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Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss’ll be able to get the information about a special class.. Material: textbook, handouts, posters3[r]


Unit 4: Special Education

Period 19

Lesson: Reading

1 Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss’ll be able to get the information about a special class. 2 Material: textbook, handouts, posters

3 Procedure

Time Contents Teacher & Ss’

activities Aim





Look at the Braille Alphabet and work out the message that follows (Braille Cell – p.44)

This Braille Cell is used for special education

II PRE-READING 1 Pre-teach vocabulary

1 braille (n) : bảng chữ ( picture) disabled (adj) : tàn tật ( picture) dumb (adj) : câm ( explanation) deaf (adj) : điếc ( explanation) mental (adj) : tinh thần trí tuệ

mentally (adj)

6 (to) retard = (to) slow down : làm chậm ( synonym)

mentally retarded : làm chậm phát triển trí tuệ demonstration (n) : minh hoạ (translation) a finger : ngón tay (realia) 2 Pre-reading Pair work

Look at the activities which you think would difficult for blind, deaf and mute children.

Activities Deaf Dumb Blind

- Listen to teachers - Pronounce words - Phone their friends - Write letters - Watch TV - ride bicycle


We are going to read about a special class of disabled children Then, the exercises.

Task 1: The words in A appear in the reading passage Match them with their definitions in B


1 disabled A taking or needing a lot of time

_ set the Braille alphabet

_ get Ss to work out the message

_ Ss work in pairs to work out the


_ give feedback _ elicit new vocabulary _ model times _ choral repetition _ individual repetition _ check pronunciation _ check stress, meaning

_ set the activity _ get Ss to work in pairs

_ give feedback

_ set the scene

Make the comfortable atmosphere for sts to study

Give sts some vocab and structure to read about the topic

Want sts to understand the passage





2 mentally retarded time – consuming demonstration gradually

B an act of showing or explaining how to something

C unable to use a part of the body in the normal way

D slowly , over a long period of time E less mentally developed than normal

Key: 1.c E A B D

Task Pair work

Read the passage again and answer the questions How many students are there in Thuy’s class? Why is Thuy’sclass different from other classes? Do students come from poor families?

4 How can she demonstrate for students to read and write in the math lesson?


1 There are 25 students

2 because the students are disabled yes, they

4 She uses her hands by raising them up and down to demonstrate for students

IV POST-READING Individual work

Fill each of the blanks of the summary below with a suitable word from the reading passage.

Twenty – five (1) disabled children have the chance of learning how to (2) read and (3) write thanks to the (4) efforts of a young teacher, Pham Thu Thuy

Although her idea, at first, met with (5) opposition from the parents of the disabled children, more children attended her class later The teaching work in the special class is (6) time –

comsuming For example, in a (7) Maths lesson, the teacher has to use her (8) arms and (9) fingers to teach the children how to add and subtract The children are now (10) proud and happy


- Learn today lesson

- Do you think the disabled can the great things? Why or why not?

_ run through the task

_ get Ss to work in pairs

_ monitor to help _ Ss the task in pairs

_ give feedback

_ run through the task

_ get Ss to work in pairs

_ monitor to help _ Ss the task in pairs

_ give feedback _ introduce Ss the summary of the reading

_ get Ss to work individually _ Ss work individually _ givefeedback T gives home work Students take note


Unit 4: Special Education

Period 20

Lesson: Speaking

1 Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss’ll be able to ask and answer in an interview about studying. 2 Material: Textbooks, posters, handouts

3 Procedure

Time Contents Teacher & Ss’ activities Aim





15’ test Maths oral test


- Set the scene: This is the conversation between an interview and Hanh – a student about her study - Pre-speaking activity: Pair work

The questions in the interview below have been left out Work with a partner and fill in the blanks with the right questions How many subjects did you learn at your school? What was your timetable?

What about homework?

Which lower-secondary school did you go to? What part of the school life didn’t you like then?

Can you tell me about the tests and examinations at your school then?

