- T write the words Post office services on board and asks Ss to brainstorm all the words related to the topic.. - T gets the answers from Ss.[r]
(1)Date of preparing: 02/ 01/ 2010 Date of teaching:
Class: Attendane:
Period 54th
Unit 9: THE POST OFFICE Lesson 2: SPEAKING I objectives:
1 Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
- Use appropriate language to make dialogues in formal business situations
2 Knowledge:
- Grammar: Wh-questions
- Lexical items: Words related to the Post office services
3 Skills:
- Main skill: Speaking
- Sub-skills: Reading, listening, writing
II Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative. III Teaching aids: Textbook,
IV Anticipated problems:
Ss may transfer the Vietnamese speaking rules when making requests in English, which could cause communication difficulty So T should raise their awareness of linguistic and socio- cultural differences between English and Vietnamese speakers in the way they make requests.
V Procedure
1 Greeting and checking Ss’ attendance
2 Checking: Ask Ss to write the new words on board
3 New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Warm- up
- T write the words Post office services on board and asks Ss to brainstorm all the words related to the topic
- T gets the answers from Ss
- Observe T’s words and then brainstorm the words related to the topic
- Read out the answers
Suggested answers
(2)Task 1:
- T leads Ss to the topic of the lesson by getting them to look at the picture on page 103 and asks some questions like “ What can you see in the
picture? Where you think these people are? Who is the man? Who is the woman? What might the man want to do? Etc”
- Then T introduces the task to Ss: Act out the dialogue and then answer the question
- T reads the dialogue once for Ss first
- Then T gets Ss to practice reading the dialogue in pairs
- T goes around to observe
- T calls on some pairs to practice the dialogue in front of the class
- After getting SS practice in front of the class, T gets some Ss to answer the question “ What service is the customer taking in the dialogue?”
- T gives Ss some structures to express requests
Task 2:
- T introduces Task to Ss: Make conservation from the suggestions - T explains the task and elicits some useful structures asking about fee,
- Look at the pictures on page 103 and answers T’s questions
Study Task 1: Act out the dialogue and then answer the question
- Listen to the dialogue
- Practice reading the dialogue in pairs
- Practice the dialogue in front of the class
- Answer the question in front of the class
The service the customer is using is the fax service.
- Study stuctures of giving requests + Could you help me to………? + Would you please……….? + Would you mind…………? + Can you …………please? - Study Task and structures + What is the installation fee/ monthly fee?
+ What is your address?
(3)address, etc
- Then T puts Ss in pairs and gets them to write the dialogue together based on the information given in the task and then practice reading the dialogue
- T goes around to observe and provide help if necessary
- T calls on some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class
- T listens to Ss’ practice and then gives comments
- T introduces sample dialogue to Ss
Task 3:
- T introduces the situations to Ss and then asks them to work in pairs again and make dialogue of two situations
- Work in pairs and write the dialogue based on the information given in the task, and then practice reading it
- Act out the dialogue in front of the class
- Listen to Ss’ comments
- Study sample dialogue and practice
Sample dialogue:
A: Good morning Can I help you? B: Yes I want to have a telephone line installed at home.
A: Ok Where you live?
B: I live at 67 Ngoc Ha Street When can you install it?
A: We can install it one week after you have registered.
B: Can you come on Friday? A: Yes, that’s fine Do you have a telephone yet?
B: Yes I have a telephone already How much is the installation fee and monthly fee?
A: The installation fee is million dong and the monthly fee is 27 thousand dong Can you fill in the form?
- Study Task
- Work in pairs and make dialogue, using given situations
(4)- T can make a dialogue with a student in front of the class as model - T goes around and gives help if necessary
- T calls on some pairs to present the dialogue in front of the class
- T comments on Ss’ dialogue
- T introduces sample dialogues if Ss find difficult in making dialogue themselves
- T gets Ss to practice the sample dialogues and add more information if they can
- T listens to Ss’ practice and gives comments on pronunciation and intonation
- Present the dialogue in front of the class
- Listen to T’s comments - Study T’s sample dialogues
A: Good morning Can I help you?
B: Yes I would like to subscribe to Lao Dong daily newspaper
A: Yes, how long would you like to get the newspaper?
B: For a year please
A: Where would you like to get the newspaper?
B: At home I live at 67 Ngoc Ha street
A: ok 67 Ngoc Ha street.
B: Oh, can I get the newspaper every morning before 6.30?
A: Before 6.30? Well, it might be a little bit too early How about before 7.30?
B: OK That’s fine Thank you!
A: All right Could you fill in this form please?
Dialogue2 :
A: Good morning What can I for you?
