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Mời các bạn học sinh và quý thầy cô cùng tham khảo 20 đề thi kiểm tra chất lượng môn Tiếng Anh để giúp học sinh hệ thống kiến thức đã học cũng như có cơ hội đánh giá lại năng lực của mình trước kỳ thi sắp tới và giúp giáo viên trau dồi kinh nghiệm ra đề thi.

ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN ĐỀ SỐ 11 I- Make the correct choice : 1.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a pour b noun c ground d doubt 2.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a birth b strength c thick d bathing 3.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a bind b find c kind d win Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a apprentice b convenient c construction d company Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a mechanics b militant c actual d grateful Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a cinema b reversal c establish d investigate Christopher Columbus was searching _ a new way to go to India a.from b.for c.about d.with _ you really need is a long holiday a That b What c Which d Who 9.She is accustomed _ working eight hours a day a.to b.with c.of d.for 10.Why did they cut _ all these trees? a.off b.to c.through d.down 11.We have to provide our children _ food and clothes a.for b.with c.about d.of 12.Farmers can protect their land _ yearly rotation of crops a.by b.of c.with d.for 13 I get fed up with _ the same thing everyday a working b doing c allowing d making 14 Why are you always so jealous _ other people ? a of b with c among d about 15 _ he was not a musician himself, he developed an electronic keyboard instrument called the Hammond organ a Although b That c Despite d For 16 Some of the more time-consuming jobs can now be done by machines a taking much time b taking little time c odd d not affected by time 17 It was so -done that John felt like applauding a beautiful b good c fine d well 18 He helped the piano in a us move b us moved c us moving d moving 19 We wouldn’t have chosen this holiday unless we driving a like b liked c had liked d have liked 20 When I see the doctor this afternoon, I him to look at my throat a will ask b ask c would ask d will have asked 21 Does the earth have _ natural resources to support people? a so much b so little c enough d such 22 The police provide _ for the people in a country a protection b protecting c protected d protective 23 Air _ is a serious problem in Mexico City a polluted b pollution c polluting d pollutant 24 Farmers help _ the soil by adding fertilizers a endanger b enable c enrich d enjoy 25 He spoke English _ from my teacher a differently b different c difference d to differ 26 Water _ is necessary for hydropower stations a shortage b conservation c loss d vapour 27 If you don’t tell him the truth, I’m sure you it one day a regret b will regret c would regret d have regretted II Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 28 Mary was here not long ago If you came round earlier, you would have seen her a b c d 29.I will help you with it if I had more time but I’m afraid I haven’t got any spare time at the moment a b c d 30 I am so glad that you took me to your friend’s party If we hadn’t gone there, I never met Kate a b c d 31 If fares was cheaper, I’m sure more people would use the train and leave their cars at home a b c d 32 Fortunate the explosion took place at night when the streets were empty a b c d III Read the passage and make the correct choice: If we (33) _ money on research now, we could develop stations (34) _ create their own fuel and burn their own waste In many parts of the world where (35) _ are no fossil fuels, nuclear power is the (36) _ alternative If you accept (37) _ we need electricity, then we will need nuclear energy Just imagine what the world would be (38) _ if we didn't have electricity — no heating, no lighting, no transport, no radio or TV Just think about the ways you use electricity every day Surely we don't want to go (39) _ to the Stone Age That's what will (40) _ if we turn our backs on nuclear research 33.a had b took c spent d got 34.a which b as to c so that d but 35.a they b there c here d those 36.a just b merely c nearly d only 37.a what b which c that d whether 38.a like b similar c alike d different 39 a up b down c along d back 40.a go by b happen c go back d go away IV- Read the following passage and choose the best answer: Conservation is the safeguarding and preservation of natural resources, so that they can continue to be used and enjoyed In the past, most people believed that the world’s resources could never be used up Today, we know that this is not true An important part of conservation is the prevention of waste – waste of forests, soil, wild-life, minerals and human lives As important is the fight against pollution of our environment, in particular, the dirtying and poisoning of air and water Conservation is also concerned with the reclaiming of land by irrigating deserts, draining swamps or pushing back the sea Farmers can protect their land by yearly rotation of crops – that is, growing different crops on the same land from year to year In this way, different elements of the soil have time to replace lost elements Farmers can help enrich the soil by adding fertilizers They can prevent erosion by ploughing along the contours of a hill rather than up and down In this way water does not run off and take the soil with it 41 Conservation consists of the following things except _ a the prevention of waste b the fight against pollution of our environment c the reclaiming of land d.the enrichment of the soil 42 Natural resources are safeguarded and preserved _ a.for the future use b.to stop using and enjoying them c.so that they can be used up d.because they are plentiful 43 Farmers protect their land _ a.by growing the same crops b.by growing different crops on the same land c.by adding fertilizers d.by yearly ploughing 44 What farmers to enrich the soil? a.protect the land b.drain swamps c.add fertilizers d.prevent erosion IV Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : 45 Jim is on holiday and so is Carol a Both Jim and Carol is on holiday b Both Jim and Carol are on holiday c Neither Jim nor Carol are on holiday d Neither Jim nor Carol is on holiday 46 “Did you phone me yesterday?” Tom said to Mary a Tom asked Mary if she phoned him yesterday b Tom asked Mary that she had phoned him the day before c Tom asked Mary if she had phoned him the previous day d Tom asked Mary if he had phoned her the day before 47 John missed the ferry because his car broke down a If John’s car hadn’t broken down, he wouldn’t have missed the ferry b If John’s car had broken down, he would have missed the ferry c If John’s car broke down, he would miss the ferry d If John hadn’t missed the ferry, his car wouldn’t have broken down 48 They knocked down the old house on the corner last year a The old house on the corner were knocked down last year b The corner was knocked down by the old house last year c The old house on the corner was knocked down last year d The old house was on the corner knocked down last year 49 Would you like to go out for a drink? a Do you feel like to go out for a drink? b Do you feel to go out for a drink? c Do you feel liking to go out for a drink? d Do you feel like going out for a drink? 