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How to use mind maps in teaching english grammar for the10th grade students at tinh gia 3 high school

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1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The reason of selecting the topic We all know that English is a common language in the world, and is also the path to the development of international integration Seeing the importance of this language, the Vietnamese education sector has chosen English as the main subject, as one of the three compulsory high school graduation exams Therefore, each student, while still sitting in high school, needs to have a certain level of English to prepare for exams and after graduation must be able to communicate at least at a simple level simple everyday To this, we constantly innovate teaching methods to achieve high results for English in particular and other subjects in general This job contributes significantly to the success of the country's "people-growing" profession Teaching in a positive way is concretized by many different methods, in which the use of appropriate teaching aids is a highly effective method But how to use teaching aids most effectively to achieve educational goals as well as constantly improve the quality of English teaching hours is a problem that English teachers have been concerned about for many years The English teacher is often portrayed as an "unattractive grammar monger whose only pleasure in life is to point out the faults of others" (Baron, 1982, p 226) For the most part, within the classroom, any mention of grammar causes the student moments of discomfort and sometimes even terror To solve these, Teachers should help students use and promote their thinking ability when learning grammar In order to accomplish that purpose and to help teach and learn English grammar more effectively, help students grasp more deeply and firmly the learned grammar problems to apply well in the process of using as well as in the exam I would like to introduce the topic: "How to use mind maps in teaching English grammar for the10 th grade students at Tinh Gia high school" By researching this topic, I hope to partly help teachers gradually overcome difficulties in the process of teaching English grammar, in order to create more effective lessons, more active and active students when absorbing, perceiving the knowledge of the lesson and maximizing their creativity 1.2 Objectives, tasks, methodology and scope of research 1.2.1 Objectives of research For the students - Provide learners with techniques to learn grammar - Help learners help students use and promote their thinking ability when learning grammar - Help students grasp more deeply and firmly the learned grammar problems to apply well in the process of using as well as in the exam For the teachers - Have many choices in vocabulary teaching techniques and organize extensive grammar training activities to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning grammar in high school - Provide teacher with techniques to teach grammar - Have an effective teching grammar lesson - Have more experience in organizing highly effective grammar lessons 1.2.2 Research tasks - Find out the reason why most of students cannot remember subjects of grammar well - When researching this topic, I perform the following tasks: Studying instructional materials for teaching and learning English Experimental training and teaching Observe colleagues, exchange and learn from experience Check and evaluate the results of the student's grasp of the lesson, so that there can be reasonable additional adjustments 1.2.3 Research methodology I write this topic based on: - Observation method: Research, conduct class visits of colleagues - Method of exchange and discussion: After attending the time of my colleague, my colleague, my colleague and I conduct an exchange and discussion to draw out experiences for the lesson - Experimental method: The teacher conducts experimental teaching for each purpose with specific requirements for a number of specific grammar lessons - Investigative method: The teacher asks questions to check and evaluate the students' understanding of the content of the lesson 1.2.4 Scope of research I mainly focus on: - It is about sousing mind map to teach English grammar for the 10 th grade students and the practice of practicing grammar in class PROBLEM SOLVING 2.1 Rationale As we all know, English teaching and learning in high schools has undergone major changes in content as well as teaching methods to match the objectives and requirements set out in the reform program The most basic view of the new method is how to promote the positivity and initiative of students and create optimal conditions for students to practice, develop and improve their language skills for purpose communication rather than the mere provision of linguistic knowledge With this in mind, classroom techniques and activities have also been varied and developed Therefore, teachers need to grasp the basic principles of new methods, learn tips and teaching activities from a communicative point of view so that they can be applied flexibly, appropriately and effectively fruit To ensure students can use English well, along with developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, we also need to focus on teaching grammar and other language knowledge to students 2.2 Reality Although nowadays, many foreign language teachers tend to apply new methods in teaching grammar, but how to teach grammar effectively is still a controversial issue and needs to be considered more attention Most foreign language teachers clearly realize the importance of effective grammar teaching in order to help students have a general knowledge of grammar and be able to apply it well in exercises Most students when learning English often face a lot of difficulties when doing grammar exercises It can be said that mastering grammar knowledge will contribute to improving the efficiency of English learning as well as exam results because grammar knowledge accounts for a large proportion in the tests In addition, mastering grammar knowledge will also help students better improve skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing There have been a number of methods of teaching and learning grammar quite effectively applied in the teaching process such as giving structure and rules; presented with pictures or methods using situations, for example… However, these methods still have a problem that with each grammar lesson using the above methods will take a lot of time, students have to take a lot of notes and it will be difficult for students to systematically system them details in the process of learning and applying Besides, most students learn grammar by mechanically memorizing structures as well as usage This is one of the reasons students always find it difficult to learn grammar Therefore, teachers should help students use and promote their thinking ability when learning grammar 2.3 Measure implementation 2.3.1 Definition: A mind map, also known as a mind map, mind map, etc., is a form of note-taking to explore, deepen, expand an idea, systematize a topic or a circuit of knowledge, … by combining the simultaneous use of images, lines, colors, and writing with positive thinking In particular, this is an open plan, does not require scale, tight details like a geographical map, can draw more or less branches: each person draws a different style, using colors, images, different expressions, the same topic, but each person can "express" it in the form of a mind map in a unique way Therefore, mind mapping maximizes the creativity of each person 2.3.2 The advantages of using mind map Compared with traditional recording methods, the method of using mind maps has the following advantages: - The main idea will be central and clearly defined - The reciprocal relationship between each idea is clearly shown The more important the idea, the closer it will be to the main idea - Connections between key concepts are immediately perceived visually - Reviewing and memorizing will be more effective and faster - Adding information is easier by drawing insets to the diagram - Each schema will be distinguished from each other to facilitate recall - New ideas can be placed in the correct position on the picture easily, regardless of the order of presentation, enabling quick changeover and flexibility for memorization - Can take advantage of the support of the software on the computer 2.2.4 The advantages of using mind map in teaching English grammar In teaching English grammar, if teachers use mind maps, they can help students change the way they write in the traditional way, that is, line after line Using a teacher's mind map will enrich the repository of materials on their teaching methods and tips, contribute to the innovation of teaching methods, and create many challenges for students in learning , step by step training students' thinking ability by encouraging students to participate in lectures or reading mind maps that students have recorded after classes Using mind maps in teaching also helps to overcome the situation that teachers write on the board and students copy them into notebooks This is both time-consuming and ineffective, and the classroom atmosphere is boring and uninteresting learning for students But when teaching with mind maps, it is different Mind maps are developed step by step according to the progress of teaching hours The relevant details extend to the key information that the teacher suggests to the students (pair, group or individual discussion) to answer and since the content is only a word or phrase, the students have time for themselves records Mind maps also help students practice presentation skills and master the knowledge of the lesson more firmly, remembering the lesson longer Through theoretical and experimental research in teaching grammar, it has been shown that using mind maps in teaching new knowledge helps students learn actively and actively and mobilizes all students to participate in the construction of new knowledge post enthusiastically With the unique product "knowledge + painting" is the daily creative joy of students and also the joy of teachers when witnessing the results of their students' labor This way of learning also develops the individual capacity of each student in terms of intellect (drawing, writing something on mind maps), systematizing knowledge (mobilizing previously learned things to select ideas for recording) ), painting