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Applying classroom language to motivate grade 10 stdents at le loi upper secondary schoolto speak in english

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CONTENTS A INTRODUCTION I REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE RESEARCH II AIMS OF THE RESEARCH III SCOPE, OBJECT AND RESEARCHING METHOD B DISCUSSION I CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Definition of classroom language The importance of classroom language The challenge of teaching classroom language How to teach classroom languaue Teachers’ classroom language and students’ classroom languae II APPLYING CLASSROOM LANGUAGE TO MOTIVATE STUDENTS TO SPEAK IN ENGLISH DURING CLASS Common classroom language Situations demonstrated to apply classroom language to motivate grade 10 students at Le Loi upper-secondary school to speak in English during class III APPLYING THE RESEARCH IN TEACHING ENGLISH 10 IV RESULT AFTER APPLYING THE RESEARCH IN TEACHING C CONCLUSION I CONCLUSION II RECOMMENDATIONS D REFERENCE BOOKS Page 2 3 3 3 6 12 16 20 20 20 20 22 A INTRODUCTION English is generally acknowledged to be the world’s most importatnt language It is an international language in our integrated world and today more than 80% of all the information in the world’s computers is in English So if we not know English, we will fail to keep pace with the progressive force of the world Many foreign guests and delegates who come to our country not know our mother tongue And English becomes the brigde language and device to connect with people Statistics show about 350 million people speak English as a first languge and another 300 million use it as a second language From this we can say that we need to learn English to join the advanced Then we can say that English is a passport to our successful future However, how to speak English well still remains a question to for many learners of English, especially for the students at secondary schools To find the answer to this question it is necessary to understand what their prbolems are and come up with a variety of solutions to them Althougt many students can obviously acquire good knowledge of the grammar and expand a wide range of English vocabularies, they feel embarrassed to speak it out, even the simple language Many teachers realize the problems and they have been trying to find different mothodologies and approachs which can work effectively There are two important factors that can lead to your students becoming more confident in listening to and speaking English:  regular exposure to spoken English and hearing the language as it is used for communication  regular practise in speaking English so that they develop confidence in using the language, becoming familiar with its rhythms and comfortable with pronouncing it It is important for your students to have many opportunities to engage in real and meaningful communications in English One good way of learning a language is by immersion, where it is used in daily life This is how your students learned their home languages Since English plays an important role in Vietnam, many of them may be learning English this way as well But even if your students not have much exposure to English outside of the classroom, they can still make significant progress in learning the language if they get lots of practice listening to and speaking it inside the classroom This article explores how you can increase the number of interactions in English in your classroom This way, speaking English will not be something that students are scared of or worried about; instead, it will become an easy and natural way for you to communicate with your students, and for them to communicate with each other The article also shows you some ways to help your students practise speaking so that they become more familiar with the rhythm and pronunciation of the language, so that it becomes more natural to them I REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE RESEARCH In Vietnam, in recent years teaching methods and approaches have been more and more improved There have been a lot of activities organized in order to enhance the effectiveness and help students be more active and self-confident in learning English in general and speaking skills in particular Many universities and upper-secondary schools, including Le Loi upper-secondary school apply classroom language which can be seen as one of the most effective way to build students’s confidence and motiavte them to speak English When teaching a second language, the goal of a teacher is to use as much of the target language as possible When reviewing a day in the classroom, one of the most frequent ways that language is used is in the daily routines; these are referred to as classroom