based on past actions to modulate future behaviorbased on past actions to modulate future behaviorbased on past actions to modulate future behaviorbased on past actions to modulate future behaviorbased on past actions to modulate future behaviorbased on past actions to modulate future behaviorbased on past actions to modulate future behaviorbased on past actions to modulate future behaviorbased on past actions to modulate future behavior
Contents I Overview .1 Definition .2 1.1 What is perception? 1.2 What is self-perception? .2 Perception process 2.1 Selection 2.2 Organization .4 2.3 Interpretation Types of perception .5 3.1 Physiology 3.2 Past experiences 3.3 Culture 3.4 Present feelings 4.The Importance of perception II How to improve perception of self and others? .8 How to improve perception of self How to improve perception of others? 10 III Conclusion .11 I Overview We know that the human brain is the conscious reflection of objective reality It can be divided into self-awareness and awareness of things around them Marx pointed out: "Consciousness at any moment can only perceive existence." This was perceived existence, including its existence, the existence of the objective world, as well as their complex relationship with the objective world People can not only be aware of their surroundings, but also be aware of their existence Perception of their own perceptions, thoughts and experiences, but also recognizing what their purpose is, and their plan of action, and why not, what the consequences of doing it , how to adjust their actions, etc This is people's self-awareness Self-awareness is the highest form of human consciousness, self-awareness is an important feature of adult human consciousness It and its main activity are the subject of consciousness, and in such activity, humans play a supervisory role in perception By monitoring the systems of self-consciousness, the human brain can input, process, store, control the output of the automatic control system, so that everyone will be able to control the mind Their consciousness moderately adjusts to their thinking and behavior In learning activities, such as self-awareness, self-examination, self-examination, self-correction and modifying essence is a metacognitive activity feedback, enhancing its personal learning there is an important meaning Piaget once said: "self-regulation depending on both an opposite action (or feedback loop system) is the prediction of adaptation to form a permanent complement system," he explains here specifically act in reverse feedback, it can be expected it is inappropriate behavior, which is modifying behavior In the case of the system, it is the basis for self-regulation, through which you can make the system continue to move forward and evolve The founder of Cybernetics Wiener also said that feedback is "based on past actions to modulate future behavior." Both in biological systems or a computer in motion, through feedback can be adjusted behavior and control so that the goals can be achieved If there is no response, the system cannot fulfill the purpose of the exercise Human learning is really a receiving and imparting knowledge of movement, control, selfmonitoring, self-regulating learning activities related to an important part of learning 1 Definition 1.1 What is perception? Perception is the way people understand or give meaning to their environment Perception and interpretation of the same message varies according to how each individual's perception is influenced by experience, attitudes and beliefs and a range of acquired skills or expectations For example, one person may perceive the colour blue as cool, peaceful and comforting while anotner person may see blue as oldfashioned or formal The particular specific meaning influenced by past experience Even the context or setting of the communication affects perception Blue be calming and relaxing one day, too formal to another 1.2 What is self-perception? Self-perception is a person’s view of his or her self or of any of the mental or physical attributes that constitute the self Such a view may involve genuine selfknowledge or varying degrees of distortion Moreover, self-perception theory (SPT) is an account of attitude formation developed by psychologist Daryl Bem It asserts that people develop their attitudes (when there is no previous attitude due to a lack of experience, etc.—and the emotional response is ambiguous) by observing their own behavior and concluding what attitudes must have caused it The theory is counterintuitive in nature, as the conventional wisdom is that attitudes determine behaviors Furthermore, the theory suggests that people induce attitudes without accessing internal cognition and mood states The person interprets their own overt behaviors rationally in the same way they attempt to explain others' behaviors In an attempt to decide whether individuals induce their attitudes as observers without accessing their internal states, Bem used interpersonal simulations, in which an "observer-participant" is given a detailed description of one condition of a cognitive dissonance experiment Subjects listened to a tape of a man enthusiastically describing a tedious peg-turning task Subjects were told that the man had been paid $20 for his testimonial and another group was told that he was paid $1 Those in the latter condition thought that the man must have enjoyed the task more than those in the $20 condition The results obtained were similar to the original Festinger-Carlsmith experiment Because the observers, who did not have access to the actors' internal cognition and mood states, were able to infer