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Unit 1 English 9 Period16

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Nội dung

- gets feedback and then check the answers - asks them to write full sentences, using the simple past tense. - invites Ss to write their ans[r]




I Objectives: By the end of this unit SS will be able to : - Making and responding to introductions

- Reading the text to understand about the country, (Malaysia, ASEAN) -Listening to the tape to choose the right answers

- Writing a letter to your friends / relatives to talk about the trip II Languages:

-The past simple tense

-Wish –clause( present wishes) III.Vocabulary:

- Name of ASEAN coutries; the words about places, city… IV Procedure:

Lesson 1: Getting Started + Listen and Read Lesson 2: Speak

Lesson 3: Listen Lesson 4: Read Lesson 5: Write

Lesson 6: Language Focus

Period: 1 Date of preparing:………

Date of teaching:…………

Unit 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 1: Getting Started and Listen & Read A Objectives:


Knowledge :

At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know some famous places in Viet Nam, understand Maryam/s trip to Ha Noi and know to use Wish-Clause(Type 1) II

Skills : Listening, Reading and Speaking III Attitude:

SS love their country with the famous places and know to talk the wishes B.Teaching aids : book, radio, poster

C Methods: PPP D Procedures: I

Settlement :

Class 9A 9B 9C

Dateof teaching II

Warm-up : Braistorming :

Have you ever been to any famous places in VietNam or in the world.?


- Ha Long Bay,…… I

Getting started: Matching *) Answer key:

a,Den Hung festival d ,National museumNationa Theater b,The Temple of Literature e, Food stall

c,Dong Xuan market f, Nha Rong Harbor

T: asks Ss to match the phrases with the pictures and then gets feedback Ss: work in groups and then give their answers

T: gives the situation:” your foreign pen pal is coming to stay with you What places would you take him to?

I’d take him / her to…………

Ss: asks and answer the question in pairs and then present their ideas III New lesson:

Teacher/s activities Ss/ activities

*)Lead-in: Introduce Mariam- Lan’s penal -> Lead in the lesson

1.Presentation: a.Act.1:



- (to) correspond : trao đổi thư tín -> correspondence (n)

-(to)impress: gây ấn tượng, để lại ấn tượng

-> impression(N) - friendly(adj.) thân thiện

-> friendliness(N) - mosque(N) : nhà thờ Hồi Giáo - (to) pray (mime)

What & Where b.Act.2:


Set the scene: Lan – Maryam is a pen pal

1.? Guess places in Ha Noi they visited b.Act.2: Guiding questions

2 Questions:

1, Where is Maryam from? 2, Was this their first meeting?

3, Where did Lan take Maryam to go?

- Listen and take notes

- Answer T’s questions

- Repeat chorally- individually

- Give the meaning& make sentences - Close their books & match the words

with the Vietnamese meaning

SS can guess base on their understanding

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Yes, it was

Hoan Kiem lake, Uncle Ho/s



-Hangs on the questions and gives the instructions

- Plays the tape twice - Gets feedback

- Plays the tape again IV Grammar: 1 Wish - clause

What did Lan say at the end of the text ? What is the meaning of “wish”?

What ‘s the tense of “had”? Vietnamese meaning


+Meaning & form: express the wishes that are unreal in the present

S1 + wish +S2+V (simple past)

Note: to be  were


Ex1: Multiple Choice.(Page 7) Worship: nơi thờ cúng

*) answer key:

1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B

- Hangs on the task & explains the way - Asks Ss to read the text again and complete the task

- Gets feedback & checks 3.Further practice:

Make sentences with : “wish”

1.You don’t know how to use a computer 2.Your city is small

3.You sing badly

4.Your house is far from your school 5.You can’t swim


-Listen and then share their answers in pairs

- Check their answers, - Take notes

I wish I had a longer vacation

S1 + wish +S2+V simple past

Note: to be  were

- repeat the model sentence - Draw the form and use

- Read through the task

- Work in groups to share their ideas - Give their choices & explain the reason

->1 I wish I knew how to use a computer

2.I wish my city were big I wish I sang well

4.I wish my house were near my school 5.I wish I could swim


- Asks Ss to work in pairs to talk about the topic - Revises Ss with the way to use Wish-clause V.Homework:

- Asks Ss to revise the lesson : “ Write sentences with wish to express your wishes present”; Do Ex 7(10)

- Asks Ss to prepare: Speak VI Evaluation:


-Period: 2 Date of preparing:………

Date of teaching:………


A Objectives:

I Knowledge: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to Practice introducing themselves & how to response

II Skills: Listening & Speaking. III

Attitude : SS can introduce yourself confidently.