language Teachers can take the opportunity of these daily routines to maximize their target language use and promote its use by students This section will describe how classroom language can be used and what some tips are for teachers when employing classroom language All mentioned above, I have decided to suggest applying classroom language I have ever taught my grade 10 students at my school to promote sttudents to speak Engish II AIMS OF THE RESEARCH - To show how to use English in everyday classroom activities - To show how to help your students use more English in their everyday classroom activities - To introduce a wide range of classroom language situations - To help teachers plan and use the textbook to help your students develop confidence in speaking English - To help teachers take the opportunity of using classroom language as the daily routine to maximize their target language use and promote its use by students - To show how classroom languae can be used to teach English in grade 10 at Le Loi upper-secondary school III SCOPE, OBJECT AND RESEARCHING METHOD - Scope : Researching in the process of teaching English 10 at Le Loi upper-secondary school - Object: This subject is concerned with ways of applying classroom language in the class - Researching method: Reading reference books , discussing with other teachers, applying in teaching, observing and drawing out experiences B DISCUSSION Definition of classroom language The term "classroom language" describes the routine language that is used on a regular basis in a classroom This includes phrases for giving instructions of praise, for example “Take out your notebooks” or “Please stand up” These are expressions that teachers are used to using and students are used to hearing However, classroom language takes a while for students to learn and get used to The benefits of knowing these language basics mostly revolve around reducing the amount that students use their mother tongue while increasing the amount of the target language they are using In short, classroom language makes the classroom environment more authentic The importance of classroom language Teaching English as a foreign language requires a set of certain skills in order to conduct effective lessons and encourage learning in students Through a TEFL course, you will learn all of these important skills and much more The following are the most useful phrases for classroom language to be used by English teachers in a classroom full of English learners around the world The phrases are concise and straight to the point to ensure a steady workflow and positive classroom environment When you use English for everyday classroom activities, this creates more opportunities for your students to respond to you using English There is a real purpose for your students to use the language to communicate You can help your students to speak more English, both with you and with each other, by suggesting some phrases that they can use and by having them practise these phrases With practice, students will become more confident and more able to use the language independently When teaching a second language, the goal of a teacher is to use as much of the target language as possible When reviewing a day in the classroom, one of the most frequent ways that language is used is in the daily routines; these are referred to as classroom language Teachers can take the opportunity of these daily routines to maximize their target language use and promote its use by students This section will describe how classroom language can be used and what some tips are for teachers when employing classroom language The challenge of teaching classroom language Integrating classroom language into a lesson can often pose great difficulties for teachers due to the fact that many second language teachers learned the language themselves after childhood, thus were not exposed to authentic classroom language If that is the case, the teacher should make a particular effort to seek out the correct language in order to create the most authentic experience possible for the students On the other hand, foreign language students often encounter difficulties when the phrases in the target language not make sense in their native language; students must learn to understand that different languages work in different ways How to teach classroom language When teaching classroom language, there are several strategies a teacher can use to facilitate the learning: Teach the students the classroom language in a scaffolded way Start with a short command, perhaps just one word such as “Open” After a whiel, the teacher can progress to a longer command, such as “Open the book" and eventually students can learn alternate phrases that mean the same think, for example “Turn to page 