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20 Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HK1 Anh văn 12

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Nhằm đánh giá lại thực lực học tập của các em học sinh trước khi tham dự kỳ kiểm tra chất lượng. Mời các em và giáo viên tham khảo 20 đề kiểm tra chất lượng học kỳ 1 Anh văn 12 sẽ giúp bạn định hướng kiến thức ôn tập và rèn luyện kỹ năng, tư duy làm bài kiểm tra đạt điểm cao.

Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 10 Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest a temperature b serious c awareness d chemical a ability b agriculture c development d contaminate a government b agency c benefit d diversity a disappearance b vulnerable c conservation d generation a current b global c crisis d mankind Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one _ is a branch of Natural Science, and is the study of living organisms and how they interact with their environment a Biology b Biological c Biologist d Biologically A / an _ species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct a dangerous b endanger c endangered d endangerment Only a few of the many species at risk of extinction actually make it to the lists and obtain legal _ a protect b protection c protective d protector Probability of extinction depends _ both the population size and fine details of the population demography a on b in c from d for 10 Many modern medicines are derived _ plants and animals a on b for c from d in 11 15,589 species (7,266 animal species and 8,323 plant species) are now considered _ risk _ extinction a at / of b on / in c for / with d in / at 12 Internationally, 189 countries have signed _ accord agreeing to create Biodiversity Action Plans to protect endangered and other threatened species a a b an c the d Ø 13 Known worldwide by its panda logo, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is dedicated to protecting _ world's wildlife and the rich biological diversity that we all need to survive a a b an c the d Ø 14 WWF is _ leading privately supported international conservation organization in the world, and has sponsored more than 2,000 projects in 116 countries a a b an c the d Ø 15 Many nations have laws offering protection to these species, such as forbidding hunting, restricting land development or creating _ a agencies b reserves c awareness d challenges 16 Being listed as an endangered species can have negative effect since it could make a species more desirable for collectors and poachers a awareness b preservation c support d impact 17 World Wide Fund for Nature was formed to the mission of the preservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of natural resources, and the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption a contamination b energy c extinction d development 18 The Bali Tiger was declared extinct in 1937 due to hunting and habitat loss a reserve b generation c natural environment d diversity 19 It is found that endangered species are often concentrated in areas that are poor and densely populated, such as much of Asia and Africa a disappeared b increased c threatened d reduced 20 _ is the existence of a wide variety of plant and animal species living in their natural environment a Biodiversity b Conservation c Globe d Individual 21 She _ be ill I have just seen her playing basket ball in the school yard a needn't b shouldn't c mustn't d can't 22 Hiking the trail to the peak _ be dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic weather changes You _ research the route a little more before you attempt the ascent a might / can b may / mustn't c can / should d must / needn't 23 Peter has been working for 10 hours He _ be very tired now a needn't b must c has to d should 24 He is unreliable What he says _ be believed a cannot b must not c may not d might not 25 I _ find my own way there You _ wait for me a should / can't b have to / must c can / needn't d might / mustn't 26 I was reading the book last night before I went to bed I never took it out of this room It be lying around here somewhere Where _ it be? a might / needn't b can / should c shouldn't / may d must / can 27 When you have a small child in the house, you _ leave small objects lying around Such objects _ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death a should / must b should not / might c needn't / may d mustn't / can't 28 Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table He _ it here last night a must have left b should have left c must be leaving d needn't leave 29 Jenny's engagement ring was precious! It _ have cost a fortune a must b should c can d needn't 30 You _ take your umbrella along with you today It _ rain later on this afternoon a ought to / mustn't b needn't / will c will / must d should / might Error Identification 31 Species become extinct or endangerment for a number of reasons, but A B the primary cause is the destruction of habitat by human activities C D 32 Although species evolve differently, most of them adapt to a specific A B habitat or environment that best meets their survive needs C D 33 Without the particularly habitat, the species could not survive A B C D 34 Such human activities as pollution, drainage of wetlands, cutting and A B clearing of forests, urbanization, and road and dam construction has C D destroyed or :seriously damaged available habitats 35 Habitat fragmentation have caused plant and animal species in the A B C remaining islands of habitat to lose contact with others of their own kind D Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer Species that belong to an area are said to be native species Typically, they have been part of a given biological landscape for a long period, and they are well adapted to the local environment and to the presence of other native species in the same general habitat Exotic species are interlopers, foreign elements introduced intentionally or accidentally into new settings through human activities In one context an introduced species may cause no obvious problems and may, over time, be regarded as being just as "natural" as any native species in the same habitat In another context, exotics may seriously disrupt delicate ecological balances and create a cascade of unintended consequences The worst of these unintended consequences arise when introduced species put native species in destruction by preying on them, altering their habitats, or out-competing them in the struggle for food resources Although biological introductions have affected environments the world over, the most destructive, effects have occurred on islands, where introduced insects, cats, pigs, rats, mongooses, and other nonnative species have caused the grave endangerment or outright extinction of literally hundreds of species during the past 500 years One of other reason to cause species extinction is overexploitation This word refers to the utilization of a species at a rate that is likely to cause its extreme endangerment or outright extinction Among many examples of severe overexploitation, the case of the great whales stands out in special relief