decorate the house clean the house get/buy new clothes paint the house buy cakes or candy buy some foods and drinks cook/make.. cakes What do you often.[r]
Good morning
(2)Unit 13
(3)decorate the house clean the house get/buy new clothes paint the house buy cakes or candy buy some foods and drinks cook/make
cakes What you often
(4)I Vocabulary pomegranat e : quả lựu peach blossoms : hoa đào
marigolds : cúc vạn thọ
dried watermelon
seeds : hạt dưa hấu
spring rolls :
(5)LABELING spring rolls peach blosso ms marigol ds dried waterme lon
seeds pomegrana
(6)a.Mrs Robinson wants ……… to go to the ………
b.Mrs Robinson wants some marigolds because they are ……… at Tet.
c.Mrs Robinson wants Liz to buy a packet of ……….
d.Mrs Robinson is asking Mrs Nga how to …… spring rolls.
Mr Robinson flower market traditio nal dried watermelon seeds make II.Listening
1 Listen to the conversation again and fill in the gapsThe Robinson family is making
(7)2.Listen again and complete the notes
Things to do
Mr Robinson: buy some beach blossoms and a bunch of flowers
Liz: pick up some candies and one packet of dried water melon
(8)V Homework:
-Do the exercise in workbook.
-Prepare: Lesson 4: Read