the true attitude of the actors, it is possible that the actors themselves also arrive at their attitudes by observing their own behavior Specifically, Bem notes how "the attitude statements which comprise the major dependent variables in dissonance experiments may be regarded as interpersonal judgments in which the observer and the observed happen to be the same individual." There are numerous studies conducted by psychologists that support the selfperception theory, demonstrating that emotions follow behaviors For example, it is found that corresponding emotions (including liking, disliking, happiness, anger, etc.) were reported following from their overt behaviors, which had been manipulated by the experimenters These behaviors included making different facial expressions, gazes and postures In the end of the experiment, subjects inferred and reported their affections and attitudes from their practiced behaviors despite the fact that they were told previously to act that way These findings are consistent with the James–Lange theory of emotion Perception process 2.1 Selection Selection is the process by with you select or choose what you want to attend to and what you want to disregard - There are factors that influence selection: Stimuli and Motives + Stimulus is as anything that causes sense organs (eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and skin) to respond, function, or become active Stimuli is the plural form of stimulus + Motive is defined as an incentive, intention, or impulse that causes you to act in a certain way Selection is often influenced by your motives - Three types of selection: + Selective perception: you tend to hear, see And believe what you want to hear, see and believe Eg: Students who drop out of college are lazy and have no ambition + Selective exposure: you select what you want to expose yourself to based on your beliefs, attitudes, values and expectation Eg: I enjoy the volunteer team because I want to help people who have difficult + Selective retention: you tend to remember what reinforces your beliefs, values, and expectations Eg: You remembered the melody to a song perfomed by your favorite musician 2.2 Organization Organization is the process of arranging stimuli into meaningful, understandable and convenient patterns Organiation allows you to make sense out of what you observe - Types of communication organization: + Figure and ground: Figure is what you notice or focus on Ground is les noticeable and serves as the background for the figure Eg: When you pick out a friend’s voice in a crowd, the friend’s voice becomes the figure, the other voices become the ground + Perceptual Schemes: are systems you use to organize your impression Eg: You might have a perceptual schema that the building where you go to class is symmetrical on the outside + Stereotypes: after choosing a scheme, you place people into convenient categories This ca lead to exaggerated generalizations that miss the unique, individual qualities of a person Eg: Teenagers are irresponsibe + Punctuation: determine causes and efects in interactions and then group, divide, separate and categorie information + Closure: fill in missing information to provide structure and consistency + Similarity: group thing together because they are similar in sie, color, shape, interests,… Eg: I sit with my friends in library because we have similar interests + Proximity: group or more items based on how close they are to each other 2.3 Interpretation Interpretation, the final stage of perception, is the subjective process through which we represent and understand stimuli Cultural values, needs, beliefs, experiences, expectations, involvement, selfconcept, and other personal influences all have tremendous bearing on how we interpret stimuli in our environment Experiences: Prior experience plays a major role in the way a person interprets stimuli Eg: An individual who has experienced abuse might see someone raise their hand and flinch, expecting to be hit That is their interpretation of the stimulus (a raised hand) - Values and Culture: Culture provides structure, guidelines, expectations, and rules to help people understand and interpret behaviors Cultural scripts dictate how positive and negative stimuli should be interpreted Eg: Eastern cultures typically perceive successes as being arrived at by a group effort, while Western cultures like to attribute successes to individuals - Expectation and Desire An individual’s hopes and expectations about a stimulus can affect their interpretation of it In one experiment, students were allocated to pleasant or unpleasant tasks by a computer They were told that either a number or a letter would flash on the screen to say whether they were going to taste orange juice or an unpleasant-tasting health drink Types of perception There are four main factors that affect how perception varies between people: + Physiology + Past experiences + Culture + Present feelings 3.1 Physiology A person’s physiology is one of the factors that affect how they perceive messages and includes aspects like age, gender and physical characteristics - Age: Different ages will have different perceptions and assessments Children perceive messages differently from teenagers who view things differently from adults The way an individual once perceived messages as a child will change as they grow older - Gender: Gender may also influence our perceptions How we view things may be related to whether we are male or female While this isn't always the case, males and females may perceive the same thing differently For example, both males and females in the workplace want