By the middle of the 20th century, unrestricted whaling had brought many species of whales to incredibly low population sizes In response to public pressure, in 1982 a number of nations, including the USA, agreed to an international moratorium on whaling As a direct result, some whale species which are thought to have been on extinction's doorstep 25 years ago have made amazing comebacks, such as grey whales in the western Pacific Others remain at great risk Many other species, however, continue to suffer high rates of exploitation because of the trade in animal parts Currently, the demand for animal parts is centered in several parts of Asia where there is a strong market for traditional medicines made from items like tiger bone and rhino horn 36 Native species _ a are not used to the local environment b never get along well with other native species in the same environment c tend to harm to exotic species d have been part of a given biological landscape for a long period 37 Exotic species _ a no harm to native species and the local environment b may kill native species for food c always share the environment peacefully with native species d help to make the local environment more ideal to survive 38 According to the first paragraph, _ a non-native species have caused badly damage to native ones b introducing new exotic species to local environments is necessary c exotic species have never been introduced on islands d very few native species have been damaged by exotic species 39 According to the second paragraph, by the middle of the 20 century _ a whale population was the most crowded in marine life b whale hunting was illegal c whale population increased dramatically d whaling was not restricted 40 Tiger bone and rhino horn _ a are not popular in Asian markets b are never in the trade of animal parts c are used for making traditional medicines d cannot be found in Asian markets Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international (41) _- governmental organization for the (42) _, research, and restoration of the environment The organization was (43) _ as a charitable trust on September 11, 1961, in Morges, Switzerland, under the name World Wildlife Fund It was an initiative of Julian Huxley and Max Nicholson It is the world's largest independent conservation organization with over million (44) _ worldwide, working in more (45) _ 90 countries, supporting 100 conservation and environmental projects around the world It is a charity, with (46) 9% of its funding coming from voluntary (47) _ by private individuals and businesses The group says its mission is "to halt and reverse the (48) _ of our environment" Currently, much of its work focuses on the conservation of three biomes that contain most of the world's biodiversity: forests, freshwater ecosystems, and oceans and coasts Among other issues, it is also concerned (49) _ endangered species, pollution, and climate change The organization (50) more than 20 field projects worldwide In the last few years, the organization set up offices and operations around the world 41 a non b not c no d nor 42 a challenge b keeping c conservation d awareness 43 a produced b discovered c used d formed 44 a supporters b residents c inhabitants d citizens 45 a as b than c to d as to 46 a generally b individually c commercially d approximately 47 a deposits b donations c refunds d loans 48 a destroy b destructive c destruction d destroyed 49 a on b by c with d upon 50 a goes b walks c reaches d runs - Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 11 Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest a entertainment b information c difficulty a swallow b subject c digest a imagine b important c example a different b carefully c holiday a knowledge b forever c journey d understanding d enough d wonderful d reviewer d action Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one Which subject is this book ? a for b on c of d up Francis Bacon lived about the same time as Shakespeare a at b for c in d over People enjoy a book different ways a on b with c upon d in This book is not really It is a waste of money buying it a inform b information c informative d informatively 10 Sometimes it is to find suitable books for our children a difficult b difficulty c difficultly d difficulties 11 A book may be evaluated by a reader or professional writer to create a book a review b reviewing c reviewer d reviewed 12 As for me, I consider reading important part of life a an / Ø b the / a c Ø / the d an / a 13 Anne says that she reads about half hour a day, at least a a b an the d Ø 14 Different people like specific types of books, and some people just like literature in general a a b an c the d Ø 15 books are ones in which the story is told or illustrated with pictures a Comic b Thriller c Romantic d Science 16 Boy, stop reading the book down and go to bed a Take b Put c Set d Pick 17 A book may be studied by students as the of a writing and analysis exercise in the form of a book report a limit b time c subject d interest 18 It is a good book I think it is interesting enough for you to a put down b swallow c look up d understand 19 A is a report in a newspaper or magazine in which a writer gives his opinion of a book, a film, or a play a page b subject c review d journey 20 If you a book, you have a brief look at it without reading or studying it seriously a dip into b put away c pick up d put down 21 Those letters now You can the typing later a need typing b needn't be typed c need to type d needn't typing 22 The museum is open to everybody It between 9am and 5pm a visits b visited c can visit d can be visited 23 The train by bad weather I am not sure a might delay b might be delaying c might have delayed d might have been delayed 24 The room once a day a should clean b should be cleaning c should be cleaned d should have cleaned 25 Two tablets twice a day to have you recover from the illness quickly a must take b must be taken c must have taken d must be taking 26 Theresa walked past me without saying a word She me a can't have seen b can't see c can't have been seen d can be seen 27 I think the match Everybody's gone into the stadium and you can hear them cheering a was started b will be started c must started d must have started 28 We found the exam extremely easy We so hard a needn't study b needn't be studying c needn't have studied d needn't have been studied 29 There is plenty of money in our account so those cheques to the bank today a needn't be taken b needn't be taking c needn't take d needn't taking 30 The picnic because Peter has just had a traffic accident a will cancel b will be cancelling c will be cancelled d will have cancelled Error Identification 31 Too much television can has negative effects on young minds because of higher levels of television viewing correlate with lowered academic performance, especially reading scores 32 Neil Postman, an author of some great books, pointed out that reading teaches us to think in a logically connected way, and cultivating a sustained attention span 33 Reading cannot make your life longer, but reading really makes your