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Some games in the post reading stage to motivate the 11thgrade students at hau loc 4th upper secondary school to learn vocabulary

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  • The writer: Trần Thu Hiền

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THE TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS Opening of the theme: 1.1 The reason to choose the theme 1.2 The purpose of researching 1.3 The research subject 1.4 The research methodology The contents of the experience initiative 2.1 The rationale of the experience initiative 2.2 Current status of the problem before applying the experience initiative 2.3 The experience ideas in solving problem 2.4 The effect of the experience initiative for education training activities at school Conclusion and recommendation 3.1 Conclusion 3.2 Recommendation References Page s 1 2 3 12 12 12 14 16 OPENING OF THE THEME 1.1 THE REASON TO CHOOSE THE THEME The trend of globalization in all fields around the world has given foreign languages in general, and English in particular a big role in recent years This is why English become a compulsory subject in the curriculum at all educational levels and in the national high school exams of our country Therefore, creating a lively and interesting learning environment plays an important role in teaching and learning in high schools This environment is a means and also the purpose of the teaching process In order to teach and learn English well, many teaching methods have been studied and applied Using games that is one of the methods has been widely practiced in the country and over the world as useful solution with a view to relieving stress and improving leaners’ motivation However, this method does not always yield the desired success because a large number of games cause as much density of practice as more conventional drill exercises So how can a teacher bring students interesting lessons that stimulate students to be eager to learn English? In order to apply the game effectively, teachers need to pay attention to many factors such as timing of application, selection of games, appropriate process Furthermore, each lesson not only deepens knowledge but also helps students always be impressed and remember its colorful picture and vivid sound so that students will easily remember the lesson when prompted If games are amusing, challenging, intriguing and surprising, lessons are clearly meaningful to them Thus, the meaning of the language they listen to, read, speak and write will be more vividly experienced and, therefore, better remembered What’s more, they are eager to wait for the next lesson After a long lesson, students want to let their hair down The way to make the most impressive thing is to choose and design the appropriate games integrated into the lessons, especially in the post teaching stage is necessary For the reasons mentioned above, I would like to express some effective and exciting games that I have designed in the teaching process Moreover, those above reasons urged to me find the best way to encourage students to learn English That’s why I choose the theme “SOME GAMES IN THE POST READING STAGE TO MOTIVATE THE 11TH GRADE-STUDENTS AT HAU LOC 4TH UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL TO LEARN VOCABULARY” 1.2 THE PURPOSE OF RESEARCHING Games and fun activities are a vital part of teaching English as a foreign language The primary purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of using some games in teaching vocabulary to students in grade 11th at Hau Loc 4th Upper secondary school This study helps students to remember vocabulary better Traditionally, vocabulary is not seen as a particular subject by students to learn, but they are taught in the speaking, listening, reading and writing lessons It is not easy to recall the words However, students can remember vocabulary easily via games without looking up a dictionary or learn in a mechanical way From the above fact background shows the teachers who teach students at high schools recognize to help students reduce anxiety, increase positive feelings and improve self-confidence In fact, students have to encounter unfamiliar words while learning a second language, so they feel a high level of stress They even feel fear of being punished and criticized when we make mistakes Nevertheless, games are always enjoyable and interesting and they play games freely Especially, another important purpose associated with the study is that students are motivated to learn the language when they in a game It is obvious that games are always exciting, attractive and competitive Whether we are teaching adults or children, games will liven up our lesson and ensure that students will leave the classroom wanting more Students are easy to get absorbed in the competitive aspects of the games Moreover, they try harder at games than in other courses This study is conducted to help 11 th grade-students of Hau Loc 4th Upper secondary school to inquire vocabulary easily Furthermore, it helps students indulge in learning English 1.3 THE RESEARCH SUBJECT - Students at Hau Loc 4th Upper secondary school - Grade 11 consists of 120 students (3 classes: 11A6, 11A8, 11A9) - 120 students of classes took part in the