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songs and poems for school 5 11 klasses kaufman marianna kaufman klara

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t I t'IairykKta*tu I AHrnun Ka-r'-f*-ar,t'lt: ,t,r,, ,',,','t"."tttt'' cKwn A 3bl I ttr tfl,$, filil&.il -r-I il " "f, r - - Ir IilI -rr,f rr rf -rr_*ilrr - -f L- kg - -I Ln4 Bm5 5g K Co4epx(aHrre The ABC song A sonnet to a friend In ten years Let's celebrate Christmas nonsense Christmas star When I was one .7 .9 .10 11 I2 Somebody likes chocolates 19 What did you do? t4 Hello, Doctor Drew! .1S A ballad of Stonehenge L6 Nothing is forever 18 year? How long will it take from today to New 19 Manners, manners 21 Have you ever lost? 22 ioke October party Waiting at the window The birthday child What you read? Giraffe Pilgrims' song A Clothes .25 26 .27 2g 29 .52 will come in, clothes will go out 5s They'll be proud of me one Just in my dreams The Maple Leaf forever Leaves of autumn I'll find my only way Or 24 asropoB day 54 57 41 42 44 l4*t'a-"ut^/tu 9( Y -kLra- Ka"'-f''au The ABC song Jl flpocnyurailre necHlo o6 anQaBhre llpovrarahte u nepeBeAhre ee A - an apple B -abat C {J o @ n (n o J (o - a clever city cat D-adogand E F- the East a fat and funny fish G -agloomygentleman H - a happy hippy hen I | - an iceberg very far a iinni in a iar K-akiteand L -alog M-amonsteronamop N-anetand O-anox P -apostmanwithabox a - Elizabeth the Queen R - a ruby in the ring S - a seagull in the sea T -atigerinatree U -aUFO V-avan XW Y Z a woman in the wood an X-ray -ayak - a zebra in the zoo ITpunea:ABCDEFG HIIKLMN OPQRST UVW XYZ -4- Fr Sur'',gs a-,ud- Pfe-t-s ilJ i fn, SaLaorL i tl a O flponofiTe necHto BMecre c ilcnonHrTeneuvl HafiANre B necHe He3HaKoMbre BaM c/roBa, nepeBeAhre ux c noMolt1blo cnoBapfl 14 conocTaBbTe KapThHKl4 co cTpot{KaMh h3 necHh HailANre noAxoAeutyro KaprrHKy Ane raxAofr 6yreur J} Cnofire necHlo caM n, ncnonb3ys onopHbre KaprvHKV A-an@ Ld N-a B_ o- C-aclevercitv P_ D-"ffi a-ffi b and F - a fat and funny G - a gloomy @ 'ffiinthe@ r"Wina@ u_as, H-ahappvl I-an K-a "w R-'ffiinthe E-the l-a and very far in the ffi v_"@ru w-"&intheW x-""&4 and L-a Y-a M-a Z-a in the {rd -5- '-:i Sur'.rgs a-'rud- Pre-tn-s tt#-;' -' fn, ScLooL j In ten years With your friends ask and answer: What will happen to you next Make predictions and telt the class about each other fr fr week? K vanuqhKy, nonaBueMy h3 Hacroeu{ero BpeMeHil e XVI BeK, noAounvl Tpoe pe6nr, o Koropbrx oH Hr4qero He 3Haer fioeroMy, orBet{an Ha nx Bonpocbt, oH qacro olur6aercs flpovrrailTe crhxorBopeHne.4 peuhre, KaK[e npeAcKa3aHtn Moryr c6ulrucs e XVI BeKe, a KaKhe Her = o f Listen to the song "ln ten years" and sing atong Match the pictures of the children with the predictions o o UI In ten years What will happen to me? In ten years Where will I be? Will I be happy? Will I be alone? Will I travel round the world? Will I stay at home? In ten years you'll be twenty-one, You'll travel round the world and you'll have fun You'll go to Scotland and you'll go to Spain You'll travel by car, by bus and by plane In ten years you'll be a famous star You'll have a small dog and a very big car You'll buy a nice house with a swimming pool And your friends will say, "She's really cool!" In ten years you'Il be twenty-two You will be a vet and you'll work at the zoo You'll love your iob and you'll never be late And the tigers and lions will think, "He is great." -7 - i€ t*+, Slr r) o ? Christmas rxtnsense These words witl hetp'you understand the song' nonsense - sd nePaa6ePrxa 'Shop till too 90 cttustKoM - you drop" - xoglrrb no'.ltara3ru$aM' troKa Read the tyrics and say: Which Which of them doesn't he like? of these