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Nội dung

8 minutes - Ask Ss to discus in groups, using the expression to persude your partner to attent the way you learn English.. - Prepare next lesson.[r]


Lesson plan

Period 21: Date:

Unit 4:

Learning a foreign language


I Objectives:

- By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to

+ Express their opinions about choosing English course + Practice speaking skill

II Contents:

1 Vocabulary: Scholarship, Campus, Native speaker, Reputation, Dormitory 2 Grammar

III Teaching aids: - Text books, extra board

IV Procedure:

Stages / steps Content Activities

Warm up:

5 minutes - Ask Ss some questions Do you like English? Why or Why not? Is it easy or difficult?


Pre speaking

15 minutes *Pre teach vocabulary: - Scholarship (n) (example): hoc bong - Campus (n) (example) : khu truong hoc - Native speaker = mother tongue: tieng me de( nguoi ban xu)

- Reputation (n) (translation): danh tieng - Dormitory (n) (example): ký tuc xa * Check vocabulary: “Matching” * Set the scene

- Ask some question

Why does Thu take part in the Brighton L.C.UK?

Why doesn’t Tam and Kim take part in the B.L.C.UK?

What about you?

- Ss answers and teacher correct mistakes - Ask Ss to read example

- Remind Ss of the expression that they can use to persuade someone to st

+ I think…………

+ What you think……….? + I agree / disagree because………

Whole class

While speaking 15 minutes

- Devide class into groups

- Ask Ss in each groups to play the roles of Thu, Tam, Kim

- Call on some groups to practice before class - Correct mistakes


Post speaking

8 minutes - Ask Ss to discus in groups, using the expression to persude your partner to attent the way you learn English (vocabulary,

grammar….) Homework

2 minutes - Learn by heart the newwords - Do more exercises - Prepare next lesson


Lesson plan

Period 22 : Date:

Unit 4


Learning a foreign languge


I.Objective :

- After the lesson ss will be able to identity the correct information by listening the tape and correct false information


1 Vocabulary:

2 Grammar: III.Teaching aids:

-Tape, radio, poster, text books

IV.Procedures :

Stages / steps Content Activities

Warm up

5’ -Information transmitting- Suggested sentences: -I want to improve my writing/ reading/ speaking skill

- English is an interesting language and It’s very usefull


Pre - lisening:

15* Set the sence : Nga is talking to Kate about her studing English - T/F prediction (page 35)

* Questions: T / F

a Nga’s studying English for her work b She learned English at school and university

c She works for a national bank in Hanoi d She needs to improve her writing e Her listening is excellent

f She hopes she can talk to people from all over the world, and understand her favorite English songs

- Ask Ss to work in group to predict which statement is true and which is false

- Write their predictions on black board

Whole class

While-listeninng :


- Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice

- Ask Ss to compare their answers with their prediction

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape once more

- Ask Ss to check the box (V) and correct false statement


Statements Key Correct

a T

Whole class Groups


Lesson plan

b c d e f

She works for a bank in HN


She work for an internationl bank in HN

Her listening is terible

Post- listening

8’ * Retell : Ex: Nga is studing English in London, She… Whole class Homework

’ - Write it up.- Prepare next lesson


Ngày đăng: 02/05/2021, 22:57


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