Oracle® interMedia Reference 10g Release 1 (10.1) Part No. B10829-01 December 2003 Oracle interMedia ("interMedia") is a feature that enables Oracle Database to store, manage, and retrieve images, audio, video, or other heterogeneous media data in an integrated fashion with other enterprise information. Oracle interMedia extends Oracle Database reliability, availability, and data management to multimedia content in Internet, electronic commerce, and media-rich applications. Oracle interMedia Reference, 10g Release 1 (10.1) Part No. B10829-01 Copyright © 1999, 2003 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Ingrid Stuart Contributor: Rod Ward, Susan Mavris, Melli Annamalai, Todd Rowell, Raja Chatterjee, Robert Abbott, Albert Landeck, Vishal Rao, Dongbai Guo, Fengting Chen, Manjari Yalavarthy, Joseph Mauro, Rabah Mediouni, Sanjay Agarwal, Bill Voss, Susan Kotsovolos, Rosanne Toohey, Bill Beauregard, Susan Shepard, Helen Grembowicz The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information of Oracle Corporation; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this document is error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Oracle Corporation. If the Programs are delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing or using the programs on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: Restricted Rights Notice Programs delivered subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are "commercial computer software" and use, duplication, and disclosure of the Programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement. Otherwise, Programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are "restricted computer software" and use, duplication, and disclosure of the Programs shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights (June, 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be the licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and Oracle Corporation disclaims liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs. Oracle is a registered trademark, and Oracle Store, PL/SQL, and SQL*Plus are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. iii Contents Send Us Your Comments . xvii Preface xix Audience . xix Documentation Accessibility xx Organization xx Related Documentation . xxii Conventions . xxiii Changes to This Guide xxiv 1 Introduction to Oracle interMedia 1.1 Multimedia Object Types and Methods . 1-1 1.2 Multimedia Storage . 1-1 2 Ensuring Compatibility with Evolving interMedia Object Types 2.1 When and How to Call the Compatibility Initialization Function 2-2 compatibilityInit( ) 2-3 3 Common Methods for interMedia Object Types 3.1 Embedded ORDSource Object 3-2 3.2 Important Notes 3-2 3.3 Methods 3-3 clearLocal( ) 3-5 iv closeSource( ) 3-6 deleteContent( ) 3-8 export( ) . 3-9 getBFile( ) 3-13 getContent( ) . 3-15 getMimeType( ) 3-16 getSource( ) . 3-18 getSourceLocation( ) 3-20 getSourceName( ) 3-22 getSourceType( ) 3-24 getUpdateTime( ) . 3-26 isLocal( ) 3-27 openSource( ) 3-28 processSourceCommand( ) 3-30 readFromSource( ) . 3-32 setLocal( ) 3-35 setMimeType( ) 3-37 setSource( ) 3-39 setUpdateTime( ) . 3-41 trimSource( ) . 3-43 writeToSource( ) . 3-45 4 ORDAudio ORDAudio Object Type 4-3 ORDAudio Constructors 4-8 init( ) for ORDAudio 4-9 init(srcType,srcLocation,srcName) for ORDAudio . 4-11 ORDAudio Methods . 4-13 checkProperties( ) . 4-15 getAllAttributes( ) 4-17 getAttribute( ) . 4-19 v getAudioDuration( ) 4-21 getCompressionType( ) . 4-22 getContentLength( ) . 4-23 getContentInLob( ) . 4-24 getDescription( ) . 4-26 getEncoding( ) . 4-27 getFormat( ) . 4-28 getNumberOfChannels( ) 4-29 getSampleSize( ) . 4-30 getSamplingRate( ) . 4-31 import( ) . 4-32 importFrom( ) . 4-35 processAudioCommand( ) 4-38 setAudioDuration( ) . 4-40 setCompressionType( ) 4-41 setDescription( ) . 4-42 setEncoding( ) . 4-44 setFormat( ) . 4-45 setKnownAttributes( ) . 4-47 setNumberOfChannels( ) 4-49 setProperties( ) 4-50 setSamplingRate( ) . 4-52 setSampleSize( ) 4-53 5 ORDDoc ORDDoc Object Type 5-3 ORDDoc Constructors 5-6 init( ) for ORDDoc 5-7 init(srcType,srcLocation,srcName) for ORDDoc . 5-9 ORDDoc Methods . 5-11 getContentInLob( ) . 5-12 vi getContentLength( ) . 5-14 getFormat( ) . 5-15 import( ) . 5-16 importFrom( ) 5-19 setFormat( ) . 5-22 setProperties( ) 5-24 6 ORDImage and ORDImageSignature ORDImage Object Type 6-3 ORDImage Constructors . 6-7 init( ) for ORDImage . 