thlngs 'He ynaAelub does the man like? watching TV, shopping, looking fur presents, going to parties, cold weather, getting a Christmas tree fl Repeat the tyrics after the speaker Oh,'this Christmas nonsensel When will it stop? You go to the High Street, And shoP till You droP! " You look for some Presents, tsut what can You buY? ' You write letters to Santa, But he'll never reply i i "J I J I t I You have, to go to Parties, When You can wateh TV You go out in cold weather, And get a Christmas tree So, thank You, but netrer! No Christmas for me! fr Listen to the song and sing atong Christmas star fl Listen to the song and say what it is about about a star about Santa Claus r about Christmas presents fr Listen to the lyrics and repeat after the speaker Look up and see the sky, And find the magie star, And make your wishl, and close,your e)res, 'Cause Christmas isn't farz Refrain: Talk to the star, Wish on a stars The star will hear you Talk to the star, Wish on a star, The star will rnake your dreams come true4 Eniry this magic time, 'With family and friends And wish that eyes will always shine, ^A.nd I I,[ 3ara,4afi cgoe x(eJraHre ('cause llilzl - coKpallleHile or because) noroMy rrro cKopo PoxAectss gara,4aft gBeg4e xeJranrrg fl isy will never ends M@X(ET s I{ noxeJrafi, uro6bl flIaga Bcer,qa cr{rfl,n t, a pa4ocrb He 3aKaHrrrdBaJracb ilCNONH}TTb TBO}I MEqTbI Listen to the song and sing along TheY'll be Proud of me one day fr Read parents' the tist of probr.ems that teenagers may have with their written a song about John has simil.ar problems with his parents He has it Listen to the text and tick au the probl.ems that John mentions Parents make their children chores' Parents nag their children Parents don't give their children any pocket Parents control their children' Parents let their children down Parents don't understand their children Parents don't respect their children f-; their children's friends ls parents always want to know what's going on in their L2 Parents don't like r*l*-t*i-i -+ i-, i money' r** -: -* 'rr** Parents don't trust their children' _* g parents check that their children have done their homework : should be 10 parents don,t let their children decide who they 1L Parents hate their children's girlfriends / boyfriends' H,fr*i .-*.- i- children's life L4 Parents don't like their children's music 15 Parents don't pay attention to their children L6 Parents punish their children for everything i - +'_ i +* * ti t *j.*i -'-1*^l, I -*r- **' ;i -.-*-t*"*-l** l*iiri *r** i*-i-*i i-;- i*{-*-i*- -' i il T-i iitii - *: i'* i-i*-li i i I ii - i-|.- l-+ -*j- i " ii-***r -i-.'iiil i!"i i)ii + ' **i, I i I i i i i 'i; "i" - iiiti -! - + -' 1-****f - 'T*- _-Fii Read text of the song 'They,[[ be proud of me one day" and answer the questions What problems does Iohn have with his parents? fed up with? is Lv Iohn rrrreL What 2' tY lohn's parents have with him? problems Yltr(lu What vto l'rv! Does Iohn understand his own faults? are the most important in his say trr ooes |ohn uay things does Wnat trungs What 5' 'orrrr relationship with his parents? i* i,"* 'Welhft]:p€$erss'EFe firre; I san't complain, , But there are things that they'll have to orplein ,-: ThBT cant,stanu*1my'mtrsie;;mv dcthes ard tny matiis,"' And they nag me for days'if I csrrc hdme tate j " But when r sairthdt I've grown up anil ne'ed rny *pht., They don't listen They iust make a clever face They control me no'-matter how much I obiect They don't understand a thing about respect I\dy parerfts are choosing who I should : be, But why don't they leave the decision to me? They never forget to say what they expect, But what about friendship, trust and