B.Teaching aids : poster, knowledge of yourself information C.Methods :PWP Speaking


I Settlement: Greets and checks attendance

Class 9A 9B 9C

Date of teaching II Revision : Role play

If you want to introduce yourself to your friends ? What will you say out? ( name/ age/ hobbies…)

T: asks or pairs to introduce themselves and ask and answer about their information

III New lesson:

Teacher/s activities Ss/ activities *)Lead-in: : Introduces you and your

friends to make a conversation 1.Pre-listening:

a)Act.1: Making and respoding introductions

How to respond to your friends’introductions?

Making - Hello, I’m… -Let me

introduce myself.I… -Do you want to know something about myself? I…

Responding Nice to meet you Pleased…

Really? Me, too

b.Act.2: Matching dialouge -Open your books on p.8

? Who’s talking in this conversation? ( Nga and Maryam)

- try out and repeat chorally- individually - give the meaning & pronunciation - read and rewrite them on the board

- base on the pictures ,work in groups and write their answers on the board


They are waiting for Lan out side Lan’school

- writes the phrases on the board and asks Ss to match them with the pictures

- asks the whole to check Eg.

Nga: Hello You must be Yoko Yoko: That is right I am

Nga: Pleased to meet you Let me introduce myself I am Nga

Yoko:Pleased to meet you Nga Are you one of Lan/s classmate?

Nga: Yes, I am Are you enjoying your staying in VN?

Yoko: Yes I like Vietnamese people and I love old cities in VN


- explains the task and elicits the used language from Ss

- asks them to work in pairs While Speaking:

c Act3.Role adoption(3a) Nga


Prescribed role play (3b)

Let ss read information statements to show people/ country/ their hobbies… Divide class into groups (Yoko; Paul; Jane)

G1: Maryam’sfriend’s name is Yoko She…

Post - Speaking

Let’s introduce base on them - invites pairs to practice - corrects if necessary

* Advanced level for class 9A: Role play:

Everyone, I’d like you to close your books and turn back in pairs

No is HaLongese No is an Interviewer

- follow teacher/s

- listen and choose the correct answers - work in groups & share their ideas - listen and check their results

- speak out their choices

- check and choose the correct ones


- make the model with teacher

- pair work, taking turns to be Paul and then Jane

- make the dialogue - correct themselves

-How far is it from HaLong to HaNoi? -Which famous places can you take me to? -Is there a university in HaLong?

-Where can I buy some sea products/food? +It’s about 120km


- You are an interviewer, If you

want to know about HaLong city,How will you make questions?

- With these questions , to be

HaLongese, how can you answer?

=>Now class,You are an interviewer and HaLongese; play in roles

+Yes, there is

+You can buy them at the market/ supermarket……


- uses post-listening activity V.Homework:

- asks Ss to learn vocabulary at home - asks Ss to write it at home Eg My friend is Yoko She…………

- asks Ss to prepare: Listen VI Evaluation:


Period: 3 Date of preparing:………

Date of teaching:………


A Objectives:

I Knowledge: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to Listen and understand the

content of the dialogue about Jim's trip to U.S.A

II Skills: Listening & Speaking

III Attitude: SS can practice speak freedomly B Teaching aids : book, Radio

C Methods : PWP Listening D.Procedures:

I Settlement: Greets and checks attendance

Class 9A 9B 9C

Date of teaching II Revision: Chatting

Have you got any penpal?

How you talk to each other?

III New lesson:

Teacher/s activities Ss/ activities

*)Lead-in: Introduces Carlo and his trip to American

Activity 1: Vocabulary:

-Where can you have meals when you are outside?

I Vocabulary:


- What’s the job of Mr.Nam? in Vietnamese

- symnonym with “near”

- When we go along the streets with green grass, what rules can you remember ?


1.Pre-Listening: * Set the scence:

Have you ever take a trip along thestreets

How to make a trip? Tim Jones’s Mexican penpal,Carlo,is visiting the USA

* Look at the pictures on p.9 Do you think they are the same?