to achieve their goals, however, it has been said that females may be more interested in nurturing and enhancing their relationships, while males, on the other hand, may be more interested in simply getting the task completed without as much concern for the interpersonal relationships in the workplace - Physical charateristic: A person’s present physical characteristics, such as their weight and height, can also have an affect on their perception For example, a small child may perceive someone who is 1m70 tall to be enormous, while an average-sized adult may perceive that same person to be medium 3.2 Past experiences A person’s past experience plays a big role in shaping their perception of communication Past experiences can include anything from someone’s childhood to something they did last week For example, suppose you hire a contractor to some work in your home Upon her arrival, the contractor thanks you multiple times and expresses her appreciation for the work She explains that the recent economy has resulted in fewer jobs and more competition from other contractors Her personal experience in struggling to find work has caused her to perceive the opportunity to work on your home differently than she would have if job options were readily available 3.3 Culture A difference in perception can also be due to a person’s culture People from the same nation, social group or geographical group often share the same social customs and values This plays a major role in communication, especially when this is carried out between cultures For example, in some cultures, making eye contact is considered rude, while in North America it’s a sign of directness and openness 3.4 Present feelings Perception and communication can be affected by the present feelings of the people you are communicating with Their mood at the time of communication can affect the way they perceive your message Whether you have a positive or negative mood during communication can affect the way you understand and interpret the way someone is speaking to you For example, You usually like your friends visiting for talking and hanging out on weekends On one particular day, however, you are trying to complete a project by a deadline and don't have time to talk Due to your stress level, you may perceive that person to be bothersome or annoying and you may try to cut off the conversation, simply stop listening or say bad worst 4.The Importance of perception Perception is a subjective, active and creative process through which we assign meaning to sensory information to understand ourselves and others It can be defined as our recognition and interpretation of sensory information It also includes how we respond to the information It is the process by which an organism detects and interprets information from the external world by means of the sensory receptors It is our sensory experience of the world around us and involves both the recognition of environmental stimuli and actions in response to these stimuli.our experience of the world around us; it allows us to act within our environment Perception is very important in understanding human behavior because every person perceives the world and approaches life problems differently Whatever we see or feel is not necessarily the same as it really is When we buy something, it is not because it is the best, but because we take it to be the best If people behave on the basis of their perception, we can predict their behavior in the changed circumstances by understanding their present perception of the environment One person may be viewing the facts in one way which may be different from the facts as seen by another viewer With the help of perception, the needs of various people can be determined, because people’s perception is influenced by their needs Perception is very important for the manager who wants to avoid making errors when dealing with people and events in the work setting This problem is made more complicated by the fact that different people perce Through the perceptual process, we gain information about the properties and elements of the environmentthat are critical to our survival Perception not only creates even the same situation differently In order to deal with the subordinates effectively, the managers must understand their perceptions properly Perception can be important because it offers more than objective output; it ingests an observation and manufactures an altered reality enriched with previous experiences Perception builds character (not necessarily good or bad character) that defines different roles individuals fall into the clown, the hypocrite, the self-righteous, the victim, etc It is vitally important if we want to get along with others to try to see things from their perspective or walk in their shoes for a while If we walk in their shoes we will gain a new perspective about things and in that understand the other and also can love and help the other more appropriately Thus, for understanding human behavior, it is very important to understand their perception, that is, how they perceive the different situations People’s behavior is based on their perceptions of what reality is, not on reality itself The world as it is perceived is the world that is important for understanding human behavior II How to improve perception of self and others? How to improve perception of self Improving your self-perception is a process, and it won’t happen overnight But by learning to recognize your own self-worth, you can begin building healthy habits that will lead to a happier life Here are ways to begin: 1.1.Take time to evaluate yourself Before you