Interview: (A) ? Hanh : I went to Quoc Thai Lower-secondary School in An Phu, An Giang

Interview: _ (B) _? Hanh : nine They were Maths, physics, Literature, Biology, History, Geography, English, Information Technology and Physics Education

Interview: _ (C) _? Hanh : Well, I went to school in the morning and I often had five classes

Interview: (D) _? Hanh : Well, we had different kinds of tests, you know Oral test, fifteen minutes tests, forty-five minutes tests and the final examination at the end of the semester

Interview: _ (E) ? Hanh : It’s different with every teacher Some liked to give a lot of homework and others did not

Answer keys:

_ divide the class into groups

Instruction: one by one from each group comes to the B & adds one word The group with more words is the winner _ give feedback _ set the scene

_ run through questions _ get Ss to work in pairs to fill in the blanks with the right questions

_ Ss the activity in pairs

_ give feedback

Get sts ready to learn the new lesson

Ask sts question s to lead them in the intervie w

Let sts to practise taking role-play Subject







Interview your partner and take notes, using the following questions

What were your subjects then? What was your timetable? What about homework?

Which lower-secondary school did you go to? What part of the school life didn’t you like then?

Can you tell me about the tests and examinations at your school then?

What did you like best about your school then? IV POST-SPEAKING

Tell the whole class what you know about your partner

Ex: Lan went to Quoc Thai Lower-secondary School She had subjects to learn at school She went to school in the morning and often had classes each morning


Write a paragraph about what you know about your partner

_ get Ss to ask and answer the questions in pairs _ Ss carry out an interview _ monitor to help

_ get Ss to talk about what they know about their partner

_ Ss talk about their partner

_ give feedback


Unit 4: Special Education

Period 20


1 Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss’ll be able to know the activities of Vang Trang Khuyet photography club

2 Material: Textbooks, posters, handouts 3 Procedure:

Time Contents Teacher & Ss’activities Aim




I WARMER Matching


1 photograph a ăn ảnh

2 photogenic b người chụp ảnh

3 photographer c thuật nhiếp ảnh photographic d thuộc ảnh photography e ảnh, bưu ảnh Keys: e a b d c II PRE-LISTENING

1 Pre-teach vocabulary

1 surroundings (n.pl) : môi trường xung quanh ( explanation)

2 sorrow (n) = sadness : đau, buồn (synonym)

3 passion (n) : đam mê ( translation)

4 labour (n) : lao động ( translation)

a labourer : người lao động an exhibition : triển lãm ( explanation)

6 (to) stimulate :kích thích, đánh thức (explanation)

2 Pre-activity Pair work

Fill each of the blanks with one word from the box

I joined a (1) _ club when was a secondary school and I have fascinated by (2) _ ever since However, I have decided not to become a professional (3) I once took a (4) of my girl-friend and she did not took as beautiful in the picture as she was I tried to clam her down by saying, “you are not very (5) _, honey.”


1 Photographic photography Photographer photograph

_ model words _ get Ss to match in pairs

_ Ss show their answers on the subordinate board _ give feedback

_elicit new vocabulary _ model times _ choral repetition _ individual repetition _ check pronunciation _ check stress, meaning

_ get Ss in pairs to fill in the blanks

_ monitor to help _ give feedback

_ model the words

Get sts ready to learn the new lesson

Give sts vocab and useful language to listen the text





photogenic 3 Listen and repeat

Surroundings sorrow passion labourer

Deaf mute exhibition stimulate


Set the scene: We going to listen to photography lesson of disabled children Then the listening tasks. TASK Pair work

Listen to some information about a photography club and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 The Vang Trang Khuyet Club’s members are all disabled children

2 The club’s members are now teaching photography to other children

3 The club’s members are exhibiting their photographs for the first time in Hanoi

4 The subject of their photos is the sorrow of being disabled

The passion for taking photographs has helped them escape their sorrow


1T 2F 3T 4F 5T

TASK Listen again and answer the questions

1. How old was photographic club?

2. Who are members in this club?

3. What were the subjects at the exhibition?

Keys :

1 months

2 They were deaf, mute and mentally retarded 3 They were simple and peaceful


Pair work: summarize the listening text basing on the cues below:

the name of the club the members of the club their lesson?