15” Make sure it's clear to the students what this language is for Include them in the learning process; they should know that the more they use the language, the more they will develop and that these expressions are meant to help use the language in the most authentic way possible Once you introduce the classroom language, use it! Employ the expressions as much as possible so the students become used to them and eventually are able to use them by themselves Use prompts such as visuals or language ladders to help students learn and remember the classroom language Teachers’ classroom language and students’ classroom languae As an ESL teacher, you should repeat phrases like “let’s begin”, “do you understand?” and “repeat after me” Your students can use phrases such as “please say that again”, “I don’t understand” and “please speak more slowly” We call this “Teacher Talk, Student Talk” Simply, these are a word bank of useful common words in English This is why you should stick to common phrases in your ESL lessons or any time of beginner lesson In order to this, you will need to build the teacher talk and student talk dialogue from the first class In the “Teacher Talk, Student Talk” activity sheet, we have built a list of useful classroom phrases It’s a good idea to practice them in the first class so students know what you’re talking about Afterward, you should stick to this classroom language Classroom situation English phrases Greeting students Good morning How are you today? Taking attendance Who is missing today? Is anyone absent? Giving instructions Students, please open your book at page 15 Now we will Unit… Checking previous knowledge The topic of the lesson is New ways to learn Can anyone tell me something about it? Managing behaviour Students, could you all sit down please Encouraging your students to speak Would you like to try to answer, Sandesh? Praising your students Very good! Giving homework Please finish this activity at home Saying goodbye OK, that’s all for today Goodbye See you all tomorrow Talking to your students socially What did you yesterday after school? II APPLYING CLASSROOM LANGUAGE TO MOTIVATE STUDENTS TO SPEAK IN ENGLISH DURING CLASS Common classroom language 1.1 Greeting your class Make announcements & get students ready for the lesson Good morning class? How was your vacation? Good to see you How are you doing? How was your summer? How is every one today? Hello, Ana How are you? Fine, thank you And you? How are you doing? Hello, class How was your break? Discussing the Date and Weather What month is it? It’s December What’s the date? It’s April What season is it? It’s winter What’s the weather like? It’s sunny What day is today? Today is Thursday What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is Sunday What day was yesterday Yesterday was Sunday What day was yesterday? Yesterday was Wednesday What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is Friday What’s the day and the date today? Today is Tuesday, September What was the day and date yesterday? Yesterday was Thursday, January 10 What’s today’s date? It is October 10 Today is Wednesday What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is Thursday Tomorrow is Thursday? What day is today? It’s Wednesday 1.3 Taking attendance T: Good afternoon, class S: Good afternoon, Ms Silva T: How is every one today? S: Fine, thank you How are you? T: Great, thanks Ok I am going to take attendance now Please raise your hand when I call your name Ana? Ana: Here T: Thank you Pedro? Is Pedro here today? S: Pedro is late He went to the restroom T: Ok Who’s absent? Ana: Paula is not here She’s ill 1.4 Reviewing and collecting students’ work  Let’s check your homework  Ana, please read the first sentence  Yes, that’s correct  No, it’s not correct Check again  Please exchange papers with a partners  Please take out your homework  Please pass the paper to me  Please hand in your papers  Please put your homework on my desk  Pedro, please write number on the board 1.5 Making announcements  Short break today  Class ends early today  Early lunch today  No recess today  No class tomorrow  Concert next week  Visitor on Monday  Parent’s meeting on Monday  Don’t forget: concert tomorrow night  Give the notice to your parents  There will be a test on February 20  We are going to have a visitor on Monday Please, write it down  All right, boys and girls Please listen carefully Don’t forget about the concert tomorrow night  I have some important information for you Please copy from the board Your report is due next Wednesday 1.6 Assigning homework  Announce assignments and due dates  Write assignments on the board  Explain where to find assignments  Respond to students’ questions about homework  You can assign and explain homework in English This will help