respect? And then they talk about my future and success, I don't listen because I couldn't care less I upset them because I always disobey, But I hof they will be pnrud of me one day I'm quite cool, my parents shouldn't complain, But there are things that I'll have to explain I get on their neryes and I drive them mad, So now is the time to say sorry for that But then they talk about my future and success, I don't listen because I couldn't care less I upset thern because I always disobey, But I hope they will be prmid of me one day Express some of the ideas from the song in your own words Use the words and phrases tldrit: Iohn admits that his parents are cool, but he would like them to explain some things John would like his parents / wants them / expects his parents Iohn wouldn't like his parents / doesn't want his parents / doesn't expect his parents fohn's parents would like him I want him / expect him / make him / lethim |ohn's parents wouldn't like him / don't want him / don't expect him / don't let him Iohn refuses / hopes / admits / complains / agrees / thinks' Listen to the song and sing atong : -*t* 4* : '.,.'-i*" t: "t* : '; ,1.* -, .-*4\, 'Iust'.in,my drearns fr Listen tothe tyrics and repeat after,the speaker' We have already'gone out 'I held 'your hand and we'kissed.i i ; I've stolen you from the crowd 'But it hafpened'iuet in my drearns ,It'happened iust in my dreams Refrain: Just in my dreams you trust me again, Just in my dreams I don't feel the pain Iust in my dreams we aren't so apdrt Just in my dreams you let me into your heart You let me into your heart I thought I could be your friend I always tried to be near But there's no sense to pretend and nolv I want you to hear Refrain: Just in my dreams you trust me again, Iust in my drearns I don't feel the pain Iust in rny drearns we.aren't so apart Just in my dreams you let me into your heart You let me into your heart We'll never have a first dance There'll be no letters, no dates, Unless you give me a chance, Unless I finally say That all I can think of is you and your eyes, I've never felt that before, it even makes mb stirprised, That all I can wish for is two simple things, Please iust look at me and let me into your dreams, Oh, let me into your dreams ' ff Listen to the song and sing al.ong i' The Maple Leaf forever In Days of yore, from Britain's shore, Wolfe, the dauntless hero came, And planted firm Britannia's flag, On Canada's fair domain Here may it wave, our boast, our Pride, And ioined in love together, The thistle, shamrock, rose entwine, {: :t o > t,o o t-: Oi The Maple Leaf forever! 9li -ll -h o -| o o Chorus: The Maple Leaf, our emblem dear, The MaPle Leaf forever! God save our King (Queen), and Heaven bless, The MaPle Leaf forever! At Queenston Heights and Lundy's Lane, Our brave fathers, side bY side, For freedom, homes, and loved ones dear, Firmly stood and noblY died; And those dear rights which they maintained, We swear to Yield them never! Our watchword evermore shall be, The Maple Leaf forever! Chorus: The Maple Leaf, our emblem dear, The MaPle Leaf forever! God save our King (Queen), and Heaven bless, The MaPle Leaf forever! Our fair Dominion now extends From CaPe Race to Nootka Sound; May peace forever be our lot, And plenteous store abound: And may those ties of love be ours Which discord cannot sever' And flourish green o'er freedom's home The Maple Leaf forever! -38- Chorus: The'Silaple Leaf, our elrshm dear, The Maple Leaf foreverl God,save our King (Queen)n and Heaven bless, The Maple Leaf forever! , On merry England's far-famed land, May kind Heaven sweetly smile; God bless Old Scotland evermore, And lreland's Emer'ld