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Under the equal protection provision, no person may be denied equal protection under the laws.. Equal protection does not prohibit all differences in the way people are treated, but it r[r]


Sở giáo dục đào tạo Trờng THPT Lng Ti


Kì thi chọn giáo viên dạy giỏi cấp trờng

Năm học 2010 2011

M«n thi:

TiÕng Anh

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

(không kể giao đề)

Ngày thi: 29 tháng 10 năm 2010


Họ tên:……… số phách……… ………. Điểm:……… ( Bằng chữ:……….) số phách……… Choose the word with the different stress pattern.

Question A influential B opportunity C temperament D expectation

Question A government B employment C refusal D redundant

Question A improvement B occasion C believe D interest Question A industrial B interfere C develop D activity

Question A extremely B necessary C nesesity D co-operate Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one.

Question You should peel and chop the onion and then fry it A The onion should be peeled and chopped and then fried B The onion should be fried , peeled and chopped C The onion is peeled and chopped and fried

D The onion was peeled , chopped and fried

Question When you clean the machine, turn off the mains supply first A After you clean the machine, don’t forget to turn off the mains suplly B Before cleaning the machine , turn off the mains supply

C You turn off the mains supply after you clean the machine

D You should clean the machine when you turn off the mains supply Question Jane suggested buying a food processor

A Jane suggested them to buy a food processor B Jane suggested that they will buy a food processor C “ Let’s buy a food processor?” said Jane

D Jane suggested to buy a food processor

Question Noone has been to collect the rubbish this weekend A The rubbish have not been collected this weekend B The rubbish has been collected this weekend C The rubbish has not been collected this weekend

D The rubbish is not collected this weekend

Question 10 My parents wanted me to go to university but I didn’t fancy it A My parents wanted to go to university but I didn’t fancy it

B I didn’t fancy going to university as my parents did


D I hardly fancied going to university but for my parents’ wish

Choose the best answer for the following sentences.

Question 11 After centuries of foreign rule, the country regained its ………… in 1865.

A independence B empire C proximity D proclamation Question 12 I can’t employ him He doesn’t have any ……… experience.

A whatsoever B work C combat D inexplicable Question 13 Tom was wearing a suit, ………… was unsuitable for an informal gathering. A and B it C which D that

Question 14 In the summer vacation many American students work to earn money to pay their tuitions in the next school year ……… their parents are rich

A however B even though C still D yet

Question 15 By ……… excluding competition from an industry, governments have often created public service monopolies

A they adopt laws B laws are adopted C adopting laws D having laws adopt Question 16 Students have recently ……… prepare for having a job by more colleges and universities. A been helped B helped C to be helping D to help

Question 17 In many Western countries, a person who does not maintain good eye ………… is regarded as being a slightly suspicious, or dishonest person

A witness B sight C contact D glasses

Question 18 Bob keeps asking me for more and more homework I’ve never had such a ………… student. A helpless B repulsive C enthusiastic D skeptical

Question 19 ………… limit to the extent which human beings may benefit from their own inventive genius. A Not any B Has no C There is no D It not

Question 20 The light from a laser differs ………… produced by other sources, such as electric bulbs, fluorescent lamps, and the sun

A from the light B and the light C the light that is D the light can be Question 21 In addition to pleasure, ………… excitement, challenge, and relaxation.

A the providing of games B games if providing C the games which provide D games provide

Question 22 She often battles with her daughter ……… her irresponsibility for disposing ………… the garbage can

A against/ of B about/ away C against/ with D about/ of

Question 23 The Chinese widen their eyes to politely express anger, ………… the Europeans regard this expression as a sign of astonishment


Question 24 Today’s kids may be contributing more than parents are giving them ………… for. A faith B credit C belief D truth Question 25 Nobody likes coffee, _ ?

A does he B doesn’t he C they D don’t they Choose the underlined word or phrase in each of the sentences that needs correcting.

Question 26 The motorbike John rode into the race was lent to him by a friend. A B C D

Question 27 It has been deciding by the school that Thursday will be a school holiday. A B C D Question 28 My legal advisers have told me not to stay any much at this time.


Question 29 There is not definite decision yet about the venue of the next Olympic Games. A B C D

Question 30 By the time we reached the town centre it was packed with people going their shopping. A B C D

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 31 to 40

Example: (0) A situation B place C position D site

Environmental Concerns

Earth is the only (0) we know of in the universe that can support human life (31) human activities are making the planet less fit to live on As the western world carries on consuming two-thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's population so (32) to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the (33) resource we have by which all people can survive and prosper Everywhere fertile soil is (34) built on or washed into the sea Renewable resources are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover (35) We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences As a (36) the planet's ability to support people is being reduced at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are (37) increasingly heavy demands on it

The Earth's (38) resources are there for us to use We need food, water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (39) us fed, comfortable, healthy and active If we are sensible in how we use the resources they will (40) indefinitely But if we use them wastefully and excessively they will soon run out and everyone will suffer


Read the passage and choose the best answer.