resolve any issue, you must first take a step back and assess the situation The same goes for the perception of a problem, the first thing you need to is evaluate yourself Firstly, you should start from observing yourself How would you act in each situation? Also how you react to others? How did others react to you? How they react to you reveals a lot about yourself This exercise will help you realize that your greatest strengths are worth honoring, and even some weaknesses that can be overcome with time, patience, and vigilance Secondly, you should take notes You takes down all the things you think in a diary, which will help you remove or add ideas, and also make room for new ideas After finishing a working day or studying day, open your journal and write down the things you've encountered during the day, what you've done and what you haven't done yet It can also be sad, happy, angry please write down fully When rereading what you've written, and you can discover something new about yourself Taking notes is a great way to help you record your thought, emotional and cognitive journeys New experience is also good idea It will help you to get out of your safe zone and try things you've never done before Because these things are unfamiliar to you, you have to adapt in new and different ways that you never thought possible And last thing you should try is to psychological tests There are many types of psychological tests you can try to gauge your self-awareness The results will tell you if you need to change, and what you should change 1.2.Power your thoughts with positivity You also can write down the goals you want to achieve in your future With each goal that you set, then set out specific steps for yourself, how to achieve those general goals If it is a big goal like passing some prestigious university, advancing to a new job, With such big goals, you should break it down to it If you leave it like that, there will be times when you feel discouraged because your big goal has not been fulfilled For small goals, set a time to it and offer rewards to get yourself more excited Moreover, you shold spend 20-30 minutes a day meditating to help you focus more on work and study To improve perception of self, ask a question and think about it like meditation: What you want to do? What goal you want to accomplish? What improvememts are you making every day, are those methods effective? Meditation is one of the great methods to help you improve your health, relax your mind and toward positive thoughts If you are healthy both physically and mentally, you will have a greater chance of improving perception of self 1.3 Learn to receive comments You can actively ask the people around you to get comments and feedbacks They may be from family, friends, co-workers, Ask them to answer it frankly, and you will not oppose them no matter what the answer is Regardless of what they tell you, you must consider it carefully Even if you disagree and really want to object to what they are saying, don't immediately react in a negative way You need sit down and think carefully: Why are they saying these things? Was their observation correct or not? When you get a response, you need to listen You may find it difficult to accept what they are saying, especially if it's criticism However, you should listen to what they have to say This is the best way to help you improve your perception Especially racism is a very important topic and should not be Children need right comments and instructions from adults Beacause parents play important role in forming first perception of children Like the kids in the video at first, they believe that white skin is beautiful and nice And meanwhile, the black skin is bad and ugly They are able to sense and classify skin colour They differences compared to others At that time, the adults need to analyse for them undertand that all people regardless of skin color should be treated fairly and equally respected in society by learning about different cultures that help keep children from discriminating Your self-awareness can improve significantly over time if you have the right practice methods Practicing good habits from an early age is extremely important How to improve perception of others? 2.1 Develop empathetic listening skill One of the most valuable personal growth and relational skills you can learn is empathetic listening (also called active listening) It's a skill that serves not only others, but also one that stretches you to become more loving, compassionate, and patient person It's an essential skill to master both for your personal and professional interactions Empathetic listening affords tremendous therapeutic value for someone struggling with a problem, as it allows them to solve their difficulties in the company of a caring, mindful listener As the speaker hears himself talk, he gains more clarity about his problem and becomes better equipped to find a resolution When he or she feels heard, an emotional burden is lifted, and they feel less stressed and confused Empathetic listening can also help us expand our self- and social awareness by learning from other people’s experiences and taking on different perspectives 2.2 Have a positive attitude Attitudes have a strong and long lasting effect on perception If one holds a negative attitude towards someone or something, our perception is undoubtedly going to be distorted We should make effort to have a positive attitude and should not let our personal biases to crop in and hinder the perceptual powers The postive attitude keeps you serene even when you are being unjustly accused, or when you are being spoken 