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(SKKN 2022) how to use powerpoint programs in teaching english at dong anh primary and secondary school

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INDEX I.INTRODUCTION Reasons for selecting topic Aims of research Object of research and application of innovations Methodolody of research New points of the initiative experience II.CONTENTS Rationale of the experience idea The problem states before applying this experience idea 3 Improved solutions The efficient application of the initiative experience 10 III CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 17 Conclusions Recommendations 17 18 I INTRODUCTION Reasons for selecting the topic Although PowerPoint has been in existence for many years, it has just begun to spread to schools and English classrooms The reason for this delay is that technology requires hardware, which is relatively expensive However, more and more classrooms and teachers have computers and the equipment to use PowerPoint Not only are more teachers using these presentations, but more are producing their own Some are even placing them on websites for others to download PowerPoint is a useful tool that is now being used in many classrooms Before continuing, let me give a brief definition PowerPoint is a type of presentation software that allows one to show colored text and images with simple animation and sound PowerPoint is just one of many types of presentation software Hyper-Studio is another PowerPoint is the most popular because it comes bundled with Microsoft packages PowerPoint will run on either Macintosh or Windows PC's The files are easy to create and can be e-mailed as attachments They can be posted on or downloaded from websites, and can be converted to html webpages Not only can PowerPoint presentations be traded and exchanged, they can also be modified to fit any individual classroom setting Although other presentation software may have the same capabilities, PowerPoint is the most common, and it is user friendly PowerPoint presentations can be used in many ways in the English classroom as well as in other classrooms Presentations can be used for initial teaching, for practice and drilling, for games, for reviews, and for tests Purpose of using Powerpoint Powerpoint is widely used in study and work, helping users create report slides for presentations Depending on the needs of the user, Powerpoint is used for many different purposes, such as: Create presentations for your products and services; Create visual lessons for classes; Use for personal purposes such as mind mapping and family photo slideshows Because of the requiremental subject and factual teaching, I made a plan: “How to use PowerPoint programs in teaching English at Dong Anh primary and secondary school” That is the reason why I choose this topic Aims of research Teaching English or any other language especially to large classes of kindergarten, primary schools, secondary schools and absolute beginner students, can prove to be a nightmare at times As a teacher, I found the use of PowerPoint presentations a great aid in my teaching (by large classes I mean classes of 35 to 40 or more students) At my school, large classes are common So how you teach a class of 35- 45 students staring at you, hungry for knowledge? So what about small classes? Needless to say that most often it is easier to teach smaller language classes than large ones I have only focused on large classes because that is the area where using PowerPoint has solved a great deal of problems for teachers Well, let me sum it up this way If PowerPoint presentations are great for large classes, then they make teaching smaller classes seem too easy Luckily, most classrooms in my school are well equipped with overhead projectors and in some cases they have school computer networks and Classrooms P.A Systems Being a novice in using the computer, I always did not know how to get started However, when I eventually began using MS PowerPoint to create classroom presentations, I soon realized the similarities it shares with MS word, which I was vaguely familiar with at the time In a few weeks of using PowerPoint presentations, I was amazed by the results All of a sudden my students could concentrate long enough for me to drive home new language points With new language points well into their brains, classroom games followed with ease This was when I understood why some of my brilliant classroom games had failed in the past The principal of the school soon recognized my work and asked me to share all my PowerPoint lesson plans on the school network; I think I gladly did Object of research and application of innovations The initiative applies to students in kidergaten, primary school, secondary school and high school Methodology: Use PowerPoint programs in teaching by many ways in the English classroom as well as in other classrooms It can be used for initial teaching, for practicing and drilling, for games, for reviews, and for tests Methodolody of research PowerPoint presentations are easy to obtain, modify, and create They are versatile and a great asset to any classroom Good presentations may take time to produce or adapt, but they can be shared and used year after year They can be used for whole class presentations and reviews, for drills, or for individual work PowerPoint presentations run on both Macintosh and Windows platforms Files are small unless many pictures and sounds are added Small files