survey - After the research, teacher finds the change of students’ competence in grasping vocabulary as well as becoming really interested in studying English 1.4 THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY For having full and exact data to answer the question that is mentioned, I have to combine three research methods: - Observing students to take part in activities such behaviors, verbal reaction and feelings to understand how much the games stimulate them - Analyzing and comparing the number of students taking exams through exercises relating to vocabulary before and after the research - Using questionnaire such as: Have you enjoyed language games? How much you enjoy language games? How you find language games? Are you willing to play the language games in the classroom? THE CONTENT OF THE EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE 2.1 THE RATIONALE OF THE EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE Games can be used to warm up the class before your lesson begins, during the lesson to give students a break when you’re tackling a tough subject, or at the end of class when you have a few minutes left to kill Games can be also found to give practice in all the skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking There are literally hundreds, probably thousands, of games that you can play with your students Language games are used to test vocabulary, practice conversing, learn tenses - the list is endless This list of some language games every teacher should know will help students get to indulged in learning English Having these up your sleeve before stepping into the classroom will ensure your lessons run smoothly, and, should things get a little out of control, you’ll be able to pull back the attention of the class in no time Here is the rationale of the experience initiative * Based on the methods of teaching vocabulary - Understanding methods of teaching vocabulary thoroughly is necessary for each teacher In this study, I especially pay attention to checking techniques for vocabulary, which is related to my experience initiative After teaching new content to the class, provide students with a game that will consolidate their understanding and make connections with what they already * Based on techniques of teaching steps - Besides, teacher grasps some basic principles for simple reading strategies: prereading activities, while-reading activities, and post-reading activities Those above steps are very necessary for teaching reading comprehension, and may help students read the text more effectively * Based on background of games - Language games mean games related to language When collecting games, teachers have to note what language need only be understood by the players what language must be used by them If teachers can create games in the classroom and the language is appropriate, then they are useful Whenever a game is to be conducted, the number of students, proficiency level, cultural context, timing, learning topic, and the classroom settings are factors that should be taken into account * Based on techniques to design and organize games - Teachers acquire how to design games It means teachers are good at using visual materials as well as making power-point lesson plans Moreover, teachers know how to organize games Games are normally introduced in the following: - Explanation by the teacher to the class about how to play a game and its rule - Demonstration of parts of the game by the teacher and one or two players - Trial by a group or a pair in front of the class - Inform the winner - Teachers have to control students’ noise * Based on motivation - Motivation is generally defined as an abstract concept used to describe the willingness of a person to expand to reach a particular goal According to Yiltanliar and Caganaga (2019) using a game for language learners is a kind of encouragement by supporting them hinder their negative feelings like fear, hesitation, anxiety by creating a flexible and warm learning environment for them 2.2 CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROBLEM BEFORE APPLYING THE EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE Vietnamese students in general, as well as students of Hau Loc th Upper secondary school in particular, also have many difficulties in using English They are afraid of using English that causes difficulties in studying My students come from different secondary schools, some students knew English quite well but some knew English a little, which lead to imbalance in knowledge when they go to Upper secondary school Besides, the lack of the attention from their families about their studying makes teacher encounter difficulties in helping students study and develop their skills in studying English as well as using English in some fields In addition, many students might be reluctant to play games I also acknowledge that students are often so anxious to learn English in order to pass examinations or to improve their employment prospects that they look on games as unnecessary In fact, many teachers are hesitant to use these language games because they think language games are time-consuming Because it will take a long time to prepare for a lecture, design the content and the form of the game to suit the content of