the lesson help them V HOME WORK: Prepare for writing lesson

Learn the vocab by heart ( in listen and repeat)


_ choral repetition _ set the scene

_ run through statements

_ get Ss to listen to the tape and the task

_ give feedback

_ get Ss to work in pairs to listen and fill in the blanks

_ give feedback

_ get Ss answers the questions in pairs _ Ss read out their answers

_ set home work

Sts listen exactly the information


Unit 4: Special Education

Period 21

Lesson: Writing

1 Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss’ll be able to write a letter of complaint. 2 Materials: Textbooks, posters, handouts

3 Procedure:

Time Contents Teacher and Ss’ activities Aim



I Oral Test

a Check the meaning, stress & pronunciation of the following words “sorrow”, “surrounding”, and “an exhibition”, “passion

b - Tom is a professional _ in the town (photograph)

- He learned about ( photograph) II Pre-Writing

Task Pair work

Put the following sentences or phrases in the suitable place in a letter

A Dear Sir

B 53 Ho Xuan Huong steeet HaNoi – VN

C I’m writing to complain about the poor quality of the service at your center

D 22nd February , 2008 E The Director

English for today center 731 Van Xuan Street Ha Noi – VN

F Do Anh Duc G Your faithfully Address

Greeting Body ending signature

Keys: B E D A C G F Task Pair work

After studying for two weeks at English for Today Center, you notice that everything is worse than what the

advertisement says A Friend of yours wants to know about the center and you tell him/her the facts.

Use the following sentences to complete the dialogue

_ call any student to check the old lesson

_ give feedback and marks

_ get Ss in pairs to the task

_ monitor to help _ give feedback

_get Ss to work in pairs to fill in the dialogue

_ monitor to help

Make the comfortable atmosphere for sts to study

Let sts to know the structure of the letter _

(1) (2) _ _ (3) (4)




A I have to pay for them

B The room is not air-conditioned, it’s very hot C In fact classes often start late and finish early D I’m not happy with it at all

E There are only few native teachers

F In fact there are more than 30 SS in my class A: Are you happy with your study at English for Today Centre?

B: No, (1) A: Are all the teachers native speakers?

B: No, (2) A: The advertisement says there are no more than 20 students in a class Is that true?

B: No, (3) A: Do you get free books and cassette tapes? B: No, (4) A: What about the classrooms? Are they air-conditioned?

B: No, (5) A: What don’t you like most about the centre? B: It’s the time They say the class time is from 5:30 p.m to 8:30 p.m but (6)

A: Well, everything is different from what the advertisement says What are you going to do?

B: I am going to write a letter of complaint to the director of the centre


1 D E 3.F A 5.B 6.C

A letter of complaint includes three main parts: - Opening

- Explaining the problem - Suggesting a resolution III While- Writing

Using the information from the dialogue in Task 1, complete the letter of complaint below:

53 Ho Xuan Huong Street Hanoi – Vietnam

The Director

English for Today Centre 731 Van Xuan Street Hanoi – Vietnam

22nd February, 2006

Dear Sir,

I am writing to complain about the poor quality of the service at your centre Everything seems to be worse than what you say in the advertisement

……… ………

To resolve the problem, I require you to give me a refund Enclosed is a copy of the receipt

_ give feedback

_ set the content of complaint letter

_ get Ss to work in pairs to write the letter




I look forward to hearing from you and to getting a quick resolution of this problem Please contact me at the above address or by phone at (04) 7.222999

Yours faithfully, Do An Duc IV Post-Writing

Ask SS exchange their writing with a friend; pick up some writings to check the mistakes as the whole class.

Keys: ………

First of all, you say that there are only native teachers, but my class has one Vietnamese teacher You also say that each class has no more than 20 SS but there are over 30 SS in my class Furthermore, in the ad., you say that we can have books and cassette tapes free of charge but in fact we had to pay for them Next, the room is not air-conditioned Finally, the class time is not the same as what the ad Says Classes not only start late but also finish early

……… V Home Work

Complete and rewrite your writing into notebook

_ Ss exchange their writing _ pick up some of the Ss’ writing to give feedback

_ set home work

Unit 4: Special Education

Period 21

Lesson: Language focus

1 Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss’ll be able to pronounce / / & / / correctly, know how to use ‘the + Adj” to show a group of people, use ‘used to + V” correctly

2 Materials: Textbooks, posters, handouts. 3 Procedure

Time Contents Teacher & Ss’


Aim 5’


I Oral Test

a What are the parts of a letter?