are easily stored These presentations can be viewed with a computer monitor, a television set, or a projector Because of all these advantages, we are going to see more and more PowerPoint presentations used in English language teaching New points of the initiative experience Some basic steps in making Powerpoint lessons and how to use the powerpoint programs in teaching English lessons II CONTENTS Rationale of the experience idea As we have seen in years, especially in recent years, the education and training department of Thanh Hoa province and the education and training department of Dong Son district are very interested in teaching and learning English The provincial and district education departments regularly organize good teacher competitions, excellent contests at district and provincial levels Every year, the Department and the Education and Training Department have conducted school inspections to advise and motivate teachers to achieve higher results In addition, the Department of Education and the Department recently held a seminar on the application of experience idea standards in the organization of active teaching; To renovate the evaluation and evaluation in order to promote the teaching methodology reform for teachers and professional organizations in the inter-school system so as to draw lessons on teaching effectiveness Most English teachers in the district have tried to learn, to create innovative and effective methods of teaching In the teaching process, teachers have tried to apply flexible teaching methods and teaching techniques to the right students; Students themselves are more interested in the subject, so that the quality of English is increasing English has become a core subject like other cultural subjects but is still a difficult subject and not every student is gifted with learning a foreign language to learn it easily Some students, especially individual students, still lack the sense of learning, lack of patience in learning, not keeping pace with new learning methods, still confused in the acquisition and manipulation of knowledge Into practice skills Many children are not aware of the subject matter is not correct, not fully understand the meaning of the subject in the international integration period, some children only learn because of curiosity, so it is difficult to learn to drop loose Therefore, they are not serious and have no motivation to learn English properly With the requirement of educational renovation, the school's facilities are more and more fully equipped But because of the lack of uniformity in classrooms (classrooms, tables, chairs, pictures ), it affects the students' absorption, causing them to feel tired and depressed Throughout the years, with new curriculum and textbooks, new methods of teaching and learning, many students are interested in the subject, dynamic in all activities but mostly students are good and good Students are very weak, they are not sure about their knowledge, study passively, wait for results of their friends, many students are afraid to practice speaking in class, afraid to say will be wrong, Some of them have not read well, not even take notes in class nor homework, they not have appropriate learning methods PowerPoint is a presentation program It automatically creates a sense of formality in a classroom Many students respond to PowerPoint excitedly.They tend to be more active, more inclined to talk If you desire a more relaxed classroom atmosphere, they are very intersted in the PowerPoint lessons The problem states before applying this experience idea During my work and teaching at Dong Anh secondary and primary school, I personally am a direct teacher Through the years of teaching, apply traditional teaching aids such as textbooks, workbooks, pictures, realiable things, cassettes as well as new teaching aids at school: A regular computer monitor, a special projector, an ordinary television set with PowerPoint lessons I draw the following comparison chart: Traditional lessons: The contents of the lessons are in the Teachers use realiable things or pictures to illustrate the Students don’t take note and concentrate on New method: PoewPoint lessons The contents of the lessons are in the PowerPoint programs Teachers introduce new lessons by applying visual teaching aids with PowerPoint Students are interested in the lessons and become more active programs However, the application of using PowerPoint programs in teaching also has difficulties and advantages a Difficulties: When implementing this new method, it requires the teacher to spend more time preparing for each type of slices Teacher must use the computer perfectly and know to design the lessons by power point programs PowerPoint can be used to teach new ideas and concepts to students In theory this sounds very good; however, in practice this can be tricky The teacher must anticipate areas of misunderstanding and difficulty Once the teacher knows the troubles, which the students will face, he or she can create or adapt a presentation for the students The presentation must be clear and uncluttered It should address anticipated areas of student difficulty in an orderly manner This type of presentation is difficult to prepare b Advantages: In addition to the difficulties mentioned above If the teachers use the power point programs in teaching English sensibly and reasonably, the students' learning is very effective They have the opportunity to improve their knowledge, not