life more thicker 34 It is really sad how many people have the misconception that reading is bored 35 There are many benefits that we may be gained by actually taking the time to read a book instead of sitting in front of the TV or doing some other forms of mindless entertainment Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer Reading, as you know, is a continuous and never ending process If you very little reading, or if you read only material that offers no challenge to your comprehension, your reading will be of very little use Once we reach a certain age, or once our formal schooling is completed, many of us become so restricted in our choice of reading that we rarely read any new type of reading experience We tend to read only books in our professional or business field, or only inspirational books, or only our favorite newspapers every morning, or only one magazine for which we have developed a preference And the trouble starts here You should neither read only for entertainment nor only for information but you should also read for intellectual growth, for mental stimulation, for enriching your background of knowledge, for wisdom, and for broader outlook and mature understanding What kind of books should you read to continue your intellectual growth, to gain a background for opinion and for judgment? The answer is simple one: Read books in fields you have little or no acquaintance with, books that will open for you new horizons of learning, books that will help you explore new areas of knowledge and experience, books that will make the world and people more understandable to you Sadly, more and more people today are giving up the printed word in favor of being entertained and informed by watching TV, a popular entertainment ,device present at almost homes More and more children are being subjected to TV programming, perhaps as a babysitter More than two hours of TV time per day are now a part of children development, generating physiological and mental problems that are of growing concern among experts 36 Reading a completely stops when we finish our schooling c is of little use b is an endless process d should be done a little 37 According to the text, a new type of reading experience often interests most of us b we should only read for entertainment c reading for intellectual growth is necessary d we should not read for mental stimulation 38 What kind of books is recommended? a Books in fields you have little or no acquaintance with b Books that will help you explore new areas of knowledge and experience c Books that will open for you new horizons of learning d All are correct 39 We can learn from the text that today a people spend more time watching TV than reading books b more and more people enjoy reading c most babysitters prefer watching TV d most children spend less than hours a day watching TV 40 The writer a does not approve of reading process c prefers watching TV to reading b advises us to read as little as possible d appreciates reading Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase If you want to prepare yourself for great achievement and have more to (41) to your education or your work, try reading more books (42) up some of the interestingly informative books and search for well-researched material that can help you grow We should (43) our children to read more books and (44) less time watching TV Some people have commented that this is inconsistent "Why is the written word a superior way to get information than television?" That is (45) interesting point of view worth further (46) Reading is a skill that is in much greater demand than the demand for watching TV There are no jobs that (47) a person to be able to watch TV but reading is an integral part of many jobs The written word is an incredibly flexible and efficient way of communication You can write something down and, in no time, it can be (48) to many different people Not only that, we can (49) vast amounts of information through reading in a very short time A good reader can acquire more information in reading for two hours than someone watching TV can acquire in a full day You are able to gain a lot of information quickly because you are a fast reader with good (50) skills It will save you massive amounts of time and you will be able to assimilate vast quantities of information 41 a contribute b gather c collect d gain 42 a Make b Set c Take d Pick 43 a discuss b encourage c suggest d define 44 a spend b apply c train d waste 45 a a b an c the d no article 46 a explore b explorer c exploration d explorative 47 a inquire b tell c require d ask 48 a submitted b handed c sent d communicated 49 a inhale b breathe c eat d digest 50 a apprehension b enjoyment c comprehension d entertainment - Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 12 I- Choose the best answer: Annette is a short story writer She several books of short stories, and she several rewards for her books A wrote/ won B has written/ won C writes/ win D has written/ has won At the moment, she a detective story A writes B wrote C is writing D has written Linh in Hanoi but her brother Minh in Thai Nguyen A lives/ is living B lives/ lives C living/ living D live/ living I have to leave before seven, so A can you B you C are you D have you My brother is not keen pop music A to listen B listening to C on listening D on listening to You better be careful not to miss the train A would B should C did D had It is written English, which is not systematically phonetic that difficulties to foreigners A causes B gives C makes D does Isaac Newton was an English physicist theory of gravitation is famous throughout the world A which B who C whose D that among young people is now a serious problem in many countries in the world A employ B employment C unemployed D unemployment 10 John is from England He is not used on the right side of the road A to drive B to driving C of driving D driving 11 I'm glad I've succeeded persuading him to phone her A in B at C with D of 12 It rained so that after only half an hour everywhere was flooded A heavy B heavier C heavily D more heavily 13 Are you free Saturday evening? A in B at C on D for 14 His father was a farmer who died before his son's birth His mother, uncle and grandmother took care him A for B after C of D in 15 His son became famous the age of 21 A with B at C for D in 16 In 1669 Isaac Newton was appointed professor and began giving lectures mathematics A on B for C in D with 17 He wasn't interested in until he grew older A mathematics B mathematician C mathematical D mathemat 18 You look in a new dress A more beautiful B beautify C beautifully D more beautifully 19 His first experiment was carried out in 1658 A physics B physician C physical D physicist 20 who invented the steam engine, was a famous Scottish inventor A James Watt B Faraday C M Curie D Einstein 21 If you let an object off your hand, it will certainly A fall B fly C run D move 22 If our sources of energy ends, our life A will destroyed B destroys C will destroy D will be destroyed 23 Mary looks very A success B successful C successfully D sadly 24 Children enjoy