6-8 init(srcType,srcLocation,srcName) for ORDImage 6-10 ORDImage Methods 6-12 checkProperties( ) 6-13 copy( ) . 6-15 getCompressionFormat( ) 6-17 getContentFormat( ) 6-18 getContentLength( ) 6-19 getFileFormat( ) . 6-20 getHeight( ) 6-21 getWidth( ) . 6-22 import( ) 6-23 importFrom( ) 6-25 process( ) . 6-28 processCopy( ) . 6-34 setProperties( ) . 6-36 setProperties( ) for foreign images 6-38 ORDImageSignature Object Type . 6-42 ORDImageSignature Constructor 6-44 init( ) for ORDImageSignature 6-45 ORDImageSignature Methods . 6-47 vii evaluateScore( ) . 6-48 generateSignature( ) 6-51 isSimilar( ) 6-53 ORDImageSignature Operators . 6-56 IMGSimilar( ) . 6-57 IMGScore( ) 6-62 7 SQL/MM Still Image SQL Functions and Procedures . 7-3 Example Media Table and User Definition . 7-4 SI_AverageColor Object Type . 7-5 SI_AverageColor Constructors 7-7 SI_AverageColor(averageColorSpec) 7-8 SI_AverageColor(sourceImage) 7-10 SI_AverageColor Method . 7-12 SI_Score( ) for SI_AverageColor . 7-13 SI_Color Object Type 7-15 SI_Color Constructor . 7-16 SI_Color Method 7-17 SI_RGBColor( ) 7-18 SI_ColorHistogram Object Type . 7-20 SI_ColorHistogram Constructors 7-22 SI_ColorHistogram(colors, frequencies) 7-23 SI_ColorHistogram(firstColor, frequency) 7-26 SI_ColorHistogram(sourceImage) 7-28 SI_ColorHistogram Methods 7-30 SI_Append( ) 7-31 SI_Score( ) for SI_ColorHistogram . 7-33 SI_FeatureList Object Type 7-36 SI_FeatureList Constructor . 7-39 SI_FeatureList( ) 7-40 viii SI_FeatureList Methods . 7-44 SI_AvgClrFtr( ) 7-45 SI_AvgClrFtrWght( ) 7-47 SI_ClrHstgrFtr( ) 7-49 SI_ClrHstgrFtrWght( ) 7-51 SI_PstnlClrFtr( ) . 7-53 SI_PstnlClrFtrWght( ) . 7-55 SI_Score( ) for SI_FeatureList 7-57 SI_SetFeature(averageColorFeature, averageColorFeatureWeight) 7-60 SI_SetFeature(colorHistogramFeature, colorHistogramFeatureWeight) . 7-62 SI_SetFeature(positionalColorFeature, positionalColorFeatureWeight) 7-64 SI_SetFeature(textureFeature, textureFeatureWeight) 7-66 SI_TextureFtr( ) 7-68 SI_TextureFtrWght( ) 7-70 SI_PositionalColor Object Type . 7-72 SI_PositionalColor Constructor 7-73 SI_PositionalColor( ) . 7-74 SI_PositionalColor Method . 7-76 SI_Score( ) for SI_PositionalColor . 7-77 SI_StillImage Object Type 7-79 SI_StillImage Constructors 7-82 SI_StillImage(content) . 7-83 SI_StillImage(content, explicitFormat) . 7-87 SI_StillImage(content, explicitFormat, height, width) . 7-91 SI_StillImage Methods . 7-95 SI_ClearFeatures( ) 7-96 SI_InitFeatures( ) . 7-98 SI_ChangeFormat( ) 7-100 SI_Content( ) 7-103 SI_ContentLength( ) 7-105 SI_Format( ) 7-107 ix SI_Height( ) 7-109 SI_RetainFeatures( ) 7-111 SI_SetContent( ) . 7-113 SI_Thumbnail( ) . 7-116 SI_Thumbnail(height,width) . 7-118 SI_Width( ) . 7-121 SI_Texture Object Type 7-123 SI_Texture Constructor . 7-124 SI_Texture( ) . 7-125 SI_Texture Method . 7-127 SI_Score( ) for SI_Texture . 7-128 Views . 7-130 Internal Helper Types . 7-133 8 ORDVideo ORDVideo Object Type 8-3 ORDVideo Constructors 8-8 init( ) for ORDVideo 8-9 init(srcType,srcLocation,srcName) for ORDVideo . 8-11 ORDVideo Methods 8-13 checkProperties( ) . 8-15 getAllAttributes( ) 8-17 getAttribute( ) . 8-19 getBitRate( ) . 8-21 getCompressionType( ) . 8-22 getContentInLob( ) . 8-23 getContentLength( ) . 8-25 getDescription( ) . 8-26 getFormat( ) . 8-27 getFrameRate( ) 8-28 getFrameResolution( ) . 8-29 x getFrameSize( ) . 8-30 getNumberOfColors( ) . 8-32 getNumberOfFrames( ) . 8-33 getVideoDuration( ) . 8-34 import( ) . 8-35 importFrom( ) 8-37 processVideoCommand( ) . 8-40 setBitRate( ) . 8-42 setCompressionType( ) 8-43 setDescription( ) 8-44 setFormat( ) . 8-46 setFrameRate( ) . 8-48 setFrameResolution( ) 8-49 setFrameSize( ) 8-50 setKnownAttributes( ) . 8-52 setNumberOfColors( ) . 8-55 setNumberOfFrames( ) 8-56 setProperties( ) 8-57 setVideoDuration( ) 8-59 9 interMedia Relational Interface Reference Static Methods for the Relational Interface 9-3 Static Methods Common to All Object Types . 9-4 export( ) 9-5 importFrom( ) 9-9 importFrom( ) (all attributes) 9-12 Static Methods Unique to the ORDAudio Object Type Relational Interface 9-15 getProperties( ) for BLOBs 9-18 getProperties( ) (all attributes) for BLOBs 9-20 getProperties( ) for BFILEs 9-24 getProperties( ) (all attributes) for BFILEs 9-26 [...]