50 He was tired, but he agreed to play tennis a Although he was tired, but he agreed to play tennis b Because he was tired, he agreed to play tennis c In spite of his tiredness, he agreed to play tennis d Despite tired, he agreed to play tennis ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN ĐỀ SỐ 12 I- Make the correct choice : 1.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a future b closure c furniture d pure 2.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a snow b low c slow d now 3.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a Indian b precise c miss d inside Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a doubtful b solidify c.fathom d stimulate Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a assume b awareness c.alternate d majestic Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a gathering b tolerate c assemble d safeguarding 7.Conservation also includes searching alternative fuels, such the energy of the Sun a.with /as b.about / of c.for /of d.for /as 8.Why don’t we stay at home a change? a.in b.for c.with d.as 9.This service is free charge a.off b.in c.of d.for 10 The purpose of the examination is to the students’ knowledge of the subject a try b inspect c prove d test 11 Ask the watchman a whose is this car b this is whose car c whose car that is d whose car is that 12 I must get my office before the boss sees it a tidied up b tidy up c to tidy up d tidying up 13 “You look tired Have a rest I’ll get the dinner.” a so b but c therefore d and 14 “Who is the new professor?” “He’s the man .” a which is talking to Mr Smith now b that talk to Mr Smith now c talk to Mr Smith now d talking Mr Smith now 15 I feel sick I wish I so much cake a ate not b ate no c hadn’t eaten d would have eaten 16 Henry and Tom were badly injured in the last match, so can play today a both of them b either one of them c neither of them d not any of them 17 “I understand that you didn’t the work.”- “Oh !” a no, I did b yes, I did c no, I didn’t d yes, I didn’t 18 He was willing to explain the reason his absence a for b why c of d with 19 unprepared for the exam, I felt sure I would get a low score a Having b Being c Because of d Despite 20 My brother can’t play tomorrow and a either can I b neither can I c I can’t too d I can’t, neither 21 I didn’t like the noise in the city at first But now _ here a I got used to living b I’m used to living c I used to live d I used to living 22 _ the storm, I would have been home before eight a Instead of b But for c During d Because of 23 Butter is one of the of milk a products b production c producers d productivity 24 The street is very noisy, _ makes sleeping difficult a that b what c which d it 25 I _ able to play tennis since I _ my arm a wasn’t/ broke b haven’t been/ had broken c wasn’t/ had broken d haven’t been/ broke 26.Conservation is also concerned the reclaiming land by irrigating deserts and draining swamps a.with /of b.with /by c.in /of d.in /by 27 What sort of research is being _ in the laboratory ? a made b done c created d searched 28 Matches out of reach of children a should place b should have placed c should be placed d should be placing 29 universe started to be discovered by scientists thousands of years ago a The b A c An d Any II Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 30 Tom was stopped on the highway and make to show his I.D card a b c d 31 He is thinking to be a dangerous criminal a b c d 32 That old building is going to pull down by the workers a b c d 33 A mosquito is filled with blood is carrying twice its own body weight a b c d 34 Oxygen plays an important role in maintaining live a b c d III- Read the following passage and choose the best answer : Wild animals should not be kept in (35a) for many reasons First, animals are often kept in poor and inhumane (36) such as small iron cages In addition, many suffer poor health (37) lack of exercise and indicate frustration and stress through their neurotic (38) Also, some animals will not breed in (35b) _ Those animals (39) _ mate often so with a related animal such as a sister or brother In conclusion, money (40) on the upkeep of zoos would be better spent in protecting natural habitats 35a.capture b.captive c.captivity d.captor 36.a.changes b.positions c.cases d.conditions 37a.from b.for c.with d.in 38a.feelings b.behaviours c.activities d.likings 39a.that b.when c.so as to d.with 40a.spending b.spends c.spent d.spend IV Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : 41 My father said I could use his car a My father allowed to use his car b My father allowed me use his car c My father allowed me to use his car d My father allowed me using his car 42 Scientists began to carry out researches on AIDS in 1980 a Researches on AIDS began to be carried out by scientists in 1980 b Researches on AIDS were begun to carry out by scientists in 1980 c Researches on AIDS were begun to be carried out by scientists in 1980 d Researches on AIDS began to be being carried out by scientists in 1980 43 That girl is very beautiful a How a beautiful girl ! b How beautiful that girl is! c What is a beautiful girl ! d What beautiful girl ! 44 The last time I wrote to him was in 1996 a I haven’t written to him in 1996 b I haven’t written to him was in 1996 c I haven’t written to him since 1996 d I haven’t written to him was since 1996 45 It took him only ten minutes to get there a He spent on ten minute to get there b He got there in ten minute c He spent on ten minute getting there c He needed ten minute getting there 46 I didn’t meet him yesterday so I couldn’t tell him about that a If I had met him yesterday, I could have told him about that b If I hadn’t met him yesterday, I couldn’t have told him about that c I could tell him about that because I met him yesterday d I met him yesterday so that I could tell him about that 47 Could you turn the radio down, please? a Would you mind to turn down the radio? b Would you like turning down the radio? c Would you mind turning down the radio? d Would you turning down the radio? 48 The man was very tired , so he didn’t answer my question a The man was so tired that he could answer my question b The man was too tired for him to answer my question c The man was tired enough to answer my question d The man was too tired to answer my question 49 Nobody could move the piano It was too heavy a It was such a heavy piano that everybody could move it b It was such a heavy piano that nobody couldn’t move it c The piano was so heavy that nobody could move d The piano was too heavy to be moved 50 You’d better apologize to Sally a I advise you should apologize to Sally b I advise you apologize to Sally c I advise you to apologize to Sally d I advise you had better to apologize to Sally ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN ĐỀ SỐ 13 I- Make the correct choice : 1.