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an investigation into the effects of project work activity on 10th graders’f motivation

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NGHE AN DEPARTMENT OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION DO LUONG UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHING EXPERIENCES Topic: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE EFFECTS OF PROJECT WORK ACTIVITY ON 10TH GRADERS’ MOTIVATION Teacher : Nguyễn Quốc Sơn Group : Văn - Ngoại ngữ School year: 2020 - 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Research question 1.4 The scope of the study 1.5 The design of the study Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 PROJECT WORK 2.1.1 An overview of Project Based Learning 2.1.2 The use of project work in the teaching of English as a foreign language 2.1.3 The implementation of Project Work in textbook English 10 2.2 MOTIVATION IN LANGUAGE LEARNING 10 2.2.1 Definition of motivation 10 2.2.2 Motivation in foreign language learning 11 2.2.3 Classification of motivation 13 Chapter 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 20 3.1 Study design 20 3.2 Participants of the study 20 3.3 Instruments of data collection 20 3.3.1 Questionnaires 20 3.3.2 Interview 23 3.4 Statistical analysis procedures 23 3.4.1 Questionnaire data 23 3.4.2 Interview data 24 Chapter 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 29 4.1 Results 29 4.1.1 Students‘ attitude towards project work 30 4.1.2 Motivating factors of PW 32 4.1.3 Effects of project work on students‘ motivation 36 4.1.4 Teachers‘ view to the effects of project work on their students‘ motivation 39 Page 4.2 Discussion of main findings 40 4.2.1 Students‘ attitude towards project work 40 4.2.2 Motivating factors of project work 41 4.2.3 Effects of project work on students‘ motivation 41 4.3 Pedagogical implications 43 Chapter 5: CONCLUSION 44 5.1 Summary 44 5.2 Limitation of the study 45 5.3 Suggestions for further study 45 References I Appendices III Page APPENDICES List of table Table 3.1 Reliability coefficient in students‘ questionnaire 22 Table 3.2.Reliability coefficient in teachers‘ questionnaire 22 Table 4.1a Students‘ attitude to the project work 30 Table 4.1b Students‘ opinion on types of PW 31 Table 4.2 Factors relating to the topics of PW 33 Table 4.3 Factors relating to students‘ cooperation 33 Table 4.4 Factors relating to students‘ autonomy 34 Table 4.5 Factors relating to teacher‘s facilitation 34 Table 4.6 Factors relating to assessments 35 Table 4.7 Factors relating to task value 35 Table 4.8 Students‘ opinions on the effects of PW on their motivation 36 Table 4.9 Teachers‘ view on the effects of PW on their students‘ motivation 38 LIST OF ABBREVIATION PBL: Project-based learning PW: Project work SLA: Second language acquisition ESL/ EFL: English as a second language/ English as a foreign language SPSS: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Page Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale It is undeniable that English is important in order to be able to integrate and globalize all over the world English is the language that most people in different countries use to connect with others For that reason, learning English can be considered the key to successfully communicate globally In the industrialization and integration era, there has been a need of changing in ways of teaching as well as the practical application in education Students nowadays are likely to immerse their lessons with practice and practical experience rather than theory and knowledge that they just learn in lessons They are interested in dealing with real subject matter by working on the real problems Project based learning has been considered as an innovative approach into modern teaching and learning In 2008, big changes have been made in foreign language curriculum in Vietnam Project based learning has been implemented in the innovating textbooks launched by national foreign languages project 2020 especially in English textbooks The aim of this change was to provide the students an environment in which they can reach their own conclusions instead of just lecturing them A project work was added in a lesson in each teaching unit in textbooks ―Tiếng Anh 10‖ Project work is a learning experience which aims to provide students with the opportunity to synthesise knowledge from various areas of learning, and critically and creatively apply it to real life situations This process, which enhances students‘ knowledge and enables them to acquire skills like collaboration, communication and independent learning, prepares them for lifelong learning and the challenges ahead Project work is the preparation and presentation of a project, either by an individual or (more usually) a group A typical project might be producing a magazine or website out of individually written articles (Scoot; 2006: 183) According to the authors in teacher‘s book ―Tiếng Anh 10‖, the project helps students to improve their ability to work by themselves or