B: Yes I would like to send a greetings card and some flowers to my friend on her birthday
A: Right When is your friend’s birthday?
B: It’s May 16th
A: What kind of flowers would you like to send?
B: Roses A bunch of red roses please
(5)16th or a day before?
B: On May 16th It’s best to deliver in
the early morning.
A: OK I make a note for that Could you please fill in this form? And don’t forget to write the recipient’s address clearly
4-Consolidation: - Summarize the main points of the lesson they have leanrt 5-Homework : - Do exercise in workbook and prepare for Listening lesson
(6)Class: Attendane: Period 55th
Unit 9: THE POST OFFICE Lesson 3: LISTENING I objectives:
1 Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
- Develop such listening micro- skill as listening for specific and detailed information
- Summary the information they have listened
2 Knowledge:
- Lexical items: Words related to the development of Vietnam’s telephone system
3 Skills:
- Main skill: Listening
- Sub-skills: Reading, Speaking, writing
II Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative. III Teaching aids: Textbook, tape and cassette. IV Anticipated problems:
- The topic can be challenging for Ss, so T should prepare them enough for listening tasks
V Procedure
1 Greeting and checking Ss’ attendance
2 Checking: Ask Ss to write the new words on board
3 New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
- T divides the class into small groups and asks the groups to generate as many words related to telephone as possible in minutes The group with the more points will be the winner
- Work in groups and generate the words related to telephone in minutes
Suggested answers:
Dial, cell phone, network, digit, fixed telephone, subcriber, fee, mail, telephone bill, etc
(7)- T gets Ss to discuss the questions on page105 in pairs
- T calls on some Ss to answer the questions in front of the class
- T listens to Ss’ answers and gives corrective feedback
Pre-teaching vocabulary
- T gets Ss to study the words given in the book
- T plays the tape for Ss to listen to the words and then plays the tape again and asks Ss to repeat in chorus several times
- T explains the meaning of the words for SS
WHILE YOU LISTEN - T introduces the topic of the listening passage to Ss: You are going to listen about the
development of Vietnam’s telephone system over the past years Then the tasks that follow
in pairs
- Answer the questions in front of the class
3 Advantages of a cellphone: contact other people easily; be reached at almost anytime,
anywhere; get important information easily; feel close to family when being away from home, etc.
Disadvantages: Do not have much privacy; be irritated when sleeping or meeting, etc.
- Study the words in book
- Listen to the tape and then repeat in chorus
- Study the meaning of the new words:
+ commune ( n ): x·
+ communal growth ( n) : phát triển cộng đồng
+ digit subcriber ( n) : số thuê bao + rural network ( n) : mạng líi n«.ng th«n
+ capacity ( n): c«ng st, khả năng
- Listen to Ts introduction of the topic of the listening passage
(8)TASK 1:
- T gets Ss to study Task 1: read the questions carefully and work out what information they need to concentrate on while listening by underlining the key words
- T gets Ss to read the options in each question carefully and underline the words that make them different - T encourages Ss to guess the answers in each question
- T plays the tape once or twice for Ss to listen and then the task - T asks Ss to compare the answers with a partner
- T gets the answers from Ss - T checks the answers with the whole class
- T plays the tape again for Ss to check their answers T pauses at the answers for Ss to catch
- T gets Ss to study Task 2: Listen again and then answer the questions - T asks Ss to read the questions and underline the key words
- T gets Ss to listen to the tape again and answer the questions
- T calls on some Ss to write the answer on the board
- T checks the answers in front of the class
carefully and underline the key words
- Read the options of each question carefully
- Guess the answer of each question - Listen to the tape and the task - Compare the answers with a partner
- Read out the answers in front of the class
- Observe T’s cheching
- Listen again and check the answers
1 B 2 D 3 C 4 D 5 C
- Study Task carefully
- Read the questions and underline key words
- Listen to the tape again and then answer the questions
- Write the answers on the board - Observe T’s checking
- Listen again and check the answers
(9)- T plays the tape again for Ss to check the answers
AFTER YOU LISTEN - T devides the class into small groups of or and gets them to summarise the listening passage based on their notes and given cues in the book
- T goes around to observe and offer help if necessary
- After checking that all the groups have finished, T calls on the
representative of each group to present the summary in front of the class
- T listens andd takes notes errors and then gives corrective feedback
1 China has the best growth in number of telephone subcribers. 2 In the early 1990s, there were only
140.000 telephones in VN
3 In the 1996, there were changed from six to seven digits in Hanoi and HCM City as well as five to six digits in other Provinces 4 In 2001.