students learn to listen for information in English  Your assignment is on page 16  Your homework is due next class  Review the vocabulary for a quiz  Practice the conversation on page 19  Write sentences using the vocabulary  For our next class, please listen to the dialog on page 20  Your homework is to read the text, then answer the questions  Next time, don’t forget to bring your homework  Study the vocabulary for a quiz  Review the verbs for a quiz  Review the vocabulary on page 13  Practice the dialog on page 16  Practice the conversation on page 16  Your homework is due on Monday  For your homework, complete the activity on page in the workbook  Write sentence using the verbs in unit  Your homework is to read the article, then answer the questions  Your homework is to read the text, then the exercise (then answer the questions) 1.7 Dismiss the class *You can dismiss your class in English In unit you will:  Finish the lesson  Announce when the class is over  Say good bye at the end of the class  Respond to students when they say good bye *Good bye:  See you tomorrow  Class is finished  You can go now  Have a good afternoon  Good job today  It’s time to clean up  Please clean up your area  Please put away your books  Please clean up the desks  You can finish this exercise at home 1.8 Phrases for talking about classroom materials Do you have a pencil? Please take out your book Open your books Please turn to page 27 Please look at the handout Write your name on your paper Hand in your papers The exercise is on top of page 20 Does every one have their books? Please turn the page Please come to the front Close your books Put away your notebooks Turn over your paper Use the flashcards to review Use the dictionary to check new words Do the exercise at the bottom of page Ok every body Let’s start an exercise in unit Let’s look at the picture on page 37 Now, let's move on to the next page We will now start a different activity Now, we will learn something new 1.12 Disciplines Please listen Please be quiet Please stop talking Please take turns One at a time Please pay attention Please get to work Please raise your hand Sit down please Please look at your own paper 1.13 Checking students’ understandingIs that clear? Is everything clear? Please read the instructions Do you understand the instructions? I’ll repeat the instructions I’ll reread the explanation Is everything clear? Do you understand the instructions? I’s repeat the instructions Are there any questions Let's me explain the chart again Let me give you an example Do you want another example? So what are you going to So what are we going to talk about? 1.14 Encouraging participation Please raise your hand Please speak louder Please read aloud Who want to volunteer? Who knows the answer? Do you want to try number 2? 11 Do you know the question number 2? Can you read please? Can you question number in the workbook? I need a volunteer to read the dialog 1.15 Motivating students Good job! Keep trying Don’t give up You can it You are doing great Just your best You can say that in English Try that in English Don’t worry Take your time Don’t worry I’ll explain it again Situations demonstrated to apply classroom language to motivate grade 10 students at Le Loi upper-secondary school to speak in English during class Situation 1: Announcement of classroom rules (the 1st class of the academic year) Bring textbooks, materials Keep the classroom neat and tidy Participate actively Use English only in the classroom Treat the classmates with respect Respect others’ personal belonging Follow directions, instructions and rules Complete tasks, assignments, homework Respect his/her turn Situation 2: Common language use during class (the 1st class of the academic year) - Apology for being late: I’m sorry, for being late./ Sorry, I’m late 12 - Asking the meaning of something: What does mean?/ What’s in English? - Raising a question: Mr/Mrs , I have a question./ Can I ask a question, please?/ Can I make a question? - Asking for permission: May I go out?/ May I come in? - Asking for help: Can you help me, please?/ Can you give me a hand? - Asking teachers to explain something again: Can you reapeat, please?