a team, and extend their imagination in a field related to the unit project Therefore, the role of applying PBL into teaching and learning is urgent and important The application of Project based learning into teaching and learning has been considered as valuable and interesting points in the educational innovation The replacement of English textbook and application of grade 10 New English textbook in the year of 2020 applied at Do Luong high school showed positive points in the field The Project activity applied into teaching has been considered as a great deal of improvement in the Project As an English teacher for ages, I have worked quite closely with the new textbook ―Tiếng Anh 10‖ I have found that project activity could benefit students in enhancing their English competence as well as their motivation in learning For my 10 th grade students, project work is really a new task and they seem to be eager to participate in the activity However, I would like to gain a deeper insight into what students‘ opinions on this activity and how this activity helps promote their motivation With the aim to to carry out an investigation into the project work in textbook ―Tiếng Anh 10‖ to identify the effects of this activity on 10th grade students‘ motivation, I would like to choose the topic: “An investigation into the effects of project work activity on 10th graders‟ motivation” In an attempt to investigate the effects of project based learning on 10th grade students‘ motivation at Do Luong upper Secondary school, the study concentrates on the theoretical background of project based learning approach, students motivation in learning English; identification of the effects of project work activity on students‘ motivation in their English class as well as suggestions for teaching and learning enhancement 1.2 Aims of the study This study was carried out with the following aims: - To investigate the attitudes of 10th grade students at Do luong upper secondary school to project work in their English class - To identify which factors of project work in the English textbook Tiếng Anh 10 motivate 10th graders - To identify the effects of project work on 10th graders‘ motivation in their English lessons 1.3 Research question In order to achieve the above aims, the study seeks the answers for the following research questions: What are the attitudes of 10th grade students at Do luong upper secondary school to project work in their English class? What factors of project work in English textbook Tiếng Anh 10 motivate students? What are the effects of project work on 10th graders‘ motivation in their English lessons? 1.4 The scope of the study The study only focuses on the effects of project work in the English textbook Tiếng Anh 10 on motivating forty-two 10th graders at Do luong upper secondary school in order to find out suitable ways to make full use of project works for 10 th graders in their English lessons 1.5 The design of the study The study is divided into parts: Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter presents the rationale, aims, research questions, scope of the study and its design Chapter 2: Literature Review This part presents the theoretical background of project work and motivation Chapter 3: Research methodology This chapter introduces participants, method and procedure of data collection Chapter 4: Data discussion and findings This chapter includes the presentation of data analysis and discussion, and the presentation of main findings Chapter 5: Conclusion This part summarizes the main ideas of the study, present implication, limitation of the study and suggests further study Chapter LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter presents relevant literature which helps to form the theoretical framework for the research It includes an overview of project based learning, the use of project work in the teaching of English as a foreign language as well as the benefits of project work in teaching English as a foreign language and theoretical background relating to motivation in language learning 2.1 PROJECT WORK 2.1.1 An overview of Project Based Learning The switch from teacher-centred to learner-centred in language learning has resulted to the emerge of many experiential approaches which ‗support ‗deeper learning‘ through active exploration of real world problems and challenges‘ (Pellegrino & Hilton, 2012; Peterson, 2012) Among these is Project Based Learning which is tracked to be first introduced by William Heard Kilpatrick in the form of ‗project method‘ (Peterson, 2012) Since then, experts in the field of teaching methodology have proposed many definitions of Project Based Learning It is defined as ‗ a systematic teaching method that engages students in learning knowledge and skills through an extended inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and tasks‘.These authors clarifies that ‗Project based learning is a comprehensive perspective focused on teaching by engaging students in investigations‘ According to these authors, within the framework