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a dentist b chemist c detail d ethical 2.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a challenge b watch c research d chemistry 3.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a research b impure c storage d require 4.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a companion b prescription c community d scholarship He lost the game because of his a care b carelessness c carefulness d careless I have to get my picture _ for my Website a take b taken c taking d took Our school library is open all students a.with b.of c.for d.to 8.Is he serious learning to be a pilot? a.about b.at c.with d.for 9.Don’t give up Be confident your ability a.off b.as c.with d.of 10.The house was crowded students a.over b.with c.of d.for 11.They were safe attack a.for b.from c.against d.at 12 She is accustomed rising early a.with b.to c.at d.about 13 I can carry only two of these four boxes Please carry _ a another b the other c the others d others 14 You ought to some work sitting there reading the paper a in spite of b instead of c in view of d irrespective of 15 _ your house painted last year ? a Had b Did c Was d Have 16 The police _ for two men who _ getting into a black car near the bank at about o’clock last night a are looking/ saw b are looking/ were seen c have looked/ saw d had looked/ were seen 27 Marie, _ I met at the party, called me last night a that b who c which d whose 18 The provision of food for hungry people is very important a protection b prevention c supply d cutting 19.He was not allowed to come in he was late a so that b although c because d despite 24 Internet cafes allow you _ your web-based e-mail account a to access b accessing c access d be accessed II Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 21 Our train was late because the thick fog a b c d 22 Because of his deeply love for her, he can’t live without her a b c d 23 She looks more beautifully than she used to a b c d 24 I wish that he is here now a b c d III- Read the following passage and choose the best answer : Pollution spoils our environment (25) _ many ways The air we breathe, for instance, is constantly (26) _ by smoke and by chemicals such as carbon monoxide in the exhaust fumes of cars and other kinds of motor vehicles For wildlife, however, there (27) _ even greater dangers in the pollution of water of rivers or seas A good illustration of this is oil released from the tankers (28) _ sea It kills all kinds of sea animals, including birds (29) _ feathers become covered with oil so they cannot fly, as well as fish and other forms of marine life Other causes of water (30) include power stations, (31) _ release warm water into rivers This kills the fish and plants which live there These are only (32) _ examples, there are many more 25 a by b on c with d in 26 a polluted b dirty c purified d cleaned 27 a is b are c come d become 28 a at b in c on d by 29 a that b which c whose d who 30 a pollution b purity c shortage d project 31 a they b.that c.which d.where 32 a little b.a few c.a little d.few III- Read the following passage and choose the best answer : One of the most serious problems threatening human life is the dirtying and poisoning of air and water It is the pollution of our environment Air pollution occurs when wastes are poured into the atmosphere and the air becomes contaminated and unpleasant to breathe We depend for life on the air we breathe As the air becomes more and more polluted, hazards to health increase Today we have industrial air pollutants from factories and mills and engine-exhaust fumes That’s why some large cities have to ban cars from the city centre to wipe out smoke and limit the emission of poisonous gases and dangerous chemicals from industrial smoke stacks in order to clean the air in our living environment as much as possible 33 One of the following is a serious problem threatening human life except _ a dirty air b the poisoning of water b environmental pollution d environmental conservation 34 The air becomes polluted when a wastes poured into the atmosphere b we breathe c we depend for life on the air d hazards to health increase 35 What accounts for air pollution in cities today? a poor health b automobiles and industries c dirty water d environment 36 In some large cities people clean the air by _ a emitting dangerous chemicals into the air b emitting poisonous gases into the air b forbidding cars from the city centre d building more factories IV Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : 37 All the teachers love him because he behaves well a Because of his good behaviour, all the teachers love him b Because his behaviour , all the teachers love him c Because of his behaving good, all the teachers love him d Because of behaving well, all the teachers love him 38 Because of the darkness, he couldn’t read the letter a If it had been dark, he couldn’t have read the letter b If it hadn’t been dark, he could have read the letter c.If it were dark, he could read the letter c If it were not dark, he could not read the letter 39 They had converted the major part of the temple into “Lenin’s room” a The major part of the temple into “Lenin’s room” had been converted b “Lenin’s room” had been converted into the major part of the temple c The major part of the temple had been converted by “Lenin’s room” d The major part of the temple had been converted into “Lenin’s room” 40 I’m sorry that I didn’t learnt to type a I wish I hadn’t learnt to type b I wish to type c I wish I had learnt to type d I wish I learnt to type 41 She has to quit smoking or she will die a If she quits smoking, she will die b If she doesn’t quit smoking, she will die c If she quitted smoking, she would die d If she didn’t quit smoking, she would die 42 The tea was too hot for her to drink a The tea was so hot that she couldn’t drink it b The tea was so hot that she could drink it c The tea was so hot that she couldn’t drink d The tea was such hot that she couldn’t drink it 43 “How long will it take us to get there?” she said a She wondered how long it would take us to get there b She wondered how long it would take them to get there c She wondered how long would it take them to get there d She wondered that it would take them to get there long 44 She sings more beautifully than you a You sing as beautifully as she does b You don’t sing as beautifully as hers c You don’t sing so beautifully as she does d You don’t sing so beautifully as she is 45 I would like you to help me this English exercise a Do you mind to help me this English exercise? b Do you mind helping me this English exercise? c Would you like helping me this English exercise? d Would you mind me doing this English exercise? 