boring, passive And more than that, students apply more flexibly in practice Moreover once an initial teaching presentation is prepared, it can be saved and used again and again, and it can be shared with others Improved solutions 3.1 How to make Powerpoint basic lessons Before using PowerPoint programmes in teaching, the teachers must know how to make Powerpoint basic lessons 3.1.1* Choose a theme for PowerPoint slides - Use the default backgrounds provided by Microsoft PowerPoint - To this, click the Design tab on the Menu bar, then select the background image you want to use for the slide in the Themes section - Use the image stored on the device as the background images for the slides by going to the Design tab and selecting the Format Background item Next, tick the Picture or texture fill box, then Insert picture from File - Select the image which is stored as the background for the slide and click Open to upload the image 3.1.2*Add a new PowerPoint slide A complete presentation slide will include a lot of slides such as the introduction slide and the slides containing the content to be presented later Therefore, you will need to add many new slides in Powerpoint To this, click on the Home tab, click the New Slide item, then select the format templates for the slide 3.1.3*Add content to PowerPoint slides A presentation slide is indispensable for content Depending on the presentation requirements of the slide, the content on the slide will include text, images, videos, charts, videos, audio, To add content to a PowerPoint slide, click the Insert tab on the Menu bar and select the Textbox item Next, click on the position you want to add content and type the content you want to insert into the slide 3.1.4*Format text on PowerPoint slides To format text on PowerPoint slides such as font, font size, color, text effects, etc., you just need to highlight the text to be formatted, then select the Home tab on the Menu bar, then select the options items to be formatted in the Font dialog box Some notes in the process of formatting text on PowerPoint slides is that you should use simple, easy-to-read fonts, font size of 28 or more, and at the same time should choose a font color that contrasts with the background color to highlight the content and limit the use of too many text colors on the same slide, 3.1.5*Insert effects into PowerPoint slides To make your presentation slides more vivid and professional, you can add effects in PowerPoint such as: visual effects, graph effects, text effects, slide transitions, etc First, you click on the object to add effects, then select the Animations tab on the Menu bar and select the appropriate effect for each object in the slide In case, you want to insert a slide transition effect, click on the slide you want to add effects, select the Transitions tab and then select the effect to insert To insert images from your computer, select the Pictures item, then go to the folder containing the images to be inserted to select the image 3.1.6*Add images to PowerPoint slides To insert an image into a PowerPoint slide, click where you want to place the image in the slide, then select the Insert tab on the Menu bar You can insert an image into the slide in the following ways: If you want to insert images from your online photo library, select Online Pictures 3.1.7*Create Slide Master for PowerPoint Slide Master in PowerPoint is a feature that helps you save time to format each single slide with a full range of formats for all slides such as text, interface, layout, motion effects, size and layout location images, videos, charts, To create a Slide Master in PowerPoint, click on the View tab, then select the Slide Master item In Slide Master, you will proceed to set the format for all slides in the same file and not enter content here 3.1.8*How to show PowerPoint slides After you have completed your slide completely, you can make a slide show in ways: - Slide show from the first page by pressing the F5 key on your keyboard or choosing Slide Show -> From Beginning - Slide show from the open page by pressing Shift + F5 on the keyboard or select Slide Show -> From Current Slide 3.1.9*You can move between slides by: - Press the right arrow/down arrow on the keyboard or click on the right corner of the screen to move to the next slide - Press the left arrow/up arrow or click on the left corner of the screen to return to the previous slide 3.1.10*How to save PowerPoint files To save PowerPoint files on your computer, select the File tab on the menu bar and then select Save, then, choose a location to save and save the file in pptx or ppt format The efficient application of the initiative experience How much you use PowerPoint will vary based on your particular teaching style Keep in mind that using PowerPoint requires planning; you need to prepare your presentations in advance Here are somes options for using PowerPoint: Option 1: Illustrated Lessons When giving a lesson, you can use PowerPoint to highlight key points in your presentation The visual format of PowerPoint allows you to easily project timelines, and images You can also use PowerPoint to provide an outline of your talk, without writing on the board The biggest city is the capital-Paristhe lighting capital city 10 Option 2: Instructions You can use PowerPoint to present instructions for a paper assignment or class activity The sequential order of the slides lends itself to providing step-bystep instructions Option 3: Paper Proposals Students