5 There are 6.014 communal post offices in VN
- Work in groups of or and summarize the listening passage based on their notes and given cues
- Present the summary in front of the class
- Listen to T’s feedback
4 Consolidation: Summarise the main points of the lesson
5 Homework: Ask Ss to learn the new words by heart and prepare for the writing lesson
(10)Class: Attendane: Period 56th
Unit 9: THE POST OFFICE Lesson 4: WRITING I Objectives:
1 Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
- Write a formal letter to express satisfaction or dissatisfaction
2 Knowledge:
- Lexical items: Words related to Post office service
3 Skills:
- Main skill: Writing
- Sub-skills: Reading, Speaking, Listening
II Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative. III Teaching aids: Textbook, sample writing. IV Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough language to write the letter, so T should be ready to help them
V Procedure
1 Greeting and checking Ss’ attendance
2 Checking: Ask Ss to write the new words on board
3 New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
- T gives Ss some adjectives gets Ss to work in groups or and then choose the adjectives which make people satisfied The group which finishes first with the most correct answers will be the winner
Polite , rude , cold , helpful , spacious , crumpled , large , small , good , bad, reasonable , expensive , cheap , arrogant , punctual , reliable
- Then T introduces the topic of the lesson to Ss
- Work in groups and choose the adjectives which make people satisfied
(11)TASK 1
- T explains the task for Ss and asks them to read through it
- T explains new words for Ss if necessary
Note: T can remind Ss that they can talk about any post office that they know if they not like to talk about Thanh Ba post office
- Then T asks Ss to work in pairs and talk about things that they like or they dislike about the services at Thanh Ba Post Office or a post office they know
- T goes around and offers help if necessary
- After few minutes T elicits answers from Ss and writes the good ideas on the blackboard
- T introduces Task to Ss: Write a letter to the director of Thanh Ba Post office describing the quality of its services, using the ideas in Task
- T draws Ss’ attention to the fact that when evaluating something people normally say about good things before they say about negative things and people may also want to give suggestions to improve things they find not good enough
- T helps Ss to work out the structure of the letter they are going to write
- Listen to T’s explanation of the task and read through the task
- Study new words
- Listen to T’s remind
- Work in pairs and then talk about things that they like or not like about the services at post office
- Present the answers in front of the class
- Listen to T’s introduction of Task
- Listen to T’s remind of giving evaluation to something
- Study the structure of the letter
Opening - Introduce who you are.
- Say the purpose of your letter.
First paragrap h
(12)- T reviews the structures of giving suggestions for Ss
- T divides the class into groups and asks one group writes about satisfaction of the services, one group writes about dissatisfaction and the last group writes about both satisfaction and dissatisfaction
- T goes around to observe and give help if necessary
- After 12 minutes, T gets the writings from groups and gets comments from Ss for each writing - T gives final comments
- T introduces sample letter
Second paragrap h
- Say about what you do not like about the service.
- Make suggestions if possible.
Closing - Thank the recipient for the time and attention.
- Good-bye.
- Study the structures of giving suggestions
+ It would be a good idea to………… , if I could make a suggestion
+ If I could make a suggestion, that would be about………
+ I would suggest………
- Work in groups to write the letter
- Give out the answers and then comment
- Listen to T’s comments - Study sample letter
Sample letter:
(13)Mr Vu Nguyen Hung
Director, Thanh Ba Post Office Tran Hung Dao St
Dear Mr Vu Nguyen Hung,
My name is Nguyen Thanh Mai I am a regular customer of Thanh Ba Post Office I am writing in reference to your invitation for comments about the services offered at your post office and suggestions for improving them I think generally, your services are very good For example, I especially like the Flower Telegram Service It is much cheaper than many florists’ that I know I also like the Express Money Transfer service It is speedy and effective And I like the Press Distribution service The delivery is always punctual and I never lose any newspapers I highly appreciate the fact that your staff are helpful and courteous
If I could make a suggestion, however, that would probably be about your business hours I think you close quite early I thought it may be a good idea to keep the post office open until 10 or 10:30 pm
Thank you very much for your time and attention Kind regards,
Nguyen Thanh Mai
4 Consolidation: Summarise the main points of the lesson Homework: Ask Ss to rewrite the letter at home
Ask Ss to prepare for the Language Focus Lesson
Date of preparing: 08/01/2010 Date of teaching:
(14)Period 57th
Unit 9: THE POST OFFICE Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives:
1 Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - Distiguish the sounds / sp /, / st /, and / sk /
- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly - Distinguish the use of defining and non-defining relative clauses and use these two structures correctly and appropriately
2 Knowledge:
- Grammar: Defining and non-defining relative clauses
- Lexical items: Words related to the sounds / sp /, / st /, and / sk /
3 Skills: Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing II Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative. III Teaching aids: Textbook, tape and cassette IV Anticipated problems:
Ss may have difficulty in distinguish defining and non-defining relative clause, so T should be ready to help them
V Procedure
1 Greeting and checking Ss’ attendance Checking:
3 New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
PRONUNCIATION Distinguish the sounds
- T models the three consonant clusters / sp /, / st /, / sk / for Ss several times
- T plays the tape once for Ss to listen to the words containing these sounds first, and then plays again and asks Ss to repeat after the tape - T gets Ss to read the words in three columns aloud in chorus several times
Practice sentences containing the target sounds
- See T’s model
- Listen to the words containing the sounds and then repeat after the tape
- Practice reading the words in chorus several times
(15)- T plays the tape of the dialogue for Ss to listen Then T asks Ss to
practice reading the dialogue an pairs
- T calls on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class - T listens and then correct pronunciation mistakes
- T introduces the requirement of the exercise to Ss: Explain the given words using the phrases from the box
- T gets Ss to read the example and analyze the form of the relative clause occurring in it
- T gets Ss to work out the meaning, the use and the form of defining relative clause
- T listens to Ss’ answers and correct or add more information if
- T gets Ss to complete the exercise in the same way as the example T explains the new words before getting Ss to the exercise
the target language and then practice reading it in pairs
- Practice the dialogue in front of the class
- Listen to T’s correction
- Study Exercise 1: Explain the given words using the phrases from the box
- Read the example and then analyse it
- Work out the meaning, the use and the form of defining relative clause + Meaning and use: Defining
relative clauses are used in order to give important information about a person or an object This
information helps to distinguish him/her/it from others.
+ Form: There is no comma between main clause and the relative clause. The relative clause can start with any pronouns like Who, Whom, Whose, Which, Where, What, That. - Study new words and then Exercise
+ burglar (n): tªn trém
+ shoplifter (n): ngời ăn trộm đồ của cửa hàng
+ tenant (n): ngêi thuª
+ coward (n): kẻ hèn nhát
(16)- T calls on some Ss to go to the board to write the answers down - T checks the answers with the whole class
- T gets Ss to review the use of Who, Whom and Whose
- T asks Ss to give some examples to check that Ss all understand the rules
- T gets Ss to the exercise individually and then compare the answers with a partner
- T calls on some Ss to read out the answers in front of the class
- T checks the answers with the whole class and gives corrective feedback if necessary
answers down - See T’s checking
1 A burglar is someone who breaks into a house to steal things.
2 A customer is someone who buys something from a shop.
3 A shoplifter is someone who steals from a shop.
4 A coward is someone who is not brave.
5 A tenant is someone who pays rent to live in a house or flat.
- Review the use of Who, Whom and Whose
+ Who is used to modify noun subject It refers to people. + Whom is used to modify noun object It refers to people.
+ Whose is used to express possessive.
- Give examples
- Do the exercise individually and then compare the answers with a partner
- Read out the answers in front of the class
- See T’s checking
1 who 2 whose 3 whom 4 whose whom
(17)- T gets Ss to distinguish the difference between “ that” and “ Which”
- T gets Ss to Exercise and then compare then compare the answers with a partner
- T gets the answers from Ss
- T gets Ss to read the example and analyze the form of the relative clause occurring in it
- T asks Ss to work out the meaning, the use and the form of non-defining relative clause based on the example - T gets Ss to exercise
individually and then compare the answers with a partner,
- T gets the answers from Ss - T checks Ss’ answers and gives corrective feedback
+ Which is used for objects
+ That is used for both objects and people
- Do the exercise and then compare the answers with a partner
- Read the answers out Answers:
1 The man who answered the phone told me you were away
2 The girl who served us was very impolite and impatient
3 The building which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt The people who were arrested have now been released
5 The bus which goes to the airport runs every half an hour
- Read the example and then analyze it
- Work out the meaning, the use and the form of defining relative clause + Meaning and use: Non-defining relative clauses are used to give additional information about a person or an object, not to distinguish
+ Form: There is comma between clause It can be start with Who, Whom, Which, etc, but not with That
- Do the exercise and then compare with a partner
- Give out the answers - See T’ checking Answers:
(18)who is visiting us for a couple of days
3 You are moving to Manchester, which is in the North-west
4 I’ll be staying with Adrian, whose brother is one of my closest friends John Bridge, who is one of my oldest friends, has just gone to live in Canada
4 Consolidation: Summarise the main points of the lesson Homework: - Ask Ss to exercises in workbook