Two fundamental rights in the US constitution are found in the fourteenth amendment: due process and equal protection

The due process provision protects persons from being "deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law" and the provision goes on to give the steps that must be followed to make sure the process is "fundamentally fair." A process is considered to be fundamentally fair if there has been due notice, a hearing, an unbiased fact finder, the opportunity to present evidence and to cross examine witnesses, and the right of appeal

Under the equal protection provision, no person may be denied equal protection under the laws Equal protection does not prohibit all differences in the way people are treated, but it requires that these differences be reasonable For cases involving the control of various businesses, and for ordinary cases, equal protection is fairly loose However, when classifications such as race, religion, or national minorities are involved, then the equal protection is enforced much more strictly This is also true when basic rights are involved: basic rights are voting, marriage, privacy, access to a court if one is needed, and travel between the states In these cases, the right of the government to treat people differently under the law is extremely limited

Due process and equal protection apply both to individuals and to businesses Although businesses may seem to be different from individuals, the law generally treats a registered business as a person

Question 41 What is the subject of this passage?

A civil liberties B the due process C American basic rights D equal protection Question 42 The word amendment is closest in meaning to …………

A modification B changeability C mending D variety Question 43 "Due process of law" signifies …………

A that nothing illegal has been done B that it is time for the law to be processed

C that the law has been properly applied D that no one has been deprived of their life or liberty Question 44 For a process to be "fundamentally fair" there must have been …………

A a trial with a judge and jury B an opportunity to present the evidence C an opportunity to question the evidence which has been presented D both B and C Question 45 The word unbiased is closest in meaning to …………

A unfair B passionate C unprejudiced D uninterested Question 46 According to the text, you cannot suffer a legal penalty if …………

A you have not been informed that there is a case against you B if you are to be deprived of your liberty

C if the case involves basic rights

D if you are not involved with marriage, voting, or minorities Question 47 "Equal protection" means …………

A that the constitution has been amended

B that businesses and people are treated the same C that due process of law is sometimes amended

D that everybody is entitled to the same protection under the law Question 48 Protection does not have to be exactly equal if …………

A nobody has complained to the court B the cases not involve sensitive issues C the cases only involve business D you are not traveling between the states Question 49 In the eyes of the law businesses are considered …………

A to be organized differently B to be the same as people

C not to be involved in due process D a part of the fourteenth amendment Question 50 Where would you find this text?


Sở giáo dục đào tạo Trờng THPT LƯƠng Tài


K× thi chọn giáo viên dạy giỏi cấp trờng

Năm học 2010 – 2011

M«n thi:

TiÕng Anh

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

(không kể giao đề)

Ngày thi: 29 tháng 10 năm 2010


Họ tên:……… số phách……… ………. Điểm:……… ( Bằng chữ:……….) số phách……… Choose the word with the different stress pattern.

Question A influential B opportunity C. temperament D expectation Question A. government B employment C refusal D redundant Question A improvement B occasion C believe D. interest

Question A industrial B. interfere C develop D activity

Question A extremely B. necessary C nesesity D co-operate Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one.

Question You should peel and chop the onion and then fry it A The onion should be peeled and chopped and then fried B The onion should be fried , peeled and chopped

C The onion is peeled and chopped and fried E The onion was peeled , chopped and fried

Question When you clean the machine, turn off the mains supply first A After you clean the machine, don’t forget to turn off the mains suplly B Before cleaning the machine , turn off the mains supply

C You turn off the mains supply after you clean the machine

D You should clean the machine when you turn off the mains supply Question Jane suggested buying a food processor

A Jane suggested them to buy a food processor B Jane suggested that they will buy a food processor C “ Let’s buy a food processor?” said Jane D Jane suggested to buy a food processor

Question Noone has been to collect the rubbish this weekend A The rubbish have not been collected this weekend B The rubbish has been collected this weekend C The rubbish has not been collected this weekend

E The rubbish is not collected this weekend

Question 10 My parents wanted me to go to university but I didn’t fancy it A My parents wanted to go to university but I didn’t fancy it

B I didn’t fancy going to university as my parents did


Choose the best answer for the following sentences.

Question 11 After centuries of foreign rule, the country regained its ………… in 1865.

A independence B empire C proximity D proclamation Question 12 I can’t employ him He doesn’t have any ……… experience.

A whatsoever B work C combat D inexplicable Question 13 Tom was wearing a suit, ………… was unsuitable for an informal gathering. A and B it C which D that

Question 14 In the summer vacation many American students work to earn money to pay their tuitions in the next school year ……… their parents are rich

A however B even though C still D yet

Question 15 By ……… excluding competition from an industry, governments have often created public service monopolies

A they adopt laws B laws are adopted C adopting laws D having laws adopt Question 16 Students have recently ……… prepare for having a job by more colleges and universities. A been helped B helped C to be helping D to help

Question 17 In many Western countries, a person who does not maintain good eye ………… is regarded as being a slightly suspicious, or dishonest person

A witness B sight C contact D glasses

Question 18 Bob keeps asking me for more and more homework I’ve never had such a ………… student. A helpless B repulsive C enthusiastic D skeptical

Question 19 ………… limit to the extent which human beings may benefit from their own inventive genius. A Not any B Has no C There is no D It not

Question 20 The light from a laser differs ………… produced by other sources, such as electric bulbs, fluorescent lamps, and the sun

A from the light B and the light C the light that is D the light can be Question 21 In addition to pleasure, ………… excitement, challenge, and relaxation.