can present their paper proposals or outlines to the class via PowerPoint For example, a student could present his or her claim on one slide, following by an outline for the paper on another Or the student could combine the table feature to present two possible outlines for the paper side by side Option 4: Use icons as visual instructions Any icons a teacher uses should be easy to design and simple to understand Like written instructions, I recommend creating an instruction space on your slide and refer to your icons as you give instructions Once students become familiar with the icons, you will be able to elicit activity instructions and check students’ comprehension easily Option 5: Use diagrams to explain activities Visual representations, such as activity diagrams or video diagrams, can provide students with the general ideas of the activity and can help during modelling stages by providing a step-by-step guide illustrating the roles, movements, and actions in the activity The students will begin to associate the visual images or video with the instructions given and the teacher should soon be able to elicit the activity instructions from the students Example: Unit 8: Skills1 ( English 8) - Show the slice 1: -Teacher ask questions: - What’s it ?-… - It’s famous for haunted casstle - Where is it? ( Cues: Parts of Briatain: England, Scotland, North Ireland, Wales ) 11 - Show slice 2: - Teacher asks question: What you know about Scotland? Option 6: Limit the number of objects David JP Phillips suggested in his TEDx presentation on PowerPoint design that six be the maximum number of objects on a slide The fewer objects there are on a slide, the less there is to remember and the easier it is to focus on the information If you need to use more slides, use more slides It is better than putting too much information on one slide and confusing your students.[6] 12 Complete the fact by choosing one picture Country: Britain 4.Most popular food; Read and correct your answers 4.Most popular food; Biggest city: London Oldest university: a Fish and chips b spagghetti Most popular drink; a University of oxford b spagghetti Most popular drink; b University of Cambridge Most popular British writer: a Dickens a Fish and chips b Shakespeare a tea b coffee Most common activity; a Playing football b Watching TV a tea Most common activity; a Playing football b coffee b Watching TV Slice 1: Too much information Slice 2: Six be the maximum number of objects on a slide ( Unit 5- English 6) Option 7: Use larger text for the target language David JP Phillips also suggests that “the most important part of your PowerPoint should also be the biggest.” If you are presenting target language to students, the target language should be larger than any other text This will mean that the text is easy to read and visible from all areas of the classroom It will also help students identify what is important when they are writing notes Do you remember the year where / when / that we started to learn English? The teacher whom / which / who you met yesterday is fluent in both English and French That’s the reason where / when / why his English is a bit rusty The target language ( Unit 9- Looking back- English 9) Option 8:Use animations to present information gradually Textbooks and worksheets present a lot of information at once When a student opens a book, or is provided with a worksheet, they look at everything Often, the teacher has to clearly identify which part they are referring to One of the benefits of presentations is using entrance animations to gradually reveal different parts of the slide If you have six objects on your slide, reveal them one-by-one Students will follow you and understand which part of the slide you are focusing on Option 9: Use PowerPoint to give feedback 13 Gap-fill activities are often used to practise target language, and PowerPoint is very useful for giving feedback to large groups Feedback is important as it allows students to check answers and spelling Use appearing text, moving text or disappearing boxes to reveal missing words You can also use live text and the pen tool to complete the gap-fill activities during the lesson *2 *Mr Bean's Holiday is the COMEDY I like best (Unit 9- Acloser look 1- English 7) Option 10: Use examples of the target language Presentations are easy to modify, and you can write your own example sentences and conversations that appeal to the students’ interests Once students have practised the examples, use exit animations to remove words, phrases, sentences from the examples Encourage students to practise the examples again and remember any missing parts The aim of this type of activity is to encourage student recall of the target language so they can manipulate it without any prompting Activity Compare your answers with a partner: Example: A: I think Rock in Rio and the Cannes Film Festival are music or arts festivals B: I agree A: Which you think are seasonal festivals? B: I think Christmas and Easter How about you? A: I think Halloween and Ghost day (Unit getting started- English 7) Option 11: Use PowerPoint to create your own worksheets David Dodgson comments in his article ‘Getting the most out of PowerPoint’ how easy it is to convert a PowerPoint presentation into a worksheet or handout PowerPoint has several export options, two of which are ‘create a PDF document’ and ‘create handouts.’ Both options can be used to create customized handouts for students Once a master handout has been created, only minor changes are needed to customize it for future classes.