Ish! Then swell the sor,rg, both loud and long, Till rocks and forest quiver, God save our King (Queen),.and Heaven bless The Maple Leaf foreverl ' t KnerroBbrfi Jrlrcr HaBeKlr L Mu cnary BonrQy nponoeM OrsaxHoMy reporc OH so4 pysnil 6pnraH cxuf,r Qnar HaR Harrrea geMJrerc punucrunK r,r qepronrinox Ha uenn g nto6sr cepAeuHofi, T I,I poarr cre6lu onrreJrlr KneHog r;tilt nncr HageqHo ! Ilpunee: KneuosHfi Jrr4cr - Haru 4o6prrfi sHaK, Knenognfi nucr - nnepeg! Ilycrr BerrHo rlapcrByer MoHapx r{ KneHa Jr}rcr rlserer! B 6osx rpn /IyH4r, KgnHcroH Xafirc Orqrr Harrrr,f croflJrlr, 3a 4onn, cso6oAy r nrc6onr {panrcb vr ywupafiyr H ro, 3a qro Jrlrnacb KpoBb, 'rx XpaHrrb KJrffHeMcs BeqHo; H ror )Ke Bce y Hac [aponb: Knenogrtfi nucr Haseqno ! IIpuneA: Knenos6tfi1,fit1c1 ,,- HaIII Ro6pUft sHaK'' Knenosu frt ttnct i'; -, BnePe,{! Itrycm BeqHo'qapcrByer MoHaPx u KJIeHa JI'I{CT ltrBeTer! C nponvBa lfytra'r MbIcY Pefic Pacrunynacb Kaua4a ' flyctr 6yget MlrPHibIM HaIn Yger' 6olrrueto He HaAo I,I uyctr um 6ygeM )Ktlrr e lre5ru, Hann B cuoro ilrctsuu 6ecnetrHoM ; Ham ,4oM'cso6otrbr oceHu KneHos stfr nncr HaBeqHb f ;: l - raru no6ptrit 3HaK, KneHogtrf,r nucr - unePe4! ITpunee: KneHosttfi iluCT flYctr Beqno IIaPcrBYer KJIeHa rr4t.{ JIlIcr MoHaPx qgeret! 'r Iocno,qb, xpault HaIu ,4anbnrrfi 4onn, Ero con[or, MarpocoB' : Illornas u F,vtro 6larocn oBvr i,irzywrPYgnmft ocrpoB Mu sMecre necnrc nponoeM, Ilyctr Ilyctr cJrblluar ropbl, PeKlI BeqHo rlapcrByer MoHdPX, Knenoswft nuet Hasertt! : -'-ii t I '"+1- I'll find mY onlY way I ' J I 1-t I I '-+t Listen to the tyrics and repeat after the speaker Worry, worry keePs me awake: Hurry, hurrY, don't make mistakes! Where will You end"uP If you fail to Pass the next exam? And what will haPPen If you don't get a place at college then? But then I saY mY mantra once again' I +J i-" ! I I I , *1I ' -f* *i* i I I -.-f* -tI Refrain: I hoPe I won't be alone, And mY life will go on' Ir I hoPe I'll find mY onlY way' 'iause I've got so much to saY' I'll maYbe flY to the stars, I'll lead the rnission to Mars , whatever comes, I won't give up my one and only way! '-.* -*t-* : '1I -+* I i t - i 't +: '*T- -*r ; i i lI Choices, choices driving me mad' Little voices talk in mY head Don't try to iumP too high, And you will never ever fall' Don't bang Your head in vain, You'll never break the iron wall, But then I find the answer in my soul' I I . .L I I ,+ I I I .- -tI I j I I "-r' t I -TI I -f I -"* I I Refrain: I hoPe I won't be alone, And mY life will go on' I hoPe I'll 'Cause I've got so much to saY' I'll maYbe flY to the stars,' I'll lead the mission to Mars, whatever comes, I won't give up my one and only way! find mY onlY way' t "+t I ''{^ t I Ti I -+ : i -"*i I HaseaHhe The ABC song Teua flercrqecrufi uarepran l-pauuarrqecrrfi Cor-lNoxynbrypHae Marephan ruQopuaqrn f'loeropeHne anQaanra HageaHhq 6yre aurnrilcxoro anQaerra A sonnet to a friend BgahvoorHoueHhg c oAHoKnaccHhKaMh to let down, to be there for smb, to talk through, The Future Simple The Present Simple through thick and thin, fair-weather friend In ten years flpoQeccrr vet, to have fun, to travel round the world, to stay at home,.to be a star, to work, to love one's job The Future Simple Let's AeHu poxAeHre to celebrate, to bring a present, to sing a song, to pLay computer game, aLl day tong, to go out for dinner, to watch TV to phone, to make a cake [lpegroxe+rz,e c rflaronov let ce[ebrate Christmas nonsense PoxAecrso nonsense, shop ti|,[ The Present Simple you drop, to look for a present, to reply, to get a Christmas tree flnaHur ua 6y4yrqee Kar nparAHoBarb AeHb poxAeHhe floAroroexa h npa3AHoBaHhe Pox4ecrea e Aurnuv vt Poccutt CpaeurrenuHurfi aHanu3 