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Đề thi kiểm tra chất lượng Anh Văn khối 12

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Mời các bạn học sinh và quý thầy cô cùng tham khảo đề thi kiểm tra chất lượng Anh Văn khối 12 để giúp học sinh hệ thống kiến thức đã học cũng như có cơ hội đánh giá lại năng lực của mình trước kỳ thi sắp tới và giúp giáo viên trau dồi kinh nghiệm ra đề thi.

ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG ANH VĂN KHỐI 12 - ĐỀ I READING COMPREHENSION: * Fill in the blanks with vocabulary that you have learnt: Today Peter has to at home, because he is having a If Mr Brown needs some clothes, she will go to the I can speak English Can Mary? The film often begins with a are the most important workers on a farm The farmers can weeds by spraying them A new born cow is called a Alice living in a farm to living in a big city * Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions : They are telling their father the new workshop If we fall asleep the performance, It’s a waste time The naughty pupils laugh the newcomers We can leave the ending of the story Girls burst tears when the prince killed himself * Choose the word or phrase that would best complete the sentences provided : Tom and his friend are talking to A, everybody B, both C, each other D, everyday It’s a bill A, fifty-cents B, fifty-cent C, fifty cent D, fifties cent That toy is made of A, cloth B, clothes C, clothe D, clothing This shirt is too small Mary A, for B, with C, to D, by If you get up early, you time for breakfast A, have B, will have C, having D, has This old man is clever to make fine things from wood A, rather B, enough C, more D, too She is not only healthy also cheerful A, and B, both C, but D, with The upper boys about difficult exercises for several days A, complain B, complained C, has complained D, have complained This new bicycle is made Vietnam A, of B, from C, in D, to 10 We would go to the zoo by our shelves A, not rather B, rather not C, eager D, better 11 .some noise, the little boy was afraid A, Heard B, Hear C, Hearing D, To hear 12 This door needs A, Painted B, painting C, to paint D, to be painting 13 I go there with you A, had better not B, hadn’t better C, not would rather D, wouldn’t rather 14 Tractors, combine harvesters are equipment for farming A, useless B, use much C, many D, useful 15 .players are there in a volleyball team ? A, How much B, Do many C, Many D, How many 16 They are called mechanics A, We call them mechanics B, Mechanics they are called C, Mechanics are called them D, They called mechanics 17 Father said he on a trip to Hue A, will go B, is going to go C, would go D, goes 18 You can buy a lot of farm products sale at the Fair A, in B, for C, to D, by 19 School children learn how to make and repair things in the school A, library B, canteen C, workshop D, class 20 When my mother gets angry, she usually says she’d have me as her son A, not rather B, rather not C, doesn’t rather D, not * Make questions to the following answers : .? Mother is making cakes in the kitchen .? No, thank you I can manage .? Yes, let’s .? No we shan’t we’ll be on time .? It’s two inches thick * Choose a correct structure and make a cross : I don’t know A, How much I should tell about it B, What the writer is name’s C, When began the story D, What he thought about the book I’m afraid of A, crossing the street B to ride in busy street C, climbing up trees D, (A) and (C) are right A, Tom easily falls asleep if the film is not exciting B, It’s a waste of time if one fall asleep during the performance C, I can not go to the pictures if I will very tired D, It’s a good idea if we goes to the pictures A film is A, more shorter than a play B, more interesting than a play C, most funny than a play D, weller than a play They are A, the most important workers on a farm B, usefulness animals on a farm C, Most useless tools on a farm D, more powerful machines on a farm I did A, me best to win for our class B, my best to learning how to speak Russian C, his best to play beautifully D, my best to play against the other school I’ve seen A, many tables made of wood B, many cakes made of flour, eggs, butter, sugar C, many knives made from steal D, many tyres made from Japan A, Tom is not enough old to work there B, Tom is not enough old to metal work C, Tom is not old enough to work with machines D, Tom is not old enough going to school She has complained about her teeth A, for last week B, for several days C, since next week D, since two months 10 Must the decaying tooth come out ? A Yes, It must B, No, It mustn’t C, Yes, It need D, No, It needn’t E, (A) and (D) are right II REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES AS DIRECTED : To get good marks is not difficult (It’s + adj + to V) When did Mr Green feed the cows ? ( using He asked me ) No one took Alice to the commercial district ( Change to the passive voice ) Going on a trip is (interesting ) than staying at home (use the correct form of the adj in bracket.) Last Sunday I watched her jumping into the swimming (Change to the passive voice) The boys stood on the hill They watched the farmers.