[3] 14 North America Europe Asia Africa South America Australia Antarctica (Unit 9- Acloser look 1- English 6) Option 12: Use PowerPoint games to review the target language The best PowerPoint games for review are ones that include several categories and use open ended questions The aim is check how much students can recall and how much English they can use Quizzes and game show adaptations make good review games Alternatively, task-based review activities where students have to use English to complete a challenge are useful Vocabulary: Create word webs: beautiful friendly people beautiful peaceful noisy nice city modern exciting tall new building old awful delicious wet food good modern cold weather tasty hot rainy (Unit 9- Acloser look 1- English 6) Option 13: Use a review slide to link lessons It is useful to create your own templates and slide masters in PowerPoint For example, creating a ‘review slide’ that can be shown at the beginning of lessons to remind students what they studied in the previously Review slides can include screen captures, images, page numbers, and key words allowing you to link your lessons together Matching: Names of the cities 15 NHA TRANG HOI AN LONDON DA LAT SINGAPORE HA NOI (Unit 9- Looking back- English 6) Option 14: Turn a test into a game One of the advantages being it lowered student anxiety We suggests several activities to assess students’ knowledge Any PowerPoint game used for assessment must be easy to adapt to a student-led activity, so teachers can monitor students and assess them fairly KIM’S GAME GAME Write the NATURAL DISASTERS flood forest fire tsunami mudslide tornado volcano drought earthquake (Unit 9- A closer look 1- English 9) A teacher can use PowerPoint for the tests We place pictures of items on slides to be shown at preset intervals (or set the timer for a reasonable number of seconds for each slide.) The students then write down the name of each item It's a great way to test vocabulary Using the timer feature, a teacher could design a many types of tests or quizzes 16 Festivals Customs +) Using Tatimi mat ( Traditional Japanese Mat) +) Avoid wearing shoes at home Hiwatari Festival Anime Japanese Festival Naked Festival Watching cherry blossoms (Unit 9- Looking back- English 7) III CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions: “The truth for many teachers and students around the world is that they are lucky to have one computer and a projector in class and even luckier to have internet access, which even then is highly likely to be filtered.” – David Dodgson.[3] Presentations can be designed to give instructions, introduce new language, practise language, give prompts for free practice, review language, and to turn tests into games Using your imagination and thinking about what you want to achieve from your presentations will help you to design them To paraphrase David JP Phillips,[6] the teacher is the lesson and the PowerPoint is just the visual aid PowerPoint is meant to enhance the lesson, it is not intended to be a substitution for the lesson or the teacher The teacher and students of grade at Dong Anh primary and secondary school are in a PowerPoint English class Recommendations: Through teaching lessons by using PowerPoint progams, I find it’s very effective to enhance the lessons to the students I hope that we have a lot of reference material for instructional methods for the innovation of the method to achieve higher efficiency During the implementation to ensure the feasibility 17 and bring high efficiency myself, I have some suggestions to leaders at all levels are more concerned that With great efforts and efforts, with the broken heart blood for training, I always strive to find and teach new ways to attract students from a more to the subject English These are some exiguous experience that I've done and achieved spectacular results during the last teaching I hope my own initiative experience will help the students learn English better and closer to this subject I hope to get my colleagues’ help comments to make the initiative experience more excellent The headmaster’s signature Dong Son, April 30th 2022 Teacher Nguyễn Thị Mai REFERENCES 18 1.Fisher, Don L (2003) Using PowerPoint for ESL Teaching 2.Retrieved from http://iteslj.org/Techniques/Fisher-PowerPoint.html 3.Dodgson, David (2010) Getting the most out of PowerPoint 4.Retrieved from http://www.teachingvillage.org/2010/09/22/getting-the-mostout-of-power-point/ 5.Scrivner, Jim (2014) Classroom Management Techniques p.128 Cambridge University Press (4th print) 6.Phillips, David JP How to avoid death by PowerPoint TEDxStockholSalon #2/201 Source: https://ed.ted.com/on/CmugmNz5 7.Kandybovich, Svetlana (2015) The Read Trick: Turning a test into a game Retrieved from http://wp.me/p577Go-af 19 ... as mind mapping and family photo slideshows Because of the requiremental subject and factual teaching, I made a plan: ? ?How to use PowerPoint programs in teaching English at Dong Anh primary and. .. more and more PowerPoint presentations used in English language teaching New points of the initiative experience Some basic steps in making Powerpoint lessons and how to use the powerpoint programs. .. think I gladly did Object of research and application of innovations The initiative applies to students in kidergaten, primary school, secondary school and high school Methodology: Use PowerPoint

Ngày đăng: 09/06/2022, 22:18