/ Can you explain that again? Situation 3: Unit – Language Greeting students T: Good morning students How are you today? S: Fine Thank you Checking previous lesson: T: Can anyone remember what we did in the last class?? S: We learned “Getting started” Praise students T: That’s correct T: Can you go into the dedail? S: We got to know some vocabularies related to “Family life” and had a chance to listen and practise reading aloud the conversation T: Keep it up S: We also developed the topic on our daily routine T: Excellent! Situation 4: T: Please listen! I have some important information for you There will be a class trip next week Yes, Nhu Anh Nhu Anh: What day? T: Tuesday, October 18 Please write it down We'll visit the museum Phuong Anh? 13 Phuong Anh: When are we coming back? T: at 12.00 p.m Also, we're going to have a visitor on Wednesday Nhu Anh: Who's the visitor? T: It's Mrs Thuy from the library Finally, don't forget about the meeting nextweek Give this notice to yout parents Situation 5: T: I have some announcements to make Please look at this notice First, please tell your parents about the parent meeting this Friday, October 10 S: What time? The meeting start at 4.00 p.m Please give this notice to your parents Then, next Tuesday we're going to have guest Situation 6: S: What’s the homework? T: Your assignment is to practice reading the dialog on page 10 S: Which book? T: Page 10 in the workbook Listen to the dialog and complete exercise A S: What we have to write? T: Write sentences using the vocabulary in unit S: Is the homework for tomorrow? T: Yes, your homework is due tomorrow Also, please review the words on page for the quiz on Friday S: Can you repeat that ? T: Yes, Quynh Your assignment is due tomorrow, and study for the quiz on Friday S: Ok Thank you Situation 7: T: Does every one have their books? S: Yes, we T: Good Open your books S: What page? T: Please turn to page 27 Trang, please read the example S: Where’s the example? T: Read the example at the bottom of page 27 S: “I’ll take the bus to school” 14 T: Very good Trang Class, continue reading the sentences Use the dictionary to check new words Situation 8: T: Ok, class Now, please look at the handout Nam Do you have the hand out? Nam: No, I don't T: Here U are Write your name on your paper Nam: Can I borrow your pencil? T: Yes, nam Everyone, please the exercise in the middle of the handout When you have finished, turn over your papers S: Do we hand it in? T: Please don't hand in your papers I'll collect them Situation 9: Managing behaviour Students, could you all sit down, please Now the pair work activity is over Please return to your desks Can you four work together, please? Let Santosh say something too, please Encouraging your students to speak Could you speak up a bit, please? Would you like to try to answer, Sandesh? Yes, that’s almost right Can anyone help Aisha with the answer? Go on … I’m sure you can answer that Can you explain that to the rest of the class? Situation 10: Giving homework For your homework, please Activity B We’re out of time Please finish this activity at home Don’t forget about your homework! At home, please the exercises in the ‘Thinking about language’ section on page 40 Before tomorrow’s lesson, think about a time you have taken a risk 15 For homework, imagine you are Anne Frank Think about what it must have been like to be her Saying goodbye Okay then, that’s all for today Goodbye See you all tomorrow The bell has rung It’s time to finish Put your books away How much time we have left? We still have five minutes left That’s all for today We’ll read the next part of the passage in the next lesson Goodbye! See you tomorrow Have a nice weekend How much homework you have from your other lessons? Don’t forget your homework! Take care when you cross the road III APPLYING THE RESEARCH IN TEACHING ENGLISH 10 INTRODUCING THE PROGRAMS OF ENGLISH 10 Class 10A1, 10A4, 10A6 I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss can: - understand the structure of English 10 textbook (Tieng Anh 10) in general, including themes, tests, lessons etc - get to know the rules of classroom management - get to know how to respond to some of teachers’ classroom language II Knowledge: Vocabulary: rules of classroom language management Structure: Common response to teachers’ classroom language III Skills: Main skill: Listening, speaking Sub-skills: Writing, reading IV Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative V Teaching techniques: Eliciting, synonyms, explanation, information, transfer, asking and answering the questions, discussion, pair-work, group-work VI Teaching aids: textbooks, posters, pictures and cassette 16 VII Time: 45 minutes VII Procedures: Time/Stages Activities * Game: Lucky Number Warm-up -T divides the whole class into two groups and plays the game minutes - The leader of each group chooses a number for their own group and does the following requirement in each question If the answer is correct, they will get 10 marks Lucky Number How many girls are there in your class? Do you know what your English teacher’s name is? Lucky Number What you prepare for this semester? Do you like studying English? Why or Why not? How you learn English well? Do you speak English fluently? - T leads Ss in the lesson A Announcement of classroom rules 1.Bring textbooks, materials Presentation Keep the classroom neat and tidy Participate actively Use English only in the classroom 10 minutes Treat the classmates with respect Respect others’ personal belonging Follow directions, instructions and rules Complete tasks, assignments, homework Respect his/her turn Interactions T < > Ss Group work T < > Ss B Common language use during class 1.Apology for being late: I’m sorry, for being late./ Sorry, I’m late Asking the meaning of something: 17 What does mean?