10 to in a caustic, irritated, impatient manner that you could easily take offense to The positive attitude for smooth communication experiences is the attitude that expresses there is nothing going wrong here and there is nothing to worry about There is no need to struggle or compete for any particular outcome We are two individuals with purely good intentions for one another The only way of being right that really matters during communication is being in the right state, which is the state of inner peace, harmony, compassion and mutual respect and appreciation 2.3 Recognize how others have shaped your self-perception Our self-perception is also formed through our interactions with others and their reactions to us The concept of the looking glass self explains that we see ourselves reflected in other people’s reactions to us and then form our self-perception based on how we believe other people see us (Cooley, 1902) This reflective process of building our self-perception is based on what other people have actually said, such as “You’re a good listener,” and other people’s actions, such as coming to you for advice These thoughts evoke emotional responses that feed into our self-concept For example, you may think, “I’m glad that people can count on me to listen to their problems.” III Conclusion Our perceptions of ourselves will probably never be perfect How you perceive yourself may affect how you behave, but the relationship also works in reverse Our self-perceptions are often instilled in us before we have a say in them Learning to change how we see ourselves helps us find our hidden strengths, or improve weaknesses we didn't know we had, to get along better in life Beside, how we look at other people is how we perceive ourselves in our own history portrayed in the moment of your scrutiny of that other person Your perception of other people is important Improve your perception of other people by improving your own self How you will perceive another person’s character stems from your own character How you perceive another person’s integrity stems from your own integrity in light of the current situation We can improve self-perception by avoiding reliance on rigid schemata, thinking critically about socializing institutions, intervening in self-fulfilling prophecies, finding supportive interpersonal networks, and becoming aware of cycles of thinking 11 that distort our self-perception We can improve our perceptions of others by developing empathetic listening skills, becoming aware of stereotypes and prejudice, and engaging in self-reflection Perception checking is a strategy that allows us to monitor our perceptions of and reactions to others and communication 12 Report group Principles of communication business Members of team 7: Leader: Bui Thu Phuong Secretary: Nguyen Thi Lan Oanh Members: Duong Thi Thao Duong To Quyen Dinh Thi Thao Vu Thi Thao Tran Thi Le Quyen Place: C building,Thuong mai University Time: 6, April, 2021 Content for discuss: Each member gave the ideas about outline Each member found out the video related to the perception and chosen the the most suitable video Decided outline of how to improve perception of self and others Devided part of each members to complete Hanoi, 18 April, 2021 Secretary Leader Oanh Nguyễn Thị Lan Oanh 13 Report group Principles of communication business Members of team 7: Leader: Bui Thu Phuong Secretary: Nguyen Thi Lan Oanh Members: Duong Thi Thao Duong To Quyen Dinh Thi Thao Vu Thi Thao Tran Thi Le Quyen Place: C building,Thuong mai University Time: 12, April, 2021 Content for discuss: All members submited assignments for leader Tran Thi Le Quyen aggreated each assignment in a document Duong Thi Thao aggreated each individual slide in a powerpoint file Hanoi, 18 April, 2021 Secretary Leader Oanh Nguyễn Thị Lan Oanh Report group Principles of communication business Members of team 7: Leader: Bui Thu Phuong 14 Secretary: Nguyen Thi Lan Oanh Members: Duong Thi Thao Duong To Quyen Dinh Thi Thao Vu Thi Thao Tran Thi Le Quyen Place: C building,Thuong mai University Time: 16, April, 2021 Content for discuss: Edit the document All members try to find out the problem and fix it Hanoi, 18 April, 2021 Secretary Leader Oanh Nguyễn Thị Lan Oanh Report group Principles of communication business Members of team 7: Leader: Bui Thu Phuong Secretary: Nguyen Thi Lan Oanh Members: Duong Thi Thao Duong To Quyen Dinh Thi Thao Vu Thi Thao 15 Tran Thi Le Quyen Place: C building,Thuong mai University Time: 20, April, 2021 Content for discuss: Edit the document Aggreated the report Completed the discuss Hanoi, 18 April, 2021 Secretary Leader Oanh Nguyễn Thị Lan Oanh 16 Evaluation Scoreboard Name Task Mark Comment of teacher Bùi Thu Phương Introduction + analyze video + Definition Dương Tố Quyên Perception process Trần Thị Lệ Quyên Types of perception Nguyễn Thị Lan Oanh The importance of Dương Thị Thảo perception How to Vũ Thị Thảo perception of self? How to improve Đinh Thị Thảo perception of others? Conclusion + solution improve for first video 17 ... said that feedback is "based on past actions to modulate future behavior. " Both in biological systems or a computer in motion, through feedback can be adjusted behavior and control so that the goals... input, process, store, control the output of the automatic control system, so that everyone will be able to control the mind Their consciousness moderately adjusts to their thinking and behavior In... not only others, but also one that stretches you to become more loving, compassionate, and patient person It's an essential skill to master both for your personal and professional interactions