of Project Based Learning, students ‗pursue solutions to nontrivial problems by asking and refining questions, debating ideas, making predictions, designing plans and/or experiments, collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, communicating their ideas and findings to others, asking new questions, and creating artifacts‘ Project Based Learning (PBL) is an instructional approach that contextualizes learning by presenting learners with problems to solve or products to develop (Moss & Van Duzer, 1998) or simply put as ‗a model that organizes learning around projects‘ With PBL, learning is happening when students are encouraged to explore real- world problems, issues and challenges With the ultimate aim of fostering students‘ learning abilities through contextualizing learning by requiring them to independently offer their solutions to problems posed and/or create artifacts, Project Based Learning puts focus on student – centeredness 2.1.2 The use of project work in the teaching of English as a foreign language Definition of project work Project-based learning has become prominent in the current context of education which faces many challenges of the 21st century Project-based learning is widely used in ESL/ EFL curriculum It is an instructional strategy which ‗involves study/research of a topic in depth where students‘ ideas, questions, predictions and interests form the experiences lived and the works/activities undertaken.‘ (Filippatou D & Kaldi S., 2010) In project-based learning, students learn new knowledge through doing projects Project work is a learning experience which aims to provide students with opportunities to synthesize what they have learnt and apply it to real life Project work is a method which involves students in an authentic learning experience with language used for genuine communication purpose It is student-centered and its results are an endproduct Legutke and Thomas (1993:160) define project work as ‗a theme and task-centred mode of teaching and learning which results from a joint process of negotiation between all participants It allows for a wide scope of self-determined action for both the individual and the small group of learners within a general frame work of a plan which defines goals and procedures Project learning realizes a dynamic balance between a process and a product orientation Finally, it is experimental and holistic because it bridges the gap dualism between body and mind, theory and practice‘ Project work is viewed by most of its advocates ‗not as a replacement for other teaching methods‘ but rather as ‗an approach to learning which complements mainstream methods and which can be used with almost levels, ages, and abilities of students The features of project work To clarify the concept ‗project‘ used in Project-based learning, many features are proposed by authors in the field Mergendoller and Michealson (1999) described projects within project-based learning as ‗ based on challenging questions and making students having central role in design, problem-solving, decision making processes so giving students the opportunity to work relatively autonomously.‘ Sharing the same view, he states that projects in Project-based learning has ‗researching questions which have been raised by students or/and in collaboration with the class teacher and could be further refined during the course of the study‘ Thomas (2000) points out that projects have five criteria which are centrality, driving question, constructive investigation, autonomy, and realism PBL projects are central, not peripheral to the curriculum PBL projects are focused on questions or problems that ‗drive‘ students to encounter (and struggle with) the central concepts and principles of a discipline Projects involve students in a constructive investigation Projects are student-driven to some significant degree Projects are realistic, not school-like According to Stoller (1997), project work is particularly effective in language learning because it represents a natural extension of what is already taking place in class He summarized the sharing ideas of authors in the field about the characteristics of project work as follow: Project work focuses on content learning rather than on specific language targets Real- world subject matter and topics of interest to students can become central to projects Project work is students centered, though the teacher plays a major role in offering support and guidance through the process Project work is cooperative rather than competitive Students can work on their own, in small groups, or as a class to complete a project, sharing resources, and expertise along the way Project work leads to the authentic integration of skills and processing of information from varied sources, mirroring real-life tasks Project work culminates in an end product that can be shared with others, giving the project a real purpose The value of project, however, lies not just in the final product but in the process of working towards the end point Thus, project