the lesson Teachers think that the lesson is too long, not enough time for them to organize games Some people say games only reduce tense but they are not really useful They are confused when designing or organizing games Many teachers say they not control students because playing games make so much noise To find out the appropriate way to solve those problems, teachers must work hard and find the best way to attract students and help them study better Below are some ways that I used to help my students to solve those problems and help them study better and get better marks in doing vocabulary exercises in general and especially in tests 2.3 THE EXPERIENCE IDEAS IN SOLVING PROBLEM One of the difficulties that most of teachers encounter while using the games is the time taken Usually games held in the classroom not take much time, which only takes minutes to minutes, or minutes In Vietnam, classrooms contain the large number of students Therefore, using language games in groups or in pairs is suitable and effective for all the students in the class to practice the language is a controversial issue This shows that the selection of appropriate language games is very important, which helps the students overcome the difficulty in learning English Games can be also found to give practice in all the skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking There are literally hundreds, probably thousands, of games that you can play with your students Language games are used to test vocabulary, practice conversing, learn tenses - the list is endless 2.3.1 There are some useful techniques to apply games in teaching language skills * Time selection - Games can be used to warm up the class before your lesson begins, during the lesson to give students a break when you’re tackling a tough subject, or at the end of class when you have a few minutes left to kill * Game selection Games can be obtained from many sources, but not all of them apply to the classroom I designed games so that they were modified to suit the actual situation, the needs, interests and concerns of students as well as related to content of the lesson I used software such as powerpoint, Google forms, as a result, the games designed very richly proceed through tools as computers, smartphones, tablets Teachers should choose wisely about which games can be used for learning most effectively What’s more, to choose a suitable game, I considered some important factors as age, the language level, background It is absolutely essential that the learners are totally familiar with the games they are asked to play * Process of applying games I regularly conduct a game in steps as follows: The first step: Before playing, giving instructions First, introduce the purpose of the game Second, explain the rules of the game, the maximum amount of time Third, provide a sample game for students to imitate if they don’t understand it well To ensure success, all instructions in this phase should be clear, concise, precise and as simple as possible Teachers should let students play in groups or teams because working in groups or teams definitely create competitive atmosphere If there is to be challenge between groups, they should be of mixed ability If there is to be no such challenge, the teacher might choose groups according to ability The second step: While playing games Teachers should control as little as possible to create comfortable atmosphere for students, which enable them to take advantage of the opportunity to participate actively in the game Teachers go around to observe and encourage them to take part in groups Even teachers may participate in activities with students if necessary The third step: Finishing games Teachers declare the winner and prize, then give feedback and comments The main point here is to bring out the best for students and show them that all they have done and experienced with interesting language 2.3.2 There are some useful lessons to apply games in teaching language skills In every period of teaching process, I often have the students play a variety of games In this study, I would like to introduce some following language games I find most effectively in motivating my students are applied in the post reading stage with aim at stimulating students to learn English Some games conducted are really appropriate with the post reading stage such as “Slap the board”, “Who is the millionaire?”, “Name poem”, “Hot seat, Nodding and shaking chairs”, “Crossword puzzle”, ‘Miming game”, “The tied and blind men game”, “Tongue Twisters”, “I spy” McCallum (1980, p ix) also supposed that games automatically stimulate student interest, a properly introduced game can be one of the highest motivating techniques Indeed, here are some games that I have taught in Units of the 11th grade English textbook make students become motivated and willing to learn Unit 1: Friendship Part A: Reading (Period 2) After you read: Game: Name poem Objectives: - By the end of the games, students consolidate some words related to the lesson Time: - minutes Procedure: - Ask students to work in groups of - Give the rule: Each group uses classmates’ names to write an acrostic poem on a sheet of the paper and draw your friends they describe You have to use the adjectives beginning with the letters of