(use present participle V-ing ) He is a tractor driver (use “I wish ”) Lan is not clever She can not mend this shirt (use ENOUGH TO) 10 The tooth is very decayed It can not be kept (use TOO TO) III REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES IN GOOD ENGLSH : He did one’s best to win the match Mr Green will have Tom to things They have an opportunity work with repair tools These decaying teeth need filled The principal said the upper boys will make furniture IV WRITING A PASSAGE : Last Sunday morning, your mother took you to the bookshop Tell that trip with the following cues: morning - bus - bookshop street - neon signs - shop windows - hotel - restaurants Pedestrians - go - pavement Traffic - crowded - we - cross - zebra crossing We - get in - look at - buy - good books Everybody - hurry - life - big city - busy ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG ANH VĂN KHỐI 12 - ĐỀ I FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH VOCABULARY THAT YOU HAVE LEARNT : Rubber is not only soft but also My mother put our food in the .to keep it longer The boys often play football at the can cut and thresh corn at the same time There is always crowds in front of the is all those things needed in a house or an office Alice’s school has just .a workshop The calves are in the II FILL IN THE GAPS WITH THE CORRECT PREPOSITIONS: What’s the trouble .Alice ? She always takes care her teeth Tom has just come back .the seaside The English teacher is very strict .his pupil You must queue .in a long line before the box-office The show usually begins .a cartoon III DO AS DIRECTED : To at beautiful pictures is interesting (It + be + adj ) What time will she come back ? (Beginning with “He asked me ”) Nobody showed them to their seats (Turn into the passive voice) Sometimes the newcomers were laughed at by the naughty pupils.(Change into the active voice) This is (powerful) machine in our field (use the correct form of the adj in the brackets) Yesterday I saw him cross the road (Turn into the passive voice) Tom looked through the window He saw a beautiful rose (using present participle) I don’t have good marks (using I wish .) That tractor was very powerful It could plough all day long (using “enough to ”) 10 Peter is very young He can’t take part in the club (using “too to ”) IV CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWERS FOR THESE BLANKS : We don’t have a good time We wish we A, have B, can have C, had could Must this decaying tooth come out ? A, No, It mustn’t B, No, It needn’t C, No, It can’t and B are right You not read those magazines A, likes B, prefer C, would rather had better My mother has me her clothes A, to iron B, irons C, iron ironing You needn’t the ending of the story A, To tell B, tell C, told telling .the letter sent yesterday ? A, Did B, is C, was when New machines used on this farm now A, have B, are being C, being was Mai is going to have someone her blouse A, is making B, is made C, to make make The tractors plough the field, the potatoes A, to plant B, planting C, planted plants This decaying teeth need A, to pull B, pull C, pulling pulled Tom is young drive the car A, so / that B, too / to C, enough / to not only / but also 10 He doesn’t need a new shirt A, to buy B, bought C, buy buying 11 Before to bed, I turned off the light A, to go B, went C, going goes 12 We prefer comedies tragedies A, than B, better than C, to better 13 Which of those milkmaid is the D, D, A D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, A, pretty B, most pretty C, the prettiest D, prettiest 14 She was she never has time to watch T V A, so busy that B, very busy C, busy enough D, busy that 15 This is beautiful garden in the city A, the goodest B, more C, the most D, most 16 She is happy that good news A, to hear B, heard C, hear D, hearing 17 Children play football in the street A, must B, need C, mustn’t D, needn’t 18 My grandparents have lived here 1987 A, in B, on C, since D, for V WRITING A PARAGRAPH : Where did you go during your summer holiday ? Tell that trip with the following cues : spent - my uncle’s farm - Wales 300 miles - from my house morning - breakfast - field - plant rice afternoon - lunch - take a rest - feed chickens farm animals - lively - lovely plant vegetables - ground - behind weather - farm - cool - pure A holiday - farm - healthy - pleasant ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG ANH VĂN KHỐI 12 - ĐỀ I FILL IN THE GAPS WITH THE WORDS YOU HAVE LEARNT : Pupils who have just entered school is called The actor acted so well that the were moved