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Many people use their personal computers for playing games, but home computer use goes far beyond entertainment.. People are realising the tremendous potential of hom[r]


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sở giáo dục đào tạo đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi tỉnhnăm học 2007-2008 Môn: tiếng anh lớp 12 THPT– –

Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề) Ngày thi 02-04-2008

* Chú ý: Thí sinh làm với phần trắc nghiệm phải ghi rõ câu trả lời gồm chữ từ đợc chọn vào tờ giấy thi.

VÝ dô: It … me years to finish the course at the univerity

A lasted B took C made D spent

-> Tr¶ lêi: B (took)

I Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three in each question:

1 A naked B completed C wicked D looked

2 A fasten B little C gentle D battle

3 A one B orange C dozen D cover

4 A swear B wear C spear D bear

5 A eradicate B character C magazine D marine

II Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question:

1 A souvenir B opposite C bakery D kilometer

2 A instrumental B communicate C mathematics D accidental

3 A contestant B satellite C similar D interview

4 A comment B compact C commence D compound

5 A powerful B substance C basement D celestial

III Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence:

1 While they were on holiday their house was broken - and some valuable paintings were stolen

A into B down C about D away

2 Jack - the map for several minutes, unable to believe his eyes

A watched B glanced C stared at D glimpsed

3 In our company I am afraid there is very little - to work hard

A.inspiration B advantage C gain D motivation

4 He looks much older His financial worries seem to have taken a terrible - on his health

A burden B toll C strain D tax

5 My country - the pursuit of world peace

A is dedicating to B is dedicated to C is dedicating by D is dedicated by As the conditions of the expedition are likely to be severe, you had better take necessary

-A precautions B trials C efforts D attempts

7 At the meeting, even though he spoke well, he was unable to the other members

A compete B persuade C reinterpret D dispute

8 Please don’t - yourself out A sandwich will

A let B put C leave D take

9.We would contact your nearest relative - any accident occurring

A on account of B in spite of C in the event of D in place of 10.My father doesn’t like any kind of change He’s very - in his ways

A fixed B established C set D determined

11 This university’s programs - those of Harward

A come second after B are second only to C are in second place from D are first except for 12 The discovery of oil can bring great - to a country

A property B wealth C purchases D belongings

13 The fact is, doctor, I can not - this dreadful cough

A get out of B get round to C get down to D get rid of 14 As he was caught in - of an offensive weapon, he was immediately a suspect

A control B ownership C handling D possession

15 Television has - several sports which until recently had only minority interest

A populated B vulgarised C popularised D inhabited 16 Look at the terrible situation I am in ! If only I - your advice

A follow B had followed C would follow D.have followed 17 He insisted that his method - correct

A be B should C were D was

18 Bread and butter - their daily food

A are B is being C is D were

19 The workers in this factory are paid by

-A hour B the hour C an hour D hours


A He failed to reach B Having failed reaching C That he failed reaching D Having failed to reach IV.Supply the correct tense or form of the verb in parentheses

1 By eight o’clock this evening, the spaceship (travel) - for five hours around the earth Although he (go) - to the doctor for three months , he did not feel any better

3 That man (teach) in this school since 1995 Before he (come) - here, he (live) - in Ha Noi Now he ( live) - in the suburbs and (come) to school everyday on his bicycle

4 Is there anything worth (buy) - ?

5 By the time we stop we (drive ) - six hundred miles

6 It’s very cold Mr Taylor, who has been ill recently, is walking along the road without a coat He (wear) - a warm coat

V Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition or participle :

1 If you want to lose weight, cut - potatoes, bread and sweet things for a week

2 The oral exam was difficult The examiner tried to catch me - by asking me some tricky questions My brother has taken - karate He trains three times a week

4 Grandmother’s over eighty, but she still likes to get - She’s going to Paris next week We would like to buy a holiday flat in Spain, but we don’t know how to go - it We don’t know who’s staying where The secretary has mixed - the hotel bookings I don’t believe the story Bob told us I’m sure he made it -

8 The old lady fainted, but the nurse was soon able to bring her -

9 When the van driver realized that the police was following him, he started to speed - 10 If you’ve made a decision, stick - it Don’t change your mind

VI Fill each of the numbered blanks in the passage with one suitable word:

The first known mention of the Italian tomato in Italy dates back to the year 1544 It was then (1) - the herbalist Mattioli called it “ Pomodoro”, (2) - means “Golden Apple”, (3) - possibly to the golden colour of the original yellow vegetable known at that time Tomatoes were then cultivated into bright red varieties and (4) - to Matioli were first eaten fried in oil with salt and pepper

