SQL Server 2005 – Major New Features 1-800-COURSES www.globalknowledge.com Expert Reference Series of White Papers SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS) Microsoft Analysis Services is server-based platform for on-line analytical processing (OLAP) and Data Mining Services provided with Microsoft SQL Server 2005. This tool is not new, but it has been completely rewritten from the ground up. While Analysis Services 2000 was more of an evolutionary release building on the same OLAP architecture that Microsoft (MS) introduced with SQL 7, the new version of SSAS is a fundamental change, built on Unified Dimensional Model (UDM). Microsoft released SSAS in November 2005, and it ships as an add-on to SQL Server 2005 just like its predecessors. Business Intelligence – The Big Picture SSAS is an integral part of the Microsoft Business Intelligence (BI) platform that w as initiated in early 2004. Business Intelligence is a general term describing innovative use of technology for processing large volumes of corporate data and turning it into useful information that facilitates decision-making. While BI is not a new con- cept, the underlying technology made actual implementations prohibitively expensive and available mostly to the upper echelon of management. The goal of SSAS 2005 is to ”democratize” the process and to provide instant information readily available to the entire organization – or what MS calls “pervasive business intelligence” (PBI). The MS BI Platform is a multi-product offering that includes SSAS and other components. The two major build- ing blocks of Microsoft BI Platform are SQL Server and Office System. The back-end analytics engine provided by SQL Server is supplemented with the user interface provided by Office System. Furthermore, the Microsoft BI Platform integrates with different enterprise data stores. This allows for a single interface that draws raw data from multiple data sources, without requiring modifications to existing applications. A typical BI imple- mentation is depicted in Figure 1 on the next page. Scope of this Paper A white paper on SSAS 2005 could easily become a book. T herefore , this paper will focus on its major new fea- tures. It will highlight the user interface and the architecture changes in the new SSAS 2005 and compare them with their 2000 counterparts. Beyond the scope of this paper are the topics of Data Transformation Services, Data Mining, Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) language, Reporting Services, and SQL Server 2005 itself. I have also included at the end of the paper some links for further information. Sue Cooney, Global Knowledge Course Director, MIS, MCSA, MCSE+ I, MCT SQL Server 2005 – Major New Features Copyright ©2006 Global Knowledge T raining LLC. All rights reserved. Page 2 Copyright ©2006 Global Knowledge T raining LLC. All rights reserved. Page 3 F igure 1. Differences between SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 BI Components The following table summarizes the differences between the BI components of SQL Server 2000 and SQL server 2005. Source: http://www.microsoft.com/sql/solutions/bi/featurecompare.mspx In this paper I will discuss the user interface and architectural differences between AS for SQL Server 2000 and SSAS for SQL Server 2005. User Interface New Administrative Tools SSAS 2005 offers administrative tools based on the type of activities they support--either development or man - agement. This is a new approach compared to SQL 2000 where, for example, Analysis Manager supported both development and management activities. The new Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) is single suite of development and mainte- nance tools that replaces SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager , Analysis Services Manager, and Query Analyzer. It allows a DBA or a SQL developer to define a cube or a mining model. Copyright ©2006 Global Knowledge T raining LLC. All rights reserved. Page 4 Component SQL Server 2000 SQL Server 2005 Extract, transformation, and load Data Transformation Services (DTS) SQL Server 2005 Integration Services Relational data warehouse SQL Server 2000 relational database SQL Server 2005 relational database Multidimensional database SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Data mining SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Managed reporting SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Ad hoc reporting Not applicable SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Ad hoc query and analysis Microsoft Office products (Excel, Office Web Components, Data Analyzer, SharePoint Portal Server) Microsoft Office products (Excel, Office Web Components, Data Analyzer, SharePoint Portal Server) Database development tools SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager, Analysis Manager, Query Analyzer, vari- ous other tools SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence Development Studio (New) Database management tools Enterprise Manager, Analysis Manager SQL Server Management Studio (New) Another new tool is SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), previously referred to as the SQL Server Workbench. It combines the functionality of Enterprise Manager and Analysis Manager into one tool. This allows DBAs to manage deployed applications including backup/restore , browsing data, and scripting. The Query Editor in SSMS allows users to write and execute T-SQL statements. Graphical queries are also supported. Both newcomers are based on V isual Studio Development Environment. Copyright ©2006 Global Knowledge T raining LLC. All rights reserved. Page 5 New Buzz Words The Visual Studio origin of BIDS and SSMS accounts for the influx of new terminology. .NET developers are going to feel at home with ”solutions” and ”projects”. But for the rest of us there will be a learning curve. A project combines cubes, data sources, dimensions, mining models, and other objects and deploys them as a single AS database. Since all definitions are stored with the project, any changes require the redeployment of the project. A collection of one or more projects is a solution. Solutions allow you to group together related projects, therefore combining and integrating the various components of a BI application. In SQL 2000 the object