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Grade 11 Unit 12

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- Read the statement carefully - Listen to the typescript twice - Choose the best answer - Answer their choices - Correct and give the answers - Read the questions carefully - Listen the[r]


Period 74 :



- Ask and answer the questions about the Asian Games


-E 11, (colored) chalks, pictures, tape and cassette III/ PROCEDURES

Greeting + checking attendance Check up: review new words

New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up :

- Asks Ss work in pairs and ask and answer the questions

- correct answers

- Gives Ss to listen the passage (tape) - Presents some key words

TASK 1 Work in pairs

- asks students to read the words and translate them into Vietnamese

- asks students to read the sentences in the book and give the meanings

- calls ss to work in pairs

- asks ss to look at the table and asks and answer the questions

TASK 2: Work in groups

- asks ss to take turns to talk about the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes at the 14th Asian games, using the information from the table - Gives Ss to read task scan the content of the text and complete the table

- asks ss to work in pairs and find the ideas -


- Asks students to talk about the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes at 14th

- Calls some ss to present their results HOMEWORK :

- Learnt by heart the lesson

- Look at the table

- work in pairs and practice

- give the meanings of the words - One of the students to read aloud - listen the mistakes and take notes

- read and give the meanings of the words - read and translate into venue the sentences - work in pairs and fill each blank

- check the answer with a partner - answers in front of the class

- read

- scan the ideas

- read and give the meanings the sentences in task

- work in pairs and find the ideas - give answers


- Prepare the next part: listening

Period 75 :


I Aims:

- Listen carefully and answer the questions about the content of the listening Gap filling

II/ Teaching aids: - Teacher’s book - Typescript - Cassette, tape III Teaching produces

A Revision

B Checking the previous lesson C New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Before you listen

Asks and answer the questions (sgk)

- Explains the meaning * Listen and repeat

- coming live - gymnasium - land

- freestyle - gymnast * While you listen

Task 1: listen and choose the best answer A, B, C, D for the sentences


- Reads and repeat the words clearly - Explains the meaning

- Asks ss to read the statement carefully - Reads the typescript

- Requires ss to listen to the typescript twice

- Ask ss to choose A,B,C,D for the sentences

Task 2: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS - Reads and repeat the words clearly - Explains the meaning

- Explains the meaning

- Asks ss to read the statement carefully - Reads the typescript

- Work in pairs

- Read the questions carefully and answer them

- Read the words clearly - Explain the meaning - Repeat the words

give some example for the answers - Correct

- Read the words clearly - Explain the meaning - Repeat the words


- Requires ss to listen to the typescript twice

- Ask ss to guess the content of the listening they’ll hear

* After you listen: work groups

- asks ss to write R (for renewable) and N (for nonrenewable)

D Homework:

- Prepare the next part “WRITINNG”

- Listen again & check - Read the words aloud - Repeat the words

- Explain the meaning of the words

- listen again and fill in each blank a suitable word

- Read the answers - Correct

- work groups

-Period 76: Unit 12


I Aims:

Describing the preparations for the coming Asian Games II/ Teaching ands: Text book, workbook, guide book, Chart III/ Teaching procedures

A Revision

B Checking the previous lesson C New lesson: Writing

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Suppose Vietnam is going to be a host

country for the coming Asian Games. Write a paragraph of 120 words to describe the preparations for the Games. - Asks ss to look at the table carefully - Read each sentence

- Asks ss to understand the exact information to write the paragraph - asks ss to speak some new words - guides ss to start your description with: “ to prepare for the coming Asian Games, we have a lot of things to First of all, we will build one more National Stadium and……

- look at the table carefully - Read each sentence

- Asks ss to understand the exact information to write the paragraph - asks ss to speak some new words

- work individually


- goes round to help them, explains gives ideas


- Read & give remark

- Prepare the next part: Language Focus

- check with their partners - Correct

- use another structures to describe the Asian Games

Period 77: UNIT 12


- Pronunciation / str / / skr/ / skw/ - Relative clauses (revision)

- Omission of relative pronouns B Teaching aids:

textbook , chalks , tape , computer C Steps of Teaching

Classroom procedures

- Greeting, checking attendance Preview the lesson:

New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Pronunciation :

- Presents three sounds /str/ /skr/ /skw/

- Gives Ss to listen to three sounds & asks Ss to repeat in chorus

- Asks Ss to listen all words (Computer) - Asks Ss listen and repeat the words Practice these sentences

- Gives Ss to listen twice

- Asks Ss listen and repeat the sentences in chorus

- Calls some Ss to repeat - Corrects mistakes

GRAMMAR Exercise 1

- asks ss to compare the relative pronoun has or no pronoun

- calls ss to give the examples - explains the example

- asks ss to complete each sentence Exercise 2

Complete each of the following sentences, using a suitable sentence in box to make a relative

- listen and repeat - listen and repeat

- Listen

- Listen and repeat - repeat

- take note

- compare the relative pronoun has or no pronoun

- Give examples - complete each sentence - Pay attention to the notes


clause with a preposition

- asks ss to complete each sentence with the relative clause with a preposition ( using pronoun)

- asks ss to complete each sentence with the relative clause with a preposition ( without using pronoun)

- asks ss to compare relative pronoun used pronoun or without

Ex : The flight I wanted to travel on was fully booked

à the flight on which I wanted to travel was fully booked

- asks Ss to exercise 2, rewrite the sentences - gives them to compare the sentences with a


- Calls some Ss to come to the blackboard to write the answer

- Checks and corrects

Exercise :

- asks Ss to exercise3 , check (√) the sentences in which the relative pronoun can be omitted with a partner

- Calls some Ss to come to the blackboard to write the answer

- Checks and corrects Answers:

1 , 2, 4, 6,


Ss learn the part “Language focus” again and prepare new lesson

clause with a preposition ( using pronoun) - asks ss to complete each sentence with the relative clause with a preposition ( without using pronoun)

- compare them

- compare relative pronoun used pronoun or without

- exercise

- compare the answers - write out

- exercise

- compare the answers - write out

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2021, 04:26

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