46.John doesn’t play tennis Neither does David a Neither John nor David doesn’t play tennis b Neither John nor David play tennis c Neither John nor David plays tennis d Either John or David plays tennis 47.The last person who leaves the room must turn out the lights a The last person to leave the room must turn out the lights b The last person to turn out the lights must leave the room c The last person to be left the room must turn out the lights d The last person leave the room must turn out the lights 48.My father no longer smokes cigarettes a No longer does my father smokes cigarettes b No longer my father smokes cigarettes c No longer does my father smoke cigarettes d No longer my father does smoke cigarettes 49.They don’t usually drink wine a They are not usually used to drinking wine b They are not used to usually drinking wine c They are not used to drinking wine d They are not used to drink wine 50 Although the weather changed, the picnic went ahead as planned a In spite of the change in the weather, the picnic went ahead as planned b In spite of the weather changed, the picnic went ahead as planned c In spite the change in the weather, the picnic went ahead as planned d In spite of changing the weather, the picnic went ahead as planned ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN ĐỀ SỐ 14 I- Make the correct choice: 1.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a.enough b.tough c.rough d.though 2.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a.kept b.pneumonia c.progress d.program 3.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a.secret b.season c.serious d.sugar 4.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a.service b.disease c.traffic d.patient 5.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a.community b.fascinated c.illiterate d.significant 6.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a.rotation b.mineral c.contaminate d American Smog is commonly in most major cities where there are large concentrations of industry and automobiles a founded b closed c happened d found Carbon dioxide occurs in the air in a natural form a begins b takes place c emits d releases She wants to travel by car; but he would rather by train a to go b went c going d go 10 Agriculture provides us almost all our food a for b about c with d of 11.Vietnam is rich natural resources a in b with c for d into 12.He has been absent school very often lately a for b from c.at d in 13.He is careless leaving the door unlocked when he goes to bed a at b in c on d about 14 By the end of next month, we _ our English course a have completed b will be completed c will have completed d completed 15 Mona is the best student in the class She is _ to all the other students a superior b better c worse d cleverer 16 A _ asks people for money and food a beggar b traveller c peddler d debtor 17 Firemen wear clothing, otherwise they would get burnt a protective b protection c protecting d protected 18 “Time” is an American news magazine It is published every Sunday a daily b weekly c monthly d fortnightly 19 Don’t be afraid of the dog He’s a unharmed b harmful c harmless d harm 20 I don't like hunting - _ a Either I b I do, too c Neither I d I don't, neither 21 These trousers need _ a clean b to clean c cleaning d cleaned 22 The children can play here It’s not a endangered b dangerous c dangerously d danger 23 Although there was all the noise outside, the students studying a managed b wanted c kept on d hoped 24 Despite _, they are always neatly dressed a their poverty b they are poor c being poverty d poor 25 We don’t feel although we have walked three miles a tiring b tiredly c tired d tire II Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: c Sonia isn’t interested in ballet d Sonia isn’t interested about ballet 45.Visitors to the zoo are not allowed to feed the animals a The animals mustn’t be allowed to be fed by visitors to the zoo b The animals mustn’t be fed to the zoo by visitors c The animals mustn’t be fed and allowed by visitors to the zoo d The animals mustn’t be fed by visitors to the zoo 46.My sister began to learn Russian five years ago a My sister has to learn Russian five years ago b My sister has been learning Russian for five years c My sister has learned Russian five years ago d My sister has been learned Russian for five years 47.They couldn’t understand the lecturer because she spoke so fast a The lecturer spoke too fast for them to understand b The lecturer spoke too fast for they not to understand c The lecturer spoke too fast to understand them d The lecturer spoke too fast for them couldn’t understand 48 I didn’t know it was your birthday, so I didn’t send you a card a If I knew it was your birthday, I would send you a card b If I had known it was your birthday, I would have been sent you a card c If I hadn’t known it was your birthday, I wouldn’t have sent you a card d If I had known it was your birthday, I would have sent you a card 49 Although the weather changed, the picnic went ahead as planned a In spite of the change in the weather, the picnic went ahead as planned b In spite of the weather changed, the picnic went ahead as planned c In spite the change in the weather, the picnic went ahead as planned d In spite of changing the weather, the picnic went ahead as planned 50 The enemy used to attack this place a This place was used to attack by the enemy b This place used to be attacked by the enemy c This place were attacked by the enemy d This place used to attacked by the enemy ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN ĐỀ SỐ 27 I- Make the correct choice : 1.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a.hour b.hear c.hit d.hat 2.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a.ache b.chemist c.cheerful d.scholarship 3.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a.suitable b.biscuit c.building d.guilty Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a.relationship b.engineer c.ability d.enjoy Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a.exhaust b.organic c.explain d.student Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a.accomplishment b.government c.practice d.vapour In England people drive the left side of the road a in b with c at d on His opinion differs mine a with b from c for d about That hotel is famous its pleasant atmosphere and fine food a for b about c with d from 10 They didn’t make use their knowledge when they solved the problem a with b of c off d in 11 This kind of music is familiar teenagers a for b with c of d from 12 Bill is bored doing the same job for too long a in b of c with d at 13 It’s difficult me to understand English when people used lots slangs a for / of b for / for c of / for d of / of 14 he wasn’t feeling very well, Mr Graham went to visit his aunt as usual a Although b However c Therefore d Still 15 Lasers can kill diseased cells while leaving healthy neighbours a harmful b harmfully c unharmed d harm 16 Don’t bad habits in a child a encourage b have c force d make 17 The wind _ very strongly last night a shone b grew c showed d blew 18 Plants absorb oxygen a take off b take in c take up d take on 19 This woman is as _ as a post a dead b deaf c dumb