npa3AHoBaHhg B 3Tr4X AByX cTpaHax Christmas star When I was one PoxAecreo L{ro c Mor Aelarb, KorAa vHe 6urno to look up, magic, to talk to the star, to wish on a star, to make one's dreams come true, joy, to end to magic tricks, to dive, to be b[ue, a castle Somebody Bxycur 6ureator Iikes pa3Hbre chocotates chocolates, a cake, onions, to enjoy the sun, When everything goes wrong floating, rain, music, The Present Simple The Future Simple flo6yArarefibHbre npeAnoxeHnfl The Past Simple l-naron can Corog when The Present Simple Vnorpe6neHhe vecrorvenril somebody, nobody, everybody c rflaro/|aMh song B 3-v arqe eAhHcTBeHHOTO '.thCI|a -45- flpar4uoeaHhe Pox4ecrsa EAa HageaHhe Teua What did you 9ev rur ganuuancn? do? l-pauuarxqecrnfi flexcnqecrrfi uarepran to listen in, to learn the truth, to notice CouuorynbrypHi r,rxQopuaqun MaTephan The Post Simple OrprqarenbHbre npeAnoxeHv'te O6rqre Bonpocbl ArurepuarhBHbre BOnpocbl CneuranbHbre BOnpocbl He[[o, Doctor Drew! tlro Aenarb, ecrrl rur aa6onen toothache, stomachache, earache, broken teg, to feel better / worse, to go to hospita[, exactly The Present Simple 34opoeue YrgepAhrerbHbte npeAfloxeHna flo6yArarerbHble npeAnoxeHVA A bal.l.ad of Stonehenge [ocronpnMeLraTerbHocru Aarnuu perhaps, maybe, ba[[ad, to use smth as smth, Christ, wi[d, forest, midsummer sunrise, midwinter sunset, to greet smb, compass l-hnoresur o co3A The Past Simple VreepAhrerbHbre npeAnoxeHne OrpnqarenbHbre npeAnoxeHh9 nuu CtoyHXeHAX O6qre Bonpocbl Cneqna/rbHbre BOnpocbl Nothing is 3aulrrrv nphpoAy forever How long it take from today wil.L to New Kar no4nflTb HacTpoeHhe oceHblo ptant, to breathe, to [ast, to drop, stitl, leal shower, in fact How long wil.l it take ? dream, windy, co[d, The Present Simple The Future Simple Manners, manners Kax eecril ce6c 3a cTorloM manner, napkin, straight, [ap, pass, never, ever, elbows close to one's sides, aLl that matters, to bite, to chew, stew, rude Have you Tur rorAa-nra6y4u to ever tost? nponrpurean? giraffe [ose, to win, to fa[[, oxpyxanqeil cpeAbl The Future Simple KoscrpyKr-lhtl How long wi]l boring, ba[[oon, the moon, plane, come along Year? 3aulnra it take ? The Present Simple Kar eecrh ce6s 3a cTonoM The Present Perfect O6pasoBaHhe AHrnrficrafl uKo BOnpoc14Ter bHbrx A joke Aurnuilcwafi ovop to walk, tane, to cover, to reach -46- npeAnoxeuuh Ynorpe6neHile Hapevri ever, never The Past Simple YreepAhrerbHbte npeAaoxeH|/.n Ctuxu aHrnui,tcxu noSToB B nepeBo Ha pyccKr4il ntux October party Waiting at flercnqecrnfi uarepuan Teua HaeeaHHe Bpeuexa roAa Ocexu Mrp eorpyr MeHe the window party, chestnut, oak, maple, leaves, to spread, grand, sunshine, weather, wind drop, rain, different, to wait, to win, s[ow[y, to stick, to move, fast, Aexu poxAeHhe birthday, everything, al.l day [ong, lovety, to scold, everyone, different, chil.d CoqrorynbrypHae MaTephan rnQopuaqun The Past Simple Ctuxvt aurnui,tcxux no3ToB B nepeBoAe Ha pyccK14il cgurr VreepAhrenbHbre npeAnoxeHne The Present Progressive pane, smear, near The birthday l-pauuarrqecxri VreepArTeflbHbte Ctvtxvl aurnuirtcxux no3ToB B nepeBoAe Ha pyccKr4i cEurr npeAnoxeHufl The Present Perfect VreepAhrerbHbte npeAnoxeHl4e Ctuxu aurnui,tcxux no3ToB B nepeBoAe Ha pyccKhil nzaw to smi[e What you Bur np6rre qnraru? read? Giraffe Mrp eorpyr MeHe to agree, to comfort, to thri[t, to laugh, to cry, to excite, thri[[er, fantasy, science fiction, atien, to tet down, to mislead Chad, especia[[y, to hug, gentle, to wonder, to shine, heat, pattern, step, smooth, dawn, cave, Knuru e Hauei The Present Simple The Future Simple >KV13HVl The Present Simple The Future Simple Ctnxu pyccKhx no3ToB B nepeBoAe ua aurnuilct

Ngày đăng: 10/05/2021, 14:10