ability (form of presentation, combination of drawings, writing, colors) and the application of knowledge learned through books to life Besides, students often have difficulty learning abstract and complex grammar problems and take a lot of time to memorize a new grammar problem Therefore, mind maps – as a visual tool, are very useful in helping students gain basic knowledge of each grammar problem by listening to teachers lecture, listening to other students discuss during class time and finally have the instructor record or distribute a summary of the grammar problem just learned with a simple mind map Having this simple mind map, it will be easier for students to study at home, understand more deeply and master the grammar knowledge they have learned 2.3.4 Steps in using mind maps in teaching grammar n order to help students create a mind map of the grammar problem they need to learn, we need to take the following steps Step Give a topic The teacher gives a topic (grammar problems will be studied in that class) this is the keyword for students to build a mind map and direct students to pay attention to the keyword, note Remember keywords that will help students grasp the entire content to convey When the keyword is given, the teacher asks the students to focus their attention on the keyword and think about all the problems related to that keyword Step : Draw the subject in the center - In this step, the teacher instructs students to use a white sheet of paper (no grid) placed horizontally and draw a topic (containing keywords) in the middle of the paper, from which to develop other ideas in the middle of the paper around In addition, teachers also let students know that they can completely use the colors according to their preferences to make diagrams The central theme can be text or pictures, a combination of the two is even better Step : Draw more subheadings (level 1) For each topic, the teacher should ask students to spend about 1-2 minutes thinking about it and jotting down ideas If students not know how to express in English, students can use Vietnamese or a dictionary The teacher then guides students to develop the following branches: - Subheadings should be written on thick branches to highlight the idea Subheadings should stick to the center - Subheadings should be drawn diagonally, not horizontally, so other sub-branches can be drawn more easily Teachers can suggest the number of branches by asking some questions to direct students to the main ideas of the grammar subject to study or review From there, students determine the number of branches to draw and draw sub-branches according to their ideas Step 4: Draw the branches at level 2, level 3, In this step, the teacher instructs students to draw a sequence of the 2nd level branch into the 1st grade branch, the 3rd grade branch into the 2nd grade branch, etc to create a link - Encourage students to draw with their own ideas and more curved branches than straight lines, thus making the mind map look softer, more flexible and easier to remember Only take advantage of keywords and images, use only keyword in each branch This makes it easy for new keywords and ideas to be appended to existing keywords Then, students can discuss in groups to compare and contrast the points and add to the mind map This step helps students to correct each other's mistakes very effectively and can exchange ideas that above students cannot express in English Step 5: Add illustrations At this step, teachers should let students' imaginations run wild by encouraging students to add more pictures to help make important ideas stand out, as well as store them in better memory because their brains People have a higher ability to absorb images than words (If time does not allow, students can complete this step at home.) Step 6: Report, comment Reports and explanations on mind maps Ask a few students or representatives of student groups to report and explain the mind map that their group has set up Through this activity, both knowing and understanding their knowledge is a way for them to practice speaking in front of a large number of people, helping them to be more confident and bolder, this is also one of the points that need to be trained practice of current students - Discuss, edit and complete mind maps Organize for students to discuss, supplement and edit to complete the mind map of the knowledge of the grammar problem learned in the lesson The teacher will be the mentor, helping students complete the mind map of that grammar problem, thereby leading to the core knowledge of the lesson Consolidate knowledge with a mind map Teachers let students present and explain the grammar knowledge of that class through a mind map prepared by the teacher (drawn on the sideboard or on the cover), or a mind map that you have just designed and the whole class has edited and perfected 2.3.5 Illustration examples Period : UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF… Part E : Language Focus I Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Identify the sound / I / and / i : /.Review the Present and Past simple tense and adverds of frequency in order to help Ss be better at using these tenses and this kind of adverds II Teaching aids -Textbook, computer, projecter III Anticipated