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Bell and assistant, Thomas Watson conducted many experiments and finally came up with a device which they introduced in 1876.. Bell said on the phone: Mr watson, come here.[r]


Name:……… Test 45’

Class:……… Subject: English 8

Marks Teacher’s comments


I Listen to the teacher and choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D You will hear the passage three times.

How old is he ? A 12 B 13 C 14 D 15 What does he look like ? A thin B fat C short D tall

What is he like ? A reserved B sociable C outgoing D humorous

Who does he live with ? A parents B uncle C aunt D grandmother II Listen to the notice and filling the missing information You will hear it three times. Le Quy Don Middle School –Stamp Club

Meeting to discuss the stamp exhibition

Date: Sunday, ………Time: ……… Place: ………

For further information, please contact Nguyen Minh Thu, class 8A Monday afternoon and ………


Choose the best word(s) for these sentences by circling A ,B, C or D She ……… in Nha Trang last year.

A lives B lived C is living D live A person who cannot speak or hear is called ………

A a deaf- mute B a blind C a deaf D a character We mustn’t let children ………in the kitchen.

A to play B plays C playing D play The boy is not ………to lift the box.

A enough strong B so strong C too strong D strong enough The Sun ………in the East.

A rise B rises C will rise D is rising At home, we put our fruit in the ……….to keep it for a long time.

A refrigerator B cupboard C kitchen D stove

Some kinds of drugs ……….candy.

A seem B look as C look like D look likely ………didn’t Lan go to school yesterday ? Because she was sick A What B why C where D when You ………to drink a lot of water every day.

A ought B must C can D should 10 Is she going to ………you this summer ?

A visited B visiting C visits D visit 11 Where’s the stress of the word “generous” ?

A First B Second C Third D First & second 12 Did someone help Ba draw that picture ? No, he did it ………


C READING COMPREHENSION:(3ms) I Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

a , with , near , when , changed , called

Many years ago, Daniel used to live ……… his parents, brothers and

sisters……….the market in ……….town ………Fouyah in Liberia Then one day, ………he was just 10, something happened ……… his life forever.

II Read the passage and the task

On March 3, 1847, Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh He was a scotsman although he later emigrated, tirst to Canada and then to the USA in the 1870s

In America, he worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University Soon Bell started experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance This led to the invention of the telephone Bell and assistant, Thomas Watson conducted many experiments and finally came up with a device which they introduced in 1876 Bell said on the phone: Mr watson, come here I want you This was the first message

Traveling all over America, Bell demonstrated his invention to the public at countless exhibitions, and 1877 the first telephone was in commercial use.


……… Alexander G bell was born in Canada. ……… He went to the USA before going to Canada.

……… He worked with deaf-mute patients in a hospital in Boston. ……… Thomas Watson was Bell’s assistant.

……… Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1877. ……… Bell invented the telephone.


Read the passage below Write the telephone message.

A woman telephoned Kingston Junior High School at a.m on September Her name is Mrs Mary Nguyen, and she wanted to speak to Mr Kelvin, the principal But he was out So Miss Anderson took a message Mrs Mary Nguyen wanted to make an appointment to see him at 9.45 on Tuesday She said Mr Kelvin could reach her at 64683720942.


DATE:……… TIME:……… FOR:……… MESSAGE:……… ……… ……… TAKEN BY:……….

Ngày đăng: 24/05/2021, 13:08

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