in the river A swim B swimming C swam D to swim 25 I many young men since I came here in June A has seen B saw C have seen D see 26 Sleep is to our health A necessity B necessary C necessarily D necessitate 27 Football is one of the most games of English people A popular B popularly C popularity D popularize 28 We English as an effective means of communication A speak B have C study D find 29 She tried to work so that she could pass the exam A hardly B harden C hard D hardship 30 The peace Oxford once knew has been swept A which B who C whom D where 31 Those are your shoes, .? A aren't those B aren't you C aren't they D are not they 32 If man continue cutting down forests, the life on the earth affected A will be B would be C could be D would have been 33 Hyde Park has Speakers' corner one may say anything one pleases A which B that C when D where 34 English in many parts of the world A speaks B is spoken C is speaked D is spoken 35 Someone has stolen my bicycle My bicycle A has stolen B has been stole C has been stolen D has been stolen 36 A/ An is a person who gives lectures, especially at a university or college A story teller B orator C lecturer D speaker 37 I'm fed up with the same TV programme every night A watch B watching C to watch D watched 38 He'd like to buy a newspaper A week B weekdy C weekly D day 39 A person who studies life of plants and animals is called a A geologist B physicist C biologist D chemist 40 This is my friend, I went to the zoo yesterday A with whom B whom C who D whose 41 The earth moves round the sun without A stoping B stop C to stop D stopping 42 She is to come from city A likely B like C seem D alike 43 I don't know where A does she come B she does comes C she comes D is she comes 44 Michael's afraid spiders A about B from C for D of 45 I remember him before A to have seen B saw C to see D seeing II- Read the following passage and choose the best answer: Mercury is the smallest member of the sun's family It is only 3.100 miles across It is also the sun's swiftest planet Its yearly journey round the sun is only 85 days Mercury always keeps one side towards the sun On this side it is always day, on the other side always night We only see the lighted side Mercury appears to us like a yellowish orange star The nearest planet to the sun, it is always seen near the sun, either just before sunrise or soon after sunset People sometimes call mercury the morning star or evening star Mercury is half the size of the earth Because it is much lighter, it has much less gravity If you can visit Mercury in a spaceship, you will find it a strange world Its low gravity makes you feel very light If your weight on earth is 100 pounds, your weight on Mercury is only 27 pounds Looking at the sun from Mercury, you can see that it's much more brilliant than it is seen from the earth And the yellow centre of the sun appears three times bigger from Mercury On its lighted side, Mercury's temperature is about 300 degrees centigrate But the dark side is extremely cold, but 150 degrees below zero so mercury is probably the coldest as well as the hottest of the planets 46 A Mercury is A the sun's fastest planet B the coldest planet C the hottest planet D all are correct 47 We cannot see the dark side of Mercury because A it moves very fast B it always appears just before sunrise or soon after sunset C it always keeps one side towards the sun D it is too far for us to see 48 When can we see Mercury? - We can see it A just before the sunset B just before sunrise C after the sunset D both A and C are correct 49 Why we weigh much on the earth than on Mercury? - Because A Mercury is nearer to the sun B Mercury has got less gravity than the earth C Mercury is much hotter D none are correct 50 Why does the sun look bigger when it is seen from Mercury? - Because A Mercury is the smallest planet of the sun B Mercury is nearer to the sun C Mercury is a light planet D It only takes Mercury 88 days to move round the sun Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 13 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a events b spirit c Asian d silver a gold b region c organize d game a trained b proved c impressed d performed a competitor b medal c level d development a honor b high c host d hold Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one In _ 22nd SEA Games, Vietnam won 158 _ gold medals a Ø / the b the / Ø c a / the d the / the _ logo of the 22nd SEA Games is the stylization of Lac bird, the ancient bird pictured of the face of Ngoc Lu kettledrum, _ most special and typical relic of the ancient Vietnamese culture a A / the b The / the c Ø / Ø d The / Ø _ symbol of the SEA Games Federation is to emphasize the solidarity, friendship, and nobility a A b An c The d Ø The host country, Laos, is expected to announce official sports for 25th SEA Games _ November 2008 a on b in c during d from 10 Vietnam recommended archery, vovinam, billiards-snooker and canoeing _ official sports at the games a at b with c as d in 11 The Party and State leaders, delegates, domestic arid international guests, and 11 sports delegations _ Southeast Asian countries to the 22nd SEA Games were warmly welcomed a over b at c for d from 12 Johnny used to be one of the most _ athletes in my country a succeed b success c successful d successfully 13 The 22nd SEA Games consisted of athletes from eleven _ countries a participate b participant c participation d participating 14 _, the athlete broke the world's record with two attempts a Surprise b Surprised c Surprising d Surprisingly 15 On behalf of the referees and athletes, referee Hoang Quoc Vinh and shooter Nguyen Manh Tuong swore to an oath of " _, Honesty and Fair Play" a Performance b Delegation c Participation d Solidarity 16 The ASEAN Para-Games are hosted by the same country where the SEA Games took place a organized b impressed c participated d defended 17 The ASEAN Para-Games is a biannual multi-sport _ held after every Southeast Asian Games for athletes with physical disabilities a games b event c work d situation 18 In beach volleyball, Indonesia defeated Thailand in straight sets to take men's gold _ a present b award c medal d reward 19 The 22nd SEA Games was the first time when Vietnam finished top of the medal _ a standings b events c spirits d programs 20 Viet Nam's successful hosting of the 22nd SEA Games is considered a/an _ example for other countries to follow, particularly in honesty, consistence and organizing method a festival b peaceful c energetic d outstanding 21 _ you study for these exams, _ you will a The harder / the better b The more / the much c The hardest / the best d The more hard / the more good, 22 My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that _ it is at night, _ he plays his music! a the less / the more loud b the less / less c the more late / the more loudlier d the later / the louder 23 Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become _ a more and more good b better and better c the more and more good d gooder and gooder 24 The Sears Tower is _ building in Chicago a taller b the more tall c the tallest d taller and taller 