d acute 20 Which would you , tea or coffee? a refer b infer c prefer d differ 21 While my mother _ to the market, she dropped her purse a were going b was going c is going d went 22 After the police had stopped the fight, they two men and a woman a arrested b were arrested c have arrested d arresting 23 While in France last year, I learned many things about French customs a was living b I living c lived d living 24 carefully before you answer my questions a Thinking b Think c To think d Thought 25 _ the chapter four times, I finally understood the author’s theory a Read b To read c.Reading d After read II Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 26 When I discovered I have lost my key, I phoned my father a b c d 27 When these tables are made from steel, they are very heavy a b c d 28 Do you know how getting to the post office from here? a b c d 29 They left very early in the morning so that anybody would see them a b c d 30 I didn’t understand the lesson although I didn’t go to school yesterday a b c d III Read the passage and make the correct choice: Born in the slums of San Francisco, Jack London (31) his life in a restless search for mental and physical security Poverty forced him to leave school (32) he had completed eighth grade After (33) many kinds of jobs to earn his living, Jack London (34) high school, and in one year he passed the entrance examination of the University of California But after only one semester of college he left to devote himself (35) London became famous with the publication of his first volume of short stories, The Son of the Wolf, in 1900 (36) the remaining sixteen years of his life he wrote nineteen stories and ten collections of short stories Although London was rich then, he could never (37) happy At the age of forty he died after he had taken an (38) of medicine at his large farm in California 31.a took b spent c saved d needed 32.a before b while c after d as soon as 33.a making b working c building d doing 34.a entered b joined c studied d graduated 35.a to write b to writing c writing d written 36.a Despite b Owing to c According to d During 37.a smell b feel c live d work 38 a overtime b overwork c overdose d overuse IV Read the passage and then choose the best answer: As a boy, Mark Twain caused much trouble for his parents He used to play practical jokes on all of his friends and neighbours The nature of his jokes often led to violence He hated going to school and he constantly ran away from home He always went in the direction of the nearby Mississippi He was fascinated by that mighty river He liked sitting on the bank of the river for hours at a time He was nearly drowned nine different times He learned many things about the river during those days He learned all about its history and the unusual people who rode up and down it He never forgot those scenes and those people He later made them part of the history of America in his books “Tom Sawyer” and “ Huckleberry Finn” 39.Mark Twain used to cause much trouble for his parents when _ a.he played no jokes on his friends b.he became a grown-up c he was little d his jokes often led to nothing 40.He usually ran away from home and went to the nearby Mississippi River because a.he enjoyed going to school b.he took a great interest in the river c.he hated sitting on the bank of the river d.he disliked seeing the river 41 During those days he learned many things about _ a.the Mississippi and its history b.himself b.his books d.those scenes 42.Later he made them part of the history of America in his books “Tom Sawyer” and “Huckleberry Finn” because _ a.he disliked those scenes and those people b.he took no interest in those people c.he no longer remembered those people d.he was fascinated by those scenes and people V Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : 43.Lasers can kill diseased cells while leaving healthy neighbours unharmed a Diseased cells can kill lasers while leaving healthy neighbours unharmed b Diseased cells can be killing by lasers while leaving healthy neighbours unharmed c Diseased cells can by lasers be killed while leaving healthy neighbours unharmed d Diseased cells can be killed by lasers while leaving healthy neighbours unharmed 44.The last time she had a swim was five years ago a She last had a swim five years ago b She last had a swim was five years ago c She has last had a swim for five years d She had a swim five years last 45.The children went to bed We watched television a After the children gone to bed, we watched television b After the children going to bed, we watched television c After the children had gone to bed, we watched television d After going to bed, we watched television 46.It was so dark that nothing could be seen a It was too dark to see nothing b It was too dark to be seen anything c It was too dark for nothing to be seen d It was too dark to see anything 47.It is easier to spend money than to make money a Spending money is easier than to make money b Spending money is easier than making money c Spending money it is easier than making money d Spending money is more easier than making money 48.“Where have I left my sunglasses, David?” asked Susan a Susan asked David where she had left her sunglasses b Susan asked David where he had left her sunglasses c Susan asked David where she left her sunglasses d Susan asked David where had she left her sunglasses 49 Although he’s got an English name, he is in fact German a Despite his English name, he is in fact German b Despite got English name, he is in fact German c Despite of his English name, he is in fact German d Despite getting his English name, he is in fact German 50 I found a place to live but it was difficult a I had difficulty to find a place to live in b I had difficulty in finding a place to live in c I had difficult in finding a place to live in d I had difficult to find a place to live in ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN ĐỀ SỐ 28 I Make the correct choice: 1.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a.dead b.bean c.meat d.seat 2.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a.wool b.wood c.blood d.foot 3.