the name to describe your friends’ personality or quality A group writes more poems and draw well will be the winners Model: Tien is my friend Talented Intelligent Easy-going Nice - When the game finishes, the teacher declares the winners Unit 8: Celebrations Part A: Reading (Period 42) After you read: Miming game: Objectives: - By the end of the games, students consolidate some words related to the lesson Time: minutes Procedure: - Teacher prepare pieces of paper containing some words related to the lesson (grand, agrarian, banner, pray, sugared apples, excitement) - Divide the class into two groups Each group nominates one representative 10 Unit 12: The Asian games Part A: Reading (Period 74) After you read: Crossword puzzles Objectives: - By the end of the games, students consolidate some words related to the lesson Time: minutes Procedure - Teacher prepares a slide about crossword puzzles - Declare the rule of the game: For each correct answer to the crossword, students will get point If the answer is not right, the other group has the chance to say the word and score the point Each group has only 10 seconds to make a guess Each 11 group can also make a guess at the vertical word, but only when it is that group’s turn A correct guess finishes the game The group that has more points will win the game - Divide the class into teams - Let students guess the word in vertical column by answering the questions to complete the crosswords - Get students to take turns to choose the numbered row - Read the question for the word in that row and get the team to say what the word is - When the game finishes, teacher states the winner Possible solutions: - If students are too confused to choose right answers, teacher will suggest by giving definition of words or explanations Unit 13: Hobbies Part A: Reading (Period 80) After you read: Game: Who is the millionaire? Objectives: - By the end of the games, students consolidate some words related to the lesson Time: minutes Procedure 12 - Let students play individually - Declare the rule of the game: Student raises the hand the most rapidly, that student has a right to answer If one gives the correct answer, he/ she gets one point Who gets more correct answers is the millionaire - When the game finishes, teacher states the winner Possible solutions: - If students are too confused to choose right answers, teacher will suggest by giving definition of words or explanations - Teacher encourages students to play the game Unit 15: Hobbies Part A: Reading (Period 89) After you read: Game: Slap the board Objectives: - By the end of the games, students consolidate some words related to the lesson Time: minutes Procedure 13 - Prepare a sheet of the paper containing words related to the lesson (gravity, cosmonaut, fight, lift off, uncertainty, astronaut, psychological tension, weightlessness) - Stick the sheet of the paper on the board - Call some students to line up two queues to the front facing the boards - Call out the words in any order - Ask students to listen and slap on the correct word 2.4 THE EFFCT OF THE EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE FOR EDUCATION TRAINING ACTIVITIES AT SCHOOL There’s an old Chinese proverb that says: “Tell me, and I’ll forget Show me, and I may remember Involve me, and I’ll understand” It’s language games that make students involved in learning English vocabulary This study, however, a small scale one, has brought remarkable effectiveness for education training activities at school It’s obvious that games are important in classrooms because as students play games, they focus on the activity and end up absorbing the language subconsciously According to all the teachers in general, my colleagues in particular, games provide teachers with many advantages when they are used in classroom One of these advantages is that students are motivated to learn the language when they in a game Teachers also know that young learners like being physically active as they play games they can move their body flexibly Through my experiences which I applied during school years, I found that my students grasp a wide vocabulary and become more confident in studying English, especially they read the passage better and often get good result in 14 testing The results get better and better, the number of students who get low marks decrease while the number of students who get high marks get increase Moreover, they are imaginative and creative To sum up, the review of the studies related to language games indicates that games are crucially important in foreign language teaching and learning in a variety of areas CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 3.1 CONCLUSION As we know language is a product of society, so learners need more than just exercises and repetition to learn a new language and integrate it gracefully and naturally They need experience and interaction The games which I have applied help my students every single one of skills such as pronunciation, spelling, listening, speaking, writing and reading Via games, most of my students can remember vocabulary quickly and easily What’s more, games help them get rid of the pressure or anxiety of making mistakes, which makes my teaching process run a lot smoother Students feel more confident in studying