25 Petrol is _ it used to a twice as expensive as b twice expensive more than c twice more than expensive d more expensive than twice 26 Peter is _ John a younger and more intelligent than b more young and intelligent than c more intelligent and younger than d the more intelligent and younger than 27 San Diego is town in Southern California a more nice and nice b the nicer c the nicest d nicer and nicer 28 It gets _ when the winter is coming a cold and cold b the coldest and coldest c colder and colder d more and more cold 29 Robert does not have _ Peter does a money more than b as many money as c more money as d as much money as 30 The Mekong Delta is _ deltas in Vietnam a the largest of the two b the more larger of the two c one of the two largest d one of the two larger Error Identification 31 The Southeast Asian Games, also knowing as the SEA Games, is a biennial multi-sport event involving participants from the current eleven countries of Southeast Asia 32 The SEA Games are under regulation of the Southeast Asian Games Federation with supervision by the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Council of Asia 33 The proposed rationale was that a regional sports event will help promote cooperative, understanding and relations among countries in the Southeast Asian region 34 The first SEA Games were held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 12 to 17 December,1959 comprising more and more 527 athletes and officials from Southeast countries participating in 12 sports competitions 35 The next host for the SEA Games is Laos It is Laos' the first time as the host for the biannual- games Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer The 22nd SEA Games, hosted this year by Vietnam, has joined the international movement to rid sports of tobacco For the first time, the regional sporting event will be tobacco-free under a landmark cooperative agreement signed in April 2003 between the World Health Organization (WHO), the 22nd SEA Games Organizing Committee and the Vietnamese Ministry of Health Hanoi Health Department has organized a press seminar to celebrate and raise awareness about the tobacco-free SEA Games The 22nd SEA Games is the first games hosted by Vietnam and 10 countries from the Southeast Asian region with nearly 8,000 athletes and coaches will participate It will be the first tobacco-free international sporting event in Vietnam, joining other international tobacco-free sporting events such as the FIFA World Cup 2002, and the Winter Olympic Games 2002 The 22nd SEA Games will ban all sales, advertising and other promotion of tobacco products, and restricts smoking in all Games venues The aim is to protect spectators, athletes, event staff, media and other visitors from the serious health hazards of second-hand tobacco smoke, as well as to change public attitudes about the social acceptability of smoking Madame Pascale Brudon, WHO Representative in Vietnam, stated, "Vietnam has established years ago a comprehensive, ambitious national tobacco control policy and a national tobacco control program The tobacco-free 22nd SEA Games will be yet another area where Vietnam is leading the way for other countries in the region and the world in protecting its citizens from the debilitating and disastrous consequences of tobacco use." WHO has provided funding and technical assistance to the SEA Games Organizing Committee and Vietnamese Ministry of Health to train of over 4,000 SEA Games organizers and volunteers on the implementation of the tobacco-free policy An international team of trainers from the Ministry of Health, International Organization for Good Temper (lOGT), WHO and International Development Enterprises (IDE) began a series of national training workshops for volunteers in April, 2003 The tobacco-free SEA Games are an inspiration and a model for other sport events, big and small, not only in Vietnam but also in the Southeast Asian and Western Pacific Region 36 In the 22nd SEA Games _ a there will be the attendance of athletes from the World Health Organization b smoking is not allowed c smoking is only for the leader, not any athletes d is held by the Vietnamese Ministry of Health 37 According to the text, _ a Vietnam has ever organized several tobacco-free sport events before the 22nd SEA Games b the tobacco-free SEA Games in Vietnam has not been approved by any world organizations c the tobacco-free SEA Games is not announced to newspapers and magazines d the tobacco-free SEA Games in Vietnam has been encouraged and supported by many world organizations 38 According to the third paragraph, _ a tobacco companies can have an advertising campaign during the SEA Games b second-hand tobacco smoke cannot cause any harm to the athletes in the 22nd SEA Games c cigarettes are not allowed to sell in the 22nd SEA Games venues d everyone can buy cigarettes in the 22nd SEA Games venues except the athletes 39 One of the aims of the tobacco-free SEA Games is a to sell more and more tobacco during the event b to change public attitudes about the social acceptability of smoking c to reduce the production of tobacco d to help athletes to solve the problems of the serious health hazards 40 Which sentence is not true? a Vietnam itself has to pay a lot for the volunteers on the implementation of the tobacco-free policy b The tobacco-free SEA Games in Vietnam get great support from several world organizations c The tobacco-free SEA Games is considered a model for other sport events d There are national training workshops for volunteers in April, 2003 for the tobacco-free SEA Games Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase That is a program of Ho Chi Minh City Youth Union to (41) _ individuals, domestic and foreign organizations buy and use bicycles during the time (42) _ they enjoy the SEA Games 22 in Ho Chi Minh City then donate the bicycles to poor children Preparing (43) _, this program, the Organizing Committee has signed a (44) with Martin - a bicycle-making firm - to purchase 1,000 bicycles, at prices from 850,000 to 1,000,000 VND per bicycle -10% (45) _ than market prices, with nearly 20 different models In the mid of November, The Organizing Committee will announce, promote, and (46) _ the program "SEA Games Iron Horses - For Poor Children" through (47) _ at airport, on buses, taxis, at information desks, posters, banners, newspapers, and websites of city Youth Union Besides 1,200 volunteers (48) _ the SEA Games 22, the Organizing Committee also recruits 100 active volunteers for this program to handle the handover and receiving bikes, instructing participating tourists, giving (49) _ to questions through hot lines This program both conveys practical significance and helps international friends to understand further the nation and people of Viet, Nam as well as strengthen the friendship and (50) _ among nations 41 a require b contribute c encourage d raise 42 a where b which c that d when 43 a for b on c of d about 44 a document b contract c letter d report 45 a low b lower c the lower d the lowest 46 a public b publicly c publicizing d publicize 47 a book b tickets c leaflets d