problems - Ss may not know how to pronounce the two sounds correctly IV Procedure Time Steps Work arrangement 2’ *Warm up T- Asks Ss to look at the picture about Ship and Sheep Whole class Ship [∫ip] 3’ Sheep [∫i:p] - Introduce new lesson I – Pronounciation 1.Presentation Whole class T- Demonstrates the sounds / I / and / i : / by pronounce them clearly and slowly T- Helps Ss distinguish these two sounds T- Instructs the way to pronounce:  / I / : open your mouth very little to make the sound / I /  / i : / : First practice the sound / I / Then open your 5’ 2’ 8’ mouth a little more Practise Let Ss listen the first time Ask ss to read the word in chorus Ask Ss to read the word individually Ask Ss to practise reading sentences Corrects and comments *Give examples: I often get up at 6:00 a.m Individual My father usually watches TV in the evening work Mr.Ha works in a bank near my school Lan likes music I and Hoa like ice-scream Introduce to the next part IIGrammar and vocabulary Present simple tense T- Asks Ss to build a mind map with the key word : Whole class " THE PRESENT SIMPLE" T- elicits by givings questions: When you use the present simple tense? What is its affirmative form? What is its negative form? What is its interrogative form? What about the verb "to be"? Lets Ss work in minutes to draw their mind maps then collects some of the Ss' mind maps, shows on blackboard , corrects mistakes and gives feedbacks Individual work &group work 5’ [P2.1] mind map - present simple tense 2’ 3’ EXERCISE T- Asks Ss to the exercise individually, complete the passage with the correct simple present tense of the verbs in the box T- Calls on a student to read aloud the passage in front of the class The whole class listen and check the answers T- Feedbacks and gives correct answers: is catch give up fish am 10 say worry catch 11 realise are go 12 am *Review adverbs of frequency Example: I usually get up at 6:00 a.m Nam is always late for school Retells the use of adverbs of frequency: “Adverbs of frequency show how often something happens” Never - seldom - hardly - sometimes - often normally - usually - always T- Asks Ss to retell the position of this kind of adverbs in a sentence: + in front of normal verb eg: We never go to bed late + between an auxiliary verb and the main verb Eg: He doesn’t usually read book at night + after the verb “to be” eg: I’m always free on Sunday EXERCISE T- Asks Ss to the exercise quickly, put the adverbs in their correct order into the sentences in the textbook T- Calls on Ss to read aloud the sentences in front of the class T- Feedbacks and gives correct answers: He usually gets up early She is never late for school Lan sometimes practises speaking English Thao is always a hard-working student Simple past tense Presentation Example: Work individually Whole class Work individually then pair work Whole class 7’ 6’ I finished my homework on time T- Asks Ss to build a mind map with the key word : " THE PAST SIMPLE" T- elicits by givings questions: Individual When you use the past simple tense? work &group What is its affirmative form? work What is its negative form? What is its interrogative form? What about the verb "to be"? Lets Ss work in minutes to draw their mind maps then collects some of the Ss' mind maps , shows on blackboard corrects mistakes and gives feedbacks [P2.2] mind map - past simple tense Practise EXERCISE T- Asks Ss to work in groups, supplying the correct simple past tense of the verbs in the brackets Group from verb to verb Group from verb to verb 12 Group from verb 13 to verb 18 T- Reminds Ss to have the correct form of some irregular verbs T- Calls Ss to be on the behalf of the groups to read aloud the passage in front of the class T- Feedbacks and gives correct answers: Group work was done began 13 was cooked felt 14 leapt were put out 15 hurried 10 2’ smelt 10 crept 16 found told 11 slept 17 wound sang 12 woke 18 flowed WRAPPING UP T- summarises the main point Homework: Redo exercises * Another examples: Mind Map: the Present Perfect Tense ( Unit - Language focus English 10) [P2.3] mind map - present perfect tense ( Unit 11 - Language focus - English 10) 11 [P2.4] mind map - conditional clauses Articles ( Unit 13 - Language focus - English 10) [P2.5] mind map - article 12 past perfect ( Unit - Language focus - English 10) [P2.6] mind map - past perfect tense Will vs be going to ( Unit 14 - Language focus - English 10) 13 [P2.7] mind map - will vs going to Relative clauses ( Unit - Language focus - English 10) [P2.8] mind map - relative pronoun Comparision ( Unit 16 - Language focus - English 10) 14 [P2.9] mind map - comparision 2.4 The result of researching The application of this initiative of experience has personally achieved some positive results First of all, these experiences are very suitable for the new curriculum and textbooks.; Students are more interested in learning, active and creative to expand their understanding, and are also very flexible in acquiring knowledge and developing skills The learning atmosphere is vibrant and light Students have the opportunity to assert themselves, no longer embarrassed and afraid when entering class These are also the reasons for the results I achieved in the last school year: excellent good average weak poor SL % SL % SL % SL % SL % Class Students 10A1 45 20 44,4 23 51,1 4,5 0 0 10A3 39 20 51,3 19 48,7 33,3 0 0 10A110 40 10 25 0 20 50 10 25 2.5 Experience lesson After successfully applying this topic, I myself have gained significant results and valuable experiences for myself as follows: - In order to achieve high efficiency in lessons, in addition to the active role in student learning, the teacher's patience must also be mentioned Teachers must regularly encourage students to learn according to the motto of experimentation, actively explore and draw experiences after each lesson to ensure the progress of the program delivery, while helping students understand the lesson, creating a foundation for learning next level of education - Organizing diverse and rich teaching activities such as: forming pairs of groups: group activities and pairs are very important for students to exchange ideas and help each other when writing, composing a lesson presentations by electronic lesson plans; organized in the form of games… - To promote students' learning motivation and creativity, in lessons, teachers should give students a comfortable and gentle psychology, lesson goals should be moderate, not too high and accept mistakes in the process of implementing language… Encourage students to be self-directed and confident when speaking in 15 order to create conditions for them to get used to using English for real communication - Use teaching aids suitable for content such as pictures, visual aids, computers, projectors, etc CONCLUSION AND PROPOSAL 3.1 Conclusion At the high school level, teaching English in the program is a good condition for students to fully develop both knowledge and language skills But teaching and learning English is still "new" for both students and teachers Both students and teachers cannot avoid difficulties With this experiential initiative, I hope to make a small contribution to helping teachers and students at our school gradually overcome difficulties to carry out teaching and learning English, especially teaching grammar achieve better performance As for myself, I promise to continue to inherit and promote the achieved results of the project implementation, and at the same time constantly learn, draw experience, overcome difficulties in teaching to meet the requirements for reforming the English curriculum and teaching methods of the Ministry of Education and Training 3.2 Proposal 3.2.1 To teachers: The success of each teaching hour depends a lot on the creativity of teachers when preparing lesson plans Therefore, teachers need to invest a lot of time in this activity and design teaching activities to suit their needs topic of the lesson, tailored to the particular level of the student In the process of teaching, teachers need to think about how to switch to harmoniously combine the parts, the content of the lesson should not be too focused on any particular content Allocate reasonable time for each part of the lesson, it is necessary to promote pair and group activities, encourage and encourage students to speak boldly, to be bold in communication, to avoid timidity and apprehension Help students apply the words and sentence patterns they have learned in practice or recreate the content of the lesson naturally according to their own thoughts 3.2.2 Facilities: -Foreign language learning skills must be practiced according to their own characteristics in a foreign language environment, so it is necessary to have a subject room to avoid making noise in neighboring classes as well as not being affected by noise from outside in -The electrical system must be repaired to ensure its usefulness and safety when used -Provide more radios, cassettes, computers, projectors (the radio is still small, the quality of tapes and discs is not guaranteed.) 3.2.3 To the senior leaders 16 It is necessary to create conditions for teachers to have the opportunity to exchange, learn and draw experience through seminars Because of time limitation, I not avoid errors I would like to receive feedback from my colleagues, especially teachers who teach English to make my initiatives more complete and widely applied in the teaching process XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ Thanh Hóa, ngày 20 tháng năm 2021 Tơi xin cam đoan SKKN viết, không chép nội dung người khác (Ký ghi rõ họ tên) Hoàng Thị Mai Hương 17 REFERENCE Do Nhung – Thanh Ha Mind map english grammar Hong Duc publisher website: violet.vn Dr Nguyen Dac Tam, (2019) Mind map english grammar Ho Chi Minh publisher Tiếng Anh 10 – Cơ bản; 5.website: https://www.eslprintables.com/grammar_worksheets/verbs 18 ... thinking ability by encouraging students to participate in lectures or reading mind maps that students have recorded after classes Using mind maps in teaching also helps to overcome the situation... for students to study at home, understand more deeply and master the grammar knowledge they have learned 2 .3. 4 Steps in using mind maps in teaching grammar n order to help students create a mind. .. sousing mind map to teach English grammar for the 10 th grade students and the practice of practicing grammar in class PROBLEM SOLVING 2.1 Rationale As we all know, English teaching and learning in

Ngày đăng: 22/05/2021, 15:31

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