Address, greeting, body, ending, signature b What are the contents of a complaint letter?

Opening, explaining the problem, suggesting a resolution c sentence building

I/ writing / complain / the bad service / your hotel

I’m writing to complain about the bad service of your hotel

II Presentation 1 Pronunciation

Ask SS to listen and distinguish: A B

/ /: a short sound / /: a long sound top wrong boss call walking more job doctor box sport four talk Practice these sentences.

1 Put the socks on top of the box

2 He lost his job as a doctor in the hospital

_ call any student to check the old lesson _ give feedback and marks

_ present the two sounds

_ Ss listen and repeat _ model the six sentences

_ Ss practice in pairs _ monitor to help Ss

Get sts ready to learn the new lesson





3 What’s wrong with you, boss? Is walking called a sport? He can’t talk to her any more

6 Four of us have walked for fourteen miles 2 Grammar and Vocabulary

Ex: The blind in my neighbor used to make toothpicks, which gave them happiness The + adjective

The blind = blind people

Some common expressions: the dead, the old, the poor, the rich, the jobless, the young, the handicapped, the mentally retarded, the unemployed, the injured…

: The + adj used to describe a group of people as a Use

whole: e.g the rich, the poor Used to + Infinitive

: Used to + infinitive used to express a past action Use

that doesn’t happen at the present Which

: This can be used in relative clause to refer to the Use

whole of the earlier clause. III Practice

Exercise Pair work

Complete these sentences using the + one of the adjectives:

injured poor rich sick

unemployed young

1 The young have the future in her hands.

2 Ambulances arrived at the scene of the accident and took to hospital

3 Life is all right if you have a job, but things are not so easy for

4 Julia has been a nurse all her life She has spent her life caring for

5 In England there is an old story about a man called Robin Hood It is said that he robbed and gave the money to


2 the injured the unemployed the sick

5 the rich

Exercise Pair work

Complete the sentences with used to … + a suitable verb 1. Dennis gave up smoking two years ago He used to

smoke 40 cigarettes a day.

2. Liz a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a car

3. We came to live in Manchester a few years ago We in Nottingham

4. I rarely eat ice cream now, but I it

_ elicit the situation from Ss and then highlight the structures in the example

_ introduce the use of grammatical points _ Ss listen and copy the target language

_ ask Ss to ex in pair

_ Ss work in pair and read out their answers _ give feedback

way in pronunciati on

Supply the grammar points for sts



when I was a child

5. Jim my best friend, but we aren’t friends any longer

6. It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work since the new road was opened It more than an hour

7. There a hotel opposite the station, but it closed a long time ago

8. When you lived in London, to the theatre?


2 used to have used to live used to eat used to be used to take used to be did you use to go

Exercise Join a sentence from A with one from B to make a new sentence Use which.

2 Jill isn’t on the phone. B This means we can’t go away tomorrow

3 Neil has passed his exam

C This makes it difficult to contact her

4 Our flight was delayed. D This make difficult to sleep

5 Ann offered to let me

stay in her house E This was very nice of her 6 The street I live in is

very noisy at night

F This is good news 7 Our car has broken

down G This meant we had to wait for hours at the airport


2 Jill isn’t on the phone, which makes it difficult to contact her

3 Neil has passed his exam, which is good news

4 Our flight was delayed, which meant we had to wait for hours at the airport

5 Ann offered to let me stay in her house, which was very nice of her

6 The street I live in is very noisy at night, which makes difficult to sleep

7 Our car has broken down, which means we can’t go away tomorrow

V Home Work

_ ask Ss to ex in pair

_ Ss work in pair and read out their answers _ give feedback

_ get SS to ex in pair

_ Ss work in pair to ex and then come to BB to write their answer

_ give feedback

Ngày đăng: 21/05/2021, 09:24