sheets 48 a serving b taking c running d hosting 49 a enquiries b letters c responses d demands 50 a cooperation b participation c achievement d success Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 26 I GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D It was the longest film I have ever seen It ……….three hours A lasted B stayed C finished D completed No one was able to think …….the noise was going on A during B while C since D on account of Everyone in the world ……… to lead a happy life A wants B want C is wanting D are wanting In the newspaper there …….a lot of news about the earthquake A was B are C is D be We went to his town but there …………nothing interesting to see A are B is C were D was The doctor wants to know what……….yesterday A did you eat B were you eating C have you eaten D you ate Please call me when………….to go out A you ready B you are ready C are you ready D ready 8.I advised him ……… too much about the result of the test A not to worrying B not worrying C not to worry D don’t worry She allowed them……… to the cinema yesterday A to go B from going C went D did not go 10 Did you understand……… ? A what he said B what did he say C what has he said D what he is saying 11 Sometimes I wonder why ………a new car A doesn’t he buy B he not buy C he doesn’t buy D won’t he buy 12 He told us that many people ……… homeless by the fire last week A made B having been made C had made D were made 13 London is……….as capital of great Britain A knows B know C known D knew 14 The man……… we met on the train was the headmaster A who B whom C which D whose 15 Someone is knocking ………the door A in B at C over D out 16 His friend……… he would be back in an hour A spoke B told C said D announced 17 He is ………a busy man that he really needs a helper A so B such C very D so that 18 People usually ……….early for the show A arrive B arrives C arriving D have arrived 19 Mary told her dog to……… down A lie B laid C lay D lying 20 The weather is………….today than yesterday A much better B very better C too better D best 21 The artist …………painting you like is very young A who B whom C which D whose 22 We have to wait ………tomorrow A which B until C before D when 23 His father hasn’t seen him…………five years A for B since C during D while 24 The selling price of that house and……… is $24,000 A many furniture B some furnitures C some furniture D many furnitures 25 My brother can’t play tomorrow and……… A either I can B neither can I C neither I can D I can’t, too 26.I didn’t dare……… him about the damage to his car A to tell B telling C for telling D have tell 27 Peter …………my bicycle since eight o’clock yesterday morning A was having B is having C has had D has been had 28 He won’t lend it to you unless you……… to return it punctually A would promise B promising C are promised D promise 29 If you went to see him, you ……… out the truth A find B would find C will find D would have found 30 My uncle says that that shop …………down tomorrow A is being pulled B will be pulled C has been pulled D is going to pull II READING COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete the text John lay in hospital bed and look around ……….beds in the ward, and each one had a patient in it He wondered if the other patients had broken their legs ……… ,or whether they were suffering from something …… The man in the next bed smiled at John ‘‘What are you in for?” he asked ‘‘Broken leg”, said John ‘‘ ………………….” ‘‘ Same thing Everybody here has a broken leg except for Fred over there” ‘‘What’s wrong with Fred?” John asked curiously He looked across at Fred, and realised ……… Fred was completely wrapped in bandages with only his nose showing! 31 A There were several other B Looking at all the other C He could see all the D There weren’t any other 32 A then B after all C either D too 33 A just the same B other C else D that he was 34 A Are you? B What for? C What about you? D What’s it about? 35 A there was a big problem for him B what a silly question it was C he didn’t know the answer D what the question was for III USE OF ENGLISH Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting 36.When there are low sales, companies often decide developing new products 37 Sorry, could you say that again? I haven’t listened for you Could you mind telling me the way to the nearest restaurant? 38 The old house were pulled down to make room for block of flats 39 The students were interested in take a trip to the National History Museum, but they were not able to raise enough money 40 After she had bought himself a new motorbike, she sold her bicycle 41 Those homework that your teacher assigned is due on Tuesday unless you have made prior arrangements to turn it in late 42. The president went fishing after he has finished with the conference 43 Please give me a few coffee and some sugar if you have any left 44 When I arrived at her house, I found she has been out with her new friend without leaving me a note 45 I had not to work yesterday because it was my day off, so I was going to see my friend instead IV STRUCTURES Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one 46 She was so busy that she couldn’t answer the phone A She was very busy that she couldn’t answer the phone B She was too busy to answer the phone C She was too busy not to answer the phone D She was very busy so that she couldn’t answer the phone 47 Paul is employed by Sony, isn’t he? A Paul works for Sony, didn’t he? B Paul works for Sony, did he? C Paul works for Sony, doesn’t he? D Paul works for Sony, does he? 48 ‘‘Can I borrow your pen please, Sam?” said Gillian A Gillian asked Sam if she can borrow his pen B Gillian asked Sam if she could borrow his pen C Gillian asked Sam she can borrow his pen D Gillian asked Sam she could borrow his pen 49 I went to school with Madeline when we lived near each other A I used to go to school with Madeline when we lived near each other B Madeline and I lived near the school C I went to school nearby with Madeline D Madeline’s school was mine and we lived with each other 50 He prefers typing to writing by hand A He doesn’t like to write by hand at all B He likes typing better C He’d rather type than write by hand D He doesn’t like typing Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 27 I GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D Please let Jack …………with you A go B going C to go D goes 2.I………not sure about that A B have C am D shall ‘‘Why was Bob so angry with his wife ?” ‘‘ Because of ……….late’’ A her to be B her being C she is D she be ‘‘Do you ever plan to move back to Minnesota?” ‘‘No, but I occasionally think …….my friends there.” A visiting B to visit C of visit D of visiting The visitors found the little girl’s conversation very……… A amuse B amusing C amused D amusement ‘‘How long have you known him?” ‘‘………………” A since five years B for five years C ever since five years D along five years 7.A child can …………easily A remembered B remember C remembers D to remember 8…………is yours, the red one or the green one? A why B which C when D what 9.I think he’ll join us,……….? A doesn’t he B won’t he C don’t he D will he 10 He is ………… to such work A not enough strong B strong not enough C not strong enough D enough strong 11 Haywood is the village ………… A where I was born in B which I was born C in which I was born D which I was born there 12.I wish today………….a holiday A is B am C are D were 13 You needn’t…………the money back for a year A to pay B pay C paid D be paid 14 Let’s not go out today,…………? A shall we B shan’t we C will you D won’t you 15 The doctor made me………in bed for a week A staying B stay C stayed D to stay 16 ………….wants some tea? A what B who C whom D where 17 Does Peter own that car? No, I think his brother……….it now A has owned B was owning C owns D can own 18 At this time tomorrow night I……… on a ship A sleep B shall sleeping C shall be slept D shall be sleeping 19.I haven’t seen much of you lately We ……….three months ago A last meet B last met C have last D have last met 20 He asked her………… A what day was it B what day it was C it was what day D what was the day 21 Some people are used to……….in crowded buses and don’t mind it at all A ride B riding C rode D ridden 22.