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Most students can work hard when they feel like it..  Most students are capable………….[r]


Sentence transformation 1.c Though the doctor warned him, he kept on smoking  In spite of ………

3 She preferred to stay at home rather than go to the play  She preferred staying …

5 He doesn’t smoke, and his brother doesn’t smoke, either  Neither ………

7 She came to London to study English  She came ……… so that ……… Because she behaves badly everyone hates her 10  Because of ………

11 “ Shall we post it, Sir?”, he said

12  He asked ………

13 “ When it stops snowing we must start digging ourselves out”, I said 14  I said that…

15 He found that it was impossible to study at home 16  He found ………

17 It was more expensive than I thought

18  I ……… 19 I bought a book for James

20  I bought ………

Sentence transformation 2.c The last time it rained was a fortnight ago

2  It ………

3 Your decision to get married before finishing your degree surprised us

4  We were……

5 The car was so rusty that it couldn’t be repaired  The car was too………

7 He never had enough money

8  He is always ……… Yogurt is supposed to be good for you

10  Yogurt is supposed to ………

11 “ You stole my best cassette, Amanda!”, said William 12  William accused ……

13 Because of the rough sea, the ferry couldn’t sail 14  The rough sea ………

15 Please check the damage before signing the delivery note 16  Don’t ………

17 Roses can’t possibly grow in such poor ground 18  It is ………

19 Your car might break down on the rough mountain road, so take plenty of spare parts 20  In case ………

Sentence transformation 3.c He is said to have been in the French foreign legion  People ………

3 During his child hood the family lived in Corn wall  His family ………


6  It is ……… He seemed to be living in the area

8  It seemed ……… “ Where is the station car- park?”, said Mrs Smith 10  Mrs Smith asked …………

11 That was a silly thing to say

12  What ……… 13 They traveled across India, and then flew on to Korea 14  After………

15 She cut the apple into quarters and gave each child a piece 16  The apple …………

17 In spite of his age, Mr Benson runs seven miles before breakfast 18  Although…

19 There are two large restaurants in the art gallery 20  The art gallery………

Sentence transformation 4.c The police started looking for him two months ago  For two months now the …

3 How old you think this house is?

4  When you think ……….? This holiday is so expensive I don’t think I can go  It is such………

7 He spoke so quickly that I couldn’t understand what he said  He spoke too………

9 I’m grateful that you looked after my mother so well 10  Thank you ………

11.“ Why didn’t I get a computer before?”, Thought the manager

12. The manager wondered…

13.“ you’d better not lend him any more money, Alice”, said John

14. John advised Alice……

15 I started work for the company a year ago 16  I’ve been………

17 Susan felt sick, because she ate four cream cakes 18  If Susan ………

19 My needs to be cleaned before the interview 20  I must………

Sentence transformation 5.c As I get older, I want to travel less

2  The older……… A house in that strict will cost at least $ 100, 000  You won’t be able to ………

5 Alan worked too hard at the office, and this led to his illness  Alan’s illness …………


9 It was his incompetence which led to their capture If ……… 10 Having nowhere else to go, I tried to sleep in the station waiting room

11  As………

12 I’d love to be in a secluded beach in Mexico 13  I wish………

14 I only bought the dog because my children wanted a pet 15  If………

16 I’d love to live in Paris for a year

17  If only……… 18 Does he know enough French to work as a translator? 19  Is he………?

Sentence transformation 6.c This furniture is so old that it’s not worth keeping

2  This is ………

3 Handicapped people find shopping in a supermarket difficult  It’s………

5 Why don’t you meet to discuss the pay offer?  I suggest……… Without the treatment, the patient would have died  If he ………

9 Although he didn’t speak Dutch, Bob decided to settle in Amsterdam 10  In spite…………

11 In spite of all our warning, he left cap without taking rifle 12  Although………

13 No one has lived in that house for years

14  That……… 15 It’s a pity that you wrote that letter

16  I’d ………

17 We must continue our efforts, whether there are problems or not 18  Regardless…………

19 The reason I came here was solely to try and improve conditions 20  My sole purpose……

Sentence transformation 7.c “ Less noise!” The teacher told the boys

2  The teacher shouted………

3 In the event of nuclear weapons being used, we are all doomed  If should ………

5 You should take two tablets every four hours  Two tablets should ………

7 It’s extremely difficult for us to make ends meet these days  We find………

9 They’ve been living here for six years now 10  They moved ………

11 Mrs Taylor does not like living in such a small house 12  Mrs Taylor wishes ………


15 James spoke to his lawyer before signing the contract 16  James didn’t ………

17 I can’t go to the cinema because I not have a car 18  The reason………

19 “ You’d better go to the doctor if you’ve got a pain in your back, Anna”, Henry said