to tears We often go to the theatre to see a new What you often in your time ? There was not much in the street yesterday Remember the street at the Zebra crossing II FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH CORRECT PREPOSITIONS : The farmer are working their farm Let’s have look the picture book section We helped the potatoes planting Are you fond reading ? III DO AS DIRECTED: Learning English is very useful (It’s + + ) Where is Ben Thanh market ? ( use “He asked adj ”) Which is (good) this pen or that pen ? (use the correct form of the adjective in brackets) Were the windows painted ? (Turn in to the active voice) Yesterday I saw him crossing the street (passive voice) When we went across the field, we saw some green hills (using present participle) It doesn’t stop raining (using “I wish .”) The picture is so high that I can’t reach it (using “too to”) They can hardly their work ? (using question tag) IV CHOOSE A CORRECT STRUCTURE : He’s here now He has (to go/ gone to/ been to/ went to) London They are Tom and Peter (All/ Two/ Both) of them are pupils Have you seen them (play/ played/ playing/ to play) in the garden ? My brother (has/ have/ had/ had had) to leave school when he was sixteen years old My parents were born in Hue They (live/are living/ living/ lived) there now (Arrive/ To arrive/ On arriving) at the village fair, I saw many people there Look ! Jane (wears/ is wearing/ puts on) a strange red hat V CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWERS TO THESE SENTENCES: I to London three times this year A, was B, have been C, went D, have gone I’ll come to see you before I for Australia A, shall leave B, leave C, will leave D, left Bob and Jack were badly injured in the last match, so can play in this match A, both of them B, not any of them C, either of them D, neither of them Why was the letter returned ?- Because I put a on it A, three-cents stamp B, stamp of three cents C, three-cent stamp D, stamp three cents Henry is twenty eight years old, but Alice his sister, is only fourteen A, He is old, she is young B, He is two times old as his sister C, He is twice as old as his sister D, His sister is younger than him two times Jane, the girl you at the party last night, to my friend next week A, meet/ will be married B, met/ will be married C, met/ will get married D, met/ is marrying Martha has a new dress, so I wish one A, have B, having C, had D, have had I was surprised to see at the concert A, that amount of people B, that number of people C, those amount of people D, those number of people When Betty met Sue, A, she was a student at Cambridge B, At Cambridge she was a student C, the latter was a student at Cambridge D, Sue was a student at Cambridge 10 This dress was made of a beautiful A, clothing B, clothes C, cloth D, clothe 11 They must stay at home to study, but I A, mustn’t B, needn’t C, have not D, must 12 These two boys help A, both B, anybody C, each other D, one another 13 He says he isn’t afraid of A, somebody B, everybody C, anybody D, nobody 14 Tom hardly wait for you because he was very busy A, could B, couldn’t C, could to D, can 15 Our summer holidays quickly A, past B, passed C, was past D, passing 16 Tam has study English I advised him A, when B, since C, for D, during 17 .strange noise, the girl was afraid A, Had heard B, Hearing C, When hear D, Hear 18 These shoes are big a small boy A, too/ for B, too/ to C, very/ for D, very/ to 19 Be sure to wake at a.m A, us, Paul and I B, Paul and me C, we D, our The teacher as well as his pupils going on a camping trip A, are B, is C, will be D, be VI SUPPLY TENSES AND TRANSLATE INTO VIETNAMESE : When Henry Ford was a young boy, his father hoped that his son (will) become a farmer, but the young man (not like) the idea and he went to Detroit where he (work) as a mechanic By the age of twenty nine, in 1892, he (build) his first car and Henry Ford was the first person to build cars which (be) cheap, strong and fast At that time, he was able to sell millions of cars because he mass-produced them, that is, he made a great many cars of exactly the same type ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG ANH VĂN KHỐI 12 - ĐỀ I FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE APPROPRIATE WORDS : If you want to look for the tittle of the books, find them in a (visiting cards, invitation cards, library cards, card catalogue) .is the day when pupils show their gratitude to their teachers and is the day when children show their love to their mother (May Day, Teacher’s Day, New year’s Day, Mother’s Day) .kicked the ball hard into the goal, but caught it exactly II FORM ADVERBS FROM THE FOLLOWING ADJECTIVES : careful : swift : bright : hurry : III WRITE THE SYNONYM OF THE FOLLOWING WORDS : periodical = to be fond of = nice-looking = pictures = IV WRITE THE OPPOSITE OF THE FOLLOWING WORDS: difficult  hope  smokeless  to put on V FIND WORDS OR PHRASES WHICH MEAN : A person who flies from trapeze to trapeze : The break between the two halves : VI REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES AS DIRECTED : The teacher lives at district his son is my friend (relative pronoun) Is that cake eaten by your child ? (active  voice) The clothing becomes dry because of the sun (to make + O + V ) Air plane tickets are expensive I don’t fly to Singapore for the weekend.