A the providing of games B games if providing C the games which provide D games provide

Question 22 She often battles with her daughter ……… her irresponsibility for disposing ………… the garbage can

A against/ of B about/ away C against/ with D about/ of

Question 23 The Chinese widen their eyes to politely express anger, ………… the Europeans regard this expression as a sign of astonishment


A faith B credit C belief D truth Question 25 Nobody likes coffee, _ ?

A does he B doesn’t he C they D don’t they Choose the underlined word or phrase in each of the sentences that needs correcting.

Question 26 The motorbike John rode into the race was lent to him by a friend.


Question 27 It has been deciding by the school that Thursday will be a school holiday. A B C D

Question 28 My legal advisers have told me not to stay any much at this time. A B C D

Question 29 There is not definite decision yet about the venue of the next Olympic Games. A B C D

Question 30 By the time we reached the town centre it was packed with people going their shopping. A B C D

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 31 to 40

Example: (0) A situation B place C position D site

Environmental Concerns

Earth is the only (0) we know of in the universe that can support human life (31) human activities are making the planet less fit to live on As the western world carries on consuming two-thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's population so (32) to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the (33) resource we have by which all people can survive and prosper Everywhere fertile soil is (34) built on or washed into the sea Renewable resources are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover (35) We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences As a (36) the planet's ability to support people is being reduced at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are (37) increasingly heavy demands on it

The Earth's (38) resources are there for us to use We need food, water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (39) us fed, comfortable, healthy and active If we are sensible in how we use the resources they will (40) indefinitely But if we use them wastefully and excessively they will soon run out and everyone will suffer

Question 31 A Although B Still C Despite D Yet Question 32 A already B just C for D entirely Question 33 A alone B individual C lone D lonely Question 34 A sooner B neither C either D rather Question 35 A quite B greatly C utterly D completely Question 36 A development B result C reaction D product Question 37 A doing B having C taking D making Question 38 A natural B real C living D genuine Question 39 A hold B maintain C stay D keep Question 40 A last B stand C go D remain


Two fundamental rights in the US constitution are found in the fourteenth amendment: due process and equal protection

The due process provision protects persons from being "deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law" and the provision goes on to give the steps that must be followed to make sure the process is "fundamentally fair." A process is considered to be fundamentally fair if there has been due notice, a hearing, an unbiased fact finder, the opportunity to present evidence and to cross examine witnesses, and the right of appeal

Under the equal protection provision, no person may be denied equal protection under the laws Equal protection does not prohibit all differences in the way people are treated, but it requires that these differences be reasonable For cases involving the control of various businesses, and for ordinary cases, equal protection is fairly loose However, when classifications such as race, religion, or national minorities are involved, then the equal protection is enforced much more strictly This is also true when basic rights are involved: basic rights are voting, marriage, privacy, access to a court if one is needed, and travel between the states In these cases, the right of the government to treat people differently under the law is extremely limited

Due process and equal protection apply both to individuals and to businesses Although businesses may seem to be different from individuals, the law generally treats a registered business as a person

Question 41 What is the subject of this passage?

A civil liberties B the due process C American basic rights D equal protection Question 42 The word amendment is closest in meaning to …………

A modification B changeability C mending D variety Question 43 "Due process of law" signifies …………

A that nothing illegal has been done B that it is time for the law to be processed

C that the law has been properly applied D that no one has been deprived of their life or liberty Question 44 For a process to be "fundamentally fair" there must have been …………

A a trial with a judge and jury B an opportunity to present the evidence C an opportunity to question the evidence which has been presented D both B and C Question 45 The word unbiased is closest in meaning to …………

A unfair B passionate C unprejudiced D uninterested Question 46 According to the text, you cannot suffer a legal penalty if …………

A you have not been informed that there is a case against you B if you are to be deprived of your liberty

C if the case involves basic rights

D if you are not involved with marriage, voting, or minorities Question 47 "Equal protection" means …………

A that the constitution has been amended

B that businesses and people are treated the same C that due process of law is sometimes amended

D that everybody is entitled to the same protection under the law Question 48 Protection does not have to be exactly equal if …………

A nobody has complained to the court B the cases not involve sensitive issues C the cases only involve business D you are not traveling between the states Question 49 In the eyes of the law businesses are considered …………

A to be organized differently B to be the same as people

C not to be involved in due process D a part of the fourteenth amendment Question 50 Where would you find this text?

Ngày đăng: 14/05/2021, 20:00