20  Henry suggested ……… Sentence transformation 8.c

1 Because there was much dust in his mine, he was ill –Because of ………

3 This lecture bores me to tears

4  I am ……… I expect that he will get there by lunchtime

6  I expect him……… The last time I was in London was in 1972  I ………

9 If I had known she was sick, I would have visited her 10  Had ………

11 There is always trouble when he comes to visit us 12  Whenever………

13 Is this the only way to reach the city center 14  Isn’t there………

15 He never suspected that the money had been stolen 16  At no time………

17 I have never seen such a mess in my life 18  Never in ……… 19 Is it essential to meet your Aunt at the station ? 20  Does your Aunt ……… ?

Sentence transformation 9.c Galileo is considered to be the father of modern astronomy  Galileo is regarded ………

3 The last time it rained was a fortnight ago  It……… The doctor advised me to rest

6  The doctor suggested ……… The value of sterling has fallen considerably in the past week  There has ………

9 Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them 10  They had ………

11 That dress has only the slightest mark on it 12  I can barely ……… 13 He insisted on a full apology

14  Nothing but……… 15 He remembered, and so did she

16  He didn’t ………

17.My decision to get up and dance coincided with the band’s decision to stop playing

18. The moment ………


20  We ………

Sentence transformation 10.c I only recognized him when he came into the light

2  Not until ………

3 That rumor about the politician and construction contract is absolutely false  There is …

5 One runner was too exhausted to complete the lap of the race  One runner was so ……

7 My mother was the most warm-hearted person I’ve ever known  I’ve ………

9 They never made us anything we didn’t want to 10  We ………

11.The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the prime Minister

12. Had it not ……

13 It’s quite pointless to explain

14  There is no……… 15 How could I help, except to offer to lend her some money 16  Other………

17 We had to wait two hours for Donald

18  Donald kept ………

19 It would not have been possible to solve that puzzle, even for a genius 20  That puzzle……

Sentence transformation 11.c The students regretted that they had missed the lecture  The students regretted not ……

3 If you miss the program you can’t really judge  Unless ………

5 John and Mary moved to Edinburgh twenty years ago  It is ………

7 She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard  However………

9 It was more of an argument than a discussion 10  It was not so ……… 11 “ You damaged my bicycle, John”, said Margaret 12  Margaret accused ………

13.It is one hundred years since the birth of D.H Lawrence, the famous novelist

14. D.H Lawrence

15.John Speck failed to find the source of the Nile river

16. John Speck didn’t succeeded ………

17.Maria didn’t apply for the job in the library and she regrets it now

18. Maria wishes ………

19.Helen wanted to know the name of Shirley’s hairdresser’s

20. “ Where………., Shirley”, Helen said

Sentence transformation 12.c Would you give this to the teacher, please?

2  I hope………


4  All our housework ………

5 The University of Cambridge is going to award Professor John an honorary doctorate, I believe

6  Professor John is ……… The government is going to cut its grants to postgraduate research students, apparently  Government grants ………

9 Don’t you agree that research biologists have carried out some amazing experiments recently  Some amazing experiments ………

10 I had better get back to work

11  It’s……… 12 My father speaks very little French

13  My father speaks hardly ……… 14 The critics were very impressed by her performance 15  Her performance made ………

16 I expected that he would get there by lunchtime 17  I expected ………

18 It’s time for you to your homework

19  It’s time you………

Sentence transformation 13.c This is the best essay I’ve ever written

2  Never ………

3 I assumed that she would learn how to take shorthand after this course  It took it ……

5 I am terribly sorry, I thought you were a friend of Anna’s  I took ………

7 Although she was busy, she managed to find the time to proofread for me  Busy………

9 I would prefer you to computer science 10  I’d rather……… 11 He didn’t get a visa until last Monday

12  It was ……… 13 They continued to say that I was to blame 14  They persisted ………

15.Vietnamese coffee is considered to be the one of the best in the world

16. Vietnamese coffee……

17.If you ask me well in advance, I’ll be willing to work over time

18. Provided you………

19.“ I never used bad language”, she said

20. She denied ………

Sentence transformation 14.c “ What time does the manager come back?”, The customer asked