work has both a process and product orientation, and provides students with opportunities to focus on fluency and accuracy at different project-work stage Project work is potentially motivating, stimulating, empowering, and challenging It usually results in building student confidence, self-esteem, and autonomy as well as improving students‘ language skills, content learning, and cognitive abilities The benefits of project work in teaching English as a foreign language It is widely agreed that project based learning is beneficial to the teaching of English as a foreign language in the world in general and in Vietnam in particularly According to Fried-Booth (2002), the process leading to the end-product of project work provides opportunities for students to develop their confidence and independence Also, students demonstrate increased self-esteem, and positive attitudes towards learning He points out that while students work in groups, they will also learn independently through self-reflection and evaluation of their own processes Pupils gain benefits through PBL in academic performance, motivation, cooperative learning, social acceptance, and engagement in the learning process Another benefit of project work in English class is that ‗working in the groups, which project-based learning was employed made the students learn the responsibility, provided them with motivation to learn, and enabled them to acquire knowledge by receiving different ideas and understanding the others point of view in the lesson‘ (Bas,2010:9) This idea is also noted by Lee (2002) Lee stated that students have enhanced motivation, engagement and enjoyment He notices that from a motivational perspective, projects being authentic tasks, are more meaningful to students, increase interest, motivation to participate, and can promote learning Projects can be designed to enhance most students‘ interest and value, including variety, challenge, choice, cooperation, and finding answers for real questions Westwood (2006) points out that projects promote meaningful learning, connecting new learning to and students A significant majority of the teachers hold the strong points that projects make their students become a more interested, more creative, more cooperative and more active learners in their class Besides, most of them agreed that project work affects their students‘ motivation because it makes them more independent in their learning Their presentation skill is improved and their knowledge is consolidated through doing projects However, contrary to the students‘ responses, the teachers assessed that their students‘ motivation is affected not by the improvement of their pronunciation Only few teachers thought that their students became more motivated because projects improved their pronunciation Additionally, even though the projects the students had to carry out in the textbook English mainly required them to the writing, most of the teachers didn‘t agree that the students‘ motivation was increased because of the reason that their writing was improved Explanation for this may be because the teacher sees that their students‘ pronunciation and writing weren‘t much improved That is why the students didn‘t undergo the high feelings of getting better in their pronunciation and their writing, and hence, their motivation wasn‘t affected by these 4.3 Pedagogical implications In the light of the study findings, following are some pedagogical implications concerning the effects of project work in the textbook English on students‘ motivation in their English class The use of projects in English class is recognized beneficial to the students The topics of the projects should be carefully selected so that they meet the students‘ needs and interests The project requirements should be simple and relevant to the students‘ language proficiency and their background knowledge Teachers should support students with prior language and background knowledge before assigning the projects to them Self- assessment should be tackled with care The students find it rather demotivation This section describes the results obtained from analyzing the relevant data and a discussion of main findings to identify students‘ attitude towards project work in their English class, their opinions on the motivating factors of the projects as well as their view on the effects of projects on their learning motivation Findings about teachers‘ view on the effects of projects on their students‘ motivation is discussed, too These main findings were served as a basic foundation for the researcher to come to some certain pedagogical implications 39 Chapter CONCLUSION This part tackles with the results of the study It summarizes the conclusions that were documented in the light of the study results Limitation is mentioned and some recommendations are given in order to help learners and teachers in employing projects in English class 5.1 Summary This research has the aims of identifying 10th graders‘ attitude to the project work in their English class, the motivating