In 1811 the Italian cook Filippo Re discovered that if tomatoes (5) - crushed, cooled and (6) - dried in the sun they turned (7) -a dark red paste This was an ideal (8) - of preserving the tomato throughout the year, allowing (9) - preparation of many dishes such as sauces and stews Around the 1840s (10) - product started to be commercialized and sold in markets, (11) - it was cut into slices and servered on fresh fig leaves

(12) -was recognized that the tomato was packed (13) - of many precious qualities such as vitamins (14) - other substances contained in the seeds, (15) - with a low calorie count and a vast number of culinary uses The initial technology for preservation (16) - the various forms that we now know was created, (17) - tomatoes to be used throughout the year and in the (18) - 150 years the tomato has become second (19) - to potato (20) -the most popular vegetble in the world VII Supply the correct forms of the words in brackets:

1 The news has had a very poor - by the critics RECIEVE He thinks he’s the only person who’s right! What - ! ARROGANT It was a long, slow film I nearly died of - BORING The tourists were impressed by the _ of the jewellery in the museum SPLENDID He was very of all I had done for him APPRECIATE You can _ the risk of thief by locking your bicycle LESS

7 I don’t like to be visited or phoned too much at home I like my PRIVATE Donkeys are known for their _ They won’t what they are told OBSTINATE He says everyone is equal but he treats his employees badly What _! HYPOCRITICAL 10 The doctor gave her some tablets to _ the pain RELIEF

VIII Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the one given: According to the literature, rich pickings awaited the settlers

The settlers were led _

2 The journalists only heard about the changes to the wedding plans when they arrived at the venue It was only _

3 Success in the academic field depends on your ability to amass qualifications

The more Absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission

Without _ You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police


Not until _ Richard only took over the family business because his father decided to retire early But for his Her husband will be returning from South America quite soon

It won’t The supermarket closed before David arrived in the car park

By the time 10 Sally is very disorganized so she has no chance of getting that secretarial job

Were it _ IX The passage below contains 15 errors Identify and correct them O is an example

Example: O have moved > moved

I’ve been getting the school bus for three years now since we have moved to our new house I have to get up at six each morning to make it sure that I am at the end of the lane just after half past catching it It won’t wait you for more than a minute so you really have to be on the time Luckily, I am not a first to be picked up or I would have been to get up even earlier We all usually sat in the same place each day.The older boys all sit on the backseats of the bus as far away to the driver as possible It is always these boys who are caused the trouble with other children on the bus or motorists on their way to work Sometimes people make the driver to stop the bus to complaint about something that had been thrown or rude behaviour Most days though we will get to school without a problem The drivers are always teased if they will have a new haircut or wear something different, but you can’t expect thirty kids sit on a bus and not have any fun

X Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space Underline the option (A,B,C or D) as your answer O is an example:

Example: A very B much C too D so

Students who are (0) - shy to answer questions in class will have their embarrasment ended (1) - a new electronic system which (2) - them to give answers to tutors in private The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology will be the first tertiary institution in the world to (3) - the Personal Response System across the whole campus

The electronic tool, (4) - a remote control, enables all students to (5) electronically and in private to questions asked in class by their instructors Students will get a pocket-size transmitter and their instructor a reciever (6) a lecture the instructor may stop from time to time to assess the students’ (7) of the content by asking a question The students can tap the answer into the personalized wirelesss transmitter and the answers are (8) sent to the instructor’s reciever

Professor Nelson Cue, (9) demonstrated how to use the (10) - yesterday, said: “Allowing students to respond privately and at ease (11) the threat associated with speaking publicly (12) lectures Students not have to risk a loss of face when they give a wrong answer They (13) - not have to compete (14) - the attention of the instructor What’s more, the most important part of learning often takes (15) - while mistakes are being discussed.”

1 A.by B for C in D because

2 A lets B makes C allows D tells

3 A start B adopt C play D work

4 A which B as C similarly D like

5 A answer B act C speak D respond

6 A After B Throughout C During D With

7 A ability B understanding C quality D knowlege

8 A eventually B next C immediately D.accurately

9 A someone B which C that D who

10 A instruments B machine C panel D device

11 A lifts B removes C takes D empties

12.A at B by C in D through

13 A only B too C all D also

14 A with B for C against D towards

15 A part B place C hold D measure

XI Read the following passage and the exercises below:

A. In 1940s, scientists began to use computers for research , mathematics and technology When computers became available commercially, only the largest businesses bought them, often just for the prestige of owning one The uses of computers were quite limited in those days Today, however, it would be hard to name areas in which computers are not being used Computers have entered almost every aspect of our lives


energy use Some cars even contain electronic maps which help the drivers navigate through unfamilar territory