2  The customer wanted ……

3 You’d better not touch that switch

4  If I ……… He said “ We must have a party to celebrate this”  He said that ………


8  I ……… As a student, he had known great poverty

10. When ………

11.“ Why don’t you apply for the job, Anna?” said Sue

12. Sue suggested………

13.Remind me water the plants

14. Don’t ………

15.If it doesn’t rain soon, million pounds’ worth of crops will be lost

16. Unless………

17.I didn’t realize who he was until later

18. Only later………

19.If you want my advice, you would forget about buying a new house

20. If ………

Sentence transformation 15.c She asked him to repeat what he had said

2  Please……… The switch was too high for him to reach  He was not tall……… It’s not worth living to make her change her mind  There’s ………

7 I get to work in twenty minute

8  It ……… It’s necessary that this work be finished by Monday 10  This work………

11 It’s a pity I didn’t take my doctor’s advice 12  As if ……… 13 The bread is so stale that we can’t eat it

14  The bread isn’t ……… 15 Who does this bag belong to?

16  Whose………? 17 “ Never borrow money from friends”, my father said

18  My father told me………

19.The accident happened because the train driver ignored a warning light

20. If the train driver……

Sentence transformation 16.c Paul said he was going to visit China the following year  “ I’m……… ”

3 The porter told us the train had left five minute earlier  I’m sorry buy………

5 She couldn’t afford the Persian cat

6  The Persian cat……… The cheetah is the fastest animals in the world

8  No animals runs………

9 You must not smoke in here  Smoking……… 10 “ Would you like to come around for a drink?”, he said

11  He ……… 12 “Don’t swim out too far, boys”, I said


14 “ Go on, apply for the job”, said Jack

15  Jack ……… 16 He asked all persons not traveling to go ashore 17  Will………?

18 “ If the flood gets worse we must leave house”, He said 19  He said that………

Sentence transformation 17.c Somebody repaired her refrigerator last month

2  She ……… He would prefer you to tell him a story

4  He’d rather……… The post man was bitten by our dog

6  Our dog……… We couldn’t drive because of the fog

8  The fog prevented……… He failed to win the race

10  He didn’t ……… 11 I really realized what I had missed when they told me about it later 12  Only when………

13 There weren’t nearly as many people there as I had expected 14  There were far…………

15 When the Minister was asked about the strike, he declined to comment 16  On…………

17 There was no need for you to have gone to all that trouble 18  You ………

19 People don’t say things like that

20  I wish……… Sentence transformation 18.c The doctor advised me to rest

2  The doctor suggested ……… They had to wait for 12 hours before their flight left

4  Only after a ……… Their teacher is making them study hard

6  They are……… They were just as good as we had expected

8  They certainly lived ………

9 Even though I admired his courage, I think he is foolish 10  Much ………

11 Cane head is cleared in court

12  A headmaster……… 13 Gunman kills people in Bank Drama

14  A man ……… 15 Riddle of missing heiress solved


17 “ Police attacked” Says student leader

18  A student leader……… 19 Storm grows over long hair in school

20  Parents and pupils are……… Sentence transformation 19.c

1 She admitted that she took the necklace  She admitted to ……… The headmaster said some reassuming things  What ……… Do you have a good relationship with your boss ?  Are ……… Most students can work hard when they feel like it  Most students are capable………… I’m really sorry I didn’t invite her to the party  I really wish……… She didn’t inherit any thing under her uncle’s will  Her uncle didn’t……… The only thing I didn’t steal was the television  They stole……… It seems that no-one predicted the correct result  No-one……… They had been lost in the mountain for three days, but they looked strong and healthy 

Even……… 10 I’ll find that man, no matter how long it takes  However………

Sentence transformation 20.c

1 “ You should have waited for us”, The team leader said to John  The team leader criticized …… It’s possible that he didn’t get my letter  He might ……… The last time it rained here was six years ago  It ……… The film star wore dark glasses so that no-one would recognize him  The film star avoided……… I am amazed by the mistakes he makes  What……… We weren’t surprised by his success  It came ……… “ That’s a lovely new dress, Jim,” said his mother  Jim’s mother complimented……… We couldn’t find George any where  George was ……… We couldn’t relax until all the guests had gone home  Only……… 10 Customs officials are stopping more travelers than usual this week  An increased ………