(unreal condition sentence) The room is painted yellow Nobody has slept in the room for years.(relative pronoun) Were they listening to the lecture yesterday evening ? (passive voice) This film is (interesting) than the one you wanted to see (use the correct form of the adjective) 3 The man was getting (angry) (double comparative) We shall learn to speak English in six months (It + take + O + time + to V ) Winter is (cold) than summer it is (cold) in all seasons.(use the correct form of the adjective) VII SUPPLY THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERBS IN THE PARENTHESE : Mr Johnson (live) in Washington, but he .(stay) in London at the moment When I (get) to the hospital, she was sitting in the waiting room (You see) the film on TV last night ? .(You write) to Paul yet ? - I (write) it all morning I (give) it to them when they visit us VIII REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES IN GOOD ENGLISH : My brother prefers coffee more than tea I have just finished to my test He went to Nha Trang since last week Many activities had prepared in our school recently They have lived here since they have come to HCM city IX READ THE PASSAGE CAREFULLY AND CHOOSE THE CORRECT WODRS FOR THE GAPS : Nowadays children’s education (1) very rapidly In the past, teachers (2) children sit still for hours They made them remember all sorts of things In other words, the children (3) go on repeating things (4) , they (5) them “by heart” Today, many teachers wonder if it possible to make children (6) all things They (7) you can only help them learn, you must let children learn and discover things for (8) changed / has changed / is changing know / knew / is knowing taked / say / made learn / copy / make must / had to / will have to make / talk / say during / since / until they / themselves / it * ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS : How has the children’s education changed today ? What did teachers make children for hours ? What did the children have to until they knew them by heart ? What many teachers wonder ? ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG ANH VĂN KHỐI 12 - ĐỀ A VOCABULARY : I Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or phrase given bellow : (the second half, convenient, reminded, correspondent) It’s for tourists to take a taxi to their hotel The second part of a football match is The man who writes reports and articles for a newspaper is a The story him of his early years in his native village II Write the verbs from the following nouns : symbol : drama : apology : critic : emphasis III Write synonym of the following words : to fascinate = to take part in = tube = moreover = beside = IV Write opposite of the following words : to set a record  fortunately  comfortable  debtor  expensive  B GRAMMAR : I Rewrite the sentences as directed in parentheses : He asked his brother to mail the letter yesterday (use “had” instead of “asked”) You had better tell me about yourself (change into the negative form) Lan’s mother gave her a gift Lan’s mother said she wanted to reward Lan for her good marks.(V-ing) She is very old She can not work hard.(too to) very busy.(so that) I can’t go with you because I am Mary comes from a good family She is a clever girl.(not only but also) The old lady asked the boy to help her to carry a heavy bag.(causative active form) I am so busy that I have no time to go with you.(too to) We are advised not to go out alone.(change into 10 He worried because of his father’s bad health.(make + O + V ) active voice) II Supply the correct verbs in the parentheses : The car isn’t here today because my friend (use) it We (listen) to the radio when it suddenly stopped working She (visit) Europe many times since she (come) there three months ago How long (you wait) for me ?