English They not feel afraid of this subject whenever they have lessons It is obvious that they feel like studying English and get ready in using it in communication In the communicative language teaching approach, students are actively involved in playing games which can arouse and maintain their interest in learning, besides, promote their motivation of study As a result, games offer a break from tedious work, but not a break from learning However, during the lesson teacher must use appropriate methods to meet students’ requirements in studying English From above analysis, a conclusion can be drawn that teaching and learning English by kinds of language games is effective and efficient in motivating students to learn vocabulary as well as improving students’ ability of learning English The data of the survey about the levels of studying motivation of my students Level of motivation Before applying games After applying games Very much Much A little Little 12 students10% 24 students20% 30 students25% 54 students45% 72 students 60% 30 students -25% 12 students -10% students 5% The bar shows the result of survey about the levels of studying motivation of my students 15 Before applying games After applying games 3.2 RECOMMENDATION According to my colleagues, my initiative experience over the time has been a rewarding process and has invigorated my interest in pursuing further research I would like to give the following recommendations - Each teacher must spend much time on researching effective methods to teach each student - English teachers need to improve their knowledge to meet the need of students - School should have English club and organize the extracurricular activities for students to make them be more aware of speaking English fluently as well as their socio-cultural knowledge - Reducing the number of students in each class to make sure all students can learn better - Persuading other teachers to sympathize about “meaningful noise” of English lessons I look forward to the comments of the leaders, professionals, colleagues for this initiative can be completed and widely used so that my study can contribute to improving the quality of teaching and learning English in school and meet the current requirements for innovation in teaching methods I sincerely thank you! 16 The confirmation of the Head-Master Thanh Hoa, May 10th, 2021 I hereby acknowledge that this study is mine The date and findings discussed in the thesis are true, used with permission from associates and have not been published elsewhere Written by Trần Thu Hiền 17 References: {1} Andrew Wright, David Betteridge and Michael Buckby Games for language learning, Cambridge University Press, 1982 {2} Rixon Steven How to use games in language teaching, Macmilan Education, 1981 {3} Lee W R Language teaching games and contexts, Oxford 21 Press, 1979 {4} Kallsen, Loren J Advanced communication games, Edinburgh: Nelson’s company, 1987 {5} Coady, J (1997) L2 vocabulary acquisition through extensive reading In James Coady & Thomas Huckin (Eds.), Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition (pp 225-237) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press {6} Nation, P & Coady, J (1988) Vocabulary and reading In R Carter & M McCarthy (Eds.), Vocabulary and language teaching (pp 97-110) London and New York: Longman {7} Mccallum, G H 101 word hames, USA: Oxford University Press, 1980 {8} Canh Le Van, Understanding Foreign Language Teaching Methodology, Ha Noi National University Press 2004 {9} https://www.teachstarter.com 18 DANH MỤC CÁC ĐỀ TÀI SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM ĐÃ ĐƯỢC HỘI ĐỒNG ĐÁNH GIÁ XẾP LOẠI CẤP PHÒNG GD&ĐT, CẤP SỞ GD&ĐT VÀ CÁC CẤP CAO HƠN XẾP LOẠI TỪ C TRỞ LÊN Họ tên tác giả: Trần Thu Hiền Chức vụ đơn vị công tác: Giáo viên, trường THPT Hậu Lộc T T Tên đề tài SKKN Cấp đánh giá xếp loại (Phòng, Sở, Tỉnh…) Khai thác hiệu thủ thuật hỏi dạy Tiếng Anh Some effective techniques to teach synonyms and antonyms in reading Sở GD&ĐT Thanh Hóa Sở GD&ĐT Thanh Hóa Kết đánh giá xếp loại(A , B, C) Năm học đánh giá xếp loại C 2009-2010 B 2019-2020 19 comprehensi on for the 10th gradestudents at THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING Hau Loc 4th upper HAU LOC 4TH UPPER - SECONDARY SCHOOL secondary school EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE SOME GAMES IN THE POST READING STAGE TO MOTIVATE THE 11TH GRADE-STUDENTS AT HAU LOC 4TH UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL TO LEARN VOCABULARY The writer: Trần Thu Hiền Position: Teacher Subject: English 20 THANH HOA 2021 21 ... the 10th gradestudents at THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING Hau Loc 4th upper HAU LOC 4TH UPPER - SECONDARY SCHOOL secondary school EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE SOME GAMES IN THE POST READING. .. theme ? ?SOME GAMES IN THE POST READING STAGE TO MOTIVATE THE 11TH GRADE -STUDENTS AT HAU LOC 4TH UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL TO LEARN VOCABULARY? ?? 1.2 THE PURPOSE OF RESEARCHING Games and fun activities... the students play a variety of games In this study, I would like to introduce some following language games I find most effectively in motivating my students are applied in the post reading stage

Ngày đăng: 20/05/2021, 21:07