Sentence transformation 21.c

1 “ You’d better not lend them any more money, Tom,” said John  John advised Tom…… You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry  Unless……… Mark is too young to get married  Mark is not……… That factory is producing more and more pollution  More and more pollution ………… He couldn’t escape from prison because it was very secure  The prison……… Without his help, we would all have died  If it ……… He forgot about the gun until he got home  Not until……… May I borrow your pen?  Would you mind ……… ? “ I’d take a taxi if I were you,” said Peter  Peter suggested ……… 10 My boyfriend is very short tempered  My boyfriend loses………

Sentence transformation 22.c

1 House prices have risen dramatically this year  There has ……… This affair does not concern you  This affair is no……… You must submit articles for the magazine by June 18th  The final date……… Although Jimmy was the stronger of the two, his attacker soon overpowered him  Despite


7 It was only when left home that I realized how much my father meant to me  Not until…………

8 The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended  Had it not………

9 You can use it as long as you like, and it won’t wear out  No matter………

10.If the work is finished by lunchtime, you can go home  Get………

Sentence transformation 23.c

1 Although he was not guilty They executed him  In spite of ……… I certainly don’t intend to reply to that rude letter from Edward  I have ……… “ It certainly wasn’t me who took your car!” said Bob  Bob denied ……… Mary told the police about the burglary  Mary reported……… We may not be able to give the concert  The concert……… They had hardly left home when it started to rain  No sooner……… You can use my car, but have to keep it carefully  Provided……… You are both funny and witty  Not only ……… He behaved shamefully towards his wife  He treated ……… 10 The chances are a hundred against you  It’s most………

Sentence transformation 24.c

1 The rail workers not intend to call off their strike  The rail workers have no………… Mrs Scot is very proud of her cooking  Mrs Scot prides……… It was the goalkeeper who saved the match for us  If it hadn’t ……… I wasn’t a bit surprised to hear that Karen had changed her job  It came……… You can try to get Tim to lend you his car but you won’t succeed  There’s no point … “ Please don’t drive so fast!” Ann begged her boyfriend Ann pleaded……… Despite his hard study at school, he failed the exam  Even though……… She is proud of being a good student  She prides……… My protests were ignored  Nobody……… 10 I’m sure you took my suitcase by mistake  I’m sure he didn’t………

Sentence transformation 25.c

1 Perhaps Brian went home early  Brian ……… My father finds maps hard to follow  My father has ……… Customs officials are stopping more travelers than usual this week  An increased…… I dislike people criticize me unfairly  I object……… I thought I might run out of cash, so I took my cheque -book with me  I took my …… The workers only called off the strike after a new pay offer  Only after……… He was sentenced to six months in prison for his part in the robbery  He received a … You can eat as much as you like for $ at the new lunch- bar  There is no ………… She wore a hearing- aid, even though she could hear the phone ring perfectly well  She

wasn’t so……… 10 You will never meet anyone more generous than Mrs Jones  Mrs Jones is …………

Sentence transformation 26.c


7 people who haven’t been abroad shouldn’t criticize foreign customs  Nobody who……… Simon hadn’t expected that he would feel so weak after the operation  The operation left ………

9 It’s nobody’s fault that the meeting was canceled  Nobody………

10.I never intended to go to the meeting  I had no………

Sentence transformation 27.c

1 He never suspected that she was a witch  At no time……… Are they likely to pass Proficiency?  Is there ……… ? Whenever she went to Paris she bought a new dress  She never……… Nobody is more anxious to help you than your mother  Your mother……… The farm laborer went to bed and at once felt asleep  The moment……… The last time it rained here was a fortnight ago  It ……… The noise next door did not stop until midnight  It was not ……… The car was so rusty that it couldn’t be repaired  The car was too……… He never has enough money  He is always……… 10 Yogurt is supposed to be good for you Yogurt is supposed to ………

