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Exercise 2: Combine the sentences, using suitable relative pronouns?. Aunt Joan is a bit deaf, so she didn’t hear the phone.[r]


Tieng Anh 11

Review lesson

Date of teaching:

Class : 11 A2,7 Period : 100th


* Aims and objectives:

+ To help students review what they learnt from Unit to Unit 16

+ To train students’ ability of doing language exercises, which helps them doing the exam test well

* Language content: - Relative clauses:

+ Defining and non-defining relative clauses + Preposition + Relative pronouns

Exercise 1: Fill in each blank with one suitable relative pronoun or relative adverb

1 That’s the man ……… helped me yesterday The house ……… overlooks the sea is my uncle That’s the school ……… I studied two years ago Did you she the person ……… money we found?

5 Hoa is the friend ……… I introduced to you this morning It was a kind of machine with ……… I have never used before It’s an event ………….I’ll remember forever

8 Do you get on well with the boy ………lives downstairs? The party ………I attended yesterday was very exciting 10 I’m working on a firm …………main office is in London

11 The firm,………employs five hundred people, makes recorders

12 My boss,……… work takes him to a lot of different countries, is always on business 13 The house……… I lived as a child has been pulled down now

14 Is that the button……….you pressed?

15 Could everybody ……….luggage has got lost please stay here? 17 She is the only one ……….witnessed the accident

Exercise 2: Combine the sentences, using suitable relative pronouns

1 Aunt Joan is a bit deaf, so she didn’t hear the phone ->………

2 I met a lot of people at the party I can’t remember their names ->………

3 I talked to a woman Her car had broken down on the way to the party ->……… He gave me the information I wrote it down at once

->……… Lan went to see the dentist He took out one of her teeth ->……… Tam lives in the house around the corner It has a green front door


Tieng Anh 11

Review lesson

->……… Show me the photographs You took them last week

->……… Have you posted the letter? I gave you yesterday


9 My friend refused to go to the cinema with me He hated horror film ->………

10 Ba has just moved to Hai Phong His mother died last year ->……… 11 Have you found the keys? You lost them

->……… 12 Who was that boy? You were with him this morning?


Exercise 3: Combine the sentences, using “preposition+ relative pronouns”

1 The girl is very beautiful I talked with her at my friend’s party last night ->………

2 The man teaches me Maths I told you about him last week ->……… I’ll give you my office address You should send the document to it ->……… The book is very interesting We are recommending on it

->……… The music is wonderful We listened to it this morning


Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer

1 The town ………… we are living is noisy and crowded

A in where B which C at which D where

The teacher ………….house is next to mine died this morning

A who B whom C which D whose

3 Tonight I’ll the assignment……….gave us last week

A the teacher B who the teacher C whom the teacher D of the teacher

4 he is the only friend ……….I like

A who B whom C whose D that

5 The boy to ………I lent my money is poor

A that B who C whom D B and C

6 The knife……… we cut bread is very sharp

A with that B which C with which D that

7 Cathy is trustworthy She’s a person upon ……… you can always depend

A who B whom C that D whose

The man ……….I introduced you to last night may be the next president

A whom B that C which D A & B

9 Your career should focus on a field…………you are genuinely interested

A on which B in which C which D that

10 Sunday is the day ……….which we usually go fishing

A during B at C on D in


Tieng Anh 11

Review lesson

11 The speech ………we listened last night was informative

A to which B which to C to that D that

* THE KEY: Exercise 1:

1 who which/that where whose whom/that which that who which 10 whose 11 which 12 whose 13 where / in which 14 that 15 whose 16 that

Exercise 2:

1 Aunt Joan , who is a bit deaf, didn’t hear the phone

2 I met a lot of people at the party, whose names I can’t remember I talked to a woman whose car had broken down on the way to the party

4 He gave me the information which/ that I wrote down at once Lan went to see the dentist who took out one of her teeth

6 Tam lives in the house around the corner, which has a green front door Show me the photographs which you took last week

8 Have you posted the letter which I gave you yesterday

9 My friend who hated horror films refused to go to the cinema with me 10 Ba, whose mother died last year, has just moved to Hai Phong

11 Have you found the keys which / that you lost them? 12 Who was that boy, with whom you were this morning?

Exercise 3:

1 The girl with whom I talked at my friend’s party last night is very beautiful The man about whom I told you last week teaches me Maths

3 I’ll give you my office address to which you should send the document The book on which we are recommending is very interesting

5 The music to which we listened t this morning is wonderful

Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer

1 D where D whose A the teacher D that

5 C whom C with which B whom D A & B

9 B in which 10 C on 11 A to which


Tieng Anh 11

Review lesson

Ngày đăng: 09/05/2021, 02:37