factors of project work and the effects of project work on their motivation The data collected from questionnaire for the students and teachers at Do luong school and interview from the students has shed some lights to help reach the above aims The students have positive attitude to the projects assigned to them However, they are still uneager to participate in the project lessons And the reason for this was because they had to spend long time searching for the information they need to fulfill the projects The data also reveals that the students prefer projects which have familiar topics to them In reference to the motivating factors of projects, I found that the topics of the projects play a key role in motivating the students Besides, working with group members, teacher‘ support during the process of doing the project, project presentation and teacher‘s feedback are the aspects that can motivate the students The chance to become an independent learner during the learning process that project offer to the students is motivating to them, too For the effects of project work on the students, results from both student participant questionnaire and teacher questionnaire approve that projects affects the students‘ motivation in many ways The experience of expanding the repertoire of vocabulary, the opportunity to share ideas with teammates and to show their products in front of the class, the high feelings of self- reflecting after each project lesson contribute a lot to the increase of the students‘ motivation However, there is no cue that the students‘ motivation is raised because of the improvement in their pronunciation or their writing 5.2 Limitation of the study Although the research has offered some helpful findings, it has also shown some unavoidable mistakes due to the researcher‘s limitation of experience and knowledge Firstly the most crucial limitation of this study involves the limitation of time Hence, the study had to be carried out with a limited number of participants If it had been applied to the students in more high schools, the results might have been more reliable 40 Secondly,students get difficulties in getting relevant books for book-based projects Sometimes they may not comprehend what they are doing e.g in book-based projects where students may just copy notes without understanding Lastly, I find that in the classroom, project work may provide many opportunities to meet a variety of learning aims but it requires strong classroom management skills Learners need independence in planning and realizing the work but they also need the teacher to act as a driver in ensuring it is carried out in a way that meets learning aims 5.3 Suggestions for further study This study has shown that, to some extent, projects help improve 10th graders‘ motivation in their English class Researchers should continue to investigate into the topics of projects which are motivating to them In addition, researchers should study on the effectiveness of project work in improving their achievements The researcher also hopes to have more chances to cooperate with other colleagues and more students to combine and compile some more supplementary materials that are useful for students when dealing with projects in all units and other grades Teachers are incorporating more and more projects into their curriculum, allowing for much greater levels of collaboration and responsibility for students at all levels Project- based learning is a popular trend, and even teachers who don‘t necessarily follow that approach still see the benefit to using projects to advance their students‘ learning Project work can be wonderful teaching tools They can allow for a more studentcentred environment, where teachers can guide students in their learning instead of using lectures to provide them with information Being able to work together will definitely keep students more engaged in the work, especially since they become responsible to each other and to themselves for the completion of the project There is less chance of students giving up or giving in mediocre work when they are being counted on by peers and are having fun In summary, the author hopes that the further studies will overcome all the existing limitations of this study and help to improve the quality of English teaching and learning at Do Luong upper secondary schools in particular and at other schools in Nghe An province in general 41 References  Van, H.V., Xuan Hoa, H T., Giang, D.H., Ha, P , Hai, H.T.H., Thu huong, K T., Lan V.T, Loc, D.N Tiếng Anh 10 Student‟s book Hanoi: Education Publishing House and Pearson  Van, H.V., Xuan Hoa, H T., Giang, D.H., Ha, P , Hai, H.T.H., Thu huong, K T., Lan V.T, Loc, D.N Tiếng Anh 10 Teacher‟s book Hanoi: Education Publishing House and Pearson  Allen, L., Q (2004) Implementing a culture portfolio project within a constructivist paradigm Foreign Language Annals, 37, 232-239  Bas, G., K (2010) Investigating the effects of project-based learning on students‟ academic achievement and attitudes towards English lesson  