... message search feature of the Oracle online documentation For information about Oracle Locator, see Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference For reference information on both Oracle interMedia Java Classes and Oracle interMedia Java Classes for Servlets and JSP in Javadoc format, see the Oracle API documentation (also known as Javadoc) The API documentation is available on the Oracle Database 10g Documentation... Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide I Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide and Reference I Oracle Database Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects I Oracle Database Concepts I PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference I Oracle interMedia Java Classes Reference Oracle error message documentation is available in HTML only If you have access to the Oracle Database 10g Documentation CD-ROM only,... describe ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDVideo, and ORDSource) 1 Introduction to Oracle interMedia Oracle interMedia ( "interMedia" ) is a feature that enables Oracle Database to store, manage, and retrieve images, audio, video, or other heterogeneous media data in an integrated fashion with other enterprise information Oracle interMedia extends Oracle Database reliability, availability, and data management to multimedia... Electronic mail: nedc-doc_us @oracle. com FAX: 603.897.3825 Attn: Oracle interMedia Documentation Postal service: Oracle Corporation Oracle interMedia Documentation One Oracle Drive Nashua, NH 03062 USA If you would like a reply, please give your name, address, telephone number, and electronic mail address (optional) If you have problems with the software, please contact your local Oracle Support Services... object types Chapter 3, "Common Methods for interMedia Object Types" Provides reference information about methods that are common to ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, and ORDVideo object types xx Chapter 4, "ORDAudio" Provides reference information on Oracle interMedia ORDAudio object type and methods Chapter 5, "ORDDoc" Provides reference information on Oracle interMedia ORDDoc object type and methods Chapter... documentation section of the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site at http://otn .oracle. com/documentation/ Note that the information in the reference sections of Oracle interMedia Java Classes Reference supersedes the Javadoc documentation Many of the examples in this book use the sample schemas of the seed database, which is installed by default when you install Oracle Refer to Oracle Database Sample... information on Oracle interMedia ORDVideo object type and methods Chapter 9, "interMedia Relational Interface Reference" Provides reference information on Oracle interMedia relational interface methods for the ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, and ORDVideo object types Chapter 10, "ORDSource" Provides reference information on Oracle interMedia ORDSource object type and methods Appendix A, "Audio File and Compression... who want to write their own user-defined sources 1-2 Oracle interMedia Reference 2 Ensuring Compatibility with Evolving interMedia Object Types The Oracle interMedia ( "interMedia" ) object types may evolve by adding new object attributes in a future release Client-side applications that want to maintain compatibility with the current release of the interMedia object types (ORDAudio, ORDImage, ORDVideo,... objects add new attributes in a future release See the compatibilityInit( ) method in this section, and Oracle interMedia Java Classes Reference for further information, and detailed descriptions and examples This guide is on the Oracle Technology Network at http://otn .oracle. com/ 2-2 Oracle interMedia Reference compatibilityInit( ) compatibilityInit( ) Format compatibilityInit(release IN VARCHAR2, errmsg... "%s\n", errText ); } } Ensuring Compatibility with Evolving interMedia Object Types 2-5 compatibilityInit( ) 2-6 Oracle interMedia Reference 3 Common Methods for interMedia Object Types This chapter presents reference information on the common methods used for the following Oracle interMedia ( "interMedia" ) object types: I ORDAudio I ORDDoc I ORDImage I ORDVideo The examples in this chapter use the ONLINE_MEDIA . nedc-doc_us @oracle. com ■ FAX: 603.897.3825 Attn: Oracle interMedia Documentation ■ Postal service: Oracle Corporation Oracle interMedia Documentation One Oracle. Oracle interMedia Reference 10g Release 1 (10.1) Part No. B10829-01 December 2003 Oracle interMedia (" ;interMedia& quot;) is a