/ What’s in English? Raising a question: Mr/Mrs , I have a question./ Can I ask a question, please?/ Can I make a question? Asking for permission: May I go out?/ May I come in? Asking for help: Can you help me, please?/ Can you give me a hand? Asking teachers to explain something again: Can you reapeat, please?/ Can you explain that again? Presentation C Content: Including six topics - T introduces the topics You and me Education Community Recreation Nature and Environment People and places > Six topics are divided into ten units - T asks Ss to find out the topic through the unit’s name D The design of each unit in textbook: Getting started: Introducing the overall topic of the unit Language: Learning vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation Reading: Developing reading skills and providing Ss with language and ideas about the topic Speaking: Developing speaking skills and encouraging Ss to apply and share their own knowledge Listening: Developing listening skills 6.Writing: Developing writing skills and helping Ss cope with ideas and necessary language Communication and culture: providing Ss with an opportunity for 18 further practice and consolidation of the skills and the language learnt previously in the unit Looking back and project: - Revising and consolidating of the language in the unit - Providing Ss with an opportunity to apply the language and skills they learnt throughout the unit to perform a task in a realistic situation - After units, Ss have one period for test themselves It helps them test themselves about what they’ve learnt E Tests: 1- Checking frequency knowledge for Presentation the previous lesson 2- Fifteen minutes test (3 times for each 20 minutes semester) 3- Forty minutes test (2 times for each semester) 4- Semester test (Once for each semester) F The new point in learning English 10 - Communicative method /approach - Task - based method /teaching - The book is designed with skills - Complete and various tests - Learner - centered approach G Introduce the English book grade 10 - Ask Ss to look through the book then tell class how many units it has - Introduce some more information - There are themes including You and Me; Education; Community; Nature and Environment; National Parks; Recreation and People and Places - There are periods in each unit They are Getting Started, Language, Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing, Culture and communication and Looking Back - Ask Ss to consolidate the main T < > Ss T < > Ss T < > Ss 19 Consolidation minutes Homework minutes contents - Give feedback - Prepare the new words in Unit 1: Family life Lesson1: Getting started T < > Ss T < > Ss E Experience: IV RESULT AFTER APPLYING THE RESEARCH IN TEACHING Class 10A1 10A4 10A6 Excellent-good 46% 40% 39% Average 47% 52% 54% Weak (bad) 7% 8% 7% C CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: I CONCLUSION OF THE STUDY The success of this study is giving students opportunities to use classroom language as the routine language that is used on a regular basis in classroom like greetings, giving clear instructions, directions, help them build confidence and dare to speak English daily (from simple language to more academic one) to integrate the content of lessons into their knowledge base Ideally it promotes the notion of an exchange of information, helps to break down traditional teacher-centredness, and begins to establish a variety of interaction patterns in the classroom It is also fundamental to the inductive approach to teaching language and to learning through tasks and self-discovery, and a simple and effective way of getting learners to produce language II RECOMMENDATIONS Each teacher has their own approach to help their students condiently speak English during classes Whatever teaching styles are used the suggestions which may help teachers are followings: Teacher has to prepare each part of classroom language carefully and anticipate the possible problems they may encounter Teacher has to give students clear instructions so that they can easily take part in the activities Teacher has to monitor what activity he/she is going to in order that students can focus ont it 20 Teacher has to think about how to check students' understanding Teacher has to use classroom language more and more frequently Because of students‘ limited English level, teacher has