Gardner, R C (1985) Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The Role of Attitudes and Motivation London, UK: Edward Arnold  Krashen, S (1982) Principies and Practice in Second Language Acquisition Oxford: Pergamon  Levine, 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Diverse Levels of English Proficiency The Asian Conference on Education 2013 Official Conference Proceedings 2013 Ritsumeikan University, Japan II APPENDICES Appendix 1: SURVEY QUESTIONAIRE Student‘s name:……………………………………….Age:……… Class:…………………….School:………………………………………………… The reasons behind this questionaire is to find out your attitudes to project worsk in your English class as well as to identify which factors of project works motivate you and how project works motivate you in your English class Please be as frank and as accurate as you can in your answers Your answers will not be read by anyone except the researcher and will have no bearing on your test marks Your answers can be in Vietnamese Thank you for your cooperation I Students’ attitudes to project work in your English class No 11 1.1 Item Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly Agree The project work lesson makes me use my creativity 1.2 The project work lessons are practical and useful 1.3 I am eager to participate in project work lesson 1.4 I feel braver to open up 1.5 Project work lessons make my English studying more interesting 1.6 I can increase the skills of collaboration with my classmates 1.7 I can consolidate my knowledge through project work 1.8 My essential skills in English learning are improved considerably after each project work lessons III II Students’ opinion towards projects assigned No Item Strongly disagree 2.1 Description 2.2 Survey 2.3 Research 2.4 Description and posters 2.5 Description Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly Agree III Factors motivating students in their English lessons using project works No Item Strongly Disagree Not disagree sure Agree Stron gly Agree 3.1 3.1 I have closer relationship with my group members after the lesson 3.2 3.2 Most topics are familiar to my life 3.3 3.3 I can conduct the project easily because most information is accessible 3.4 3.4 I completed the project independently with support of my teacher and peers 3.5 I can choose my role in the group 3.6 My teacher often encourages me and supports me to plan the ideas 3.7 We receive positive comments and assessments from teacher and other groups 3.8 I can remind the knowledge I have learnt and background knowledge to conduct my task IV 3.9 I make a lot of effort to think about the ideas and plan my project 3.10 I often have time to collect information and make a choice of selecting information 3.11 Most groups in the class will show the product after the lesson 3.12 We often gives our own assessment about the product before others‘ assessments 3.13 The teacher often points out the weakness in our product IV Effects of project works on students No Item Strongly disagree 4.1 The pleasure I experience when I find some my key strengths and weaknesses in my English skills after the lesson 4.2 I feel more confident to speak English in front of many people 4.3 The satisfaction when I improve my skills of organizing and planning my writing in English 4.4 The pleasure I experience when I speak English more naturally 4.5 The high feeling I have when I improve my skills of using body language and eye contact as well as movement while speaking English 4.6 The pleasure I experience when I improve my social skills Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly Agree V 4.7 I know how to solve a problem better 4.8 I improve my pronunciation 4.9 My repertoir of vocabulary is expanded 4.10 I get acquaited with collaborating with my teammate to complete a task PHIẾU KHẢO SÁT Ý KIẾN HỌC SINH (bản tiếng Việt) Họ tên học sinh:……………………………………….Tuổi:……… Lớp:…………………….Trường:……………………………………… Phiếu điều tra nhằm lấy ý kiến khảo sát học sinh hoạt động dạy học dự án (Project work) tác động hoạt động học tới Động lực học tập học sinh khối lớp 10 mơn học tiếng Anh 10 theo chương trình Các thông tin câu trả lời mà bạn cung cấp quan trọng việc khảo sát Dữ liệu khảo sát phục vụ mục đích nghiên cứu, khơng ảnh hưởng tới kết học tập hay điểm số môn học học sinh I Ý kiến học sinh hình thức học dự án ST T Nội dung Hoàn toàn Khơng khơng đồng ý đồng ý Khơng Đồng Hồn ý tồn đồng chắn ý Bạn sử dụng trí sáng tạo học dự án 1.1 1.2 Các hình thức dự án thực tế hữu ích 1.3 Các học dự án thu hút bạn nhiều VI 1.4 Bạn cảm thấy mạnh dạn học dự án 1.5 Giờ học dự án giúp cho việc học tiếng Anh bạn thú vị 1.6 Bạn nâng cao khả làm việc nhóm với bạn bạn 1.7 Bạn mở mang nhiều kiến thức sau học dự án 1.8 Bạn cảm thấy kỹ Nghe, Nói, Đọc, Viết tiến sau buổi học dự án II Ý kiến học sinh dự án thực STT Loại hình dự án Tên dự án 2.1 Description Students‘ family life 2.2 Survey Cotegories in staying healthy 2.3 Research Music 2.4 Description and posters For a Better Community 2.5 Description An imaginary invention Hồn tồn khơng thích Khơng thích Khơn Thíc