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a.chorus b.Christian c.cholesterol d.check Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a.languages b.demanding c.develop d.tradition Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a.prepare b.pleasant c.symbol d.foreign Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a.accompany b.participant c.misunderstand d.surprisingly Katie’s _ has kept her away from school for a week a ill b illness c being illness d been ill This company offered a lot of attractive jobs a cut off b stopped c gave d gave up Every year many attempt to swim across the English Channel a swimming b swims c swimmer d swimmers 10 This knife is _ It doesn’t cut at all a useless b useful c in use d usefully 11 Some students in my class are starting to learn another language and they find it _ a enjoyment b enjoyable c enjoyably d enjoy 12 She was right when she said the man was guilty a reasoned b reasoning c reasonable d reasonably 13 A few years ago, she _ the prize for the most promising author of the year a won b has won c is winning d was won 14 natural resources is of great importance a Preservation b Preserving c Preserved d Preservative 15 Our teacher was very kind _ us a of b to c with d among 16 Her children are very quick _ computer games a with b in c at d on 17 This kind of music is popular _ the young a among b of c in d with 18 Boys are fond _ playing football a of b with c about d in 19 Last weekend the beach was overcrowded people a in b about c of d with 20 She is very worried _ her mother’s health a with b for c about d on 21 They that they will undertake the job a have just decided b just decide c just decided d will just decide 22 She was playing _ when our guests arrived last night a a piano b piano c the piano d pianist 23 She has just come in and you in minutes a seen b saw c see d will see 24 I haven’t left Paris _ we went to Dieppe three years ago a since b when c because d so that 25 We met only yesterday and have already decided _ married a getting b to get c get d got II Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 26 The students said they would be sitting for their next exam the previous Monday a b c d 27 Mr Smith said to me where I was going on my vacation that year a b c d 28 She wondered that the mechanic had finished repairing her car a b c d 29 His parents encouraged him studying harder a b c d 30 There is a lot of regional differences in England a b c d III Read the passage and make the correct choice: At times, it seems (31) _ people have no sense of (32) _ towards their environment They have the tendency to carelessly drop their rubbish (33) they happen to be, and when (34) _ is no shortage of rubbish bins However, this must change Dropping rubbish not (35) _ makes a place to look ugly, but it also puts public health at risk and (36) _ endanger wild life 31.a which b that c as d what 32.a responsibity b ability c duty d work 33.a however b place c wherever d in 34.a it b that c which d there 35.a also b only c too d ever 36.a is b ought c had d may IV Read the passage and choose the best answer: SEAN O’CASEY 1880 March 30, born in Dublin, Ireland, in a worker’s family As a child, knew hunger, poverty, and ill-health, and saw fear, disease, and drunkenness all about him Later, worked as a labourer and was in the Irish Citizen Army 1923 Wrote The Shadow of a Gunman 1924 Wrote Juno and the Paycock 1926 Wrote The Plough and the Stars 1928 The Abbey Theatre rejected The Silver Tassie Decided to leave Ireland for England 1929 – 1954 Wrote many plays and six volumes of autobiography 1964 September 18, died at Torquay, England 37.Sean O’Casey was born a in a labourer’s family b in the Irish Citizen Army c in a rich family d in England 38.He spent his childhood a in prosperity b in poverty c in the army d in the Abbey Theatre 39 What did he decide to in 1928? a reject The Silver Tassie b leave for Ireland c move to England d leave England 40 Which of the following is NOT TRUE about him? a He was an Irish dramatist b He died in England c He wrote six volumes of autobiography d He died at an early age V Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : 41 It is more dangerous to ride a motorbike than to drive a car a Riding a motorbike is more dangerous than to drive a car b Riding a motorbike is more driving a car dangerous than c Riding a motorbike is more dangerous than driving a car d Riding a motorbike it is more dangerous than driving a car 42 He is too young to understand this problem a He isn’t old enough for understanding this problem b He isn’t young enough to understand this problem c He isn’t old enough for him to understand this problem d He isn’t old enough to understand this problem 43 They worked very hard in spite of their old age a Although they are old, they worked very hard b Although they were old, they worked very hard c Although they were old age, they worked very hard d Although their being old, they worked very hard 44 Shall we go for a ride ? a What about going for a ride? b What about shall go for a ride? c What about go for a ride? d What about we going for a ride? 45 Would you please it for me ? a Would you mind to it for me? b Would you mind pleasing it for me? c Would you mind doing it for me? d Would you mind it for me? 46 They don’t usually get up early a They are not used to usually getting up early b They are not used to getting up early c They are not used to get up early d They are not usually used to getting up early 47 The flight was delayed because of the bad weather a Because the weather bad, the flight was delayed b Because the weather were bad, the flight was delayed c Because the weather was bad, the flight was delayed d Because the bad weather , the flight was delayed 48 “Why didn’t you make an appointment earlier?”the doctor asked a The doctor asked her why she hadn’t made an appointment earlier b The doctor asked her why hadn’t she made an appointment earlier c The doctor asked her why he hadn’t made an appointment earlier d The doctor asked her why she didn’t make an appointment earlier 49 He spent two hours writing the essay a It took him two hours writing the essay b It took him two hours to write the essay c He took two hours to write the essay d It took his two hours to write the essay 50 He is too young to ride a motorbike a.He isn’t young enough to ride a motorbike b He is very young that he can ride a motorbike c He is so young that he can’t ride a motorbike d He can ride a motorbike because he is young ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN ĐỀ SỐ 29 I Make the correct choice: He spent a lot of money _ his new car a in b on c at d to British hospitals are trying a new treatment cancer a to b from c for d in Why are these schools so different _ each other? a for b from c with d at Most children are ill-prepared _ employment a to b for c from d at Four-fifths of the world’s computers use programmes _ English a at b in c on d about Attending all the lectures is important _ us a to b with c at d in Industries vehicles and garbage disposal account for air pollution in big cities a population b contamination c prevention d preservation What are the advantages of _ in big cities a leaving b live c living d leave Women are used _ their own money a to earn b for earning c by earning d to earning 10 Nothing could _ him a satisfy b c make d work 11 The newspaper is a common means of _ a communicative b communicating c communication d communicated 12 My grandmother is very old Her _ prevents her from hearing well a deaf b deafness c deafening d being deafness 13 Burning coal and oil releases other gases _ to humans a harming b harmfully c harmful d harms 14 Water vapour and carbon dioxide occur in the air a naturally b unlikely c lovely d lively 15.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a private b find c provide d first 16.