a cold drink and had looked at the view When the man tĩnally he came, we asked him to tinish quỉckly because we were in a hurry to meet our triends Even though he vvorked quickly it still took a few of hours for him to be tinish We could only hope that our triends had not set off vvithout us We would have to drive quickly to make it up for lost time 21 S T U D Y IN G A B R O A D There are two reasons why I had wanted to study in Paris I vvanted to be in a place vvhich it was at the centre of Europe, close to it other countries such as England and Germany The other reason was that I had been tound it very difficult to find a place to study of medicine in my own country, vvhere there were only three medical schools I had spent my last two school years at a boarding school, vvhere I was made a lot of triends and learned to look after myselt I was nineteen when I just left and I knew that I could deal with a student life Pirst of all, \ had to learn the language of the country I vvould be living in there for quite a while I learnt with the language quickly because I stayed with a tamily, vvhich was a great deal help I was expected to speak only their language and not mine, Atter that, I looked around for an apartment to rent I tound one very close to the university so I went on the foot every day I was able to exercise a lot and thereíore be fit all year round My studies went very much well and I graduated at the top of the class with full honours 22 y 00 ií 10 11 12 13 14 15 O N TO E V E R E S T After four years of backbreaking traỉning and also preparation, the Singapore Mt Everest Expedition Team is ready to mount the summit of the world’s most highest peak in the next few weeks In 1953, the Sir John Hunt expedition has put two climbers on the summit But on this expedition, they mounted the summit through the South Col route The Singapore team will attempt to retrace the exactly same route as they begin their ascent 318 - Vĩnh Bù 10 11 12 13 14 15 a/so 00 .y T h e id e a is to c lim b E v e re s t w a s fĩrst b ro u g h t up in 9 T h e S in g a p o re M o u n ta in e e rin g P e d e tio n , w a s b ein g e s ta b lis h e d in 9 a n d a p e rm it fo r th e c lim b w a s tin a lly g iv e n in M a y 9 T h e S in g a p o re E v e re s t te a m , vvhich c o m p ris e s o f e ig h t c lim b e rs a n d a s u p p o rt te a m , left fo r K a tm a n d u in e a rly M a rc h a re la tiv e ly v e ry y o u n g te a m w ith th e a v e g e a g e o f 1 m e m b e rs b ein g a t a b o u t y e a rs old a n d w h o s e m e m b e rs c o m e fro m all th e w a lk s o f llfe T h e jo u rn e y will b e g ru ellỉn g a n d m e m b e rs a re tully a w a r e o f th a t th e y m a y not s u c c e e d , o r m o re w o rs e , s u rv iv e O u r h o p e s a n d p y e rs w ill fo llo w th e m 23 FL O O D A N D D R O U G H T lf th e e x p e rts c o u ld n o t a g r e e on it th e re a s o n fo r th e w o rs t it tlo o d s o f th e c e n tu ry in n o rth e rn E u ro p e , th e y a re no vviser 0 ỵ a b o u t th e d ro u g h t w h ic h it is ta k in g p la c e in th e South T h e p e o p le a re loo kin g fo rw a rd a t th e sky fo r th e rain c lo u d s w h ic h n e v e r c o m e A lot o f p e o p le th in k it m ig h t b e su ch a g o o d id e a if th e p la n e s d o n o t fly o v e r th e ir a r e a s so th e y d o n ot trig h ten o f th e c lo u d s a w a y In s o m e a re a s th e d ro u g h t th a t h a s b e e n goin g on fo r fĩv e long y e a rs Svvim m ing p oo ls in re s o rt a re a s lie e m p ty b e c a u s e o f re s id e n ts h a v e to p ut up w ith d a ily vvater cu ts up to 16 h o u rs O n th e o th e r h a n d , in th e n o rth ern p a rt o f E u ro p e , th o u s a n d s o f re s id e n ts h a v e b e e n left vvithout s o m e h o m e s a n d h a v e h a d to s ta y in o th e r p e o p le ’s h o m e s M a n y ía rm e rs h a v e lost a lot o f m o n e y b e c a u s e th e ir c ro p s vvhich w e r e d e s tro y e d a n d co uld 1 not b e sold A lth o u g h s o m e ta rm e rs tried to g e t b a c k to th e ir ta rm s th e y w e r e n o t allovved to by th e p o lice B e s id e s fro m th e b e a u tiíu l flo w e rs , fruit a n d v e g e ta