g h chắn Rất thíc h VII III Ý kiến học sinh yếu tố kích thích học sinh học dự án ST T Nội dung 3.1 Sau học dự án tình bạn bạn nhóm thân thiết 3.2 Các chủ điểm dự án gần gũi quen thuộc với bạn 3.3 Bạn dễ dàng thực dự án thơng tin gần gũi quen thuộc 3.4 Bạn tự hoàn thành sản phẩm với hỗ trợ thầy bạn bè 3.5 Giáo viên thường giúp nhóm bạn lên kế hoạch thực dự án từ ý tưởng 3.6 Bạn sử dụng kiến thức học để áp dụng vào làm dự án 3.7 Bạn tự chọn nhiệm vụ cho nhóm làm dự án 3.8 Bạn dành nhiều thời gian nỗ lực để lên ý tưởng kế hoạch cho dự án 3.9 Bạn dành nhiều thời gian để tìm kiếm chọn lọc thơng tin cho dự án Hồn tồn khơn g đồng ý Khơng đồng ý Khơn g chắn Đồng ý Hồn tồn đồng ý 3.10 Đa số nhóm trình bày sản phẩm sau hoàn thành dự án 3.11 Bạn nhận ý kiến nhận xét tích cực sau trình bày sản phẩm 3.12 Nhóm bạn thường yêu cầu tự đánh giá nhóm bạn trước giáo viên nhóm khác nhận xét VIII 3.13 Giáo viên thường ý tới lỗi sai nhóm bạn trình bày sản phẩm IV Tác động hoạt động dự án tới lực tiếng Anh học sinh STT Nội dung 4.1 Bạn nhận thấy điểm mạnh điểm yếu kỹ tiếng Anh sau buổi học dự án 4.2 Bạn cảm thấy tự tin phát biểu Anh trước nhiều người 4.3 Bạn biết xếp lên bố cục cho viết tiếng Anh bạn cách tốt sau buổi học dự án 4.4 Bạn nói tiếng Anh tự nhiên lưu loát 4.5 Qua buổi trình bày sản phẩm dự án, bạn sử dụng tốt ngôn ngữ thể, ánh mắt cử điệu để thu hút ý từ người giao tiếp tiếng Anh 4.6 Kỹ xã hội phối hợp với người khác để thực công việc cải thiện sau buổi học dự án 4.7 Bạn học cách xử lý vấn đề tốt 4.8 Bạn cảm thấy âm giọng thục hay so với trước 4.9 Bạn học thêm nhiều từ cụm từ Hoàn toàn không đồng ý Không Không Đồng đồng ý ý chắn Hoàn toàn đồng ý 4.10 Bạn làm quen cách làm việc nhóm với bạn bạn để thực công việc IX Appendix 2: Questionnaire for teachers TEACHERS’ QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is developed to find out your attitude towards the effects of project work on your students‘ motivation in their English lessons Your answers are invaluable to the researcher and will be data used in a teaching experience about project work Please state your sincere thoughts without skipping any items Your answers will be kept confidential Thank you in advance for your cooperation Rate your agreement with the following statements using scale below: strongly disagree disagree not sure agree strongly agree No Item Project work helps students feel more interested in learning English Students are enthusiastic to conduct project work Project work helps students become more active learners in classroom Project work helps students become more independent learners Project work helps students become more cooperative in teamwork Project work helps students take their own learning Strongly Disagree disagree Not sure Agre e Strongl y Agree X responsibility Project work makes me become more creative Project work makes students become more confident to speak in front of the class Project work helps students speak English more naturally 10 Project work helps students improve oral presentation skills 11 Project work helps students improve their pronunciation 12 Project work helps students improve their writing skills 13 Project work helps students expand their vocabulary 14 Project work helps students consolidate their knowledge Your attitude towards the effects of project work on your students‘ motivation Appendix 3: STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW SAMPLE (English version) Q1: What are your thought and feeling in general towards all the projects you have learnt during the course? ANS: ‘I like it very much when I can bring my project to the class and exchange information about it with my classmates I also learn many new words easier during the time I conduct my project.’ Q2: What you like most in the lessons using project? ANS: „I like presentation time most I always feel eager to give our presentation to the class and wait for the assessment from our teacher and our friends‟ Q3: Are you motivated to projects? Why? Why not? ANS: „I find project interesting because we can share everything we know with each other so that we fulfill our project better‟ XI Appendix 3: Câu hỏi vấn học sinh (bản tiếng Việt) Câu hỏi số 1: Bạn có cảm nhận hoạt động học dự án chương trình học bạn vừa qua? Câu hỏi số 2: Điều bạn thích thú học dự án? Câu hỏi số 3: Bạn có cảm thấy kích thích làm dự án khơng? Tại có? Tại khơng? XII ... opinions on the effects of project work on their motivation The questionnaire for the teachers only focused on teachers‘ view on the effects of project work on their students‘ motivation Followings... to choose the topic: ? ?An investigation into the effects of project work activity on 10th graders‟ motivation? ?? In an attempt to investigate the effects of project based learning on 10th grade... view on the effects of project work on their motivation According to the students‘ responses, project had affected their motivation because of many reasons First, the students can improve their

Ngày đăng: 21/05/2021, 22:15

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