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a merely b access c address d respect 17.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a regard b master c trade d particular 18.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a property b instruction c scholarship d lecturer 19.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a respect b necessary c involved d language 20.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a automatic b reasonable c mathematicsd preservation II Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 21 Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems face mankind today A B C D 22 Air, water and soil are necessary to the surviving of all living things A B C D 23 Man operates machines and motor vehicles that are filled the air with disturbing noise A B C D 24 Man ruins natural beauty by scattering junk and litter in the land and in the water A B C D 25 Pollution of soil is reduced the amount of land that is available for growing food A B C D 26 Environmental pollution also brings ugly to man’s naturally beautiful world A B C D 27 It’s time people and governments over the world did something about the pollution problem A B C D 28 Governments would have to pass and enforce laws that require individuals and A B businesses to stop or cut down on certain polluted activities C D 29 They spend half an hour to watch the news on TV every day A B C D 30 Although she was seriously ill but she enjoyed life very much A B C D III Read the passage and make the correct choice: There are a lot of Americans (31) _ don’t smoke or drink They even not want to (32) _ those things in their houses It’s always best to ask before you light up a cigarette if you’re (33) _ people you don’t know very well Nonsmokers have (34) _ more militant about smoking (35) _ public places Many restaurants, (36) _ instance, have established special sections for smokers 31.a which b who c they d whom 32.a b make c work d undo 33.a living b with c staying d together 34.a done b treated c behaved d become 35.a at b along c in d with 36.a for b however c with d of IV Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer: The modern Olympic Games began again in 1896 They takes place every four years They cannot be held in a country which is at war, and during the two world wars there were no Olympic Games During the Olympic Games there are competitions in many kinds of sports They are, for example, running, jumping, athletics, swimming, boxing, basketball, football and others The Winter Olympic Games took place in 1924, and now they also takes place every four years At the Winter Games, many countries take part in competitions in skiing, skating, ice hockey and other winter sports The sportmen who take first, second, and third places receive gold, silver and bronze medals The Olympic Games are very popular All the lovers of sports watch the games on TV and many of them come to see them from all over the world The Olympic Games really help strengthen world peace and friendship 37.The Olympic Games are organized a every year b every four years c in the winter d in a country which is at war 38 The Winter Olympic Games were first held _ a in 1896 b during the two world wars c four years ago d in 1924 39 The sportman who comes second in a competition receives _ a no medal b a gold medal c a silver medal d a bronze medal 40 The Olympic Games _ a bring about peace and friendship b help strengthen the hostility among countries c are held only for winter games d are not known by all the lovers of sports V Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : 41 Nobody could solve this mathematical problem a This mathematical problem could be solved b This mathematical problem couldn’t be solved c This mathematical problem couldn’t been solved d This mathematical problem couldn’t be solved by nobody 42 They believe that he will pass the final exam a He is believed that he will pass the final exam b He is believed will pass the final exam c He is believed to pass the final exam d He is believed that the final exam will be passed 43 She was too old to carry that heavy case a She was so old that she could carry that heavy case b She was old enough to carry that heavy case c She was so old for her to carry that heavy case d She was so old that she couldn’t carry that heavy case 44 He seldom keeps his promise a Seldom does he keep his promise b Seldom does he keeps his promise c Seldom is he keep his promise d Seldom did he keep his promise 45 I have never travelled by plane in my life a Never in my life I have ravelled by plane b Never in my life have I travelled by plane c Never in my life have I travelled by plane d Never have I in my life travelled by plane 46 Jack is not old enough to see horror films a Jack is too young for him to see horror films b Jack is too young for seeing horror films c Jack is too old to see horror films d Jack is too young to see horror films 47 You will catch cold if you don’t keep your feet dry a Unless you keep your feet dry, you will catch cold b Unless you don’t keep your feet dry, you will catch cold c Unless you kept your feet dry, you would catch cold d Unless you didn’t keep your feet dry, you would catch cold 48 People saw him leave the office yesterday a He was seen to leave the office yesterday b He was seen leave the office yesterday c He was seen left the office yesterday d He was seen that he left the office yesterday 49.She came late because of the rain a Because it was rained she came late b Because it rains she came late c Because it rained she came late d Because it raining she came late 50 “You’d better not lend them any more money.” said Alice a Alice advised him better not lend them any more money b Alice advised him had better not lend them any more money c Alice advised him not lend them any more money d Alice advised him not to lend them any more money ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN ĐỀ SỐ 30 I Make the correct choice: English belongs _ those who use it a from b to c on d with Clean air provides us _ a healthy supply of oxygen a for b at c with d in My brother is very interested _ chess but he is not very good at it a in b at c with d on I don’t think he was present _ the meeting yesterday a about b in c at d of Are you serious _ learning to be an architect a for b about c with d in She has become very famous her novels a for b at c on d with It is _ to regard any language as the possession of a particular nation a reasonably b unreasonable c unreasonably d reasoning If you need any help, you can ask Tom He’s very _ a helpful b helpless c harmful d useless My daughter spends two hours mathematics every day a studies b to study c studied d studying 10 The city has been _ with toxic waste from local factories a polluted b purified c cleaned d industrialized 11 They have tried to increase _ by using better methods and tools a productive b productively c productivity d producing 12 I have a tendency to talk a lot I am nervous a so that b because c whenever d since 13 the weather was so bad, we decided on going to the beach a Because of b Even c If d Since 14 He apologised _ his bad behaviour a with b for c about d of 15.