b le s w e r e a ls o so b a d ly hít th a t nothin g co u ld h a v e b e s a v e d E v e ry o n e in both th e n o rth ern an d S ou th ern p a rt o f th e c o n tin e n t will b e re lie v e d w h e n it is all o ve r 24 E -T IC K E T T h e id e a o f tic k e tle s s tra v e l h a s b e e n a ro u n d us fo r a long tim e u s E re q u e n t tly e rs , e s p e c ia lly th o s e c le v e r e n o u g h to b e a b le to tra v e l 0 ỵ w ith th e h a n d -lu g g a g e o nly, h a v e b e e n loo kin g fo n « a rd to th e e o f th e E (fo r E le c tro n ic ) tic k e t th a t it re p la c e s m e s s y p ie c e s bits o f p a p e r w ith a svvipe o f a c re d it c ard a n d a to u ch o f a s c re e n N o w th e tim e h a s c o m e A b e r d e e n a irp o rt w a s th e o nly first British A in « a y s b a s e to u s e o f th e n e w e le c tro n ic tick e tin g S ystem , c lo s e ly b e fo llo w e d by o th e r U K airp o rts B A h a s n o w b e e n in s ta lle d IB M d e v e lo p e d e le c tro n ic ticketin g kio sks a c ro s s its e n tire d o m e s tic netvvork A lre a d y o n e tra v e lle r in te n Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Ouốc gia môn Tiếng A n h 319 is using E-tickets to travel on BA domestic tlights Customers with hand baggage who can book over the phone and check in at a kiosk, using a BA Executive Club card for identitication The traveller may only needs to touch the screen to contirm or change their Seat betore being issued a boarding card On someday travellers can also check in for the return tlight It’s not as totally hassle-free yet, but it's pretty close R A C E A G A IN S T TIM E 25 Soon a rather low sound was being heard and the float plane appeared, ílying towards us It landed gently on the lake, turned and then came slovvly up along the landing stage We loaded equipment while Jim was been talking with the pilot, vvanting to know how about the vveather was ahead of us The pilot said that the conditions in the valley were all right at the moment for landing and taking it off, but that the vveather was rapidly getting more worse and we would have to get away as quickly as possible We all worked silently for quite a while, because of we did not want to waste time Pinally the plane was being ready Jim he also boarded it so that there was one less person to take on the next trip The plane moved over the surtace of the water and rose into the air The plane came back on the tlme and was Chris’ turn to go, with the rest of the film gear Unless the plane was not back in time, we vvould be in trouble The clouds were getting so thicker and blacker We began to be anxious about our saíety and whether the plane would be back to pick us up 26 10 11 12 13 14 15 b e in g 00 ỵ 10 11 12 13 14 15 S P A C E : F A R O U T FO O D The world may not need another recipe book, but th a t’s not to say there isn ’t no room for one on other planets Scientists at New York’s Cornell U niversity are being developing 100 recipes for astronauts dining on the Moon or the Mars The recipes which will be based on íresh produce that can be grown up inside sealed greenhouses (also under the developm ent at Cornell) These bio-regenerative life-support Systems will grow crops such as the soya, rice, tofu, carrots and basil, and will also support plants and algae that can be recycle bodily w astes inside the so sealed ecosystem These new recipes will surely make up life on other planets 320 - Vĩnh Bá ỵ 00 n o 10 11 12 ... viên chuyên Anh, Trường Quốc học Huế) TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI TRUNG HQC P H ổ THÔNG QUỐC GIA MÔN TÉVGANH (Tái lẩn thứ tư sửa chữa, b ổ sung theo tinh thẩn thi 2 015 ) NHÀ XUẤT BẢN ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI... pain D hurt Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h 15 10 Do you think parents should much tim e Online? A deny B refuse their children from spending too c disqualify D prevent 11 He criticised... snuggled D skidded D cuddled Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h - 31 17 Mr W righ t _his vegetable garden carefully A attends B grows c m aintains D tends 18 Em ployees of the company

Ngày đăng: 24/05/2021, 20:18