C More and more families are buying personal computers for home use because of the services these machines can offer Many people use their personal computers for playing games, but home computer use goes far beyond entertainment People are realising the tremendous potential of home computers in gathering information Using the telephone lines and especially equipped computers, subscribers can call a commercial database such a Computerised Serve for information about the stock market, current events, and sports information In addition, they can their banking by computer, shop via an electronic catalog, or enroll in accredited college courses through electronic communication system

D In the workplace, computers are indispensable Computers have carried out financial analysis, bookkeeping, manufacturing processes, and they can perform other functions quickly and efficiently Company executives use personal computers as aids in decision making Clerks and secretaries use personal computers for preparing documents and keeping records Manufacturers use computers in designing machines and products, controlling robots, and regulating manufacturing processes

E People of various occupations also find it necessary to use computers Scientists build computer models of airplane crashes in order to determine the crash behaviour of airplanes This information helps aircraft designers plan safer seats and windows, and fabrics that decrease fire hazards during a crash Ecologists use computers for monitoring problems such as acid rain and suggesting solutions for environmental management Educators use computers for performing chemistry experiments that might otherwise be dangerous Computers are used by medical researchers in testing drugs; by meteorologists for predicting the weather; by musicians for synthesizing and reproducting sounds, by artists for producing graphics; and by students for learning basic skills Movie goers may notice an increased sophistication in special effects, thanks to computer scene stimulation Even the farmers benefit from such computer applications as book-keeping, maintaining animal health and production records, and devising economical feed programs

1 Choose the most suitable heading for each of the paragraphs above Write (A,B,C,D or E) on the space at the beginning of each heading as your answer.

1 _ The use of computers not just for the prestige _ Computer uses by people of different occupations _ Introduction of computer use today

4 _ Computer used in designing machines and product _ Computer uses in various places outside the homes 6. Examples of computer-aided household appliances _ Computer uses in the homes

8 _ Computerized applicances in the homes

2 Circle the option that best describes the general idea of the passage A Computers are widely used in different occupations

B Modern life can not exist without computers C The popularity of computers

D The advantages and disadvantages of using computers

-HẾT -(Đề thi có 05 trang)

Họ tên thí sinh:………Số báo danh:…… ………

KEY TO HSG 12 (07-08) Tổng điểm: 200

I.Mỗi câu điểm = ®iÓm

1 D (looked) 2.A (fasten) 3.B (orange) 4.C (spear) 5.A (eradicate) II Mỗi câu điểm = ®iÓm

1.B (opposite) 2.B (communicate) 3.A (contestant) 4.D (compound) 5.D (celestial)

III Mỗi câu điểm =20 ®iÓm


19 B (the hour) 20 D (having failed to reach) IV: Mỗi động từ điểm = 20 điểm

1 will have been traveling had been going

3 has been teaching/ came/ had lived/ is living/ comes buying

5 will have driven should have been wearing V; Mỗi câu điểm := 10 điểm

1 out out up about/ around about

6 up up round up 10 to

VI Mỗi câu điểm = 20điểm

that which referring

4 according were then/ afterwards

7 into way/ means/ method the/ for

10 this/ that/ the 11 where 12 It

13 full 14 and 15 along/ together 16 in 17 allowing/ enabling18.following/next 19 only 20.as

VII Mỗi câu điểm = 20điểm

1 reception arrogance boredom splendour appreciative lessen privacy obstinacy

9 hypocrisy 10 relieve VIII Mỗi câu điểm = 20 điểm

1 The settlers were led (by the literature) to believe that rich pickings awaited them

2 It was only when they arrived at the venue that the journalists heard about the changes to the wedding plans

3 The more qualifications you are able to amass, the more success you will have in the academic field Without absolute secrecy , this mision would not have succeeded/ been successful/ been a success / would have failed

5 Refusal to give a breath sample to the police could lead to your arrest

6 Not until twenty-five years had passed/ had gone by/ later did Michael return to his hometown But for his father’s early retirement, Richard would not have taken over the family business It won’t be (very) long before/ until/till her husband returns/ comes back from South America By the time David arrived in the car park, the supermarket had closed

10 Were it not for the fact Sally is very disorganized, she might/ would have a chance of getting that secretarial job

IX: Mỗi câu điểm = 30 điểm

1 make it sure -> make sure catching -> to catch wait you -> wait for you on the time -> on time a first -> the first have been -> have sat -> sit to -> from are caused -> cause 10 to stop -> stop 11 complaint -> complain 12.had been -> has been 13 will get -> get 14 will have -> have 15 sit -> to sit

X: Mỗi câu điểm =30điểm

1.A (by) C (allows) B (adopt) D (like) D (respond) 6.C (During) B (understanding)

8 C(immediately) 9.D (who) 10.D (device) 11.B (removes)

12.C (in) 13.D (also) 14.B (for) 15.B (place)

XI : 20 ®iÓm


Ngày đăng: 01/05/2021, 06:14