Sentence transformation 28.c

1 We couldn’t answer those two questions  Those two……… We had never been so happy before  We were……… Do you have to bring the heavy suitcase with you?  Is it really ……… ? They say Mr Baker painted this picture  Mr Baker……… His resemblance to his father is remarkable  He looks ……… If you want to see Professor Smith, Wednesday afternoon is a good time to find him in his

office  Professor Smith is ……… Unless we leave now or we’ll miss our ride home  We won’t miss……… The computers will be available anytime but one o’clock  The computer will not ……… I’d love to go with you, but I’m beat ( tired/ exhausted)  I will not ……… 10 Bruce didn’t want to tell me the truth, but I found it anyway  Although ………

Sentence transformation 29.c

1 I’m certainly not going to give you any more money  I have no ……… Their changes of success are small  It is not ……… It’s thought that the accident was caused by human error  The accident is ……… The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended  Had it not……

5 Under no circumstances should you phone the police  The last ………

6 Although the play had a good notices, not many people went to see it  Despite………

7 My father speaks a little English  My father speaks hardly………

8 He said he was not guilty of stealing the car  He denied………

9 I’m sorry now that I asked her to stay  Now I wish………

10.They couldn’t trace who had supplied the information in the first place  The source…………

Sentence transformation 30.c


9 Jenny doesn’t play tennis as well as she used to  Jenny used ……… 10 The door was so heavy that the child couldn’t push it open  The door was too………

Sentence transformation 31.c

1 The only way to eliminate the world terrorism is by united opposition  Only by……… If she hadn’t insisted kissing everyone goodbye, she would have caught the train  If it

hadn’t ……… The fisherman’s life was one of great poverty  Throughout……… Someone has suggested abolishing income tax  It……… I not enjoy cooking for five hungry children  Cooking……… No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t open the door  Try……… The critics were very impressed by her performance  Her performance made………… When are the council going to something about the city’s traffic problems  It’s high time

something……… I didn’t realized who he was until later  Only later ……… 10 The value of sterling has fallen considerable in the past week  There has ………

Sentence transformation 32.c

1 She had just had time to put up her umbrella before the rain came down in torrents  No sooner……… “ Why didn’t you report the incident to the police last week?” The officer asked the frightened

witness  The officer wanted to know………

3 The president visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill  So

many ………

4 A fire destroyed most of the old city of London in the 1960s  The destruction……… He hadn’t been back to his home town for over 20 years now  It is ……… Traveling by plane is much more expensive than traveling by train  Traveling by train… I would love to be rich and famous  If only……… It took a long time for them to decide to get married  They ………

9 “ Is it, or is it true that you have been misappropriating company funds?” The manager asked

the accountant  The manager wanted………

10 If you want to save your eyesight, you must operate immediately  Only by………

Sentence transformation 33.c

1 It seems to me that I met you in Cardiff in 1991  I seem……… I had just arrived home when she came  No sooner ……… Though she is intelligent, she is not the one we are looking for  Intelligent though……… The open-door policy has brought about a lot of radical changes  Thanks to……… We could not contact him because he gave us the wrong number  If he ……… People have talked much but done little about it  Much……… The way she walks is really queenly  There is some thing ……… I gave myself no concern about whether he will come to power or not  It makes no

difference……… Because time is constrained , I am not going deep into the analysis of this dimension  Due

to……… 10 I am sure she was very beautiful when she was young  She must………

Sentence transformation 34.c


5 I’d like to make a phone call  I wonder……… It is a six hour drive from London to Edinburgh  It takes……… Turn off all switches before leaving the workshop  All the switches……… It is ages since Alan visited his parents  Alan……… The patient recovered more rapidly than expected  The patient……… 10 My boss works better when he’s pressed for time  The less………

Sentence transformation 35.c

1 They ought to mend the roof  The roof of the house ……… They didn’t follow the map, so they got lost  If ……… Someone is painting our house  We ……… The old man had few friends  The old man didn’t ……… He’s likely to stay in the Grand Hotel  He’ll……… The value of sterling has fallen considerably in the past week  There has ……… It won’t make any difference if it rains because we’ll still go  We’ll still go ……… We left quietly, so that we wouldn’t disturb the children  So as ……… I would any thing for you  There’s ……… 10 Given fair warning, I could have avoided that date  If you had told me………

Sentence transformation 36.c

1 We only send you books after receiving the money  Only after the money……… You pay $ 20 a month for a period of a year  You pay in twelve successive……… He’ll set down Then his performance will improve  Once……… The students’ riotous behavior should have been severely punished  The student deserved ………

5 There are more people out of work in this country than ever before  Never………

6 I can’t stand such a kind of behavior, and Jim can’t either  Neither………

7 If he pays , he can fly  He who………

8 It is absolutely necessary for me to update my knowledge  I find it………

9 If I earn more, my wife will spend more  The more………

10.Could you pass me the salt, please?  Would you mind ………?