‘‘I don’t know what Carol was a waitress here.” ‘‘She ……… here on Saturdays since June.” A has been working B has working C having working D has been worked 23 ‘‘Did you check your paper?” ‘‘No, I ……… it now” A checking B am checking C check D checked 24 Did you know that she is expecting a baby? No, we…… to get the news A were surprise B were surprising C were surprised D surprised 25 Inside the old house was …………a church A darker than B as darker than C darker that D as darker that 26 Last Monday night thieves broke……… our flat A into B down C out of D always 27.I know that he………in the library at this moment A works B has worked C is working D was working 28 His choice of words…………very good A is B are C be D being 29.I haven’t seen John ……….two months A since B for C until D before 30 Ann says that she’s never…………milk at home A use to drink B used to drink C use to drinking D used to drinking II READING COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete the following dialogue Jane : Look ………… rain Mark: I’m not sure about that, but the sun …………behind those black clouds Jane: And ………… windy, too Mark: Yes, but I ……… the weather ……… too much Jane: ………… the forecast? Mark: They say ……… fine for the next few days Jane: Oh, …………usually wrong I ……… we can go sightseeing now Mark: Oh, let’s go It ……… so far this week Jane: All right, but ………… my raincoat and umbrella with me Mark: I think ……… about nothing 31 A It’s raining B It’s rained C It’s going to rain D it’s was raining 32 A has disappeared B already disappeared C has gone to disappear D disappear 33 A It becomes B it became C it’s becoming D it is become 34 A don’t think B isn’t thinking C hasn’t thought D am thinking 35 A changed B changes C is going to change D changing 36 A Do you hear B Are you hearing C Are you heard D Have you heard 37 A it’s being B it’s going to be C it has been D it was being 38 A They B There C They are D Here 39 A not think B am not thinking C don’t think D didn’t think 40 A isn’t raining B doesn’t rain C didn’t rain D hasn’t rained 41 A I am going to take B take C I’ve taken D took 42 A you’ve worried B you are worrying C you worried D you didn’t worry III STRUCTURES Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one 43 In population, Los Angeles is not as big as New York A New York is bigger than Los Angeles in population B New York is not as crowded as Los Angeles C Los Angeles is more densely-populated than New York B New York is bigger than Los Angeles 44 Mary would rather see more historic sights than go dancing A Mary would like to see historic sights than go dancing B Mary likes historic sights when she can not go dancing C Mary would prefer to see more historic sights rather than go dancing D Mary had better see more historic sights 45.A lot of language young people use is not understood by their parents A Young people use a lot of languages their parents can’t understand B A lot of language young people use is understandable by their parents C A lot of young people use the language their parents not speak D Some parents can not understand a lot of the language young people use 46 This is the worst production of this play I have ever seen A I have never seen so bad a production of this play B I have never seen such bad a production of this play C I have never seen so bad production of this play B I have never seen such bad production of this play 47 ‘‘Could you wait a second while I get my books?” Peter said to Jane A Peter said to Jane to wait a second while he got his books B Peter said to Jane she could wait a second while he got his books C Peter asked Jane could wait a second while he got his books D Peter asked Jane to wait a second while he got his books 48 Whenever she went to Paris she bought a new dress A She never went to Paris to buy a new dress B She never went to Paris without buying a new dress C She never bought a new dress without going to Paris D She never bought a new dress when she went to Paris 49 I like to play tennis in the summer A I am very interested on playing tennis in the summer B I am very keen in playing tennis in the summer C I am very interested to playing tennis in the summer D I am very fond of playing tennis in the summer 50 They usually have quite a big meal at lunch time A They are used to having a big meal at lunch time B They are used to have a big meal at lunch time C They used to have a big meal at lunch time D They used to having a big meal at lunch time Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 28 I- Choose the best answer After I _lunch, I looked for my bag A had B had had C have has D have had Henry _into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner A was going B went C has gone D did go I to New York three times this year A have been B was C were D had been John a book when I saw him A is reading B read C was reading D reading We Doris since last Sunday A don't see B haven't seen C didn't see D hadn't seen A table used for writing is called _ A table- writing B a writing table C a written table D a wring table There isn't _ in the next room A nobody B no one C any one D some one Janice and live in an apartment A me B my C self D I It is an story A interesting B interested C interest D all are correct 11 We still have money A many B few C some D none 12 He is _of three A best B good C better D the best 13 He is _ A a three years old boy B a three year old boy C three years boy D three year old boy 14 He doesn't get up early on Sundays He gets up _ A late B lately C slowly D hardly 15 did the writer feel? Angry A Where B Why C How D When 16 That's the artist _paintings are very fashionable A Whose B Which C Who D 17 The meeting will start when everyone _ A will arrive B arrives C arriving D have arrived 18 The students were tired They _ hard all morning A had been working B worked C have been working D had worked 19 We saw the girls _ foootball as we drove past the field A play B to playing C to play D playing 20 Who is it? _Jenny A My B I'm C It's D Mine 21 Betty _ a lot of presents on her birthday A was been given B gave C was giving D