- I (wait) for you for two hours I (not send) the parcel until I hear from you III correct the grammatical mistakes : They will go until we shall come I enjoy to listen to music every night His father is used to taking him to the circus when the family lived in the city The car stopped to run after the heavy rain last night When has she begun learning French C READING PASSAGE : Sometimes we say that someone we know is “a square peg in a round hole” This simply means that the person we are talking about is not suited for the job he is doing He maybe a book keeper who really wants to be an actor or a mechanic Unfortunately, many people in the world are “square pegs”, they are not doing the kind of work they should be doing for one reason or another As a result, they probably are not doing a very good job and certainly they are not happy Choosing the right career is very important Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our jobs For that reasons we should try to find out what our talents are and how we can use them We can this through aptitude tests, interviews with specialists, and study books in our field of interests There are many career open to each of us Perhaps we like science Then we might prepare ourselves to be chemists, physicists, or biologists May be our interests take us into the business world and such work as accounting, personnel management or public relations Many people find their place in government service Teaching newspaper work, medicine, engineeringthese and many other fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and training * ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS : Why is it important to find the right career ? Name three ways that we can find the right career ? What are some of the career found in the scientific world ? * TRANSLATE THE WHOLE PASSAGE INTO VIETNAMESE : D READING THE PASSAGE AND CHOOSE THE CORRECT WORDS FOR THESE BLANKS : Many hundreds years (1) there were many villages and few towns in England The villagers liked to go into the forests and the fields when the spring came On first Sunday of May they usually took a tree back (2) them and put it (3) the village The children danced around it and the men and the women (4) games around it Late the international working class made the first of May the day of solidarity The first May Day (5) in England in 1890, when the workers decided to fight for an eight-hour working day and an end to the very long hours that they worked In London the workers (6) from all places to a meeting in Hyde Park This demonstrations (7) their solidarity and unity After that, May Day in England was usually celebrated on the Sunday nearest to the First day of the month There (8) many large May Day demonstrations The working people showed on those days their solidarity with the progressive people in other counties ago / before / ahead / in front of celebrated / considered / born / organized follow / with / by / for participated / marched / promoted / symbolized between / among / in the centre of / in the middle of marched / prepared / showed / hold 4 joined / entered / took place / took part in been / have been * ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS : What did the English people on the first Sunday of May ? When was the first May Day celebrated in England ? Where did the workers in London hold a meeting ? What did the working people show on those days ? * TRANSLATE THE WHOLE PASSAGE INTO VIETNAMESE : are / were / has ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG ANH VĂN KHỐI 12 - ĐỀ I Fill in the blanks with an appropriate words or phrase given below : You can .on the beach It’s very nice today.(swim, go fishing, climb, sunbathe) May Day is celebrated regularly (on May 1st, in Great Britain, in the United States, in Vietnam) There will be a lot of on Teacher’s Day.(teachers, marches, beautiful flowers, homework) They used to take a bicycle trip to the countryside.(rest, recreation, performance, leisurely) II Write the opposite of the following adjectives : happy  narrow  sure  cloudless  kind  III Write the synonym of the following words : to line up = to start = to interested in = a great number of = IV Find words or phrases which mean : A person who takes care of a library : A person who live and work in a big city : A person who can play with his hands in a football match : People who come into stadiums to watch matches : Carefully in spending of money and time : Public house for homeless people : The place from which T V programmes are broadcast : The person who watches television : The man who is in black uniform and blow the whistle in the football match : 10 To go out of the country : 11 Paper for printing newspapers : 12 A period of ten years : IV Rewrite these sentences in good English : He learns English at a Foreign Language Centre at the moment I wish I was there with you now If I have had time, I would have taken a bicycle race The TV film was exciting enough for us to see it through He asked his brother mail the letter yesterday This fence is being painted by Tom at o’clock yesterday morning Someone are interviewing Mr John at the moment How long are you studying English ? - For six months When we left the beach, the rain already started 10 I shall contact you as soon as they will phone me V Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct word for the blanks : My home-town is Ho Chi Minh City, the (1) city in Vietnam with (2) million