Sentence transformation 37.c

1 It seems that he doesn’t see what you mean  He doesn’t seem……… The way he talk is very interesting  There is something……… I have never been to Liverpool in my life  Never in my life ……… Diana was killed in a accident in Paris in 1997  It is in 1997 that……… We’ve recorded great achievement in socio- economic development over the last decade of

renovation  Great achievement……… To master English is by no mean easy  It is ……… It was reported that the inflation rate in Vietnam reached 3.8% in 1997  The inflation rate

in Vietnam……… I don’t think I should apply for this job  I’d rather……… It seems to me that he did Ph D in the US in 1979  He seems to ……… 10 I had just completed my report when he came for it  No sooner………

Sentence transformation 38.c


5 It wasn’t necessary for you to go to much trouble on my behalf  You needn’t……… It seems that no one predicted the correct result  No one ……… Most students can work very hard when they feel like it  Most students are capable…… These new machines have put an end to queuing  Before these……… I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back  Hardly ……… 10 What particularly impressed me was her excellent command of English  I ………

Sentence transformation 39.c

1 I didn’t know you were coming, so I didn’t wait for you  If ……… When I picked up my pen, I found that the nib had broken  On……… There is no danger that you will fall from the verandah  There is no danger of ………… He is a man of extremely honesty  He is an ……… If it had helped I should not have been able to find my way  Without……… When the weather is cold I wear a jersey  In ……… The news that he would be going to University pleased him very much  The news of … I physical training because I want to keep fit  I physical training in ……… The sea was so cold that we couldn’t swim  The sea was too ……… 10 He felt ill to get up  He did not ………

Sentence transformation 40.c

1 I will marry her and I don’t care how old she is  No matter……… To go to school is never too late  It is ……… If you don’t study harder, you will surely fail the next exam  Unless……… The people who are in group one will have to move to room 106 on the ground floor  Those

who……… I met him for the first time in 1985  I haven’t ……… I didn’t meet him because I miss the bus  Is I had caught……… I wish I had one million dollars  In only I ……… I’d rather not say anything about it  I’d prefer……… Besides her room mate, Janis has a lot of friends  In addition to ……… 10 Kipling himself was the first English writer to whom the Nobel Prize was awarded  It is


Sentence transformation 41.c

1 Do you know who this coat belong to? ( whose)  Do you know……….is? Jo’s training accident meant she couldn’t take part in the race ( prevented)

 Jo’s training accident……… part in the race Cyclists are not allowed to ride on the station platform ( must)

 Bicycles …………on the station platform

4 To Alan’s amazement, the passport office was closed when he arrived ( find)  Alan……… the passport was closed when he arrived

5 It isn’t necessary to book tickets for a show in advance ( need)  You ……….tickets for a show in advance

6 The top shelf was so high that the children couldn’t reach it ( high)  The top shelf ………the children to reach


8 “ Do you remember what you have to do?” The teacher asked the students ( what)  The teacher asked the students if ……….to

9 It’s unusual for Carol to get angry with her staff ( hardly)  Carol ………temper with her staff

10 There’s no ice-cream left ( run)  We ……… ice- cream

Sentence transformation 42.c Don’t you regret not learning to swim? ( Wish)

 Don’t you ……… swim?

2 Working outdoors is much nicer than working in an office ( nice)  Working in an office ………

3 Maria will be ready any minute, and then we must leave ( soon)  We must leave ………ready

4 The last time I saw him was when I lived in London ( since)  I ……….I lived in London

5 Why don’t you phone me later to discuss this ? ( give)  Why don’t you ……… later to discuss this?

6 I was on the point of leaving the office ( about)  I was just ……….office

7 I am fed up with his behavior ( enough)  I ………his behavior

8 Our senior manager is dealing with this matter, Sir ( being)  The matter……… our senior manager, Sir

9 You don’t normally go into town by car ( used)  I ……… into town by car

10 I would like to express my thanks for everything you have done for me ( thankful)  I’d like to say ……….am for everything you have done for me