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a.cost b.most c.post d.cold 16.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a.clear b.near c.heard d.ear 17.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a.using b.university c.union d.umbrella 18 Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a.radio b.volunteer c.hospital d.influence 19 Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a.artificial b.reality c.compulsory d.expression 20 Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a.performance b.dictionary c.contemporary d.encouragement II Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 21 John lost his job last month and since then he was out of work A B C D 22 He lost his job because he has been very rude to his boss A B C D 23.Yesterday morning, when I arrived in the airport, Sophie was waiting for me A B C D 24 She was wearing a pink dress and looking very pretty A B C D 25.British and American English have a lot of words which look the same but having different meanings A B C D 26 There are some American English words that the British doesn’t use at all A B C D 27 Most of the difference between British and American English are small and you can A B usually understand what words mean from the context C D 28 He is confident enough to express his opinion comfortable A B C D 29 Is education freely and compulsory in your country ? A B C D 30 The computer is real the marvel of the machine age A B C D III Read the passage and make the correct choice: The world’s oceans are so (31) that they can cope with the present levels of pollution However, little is known (32) the long-term effects of such slow poisoning The (33) serious problem of modern times is that man is destroying the earth’s natural resources and transforming huge areas (34) wasteland As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow enough to feed the world’s rapidly increasing (35) A way of protecting all the wildlife on the earth must also be found as many species are in danger of (36) completely from the face of the earth The dangers, (37) , are not confined solely to the land and the sea The smoke in the atmosphere, for example, is increasing so much that the amount of sunlight has been (38) in many cities Man’s whole environment is being changed in a serious way 31.a much b many c vast d fast 32.a about b with c on d of 33.a best b most c worst d worse 34.a in b from c on d into 35.a pollution b population c preservation d prevention 36.a disappearing b preventing c suffering d differing 37.a whatever b wherever c however d whenever 38.a found b emitted c released d reduced III Read the following passage and choose the best answer: The search for alternative resources of energy has resulted in various directions Many communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity Changing waste products into gases or oil is also an efficient way to dispose of waste Experimental work is being done to make synthetic fuels from coal, or coal tars But today, that process has proved expensive Other experiments are underway to harness power with giant windmills Geothermal power, heat from the earth, is also being tested Some experts are trying to revive hydroelectric power which is derived from streams and rivers Fifty years ago, hydroelectric power provided one third of the electricity used in the United States, but today it supplies only four per cent The oceans are another source of energy Scientists are studying ways to change the energy of ocean currents, tides, and waves into electricity Experiments are also underway to make use of temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy 39 What are many communities doing to produce electricity? a searching for alternative energy b disposing wastes c burning garbage and other biological wastes d changing waste products into gases 40 The process of making synthetic fuels from coal, or coal tars has proved _ a worth a lot of money b cheap c alternative c experimental 41 Where is hydroelectric power derived from? a from the earth b from streams and rivers c from hydroelectric power stations d from windmills 42 What percentage of the electricity used in the United States does hydroelectric power provide today? a one-third b one c three d four V Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : 43 “Please sit down”, the teacher said to me a The teacher asked me please to sit down b The teacher asked me to sit down c The teacher asked to me to sit down d The teacher asked me sitting down 44 Let’s go camping now a Why don’t go camping now b Why don’t let’s go camping now c Why don’t we let’s go camping now d Why don’t we go camping now 45 I fell asleep because the film was boring a The film was so boring because I fell asleep b The film was very boring that I fell asleep c The film was so boring that I fell asleep d The film was such boring that I fell asleep 46 “What are you doing?”, she asked me a She wondered me what I was doing b She wondered what she was doing c She wondered what I was doing d She wondered what you were doing 47 Cars cause pollution but people still want them a Although cars cause pollution, people still want them b Although cars cause pollution, but people still want them c Although people still want them, cars cause pollution d Although cars causing pollution, people still want them 48 Please don’t play your music so loudly a Would you mind not play your music so loudly? b Would you mind not to play your music so loudly? c Would you mind not playing your music so loudly? d Would you mind playing your music so loudly? 49 I don’t find it difficult to get up early in the morning a I am used to get up early in the morning b I am used to finding it difficult to get up early in the morning c I am used to find it difficult to get up early in the morning d I am used to getting up early in the morning 50 Larry didn’t buy the shirt because she didn’t have enough money a If Larry hadn’t had enough money, she wouldn’t have bought the shirt b If Larry had had enough money, she would have bought the shirt c If Larry had had enough money, she would buy the shirt d If Larry had enough money, she would have bought the shirt ... Whose car is this? a Whom does this car belong ? b Who belongs to this car ? c Who does this car belong to? d Whose does this car belong to? ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG 201 1 MÔN: ANH VĂN ĐỀ SỐ 15... lions feed at 3:00p.m every day d The lions are fed at 3:00p.m every day ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG 201 1 MÔN: ANH VĂN ĐỀ SỐ 20 I- Multiple choice : 1.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced... nothing could be done a It was too late for anything to b It was too late to nothing c It was too late for anything to be done d It was too late for anything could be done ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT

Ngày đăng: 30/04/2021, 22:20