was given 22 I'm really looking Christmas this year A after B out for C look into D forward to 23 Let me _ from you soon A to hear B hear C Hearing D heard 24 I'm right, _? A aren't I B amn't I C am not I D not I am 25 My father is _ as yours A old B as old C older D so old 26 Sunday is the day _which we usually go fishing A during B at C in D on 27 John wanted me _him 28 class rushed into the dining room A The all B Whole C The every D The whole 29 John gradually became in the discussion A absorb B absorbed C to absorb D absorbing 30 If you see Tom you mind him to get in touch with me? A will reminding B will to remind C would reminding D would to remind 31 He .newspapers for ten years A is selling B sells C has been selling D has been sold 32 .does it take to get to the river from here? A How far B How long C How much D How many 33 "Have you read his new book? Yes, it is interesting than his first four books" A the most B very much C much more D the more 34 She 'd rather stay at home than .shopping A will go B going C to go D go 35 "Jane said that you had read the book three times" "Yes, I found it very " A amusingly B amuse C amusing D amused 36.I don't think we are on the right road We some one A had better ask B should better ask C had better asked D have better ask 37 She finally decided her children alone in the house A not leaving B not leave C not leave D not to leave 38 One of the girls in that company died A whose worked B whom worked C worked D who worked 39 We are too late The plane off ten minutes ago A took B has taken C had taken D was taken 40 Don't let your brothers .the present A to see B seeing C seen D see 41 Listen! The telephone A ring B rings C is ringing D ringing 42 I drink coffee than you A little B few C less D fewer 43 I can't help him in spite of his faults A admire B admired C to admire D admiring 44 He has wasted A many times B much times C many time D much time 45 You had your house repaired last month ? A hadn't you B didn't you C isn't it D hadn't it 46 The boy is here A whose sick sister B whose sister sick C who his sister is sick D whose sister is sick 47 This is the first time I the experiment on plant breeding A have done B C would D did 48 It everyday so far this week A has rained B is raining C rained D rains 49 Paper money .for over a thousand years A used B is used C has used D has been used 50 The heat of the sun .transmitted to the earth by radiation A had B was C has D is Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 29 I- Choose the best answer Columbus America more than 400 years ago A discovered B has discovered C had discovered D he has gone He fell down when he _ towards the church A run B runs C was running D had run Bao Yen sings _ than this singer A well B better C gooder D more good The _ we start, the sooner we will be back A early B earliest C earlier D more early If it _ so late, we could have coffee A wasn’t B weren’t C isn’t D not be She _ a lot since her son died A changes B has changed C changed D changing These city girls are used in the field A to work B work C working D to working I in Jakarta, but now I live in Paris A use to live B used live C used to living D used to live She hasn’t seen her family _ three years ago A since B from C for D before 10 This car is than mine A less expensive B as expensive C expensive D not so expensive 11 She is the daughter in the family A older C more old B eldest D oldest 12 I’m worried my final exam in English A about failing C to fail C with failing D to failure 13 Sunday is the day which we usually go fishing A during B at C in D on 14 The person you want to see is my fiend A who B whom C whose D which 15 We run out petrol now A off B up C of D in 16 Where did she find the money? _ the room A outside B out of C out D without 17 She never thought it again A for B to C at D about 18 Frank used to work in a small shop He A doesn’t any more B still does C is now D has never done anything 19 Joe’s garden is more interesting _ Bill’s A by B of D than D from 20 I enjoy to the park on summer evenings A to go B going C being gone D go 21 The attendance this meeting is very large A for B in C at D to 22 I am thankful him his advice A of/ for B to/about C to/ on D to/for 23 you rather sit by the window? A don’t B wouldn’t C will D won’t 24 If it rain, we’ll have the party outside A wouldn’t B didn’t C doesn’t D won’t 25 “This soup is hot” “The better” A hot the B hotter the C hottest D hotter 26 Why are you moving? Because our new house has space than the old one A a lot of B more of C a lot more D most 27 “The longest fish in the contest was eighteen inches long” “It _ by Thelma Rivers.” A was catching B caught C was caught D catch 28 “ Are we about to have dinner?” “Yes, it in the dinning room” A is serving B serves C is being served D served 29 If you _ time, please write to me A have B had C have had D has 30 My great passion in life is _ A to study B studying C study D studied 31 She is up with doing the same thing everyday A fed B bored C tired D fond 32 She is beginning karate A to take B taking C take D being taken 33 His friends are surprised _ his success A in B by C with D at 34 We are tired the long walk A by B of C with D for 35 There are many ways of free time in Britain A paying B using C making D spending 36 Football seems _ the most popular game in England A being B be C to be D to have been 38 People are fond watching that program A of B with C up D by 39 Important matches often take at weekends A care B up C place D part in 40 She has no _ in studying mathematics A interested B interesting C longer D interest 41 This is the man teaches me A who B whom B which D whose 42 He married Mary who had great on his books A effect B influence C impression D feelings 43 John fell in _ with a girl who he met on a train A love B passion B loving D interest 44 Michael Faraday, name is famous in the history of electricity, was an English scientist A who B his C its C the 45 His salary was too low He could feed his children A barely B hard C hardly C rarely 46 M Curie, _ discovered radium, was a famous French physicist A whose B that C who D which 47 We call a man who studies language A linguist B linguistics C scientist D foreigner 48 Laboratory is where are carried out A lessons B works C experiments D tasks 49 The battle field is _ soldiers fight A who B that C which D where 50 Spoken English is not phonetic A system B systematic C systematically D basically ... a apprehension b enjoyment c comprehension d entertainment - Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 12 I- Choose the best answer: Annette is a short story writer She several... doing nothing at all C being a manager again D working in a factory again Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 20 I GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) which... Mercury is a light planet D It only takes Mercury 88 days to move round the sun Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 13 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently

Ngày đăng: 30/04/2021, 22:25

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