people The city traffic is, therefore, very heavy (3) to the latest statistics, there are over million bicycles, 800.000 motorbikes and about 100.000 cars moving (4) the city Meanwhile the streets are (5) and in poor condition Worse still, the people sense of executing the traffic laws is bad As a consequence, there happen many accidents (6) score of people killed and injured everyday To make the traffic safe and fast, everyone should strictly (7) the traffic (8) of the city large / largest / the most large / the largest narrow / wide / large / big over / on / of / above doing / causing / harming / decreasing as / about / according / surrounding order / ask / apply / obey surround / around / circle / round rude / decree / regulations / notes * Answer the following questions : What are the streets in Ho Chi Minh City like ? What cause scores of people killed and injured everyday ? VI Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions : One of the greatest advances in modern technology has been in the invention of computers They are already widely used in industry and in universities and the time may come when it will be possible for ordinary people to use them as well Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of learning They can solve the most complex mathematical problems or put thousands of unrelated facts in order These machines can be put to varied uses For instance, they provide information on the best way to prevent traffic accidents, or they can count the number of times the word “and” has been used in Bible Because they work accurately and at high speeds, they save research workers years of hard work This whole process by which machines can be used to work for us has been called automation In the future, automation may enable human beings to enjoy far more leisure than they today Tell the capacities of the computers ? Why can computers save research workers years of hard work ? What may automation help human being in the future ? ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG ANH VĂN KHỐI 12 - ĐỀ I Form nouns from the following Adjectives : shy : ready : polite : sick : willing : weak : useful : 10 full : II Form adverbs from the following Adjectives : soft : warm : great fierce : : quiet : : beautiful : happy : swift : bright : hurry 10 good : 11 busy : careful 12 fast : : III Form nouns from the following Verbs : to celebrate : to punish : to decide : to criticize : to discuss : to cooperate : to entertain : to symbolize : to move : 10 to emphasize : 11 to produce : 12 to collect : 13 to educate : 14 to improve : 15 to treat : 16 to act : 17 to agree : 18 to explose : 19 to apologize : 20 to produce : IV Write the opposite of the following words : to dress  to set free to tie  to fasten  to break a record  various  known (adj)  simple better  10 helpful  :  12 to decrease  .13 to lock  11 to button 14 to take off  V Reading the passage carefully and answer the following questions : Daniel Mendoza Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago In those days, boxers fought with bare fists for prize money Because of this, they were known as “prize-fighters” However boxing was very crude for there were no rules and a prize- fighter could be seriously injured or even killed during the match One of the most colourful figures in boxing history was Daniel Mendoza who was born in 1764 the use of gloves was not introduced until 1860 when the Marquis of Queensberry drew up the first set of rules Though he was technically a prize-fighter, Mendoza did much to change crude fighting into a sports, for he brought science to the game In his day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity He was adored by the rich and the poor alike Why could a boxer be seriously injured or even killed during the match two hundred years ago ? Why was Mendoza adored by the rich and the poor alike ? VI Fill in the gaps with the correct words given below : (homesick, flow, traffic-jam, meadows, weeds, rush-hours,) In our highlands there are large where cattle can come and graze This part of the river is not good for swimming It is full of When we are away from home for a long time, we usually feel The seven little brooks gently through green meadows Most streets in a big city are very crowded during During rush-hours, usually happen ... days ? * TRANSLATE THE WHOLE PASSAGE INTO VIETNAMESE : are / were / has ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG ANH VĂN KHỐI 12 - ĐỀ I Fill in the blanks with an appropriate... ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG ANH VĂN KHỐI 12 - ĐỀ I FILL IN THE GAPS WITH THE WORDS YOU HAVE LEARNT : Pupils who have just... ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG ANH VĂN KHỐI 12 - ĐỀ I FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE APPROPRIATE WORDS : If you want to look

Ngày đăng: 30/04/2021, 22:20