What’s the differences between P1&P2 in pictures

a.p1:We aren’t allowed to walk on grass

P2:we aren’t allowed to pick flowers)

b.P1: The bus is red and No is 103 P2: The bus is blue and No 130 c P1: it’s the Mexican restaurant P2: it’s humberger( American) Act.2.Open – Prediction:

Can you guess which pictures they talk about?

-Individual -Compare -Show to T


Act.3: Listen and check the number of the correct pictures (P.9)

*)Answer key: a,1 ; b,2 ; c,2 - instructs Ss to read the phrases - introduces the dialogue about Carlo/s trip.

- plays the tape twice

- asks Ss to share their results

ăn uống

- park-keeper: nhân viên bảo vệ - close to: gần , sát với

- kill: dẫm chân lên, đạp… - grass: cỏ

- catch- caught: đón , bắt…

* try out and repeat chorally- individually - give the meaning & pronunciation

- read and rewrite them on the board

- base on the pictures ,work in groups and write their answers on the board

- check their answers and read them out

- follow teacher/s

Pictures Guess Listen




- listen and choose the correct answers - work in groups & share their ideas - listen and check their results

- speak out their choices


- plays the tape again - gets feedback - plays the tape again 3.Post-listening:

Act.4: Maped dialogue -Divide class into groups(Carlo/Jones)

-Elicits SS to make questions & answers


Complete the dialogue

Act.4: Recall:

- Divide class in to groups of


- Give them the words given - Write on posters

- Recall

- make the model with teacher

Carlo Jones

Are you hungry? Shall we go through……?

Is ….convenient and easy to catch?

Where … eat? I love it

V, let’s go V,we can catch ….on … street V,That’s No … It’s up to you thereis….restaurant 1.They /hungry


3.First/ they/can/ walk/then/they /catch/buc/Ocean Drive

4.They/like/walk/the park/because/it/beautiful 5.They /love/American food/so/they /hamburger IV.Consolidation:

- uses post-listening activity V.Homework:

- asks Ss to learn vocabulary at home - asks Ss to prepare: Read- P.7


Period: 4 Date of preparing:………

Date of teaching:………



I Knowledge: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:


III.Attitude: SS study harder when they read about Malaysia and relates to VietNam ; Asean countries

B Teaching aids: book, posters, maps… C.Methods: PWP Reading


I Settlement: Greets and checks attendance

Class 9A 9B 9C

Date of teaching II Warm up: Guessing Ganes

? What you know about this word? (ASEAN)

Members of the Association of South East Asia Nations

?How many countries are there?What are they?(Brunei Darusalam; Kingdom of Cambodia; King dom of Thailand; Republic of Indonesia; Singapore; Philipines; Laos People’s Democratic Republic; Socialist Republic of VietNam; Federation of Malaysia)

Choose and write name of country you like on your book Keep it in secret

Other Guess Is it ………….?

? Which countries you like to visit Why?

III.New lesson:

Teacher/s activities Ss/ activities *)Lead-in: T: uses the map of the

South East Asian Nations. ? What is this

? How many countries are there in the South East Asian Nations

? Which country is this Do you know its capital? - introduces the lesson 1.Pre-reading:

a)Act.1: Vocabulary

- The Vietnamese word for “Bac, Trung , Nam”

- What word we call for : Dạo Phat…”

We must something =that’s mean

Antonym To be cut

Vietnam dong, dollars “ What & Where”

- asks Ss to guess the meaning: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam

-answer the Qs:

This is a map of 10: Viet Nam, Laos, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

I Vocabulary:

- region (n) vùng miền - religion (n) tôn giáo - compulsory (a) bắt buộc - optional (a)không bắt buộc - be separated by (v) bị phân chia - Unit of currency (n) đơn vị tiền tệ - comprise (v)bao gồm


b)Act.2: Open prediction(Part a-P.10)

- hangs on the Grids and explains the task

- asks Ss to work in groups to guess the information about Malaysia

- gets feedback 2.While-reading

a)Act.1: Read the text & check the predictions.