Sentence transformation 43.c

1 People claim that he is the best tennis player of our time ( said)  He ……….best tennis player of our time

2 They left early because they didn’t want to get caught in the traffic ( avoid)  They left early in order……… in the traffic

3 Why didn’t they tell me about the change earlier? ( should)  I ……… about the change earlier

4 Nobody play this piece of music as beautifully as she does ( more)  She plays this piece of music……… else

5 If I don’t leave now, I’ll miss the train ( Unless)  I’ll ………leave now

6 Would you like to go for a coffee in 10 minutes? ( about)  How about ……….a coffee in 10 minutes?


8 Thanks for reminding me about this meeting- otherwise I would have missed it ( not)  If you ………about the meeting, I would have missed it

9 I don’t normally go into town by car ( used)  I ……… into town by car

10 You didn’t think carefully enough before you decided ( ought)  You ……… more carefully before you decided

Sentence transformation 44.c

1 We won’t get to the airport in less than 30 minute ( least)  It will ………30 minutes to get to the airport Despite knowing the area well, I got lost ( even)

 I got lost ……… the area well

3 I tried to talk to Jack about the problem but he was too busy ( word)  I tried to ……….about the problem but he was too busy “ I don’t mind which film we see,” I said ( matter)

 I said that ………me which film we saw

5 If you don’t take care of those shoes, they won’t last for long ( look)  Unless………, those shoes won’t last for long

6 You’ve already lied me once today ( lie)  This is not the first ……….me today

7 Did you enjoy the party? ( good)  Did you ………at the party? Whenever I hear this song, I remember the time hen I was in Paris ( reminds)

 Whenever I hear this song, ……….the time when I was in Paris

9 I can’t describe people as well as you can ( better)  You’re……….I am

10 You didn’t think carefully enough before you decided ( ought)  You ………more carefully before you decided

Sentence transformation 45.c

1 I haven’t decided yet whether to move or not ( mind)  I haven’t ……….whether to move or not It is increasingly difficult for me to read without my glasses ( finding)

 I am ………to read without my glasses

3 I will continue speaking only if you don’t interrupt me any more ( stop)  I will continue speaking only ……….me

4 Can you tell me what she looks like? ( describe)  Can ……… me?

5 They have been telling him that he should apply for his job ( encouraging)  They have been ……… for this job

6 I didn’t agree with this idea ( favor)

 I ………for this idea


8 You’re tired because you stayed up late last night ( if)  You wouldn’t be tired ……… bed earlier last night

9 The number of tourists visiting this area rose last year ( rise)  Last year ……… the number of tourists visiting this area 10 I hadn’t made a speech before, so I was very nervous ( used)

 Because I ………speeches, I was very nervous Sentence transformation 46.c

1 I strongly advise you to tell her you’re sorry ( apologize)  I think you’d ……….her It is likely that my friends haven’t received my letter yet ( unlikely)

 My friends ……….my letter yet

3 He seemed to be worried about something ( impression)  I ……… was worrying him

4 I’ve never seen anyone play so skillfully before ( much)  I’ve never seen anyone play ………before

5 What caused him to change his mind? ( reason)  What was ……….of mind?

6 When should we collect the books we ordered last week? ( supposed)  When ……… up the books we ordered last week?

7 He had a very traditional upbringing, didn’t he? ( traditionally)  He ………, wasn’t he?

8 I go out very little these days ( hardly)  I ……… days

9 My parents always telling me what to when I was small ( being)  I ……….to when I was small

10 She seemed quite unhappy when I saw her last week ( look)  When I saw her last week ……… at all

Sentence transformation 47.c

1 Angus rarely takes a holiday ( rare)  It ……… take a holiday

2 We lost the game because of my mistake ( fault)  It was ……….win the game

3 Are you planning to any thing on Sunday? ( Plans)  Do ……….Sunday?

4 Tim looks nothing like his father ( take)  Tim ………his father at all

5 The film I saw last week was better than this one ( good)  This film ……….the one I saw last week

6 I regret giving Dennis my phone number ( Dennis)  I wish ……….my phone number


8 I didn’t have enough time to visit the town properly ( too)  The time we had ……… the town properly

9 Although I warned her not to climb that tree, they did ( warning)  In spite of ……….tree

10 There aren’t many people who have read this novel to the end, but John is one of them (few)  John is ………who have read this novel to the end