to explain again and again and or even in Vietnamese This is a proof to find that students‘ limited knowledge (vocabulary, phrases, expressions …) is a big obstacle for implementing post reading activities Teacher should give them some assignment by telling them to read, watch films, listen to songs etc and note the useful word It is a good way to produce the target language by themselves Teacher must see that the personality of students affects the quality of classoom language a lot If the student is an active and out-going person, she / he is willing to work with other people and he/ she knows how cooperate with them Daily, the teacher spends or minutes checking the new classroom language items 10 Teacher should encourage students to use positive comments COMMENTS AND ASSESSMENT OF THE SCIENCE COUNCIL Tho Xuan, May 19th, 2021 I hereby declare that this research is The chairman of Le Loi upper- due to the experience I myself have secondary school written, not copy from anybody I sincerely thank you The writer Đỗ Thị Hồng Hạnh Đỗ Viết Định 21 D REFERENCE BOOKS Tiếng Anh 10 student’s book (Hoang Van Van, Hoang Thi Xuan Hoa, Dang Hiep Giang, Phan Ha, Hoang Thi Hong Hai, Kieu Thi Thu Huong, Vu Lan, Dao Ngoc Loc) edited by Publishing house of Vietnam Education and The corporation of Pearson Tiếng Anh 10 Teacher’s book (Hoang Van Van, Hoang Thi Xuan Hoa, Dang Hiep Giang, Phan Ha, Hoang Thi Hong Hai, Kieu Thi Thu Huong, Vu Lan, Dao Ngoc Loc) edited by Publishing house of Vietnam Education and The corporation of Pearson English Language Teaching Methodology (edited by Hanoi university) David Nunan (2015), Jack C.Richard Language Learning Beyond the Classroom Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Glyn S.Hughes (1981), A Handbook of Classroom English, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Salaberri (1985) Classroom Language Cambridge Cambridge University Press Addrian Doff (1991) Language in Use Intermediate Classroom Book Pearson Longman Phương pháp dạy tiếng Anh Trung học phổ thông (written by Nguyễn Hạnh Dung) Thurnbury, Scot (2009) How to teach speaking London: Cambridge 10 Teresa Fitzpatrick Eliciting and Measuring Productive Vocabulary Using Word Association Techniques and Frequency Bands University of Wales Swansea, 2003 11 National Council of Educational Research and Training (2006b) Honeysuckle: Textbook in English for Class VI, National Council of Educational Research and Training 12 https://myelt.heinle.com/ 22 TT Tên đề tài SKKN Roles of groupwork and pairwork in teacing English at upper-secondary school Techniques for eliciting new vocabulary at uppersecondary school Applying techniques for eliciting vocabulary of teaching English 10 at Le Loi upper-secondary school Interactive post-reading activities focusing on speaking used to teach Grade 10 students at Le Loi uppersecondary school Interactive post-reading activities focusing on writing used to teach Grade 10 students at Le Loi uppersecondary school Ways of motivating grade 10 students at Le Loi uppersecondary school in speaking lessons How to motivate grade 11 students at Le Loi uppersecondary school in speaking lessons Ways of motivating grade 10 students at Le Loi uppersecondary school in speaking lessons Kết Cấp đánh đánh giá xếp loại giá xếp (Phòng, Sở, loại (A, Tỉnh ) B, C) Số 539/QĐC SGD&ĐT ngày 18/10/2011 Số 743/QĐC SGD&ĐT ngày 04/11/2013 Số 988/QĐB SGD&ĐT ngày 03/11/2015 Số 972/ B QĐSGD&ĐT ngày 24/11/2016 Số 1112/ C QĐSGD&ĐT ngày 05/11/2017 Số 1455 B /QĐSGD&ĐT ngày 28/11 /2018 Số 2007 C /QĐ-GDĐT ngày 08/11 /2019 Số 2088 B /QĐ-GDĐT ngày 17/12 / 2020 Năm học đánh giá xếp loại 2010 – 2011 2012 – 2013 2014 – 2015 2015 – 2016 2016 – 2017 2017 – 2018 2018 – 2019 2019 – 2020 23 24 THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION & TRAINING LE LOI UPPER-SECONDARY SCHOOL EXPERIENCE INITIATIVES APPLYING CLASSROOM LANGUAGE TO MOTIVATE GRADE 10 STUDENTS AT LE LOI UPPER – SECONDARY SCHOOLTO SPEAK IN ENGLISH Teacher's full name: Đỗ Viết Định Job title: The leader of English group The field of the experience initiative: Foreign language THANH HOA, YEAR 2021 25 ... focusing on writing used to teach Grade 10 students at Le Loi uppersecondary school Ways of motivating grade 10 students at Le Loi uppersecondary school in speaking lessons How to motivate grade. .. teaching English 10 at Le Loi upper- secondary school Interactive post-reading activities focusing on speaking used to teach Grade 10 students at Le Loi uppersecondary school Interactive post-reading... EXPERIENCE INITIATIVES APPLYING CLASSROOM LANGUAGE TO MOTIVATE GRADE 10 STUDENTS AT LE LOI UPPER – SECONDARY SCHOOLTO SPEAK IN ENGLISH Teacher's full name: Đỗ Viết Định Job title: The leader of English

Ngày đăng: 21/05/2021, 22:10

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