*)Answer key:

1.Area: 329,758 sq Km

2.Population: Over 22 millions 3.Climate: Tropical

4.Unit of currency: Ringgit 5.Capital city: Kuala Lumpur 6.Official religion: Islam 7.National language: Bahasa Malaysia

8.Compulsory Second language: English

- asks Ss to read the text to check their predictions

- gets feedback

b)Act.2: Read the text and

choose the statements True(T) or False (F) (P.10)

*)Answer key:

1.T, 2.F, 3.F, 4.F; 5.F

- hangs the statements on the poster

- asks Ss to read the text again - gets feedback

- asks them to work in pairs 3.Post-reading:

Matching: Match the name of coutries with their capital city 1-h ; 2-g ; 3- f ; 4- c ; 5- d ; 6- j; 7- b ; 8-e ; 9- a; 10-i

-read it in Ms & pick out the information - give their answers and explain

- reads through the statements

- reads it individually and then share their ideas in groups

- give their answers and explain and then correct the false statements

- make the model with teacher

1 VietNam 2.Malaysia 3.Singapore 4.Indonesia 5.Philippines 6.Laos

7.Cambodia 8.Myanmar 9.Thailand 10.Brunei

a.Bangkok b.Phnompenh c.Jakarta d.Manila e.Yangool f.Singapore g.Kuala Lumpur h.HaNoi

i.Begawan jVietiane - ask and answer in Ms



- asks Ss to summarize the information about Malaysia, using T/F statements V.Homework:

- asks Ss to revise the simple past at home ; 1(5); 2(6) - asks Ss to prepare: Write- P.11

VI Evaluation:

Period: 5

Date of preparing:……… Date of teaching:………

Unit1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 5: Write


I Knowledge: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

Revise the simple past and write a letter about activities their did in their last vacation II Skills: Writing

B.Teaching aids:

C.Methods: PWP Writing D.Procedures:

I Settlement: Greets and checks attendance

Class 9A 9B 9C

Date of teaching

II Checking: Find Someone Who…… (5’)

Have you ever been to…? How …get there? Name HaNoi?

Ho Chi Minh City? Vinpearl land? Big C ?

Nam/ car

- SS copy the table - T-SS as a model

- Go around class to complete the table - Retell your information please!

Nam is my friend He has been to Ha Noi He got there by car.

III New lesson:

Teacher/s activities Ss/ activities *)Lead-in: Chatting

- asks some Qs about Ss/ summer vacation

?What did you in your summer vacation ?

-answer the Qs individually

I went to see my relatives


? Where did you go ?

? Did you visit your friends?

- introduces the tasks of the lesson 1.Pre-writing: (5’)

a)Act.1: Brainstorm

- presents the Net and focuses Ss on the past activities

- asks Ss to work in groups and list out the activities they did

Set the scene: “ Imaginze you are visiting your relatives or your friends”

- Base on the net and I’ll help you with some questions

1 Where are you?

2.When did you arrive there?

3.Who met you and took you to her house?

4.What have you done? 5.What food have you tried 6.What have you bought? Where have you visited? 8.How you feel?

9.When will you return home? 2.While-writing(15’)

a)Act.1: Write a letter to your family and talk to about your vacation.

? What form of the letter?How many parts are there?What are you going to write in each part?

- asks the Ss to write the letter ( 100 words), using the information they listed out in ‘Brainstorm’- questions

- follow teacher/s

- share their ideas in groups

- speak out their activities in their summer vacation

I Questionares: (5’)

What did you last summer vacation? I…………

II Writing(25’)

Heading: date,

Opening: Dear………., Letter

Body build: (out line) Closing

Dong Trieu, 5th September,2010

Dear parents,

I’m having a wonderful trip in Ha Noi I arrived at Gia Lam Station at last Monday Lan took me to her house by a taxi

What you did

Activities in your last summer vacation

How you feel

Food you eat

Things you bought People you

meet Places you


- notes: Vpast form - goes round to help Ss 3.Post-writing:

Exhibition( 10’)

- asks Ss to go to the B.B and write their letter

- asks the whole to give comments - asks them to correct their work

On the first day, she took me to visit many famous palces in Ha Noi We ate special food as nem, pho…

On the second day, we went to Dong Xuan Market, I bought some books and some pens for my new school years.We have gone to Ha Noi flag and visited Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum

Tomorrow , we will go to My Dinh stadum to watch a football match between The Cong vs Hoang Anh….I will come back home next Saturday See you later

Lovely, Phuong

- share and compare their work - correct their letter


- asks the Ss to ask and answer the following Qs: ? What did you in your last vacation. ? What places did you visit.

? Who did you meet. V.Homework:

- asks Ss to complete their letter and exercises 5,6-P.8,9 ( workbook) at home - asks Ss to prepare: Language Focus - P.11

E Evaluation:

Period: 6 Date of preparing:………

Date of teaching:………

Unit1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 6: Language Focus


I Knowledge: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Revise the simple past and practice further in Wish-clause (Type 1) II Skills: Writing and Speaking.