of coarsest grain was the database defined as a collection of related shared dimen- sions, connection definitions, cubes, roles, and data-mining models. That function now belongs to solutions— solutions are the new object of coarsest grain for SQL 2005. New Data Modeling Approach In SQL 2000 the user must be connected to an AS Server before any tasks are possible. Each AS server regis- tered with AM 2000 appears as an object. A problem with AS 2000 was the inability to directly rename an object. The work-around to this included using database views in order to rename entities. SSAS 2005 uses Data Source Views (DSVs) that provide an abstraction layer between database and cubes. A DSV can contain tables from different data sources. Once the DSV is created the user doesn’t need to be con- nected to work with cube models. With SSAS 2005, not only can you rename entities. but you can also add annotations. Another new option allows you to generate virtual columns (called named calculations) on exist- ing tables and virtual views (called named queries). The mining models in SSAS use the DSV representation, along with the virtual columns and views as the data source. And there is more—DSVs can be shared between cubes, which greatly improves consistency of data. Easier Cube Design The cube is the logical storage object in SSAS. Unlike AS 2000 where cube construction was manually intensive even with the help of the Wizard, SSAS introduces Intellicube. This is a “one-click” cube, which is a much more intuitive approach to building cubes. This is likely to become the most popular SSAS feature. It allows you to target a data source and it can automatically generates the appropriate hierarchies and levels, fact tables, and dimensions . (The Wizard is finally performing some magic, saving you hours of drudgework.) It also com- bines dimensions and measures to provide fast multi-dimensional access to the cube data. And now there is no limit as to the number of dimensions you can add to a cube. Metadata Storage In SQL 2000 there is a repository. The metadata storage cannot really be source controlled. SQL 2005 offers no repository and the metadata is stored in XML documents that can easily be source controlled. Deployment Deployment Wizard SSAS comes with a powerful Deployment Wizard that allows you to easily customize the deployment of a proj- ect. The elaborate configuration and deployment model is a major improvement over SQL 2000 where there were no configuration variables for Data Source connectivity. Copyright ©2006 Global Knowledge T raining LLC. All rights reserved. Page 6 W hile the Deployment Wizard is the preferred method of deployment, there are four other deployment meth- ods you can take advantage of. Deployment with AMO Automation This allows you to automate deployment using AMO objects. The AMO layer sits between the user application and Analysis Services instance. Input commands from a client application are converted into XMLA messages for SSAS. Deployment with XMLA Scripts SQL Server Management Studio allows you to create XMLA scripts that can be later executed for deployment based on a schedule. Deployment with the Synchronize Wizard The Synchronize Wizard allows you to copy a database (both data and metadata) from a source server to a destination server and then use it for deployment. Deployment with Backup/Restore Backup/Restore is the old way of copying Analysis Services databases. It still works although you do not get the flexibility provided by the Deployment Wizard. Hardware Requirements for Deployment The actual hardw are requirements depend on the complexity of the cubes processed. While ”the-more-the-bet- ter” rule still applies, remember that the 32 bit version of SQL cannot address more than three GB of memory. Conclusion The new SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services is a a welcome addition to a growing BI industry. SSAS 2005 provides a single management shell and multiple tools that allow you to integrate and deploy advanced BI projects. The easier, more flexible cube design makes SSAS an excellent option for both experi- enced data ‘miners’ and less experienced DBAs Learn More Learn more about how you can improve productivity , enhance efficiency , and sharpen your competitive edge . Check out the following Global Knowledge courses: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Administration Microsoft SQL 2005 Reporting Services Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for Developers Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for Business Intelligence For more information or to register, visit www.globalknowledge.com or call 1-800-COURSES to speak with a sales representative. Our courses and enhanced, hands-on labs offer practical skills and tips that you can immediately put to use. Our expert instructors draw upon their experiences to help you understand k ey concepts and how to apply them to your specific work situation. Choose from our more than 700 courses , delivered through Classrooms, e-Learning, and On-site sessions, to meet your IT and management training needs. Copyright ©2006 Global Knowledge T raining LLC. All rights reserved. Page 7 About the Author Sue Cooney (MCSE NT3.51,MCSE + I NT4.0,MCSE 2000,MCSE 2003,MCT) is a Senior Instructor for Global Knowledge.She has done consulting work for multiple private and public companies and Canadian govern- ment agencies.Sue is an instructor,author,and course director.She teaches a full range of Windows 2003 and Networking/TCP/IPcourses and holds a Masters degree in Information Science. You can contact her at sue.cooney@globalknowledge.com. Useful Links for Further Information http://www.sqlserveranalysisservices.com/default.htm http://www.microsoft.com/sql/technologies/analysis/default.mspx http://www.mosha.com/msolap/ Copyright ©2006 Global Knowledge T raining LLC. All rights reserved. Page 8 . Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Administration Microsoft SQL 2005 Reporting Services Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for Developers Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for Business. warehouse SQL Server 2000 relational database SQL Server 2005 relational database Multidimensional database SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services SQL Server 2005