Sentence transformation 48.c

1 The person who encouraged me the most at school was my French teacher ( encouragement)  The person who ……… at school was my French teacher

2 I found this film quite disappointing ( let)  I felt quite ………film

3 The play was so boring that we left in the interval ( so)  We were ………that we left in the interval

4 ‘ Mark, could you write up the report immediately?’ Peter said ( wanted)  Peter told Mark ……….write up the report immediately Please don’t go there now ( rather)

 I ………go there now

6 I probably forgot to mention that the deadline is Tuesday ( may)  I ……….that the deadline is Tuesday

7 I last heard this song ten years ago ( been)  It ……….I last heard this song

8 Please don’t stop your work ( carry)  Please ……… your work

9 Why didn’t they tell me about these changes earlier? ( should)  I ……… about these changes earlier

10 Nobody plays this piece of music as beautifully as he does ( more)  He plays this piece of music……… else

Sentence transformation 49.c

1 No one has explained why our flight is delayed ( reason)  No one has ……… the delay to our flight

2 I felt this film quite disappointing ( let)  I felt quite ……… this film

3 The play was so boring that we left in the interval ( so)  We were ………that we left in the interval

4 ‘ Mark, could you write up the report immediately?’ Peter said ( wanted)  Peter told Mark ………write up the report immediately

5 Please don’t go there now ( rather)  I ……… go there now


7 I last heard this song ten years ago ( been)  It ………I last heard this song

8 Please don’t stop your work ( carry)  Please ………your work

9 Why didn’t they tell me about these changes earlier ( should)  I ……… these changes earlier

10 Nobody plays this piece of music as beautifully as he does ( more)  He plays this piece of music ……….else

Sentence transformation 50.c

1 No one has explained why our flight is delayed ( reason)  No one has ………the delay to our flight

2 I’d rather you didn’t phone me at work ( prefer)  I’d ……….me at work

3 When Mary wanted a new car She had to save for a year ( Mary)  It ……… save up to buy a new car

4 They are letting David out of hospital next week ( released)  David ……… hospital next week

5 Dane was supposed to write to his parents last week ( ought)  Dane ………to his parents last week

6 His writing is so small I can hardly read it ( such)  He ………I can hardly read it

7 Some body has to pick the visitors up from the airport ( up)  The visitors ……… from the airport

8 I wish I hadn’t told him what we were planning to this evening ( regret)  I ……… for this evening

9 Everyone was surprised to see Geoff leave the party early ( surprise)  T ……….the party early

10 All the witnesses said the accident was my fault ( blame)  All the witnesses said that ………the accident

Dear Mrs Brown,

1.I/write/tell/how much I enjoy/few hours I spend/ you and your family yesterday evening I be/England since/beginning/October and this be/first invitation to dinner/ English family I/ find/ conversation most interesting and I be glad/ practise/English

4 I also like/congretulate you/excellent cooking

5 I be very greatful/all/helpful information you give me/courses /English I hope/ find/ suitable school/next few days

7 You give/best wishes/husband and children? Thank you again/extremely pleasant evening I look forward/see you next month

Yours sincerely, Maria

Dear Bill,


2 As you can see/this notepaper I be still/Madrid

3 I arrive/Monday 4th/expect/return/London/Thurday 7th july. Things not go according/plan/I have/stay several more day

5 I meet Mr Martinez/Tuesday 5th july/visit his factory/inspect/new products. Despite/difficulties I enjoy visit/Prado museum/eat/ excellent restaurants here I phone you/ I be back/ London

Yours, Bob

Dear Christopher and Rowena,

1 As you see/address above/we move house We move/month ago/James be/holiday

3 When we last meet/ we tell you/we plan/ we move At/time we not know exactly when,/where we go to

5 Our new house be near/you live old one, so we hope/see you more often This house be brand new,/have/larger garden

7 If you like/come round, just give/ring/we arrange something

8 We have/party/september30th but/we like/see you earlier/ that if you can manage it. Best wishes,

Rosemary Dear Barbara,


2 And we/not meet /or see/each other/three months Now here/be/suggestions/I/be/very happy/make You/come/stay here/me/ weekend/after next? I/love/have you/ Friday evening/Monday morning/ I/have/lot of/news/give you/many questions/ask Please write back/ me/soon/possible

Ngày đăng: 10/05/2021, 06:50