III Attitude: Get acquainted with doing the exercises to improve how to practise in writing annd speaking



Class 9A 9B 9C Date of teaching

II Revision: Pelmanism(5’)

1.see  saw 4.go 7.live

2.buy 5.paint 8.to be

3.play 6.know 9.make

III New lesson:

Teacher/s activities Ss/ activities 1.Act.1: Vocabulary(5’)

Slap the board

2 Act.2: Dialogue Build(5’)

Ask and answer about each person did on the weekend.(P.11)

Set the scene:

- T elicits SS to make a model dialogue T-WC

Half –half

-Underlined ? the actions she did in present or the past?

- asks Ss to work in pairs

- invites pairs to ask and answer about the information on the Grids

- helps Ss to correct

3 Act.3: Write the things Lan and her friends did for the party.(P.12)(5’) Look at the pictures on P.12

What are they doing (1-5)? - buy flowers (Picture 3) - hang colorful lamps…

It’s time for Maryam to leave VietNam Today, Lan and her friends are holding a farewell party

- hangs the task on the poster and asks Ss to match the verbs with the phrases

- gets feedback and then check the answers - asks them to write full sentences, using the simple past tense

- invites Ss to write their ans on the b.b - asks the whole to check

4.Act.4: Rewrite the sentences, using


- ado = a bad problem: điều phiền toái - Ghosts and Monsters:Ma quỉ quái vật

- farewell party: tiệc chia tay II.Making dialogues (Ex1)

Hai: What did Ba on the weekend? Hoa: He went to see the movies called “ Ghosts and Monster ”.

Hai: When did he see?

Hoa: ( He saw it) on Saturday afternoonat two o’clock.

III.What did they for the party: (Ex2)

1 They make a cake

2 They colorful lamps 3.They bought some flowers

4 They painted a pictures of HaNoi They went shopping

- give the meaning and read through all the phrases

- give the way to use simple past - make the model with teacher - pair work in Ms


Wish- clause (Type 1).(P.12).(5’) *)Model:

-Vuong does not have a computer at home

Vuong wishes he had a computer


S1 + wish + S2 + V(past)

to be were

? The usage of Wish- clause ? Form

* Speaking- Writing(5’) *)Answer key:

b,I wish it were not hot It were cold/ cool

c,I wish I had a computer

i,I wish there were some rivers and lakes in my hometown

- elicits the model from the Ss and then write it on the b.b

- revises the meaning, use and the form - asks them to complete Exer

- gets feedback

- asks the whole to check * Advanced class: (9A)

? What would you if you had wishes?

correct themselves IV Wish – Clause:

S1 + wish + S2 + V(past )

to be were

- work in groups, basing on the pictures - speak out their answers

- write the full sentences individually - write them on the board

- check the sentences with teacher

IV Consolidation :

- asks the Ss to revise the simple past and compare Vpast form in indicative mood and the one in subjunctive mood

- Test 15’ (Khảo sát chất lượng đầu năm ) Test 1 I Choose the best answers(3.p)

1.You must be Joko ( A Yes, am I B Yes C That’s right I am) 2.This is my new friend, Hoa

A Nice to meet you B Good luck, Hoa C Bye I wish you…………here with us now

A are B were C will be II Rewrite sentences(4.p)

1 I can’t swim I wish………

2 Lan doesn’t play the piano well Lan wishes………


They used to………

II. Write a letter to your friends or family to talk about your trip to some famous places in last summer.(3.p)


-Test 2 I Choose the best answers(3.p)

1.Would you like to come to visit me next week?

A Yes, am I B Yes C That would be great! 2.Hello, Nice to meet you , Hoa

A Nice to meet you, too B Good luck, Hoa C Bye I wish you…………to me in English

A speak B spoke C will speak II Rewrite sentences(4.p)

1 He is very poor

He wishes……… I never come to class on time

I wish………

3.They usually wore a white shirt when they are at school They used to………

4.Nam often played games in the afternoon Nam used to………

III Write a letter to your friends or family to talk about your trip to some famous places in last summer.(3.p)

V Homework:

- asks Ss to exercise 7-P.10 and 8-P.11( workbook) at home

- asks Ss to prepare: Unit 2: Getting started & Listen and Read (P.13) E Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 14/05/2021, 09:51


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